use display::DisplayInfo; use tw; use ::Queryer; use tw::TweetId; use commands::Command; static DM_CREATE_URL: &str = ""; pub static DM: Command = Command { keyword: "dm", params: 1, exec: dm, param_str: " ", help_str: "Send DM to " }; fn dm(line: String, tweeter: &mut tw::TwitterCache, queryer: &mut Queryer, display_info: &mut DisplayInfo) { let user_profile = match tweeter.current_profile().map(|profile| profile.to_owned()) { Some(profile) => profile, None => { display_info.status("To send a DM you must be an authenticated user.".to_owned()); return; } }; let mut text: String = line.trim().to_string(); let text_bare = match text.find(" ") { None => "".to_owned(), Some(id_end_idx) => { text.split_off(id_end_idx + 1) } }; let dm_text = text_bare.trim(); let handle_chars = text.trim().chars().collect::>(); let normalized_handle = if handle_chars[0] == '@' { handle_chars[1..].to_vec() } else { handle_chars }.into_iter().collect::(); let encoded = ::url_encode(dm_text); let result = match tweeter.current_profile() { Some(user_profile) => { queryer.do_api_post( DM_CREATE_URL, &vec![("text", &encoded), ("screen_name", &normalized_handle)], &tweeter.app_key, &user_profile.creds ) }, None => Err("No logged in user to DM as".to_owned()) }; match result { Ok(_) => (), Err(e) => display_info.status(e) } }