#![feature(vec_remove_item)] extern crate serde_json; extern crate termion; extern crate termios; use termios::{Termios, TCSANOW, ECHO, ICANON, tcsetattr}; use termion::input::TermRead; use termion::event::{Event, Key}; use std::str; //use std::io::BufRead; use std::io::stdin; #[macro_use] extern crate chan; extern crate url; #[macro_use] extern crate hyper; #[macro_use] extern crate serde_derive; extern crate oauthcli; extern crate tokio_core; extern crate futures; extern crate hyper_tls; use hyper::{Client, Method, Request}; //use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet}; use tokio_core::reactor::Core; use futures::future::Future; use futures::Stream; //use hyper::client::FutureResponse; use hyper_tls::HttpsConnector; //use json_streamer::JsonObjectStreamer; mod linestream; use linestream::LineStream; mod tw; mod display; mod commands; static STREAMURL: &str = "https://userstream.twitter.com/1.1/user.json?tweet_mode=extended"; static TWEET_LOOKUP_URL: &str = "https://api.twitter.com/1.1/statuses/show.json?tweet_mode=extended"; static USER_LOOKUP_URL: &str = "https://api.twitter.com/1.1/users/show.json"; static ACCOUNT_SETTINGS_URL: &str = "https://api.twitter.com/1.1/account/settings.json"; static GET_FOLLOWER_IDS_URL: &str = "https://api.twitter.com/1.1/followers/ids.json?stringify_ids=true"; header! { (Authorization, "Authorization") => [String] } header! { (Accept, "Accept") => [String] } header! { (ContentType, "Content-Type") => [String] } header! { (Cookie, "cookie") => [String] } pub struct Queryer { client: hyper::client::Client>, core: Core } impl Queryer { fn do_api_get(&mut self, url: &str, app_cred: &tw::Credential, user_cred: &tw::Credential) -> Result { self.issue_request(signed_api_get(url, app_cred, user_cred)) } fn do_api_post(&mut self, url: &str, app_cred: &tw::Credential, user_cred: &tw::Credential) -> Result { self.issue_request(signed_api_post(url, app_cred, user_cred)) } /* fn do_web_req(&mut self, url: &str) -> Option { self.issue_request(signed_web_get(url)) }*/ // TODO: make this return the status as well! fn issue_request(&mut self, req: hyper::client::Request) -> Result { let resp_body = self.raw_issue_request(req); resp_body.and_then(|body| serde_json::from_slice(&body).map_err(|e| e.to_string())) } fn raw_issue_request(&mut self, req: hyper::client::Request) -> Result, String> { let lookup = self.client.request(req); let resp: hyper::Response = self.core.run(lookup).unwrap(); let status = resp.status().clone(); let chunks: Vec = self.core.run(resp.body().collect()).unwrap(); let resp_body: Vec = chunks.into_iter().flat_map(|chunk| chunk.into_iter()).collect(); if status != hyper::StatusCode::Ok { Err(format!("!! Requests returned status: {} - {:?}", status, std::str::from_utf8(&resp_body))) } else { Ok(resp_body) } } } /* fn signed_web_get(url: &str) -> hyper::client::Request { // let params: Vec<(String, String)> = vec![("track".to_string(), "london".to_string())]; let params: Vec<(String, String)> = vec![]; let param_string: String = params.iter().map(|p| p.0.clone() + &"=".to_string() + &p.1).collect::>().join("&"); let header = oauthcli::authorization_header( "GET", url::Url::parse(url).unwrap(), None, // Realm consumer_key, consumer_secret, Some(token), Some(token_secret), oauthcli::SignatureMethod::HmacSha1, &oauthcli::timestamp(), &oauthcli::nonce(), None, // oauth_callback None, // oauth_verifier params.clone().into_iter() ); let mut req = Request::new(Method::Get, url.parse().unwrap()); req.set_body(param_string); { let mut headers = req.headers_mut(); headers.set(Cookie(format!