This all started with wanting to program the [layerone demoboard]( The demoboard is essentially a `PIC24FJ256DA206` with IO circuitry. it's a neat chip, and I already had a pickit2 programmer from a project long ago. ![pickit2 EOL](...)\ it turns out the `PIC24FJ256DA206` was relesed after the pickit2 was end-of-life'd. This means that there is no official support to program the chip with this programmer or the pk2cmd control software. There is clearly support for other `PIC24` chips with this tool:
#eval cat partlist_w_term | aha --no-header --stylesheet
so I decided to see if I can sneak in support for the demoboard. Notes on sneaking support into pickit2 toolchains are with other notes on pk2cmd, [here](pk2cmd/pk2cmd_notes.html#adding_parts). Additionally, looking at pk2cmd lead to reverse engineering the firmware on pickit2 programmers. Notes on that are [here](pickit2_firmware_notes.html). There's another issue still TBD: it seems pickit2 programmers can be used, if the target circuit and chip support it, as a debugger. A nice to have but not terribly important goal is figuring out how to control debugging logic from pk2cmd or some other PC-side tool.