use display::DisplayInfo; use tw; use ::Queryer; use tw::TweetId; use commands::Command; static DEL_TWEET_URL: &str = ""; static RT_TWEET_URL: &str = ""; static CREATE_TWEET_URL: &str = ""; pub static DEL: Command = Command { keyword: "del", params: 1, exec: del, param_str: " ", help_str: "Delete tweet " }; fn del(line: String, tweeter: &mut tw::TwitterCache, queryer: &mut Queryer, display_info: &mut DisplayInfo) { match TweetId::parse(line.clone()) { Ok(twid) => { // TODO this really converts twid to a TweetId::Twitter if let Some(twitter_id) = tweeter.retrieve_tweet(&twid).map(|x| { let result = match tweeter.current_profile() { Some(user_profile) => queryer.do_api_post(&format!("{}/{}.json", DEL_TWEET_URL, twitter_id), &tweeter.app_key, &user_profile.creds), None => Err("No logged in user to delete as".to_owned()) }; match result { Ok(_) => (), Err(e) => display_info.status(e) } } else { display_info.status(format!("No tweet for id {:?}", twid)); } }, Err(e) => { display_info.status(format!("Invalid id: {:?} ({})", line, e)); } } } pub static TWETE: Command = Command { keyword: "t", params: 0, exec: twete, param_str: "", help_str: "Enter tweet compose mode." }; fn twete(line: String, tweeter: &mut tw::TwitterCache, queryer: &mut Queryer, display_info: &mut DisplayInfo) { // if there's text, send it. // if it's just "t", enter compose mode. let text = line.trim().to_owned(); if text.len() == 0 { display_info.mode = Some(::display::DisplayMode::Compose(text)); } else { send_twete(text, tweeter, queryer, display_info); } } pub fn send_twete(text: String, tweeter: &mut tw::TwitterCache, queryer: &mut Queryer, display_info: &mut DisplayInfo) { let substituted = ::url_encode(&text); let result = match tweeter.current_profile() { Some(user_profile) => queryer.do_api_post(&format!("{}?status={}", CREATE_TWEET_URL, substituted), &tweeter.app_key, &user_profile.creds), None => Err("No logged in user to tweet as".to_owned()) }; match result { Ok(_) => (), Err(e) => display_info.status(e) } } pub static THREAD: Command = Command { keyword: "thread", params: 2, exec: thread, param_str: " ", // should be optional.. // TODO: make it actually do this.. help_str: "Enter compose mode, appending to a thread" }; // the difference between threading and replying is not including // yourself in th @'s. fn thread(line: String, tweeter: &mut tw::TwitterCache, queryer: &mut Queryer, display_info: &mut DisplayInfo) { let user_profile = match tweeter.current_profile().map(|profile| profile.to_owned()) { Some(profile) => profile, None => { display_info.status("To reply you must be authenticated as a user.".to_owned()); return; } }; let mut text: String = line.trim().to_string(); if let Some(id_end_idx) = text.find(" ") { let reply_bare = text.split_off(id_end_idx + 1); let reply = reply_bare.trim(); let id_str = text.trim(); if reply.len() > 0 { let maybe_id = TweetId::parse(id_str.to_owned()); match maybe_id { Ok(twid) => { if let Some(twete) = tweeter.retrieve_tweet(&twid).map(|x| x.clone()) { // TODO: no clone when this stops taking &mut self let handle = &tweeter.retrieve_user(&twete.author_id).unwrap().handle.to_owned(); // TODO: definitely breaks if you change your handle right now if handle == &user_profile.user.handle { send_reply(reply.to_owned(), twid, tweeter, queryer, user_profile.creds, display_info); } else { display_info.status("you can only thread your own tweets".to_owned()); // ask if it should .@ instead? } } } Err(e) => { display_info.status(format!("Invalid id: {}", e)); } } } else { display_info.status("thread your sik reply".to_owned()); } } else { display_info.status("thread your sik reply".to_owned()); } } pub static REP: Command = Command { keyword: "rep", params: 1, exec: rep, param_str: " ", // TODO: doc immediate reply mode help_str: "Enter compose mode to reply to " }; fn rep(line: String, tweeter: &mut tw::TwitterCache, queryer: &mut Queryer, display_info: &mut DisplayInfo) { let user_profile = match tweeter.current_profile().map(|profile| profile.to_owned()) { Some(profile) => profile, None => { display_info.status("To reply you must be authenticated as a user.".to_owned()); return; } }; let mut text: String = line.trim().to_string(); let reply_bare = match text.find(" ") { None => "".to_owned(), Some(id_end_idx) => { text.split_off(id_end_idx + 1) } }; let reply = reply_bare.trim(); let id_str = text.trim(); let maybe_id = TweetId::parse(id_str.to_owned()); match maybe_id { Ok(twid) => { if let Some(twete) = tweeter.retrieve_tweet(&twid).map(|x| x.clone()) { // TODO: no clone when this stops taking &mut self // get handles to reply to... let author_handle = tweeter.retrieve_user(&twete.author_id).unwrap().handle.to_owned(); let mut ats: Vec = twete.get_mentions(); //std::collections::HashSet::new(); ats.remove_item(&author_handle); ats.insert(0, author_handle); if let Some(rt_tweet) = twete.rt_tweet.and_then(|id| tweeter.retrieve_tweet(&TweetId::Twitter(id))).map(|x| x.clone()) { let rt_author_handle = tweeter.retrieve_user(&rt_tweet.author_id).unwrap().handle.to_owned(); ats.remove_item(&rt_author_handle); ats.insert(1, rt_author_handle); } // if you're directly replying to yourself, i trust you know what you're doing and // want to @ yourself again (this keeps self-replies from showing up on your // profile as threaded tweets, f.ex) if !(ats.len() > 0 && &ats[0] == &user_profile.user.handle) { ats.remove_item(&user_profile.user.handle); } //let ats_vec: Vec<&str> = ats.into_iter().collect(); //let full_reply = format!("{} {}", ats_vec.join(" "), reply); let decorated_ats: Vec = ats.into_iter().map(|x| format!("@{}", x)).collect(); let full_reply = format!("{} {}", decorated_ats.join(" "), reply); if reply.len() > 0 { send_reply(full_reply, twid, tweeter, queryer, user_profile.creds, display_info); } else { display_info.mode = Some(::display::DisplayMode::Reply(twid, full_reply)); } } else { display_info.status(format!("No tweet for id: {:?}", twid)); } }, Err(e) => { display_info.status(format!("Cannot parse input: {:?} ({})", id_str, e)); } } } pub fn send_reply(text: String, twid: TweetId, tweeter: &mut tw::TwitterCache, queryer: &mut Queryer, user_creds: tw::Credential, display_info: &mut DisplayInfo) { if let Some(twete) = tweeter.retrieve_tweet(&twid).map(|x| x.clone()) { // TODO: no clone when this stops taking &mut self let substituted = ::url_encode(&text); let result = match tweeter.current_profile() { Some(user_profile) => { queryer.do_api_post(&format!("{}?status={}&in_reply_to_status_id={}", CREATE_TWEET_URL, substituted,, &tweeter.app_key, &user_creds) }, None => Err("No logged in user to tweet as".to_owned()) }; match result { Ok(_) => (), Err(e) => display_info.status(e) } } else { display_info.status(format!("Tweet stopped existing: {:?}", twid)); } } pub static QUOTE: Command = Command { keyword: "qt", params: 2, exec: quote, param_str: " ", help_str: "Quote with context " }; fn quote(line: String, tweeter: &mut tw::TwitterCache, queryer: &mut Queryer, display_info: &mut DisplayInfo) { let mut text: String = line.trim().to_string(); if let Some(id_end_idx) = text.find(" ") { let reply_bare = text.split_off(id_end_idx + 1); let reply = reply_bare.trim(); let id_str = text.trim(); if reply.len() > 0 { let maybe_id = TweetId::parse(id_str.to_owned()); match maybe_id { Ok(twid) => { if let Some(twete) = tweeter.retrieve_tweet(&twid).map(|x| x.clone()) { // TODO: no clone when this stops taking &mut self let substituted = ::url_encode(reply); let attachment_url = ::url_encode( &format!( "{}/status/{}", tweeter.retrieve_user(&twete.author_id).unwrap().handle, // TODO: for now this is ok ish, if we got the tweet we have the author ) ); let result = match tweeter.current_profile() { Some(user_profile) => { queryer.do_api_post( &format!("{}?status={}&attachment_url={}", CREATE_TWEET_URL, substituted, attachment_url ), &tweeter.app_key, &user_profile.creds ) }, None => Err("No logged in user to tweet as".to_owned()) }; match result { Ok(_) => (), Err(e) => display_info.status(e) } } else { display_info.status(format!("No tweet found for id {:?}", twid)); } }, Err(e) => { display_info.status(format!("Invalid id: {:?}", id_str)); } } } else { display_info.status("rep your sik reply".to_owned()); } } else { display_info.status("rep your sik reply".to_owned()); } } pub static RETWETE: Command = Command { keyword: "rt", params: 1, exec: retwete, param_str: " ", help_str: "Retweet " }; fn retwete(line: String, tweeter: &mut tw::TwitterCache, queryer: &mut Queryer, display_info: &mut DisplayInfo) { match TweetId::parse(line.clone()) { Ok(twid) => { // TODO this really converts twid to a TweetId::Twitter if let Some(twitter_id) = tweeter.retrieve_tweet(&twid).map(|x| { let result = match tweeter.current_profile() { Some(user_profile) => { queryer.do_api_post(&format!("{}/{}.json", RT_TWEET_URL, twitter_id), &tweeter.app_key, &user_profile.creds) }, None => Err("No logged in user to retweet as".to_owned()) }; match result { Ok(_) => (), Err(e) => display_info.status(e) } } else { display_info.status(format!("No tweet for id {:?}", twid)); } }, Err(e) => { display_info.status(format!("Invalid id: {:?}", line)); } } }