("auth_token={}", lol_auth_token))); headers.set(Accept("* / *".to_owned())); headers.set(ContentType("application/x-www-form-urlencoded".to_owned())); }; req } */ fn signed_api_post(url: &str, app_cred: &tw::Credential, user_cred: &tw::Credential) -> hyper::client::Request { signed_api_req_with_token(url, Method::Post, app_cred, user_cred) } fn signed_api_get(url: &str, app_cred: &tw::Credential, user_cred: &tw::Credential) -> hyper::client::Request { signed_api_req_with_token(url, Method::Get, app_cred, user_cred) } fn signed_api_req_with_token(url: &str, method: Method, app_cred: &tw::Credential, user_cred: &tw::Credential) -> hyper::client::Request { inner_signed_api_req(url, method, app_cred, Some(user_cred)) } fn signed_api_req(url: &str, method: Method, app_cred: &tw::Credential) -> hyper::client::Request { inner_signed_api_req(url, method, app_cred, None) } fn inner_signed_api_req(url: &str, method: Method, app_cred: &tw::Credential, maybe_user_cred: Option<&tw::Credential>) -> hyper::client::Request { // let params: Vec<(String, String)> = vec![("track".to_string(), "london".to_string())]; let method_string = match method { Method::Get => "GET", Method::Post => "POST", _ => panic!(format!("unsupported method {}", method)) }; let params: Vec<(String, String)> = vec![]; let _param_string: String = params.iter().map(|p| p.0.clone() + &"=".to_string() + &p.1).collect::>().join("&"); let parsed_url = url::Url::parse(url).unwrap(); let mut builder = oauthcli::OAuthAuthorizationHeaderBuilder::new( method_string, &parsed_url, app_cred.key.to_owned(), app_cred.secret.to_owned(), oauthcli::SignatureMethod::HmacSha1, ); if let Some(user_cred) = maybe_user_cred { builder.token(user_cred.key.to_owned(), user_cred.secret.to_owned()); } let header = builder.finish(); let mut req = Request::new(method, url.parse().unwrap()); { let headers = req.headers_mut(); headers.set(Authorization(header.to_string())); headers.set(Accept("*/*".to_owned())); }; req } static mut connection_id: u8 = 0; fn get_id() -> u8 { unsafe { let curr_id = connection_id; connection_id += 1; curr_id } } fn main() { //Track words // let url = "https://stream.twitter.com/1.1/statuses/filter.json"; // let url = "https://stream.twitter.com/1.1/statuses/sample.json"; let (ui_tx, mut ui_rx) = chan::sync::>(0); // I *would* want to load this before spawning the thread, but.. // tokio_core::reactor::Inner can't be moved between threads safely // and beacuse it's an Option-al field, it might be present // and rustc says nooooo // // even though it's not ever present before here println!("Loading cache..."); let mut tweeter = tw::TwitterCache::load_cache(); tweeter.display_info.status("Cache loaded".to_owned()); let (twete_tx, twete_rx) = chan::sync::<(u8, Vec)>(0); let (coordination_tx, coordination_rx) = chan::sync::<(u8, TwitterConnectionState)>(0); for (ref profile_name, ref profile) in &tweeter.profiles { connect_twitter_stream(tweeter.app_key.clone(), profile_name.to_string(), profile.creds.clone(), twete_tx.clone(), coordination_tx.clone(), get_id()); } std::thread::spawn(move || { for input in stdin().events() { ui_tx.send(input); } }); let c2 = Core::new().unwrap(); // i swear this is not where the botnet lives let handle = &c2.handle(); let secondary_connector = HttpsConnector::new(4, handle).unwrap(); let secondary_client = Client::configure() .connector(secondary_connector) .build(handle); let mut queryer = Queryer { client: secondary_client, core: c2 }; let termios = Termios::from_fd(0).unwrap(); let mut new_termios = termios.clone(); // fix terminal to not echo, thanks new_termios.c_lflag &= !(ICANON | ECHO); tcsetattr(0, TCSANOW, &new_termios).unwrap(); match display::paint(&mut tweeter) { Ok(_) => (), Err(e) => println!("{}", e) // TODO: we got here because writing to stdout failed. what to do now? }; do_ui(ui_rx, twete_rx, &twete_tx, coordination_rx, &coordination_tx, &mut tweeter, &mut queryer); tcsetattr(0, TCSANOW, &termios); } fn handle_input(event: termion::event::Event, tweeter: &mut tw::TwitterCache, queryer: &mut ::Queryer) { match event { Event::Key(Key::Backspace) => { match tweeter.display_info.mode.clone() { None => { tweeter.display_info.input_buf.pop(); }, Some(display::DisplayMode::Compose(msg)) => { let mut newstr = msg.clone(); newstr.pop(); tweeter.display_info.mode = Some(display::DisplayMode::Compose(newstr)); }, Some(display::DisplayMode::Reply(twid, msg)) => { let mut newstr = msg.clone(); newstr.pop(); tweeter.display_info.mode = Some(display::DisplayMode::Reply(twid, newstr)); } } } // would