//#[cfg(feature="use-serde")] //use serde::{Serialize, Deserialize}; // // many variables, among other things, will use the manual's spelling (e.g. fields named `Rm` // rather than `rm` or `reg_m`). rust doesn't like this, but it's how we're gonna be. #![allow(non_snake_case)] use core::fmt::{self, Display, Formatter}; use yaxpeax_arch::{Arch, AddressDiff, Decoder, LengthedInstruction, Reader, ReadError, ShowContextual, YaxColors}; #[allow(non_snake_case)] mod docs { use crate::armv8::a64::DecodeError; #[test] fn test_ones() { assert_eq!(Ones(0), 0x00); assert_eq!(Ones(1), 0x01); assert_eq!(Ones(2), 0x03); assert_eq!(Ones(3), 0x07); assert_eq!(Ones(4), 0x0f); assert_eq!(Ones(5), 0x1f); assert_eq!(Ones(6), 0x3f); assert_eq!(Ones(7), 0x7f); assert_eq!(Ones(8), 0xff); } fn Ones(len: u8) -> u64 { assert!(len <= 64); if len == 0 { return 0; } if len == 64 { return 0xffffffff_ffffffffu64; } let mask = ((0x8000_0000_0000_0000u64 as i64) >> ((64 - 1) - len)) as u64; !mask } #[test] fn test_highest_set_bit() { assert_eq!(HighestSetBit(1, 0x11), 0); assert_eq!(HighestSetBit(5, 0x11), 4); assert_eq!(HighestSetBit(8, 0x08), 3); } #[test] fn test_vfpexpandimm() { assert_eq!(VFPExpandImm(0x34), 20.0f64); assert_eq!(VFPExpandImm(0x70), 1f64); assert_eq!(VFPExpandImm(0xdc), -0.4375f64); assert_eq!(VFPExpandImm(0xe0), -0.5f64); assert_eq!(VFPExpandImm(0xf0), -1f64); } fn HighestSetBit(N: u8, bits: u64) -> u8 { let mut probe = 1u64 << (N - 1); let mut i = N - 1; loop { if bits & probe != 0 { return i; } if i == 0 { break; } else { probe = probe >> 1; i -= 1; } } return 0xff; } fn Replicate(bitsM: u64, M_size: u8, N: u8) -> u64 { let count = N / M_size; let mut res = bitsM; for i in 1..count { res |= bitsM << M_size * i; } // since this produces a u64, we might have a few extra non-zero bits set. let res_mask = Ones(N); res & res_mask } fn ROR(bits: u64, bitsN: u8, shift: u8) -> u64 { if shift == 0 { bits } else { let m = shift % bitsN; (bits >> m) | (bits << (bitsN - m)) } } // helper functions from the ARMv8 Architecture Reference Manual pub fn DecodeBitMasks_32(immN: u8, imms: u8, immr: u8) -> Result<(u32, u32), DecodeError> { // should the !imms be ~imms let len = HighestSetBit(7, ((immN << 6) | ((!imms) & 0x3f)) as u64); if len == 0xff { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } let levels = (Ones(len) & 0x3f) as u8; // should ZeroExtend to at least 6 bits, but this is u8. let S = imms & levels; let R = immr & levels; let diff = S.wrapping_sub(R); let esize = 1 << len; let d = diff & !(0xff << len); let welem = Ones(S + 1); let telem = Ones(d + 1); let wmask = Replicate(ROR(welem, esize, R), esize, 32) as u32; let tmask = Replicate(telem, esize, 32) as u32; Ok((wmask, tmask)) } pub fn DecodeBitMasks_64(immN: u8, imms: u8, immr: u8) -> Result<(u64, u64), DecodeError> { // should the !imms be ~imms let len = HighestSetBit(7, ((immN << 6) | ((!imms) & 0x3f)) as u64); if len == 0xff { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } let levels = (Ones(len) & 0x3f) as u8; // should ZeroExtend to at least 6 bits, but this is u8. let S = imms & levels; let R = immr & levels; let diff = S.wrapping_sub(R); let esize = 1 << len; let d = diff & !(0xff << len); let welem = Ones(S + 1); let telem = Ones(d + 1); let wmask = Replicate(ROR(welem, esize, R), esize, 64); let tmask = Replicate(telem, esize, 64); Ok((wmask, tmask)) } pub fn DecodeShift(op: u8) -> super::ShiftStyle { assert!