#! /bin/bash set -u set -e . build_helpers/progressif.ly.io.sh INPATH="$1" INBASEPATH="${INPATH%.*}" # mangle such that no two names conflict (a/b/c and a/b.c conflicting would be no fun) #OUTNAME="$(echo "$INBASEPATH" | sed 's/\./../g' | sed 's/\//._/g')" OUTNAME="src._kernel._main" # $INPATH track building_src "Building sources to 'tmp/$OUTNAME'... " gcc -T linker.ld -m32 -Wl,--build-id=none -nostartfiles -nostdlib -ffreestanding $INPATH -o "tmp/$OUTNAME".o trackend building_src t track find_start "Detecting start address... " BIN_START=$(objdump tmp/src._kernel._main.o -f | grep start | cut -b 15-) tracknote find_start "Start address is: $BIN_START" trackend find_start t # this actually writes three extra nulls, not sure why... echo "$BIN_START" | xxd -r - | od -t x --endian=little | head | xxd -r - > "bin/$OUTNAME".bin track strip_sections "Stripping unnecessary sections... " objcopy -R .note.gnu.build-id -R .comment -O binary "tmp/$OUTNAME".o "tmp/converted_$OUTNAME".bin trackend strip_sections t track relocate_kernel "Joining kernel and start address... " # adjust for the three extra nulls above dd if="tmp/converted_$OUTNAME".bin of="bin/$OUTNAME".bin seek=4 oflag=seek_bytes conv=notrunc 2>/dev/null trackend relocate_kernel t #rm "tmp/$OUTNAME".o