import json import importlib import traceback import sys import os import pic16 import pic18 import pic24 running = True DEBUG = False ANSI_BLUE = "\x1b[34m" ANSI_YELLOW = "\x1b[33m" ANSI_DARK_GREEN = "\x1b[32m" ANSI_GREEN = "\x1b[1m\x1b[32m" ANSI_RED = "\x1b[31m" ANSI_RESET = "\x1b[0m" COLOR_REGISTER = ANSI_YELLOW COLOR_FUNCTION = ANSI_GREEN COLOR_LABEL = ANSI_DARK_GREEN COLOR_ADDRESS = ANSI_DARK_GREEN state = { 'running': True, 'dirty': False } def parse_parts(msg): parts = [] i = 0 wordstart = 0 word = "" stripped = msg.strip() in_quotes = False escaping = False while i < len(stripped): if escaping: # escaping means even spaces aren't the end of the word, so word = word + stripped[i] escaping = False else: if stripped[i] == ' ': if in_quotes: # this isn't actually the end of a word word = word + stripped[i] else: parts.append(word) word = "" elif stripped[i] == '\\': escaping = True elif stripped[i] == '"': in_quotes = not in_quotes else: word = word + stripped[i] i = i + 1 parts.append(word) word = "" # todo: signal unmatched quotes return parts def readnum(s): if s.startswith("0x"): return int(s[2:], 16) else: return int(s) def parse_cmd(cmd): cmd_parts = parse_parts(cmd) smol_to_big = { "o": "open", "c": "define-comment", "c+": "define-comment", "q": "quit", "d": "disassemble", "h": "help" } result = {} if len(cmd_parts) > 0: result['type'] = cmd_parts[0] if result['type'] in smol_to_big: result['type'] = smol_to_big[result['type']] result['params'] = cmd_parts[1:] result['raw_text'] = cmd if len(cmd_parts) > 1 and cmd_parts[-1][0] == '@': result['where'] = resolve_addr(cmd_parts[-1][1:], state) elif len(cmd_parts) > 2 and cmd_parts[-2] == '@': result['where'] = resolve_addr(cmd_parts[-1], state) if 'where' in result and result['where'] is None: result['invalid'] = True return result def resolve_addr(where, state): # where may be the name of a label or function if where in state['notes']['functions-reverse']: return state['notes']['functions-reverse'][where] elif where in state['notes']['labels-reverse']: return state['notes']['labels-reverse'][where] else: # if it's not there, it better be a number... try: return readnum(where) except ValueError: print("{} is not a known function or label.".format(where)) def do_help(cmd, state): print("haha, help") def do_open(cmd, state): f = open(cmd['params'][0]) buf = f.close() if buf == ":02000": return do_openhex(cmd, state) else: return do_openbin(cmd, state) def do_openbin(cmd, state): return inneropen(cmd, state, lambda x: { 0: }) def do_openhex(cmd, state): return inneropen(cmd, state, lambda x: read_hex(x)) def read_hex(f): lines = f.readlines() regions = { 0: [] } curr_region = regions[0] for line in lines: if not line.startswith(':'): continue # raise Exception("invalid hex line, needs to start with a ':', but was: " + line) bytecount = int(line[1:3], 16) addr = int(line[3:7], 16) rec_type = int(line[7:9], 16) data_end = bytecount * 2 + 9 data = line[9:data_end] # ignoring checksum because lazy if rec_type == 4: ext_linear_addr = int(data, 16) if ext_linear_addr not in regions: regions[ext_linear_addr] = [] curr_region = regions[ext_linear_addr] elif rec_type == 0: for i in range(bytecount): if len(curr_region) <= addr + i: curr_region.extend([0] * (1 + addr + i - len(curr_region))) curr_region[addr + i] = int(data[i*2:i*2 + 2], 16) elif rec_type == 1: if DEBUG: print("Read HEX file ({} regions)".format(len(regions))) return regions else: raise Exception("Unsupported record type: " + str(rec_type)) def do_goto(cmd, state): try: dest = int(cmd['params'][0]) except ValueError: # parse error, might be a function or label! # labels first... name = cmd['params'][0] if name in state['notes']['labels-reverse']: dest = state['notes']['labels-reverse'][name] if name in state['notes']['functions-reverse']: dest = state['notes']['functions-reverse'][name] state['cursor'] = int(cmd['params'][0]) def do_goto_bank(cmd, state): param = cmd['params'][0] if not param in state['all-regions']: state['all-regions'][param] = [] state['data'] = state['all-regions'][param] def inneropen(cmd, state, readfn): newfile = cmd['params'][0] if os.path.isfile(newfile): newdata = None try: f = open(newfile) newdata = readfn(f) f.close() except Exception as e: print("Failed to open new file: {}".format(newfile)) print("Got: {}".format(e)) print(traceback.format_exc()) return state['notes'] = { 'comments': {}, 'functions': {}, 'functions-reverse': {}, 'labels': {}, 'labels-reverse': {} } state['cursor'] = 0 state['file'] = newfile state['all-regions'] = newdata state['selected-region'] = newdata.keys()[0] state['data'] = newdata[state['selected-region']] elif os.path.isdir(newfile): print("Cannot open {}, it is a directory".format(newfile)) else: print("File {} does not exist".format(newfile)) if 'arch-name' not in state or state['arch-name'] is None: # default arch to the best cpu, pic16 do_setarch({ 'params': ['pic16'] }, state) if DEBUG: print("Opened {} as {}".format(newfile, state['arch-name'])) def do_comment(cmd, state): state['notes']['comments'][cmd['where']] = cmd['params'][0] state['dirty'] = True def new_function(name): return { "name": name, "params": None, "returns": None } def do_undefine_function(cmd, state): name = cmd['params'][0] if cmd['params'][0] in state['notes']['functions-reverse']: fnaddr = state['notes']['functions-reverse'][cmd['params'][0]] del state['notes']['functions'][fnaddr] del state['notes']['functions-reverse'][name] return else: print("Function {} is not defined".format(name)) def do_define_function(cmd, state): if cmd['params'][0] in state['notes']['functions-reverse']: fnaddr = state['notes']['functions-reverse'][cmd['params'][0]] if fnaddr != cmd['where']: print("Function {} is already defined at {}".format(cmd['params'][0], fnaddr)) return else: newname = cmd['params'][0] fn = state['notes']['functions'][cmd['where']] del state['notes']['functions-reverse'][fn['name']] state['notes']['functions-reverse'][newname] = fn fn['name'] = newname else: state['notes']['functions'][cmd['where']] = new_function(cmd['params'][0]) state['notes']['functions-reverse'][cmd['params'][0]] = cmd['where'] state['dirty'] = True def do_define_label(cmd, state): state['notes']['labels'][cmd['where']] = cmd['params'][0] state['notes']['labels-reverse'][cmd['params'][0]] = cmd['where'] state['dirty'] = True def colorize(string, color): return "{}{}{}".format( color, string, ANSI_RESET ) def do_disassemble(cmd, state): if 'data' not in state: print("No file currently open") return if 'cursor' not in state: print("No cursor into the file (this is a bug - a file must be open?") return if 'where' in cmd: where = cmd['where'] else: where = state['cursor'] if len(cmd['params']) > 0: count = int(cmd['params'][0]) else: count = 1 arch = state['arch'] try: disassembled = 0 while disassembled < count: prewhere = where (where, instr) = arch.disassemble(state['data'], where) if 'ops' in instr: newops = instr['ops'] for i, op in enumerate(instr['ops']): if isinstance(op, dict) and 'type' in op: note = None if op['type'] == "absolutedest": if op['value'] in state['notes']['functions']: note = state['notes']['functions'][op['value']]['name'] note = colorize(note, COLOR_FUNCTION) elif op['value'] in state['notes']['labels']: note = state['notes']['labels'][op['value']] note = colorize(note, COLOR_LABEL) else: note = colorize(hex(op['value']), COLOR_ADDRESS) elif op['type'] == "relpostdest": # if there's a thing there replace with it newops[i] = "relpostdest" ea = prewhere + instr['length'] * 2 + op['value'] if ea in state['notes']['functions']: note = state['notes']['functions'][ea]['name'] note = colorize(note, COLOR_FUNCTION) elif ea in