#! /usr/bin/env python3 import sys import os import subprocess def replace_references(lines, file_dir): result = "" for (i, line) in enumerate(lines): if line.startswith("#include "): # include that file directly # find the file as a path relative to the file we opened.. filepath = file_dir + line[len("#include "):].strip() try: f = open(filepath) content = f.read() result = result + content except Exception as err: print("Error reading file {}:{}".format(filepath, str(err))) return None elif line.startswith("#eval "): # include results of system'ing that line try: evald_text = subprocess.check_output(line[6:], shell=True).decode('utf-8') result = result + '
' + evald_text + '
\n' except Exception as e: print("Error processing line {}:\n {}\nError: {}".format(i, line, e)) return None else: # just include the line! result = result + line return result if __name__ == "__main__": if len(sys.argv) != 2: print("Usage: {} ".format(sys.argv[0])) md_source = sys.argv[1] ridx = md_source.rfind('.') if ridx >= len(md_source) - 5: page_path = md_source[:ridx] else: page_path = md_source page_path = page_path + ".html" page_cwd = './' if '/' in page_path: page_cwd = page_path[:(md_source.rfind('/') + 1)] page_path = page_path[(md_source.rfind('/') + 1):] compiled_dest = './generated/{}{}'.format(page_cwd, page_path) print("Source: {}\nPage path: {}\nDest file: {}".format(md_source, page_path, compiled_dest)) try: md_file = open(md_source) lines = md_file.readlines() print("Compiling {}".format(md_source)) markdown_blob = replace_references(lines, page_cwd) if markdown_blob == None: print("Error compiling {}".format(md_source)) sys.exit(3) print(markdown_blob) # now shove it all through pandoc pandoc_proc = subprocess.Popen(['pandoc'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE) html = pandoc_proc.communicate(markdown_blob.encode('utf-8'))[0] try: if not os.path.isdir('./generated/' + page_cwd): os.makedirs('./generated/' + page_cwd) out_file = open(compiled_dest, 'w') out_file.write(html.decode('utf-8')) out_file.close() except IOError as ioerr: print("Unknown error writing result: " + str(ioerr)) sys.exit(2) except IOError as ioerr: if ioerr.errno == 2: print("Source file '{}' does not exist".format(md_source)) else: print("Unknown ioerr: " + str(ioerr)) sys.exit(1)