# Kvasir (aka Smartacus) ## A collection of things and learnedings. ### Index (WIP) # Computer things * Misc * [PICKit2](pic-mcu/pickit2/index.html) * [pk2cmd](pic-mcu/pickit2/pk2cmd.html) * [PICKit2 Firmware](pic-mcu/pickit2/pickit2_firmware_notes.html) * L1 Demoboard * Celestron CPC * Reverse Engineering * Assembly * x86 _and_ amd64 * General * Weird junk * Obfuscation * Real mode * Windows * *Syscall interfaces* * Linux * *Syscall interfaces* * OSX * *Syscall interfaces* * arm * ppc * mips? * Exception handling * Windows * x86 EH, SEH * amd64 exception handling * Linux * x86/amd64 exception handling * Languages * Batch * Bash * Brainfuck * C * C++ help * Name mangling * MSVC * g++ * clang * C# * Java * F# * Scala * Scala.js * scala-native * scalac * APL * Erlang * Elixir * Go * Rust * Idris * Lua * Perl * Perl 5 * Perl 6 * Prolog * Crystal * Python * Ruby * Javascript * Typescript * Purescript * Coffeescript is this still used even * Verilog * VHDL * Esolangs * Data structures * Trees * Not-trees * Exploitation * All that 90's stuff * All that 00's stuff * Now? * Encoding * ASCII * EBCDIC * Unicode + *UTF-8* + *UTF-16* + *UTF-32* * UTF-9 * MS-y codepages * Base64 * Formats * Textual * lol .txt * xml * html * json * yaml * markdown * Binary * rtf * PE * ELF * MachO * .o, .a, .so * dylib? * Images * bmp * png * gif * tiff * svg * jpg * Music * wav * mp3 * ogg * flac * Containers * ogg? * avi * mkv * Protocols * IP * v4 * v6 * TCP * UDP * SPDY? * SMTP * POP? IMAP? ?? * NTP * PPP * SMB * SSH * HTTP * HTTP 2 * TLS * SSL * Telnet? * FTP * SFTP * WiFi * CDMA * GSM * Networking * Crypto * Operating Systems * Windows * Linux * macOS * Mainframes? * RTOS? * Hurd? * Plan9? * BSDs * Free * Net * Open ## TODO * RFID, badge systems # Astro things ## Misc Astro ## TODO # Aero things ## Misc Aero ## TODO # Bio things ## Misc Bio ## TODO # Chem things ## Misc Chem ## TODO # EE things ## Misc EE ## TODO * ??? # ME things ## Misc EE ## TODO # Math things * Numerical approximation ## Misc Math ## TODO # Physics things ## Misc Physics ## TODO # Computer Engineering things * Video [//]: # (* Indistinguishable From Magic: NGFhc8R_uO4 ) ## Misc CpE ## TODO