extern crate serde_json; use std::str; use std::str::FromStr; //use std::io::BufRead; #[macro_use] extern crate chan; extern crate url; #[macro_use] extern crate hyper; #[macro_use] extern crate serde_derive; extern crate oauthcli; extern crate tokio_core; extern crate futures; extern crate hyper_tls; use hyper::{Client, Method, Request}; //use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet}; use tokio_core::reactor::Core; use futures::future::Future; use futures::Stream; //use hyper::client::FutureResponse; use hyper_tls::HttpsConnector; //use json_streamer::JsonObjectStreamer; //Change these values to your real Twitter API credentials static consumer_key: &str = "T879tHWDzd6LvKWdYVfbJL4Su"; static consumer_secret: &str = "OAXXYYIozAZ4vWSmDziI1EMJCKXPmWPFgLbJpB896iIAMIAdpb"; static token: &str = "629126745-Qt6LPq2kR7w58s7WHzSqcs4CIdiue64kkfYYB7RI"; static token_secret: &str = "3BI3YC4WVbKW5icpHORWpsTYqYIj5oAZFkrgyIAoaoKnK"; static lol_auth_token: &str = "641cdf3a4bbddb72c118b5821e8696aee6300a9a"; static STREAMURL: &str = "https://userstream.twitter.com/1.1/user.json?tweet_mode=extended"; static TWEET_LOOKUP_URL: &str = "https://api.twitter.com/1.1/statuses/show.json?tweet_mode=extended"; static USER_LOOKUP_URL: &str = "https://api.twitter.com/1.1/users/show.json"; static FAV_TWEET_URL: &str = "https://api.twitter.com/1.1/favorites/create.json"; static UNFAV_TWEET_URL: &str = "https://api.twitter.com/1.1/favorites/destroy.json"; static DEL_TWEET_URL: &str = "https://api.twitter.com/1.1/statuses/destroy"; static RT_TWEET_URL: &str = "https://api.twitter.com/1.1/statuses/retweet"; static CREATE_TWEET_URL: &str = "https://api.twitter.com/1.1/statuses/update.json"; static ACCOUNT_SETTINGS_URL: &str = "https://api.twitter.com/1.1/account/settings.json"; header! { (Authorization, "Authorization") => [String] } header! { (Accept, "Accept") => [String] } header! { (ContentType, "Content-Type") => [String] } header! { (Cookie, "cookie") => [String] } mod tw { use std::path::Path; use std::fs::File; use std::io::{BufRead, BufReader, Read}; extern crate chrono; use self::chrono::prelude::*; use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet}; extern crate serde_json; use std::io::Write; use std::fs::OpenOptions; #[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct User { pub id: String, pub name: String, pub handle: String } impl Default for User { fn default() -> User { User { id: "".to_owned(), name: "_default_".to_owned(), handle: "_default_".to_owned() } } } pub mod events { extern crate termion; use self::termion::color; extern crate serde_json; pub struct Deleted { user_id: String, twete_id: String } pub struct RT_RT { user_id: String, twete_id: String } pub struct Fav_RT { user_id: String, twete_id: String } pub struct Fav { user_id: String, twete_id: String } pub struct Unfav { user_id: String, twete_id: String } pub struct Followed { user_id: String } pub struct Unfollowed { user_id: String } impl Event for Deleted { fn render(self: Box, _tweeter: &::tw::TwitterCache) { } } impl Event for RT_RT { fn render(self: Box, tweeter: &::tw::TwitterCache) { println!("---------------------------------"); { let user = tweeter.retrieve_user(&self.user_id).unwrap(); println!(" +rt_rt : {} (@{})", user.name, user.handle); } { ::render_twete(&self.twete_id, tweeter); } println!(""); } } impl Event for Fav_RT { fn render(self: Box, tweeter: &::tw::TwitterCache) { println!("---------------------------------"); { let user = tweeter.retrieve_user(&self.user_id).unwrap(); println!(" +rt_fav : {} (@{})", user.name, user.handle); } { ::render_twete(&self.twete_id, tweeter); } println!(""); } } impl Event for Fav { fn render(self: Box, tweeter: &::tw::TwitterCache) { println!("---------------------------------"); { let user = tweeter.retrieve_user(&self.user_id).unwrap(); println!("{} +fav : {} (@{}){}", color::Fg(color::Yellow), user.name, user.handle, color::Fg(color::Reset)); } { ::render_twete(&self.twete_id, tweeter); } println!(""); } } impl Event for Unfav { fn render(self: Box, tweeter: &::tw::TwitterCache) { println!("---------------------------------"); { let user = tweeter.retrieve_user(&self.user_id).unwrap(); println!("{} -fav : {} (@{}){}", color::Fg(color::Yellow), user.name, user.handle, color::Fg(color::Reset)); } { ::render_twete(&self.twete_id, tweeter); } println!(""); } } impl Event for Followed { fn render(self: Box, tweeter: &::tw::TwitterCache) { let user = tweeter.retrieve_user(&self.user_id).unwrap(); println!("---------------------------------"); println!(" +fl : {} (@{})", user.name, user.handle); println!(""); } } impl Event for Unfollowed { fn render(self: Box, tweeter: &::tw::TwitterCache) { let user = tweeter.retrieve_user(&self.user_id).unwrap(); println!("---------------------------------"); println!(" -fl : {} (@{})", user.name, user.handle); println!