(op <= 0b11); [ super::ShiftStyle::LSL, super::ShiftStyle::LSR, super::ShiftStyle::ASR, super::ShiftStyle::ROR, ][op as usize] } pub fn VFPExpandImm(imm8: u8) -> f64 { let sign = imm8 >> 7; let exp = imm8 >> 4; let exp = (exp as i16) << 13 >> 13; let exp = exp ^ 0b1_00_0000_0000; let frac = imm8 << 4; let bits = ((sign as u64) << 63) | (((exp as u64) & 0b1_11_1111_1111) << 52) | ((frac as u64) << 44); f64::from_bits(bits) } } #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Copy, Clone)] pub enum DecodeError { ExhaustedInput, InvalidOpcode, InvalidOperand, IncompleteDecoder, } impl fmt::Display for DecodeError { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { use yaxpeax_arch::DecodeError; f.write_str(self.description()) } } #[cfg(feature = "std")] extern crate std; #[cfg(feature = "std")] impl std::error::Error for DecodeError { fn description(&self) -> &str { ::description(self) } } impl From for DecodeError { fn from(_e: ReadError) -> DecodeError { DecodeError::ExhaustedInput } } impl yaxpeax_arch::DecodeError for DecodeError { fn data_exhausted(&self) -> bool { self == &DecodeError::ExhaustedInput } fn bad_opcode(&self) -> bool { self == &DecodeError::InvalidOpcode } fn bad_operand(&self) -> bool { self == &DecodeError::InvalidOperand } fn description(&self) -> &'static str { match self { DecodeError::ExhaustedInput => "exhausted input", DecodeError::InvalidOpcode => "invalid opcode", DecodeError::InvalidOperand => "invalid operand", DecodeError::IncompleteDecoder => "incomplete decoder", } } } impl yaxpeax_arch::Instruction for Instruction { // TODO: this is wrong!! fn well_defined(&self) -> bool { true } } pub struct NoContext; impl ShowContextual for Instruction { fn contextualize(&self, _colors: &Y, _address: u64, _context: Option<&NoContext>, out: &mut T) -> fmt::Result { write!(out, "{}", self) } } #[cfg(feature="use-serde")] #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct ARMv8 { } #[cfg(not(feature="use-serde"))] #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)] pub struct ARMv8 { } impl Arch for ARMv8 { type Word = u8; type Address = u64; type Instruction = Instruction; type DecodeError = DecodeError; type Decoder = InstDecoder; type Operand = Operand; } #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)] #[repr(u8)] pub enum SizeCode { X, W } #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)] #[repr(u8)] pub enum SIMDSizeCode { B, H, S, D, Q } impl SIMDSizeCode { fn width(&self) -> u16 { match self { SIMDSizeCode::B => 1, SIMDSizeCode::H => 2, SIMDSizeCode::S => 4, SIMDSizeCode::D => 8, SIMDSizeCode::Q => 16, } } fn name(&self) -> &'static str { match self { SIMDSizeCode::B => "b", SIMDSizeCode::H => "h", SIMDSizeCode::S => "s", SIMDSizeCode::D => "d", SIMDSizeCode::Q => "q", } } } #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)] #[repr(C)] pub struct Instruction { pub opcode: Opcode, pub operands: [Operand; 4], } impl Display for Instruction { fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result { match self.opcode { Opcode::ISB => { // the default/reserved/expected value for the immediate in `isb` is `0b1111`. if let Operand::Imm16(15) = self.operands[0] { return write!