state['notes']['labels']: note = state['notes']['labels'][ea] note = colorize(note, COLOR_LABEL) else: note = "0x{:x} (ip+2{}{})".format( ea, "+" if op['value'] >= 0 else "", hex(op['value']) ) note = colorize(note, COLOR_ADDRESS) elif op['type'] == "relpredest": pass elif op['type'] == "register" or op['type'] == "banked-register": nicename = arch.reg_name(op['value']) if nicename is None: if isinstance(op['value'], str): note = op['value'] else: note = hex(op['value']) else: note = nicename note = colorize(note, COLOR_REGISTER) if not note is None: newops[i] = str(note) instr['ops'] = newops prefix = None if prewhere in state['notes']['functions']: fn = state['notes']['functions'][prewhere] prefix = colorize( "{:08x}> start of {}\n".format(prewhere, fn['name']), COLOR_FUNCTION ) elif prewhere in state['notes']['labels']: label = state['notes']['labels'][prewhere] prefix = colorize( "{:08x}: {}\n".format(prewhere, label), COLOR_LABEL ) instrstring = arch.render(instr) to_show = "{:08x}: {}".format(prewhere, instrstring) if prewhere in state['notes']['comments']: to_show = "{: <35} {}; {}{}".format( to_show, ANSI_BLUE, state['notes']['comments'][prewhere], ANSI_RESET ) if not prefix is None: to_show = prefix + to_show print(to_show) disassembled = disassembled + 1 except Exception as e: print("Exception while disassembling: {}".format(e)) print(traceback.format_exc()) def do_setarch(cmd, state): try: loaded_arch = importlib.import_module(cmd['params'][0]) except ImportError: print("Cannot find module for arch '{}'".format(cmd['params'][0])) except Exception as e: print("General error loading '{}': {}".format(cmd['params'][0], e)) state['arch-name'] = cmd['params'][0] state['arch'] = loaded_arch def dict_from_file(path): f = open(path) result = json.loads( f.close() return result def dict_to_file(path, data): f = open(path, 'w') f.write(json.dumps(data, sort_keys=True, indent=2)) f.close() # so json.dumps turns numeric keys into strings. # this breaks some dictionaries. def fix_keys(obj): redo = [] for k in obj: try: knum = int(k) redo.append(k) except ValueError: pass for k in redo: knum = int(k) obj[knum] = obj[k] del obj[k] def do_loaddb(cmd, state): if len(cmd['params']) == 0: if 'file' in state: dbpath = state['file'] + '.nrt' else: print("No db path provided nor file loaded - I don't know what to load!") return else: dbpath = cmd['params'][0] if os.path.isdir(dbpath) and os.path.isdir(dbpath + '/.git'): if DEBUG: print("Loading {} ...".format(dbpath)) try: dbroot = dict_from_file(dbpath + '/root.json') do_setarch({ "params": [dbroot['arch-name']] }, state) state['notes']['comments'] = dict_from_file(dbpath + '/comments.json') fix_keys(state['notes']['comments']) state['notes']['functions'] = dict_from_file(dbpath + '/functions.json') state['notes']['functions-reverse'] = dict_from_file(dbpath + '/functions-reverse.json') fix_keys(state['notes']['functions']) state['notes']['labels'] = dict_from_file(dbpath + '/labels.json') state['notes']['labels-reverse'] = dict_from_file(dbpath + '/labels-reverse.json') fix_keys(state['notes']['labels']) state['default-dbpath'] = dbpath # check db file path matches current file path? if DEBUG: print("wow you're really using this, huh?") except Exception as e: print("Error loading db: {}".format(e)) elif os.path.isdir(dbpath): print("Cannot load {}, there is no repository there".format(dbpath)) elif os.path.isfile(dbpath): print("Cannot load {}, it is a file".format(dbpath)) else: print("Cannot load {}, it does not exist".format(dbpath)) def do_savedb(cmd, state): if len(cmd['params']) > 0: dbpath = cmd['params'][0] elif 'default-dbpath' in state: dbpath = state['default-dbpath'] else: dbpath = state['file'] + '.nrt' if os.path.isfile(dbpath): print("File is present, but should be a directory. Cannot save.") return elif os.path.isdir(dbpath): if not