(""); } } /* impl Event for Blocked { } */ pub trait Event { fn render(self: Box, tweeter: &::tw::TwitterCache); } impl Event { pub fn from_json(structure: serde_json::Map) -> Option> { match &structure["event"].as_str().unwrap() { &"follow" => Some(Box::new(Followed { user_id: structure["source"]["id_str"].as_str().unwrap().to_owned() })), &"unfollow" => Some(Box::new(Unfollowed { user_id: structure["source"]["id_str"].as_str().unwrap().to_owned() })), &"favorite" => Some(Box::new(Fav { user_id: structure["source"]["id_str"].as_str().unwrap().to_owned(), twete_id: structure["target_object"]["id_str"].as_str().unwrap().to_owned() })), &"unfavorite" => Some(Box::new(Unfav { user_id: structure["source"]["id_str"].as_str().unwrap().to_owned(), twete_id: structure["target_object"]["id_str"].as_str().unwrap().to_owned() })), &"favorited_retweet" => Some(Box::new(Fav_RT { user_id: structure["source"]["id_str"].as_str().unwrap().to_owned(), twete_id: structure["target_object"]["id_str"].as_str().unwrap().to_owned() })), &"retweeted_retweet" => Some(Box::new(RT_RT { user_id: structure["source"]["id_str"].as_str().unwrap().to_owned(), twete_id: structure["target_object"]["id_str"].as_str().unwrap().to_owned() })), // &"blocked" => Blocked { }, // &"unblocked" => Unblocked { }, // &"quoted_tweet" => ???, e => { println!("unrecognized event: {}", e); None } } } } } impl User { pub fn from_json(json: serde_json::Value) -> Option { if let serde_json::Value::Object(json_map) = json { if json_map.contains_key("id_str") && json_map.contains_key("name") && json_map.contains_key("screen_name") { if let ( Some(id_str), Some(name), Some(screen_name) ) = ( json_map["id_str"].as_str(), json_map["name"].as_str(), json_map["screen_name"].as_str() ) { return Some(User { id: id_str.to_owned(), name: name.to_owned(), handle: screen_name.to_owned() }) } } } None } } #[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct Tweet { pub id: String, pub author_id: String, pub text: String, pub created_at: String, // lol #[serde(skip_serializing_if="Option::is_none")] #[serde(default = "Option::default")] pub quoted_tweet_id: Option, #[serde(skip_serializing_if="Option::is_none")] #[serde(default = "Option::default")] pub rt_tweet: Option, #[serde(skip)] pub internal_id: u64 } impl Tweet { pub fn from_api_json(json: serde_json::Value) -> Option<(Tweet, User)> { Tweet::from_json(json.clone()).and_then(|tw| { json.get("user").and_then(|user_json| User::from_json(user_json.to_owned()).map(|u| (tw, u)) ) }) } pub fn from_json(json: serde_json::Value) -> Option { if let serde_json::Value::Object(json_map) = json { let text = full_twete_text(&json_map); let rt_twete = json_map.get("retweeted_status") .and_then(|x| x.get("id_str")) .and_then(|x| x.as_str()) .map(|x| x.to_owned()); if json_map.contains_key("id_str") && json_map.contains_key("user") && json_map.contains_key("created_at") { if let ( Some(id_str), Some(author_id), Some(created_at) ) = ( json_map["id_str"].as_str(), json_map["user"]["id_str"].as_str(), json_map["created_at"].as_str() ) { return Some(Tweet { id: id_str.to_owned(), author_id: author_id.to_owned(), text: text, created_at: created_at.to_owned(), quoted_tweet_id: json_map.get("quoted_status_id_str") .and_then(|x| x.as_str()) .map(|x| x.to_owned()), rt_tweet: rt_twete, internal_id: 0 }) } } } None } } pub fn full_twete_text(twete: &serde_json::map::Map) -> String { if twete.contains_key("retweeted_status") { return full_twete_text(twete["retweeted_status"].as_object().unwrap()) } let mut twete_text: String; twete_text = if twete["truncated"].as_bool().unwrap() { twete["extended_tweet"]["full_text"].as_str().unwrap().to_string() } else { twete["text"].as_str().unwrap().to_string() }; let quoted_tweet_id = twete.get("quoted_tweet_id_str").and_then(|x| x.as_str()); twete_text = twete_text .replace("&", "&") .replace(">", ">") .replace("<", "<"); for url in twete["entities"]["urls"].as_array().unwrap() { let display_url = url["url"].as_str().unwrap(); let expanded_url = url["expanded_url"].as_str().unwrap(); if expanded_url.len() < 200 { if let Some(twid) = quoted_tweet_id { if expanded_url.ends_with(twid) { twete_text = twete_text.replace(display_url, ""); continue; } } twete_text = twete_text.replace(display_url, expanded_url); } } twete_text } #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct TwitterCache { #[serde(skip)] pub users: HashMap, #[serde(skip)] pub tweets: HashMap, following: HashSet, following_history: HashMap, // userid:date?? pub followers: HashSet, lost_followers: HashSet, follower_history: HashMap, // userid:date?? #[serde(skip)] id_to_tweet_id: HashMap, #[serde(skip)] pub needs_save: bool, #[serde(skip)] pub caching_permitted: bool, #[serde(skip)] pub current_user: User } impl TwitterCache { const PROFILE_DIR: &'static str = "cache/"; const TWEET_CACHE: &'static str = "cache/tweets.json"; const