(fmt, "isb"); } write!(fmt, "isb")?; } Opcode::SBC => { if let Operand::Register(_, 31) = self.operands[1] { return write!(fmt, "ngc {}, {}", self.operands[0], self.operands[2]); } else { write!(fmt, "sbc")?; } } Opcode::MOVN => { let imm = if let Operand::ImmShift(imm, shift) = self.operands[1] { !((imm as u64) << shift) } else { unreachable!("movn operand 1 is always ImmShift"); }; let imm = if let Operand::Register(size, _) = self.operands[0] { if size == SizeCode::W { (imm as u32) as i32 as i64 } else { imm as i64 } } else { unreachable!("movn operand 0 is always Register"); }; return write!(fmt, "mov {}, #{:#x}", self.operands[0], imm); }, Opcode::MOVZ => { let imm = if let Operand::ImmShift(imm, shift) = self.operands[1] { (imm as u64) << shift } else { unreachable!("movz operand is always ImmShift"); }; let imm = if let Operand::Register(size, _) = self.operands[0] { if size == SizeCode::W { (imm as u32) as i32 as i64 } else { imm as i64 } } else { unreachable!("movn operand 0 is always Register"); }; return write!(fmt, "mov {}, #{:#x}", self.operands[0], imm); }, Opcode::ORR => { if let Operand::Register(_, 31) = self.operands[1] { if let Operand::Immediate(0) = self.operands[2] { return write!(fmt, "mov {}, {}", self.operands[0], self.operands[1]); } else if let Operand::RegShift(style, amt, size, r) = self.operands[2] { if style == ShiftStyle::LSL && amt == 0 { return write!(fmt, "mov {}, {}", self.operands[0], Operand::Register(size, r)); } } else { return write!(fmt, "mov {}, {}", self.operands[0], self.operands[2]); } } else if self.operands[1] == self.operands[2] { return write!(fmt, "mov {}, {}", self.operands[0], self.operands[1]); } write!(fmt, "orr")?; }, Opcode::ORN => { if let Operand::Register(_, 31) = self.operands[1] { return write!(fmt, "mvn {}, {}", self.operands[0], self.operands[2]); } write!(fmt, "orn")?; }, Opcode::ANDS => { if let Operand::Register(_, 31) = self.operands[0] { return write!(fmt, "tst {}, {}", self.operands[1], self.operands[2]); } write!(fmt, "ands")?; }, Opcode::NOT => { // `This instruction is used by the alias MVN. The alias is always the preferred // disassembly.` write!(fmt, "mvn")?; }, Opcode::ADDS => { if let Operand::Register(_, 31) = self.operands[0] { return write!(fmt, "cmn {}, {}", self.operands[1], self.operands[2]); } else if let Operand::RegShift(ShiftStyle::LSL, 0, size, reg) = self.operands[2] { return write!(fmt, "adds {}, {}, {}", self.operands[0], self.operands[1], Operand::Register(size, reg)); } write!(fmt, "adds")?; }, Opcode::ADD => { if let Operand::Immediate(0) = self.operands[2] { if let Operand::RegisterOrSP(_, 31) = self.operands[0] { return write!(fmt, "mov {}, {}", self.operands[0], self.operands[1]); } else if let Operand::RegisterOrSP(_, 31) = self.operands[1] { return write!(fmt, "mov {}, {}", self.operands[0], self.operands[1]); } // oh. add-with-zr does not alias mov // } else if let Operand::Register(_, 31) = self.operands[1] { // return write!(fmt, "mov {}, {}", self.operands[0], self.operands[2]); } else if let Operand::RegShift(ShiftStyle::LSL, 0, size, reg) = self.operands[2] { return write!(fmt, "add {}, {}, {}", self.operands[0], self.operands[1], Operand::Register(size, reg)); } write!(fmt, "add")?; }, Opcode::SUBS => { if let Operand::Register(_, 31) = self.operands[0] { return write!