use std::os; #[repr(u32)] #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)] pub enum QHYResult { QHYCCD_SUCCESS = 0, QHYCCD_READ_DIRECTLY = 0x2001, QHYCCD_DELAY_200MS = 0x2000, QHYCCD_ERROR = 0xffffffff } impl From for QHYResult { fn from(u: u32) -> QHYResult { match u { 0 => QHYResult::QHYCCD_SUCCESS, 0x2000 => QHYResult::QHYCCD_READ_DIRECTLY, 0x2001 => QHYResult::QHYCCD_DELAY_200MS, 0xffffffff => QHYResult::QHYCCD_ERROR, _ => { panic!("Unexpected result code from qhy sdk: {:08x}", u); } } } } #[repr(u32)] #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)] pub enum Control { Brightness = 0, // !< image brightness Contrast = 1, //1 image contrast CONTROL_WBR = 2, //2 red of white balance CONTROL_WBB = 3, //3 blue of white balance CONTROL_WBG = 4, //4 the green of white balance Gamma = 5, //5 screen gamma Gain = 6, //6 camera gain Offset = 7, //7 camera offset Exposure = 8, //8 expose time (us) Speed = 9, //9 transfer speed TransferBit = 10, //10 image depth bits Channels = 11, //11 image channels USBTraffic = 12, //12 hblank RowNoiseRe = 13, //13 row denoise CurTemp = 14, //14 current cmos or ccd temprature CurPWM = 15, //15 current cool pwm ManulPwm = 16, //16 set the cool pwm CFWPort = 17, //17 control camera color filter wheel port Cooler = 18, //18 check if camera has cooler St4port = 19, //19 check if camera has st4port Color = 20, //20 Bin1x1Mode = 21, //21 check if camera has bin1x1 mode Bin2x2Mode = 22, //22 check if camera has bin2x2 mode Bin3x3Mode = 23, //23 check if camera has bin3x3 mode Bin4x4Mode = 24, //24 check if camera has bin4x4 mode CAM_MECHANICALSHUTTER = 25, //25 mechanical shutter CAM_TRIGER_INTERFACE = 26, //26 triger CAM_TECOVERPROTECT_INTERFACE = 27, //27 tec overprotect CAM_SINGNALCLAMP_INTERFACE = 28, //28 singnal clamp CAM_FINETONE_INTERFACE = 29, //29 fine tone CAM_SHUTTERMOTORHEATING_INTERFACE = 30, //30 shutter motor heating CAM_CALIBRATEFPN_INTERFACE = 31, //31 calibrated frame CAM_CHIPTEMPERATURESENSOR_INTERFACE = 32, //32 chip temperaure sensor CAM_USBREADOUTSLOWEST_INTERFACE = 33, //33 usb readout slowest CAM_8BITS = 34, //34 8bit depth CAM_16BITS = 35, //35 16bit depth CAM_GPS = 36, //36 check if camera has gps CAM_IGNOREOVERSCAN_INTERFACE = 37, //37 ignore overscan area QHYCCD_3A_AUTOBALANCE = 38, //38 QHYCCD_3A_AUTOEXPOSURE = 39, //39 QHYCCD_3A_AUTOFOCUS = 40, //40 CONTROL_AMPV = 41, //41 ccd or cmos ampv CONTROL_VCAM = 42, //42 Virtual Camera on off CAM_VIEW_MODE = 43, //43 CONTROL_CFWSLOTSNUM = 44, //44 check CFW slots number IS_EXPOSING_DONE = 45, //45 ScreenStretchB = 46, //46 ScreenStretchW = 47, //47 CONTROL_DDR = 48, //47 CAM_LIGHT_PERFORMANCE_MODE = 49, //49 CAM_QHY5II_GUIDE_MODE = 50, //50 DDR_BUFFER_CAPACITY = 51, //51 DDR_BUFFER_READ_THRESHOLD = 52, //52 DefaultOffset = 53, //53 OutputDataActualBits = 54, //54 OutputDataAlignment = 55 //55 } #[repr(u32)] #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)] pub