USERS_CACHE: &'static str = "cache/users.json"; const PROFILE_CACHE: &'static str = "cache/profile.json"; // this should involve MY user id.. fn new() -> TwitterCache { TwitterCache { users: HashMap::new(), tweets: HashMap::new(), following: HashSet::new(), following_history: HashMap::new(), followers: HashSet::new(), lost_followers: HashSet::new(), follower_history: HashMap::new(), id_to_tweet_id: HashMap::new(), needs_save: false, caching_permitted: true, current_user: User::default() } } fn new_without_caching() -> TwitterCache { let mut cache = TwitterCache::new(); cache.caching_permitted = false; cache } fn cache_user(&mut self, user: User) { if !self.users.contains_key(&user.id) { let mut file = OpenOptions::new() .create(true) .append(true) .open(TwitterCache::USERS_CACHE) .unwrap(); writeln!(file, "{}", serde_json::to_string(&user).unwrap()).unwrap(); self.users.insert(user.id.to_owned(), user); } } fn cache_tweet(&mut self, tweet: Tweet) { if !self.tweets.contains_key(&tweet.id) { let mut file = OpenOptions::new() .create(true) .append(true) .open(TwitterCache::TWEET_CACHE) .unwrap(); writeln!(file, "{}", serde_json::to_string(&tweet).unwrap()).unwrap(); self.number_and_insert_tweet(tweet); } } pub fn store_cache(&self) { if Path::new(TwitterCache::PROFILE_DIR).is_dir() { let profile = OpenOptions::new() .write(true) .create(true) .append(false) .open(TwitterCache::PROFILE_CACHE) .unwrap(); serde_json::to_writer(profile, self).unwrap(); } else { println!("No cache dir exists..."); } // store cache } fn number_and_insert_tweet(&mut self, mut tw: Tweet) { if !self.tweets.contains_key(&tw.id.to_owned()) { if tw.internal_id == 0 { tw.internal_id = (self.tweets.len() as u64) + 1; self.id_to_tweet_id.insert(tw.internal_id, tw.id.to_owned()); self.tweets.insert(tw.id.to_owned(), tw); } } } pub fn load_cache() -> TwitterCache { if Path::new(TwitterCache::PROFILE_CACHE).is_file() { let mut buf = vec![]; let mut profile = File::open(TwitterCache::PROFILE_CACHE).unwrap(); match profile.read_to_end(&mut buf) { Ok(_sz) => { match serde_json::from_slice(&buf) { Ok(result) => { let mut cache: TwitterCache = result; cache.tweets = HashMap::new(); for line in BufReader::new(File::open(TwitterCache::TWEET_CACHE).unwrap()).lines() { let t: Tweet = serde_json::from_str(&line.unwrap()).unwrap(); cache.number_and_insert_tweet(t); } for line in BufReader::new(File::open(TwitterCache::USERS_CACHE).unwrap()).lines() { let u: User = serde_json::from_str(&line.unwrap()).unwrap(); cache.users.insert(u.id.to_owned(), u); } cache.caching_permitted = true; cache.needs_save = false; cache } Err(e) => { // TODO! should be able to un-frick profile after startup. println!("Error reading profile, profile caching disabled... {}", e); TwitterCache::new_without_caching() } } } Err(e) => { println!("Error reading cached profile: {}. Profile caching disabled.", e); TwitterCache::new_without_caching() } } } else { println!("Hello! First time setup?"); TwitterCache::new() } } pub fn cache_api_tweet(&mut self, json: serde_json::Value) { if let Some((rt, rt_user)) = json.get("retweeted_status").and_then(|x| Tweet::from_api_json(x.to_owned())) { self.cache_user(rt_user); self.cache_tweet(rt); } if let Some((qt, qt_user)) = json.get("quoted_status").and_then(|x| Tweet::from_api_json(x.to_owned())) { self.cache_user(qt_user); self.cache_tweet(qt); } if let Some((twete, user)) = Tweet::from_api_json(json) { self.cache_user(user); self.cache_tweet(twete); } } pub fn cache_api_user(&mut self, json: serde_json::Value) { if let Some(user) = User::from_json(json) { self.cache_user(user); } } pub fn cache_api_event(&mut self, json: serde_json::Map, mut queryer: &mut ::Queryer) { /* don't really care to hold on to who fav, unfav, ... when, just pick targets out. */ match json.get("event").and_then(|x| x.as_str()) { Some("favorite") => { self.cache_api_tweet(json["target_object"].clone()); self.cache_api_user(json["source"].clone()); self.cache_api_user(json["target"].clone()); }, Some("unfavorite") => { self.cache_api_tweet(json["target_object"].clone()); self.cache_api_user(json["source"].clone()); self.cache_api_user(json["target"].clone()); }, Some("retweeted_retweet") => ()/* cache rt */, Some("favorited_retweet") => ()/* cache rt */, Some("delete") => { let user_id = json["delete"]["status"]["user_id_str"].as_str().unwrap().to_string(); self.fetch_user(&user_id, &mut queryer); }, Some("follow") => { let follower = json["source"]["id_str"].as_str().unwrap().to_string(); let followed = json["target"]["id_str"].as_str().unwrap().to_string(); self.cache_api_user(json["target"].clone()); self.cache_api_user(json["source"].clone()); if follower == "iximeow" { // self.add_follow( } else { self.add_follower(&follower); } }, Some("unfollow") => { let follower = json["source"]["id_str"].as_str().unwrap().to_string(); let followed = json["target"]["id_str"].as_str().unwrap().to_string(); self.cache_api_user(json["target"].clone()); self.cache_api_user(json["source"].clone()); if follower == "iximeow" { // self.add_follow( } else { self.remove_follower(&follower); } }, Some(_) => () /* an uninteresting event */, None => () // not really an event? should we log something? /* nothing else to care about now, i think? */ } } pub fn tweet_by_innerid(&self, inner_id: u64) -> Option<&Tweet> { let id = &self.id_to_tweet_id[&inner_id]; self.retrieve_tweet(id) } pub fn retrieve_tweet(&self, tweet_id: &String) -> Option<&Tweet> { self.tweets.get(tweet_id) } pub fn retrieve_user(&self, user_id: &String) -> Option<&User> { self.users.get(user_id) } pub fn fetch_tweet(&mut self, tweet_id: &String, mut queryer: &mut ::Queryer) -> Option<&Tweet> { if !self.tweets.contains_key(tweet_id) { match self.look_up_tweet(tweet_id, &mut queryer) { Some(json) => self.cache_api_tweet(json), None => println!("Unable to retrieve tweet {}", tweet_id) }; } self.tweets.get(tweet_id) } pub fn fetch_user(&mut self, user_id: &String, mut queryer: &mut ::Queryer) -> Option<&User> { if !self.users.contains_key(user_id) { let maybe_parsed = self.look_up_user(user_id, &mut queryer).and_then(|x| User::from_json(x)); match maybe_parsed { Some(tw) => self.cache_user(tw), None => println!("Unable to retrieve user {}", user_id) }; } self.users.get(user_id) } pub fn set_following(&mut self, user_ids: Vec) { let uid_set = user_ids.into_iter().collect::>(); let new_uids = &uid_set - &self.following; for user in &new_uids { println!("New following! {}", user); self.add_following(user); } let lost_uids = &self.following - &uid_set; for user in &lost_uids { println!("Bye, friend! {}", user); self.remove_following(user); } } pub fn set_followers(&mut self, user_ids: Vec) { let uid_set = user_ids.into_iter().collect::>(); let new_uids = &uid_set - &self.followers; for user in &new_uids { println!("New follower! {}", user); self.add_follower(user); } let lost_uids = &self.followers - &uid_set; for user in &lost_uids { println!("Bye, friend! {}", user); self.remove_follower(user); } } pub fn add_following(&mut self, user_id: &String) { self.needs_save = true; self.following.insert(user_id.to_owned()); self.following_history.insert(user_id.to_owned(), ("following".to_string(), Utc::now().timestamp())); } pub fn remove_following(&mut self, user_id: &String) { self.needs_save = true; self.following.remove(user_id); self.following_history.insert(user_id.to_owned(), ("unfollowing".to_string(), Utc::now().timestamp())); } pub fn add_follower(&mut self, user_id: &String) { self.needs_save = true; self.followers.insert(user_id.to_owned()); self.lost_followers.remove(user_id); self.follower_history.insert(user_id.to_owned(), ("follow".to_string(), Utc::now().timestamp())); } pub fn remove_follower(&mut self, user_id: &String) { self.needs_save = true; self.followers.remove(user_id); self.lost_followers.insert(user_id.to_owned()); self.follower_history.insert(user_id.to_owned(), ("unfollow".to_string(), Utc::now().timestamp())); } fn look_up_user(&mut self, id: &str, queryer: &mut ::Queryer) -> Option { let url = &format!("{}?user_id={}", ::USER_LOOKUP_URL, id); queryer.do_api_get(url) } fn look_up_tweet(&mut self, id: &str, queryer: &mut ::Queryer) -> Option { let url = &format!("{}?id={}", ::TWEET_LOOKUP_URL, id); queryer.do_api_get(url) } pub fn get_settings(&self, queryer: &mut ::Queryer) -> Option { queryer.do_api_get(::ACCOUNT_SETTINGS_URL) } } } pub struct Queryer { client: hyper::client::Client>, core: Core } impl Queryer { fn do_api_get(&mut self, url: &str) -> Option { self.issue_request(signed_api_get(url)) } fn do_api_post(&mut self, url: &str) -> Option { self.issue_request(signed_api_post(url)) } /* fn do_web_req(&mut self, url: &str) -> Option { self.issue_request(signed_web_get(url)) }*/ // TODO: make this return the status as well! fn issue_request(&mut self, req: hyper::client::Request) -> Option { let lookup = self.client.request(req); let resp: hyper::Response = self.core.run(lookup).unwrap(); let status = resp.status().clone(); let chunks: Vec = self.core.run(resp.body().collect()).unwrap(); let resp_body: Vec = chunks.into_iter().flat_map(|chunk| chunk.into_iter()).collect(); match serde_json::from_slice(&resp_body) { Ok(value) => { if status != hyper::StatusCode::Ok { println!("!! Requests returned status: {}", status); println!("{}", value); None } else { Some(value) } } Err(e) => { if status != hyper::StatusCode::Ok { println!("!! Requests returned status: {}", status); } println!