use std::process::Command; use std::io::Read; use serde_derive::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use futures_util::StreamExt; use std::fmt; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; use tokio::spawn; use tokio_stream::wrappers::ReceiverStream; use std::sync::Arc; use std::time::{SystemTime, UNIX_EPOCH}; use axum_server::tls_rustls::RustlsConfig; use axum::body::StreamBody; use axum::http::{StatusCode}; use hyper::HeaderMap; use axum::Router; use axum::routing::*; use axum::extract::State; use axum::extract::BodyStream; use axum::response::IntoResponse; use tokio::sync::mpsc; use tokio::sync::mpsc::error::TrySendError; use serde_json::json; mod dbctx; mod sql; mod notifier; use crate::dbctx::{DbCtx, PendingJob}; use crate::sql::JobState; fn reserve_artifacts_dir(job: u64) -> std::io::Result { let mut path: PathBuf = "/root/ixi_ci_server/jobs/".into(); path.push(job.to_string()); match std::fs::create_dir(&path) { Ok(()) => { Ok(path) }, Err(e) => { if e.kind() == std::io::ErrorKind::AlreadyExists { Ok(path) } else { Err(e) } } } } async fn activate_job(dbctx: Arc, job: &PendingJob, clients: &mut mpsc::Receiver) -> Result<(), String> { let connection = dbctx.conn.lock().unwrap(); let (repo_id, remote_git_url): (u64, String) = connection .query_row("select repo_id, remote_git_url from remotes where id=?1", [job.remote_id], |row| Ok((row.get_unwrap(0), row.get_unwrap(1)))) .expect("query succeeds"); let repo_name: String = connection .query_row("select repo_name from repos where id=?1", [repo_id], |row| row.get(0)) .expect("query succeeds"); let now = SystemTime::now() .duration_since(UNIX_EPOCH) .expect("now is before epoch") .as_millis(); let commit_sha: String = connection .query_row("select sha from commits where id=?1", [job.commit_id], |row| row.get(0)) .expect("can run query"); let artifacts: PathBuf = match &job.artifacts { Some(artifacts) => PathBuf::from(artifacts), None => reserve_artifacts_dir("can reserve a directory for artifacts") }; /* if job.run_host.as_ref() == None { eprintln!("need to find a host to run the job"); } eprintln!("cloning {}", remote_git_url); let mut repo_dir = artifacts.clone(); repo_dir.push("repo"); eprintln!(" ... into {}", repo_dir.display()); Command::new("git") .arg("clone") .arg(&remote_git_url) .arg(&format!("{}", repo_dir.display())) .status() .expect("can clone the repo"); eprintln!("checking out {}", commit_sha); Command::new("git") .current_dir(&repo_dir) .arg("checkout") .arg(&commit_sha) .status() .expect("can checkout hash"); */ eprintln!("running {}", repo_name); /* * find the CI script, figure out how to run it */ let mut client_job = loop { let mut candidate = clients.recv().await .ok_or_else(|| "client channel disconnected".to_string())?; if !candidate.will_accept(job) { eprintln!("client {:?} would not accept job {:?}", candidate, job); continue; } if let Ok(Some(mut client_job)) = candidate.submit(&dbctx, &job, &remote_git_url, &commit_sha).await { break client_job; } else { // failed to submit job, move on for now } }; let run_host =; connection.execute( "update jobs set started_time=?1, run_host=?2, state=1, artifacts_path=?3, build_token=?4 where id=?5", (now as u64, run_host, format!("{}", artifacts.display()), &client_job.client.build_token, ) .expect("can update"); spawn(async move { }); Ok(()) } struct RunnerClient { tx: mpsc::Sender>, rx: BodyStream, name: String, build_token: String, accepted_sources: Option>, } fn random_name() -> String { "random name".to_string() } fn token_for_job() -> String { let mut data = [0u8; 32]; std::fs::File::open("/dev/urandom") .unwrap() .read_exact(&mut data) .unwrap(); base64::encode(data) } struct ClientJob { dbctx: Arc, remote_git_url: String, sha: String, job: PendingJob, client: RunnerClient } impl ClientJob { pub async fn run(&mut self) { loop { eprintln!("waiting on response.."); let msg = match self.client.recv().await.expect("recv works") { Some(msg) => msg, None => { eprintln!("client hung up. job's done, i hope?"); return; } }; eprintln!("got {:?}", msg); let msg_kind = msg.as_object().unwrap().get("kind").unwrap().as_str().unwrap(); match msg_kind { "new_job_please" => { eprintln!