(fmt, "cmp {}, {}", self.operands[1], self.operands[2]) } else if let Operand::Register(_, 31) = self.operands[1] { return write!(fmt, "negs {}, {}", self.operands[0], self.operands[2]) } else if let Operand::RegShift(ShiftStyle::LSL, 0, size, reg) = self.operands[2] { return write!(fmt, "subs {}, {}, {}", self.operands[0], self.operands[1], Operand::Register(size, reg)); } write!(fmt, "subs")?; }, Opcode::SUB => { if let Operand::Register(_, 31) = self.operands[1] { return write!(fmt, "neg {}, {}", self.operands[0], self.operands[2]) } else if let Operand::RegShift(ShiftStyle::LSL, 0, size, reg) = self.operands[2] { return write!(fmt, "sub {}, {}, {}", self.operands[0], self.operands[1], Operand::Register(size, reg)); } write!(fmt, "sub")?; }, Opcode::SBCS => { if let Operand::Register(_, 31) = self.operands[1] { return write!(fmt, "ngcs {}, {}", self.operands[0], self.operands[2]) } write!(fmt, "sbcs")?; }, Opcode::UBFM => { // TODO: handle ubfx alias if let Operand::Immediate(0) = self.operands[2] { let newdest = if let Operand::Register(_size, destnum) = self.operands[0] { Operand::Register(SizeCode::W, destnum) } else { unreachable!("operand 1 is always a register"); }; let newsrc = if let Operand::Register(_size, srcnum) = self.operands[1] { Operand::Register(SizeCode::W, srcnum) } else { unreachable!("operand 1 is always a register"); }; if let Operand::Immediate(7) = self.operands[3] { return write!(fmt, "uxtb {}, {}", newdest, newsrc); } else if let Operand::Immediate(15) = self.operands[3] { return write!(fmt, "uxth {}, {}", newdest, newsrc); } } if let Operand::Immediate(imms) = self.operands[3] { let size = if let Operand::Register(size, _) = self.operands[0] { size } else { unreachable!("operand 0 is a register"); }; match (imms, size) { (63, SizeCode::X) | (31, SizeCode::W) => { return write!(fmt, "lsr {}, {}, {}", self.operands[0], self.operands[1], self.operands[2]); }, _ => { let size = if size == SizeCode::X { 64 } else { 32 }; let immr = if let Operand::Immediate(immr) = self.operands[2] { immr } else { unreachable!("operand 3 is a register"); }; if imms + 1 == immr { return write!(fmt, "lsl {}, {}, #{:#x}", self.operands[0], self.operands[1], size - imms - 1); } if imms < immr { return write!(fmt, "ubfiz {}, {}, #{:#x}, #{:#x}", self.operands[0], self.operands[1], size - immr, imms + 1, ); } } } } // `ubfm` is never actually displayed: in the remaining case, it is always aliased // to `ubfx` let width = if let (Operand::Immediate(lsb), Operand::Immediate(width)) = (self.operands[2], self.operands[3]) { Operand::Immediate(width - lsb + 1) } else { unreachable!("last two operands of ubfm are always immediates"); }; return write!(fmt, "ubfx {}, {}, {}, {}", self.operands[0], self.operands[1], self.operands[2], width); }, Opcode::BFM => { if let (Operand::Immediate(immr), Operand::Immediate(imms)) = (self.operands[2], self.operands[3]) { if imms < immr { if let Operand::Register(sz, rn) = self.operands[1] { let width = imms + 1; let lsb = if sz == SizeCode::W { ((-(immr as i8)) as u8) & 0x1f } else { ((-(immr as i8)) as u8) & 0x3f }; if rn == 31 { return write!(fmt, "bfc {}, #{:#x}, #{:#x}", self.operands[0], lsb, width); } else { return write!(fmt, "bfi {}, {}, #{:#x}, #{:#x}", self.operands[0], self.operands[1], lsb, width); } } } else { // bfxil let lsb = immr; let width = imms + 1 - lsb; return write!