("error deserializing json: {}", e); None } } } } extern crate termion; use termion::color; fn color_for(handle: &String) -> termion::color::Fg<&color::Color> { let color_map: Vec<&color::Color> = vec![ &color::Blue, &color::Cyan, &color::Green, &color::LightBlue, &color::LightCyan, &color::LightGreen, &color::LightMagenta, &color::LightYellow, &color::Magenta, &color::Yellow ]; let mut quot_hash_quot = std::num::Wrapping(0); for b in handle.as_bytes().iter() { quot_hash_quot = quot_hash_quot + std::num::Wrapping(*b); } color::Fg(color_map[quot_hash_quot.0 as usize % color_map.len()]) } fn render_twete(twete_id: &String, tweeter: &tw::TwitterCache) { let id_color = color::Fg(color::Rgb(180, 80, 40)); let twete = tweeter.retrieve_tweet(twete_id).unwrap(); // if we got the tweet, the API gave us the user too let user = tweeter.retrieve_user(&twete.author_id).unwrap(); match twete.rt_tweet { Some(ref rt_id) => { // same for a retweet let rt = tweeter.retrieve_tweet(rt_id).unwrap(); // and its author let rt_author = tweeter.retrieve_user(&rt.author_id).unwrap(); println!("{} id:{} (rt_id:{}){}", id_color, rt.internal_id, twete.internal_id, color::Fg(color::Reset) ); println!(" {}{}{} ({}@{}{}) via {}{}{} ({}@{}{}) RT:", color_for(&rt_author.handle), rt_author.name, color::Fg(color::Reset), color_for(&rt_author.handle), rt_author.handle, color::Fg(color::Reset), color_for(&user.handle), user.name, color::Fg(color::Reset), color_for(&user.handle), user.handle, color::Fg(color::Reset) ); } None => { println!("{} id:{}{}", id_color, twete.internal_id, color::Fg(color::Reset) ); println!(" {}{}{} ({}@{}{})", color_for(&user.handle), user.name, color::Fg(color::Reset), color_for(&user.handle), user.handle, color::Fg(color::Reset) ); } } println!(" {}", twete.text.replace("\r", "\\r").split("\n").collect::>().join("\n ")); if let Some(ref qt_id) = twete.quoted_tweet_id { if let Some(ref qt) = tweeter.retrieve_tweet(qt_id) { let qt_author = tweeter.retrieve_user(&qt.author_id).unwrap(); println!("{} id:{}{}", id_color, qt.internal_id, color::Fg(color::Reset) ); println!( " {}{}{} ({}@{}{})", color_for(&qt_author.handle), qt_author.name, color::Fg(color::Reset), color_for(&qt_author.handle), qt_author.handle, color::Fg(color::Reset) ); println!( " {}", qt.text.replace("\r", "\\r").split("\n").collect::>().join("\n ") ); } else { println!(" << don't have quoted tweet! >>"); } } } fn render_twitter_event( structure: serde_json::Map, tweeter: &mut tw::TwitterCache, mut queryer: &mut Queryer) { if structure.contains_key("event") { tweeter.cache_api_event(structure.clone(), &mut queryer); if let Some(event) = tw::events::Event::from_json(structure) { event.render(&tweeter); }; } else if structure.contains_key("friends") { // println!("welcome: {:?}", structure); let user_id_nums = structure["friends"].as_array().unwrap(); let user_id_strs = user_id_nums.into_iter().map(|x| x.as_u64().unwrap().to_string()); tweeter.set_following(user_id_strs.collect()); let settings = tweeter.get_settings(queryer).unwrap(); let maybe_my_name = settings["screen_name"].as_str(); if let Some(my_name) = maybe_my_name { tweeter.current_user = tw::User { id: "".to_string(), handle: my_name.to_owned(), name: my_name.to_owned() }; println!("You are {}", tweeter.current_user.handle); } else { println!("Unable to make API call to figure out who you are..."); } } else if structure.contains_key("delete") { let deleted_user_id = structure["delete"]["status"]["user_id_str"].as_str().unwrap().to_string(); let deleted_tweet_id = structure["delete"]["status"]["id_str"].as_str().unwrap().to_string(); if let Some(handle) = tweeter.retrieve_user(&deleted_user_id).map(|x| &x.handle) { if let Some(_tweet) = tweeter.retrieve_tweet(&deleted_tweet_id) { println!("-------------DELETED------------------"); render_twete(&deleted_tweet_id, tweeter); println!("-------------DELETED------------------"); } else { println!("dunno what, but do know who: {} - {}", deleted_user_id, handle); } } else { println!("delete..."); println!("dunno who..."); } } else if structure.contains_key("user") && structure.contains_key("id") { let twete_id = structure["id_str"].as_str().unwrap().to_string(); tweeter.cache_api_tweet(serde_json::Value::Object(structure)); render_twete(&twete_id, tweeter); } else if structure.contains_key("direct_message") { // show DM println!("{}", structure["direct_message"]["text"].as_str().unwrap()); println!("Unknown struture {:?}", structure); } println!(""); } /* fn signed_web_get(url: &str) -> hyper::client::Request { // let params: Vec<(String, String)> = vec![("track".to_string(), "london".to_string())]; let params: Vec<(String, String)> = vec![]; let param_string: String = params.iter().map(|p| p.0.clone() + &"=".to_string() + &p.1).collect::>().join("&"); let header = oauthcli::authorization_header( "GET", url::Url::parse(url).unwrap(), None, // Realm consumer_key, consumer_secret, Some(token), Some(token_secret), oauthcli::SignatureMethod::HmacSha1, &oauthcli::timestamp(), &oauthcli::nonce(), None, // oauth_callback None, // oauth_verifier params.clone().into_iter() ); let mut req = Request::new(Method::Get, url.parse().unwrap()); req.set_body(param_string); { let mut headers = req.headers_mut(); headers.set(Cookie(format!