use tw; use ::Queryer; use commands::Command; use std::str::FromStr; static DEL_TWEET_URL: &str = ""; static RT_TWEET_URL: &str = ""; static CREATE_TWEET_URL: &str = ""; pub static DEL: Command = Command { keyword: "del", params: 1, exec: del }; fn del(line: String, tweeter: &mut tw::TwitterCache, queryer: &mut Queryer) { let inner_twid = u64::from_str(&line).unwrap(); let twete = tweeter.tweet_by_innerid(inner_twid).unwrap(); queryer.do_api_post(&format!("{}/{}.json", DEL_TWEET_URL,; } pub static TWETE: Command = Command { keyword: "t", params: 1, exec: twete }; fn twete(line: String, _tweeter: &mut tw::TwitterCache, queryer: &mut Queryer) { let text = line.trim(); let substituted = ::url_encode(text); println!("msg len: {}", text.len()); println!("excessively long? {}", text.len() > 140); if text.len() > 140 { queryer.do_api_post(&format!("{}?status={}", CREATE_TWEET_URL, substituted)); } else { queryer.do_api_post(&format!("{}?status={}&weighted_character_count=true", CREATE_TWEET_URL, substituted)); } // println!("{}", &format!("{}?status={}", CREATE_TWEET_URL, substituted)); } pub static THREAD: Command = Command { keyword: "thread", params: 2, exec: thread }; fn thread(line: String, tweeter: &mut tw::TwitterCache, queryer: &mut Queryer) { let mut text: String = line.trim().to_string(); if let Some(id_end_idx) = text.find(" ") { let reply_bare = text.split_off(id_end_idx + 1); let reply = reply_bare.trim(); let id_str = text.trim(); if reply.len() > 0 { if let Some(inner_twid) = u64::from_str(&id_str).ok() { if let Some(twete) = tweeter.tweet_by_innerid(inner_twid) { let handle = &tweeter.retrieve_user(&twete.author_id).unwrap().handle; // TODO: definitely breaks if you change your handle right now if handle == &tweeter.current_user.handle { let substituted = ::url_encode(reply); queryer.do_api_post(&format!("{}?status={}&in_reply_to_status_id={}", CREATE_TWEET_URL, substituted,; } else { println!("you can only thread your own tweets"); // ask if it should .@ instead? } let substituted = ::url_encode(reply); queryer.do_api_post(&format!("{}?status={}&in_reply_to_status_id={}", CREATE_TWEET_URL, substituted,; } } } else { println!("thread your sik reply"); } } else { println!("thread your sik reply"); } } pub static REP: Command = Command { keyword: "rep", params: 2, exec: rep }; fn rep(line: String, tweeter: &mut tw::TwitterCache, queryer: &mut Queryer) { let mut text: String = line.trim().to_string(); if let Some(id_end_idx) = text.find(" ") { let reply_bare = text.split_off(id_end_idx + 1); let reply = reply_bare.trim(); let id_str = text.trim(); if reply.len() > 0 { if let Some(inner_twid) = u64::from_str(&id_str).ok() { if let Some(twete) = tweeter.tweet_by_innerid(inner_twid) { // get handles to reply to... let author_handle = tweeter.retrieve_user(&twete.author_id).unwrap().handle.to_owned(); let mut ats: Vec = twete.get_mentions().into_iter().map(|x| x.to_owned()).collect(); //std::collections::HashSet::new(); /* for handle in twete.get_mentions() { ats.insert(handle); } */ ats.remove_item(&author_handle); ats.insert(0, author_handle); // no idea why i have to .to_owned() here --v-- what about twete.rt_tweet is a move? if let Some(rt_tweet) = twete.rt_tweet.to_owned().and_then(|id| tweeter.retrieve_tweet(&id)) { let rt_author_handle = tweeter.retrieve_user(&rt_tweet.author_id).unwrap().handle.to_owned(); ats.remove_item(&rt_author_handle); ats.insert(1, rt_author_handle); } if let Some(qt_tweet) = twete.quoted_tweet_id.to_owned().and_then(|id| tweeter.retrieve_tweet(&id)) { let qt_author_handle = tweeter.retrieve_user(&qt_tweet.author_id).unwrap().handle.to_owned(); ats.remove_item(&qt_author_handle); ats.insert(1, qt_author_handle); } //let ats_vec: Vec<&str> = ats.into_iter().collect(); //let full_reply = format!("{} {}", ats_vec.join(" "), reply); let decorated_ats: Vec = ats.into_iter().map(|x| format!("@{}", x)).collect(); let full_reply = format!("{} {}", decorated_ats.join(" "), reply); let substituted = ::url_encode(&full_reply); // println!("{}", (&format!("{}?status={}&in_reply_to_status_id={}", CREATE_TWEET_URL, substituted,; queryer.do_api_post(&format!("{}?status={}&in_reply_to_status_id={}", CREATE_TWEET_URL, substituted,; } } } else { println!("rep your sik reply"); } } else { println!("rep your sik reply"); } } pub static QUOTE: Command = Command { keyword: "qt", params: 2, exec: quote }; fn quote(line: String, tweeter: &mut tw::TwitterCache, queryer: &mut Queryer) { let mut text: String = line.trim().to_string(); if let Some(id_end_idx) = text.find(" ") { let reply_bare = text.split_off(id_end_idx + 1); let reply = reply_bare.trim(); let id_str = text.trim(); if reply.len() > 0 { if let Some(inner_twid) = u64::from_str(&id_str).ok() { if let Some(twete) = tweeter.tweet_by_innerid(inner_twid) { let substituted = ::url_encode(reply); let attachment_url = ::url_encode( &format!( "{}/status/{}", tweeter.retrieve_user(&twete.author_id).unwrap().handle, ) ); println!("{}", substituted); queryer.do_api_post( &format!("{}?status={}&attachment_url={}", CREATE_TWEET_URL, substituted, attachment_url ) ); } } } else { println!("rep your sik reply"); } } else { println!("rep your sik reply"); } } pub static RETWETE: Command = Command { keyword: "rt", params: 1, exec: retwete }; fn retwete(line: String, tweeter: &mut tw::TwitterCache, queryer: &mut Queryer) { let inner_twid = u64::from_str(&line).unwrap(); let twete = tweeter.tweet_by_innerid(inner_twid).unwrap(); queryer.do_api_post(&format!("{}/{}.json", RT_TWEET_URL,; }