enum Bayer { GB = 1, GR = 2, BG = 3, RG = 4 } extern "C" { pub fn ScanQHYCCD() -> os::raw::c_int; pub fn InitQHYCCDResource() -> os::raw::c_int; pub fn GetQHYCCDId(id: os::raw::c_int, id: *mut os::raw::c_char) -> os::raw::c_int; pub fn GetQHYCCDModel(id: *mut os::raw::c_char, model: *mut os::raw::c_char) -> os::raw::c_int; pub fn OpenQHYCCD(id: *mut os::raw::c_char) -> *mut os::raw::c_void; pub fn SetQHYCCDStreamMode(handle: *mut os::raw::c_void, mode: os::raw::c_char) -> os::raw::c_int; pub fn SetQHYCCDResolution(handle: *mut os::raw::c_void, x: os::raw::c_uint, y: os::raw::c_uint, xsize: os::raw::c_uint, ysize: os::raw::c_uint) -> os::raw::c_int; pub fn InitQHYCCD(id: *mut os::raw::c_void) -> os::raw::c_int; pub fn IsQHYCCDControlAvailable(handle: *mut os::raw::c_void, control: os::raw::c_int) -> os::raw::c_int; pub fn SetQHYCCDParam(handle: *mut os::raw::c_void, control: os::raw::c_int, value: os::raw::c_double) -> os::raw::c_int; pub fn GetQHYCCDParamMinMaxStep(handle: *mut os::raw::c_void, control: os::raw::c_int, min: *mut os::raw::c_double, max: *mut os::raw::c_double, step: *mut os::raw::c_double) -> os::raw::c_int; pub fn GetQHYCCDParam(handle: *mut os::raw::c_void, control: os::raw::c_int) -> os::raw::c_double; pub fn GetQHYCCDEffectiveArea(handle: *mut os::raw::c_void, startx: *mut os::raw::c_int, starty: *mut os::raw::c_int, sizex: *mut os::raw::c_int, sizey: *mut os::raw::c_int) -> os::raw::c_int; pub fn GetQHYCCDOverScanArea(handle: *mut os::raw::c_void, startx: *mut os::raw::c_int, starty: *mut os::raw::c_int, sizex: *mut os::raw::c_int, sizey: *mut os::raw::c_int) -> os::raw::c_int; pub fn GetQHYCCDChipInfo( handle: *mut os::raw::c_void, chipw: *mut os::raw::c_double, chiph: *mut os::raw::c_double, imagew: *mut os::raw::c_int, imageh: *mut os::raw::c_int, pixelw: *mut os::raw::c_double, pixelh: *mut os::raw::c_double, bpp: *mut os::raw::c_int) -> os::raw::c_int; pub fn ControlQHYCCDTemp(handle: *mut os::raw::c_void, target: os::raw::c_double) -> os::raw::c_int; pub fn SetQHYCCDDebayerOnOff(handle: *mut os::raw::c_void, onoff: os::raw::c_int) -> os::raw::c_int; pub fn SetQHYCCDBinMode(handle: *mut os::raw::c_void, wbin: os::raw::c_int, hbin: os::raw::c_int) -> os::raw::c_int; pub fn SetQHYCCDBitsMode(handle: *mut os::raw::c_void, bits: os::raw::c_int) -> os::raw::c_int; pub fn ExpQHYCCDSingleFrame(handle: *mut os::raw::c_void) -> os::raw::c_int; pub fn GetQHYCCDExposureRemaining(handle: *mut os::raw::c_void) -> os::raw::c_uint; pub fn GetQHYCCDMemLength(handle: *mut os::raw::c_void) -> os::raw::c_int; pub fn GetQHYCCDSingleFrame(handle: *mut os::raw::c_void, w: *mut os::raw::c_int, h: *mut os::raw::c_int, bpp: *mut os::raw::c_int, channels: *mut os::raw::c_int, data: *mut os::raw::c_uchar) -> os::raw::c_int; pub fn CloseQHYCCD(handle: *mut os::raw::c_void) -> os::raw::c_int; pub fn ReleaseQHYCCDResource() -> os::raw::c_int; }