[package] authors = [ "iximeow " ] description = "fundamental traits to describe an architecture in the yaxpeax project" edition = "2021" keywords = ["disassembly", "disassembler"] license = "0BSD" name = "yaxpeax-arch" repository = "https://git.iximeow.net/yaxpeax-arch/" version = "0.3.2" [dependencies] "num-traits" = { version = "0.2", default-features = false } "crossterm" = { version = "0.27.0", optional = true } "serde" = { version = "1.0", optional = true } "serde_derive" = { version = "1.0", optional = true } [dev-dependencies] anyhow = "1.0.41" thiserror = "1.0.26" [profile.release] lto = true [features] default = ["std", "alloc", "use-serde", "color-new", "address-parse"] std = ["alloc"] alloc = [] # enables the (optional) use of Serde for bounds on # Arch and Arch::Address use-serde = ["serde", "serde_derive"] # feature flag for the existing but misfeature'd initial support for output # coloring. the module this gates will be removed in 0.4.0, which includes # removing `trait Colorize`, and requires a major version bump for any # dependency that moves forward. colors = ["crossterm"] # feature flag for revised output colorizing support, which will replace the # existing `colors` feature in 0.4.0. color-new = [] address-parse = []