(fmt, "bfxil {}, {}, #{:#x}, #{:#x}", self.operands[0], self.operands[1], lsb, width); } } } Opcode::SBFM => { if let Operand::Immediate(63) = self.operands[3] { if let Operand::Register(SizeCode::X, _) = self.operands[0] { return write!(fmt, "asr {}, {}, {}", self.operands[0], self.operands[1], self.operands[2]); } } if let Operand::Immediate(31) = self.operands[3] { if let Operand::Register(SizeCode::W, _) = self.operands[0] { return write!(fmt, "asr {}, {}, {}", self.operands[0], self.operands[1], self.operands[2]); } } if let Operand::Immediate(0) = self.operands[2] { let newsrc = if let Operand::Register(_size, srcnum) = self.operands[1] { Operand::Register(SizeCode::W, srcnum) } else { unreachable!("operand 1 is always a register"); }; if let Operand::Immediate(7) = self.operands[3] { return write!(fmt, "sxtb {}, {}", self.operands[0], newsrc); } else if let Operand::Immediate(15) = self.operands[3] { return write!(fmt, "sxth {}, {}", self.operands[0], newsrc); } else if let Operand::Immediate(31) = self.operands[3] { return write!(fmt, "sxtw {}, {}", self.operands[0], newsrc); } } if let (Operand::Immediate(imms), Operand::Immediate(immr)) = (self.operands[2], self.operands[3]) { if immr < imms { let size = if let Operand::Register(size, _) = self.operands[0] { if size == SizeCode::W { 32 } else { 64 } } else { unreachable!("operand 0 is always a register"); }; return write!(fmt, "sbfiz {}, {}, #{:#x}, #{:#x}", self.operands[0], self.operands[1], size - imms, immr + 1, ); } } // `sbfm` is never actually displayed: in the remaining case, it is always aliased // to `sbfx` let width = if let (Operand::Immediate(lsb), Operand::Immediate(width)) = (self.operands[2], self.operands[3]) { Operand::Immediate(width - lsb + 1) } else { unreachable!("last two operands of sbfm are always immediates"); }; return write!(fmt, "sbfx {}, {}, {}, {}", self.operands[0], self.operands[1], self.operands[2], width); }, Opcode::EXTR => { if let (Operand::Register(_, Rn), Operand::Register(_, Rm)) = (self.operands[1], self.operands[2]) { if Rn == Rm { return write!(fmt, "ror {}, {}, {}", self.operands[0], self.operands[2], self.operands[3]); } } write!(fmt, "extr")?; }, Opcode::RET => { write!(fmt, "ret")?; if let Operand::Register(SizeCode::X, 30) = self.operands[0] { // C5.6.148: Defaults to X30 if absent. // so ret x30 is probably expected to be read as just `ret` return Ok(()); } }, Opcode::SYS(ops) => { return write!(fmt, "sys {:#x}, {}, {}, {:#x}, {}", ops.op1(), self.operands[0], self.operands[1], ops.op2(), self.operands[2], ); } Opcode::SYSL(ops) => { return write!(fmt, "sysl {}, {:#x}, {}, {}, {:#x}", self.operands[0], ops.op1(), self.operands[1], self.operands[2], ops.op2(), ); } Opcode::HINT(v) => { match v { 0 => { write!(fmt, "nop")?; }, 1 => { write!(fmt, "yield")?; }, 2 => { write!(fmt, "wfe")?; }, 3 => { write!(fmt, "wfi")?; }, 4 => { write!(fmt, "sev")?; }, 5 => { write!(fmt, "sevl")?; }, 7 => { write!(fmt, "xpaclri")?; }, 8 => { write!(fmt, "pacia1716")?; }, 10 => { write!(fmt, "pacib1716")?; }, 12 => { write!(fmt, "autia1716")?; }, 14 => { write!(fmt, "autib1716")?; }, 16 => { write!(fmt, "esb")?; }, 17 => { write!(fmt, "psb csync")?; }, 18 => { write!(fmt, "tsb csync")?; }, 20 => { write!