("auth_token={}", lol_auth_token))); headers.set(Accept("* / *".to_owned())); headers.set(ContentType("application/x-www-form-urlencoded".to_owned())); }; req } */ fn signed_api_post(url: &str) -> hyper::client::Request { signed_api_req(url, Method::Post) } fn signed_api_get(url: &str) -> hyper::client::Request { signed_api_req(url, Method::Get) } fn signed_api_req(url: &str, method: Method) -> hyper::client::Request { // let params: Vec<(String, String)> = vec![("track".to_string(), "london".to_string())]; let method_string = match method { Method::Get => "GET", Method::Post => "POST", _ => panic!(format!("unsupported method {}", method)) }; let params: Vec<(String, String)> = vec![]; let _param_string: String = params.iter().map(|p| p.0.clone() + &"=".to_string() + &p.1).collect::>().join("&"); let header = oauthcli::OAuthAuthorizationHeaderBuilder::new( method_string, &url::Url::parse(url).unwrap(), consumer_key, consumer_secret, oauthcli::SignatureMethod::HmacSha1, ) .token(token, token_secret) .finish(); let mut req = Request::new(method, url.parse().unwrap()); { let headers = req.headers_mut(); headers.set(Authorization(header.to_string())); headers.set(Accept("*/*".to_owned())); }; // println!("Request built: {:?}", req); req } fn display_event( twete: serde_json::Value, tweeter: &mut tw::TwitterCache, queryer: &mut Queryer ) { match twete { serde_json::Value::Object(objmap) => render_twitter_event(objmap, tweeter, queryer), _ => () }; } fn main() { //Track words // let url = "https://stream.twitter.com/1.1/statuses/filter.json"; // let url = "https://stream.twitter.com/1.1/statuses/sample.json"; println!("starting!"); let (ui_tx, mut ui_rx) = chan::sync::>(0); let mut twete_rx = connect_twitter_stream(); std::thread::spawn(move || { loop { let mut line = String::new(); std::io::stdin().read_line(&mut line).unwrap(); ui_tx.send(line.into_bytes()); } }); // I *would* want to load this before spawning the thread, but.. // tokio_core::reactor::Inner can't be moved between threads safely // and beacuse it's an Option-al field, it might be present // and rustc says nooooo // // even though it's not ever present before here println!("Loading cache..."); let mut tweeter = tw::TwitterCache::load_cache(); println!("Loaded cache!"); let c2 = Core::new().unwrap(); // i swear this is not where the botnet lives let handle = &c2.handle(); let secondary_connector = HttpsConnector::new(4, handle).unwrap(); let secondary_client = Client::configure() .connector(secondary_connector) .build(handle); let mut queryer = Queryer { client: secondary_client, core: c2 }; loop { match do_ui(ui_rx, twete_rx, &mut tweeter, &mut queryer) { Some((new_ui_rx, new_twete_rx)) => { ui_rx = new_ui_rx; twete_rx = new_twete_rx; }, None => { break; } } } println!("Bye bye"); } fn do_ui(ui_rx_orig: chan::Receiver>, twete_rx: chan::Receiver>, mut tweeter: &mut tw::TwitterCache, mut queryer: &mut ::Queryer) -> Option<(chan::Receiver>, chan::Receiver>)> { loop { let ui_rx_a = &ui_rx_orig; let ui_rx_b = &ui_rx_orig; chan_select! { twete_rx.recv() -> twete => match twete { Some(line) => { let jsonstr = std::str::from_utf8(&line).unwrap().trim(); // println!("{}", jsonstr); /* TODO: replace from_str with from_slice */ let json: serde_json::Value = serde_json::from_str(&jsonstr).unwrap(); display_event(json, &mut tweeter, &mut queryer); if tweeter.needs_save && tweeter.caching_permitted { tweeter.store_cache(); } } None => { println!("Twitter stream hung up..."); chan_select! { ui_rx_b.recv() -> input => match input { Some(line) => { if line == "reconnect\n".as_bytes() { return Some((ui_rx_orig.clone(), connect_twitter_stream())); } else { handle_user_input(line, &mut tweeter, &mut queryer); } } None => std::process::exit(0) } } } }, ui_rx_a.recv() -> user_input => match user_input { Some(line) => { handle_user_input(line, &mut tweeter, &mut queryer); }, None => println!("UI thread hung up...") } } } } fn url_encode(s: &str) -> String { s .replace(" ", "+") .replace("%", "%25") .replace("\\n", "%0a") .replace("\\r", "%0d") .replace("!", "%21") .replace("#", "%23") .replace("&", "%26") .replace("'", "%27") .replace("(", "%28") .replace(")", "%29") .replace("*", "%2a") // .replace("+", "%2b") .replace(",", "%2c") .replace("-", "%2d") .replace(".", "%2e") .replace("/", "%2f") .replace(":", "%3a") .replace(">", "%3e") .replace("<", "%3c") .replace("?", "%3f") .replace("@", "%40") .replace("\\", "%5c") } struct Command { keyword: &'static str, params: u8, exec: fn(line: String, tweeter: &mut tw::TwitterCache, queryer: &mut Queryer) } static SHOW_CACHE: Command = Command { keyword: "show_cache", params: 0, exec: |_line: String, tweeter: &mut tw::TwitterCache, mut queryer: &mut Queryer| { println!("----* USERS *----"); for (uid, user) in &tweeter.users { println!