use rusqlite::Connection; use std::process::Command; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; mod sql; use std::time::{SystemTime, UNIX_EPOCH}; fn reserve_artifacts_dir(job: u64) -> std::io::Result { let mut path: PathBuf = "/root/ixi_ci_server/jobs/".into(); path.push(job.to_string()); std::fs::create_dir(&path)?; Ok(path) } fn activate_job(connection: &mut Connection, job: u64, artifacts: Option, state: u8, run_host: Option, commit_id: u64, repo_url: String, repo_name: String) { let now = SystemTime::now() .duration_since(UNIX_EPOCH) .expect("now is before epoch") .as_millis(); let commit_sha: String = connection .query_row("select sha from commits where id=?1", [commit_id], |row| row.get(0)) .expect("can run query"); let artifacts: PathBuf = match artifacts { Some(artifacts) => PathBuf::from(artifacts), None => reserve_artifacts_dir(job).expect("can reserve a directory for artifacts") }; if run_host == None { eprintln!("need to find a host to run the job"); } eprintln!("cloning {}", repo_url); let mut repo_dir = artifacts.clone(); repo_dir.push("repo"); eprintln!(" ... into {}", repo_dir.display()); Command::new("git") .arg("clone") .arg(repo_url) .arg(&format!("{}", repo_dir.display())) .status() .expect("can clone the repo"); eprintln!("checking out {}", commit_sha); Command::new("git") .current_dir(&repo_dir) .arg("checkout") .arg(commit_sha) .status() .expect("can checkout hash"); eprintln!("running {}", repo_name); /* * find the CI script, figure out how to run it */ connection.execute( "update jobs set started_time=?1, run_host=?2, state=1, artifacts_path=?3 where id=?4", (now as u64, "test host".to_string(), format!("{}", artifacts.display()), job) ) .expect("can update"); } fn main() { let mut connection = Connection::open("/root/ixi_ci_server/state.db").unwrap(); connection.execute(sql::CREATE_JOBS_TABLE, ()).unwrap(); connection.execute(sql::CREATE_COMMITS_TABLE, ()).unwrap(); connection.execute(sql::CREATE_REPOS_TABLE, ()).unwrap(); connection.execute(sql::CREATE_REMOTES_TABLE, ()).unwrap(); loop { let mut pending_query = connection.prepare(sql::PENDING_JOBS).unwrap(); let mut jobs = pending_query.query([]).unwrap(); let mut to_start = Vec::new(); while let Some(row) = { let (id, artifacts, state, run_host, commit_id, repo_url, repo_name): (u64, Option, u8, Option, u64, String, String)= TryInto::try_into(row).unwrap(); to_start.push((id, artifacts, state, run_host, commit_id, repo_url, repo_name)); } std::mem::drop(jobs); std::mem::drop(pending_query); if to_start.len() > 0 { println!("{} new jobs", to_start.len()); for job in to_start.into_iter() { activate_job(&mut connection, job.0, job.1, job.2, job.3, job.4, job.5, job.6); } } std::thread::sleep(std::time::Duration::from_millis(100)); } }