(fmt, "csdb")?; }, 24 => { write!(fmt, "paciaz")?; }, 25 => { write!(fmt, "paciasp")?; }, 26 => { write!(fmt, "pacibz")?; }, 27 => { write!(fmt, "pacibsp")?; }, 28 => { write!(fmt, "autiaz")?; }, 29 => { write!(fmt, "autiasp")?; }, 30 => { write!(fmt, "autibz")?; }, 31 => { write!(fmt, "autibsp")?; }, _ => { write!(fmt, "hint #{:#x}", v)?; } } } Opcode::CSNEG => { if let (Operand::Register(_size, rn), Operand::Register(_, rm), Operand::ConditionCode(cond)) = (self.operands[1], self.operands[2], self.operands[3]) { if cond < 0b1110 && rn == rm { return write!(fmt, "cneg {}, {}, {}", self.operands[0], self.operands[2], Operand::ConditionCode(cond ^ 0x01)); } } else { unreachable!("operands 2 and 3 are always registers"); } write!(fmt, "csneg")?; } Opcode::CSINC => { match (self.operands[1], self.operands[2], self.operands[3]) { (Operand::Register(_, n), Operand::Register(_, m), Operand::ConditionCode(cond)) => { if n == m && cond < 0b1110 { if n == 31 { return write!(fmt, "cset {}, {}", self.operands[0], Operand::ConditionCode(cond ^ 0x01)); } else { return write!(fmt, "cinc {}, {}, {}", self.operands[0], self.operands[1], Operand::ConditionCode(cond ^ 0x01)); } } } _ => {} } write!(fmt, "csinc")?; } Opcode::CSINV => { match (self.operands[1], self.operands[2], self.operands[3]) { (Operand::Register(_, n), Operand::Register(_, m), Operand::ConditionCode(cond)) => { if n == m && n != 31 && cond < 0b1110 { return write!(fmt, "cinv {}, {}, {}", self.operands[0], self.operands[1], Operand::ConditionCode(cond ^ 0x01)) } else if n == m && n == 31 && cond < 0b1110 { return write!(fmt, "csetm {}, {}", self.operands[0], Operand::ConditionCode(cond ^ 0x01)); } } _ => {} } write!(fmt, "csinv")?; } Opcode::MADD => { if let Operand::Register(_, 31) = self.operands[3] { return write!(fmt, "mul {}, {}, {}", self.operands[0], self.operands[1], self.operands[2]) } write!(fmt, "madd")?; } Opcode::MSUB => { if let Operand::Register(_, 31) = self.operands[3] { return write!(fmt, "mneg {}, {}, {}", self.operands[0], self.operands[1], self.operands[2]) } write!(fmt, "msub")?; } Opcode::SMADDL => { if let Operand::Register(_, 31) = self.operands[3] { return write!(fmt, "smull {}, {}, {}", self.operands[0], self.operands[1], self.operands[2]) } write!(fmt, "smaddl")?; } Opcode::SMSUBL => { if let Operand::Register(_, 31) = self.operands[3] { return write!(fmt, "smnegl {}, {}, {}", self.operands[0], self.operands[1], self.operands[2]) } write!(fmt, "smsubl")?; } Opcode::UMADDL => { if let Operand::Register(_, 31) = self.operands[3] { return write!(fmt, "umull {}, {}, {}", self.operands[0], self.operands[1], self.operands[2]) } write!(fmt, "umaddl")?; } Opcode::UMSUBL => { if let Operand::Register(_, 31) = self.operands[3] { return write!(fmt, "umnegl {}, {}, {}", self.operands[0], self.operands[1], self.operands[2]) } write!(fmt, "umsubl")?; } Opcode::LSLV => { // lslv == lsl (register) and, quoth the manual, `lsl is always the preferred // disassembly`. write!(fmt, "lsl")?; } Opcode::LSRV => { // lsrv == lsr (register) and, quoth the manual, `lsr is always the preferred // disassembly`. write!(fmt, "lsr")?; } Opcode::ASRV => { // asrv == asr (register) and, quoth the manual, `asr is always the preferred // disassembly`. write!(fmt, "asr")?; } Opcode::RORV => { // rorv == ror (register) and, quoth the manual, `ror is always the preferred // disassembly`. write!