extern crate termion; use std::io::Write; use std::io::stdout; use self::termion::color; use self::termion::{clear, cursor}; use ::tw; use ::tw::TweetId; use std; #[derive(Clone)] pub enum DisplayMode { Compose(String), Reply(TweetId, String) } #[derive(Clone)] pub enum Infos { Tweet(TweetId), TweetWithContext(TweetId, String), Thread(Vec), Event(tw::events::Event), DM(String), User(tw::user::User), Text(Vec) } const COMPOSE_HEIGHT: u16 = 5; pub struct DisplayInfo { pub log_height: u16, pub prompt_height: u16, pub mode: Option, pub log_seek: u32, pub infos_seek: u32, pub log: Vec, pub infos: Vec, pub input_buf: Vec } impl Default for DisplayInfo { fn default() -> Self { DisplayInfo { log_height: 4, prompt_height: 3, mode: None, log_seek: 0, infos_seek: 0, log: Vec::new(), infos: Vec::new(), input_buf: Vec::new() } } } impl DisplayInfo { pub fn status(&mut self, stat: String) { self.log.push(stat); } pub fn recv(&mut self, info: Infos) { self.infos.push(info); } pub fn ui_height(&self) -> u16 { self.log_height + self.prompt_height } } /* * wraps x so each line is width or fewer characters, after splitting by \n. */ fn into_display_lines(x: Vec, width: u16) -> Vec { let split_on_newline: Vec = x.into_iter() .flat_map(|x| x.split("\n") .map(|x| x.to_owned()) .collect::>() ).collect(); let wrapped: Vec = split_on_newline.iter() .map(|x| x.chars().collect::>()) .flat_map(|x| x.chunks(width as usize) .map(|x| x.into_iter().collect::()) .collect::>()) .collect(); wrapped } pub fn paint(tweeter: &mut ::tw::TwitterCache) -> Result<(), std::io::Error> { match termion::terminal_size() { Ok((width, height)) => { // draw input prompt let mut i = 0; let log_size = 4; let last_elem = tweeter.display_info.log.len().saturating_sub(log_size); { let to_show = tweeter.display_info.log[last_elem..].iter().rev(); for line in to_show { print!("{}{}{}/{}: {}", cursor::Goto(1, height - i), clear::CurrentLine, tweeter.display_info.log.len() - 1 - i as usize, tweeter.display_info.log.len() - 1, line); i = i + 1; } } while i < log_size as u16 { print!("{}{}", cursor::Goto(1, height - i), clear::CurrentLine); i = i + 1; } // draw status lines // draw tweets let last_tail_twevent = tweeter.display_info.infos.len().saturating_sub(tweeter.display_info.infos_seek as usize); let first_tail_twevent = last_tail_twevent.saturating_sub(height as usize - 4); let last_few_twevent: Vec = tweeter.display_info.infos[first_tail_twevent..last_tail_twevent].iter().map(|x| x.clone()).rev().collect::>(); let mut h = tweeter.display_info.ui_height(); /* * draw in whatever based on mode... */ match tweeter.display_info.mode.clone() { None => { print!("{}{}", cursor::Goto(1, height - 6), clear::CurrentLine); print!("{}{}@{}>{}", cursor::Goto(1, height - 5), clear::CurrentLine, tweeter.current_user.handle, tweeter.display_info.input_buf.clone().into_iter().collect::()); print!("{}{}", cursor::Goto(1, height - 4), clear::CurrentLine); } Some(DisplayMode::Compose(x)) => { let mut lines: Vec = into_display_lines(x.split("\n").map(|x| x.to_owned()).collect(), width - 2); if lines.len() == 0 { lines.push("".to_owned()); } // TODO: properly probe tweet length lim lines.push(format!("{}/{}", x.len(), 140)); lines.insert(0, "".to_owned()); let mut lines_drawn: u16 = 0; for line in lines.into_iter().rev() { print!