Shift('\n') but.. that doesn't exist. // would Ctrl('\n') but.. that doesn't work. Event::Key(Key::Ctrl('u')) => { match tweeter.display_info.mode.clone() { None => tweeter.display_info.input_buf = vec![], Some(display::DisplayMode::Compose(msg)) => { // TODO: clear only one line? tweeter.display_info.mode = Some(display::DisplayMode::Compose("".to_owned())); } Some(display::DisplayMode::Reply(twid, msg)) => { tweeter.display_info.mode = Some(display::DisplayMode::Reply(twid, "".to_owned())); } } } Event::Key(Key::Ctrl('n')) => { match tweeter.display_info.mode.clone() { Some(display::DisplayMode::Compose(msg)) => { tweeter.display_info.mode = Some(display::DisplayMode::Compose(format!("{}{}", msg, "\n"))); } _ => {} } } // TODO: ctrl+u, ctrl+w Event::Key(Key::Char(x)) => { match tweeter.display_info.mode.clone() { None => { if x == '\n' { let line = tweeter.display_info.input_buf.drain(..).collect::(); tweeter.handle_user_input(line.into_bytes(), queryer); } else { tweeter.display_info.input_buf.push(x); } } Some(display::DisplayMode::Compose(msg)) => { if x == '\n' { // TODO: move this somewhere better. ::commands::twete::send_twete(msg, tweeter, queryer); tweeter.display_info.mode = None; } else { tweeter.display_info.mode = Some(display::DisplayMode::Compose(format!("{}{}", msg, x))); } } Some(display::DisplayMode::Reply(twid, msg)) => { if x == '\n' { match tweeter.current_profile().map(|profile| profile.to_owned()) { Some(profile) => { // TODO: move this somewhere better. ::commands::twete::send_reply(msg, twid, tweeter, queryer, profile.creds); }, None => { tweeter.display_info.status("Cannot reply when not logged in".to_owned()); } } tweeter.display_info.mode = None; } else { tweeter.display_info.mode = Some(display::DisplayMode::Reply(twid, format!("{}{}", msg, x))); } } } }, Event::Key(Key::End) => { tweeter.display_info.infos_seek = 0; } Event::Key(Key::PageUp) => { tweeter.display_info.infos_seek = tweeter.display_info.infos_seek.saturating_add(1); } Event::Key(Key::PageDown) => { tweeter.display_info.infos_seek = tweeter.display_info.infos_seek.saturating_sub(1); } Event::Key(Key::Esc) => { tweeter.display_info.mode = None; } Event::Key(_) => { } Event::Mouse(_) => { } Event::Unsupported(_) => {} } } fn handle_twitter_line(conn_id: u8, line: Vec, mut tweeter: &mut tw::TwitterCache, mut queryer: &mut ::Queryer) { let jsonstr = std::str::from_utf8(&line).unwrap().trim(); /* TODO: replace from_str with from_slice? */ match serde_json::from_str(&jsonstr) { Ok(json) => { tw::handle_message(conn_id, json, &mut tweeter, &mut queryer); if tweeter.needs_save && tweeter.caching_permitted { tweeter.store_cache(); } }, Err(e) => tweeter.display_info.status(format!("Error reading twitter line: {}", jsonstr)) } } fn do_ui( ui_rx: chan::Receiver>, twete_rx: chan::Receiver<(u8, Vec)>, twete_tx: &chan::Sender<(u8, Vec)>, coordination_rx: chan::Receiver<(u8, TwitterConnectionState)>, coordination_tx: &chan::Sender<(u8, TwitterConnectionState)>, mut tweeter: &mut tw::TwitterCache, mut queryer: &mut ::Queryer ) { loop { chan_select! { coordination_rx.recv() -> coordination => { match coordination { Some((conn_id, coordination)) => { match coordination { TwitterConnectionState::Connecting(profile_name) => { tweeter.connection_map.insert(conn_id, profile_name); }, TwitterConnectionState::Connected => { tweeter.display_info.status(format!("Stream connected for profile \"{}\"", tweeter.connection_map[&conn_id])); }, TwitterConnectionState::Closed => { tweeter.connection_map.remove(&conn_id); } } }, None => { /* if this stream closes something is terribly wrong... */ panic!("Coordination tx/rx closed!"); } } }, twete_rx.recv() -> twete => match twete { Some((conn_id, line)) => handle_twitter_line(conn_id, line, tweeter, queryer), None => { tweeter.display_info.status("Twitter stream hung up...".to_owned()); display::paint(tweeter).unwrap(); return; // if the twitter channel died, something real bad happeneed? } }, ui_rx.recv() -> user_input => match user_input { Some(Ok(event)) => handle_input(event, tweeter, queryer), Some(Err(_)) => (), /* stdin closed? */ None => return // UI ded } } // one day display_info should be distinct match display::paint(tweeter) { Ok(_) => (), Err(e) => println!