("User: {} -> {:?}", uid, user); } println!("----* TWEETS *----"); for (tid, tweet) in &tweeter.tweets { println!("Tweet: {} -> {:?}", tid, tweet); } println!("----* FOLLOWERS *----"); for uid in &tweeter.followers.clone() { let user_res = tweeter.fetch_user(uid, &mut queryer); match user_res { Some(user) => { println!("Follower: {} - {:?}", uid, user); } None => { println!(" ..."); } } } } }; static QUIT: Command = Command { keyword: "q", params: 0, exec: |_line: String, tweeter: &mut tw::TwitterCache, _queryer: &mut Queryer| { println!("Bye bye!"); tweeter.store_cache(); std::process::exit(0); } }; static LOOK_UP_USER: Command = Command { keyword: "look_up_user", params: 1, exec: |line: String, tweeter: &mut tw::TwitterCache, mut queryer: &mut Queryer| { if let Some(user) = tweeter.fetch_user(&line, &mut queryer) { println!("{:?}", user); } else { // println!("Couldn't retrieve {}", userid); } } }; static LOOK_UP_TWEET: Command = Command { keyword: "look_up_tweet", params: 1, exec: |line: String, tweeter: &mut tw::TwitterCache, mut queryer: &mut Queryer| { if let Some(tweet) = tweeter.fetch_tweet(&line, &mut queryer) { println!("{:?}", tweet); } else { // println!("Couldn't retrieve {}", tweetid); } } }; static VIEW: Command = Command { keyword: "view", params: 1, exec: |line: String, tweeter: &mut tw::TwitterCache, _queryer: &mut Queryer| { // TODO handle this unwrap let inner_twid = u64::from_str(&line).unwrap(); let twete = tweeter.tweet_by_innerid(inner_twid).unwrap(); render_twete(&twete.id, tweeter); println!("link: https://twitter.com/i/web/status/{}", twete.id); } }; static UNFAV: Command = Command { keyword: "unfav", params: 1, exec: |line: String, tweeter: &mut tw::TwitterCache, queryer: &mut Queryer| { // TODO handle this unwrap let inner_twid = u64::from_str(&line).unwrap(); let twete = tweeter.tweet_by_innerid(inner_twid).unwrap(); queryer.do_api_post(&format!("{}?id={}", UNFAV_TWEET_URL, twete.id)); } }; static FAV: Command = Command { keyword: "fav", params: 1, exec: |line: String, tweeter: &mut tw::TwitterCache, queryer: &mut Queryer| { // TODO handle this unwrap let inner_twid = u64::from_str(&line).unwrap(); let twete = tweeter.tweet_by_innerid(inner_twid).unwrap(); queryer.do_api_post(&format!("{}?id={}", FAV_TWEET_URL, twete.id)); } }; static DEL: Command = Command { keyword: "del", params: 1, exec: |line: String, tweeter: &mut tw::TwitterCache, queryer: &mut Queryer| { let inner_twid = u64::from_str(&line).unwrap(); let twete = tweeter.tweet_by_innerid(inner_twid).unwrap(); queryer.do_api_post(&format!("{}/{}.json", DEL_TWEET_URL, twete.id)); } }; static TWETE: Command = Command { keyword: "t", params: 1, exec: |line: String, _tweeter: &mut tw::TwitterCache, queryer: &mut Queryer| { let text = line.trim(); let substituted = url_encode(text); println!("msg len: {}", text.len()); println!("excessively long? {}", text.len() > 140); if text.len() > 140 { queryer.do_api_post(&format!("{}?status={}", CREATE_TWEET_URL, substituted)); } else { queryer.do_api_post(&format!("{}?status={}&weighted_character_count=true", CREATE_TWEET_URL, substituted)); } // println!("{}", &format!("{}?status={}", CREATE_TWEET_URL, substituted)); } }; static THREAD: Command = Command { keyword: "thread", params: 2, exec: |line: String, tweeter: &mut tw::TwitterCache, queryer: &mut Queryer| { let mut text: String = line.trim().to_string(); if let Some(id_end_idx) = text.find(" ") { let reply_bare = text.split_off(id_end_idx + 1); let reply = reply_bare.trim(); let id_str = text.trim(); if reply.len() > 0 { if let Some(inner_twid) = u64::from_str(&id_str).ok() { if let Some(twete) = tweeter.tweet_by_innerid(inner_twid) { let handle = &tweeter.retrieve_user(&twete.author_id).unwrap().handle; // TODO: definitely breaks if you change your handle right now if handle == &tweeter.current_user.handle { let substituted = url_encode(reply); queryer.do_api_post(&format!("{}?status={}&in_reply_to_status_id={}", CREATE_TWEET_URL, substituted, twete.id)); } else { println!("you can only thread your own tweets"); // ask if it should .@ instead? } let substituted = url_encode(reply); queryer.do_api_post(&format!("{}?status={}&in_reply_to_status_id={}", CREATE_TWEET_URL, substituted, twete.id)); } } } else { println!("thread your sik reply"); } } else { println!("thread your sik reply"); } } }; static REP: Command = Command { keyword: "rep", params: 2, exec: |line: String, tweeter: &mut tw::TwitterCache, queryer: &mut Queryer| { let mut text: String = line.trim().to_string(); if let Some(id_end_idx) = text.find(" ") { let reply_bare = text.split_off(id_end_idx + 1); let reply = reply_bare.trim(); let id_str = text.trim(); if reply.len() > 0 { if let Some(inner_twid) = u64::from_str(&id_str).ok() { if let Some(twete) = tweeter.tweet_by_innerid(inner_twid) { let substituted = url_encode(reply); queryer.do_api_post(&format!