("{}{} {}{}{}{}", cursor::Goto(1, height - 4 - lines_drawn), clear::CurrentLine, color::Bg(color::Blue), line, std::iter::repeat(" ").take((width as usize).saturating_sub(line.len() + 2)).collect::(), termion::style::Reset ); lines_drawn += 1; } h += (lines_drawn - 3); } Some(DisplayMode::Reply(twid, msg)) => { let mut lines = into_display_lines(render_twete(&twid, tweeter), width - 2); lines.push(" -------- ".to_owned()); lines.extend(into_display_lines(msg.split("\n").map(|x| x.to_owned()).collect(), width - 2)); if lines.len() == 0 { lines.push("".to_owned()); } // TODO: properly probe tweet length lim lines.push(format!("{}/{}", msg.len(), 140)); lines.insert(0, "".to_owned()); let mut lines_drawn: u16 = 0; for line in lines.into_iter().rev() { print!("{}{} {}{}{}{}", cursor::Goto(1, height - 4 - lines_drawn), clear::CurrentLine, color::Bg(color::Blue), line, std::iter::repeat(" ").take((width as usize).saturating_sub(line.len() + 2)).collect::(), termion::style::Reset ); lines_drawn += 1; } h += (lines_drawn - 3); } Some(_) => { } } for info in last_few_twevent { let to_draw: Vec = match info { Infos::Text(lines) => { let wrapped = into_display_lines(lines, width); wrapped.into_iter().rev().collect() } Infos::Tweet(id) => { let pre_split: Vec = render_twete(&id, tweeter); let total_length: usize = pre_split.iter().map(|x| x.len()).sum(); let wrapped = if total_length <= 1024 { into_display_lines(pre_split, width) } else { vec!["This tweet discarded for your convenience".to_owned()] }; wrapped.into_iter().rev().collect() } Infos::TweetWithContext(id, context) => { let mut lines = render_twete(&id, tweeter).iter().map(|x| x.to_owned()).rev().collect::>(); lines.push(context); lines } Infos::Thread(ids) => { // TODO: group together thread elements by the same person a little // better.. let mut tweets: Vec> = ids.iter().rev().map(|x| into_display_lines(render_twete(x, tweeter), width)).collect(); let last = tweets.pop(); let mut lines = tweets.into_iter().fold(Vec::new(), |mut sum, lines| { sum.extend(lines); sum.extend(vec![ " ^".to_owned(), " |".to_owned() ]); sum }); if let Some(last_lines) = last { lines.extend(last_lines); } //let mut lines = vec![format!("{}{}I'd show a thread if I knew how", cursor::Goto(1, height - h), clear::CurrentLine)]; lines.push("".to_owned()); // lines.push(format!("link: https://twitter.com/i/web/status/{}", id)); lines.into_iter().rev().collect() }, Infos::Event(e) => { let pre_split = e.clone().render(tweeter); let total_length: usize = pre_split.iter().map(|x| x.len()).sum(); let wrapped = if total_length <= 1024 { into_display_lines(pre_split, width) } else { vec!["This tweet discarded for your convenience".to_owned()] }; wrapped.into_iter().rev().collect() }, Infos::DM(msg) => { let mut lines = vec![format!("{}{}{} DM:", cursor::Goto(1, height - h), clear::CurrentLine, "from")]; lines.push(msg); lines } Infos::User(user) => { vec![ format!("{} (@{})", user.name, user.handle) ] } }; for line in to_draw { print!("{}{}{}", cursor::Goto(1, height - h), clear::CurrentLine, line); h = h + 1; if h >= height { print!("{}", cursor::Goto(2, height - 6)); return stdout().flush(); } } print!("{}{}", cursor::Goto(1, height - h), clear::CurrentLine); h = h + 1; if h >= height { print!("{}", cursor::Goto(2, height - 6)); return stdout().flush(); } } while h < height { print!("{}{}", cursor::Goto(1, height - h), clear::CurrentLine); h = h + 1; } print!