("{}", e) // TODO: we got here because writing to stdout failed. what to do now? }; match tweeter.state.clone() { tw::AppState::ShowHelp => { let mut help_lines: Vec = vec![ " Tweets", " ", "Tweets are identified in four (really, three) ways:", " twitter:1235 - there's no local copy for it, when you look it up I'll have to ask Twitter for it.", // TODO: " YYYYMMDD:NNNN - NNNN'th tweet on YYYYMMDD. Numbered as I got them, not by date tweet was made. For example, 20170803:NNNN. NOTE: not currently well supported. Don't even try to use.", " :NNNN - NNNN'th tweet since the first I saw.", // TODO: " NNNN - NNNN'th tweet of today. Again, numbered by the order I saw it. NOTE: currently this isn't well supported. Use the :ID format above with the same number for now", " (ex: you want to reply to a tweet `id 1234`, do `rep :1234`, with :, rather than without)", " ", "Tweets can be made immediately by providing the text as part of a command,", " (like `t hello, world!`)", "or in \"compose mode\" with relevant context shown. If you end up in compose mode and want to get back to a normal prompt, press escape.", " ", " Commands", " " ].into_iter().map(|x| x.to_owned()).collect(); for command in commands::COMMANDS { help_lines.push(format!("{}{: { tweeter.state = tw::AppState::View; match tweeter.profiles.get(&profile_name).map(|profile| profile.creds.to_owned()) { Some(user_creds) => { connect_twitter_stream(tweeter.app_key.clone(), profile_name, user_creds, twete_tx.clone(), coordination_tx.clone(), get_id()) }, None => { tweeter.display_info.status(format!("No profile named {}", profile_name)); } } }, tw::AppState::Shutdown => { tweeter.display_info.status("Saving cache...".to_owned()); display::paint(tweeter).unwrap(); tweeter.store_cache(); tweeter.display_info.status("Bye bye!".to_owned()); display::paint(tweeter).unwrap(); return; }, tw::AppState::View | tw::AppState::Compose => { /* nothing special to do */ } }; } } fn url_encode(s: &str) -> String { s .replace("%", "%25") .replace("+", "%2b") .replace(" ", "+") .replace("\\n", "%0a") .replace("\\r", "%0d") .replace("\\esc", "%1b") .replace("!", "%21") .replace("#", "%23") .replace("$", "%24") .replace("&", "%26") .replace("'", "%27") .replace("(", "%28") .replace(")", "%29") .replace("*", "%2a") .replace(",", "%2c") .replace("-", "%2d") .replace(".", "%2e") .replace("/", "%2f") .replace(":", "%3a") .replace(";", "%3b") .replace("<", "%3c") .replace("=", "%3d") .replace(">", "%3e") .replace("?", "%3f") .replace("@", "%40") .replace("[", "%5b") .replace("\\", "%5c") .replace("]", "%5d") } // let (twete_tx, twete_rx) = chan::sync::>(0); #[derive(Debug)] enum TwitterConnectionState { Connecting(String), Connected, Closed } fn connect_twitter_stream( app_cred: tw::Credential, profile_name: String, user_cred: tw::Credential, twete_tx: chan::Sender<(u8, Vec)>, coordination_tx: chan::Sender<(u8, TwitterConnectionState)>, conn_id: u8 ) { std::thread::spawn(move || { coordination_tx.send((conn_id, TwitterConnectionState::Connecting(profile_name))); let mut core = Core::new().unwrap(); let connector = HttpsConnector::new(1, &core.handle()).unwrap(); let client = Client::configure() .keep_alive(true) .connector(connector) .build(&core.handle()); let req = signed_api_get(STREAMURL, &app_cred, &user_cred); let work = client.request(req).and_then(|res| { let status = res.status(); if status != hyper::StatusCode::Ok { println!("Twitter stream connect was abnormal: {}", status); println!("result: {:?}", res); } coordination_tx.send((conn_id, TwitterConnectionState::Connected)); LineStream::new(res.body() .map(|chunk| futures::stream::iter_ok(chunk.into_iter())) .flatten()) .for_each(|s| { if s.len() != 1 { twete_tx.send((conn_id, s)); }; Ok(()) }) }); let resp = core.run(work); match resp { Ok(_good) => (), Err(e) => println!("Error in setting up: {}", e) } coordination_tx.send((conn_id, TwitterConnectionState::Closed)); }); }