("misdirected job request (after handshake?)"); return; }, "job_status" => { let state = msg.as_object().unwrap().get("state").unwrap().as_str().unwrap(); let (result, state): (Result, JobState) = if state == "finished" { let result = msg.as_object().unwrap().get("result").unwrap().as_str().unwrap(); eprintln!("job update: state is {} and result is {}", state, result); match result { "pass" => { (Ok("success".to_string()), JobState::Complete) }, other => { (Err(other.to_string()), JobState::Error) } } } else if state == "interrupted" { let result = msg.as_object().unwrap().get("result").unwrap().as_str().unwrap(); eprintln!("job update: state is {} and result is {}", state, result); (Err(result.to_string()), JobState::Error) } else { eprintln!("job update: state is {}", state); (Err(format!("atypical completion status: {}", state)), JobState::Invalid) }; let repo_id = self.dbctx.repo_id_by_remote(self.job.remote_id).unwrap().expect("remote exists"); for notifier in self.dbctx.notifiers_by_repo(repo_id).expect("can get notifiers") { notifier.tell_complete_job(&self.dbctx, repo_id, &self.sha,, result.clone()).await.expect("can notify"); } let now = SystemTime::now() .duration_since(UNIX_EPOCH) .expect("now is before epoch") .as_millis(); self.dbctx.conn.lock().unwrap().execute( "update jobs set complete_time=?1, state=?2 where id=?3", (now as u64, state as u64, ) .expect("can update"); } "artifact_create" => { eprintln!("creating artifact {:?}", msg); self.client.send(serde_json::json!({ "status": "ok", "object_id": "10", })).await.unwrap(); }, other => { eprintln!("unhandled message kind {:?} ({:?})", msg_kind, msg); return; } } } } } impl RunnerClient { async fn new(sender: mpsc::Sender>, resp: BodyStream, accepted_sources: Option>) -> Result { let name = random_name(); let token = token_for_job(); let client = RunnerClient { tx: sender, rx: resp, name, build_token: token, accepted_sources, }; Ok(client) } async fn send(&mut self, msg: serde_json::Value) -> Result<(), String> { self.tx.send(Ok(serde_json::to_string(&msg).unwrap())) .await .map_err(|e| e.to_string()) } async fn recv(&mut self) -> Result, String> { match { Some(Ok(bytes)) => { serde_json::from_slice(&bytes) .map(Option::Some) .map_err(|e| e.to_string()) }, Some(Err(e)) => { eprintln!("e: {:?}", e); Err(format!("no client job: {:?}", e)) }, None => { Ok(None) } } } // is this client willing to run the job based on what it has told us so far? fn will_accept(&self, job: &PendingJob) -> bool { match (job.source.as_ref(), self.accepted_sources.as_ref()) { (_, None) => true, (None, Some(_)) => false, (Some(source), Some(accepted_sources)) => { accepted_sources.contains(source) } } } async fn submit(mut self, dbctx: &Arc, job: &PendingJob, remote_git_url: &str, sha: &str) -> Result, String> { self.send(serde_json::json!({ "commit": sha, "remote_url": remote_git_url, "build_token": &self.build_token, })).await?; match self.recv().await { Ok(Some(resp)) => { if resp == serde_json::json!({ "status": "started" }) { eprintln!("resp: {:?}", resp); Ok(Some(ClientJob { job: job.clone(), dbctx: Arc::clone(dbctx), sha: sha.to_string(), remote_git_url: remote_git_url.to_string(), client: self })) } else { Err("client rejected job".to_string()) } } Ok(None) => { Ok(None) } Err(e) => { eprintln!("e: {:?}", e); Err(e) } } } } impl fmt::Debug for RunnerClient { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { f.write_str("RunnerClient { .. }") } } #[axum_macros::debug_handler] async fn handle_artifact(State(ctx): State<(Arc, mpsc::Sender)>, headers: HeaderMap, artifact_content: BodyStream) -> impl IntoResponse { let job_token = match headers.get("x-job-token") { Some(job_token) => job_token.to_str().expect("valid string"), None => { eprintln!("bad artifact post: headers: {:?}\nno x-job-token", headers); return (StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST, "").into_response(); } }; let (job, artifact_path, token_validity) = match ctx.0.job_for_token(&job_token).unwrap() { Some(result) => result, None => { eprintln!("bad artifact post: headers: {:?}\njob token is not known", headers); return (StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST, "").into_response(); } }; if token_validity != dbctx::TokenValidity::Valid { eprintln!("bad artifact post: headers: {:?}. token is not valid: {:?