use tw; use std; use std::collections::HashMap; use hyper; use ::Queryer; use tw::TweetId; use commands::Command; static FAV_TWEET_URL: &str = ""; static UNFAV_TWEET_URL: &str = ""; pub static AUTH: Command = Command { keyword: "auth", params: 0, exec: auth, // TODO: support account-specific auth? profile name spec? help_str: "Begin PIN-based account auth process. Second step is the `pin` command." }; static OAUTH_REQUEST_TOKEN_URL: &str = ""; static OAUTH_AUTHORIZE_URL: &str = ""; static OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN_URL: &str = ""; fn auth(line: String, tweeter: &mut tw::TwitterCache, queryer: &mut Queryer) { // step 0: get an oauth token. // with // callback set to oob so the user will later get a PIN. // step 1: now present the correect oauth/authorize URL // this is as far as auth can get (rest depends on user PIN'ing with the right thing) let res = queryer.raw_issue_request(::signed_api_req(&format!("{}?oauth_callback=oob", OAUTH_REQUEST_TOKEN_URL), hyper::Method::Post, &tweeter.app_key)); match res { Ok(bytes) => match std::str::from_utf8(&bytes) { Ok(url) => { let parts: Vec> = url.split("&").map(|part| part.split("=").collect()).collect(); let mut as_map: HashMap<&str, &str> = HashMap::new(); for part in parts { as_map.insert(part[0], part[1]); } tweeter.WIP_auth = Some(tw::Credential { key: as_map["oauth_token"].to_owned(), secret: as_map["oauth_token_secret"].to_owned() }); tweeter.display_info.status(format!("Now enter `pin` with the code at {}?oauth_token={}", OAUTH_AUTHORIZE_URL, as_map["oauth_token"])); } Err(_) => tweeter.display_info.status("couldn't rebuild url".to_owned()) }, Err(e) => tweeter.display_info.status(format!("request token url error: {}", e)) }; } pub static PIN: Command = Command { keyword: "pin", params: 1, exec: pin, help_str: ": Complete account auth. Enter PIN from prior `auth` link to connect an account." }; fn pin(line: String, tweeter: &mut tw::TwitterCache, queryer: &mut Queryer) { if tweeter.WIP_auth.is_none() { tweeter.display_info.status("Begin authorizing an account with `auth` first.".to_owned()); return; } let res = queryer.raw_issue_request(::signed_api_req_with_token(&format!("{}?oauth_verifier={}", OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN_URL, line), hyper::Method::Post, &tweeter.app_key, &tweeter.WIP_auth.clone().unwrap())); match res { Ok(bytes) => match std::str::from_utf8(&bytes) { Ok(url) => { let parts: Vec> = url.split("&").map(|part| part.split("=").collect()).collect(); let mut as_map: HashMap<&str, &str> = HashMap::new(); for part in parts { as_map.insert(part[0], part[1]); } // turns out the "actual" oauth creds are different tweeter.add_profile(tw::Credential { key: as_map["oauth_token"].to_owned(), secret: as_map["oauth_token_secret"].to_owned() }); tweeter.WIP_auth = None; tweeter.state = tw::AppState::Reconnect; tweeter.display_info.status("Looks like you authed! Connecting...".to_owned()); }, Err(_) => tweeter.display_info.status("couldn't rebuild url".to_owned()) }, Err(e) => tweeter.display_info.status(format!("request token url error: {}", e)) }; }