[package] name = "ixi-ci-server" version = "0.0.1" authors = [ "iximeow " ] license = "0BSD" edition = "2021" [lib] [workspace] members = [ "ci-lib-core", "ci-lib-native", "ci-runner", "ci-driver", "ci-web-server", "ci-ctl", ] exclude = [ # wasm target should not be built for x86, so exclude it "ci-wasm-frontend", # and do not try treating builds of rust projects using cargo as a workspace item "tmpdir", ] [dependencies] lazy_static = "*" axum = { version = "*" } axum-extra = { version = "*", features = ["async-read-body"] } axum-server = { version = "*", features = ["tls-rustls"] } handlebars = "*" libc = "*" serde = "*" serde_derive = "*" serde_json = "*" rand = "*" tokio = { version = "*", features = ["full"] } console-subscriber = "*" tokio-console = "*" tokio-stream = "*" hyper = "*" futures-util = "*" axum-macros = "*" lettre = "*" base64 = "*" tracing = "*" tracing-subscriber = "*" http-body = "*" rusqlite = "*" http = "*" hmac = "*" hex = "*" sha2 = "*" reqwest = { version = "*", features = ["rustls-tls-native-roots"] } clap = { version = "*", features = ["derive"] } rlua = "*" chrono = "*"