//! instruction text should never include the word BUG - this is a symptom of selecting an invalid //! RegSpec while disassembling. #![no_main] #[macro_use] extern crate libfuzzer_sys; extern crate yaxpeax_x86; fuzz_target!(|data: &[u8]| { let x86_64_decoder = yaxpeax_x86::long_mode::InstDecoder::default(); let x86_32_decoder = yaxpeax_x86::protected_mode::InstDecoder::default(); let x86_16_decoder = yaxpeax_x86::real_mode::InstDecoder::default(); if let Ok(inst) = x86_64_decoder.decode_slice(data) { let mut res = String::new(); inst.write_to(&mut res).expect("format does not panic"); assert!(!res.contains("BUG")); }; if let Ok(inst) = x86_32_decoder.decode_slice(data) { let mut res = String::new(); inst.write_to(&mut res).expect("format does not panic"); assert!(!res.contains("BUG")); }; if let Ok(inst) = x86_16_decoder.decode_slice(data) { let mut res = String::new(); inst.write_to(&mut res).expect("format does not panic"); assert!(!res.contains("BUG")); }; });