## yaxpeax-arch shared traits for architecture definitions, instruction decoders, and related interfaces for instruction decoders from the yaxpeax project. ### implementations there are numerous architectures for which decoders are implemented, at varying levels of completion. now and in the future, they will be enumerated here: | symbol | meaning | | ------ | ------- | | + | complete, reliable | | ? | "complete", likely has gaps | | ~ | incomplete | | - | unimplemented | | architecture | library | decode | tests | benchmarks | note | | ------------ | ------- | ------ | ----- | ---------- | ---- | | `x86_64` | yaxpeax-x86 | ? | ~ | ~ | incomplete operand decoding, may incorrectly accept long instructions | | `x86:32` | yaxpeax-x86 | - | - | - | should share most but not all implementation with `x86_64` | | `x86:16` | yaxpeax-x86 | - | - | - | should share most but not all implementation with `x86:32` | | `armv7` | yaxpeax-arm | ~ | ~ | - | | | `armv8` | yaxpeax-arm | ~ | ~ | - | | | `mips` | yaxpeax-mips | ~ | ~ | - | | | `msp430` | yaxpeax-msp430 | ~ | ~ | - | | | `pic17` | yaxpeax-pic17 | ~ | ~ | - | | | `pic18` | yaxpeax-pic18 | ~ | ~ | - | | | `pic24` | yaxpeax-pic24 | - | - | - | exists, but only decodes `NOP` |