package ixee.cryptopals.solvers import import ixee.cryptopals.utils.ByteUtils._ import ixee.cryptopals.utils.StreamUtils._ import ixee.cryptopals.utils.ConversionUtils._ import ixee.cryptopals.utils.FunctionUtils._ import ixee.cryptopals.utils._ import io.github.marklister.base64.Base64._ import javax.crypto.Cipher import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec object Challenge8 { val path = "./data/8.txt" lazy val ciphertext = Source .fromFile(path) .getLines() .toSeq .map(hexStr2Bytes) //.mkString //.toByteArray def run = { ciphertext .zipWithIndex .map(x => (x._1.grouped(16).toStream, x._2 + 1)) // // this might be decent, line #133 is #2 under this metric // .map(x => (avgHammingDistance(x._1), x._2)).sortBy(_._1) /* * but looking for actual duplicate data is better: * line 133 is #1 with six duplicate blocks, * old #1 of 177 has 0 duplicate blocks. */ .map(x => (dupBlocks(x._1), x._2)).sortBy(_._1 * -1) .head ._2 } def dupBlocks(xs: Seq[Seq[Byte]]) = pairsOf(xs).map(tup(_ == _)).count(_ == true) }