("{}", cursor::Goto(2 + 1 + tweeter.current_user.handle.len() as u16 + tweeter.display_info.input_buf.len() as u16, height - 5)); stdout().flush()?; }, Err(e) => { println!("Can't get term dimensions: {}", e); } } Ok(()) } fn color_for(handle: &String) -> termion::color::Fg<&color::Color> { let color_map: Vec<&color::Color> = vec![ &color::Blue, &color::Cyan, &color::Green, &color::LightBlue, &color::LightCyan, &color::LightGreen, &color::LightMagenta, &color::LightYellow, &color::Magenta, &color::Yellow ]; let mut quot_hash_quot = std::num::Wrapping(0); for b in handle.as_bytes().iter() { quot_hash_quot = quot_hash_quot + std::num::Wrapping(*b); } color::Fg(color_map[quot_hash_quot.0 as usize % color_map.len()]) } pub trait Render { fn render(self, tweeter: &mut ::tw::TwitterCache) -> Vec; } impl Render for tw::events::Event { fn render(self, tweeter: &mut ::tw::TwitterCache) -> Vec { let mut result = Vec::new(); match self { tw::events::Event::Quoted { user_id, twete_id } => { result.push("---------------------------------".to_string()); { let user = tweeter.retrieve_user(&user_id).unwrap(); result.push(format!(" quoted_tweet : {} (@{})", user.name, user.handle)); } render_twete(&TweetId::Twitter(twete_id), tweeter); } tw::events::Event::Deleted { user_id, twete_id } => { if let Some(handle) = tweeter.retrieve_user(&user_id).map(|x| &x.handle).map(|x| x.clone()) { if let Some(_tweet) = tweeter.retrieve_tweet(&TweetId::Twitter(twete_id.to_owned())).map(|x| x.clone()) { result.push(format!("-------------DELETED------------------")); result.extend(render_twete(&TweetId::Twitter(twete_id), tweeter)); result.push(format!("-------------DELETED------------------")); } else { result.push(format!("dunno what, but do know who: {} - {}", user_id, handle)); } } else { result.push("delete... dunno who".to_string()); } }, tw::events::Event::RT_RT { user_id, twete_id } => { result.push("---------------------------------".to_string()); { let user = tweeter.retrieve_user(&user_id).unwrap(); result.push(format!(" +rt_rt : {} (@{})", user.name, user.handle)); } result.extend(render_twete(&TweetId::Twitter(twete_id), tweeter)); }, tw::events::Event::Fav_RT { user_id, twete_id } => { result.push("---------------------------------".to_string()); if let Some(user) = tweeter.retrieve_user(&user_id) { result.push(format!(" +rt_fav : {} (@{})", user.name, user.handle)); } else { result.push(format!(" +rt_fav but don't know who {} is", user_id)); } result.extend(render_twete(&TweetId::Twitter(twete_id), tweeter)); }, tw::events::Event::Fav { user_id, twete_id } => { result.push("---------------------------------".to_string()); { let user = tweeter.retrieve_user(&user_id).unwrap(); result.push(format!("{} +fav : {} (@{}){}", color::Fg(color::Yellow), user.name, user.handle, color::Fg(color::Reset))); } result.extend(render_twete(&TweetId::Twitter(twete_id), tweeter)); }, tw::events::Event::Unfav { user_id, twete_id } => { result.push("---------------------------------".to_string()); { let user = tweeter.retrieve_user(&user_id).unwrap(); result.push(format!("{} -fav : {} (@{}){}", color::Fg(color::Yellow), user.name, user.handle, color::Fg(color::Reset))); } result.extend(render_twete(&TweetId::Twitter(twete_id), tweeter)); }, tw::events::Event::Followed { user_id } => { result.push("---------------------------------".to_string()); let user = tweeter.retrieve_user(&user_id).unwrap(); result.push(format!