}", headers, token_validity); return (StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST, "").into_response(); } let artifact_path = if let Some(artifact_path) = artifact_path { artifact_path } else { eprintln!("bad artifact post: headers: {:?}. no artifact path?", headers); return (StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST, "").into_response(); }; let artifact_name = match headers.get("x-artifact-name") { Some(artifact_name) => artifact_name.to_str().expect("valid string"), None => { eprintln!("bad artifact post: headers: {:?}\nno x-artifact-name", headers); return (StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST, "").into_response(); } }; let artifact_desc = match headers.get("x-artifact-desc") { Some(artifact_desc) => artifact_desc.to_str().expect("valid string"), None => { eprintln!("bad artifact post: headers: {:?}\nno x-artifact-desc", headers); return (StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST, "").into_response(); } }; let mut artifact = match ctx.0.reserve_artifact(job, artifact_name, artifact_desc).await { Ok(artifact) => artifact, Err(err) => { eprintln!("failure to reserve artifact: {:?}", err); return (StatusCode::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "").into_response(); } }; spawn(async move { artifact.store_all(artifact_content).await }); (StatusCode::OK, "").into_response() } #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)] struct WorkRequest { kind: String, accepted_pushers: Option> } async fn handle_next_job(State(ctx): State<(Arc, mpsc::Sender)>, mut job_resp: BodyStream) -> impl IntoResponse { let (tx_sender, tx_receiver) = mpsc::channel(8); let resp_body = StreamBody::new(ReceiverStream::new(tx_receiver)); tx_sender.send(Ok("hello".to_string())).await.expect("works"); let request ="request chunk").expect("chunk exists"); let request = std::str::from_utf8(&request).unwrap(); let request: WorkRequest = match serde_json::from_str(&request) { Ok(v) => v, Err(e) => { eprintln!("couldn't parse work request: {:?}", e); return (StatusCode::MISDIRECTED_REQUEST, resp_body); } }; if &request.kind != "new_job_please" { eprintln!("bad request kind: {:?}", &request.kind); return (StatusCode::MISDIRECTED_REQUEST, resp_body); } let client = match RunnerClient::new(tx_sender, job_resp, request.accepted_pushers).await { Ok(v) => v, Err(e) => { eprintln!("unable to register client"); return (StatusCode::MISDIRECTED_REQUEST, resp_body); } }; match ctx.1.try_send(client) { Ok(()) => { eprintln!("client requested work..."); return (StatusCode::OK, resp_body); } Err(TrySendError::Full(client)) => { return (StatusCode::IM_A_TEAPOT, resp_body); } Err(TrySendError::Closed(client)) => { panic!("client holder is gone?"); } } } async fn make_api_server(dbctx: Arc) -> (Router, mpsc::Receiver) { let (pending_client_sender, pending_client_receiver) = mpsc::channel(8); let router = Router::new() .route("/api/next_job", post(handle_next_job)) .route("/api/artifact", post(handle_artifact)) .with_state((dbctx, pending_client_sender)); (router, pending_client_receiver) } #[derive(Deserialize, Serialize)] struct DriverConfig { cert_path: PathBuf, key_path: PathBuf, config_path: PathBuf, db_path: PathBuf, server_addr: String, } #[tokio::main] async fn main() { tracing_subscriber::fmt::init(); let mut args = std::env::args();"first arg exists"); let config_path ="./driver_config.json".to_string()); let driver_config: DriverConfig = serde_json::from_reader(std::fs::File::open(config_path).expect("file exists and is accessible")).expect("valid json for DriverConfig"); let config = RustlsConfig::from_pem_file( driver_config.cert_path.clone(), driver_config.key_path.clone(), ).await.unwrap(); let dbctx = Arc::new(DbCtx::new(&driver_config.config_path, &driver_config.db_path)); let (api_server, mut channel) = make_api_server(Arc::clone(&dbctx)).await; spawn(axum_server::bind_rustls(driver_config.server_addr.parse().unwrap(), config) .serve(api_server.into_make_service())); dbctx.create_tables().unwrap(); loop { let jobs = dbctx.get_pending_jobs().unwrap(); if jobs.len() > 0 { println!("{} new jobs", jobs.len()); for job in jobs.into_iter() { activate_job(Arc::clone(&dbctx), &job, &mut channel).await; } } std::thread::sleep(std::time::Duration::from_millis(100)); } }