os.path.isdir(dbpath + '/.git'): print("dbpath is a directory, but there is no git repo there. Opting to not save.") return else: # dbpath exists, and there's a git repo there, we can proceed pass else: # none of the directories exist, so we can start fresh os.mkdir(dbpath) # TODO: pray the input filename doesn't have a ' in it i guess os.system('cd \'{}\' && git init'.format(dbpath)) to_save = {} to_save['arch-name'] = state['arch-name'] dict_to_file(dbpath + '/root.json', to_save) dict_to_file(dbpath + '/comments.json', state['notes']['comments']) dict_to_file(dbpath + '/functions.json', state['notes']['functions']) dict_to_file(dbpath + '/functions-reverse.json', state['notes']['functions-reverse']) dict_to_file(dbpath + '/labels.json', state['notes']['labels']) dict_to_file(dbpath + '/labels-reverse.json', state['notes']['labels-reverse']) os.system('cd \'{}\' && git add . && git commit -m "automatic save"'.format(dbpath)) state['dirty'] = False def do_quit(cmd, state): # prompt before saving if not 'dirty' in state or state['dirty']: do_savedb({ "params": [] }, state) state['running'] = False def do_sh(cmd, state): if len(cmd['params']) == 1: os.system(cmd['params'][0]) else: print("sh expects exactly one argument (may be a string)") def do_info(cmd, state): if 'file' in state: print("File: {}".format(state['file'])) print("Regions:") keys = state['all-regions'].keys() keys.sort() for key in keys: print(" {}{}: {} bytes".format( '*' if key == state['selected-region'] else ' ', key, hex(len(state['all-regions'][key])) )) def readnum(string): if string.startswith('0x'): return int(string, 16) else: return int(string) def do_list_comments(cmd, state): print("Comments:") for l in state['notes']['comments']: print("{}: 0x{:x}".format(state['notes']['comments'][l], l)) def do_list_functions(cmd, state): print("Functions:") for l in state['notes']['functions']: print("{}: 0x{:x}".format(state['notes']['functions'][l]['name'], l)) def do_list_labels(cmd, state): print("Labels:") for l in state['notes']['labels']: print("{}: 0x{:x}".format(state['notes']['labels'][l], l)) def do_hexprint(cmd, state): count = readnum(cmd['params'][0]) start = cmd['where'] idx = start while count > idx - start: sys.stdout.write("{:08x}: ".format(idx)) for i in range(16): if count <= idx - start: break sys.stdout.write("{:02x} ".format(state['data'][idx]),) idx = idx + 1 sys.stdout.write('\n') cmdmap = { "px": do_hexprint, "define-comment": do_comment, "define-function": do_define_function, "undefine-function": do_undefine_function, "define-label": do_define_label, "list-comments": do_list_comments, "list-functions": do_list_functions, "list-labels": do_list_labels, "open": do_open, "openhex": do_openhex, "arch": do_setarch, "disassemble": do_disassemble, "loaddb": do_loaddb, "savedb": do_savedb, "quit": do_quit, "help": do_help, "info": do_info, "goto": do_goto, "goto-bank": do_goto_bank, "sh": do_sh } def do_cmd_thing(cmd, state): if 'invalid' in cmd: pass # can't do anything with it. elif cmd['type'] in cmdmap: cmdmap[cmd['type']](cmd, state) else: print("I don't recognize the command `{}`".format(cmd['raw_text'])) for i, arg in enumerate(sys.argv): # just the path of this script # i bet that only applies because i'm running as # `python ...` if i == 0: continue do_cmd_thing(parse_cmd(arg), state) # if len(sys.argv) > 1: # do_open({"params": [sys.argv[1]]}, state) # if len(sys.argv) > 2: # do_setarch({"params": [sys.argv[2]]}, state) import readline readline.parse_and_bind("") if os.path.isfile(".pydare_history"): readline.read_history_file(".pydare_history") while state['running']: try: do_cmd_thing(parse_cmd(raw_input("> ")), state) except Exception as e: print("Unhandled exception: {}".format(e)) print(traceback.format_exc()) if not os.path.isdir(".pydare_history"): readline.write_history_file(".pydare_history")