/* QHYCCD SDK Copyright (c) 2014 QHYCCD. All Rights Reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. The full GNU General Public License is included in this distribution in the file called LICENSE. */ #ifndef _QHY5III183BASE_ #define _QHY5III183BASE_ #include "qhy5iiicoolbase.h" #define TOTAL_PIXELS_WIDTH 5640 #define TOTAL_PIXELS_HEIGHT 3710 class QHY5III183BASE:public QHY5IIICOOLBASE { public: QHY5III183BASE(); ~QHY5III183BASE(); /* #ifdef WIN32 static void ExposureThreadRoutine(void *pDevHandle); #else static void *ExposureThreadRoutine(void *pDevHandle); #endif void StartExposureThread(qhyccd_handle *pDevHandle); */ // uint32_t BeginSingleExposure(qhyccd_handle *pDevHandle); uint32_t CancelExposingAndReadout(qhyccd_handle *pDevHandle); uint32_t CancelExposing(qhyccd_handle *pDevHandle); uint32_t BeginLiveExposure(qhyccd_handle *pDevHandle); uint32_t StopLiveExposure(qhyccd_handle *pDevHandle); // uint32_t GetSingleFrame(qhyccd_handle *pDevHandle, uint32_t *pW, uint32_t *pH, uint32_t *pBpp, uint32_t *pChannels, uint8_t *pImgData); uint32_t GetLiveFrame(qhyccd_handle *pDevHandle, uint32_t *pW, uint32_t *pH, uint32_t *pBpp, uint32_t *pChannels, uint8_t *pImgData); uint32_t DisConnectCamera(qhyccd_handle *pDevHandle); uint32_t InitChipRegs(qhyccd_handle *pDevHandle); uint32_t SetChipGain(qhyccd_handle *pDevHandle,double gain); uint32_t SetChipExposeTime(qhyccd_handle *pDevHandle, double i); uint32_t GetControlMinMaxStepValue(CONTROL_ID controlId,double *min, double *max, double *step); uint32_t SetChipUSBTraffic(qhyccd_handle *pDevHandle,uint32_t i); uint32_t SetChipOffset(qhyccd_handle *pDevHandle,double offset); uint32_t SetChipBitsMode(qhyccd_handle *pDevHandle,uint32_t bits); uint32_t SetChipResolution(qhyccd_handle *pDevHandle,uint32_t x,uint32_t y,uint32_t xsize,uint32_t ysize); uint32_t SetFocusSetting(qhyccd_handle *pDevHandle,uint32_t focusCenterX, uint32_t focusCenterY); uint32_t SetStreamMode(qhyccd_handle *pDevHandle,uint8_t mode); uint32_t GetUsedDdr(qhyccd_handle *pDevHandle, uint32_t *pDdr); void UpdateParameters(qhyccd_handle *pDevHandle); void ResetParameters(); void WriteCMOS(qhyccd_handle *pDevHandle,uint16_t index,uint16_t val); protected: #ifdef LINUX pthread_t m_expThreadHandle; #endif double oldcamgain; double pllratio, oldpllratio; uint8_t oldcamddr; uint8_t oldlockframe, lockframe; uint8_t oldampv_onff, ampv_onff; uint8_t forcestop; uint16_t vwinpos, oldvwinpos, vwidcut, oldvwidcut; uint32_t hmax_ref, vmax_ref; uint32_t vmax,hmax, oldvmax, oldhmax; uint32_t framelength, oldframelength; uint32_t oldchipoutputsizex, oldchipoutputsizey, oldchipoutputbits; uint32_t patchvnumber, oldpatchvnumber; uint32_t shr, svr, spl, oldshr, oldsvr, oldspl; uint32_t oldcamoffset; uint32_t oldusbtraffic; uint32_t oldampv_min, ampv_min, oldampv_max, ampv_max; uint32_t ApproxDDR, ApproxDDR_Target; }; #endif