(" +fl : {} (@{})", user.name, user.handle)); }, tw::events::Event::Unfollowed { user_id } => { result.push("---------------------------------".to_string()); let user = tweeter.retrieve_user(&user_id).unwrap(); result.push(format!(" -fl : {} (@{})", user.name, user.handle)); } /* Blocked(user_id) => { }, */ } result } } pub fn render_twete(twete_id: &TweetId, tweeter: &mut tw::TwitterCache) -> Vec { let mut result = Vec::new(); let id_color = color::Fg(color::Rgb(180, 80, 40)); match tweeter.retrieve_tweet(twete_id).map(|x| x.clone()) { Some(twete) => { // if we got the tweet, the API gave us the user too let user = tweeter.retrieve_user(&twete.author_id).map(|x| x.clone()).unwrap(); match twete.rt_tweet { Some(ref rt_id) => { // same for a retweet let rt = tweeter.retrieve_tweet(&TweetId::Twitter(rt_id.to_owned())).unwrap().clone(); // and its author let rt_author = tweeter.retrieve_user(&rt.author_id).unwrap().clone(); result.push(format!("{} id {} (rt id {}){}{}", id_color, rt.internal_id, twete.internal_id, rt.reply_to_tweet.clone() .map(|id_str| TweetId::Twitter(id_str.to_owned())) .map(|id| tweeter.retrieve_tweet(&id) .and_then(|tw| Some(format!(" reply to {}", tw.internal_id))) .unwrap_or(format!(" reply to {}", id)) ) .unwrap_or("".to_string()), color::Fg(color::Reset) )); result.push(format!(" {}{}{} ({}@{}{}) via {}{}{} ({}@{}{}) RT:", color_for(&rt_author.handle), rt_author.name, color::Fg(color::Reset), color_for(&rt_author.handle), rt_author.handle, color::Fg(color::Reset), color_for(&user.handle), user.name, color::Fg(color::Reset), color_for(&user.handle), user.handle, color::Fg(color::Reset) )); } None => { result.push(format!("{} id {}{}{}", id_color, twete.internal_id, twete.reply_to_tweet.clone() .map(|id_str| TweetId::Twitter(id_str.to_owned())) .map(|id| tweeter.retrieve_tweet(&id) .and_then(|tw| Some(format!(" reply to {}", tw.internal_id))) .unwrap_or(format!(" reply to {}", id)) ) .unwrap_or("".to_string()), color::Fg(color::Reset) )); result.push(format!(" {}{}{} ({}@{}{})", color_for(&user.handle), user.name, color::Fg(color::Reset), color_for(&user.handle), user.handle, color::Fg(color::Reset) )); } } result.extend( format!(" {}", twete.text.replace("\r", "\\r").split("\n").collect::>().join("\n ")).split("\n").map(|x| x.to_owned()) ); if let Some(ref qt_id) = twete.quoted_tweet_id { let maybe_qt = tweeter.retrieve_tweet(&TweetId::Twitter(qt_id.to_owned())).map(|x| x.to_owned()); if let Some(qt) = maybe_qt { let qt_author = tweeter.retrieve_user(&qt.author_id).unwrap().clone(); result.push(format!("{} id {}{}{}", id_color, qt.internal_id, qt.reply_to_tweet.clone() .map(|id_str| TweetId::Twitter(id_str.to_owned())) .map(|id| tweeter.retrieve_tweet(&id) .and_then(|tw| Some(format!(" reply to {}", tw.internal_id))) .unwrap_or(format!(" reply to {}", id)) ) .unwrap_or("".to_string()), color::Fg(color::Reset) )); result.push(format!( " {}{}{} ({}@{}{})", color_for(&qt_author.handle), qt_author.name, color::Fg(color::Reset), color_for(&qt_author.handle), qt_author.handle, color::Fg(color::Reset) )); result.push(format!( " {}", qt.text.replace("\r", "\\r").split("\n").collect::>().join("\n ") )); } else { result.push(format!(" << don't have quoted tweet! >>")); } } }, None => { result.push(format!("No such tweet: {:?}", twete_id)); } } result }