("{}?status={}&in_reply_to_status_id={}", CREATE_TWEET_URL, substituted, twete.id)); } } } else { println!("rep your sik reply"); } } else { println!("rep your sik reply"); } } }; static QUOTE: Command = Command { keyword: "qt", params: 2, exec: |line: String, tweeter: &mut tw::TwitterCache, queryer: &mut Queryer| { let mut text: String = line.trim().to_string(); if let Some(id_end_idx) = text.find(" ") { let reply_bare = text.split_off(id_end_idx + 1); let reply = reply_bare.trim(); let id_str = text.trim(); if reply.len() > 0 { if let Some(inner_twid) = u64::from_str(&id_str).ok() { if let Some(twete) = tweeter.tweet_by_innerid(inner_twid) { let substituted = url_encode(reply); let attachment_url = url_encode( &format!( "https://www.twitter.com/{}/status/{}", tweeter.retrieve_user(&twete.author_id).unwrap().handle, twete.id ) ); println!("{}", substituted); queryer.do_api_post( &format!("{}?status={}&attachment_url={}", CREATE_TWEET_URL, substituted, attachment_url ) ); } } } else { println!("rep your sik reply"); } } else { println!("rep your sik reply"); } } }; static RETWETE: Command = Command { keyword: "rt", params: 1, exec: |line: String, tweeter: &mut tw::TwitterCache, queryer: &mut Queryer| { let inner_twid = u64::from_str(&line).unwrap(); let twete = tweeter.tweet_by_innerid(inner_twid).unwrap(); queryer.do_api_post(&format!("{}/{}.json", RT_TWEET_URL, twete.id)); } }; fn parse_word_command<'a, 'b>(line: &'b str, commands: Vec<&'a Command>) -> Option<(&'b str, &'a Command)> { for cmd in commands.into_iter() { if cmd.params == 0 { if line == cmd.keyword { return Some(("", &cmd)); } } else if line.starts_with(cmd.keyword) { // let inner_twid = u64::from_str(&linestr.split(" ").collect::>()[1]).unwrap(); return Some((line.get((cmd.keyword.len() + 1)..).unwrap().trim(), &cmd)); } } return None } fn handle_user_input(line: Vec, tweeter: &mut tw::TwitterCache, mut queryer: &mut Queryer) { let commands = vec![ &SHOW_CACHE, &QUIT, &LOOK_UP_USER, &LOOK_UP_TWEET, &VIEW, &UNFAV, &FAV, &DEL, &TWETE, "E, &RETWETE, &REP, &THREAD ]; let command_bare = String::from_utf8(line).unwrap(); let command = command_bare.trim(); if let Some((line, cmd)) = parse_word_command(&command, commands) { (cmd.exec)(line.to_owned(), tweeter, &mut queryer); } else { println!("I don't know what {} means", command); } println!(""); // temporaryish because there's no visual distinction between output atm } fn connect_twitter_stream() -> chan::Receiver> { let (twete_tx, twete_rx) = chan::sync::>(0); std::thread::spawn(move || { let mut core = Core::new().unwrap(); let connector = HttpsConnector::new(1, &core.handle()).unwrap(); let client = Client::configure() .keep_alive(true) .connector(connector) .build(&core.handle()); // println!("{}", do_web_req("https://caps.twitter.com/v2/capi/passthrough/1?twitter:string:card_uri=card://887655800482787328&twitter:long:original_tweet_id=887655800981925888&twitter:string:response_card_name=poll3choice_text_only&twitter:string:cards_platform=Web-12", &client, &mut core).unwrap()); // println!("{}", look_up_tweet("887655800981925888", &client, &mut core).unwrap()); let req = signed_api_get(STREAMURL); let work = client.request(req).and_then(|res| { let status = res.status(); if status != hyper::StatusCode::Ok { println!("Twitter stream connect was abnormal: {}", status); println!("result: {:?}", res); } LineStream::new(res.body() .map(|chunk| futures::stream::iter_ok(chunk.into_iter())) .flatten()) .for_each(|s| { if s.len() != 1 { twete_tx.send(s); }; Ok(()) }) }); let resp = core.run(work); match resp { Ok(_good) => (), Err(e) => println!("Error in setting up: {}", e) } }); twete_rx } //extern crate futures; //use futures::stream::Stream; //use futures::{Future, Poll, Async}; use futures::{Poll, Async}; /* fn main() { let lines = "line 1.\nline 2...\n LINE 3 \n".as_bytes(); let bytestream = futures::stream::iter(lines.iter().map(|byte| -> Result<_, ()> { Ok(*byte) })); let linestream = LineStream::new(bytestream); linestream.for_each(|line| { println!("Bytes: {:?}", line); println!("Line: {}", String::from_utf8(line).unwrap()); Ok(()) }).wait().unwrap() } */ struct LineStream where S: Stream { stream: S, progress: Vec } impl LineStream where S: Stream + Sized { pub fn new(stream: S) -> LineStream { LineStream { stream: stream, progress: vec![] } } } impl Stream for LineStream where S: Stream { type Item = Vec; type Error = E; fn poll(&mut self) -> Poll, Self::Error> { loop { match self.stream.poll() { Ok(Async::Ready(Some(byte))) => { if byte == 0x0a { let mut new_vec = vec![]; std::mem::swap(&mut self.progress, &mut new_vec); return Ok(Async::Ready(Some(new_vec))) } else { self.progress.push(byte) } }, Ok(Async::Ready(None)) => return Ok(Async::Ready(None)), Ok(Async::NotReady) => return Ok(Async::NotReady), Err(e) => return Err(e) } } } }