(fmt, "ror")?; } Opcode::INS => { // `ins (element)` and `ins (general)` both have `mov` as an alias. manual reports // that `mov` is the preferred disassembly. write!(fmt, "mov")?; } Opcode::DUP => { if let Operand::Register(_, _) = self.operands[1] { // `dup (general)` write!(fmt, "dup")?; } else { // `dup (element)` // manual says `mov` is the preferred disassembly here? but capstone uses // `dup`. write!(fmt, "mov")?; } } Opcode::UMOV => { if let (Operand::Register(reg_sz, _), Operand::SIMDRegisterElementsLane(_, _, elem_sz, _)) = (self.operands[0], self.operands[1]) { if (reg_sz == SizeCode::W && elem_sz == SIMDSizeCode::S) || (reg_sz == SizeCode::X && elem_sz == SIMDSizeCode::D) { return write!(fmt, "mov {}, {}", self.operands[0], self.operands[1]); } else { write!(fmt, "umov")?; } } } Opcode::LDADD(ar) => { if let Operand::Register(_, rt) = self.operands[1] { if rt == 31 && ar & 0b10 == 0b00 { let inst = if ar & 0b01 == 0b00 { "stadd" } else { "staddl" }; return write!(fmt, "{} {}, {}", inst, self.operands[0], self.operands[2]); } } write!(fmt, "{}", self.opcode)?; } Opcode::LDCLR(ar) => { if let Operand::Register(_, rt) = self.operands[1] { if rt == 31 && ar & 0b10 == 0b00 { let inst = if ar & 0b01 == 0b00 { "stclr" } else { "stclrl" }; return write!(fmt, "{} {}, {}", inst, self.operands[0], self.operands[2]); } } write!(fmt, "{}", self.opcode)?; } Opcode::LDSET(ar) => { if let Operand::Register(_, rt) = self.operands[1] { if rt == 31 && ar & 0b10 == 0b00 { let inst = if ar & 0b01 == 0b00 { "stset" } else { "stsetl" }; return write!(fmt, "{} {}, {}", inst, self.operands[0], self.operands[2]); } } write!(fmt, "{}", self.opcode)?; } Opcode::LDSMAX(ar) => { if let Operand::Register(_, rt) = self.operands[1] { if rt == 31 && ar & 0b10 == 0b00 { let inst = if ar & 0b01 == 0b00 { "stsmax" } else { "stsmaxl" }; return write!(fmt, "{} {}, {}", inst, self.operands[0], self.operands[2]); } } write!(fmt, "{}", self.opcode)?; } Opcode::LDSMIN(ar) => { if let Operand::Register(_, rt) = self.operands[1] { if rt == 31 && ar & 0b10 == 0b00 { let inst = if ar & 0b01 == 0b00 { "stsmin" } else { "stsminl" }; return write!(fmt, "{} {}, {}", inst, self.operands[0], self.operands[2]); } } write!(fmt, "{}", self.opcode)?; } Opcode::LDUMAX(ar) => { if let Operand::Register(_, rt) = self.operands[1] { if rt == 31 && ar & 0b10 == 0b00 { let inst = if ar & 0b01 == 0b00 { "stumax" } else { "stumaxl" }; return write!(fmt, "{} {}, {}", inst, self.operands[0], self.operands[2]); } } write!(fmt, "{}", self.opcode)?; } Opcode::LDUMIN(ar) => { if let Operand::Register(_, rt) = self.operands[1] { if rt == 31 && ar & 0b10 == 0b00 { let inst = if ar & 0b01 == 0b00 { "stumin" } else { "stuminl" }; return write!(fmt, "{} {}, {}", inst, self.operands[0], self.operands[2]); } } write!(fmt, "{}", self.opcode)?; } Opcode::LDEOR(ar) => { if let Operand::Register(_, rt) = self.operands[1] { if rt == 31 && ar & 0b10 == 0b00 { let inst = if ar & 0b01 == 0b00 { "steor" } else { "steorl" }; return write!(fmt, "{} {}, {}", inst, self.operands[0], self.operands[2]); } } write!(fmt, "{}", self.opcode)?; } Opcode::LDADDH(ar) => { if let Operand::Register(_, rt) = self.operands[1] { if rt == 31 && ar & 0b10 == 0b00 { let inst = if ar & 0b01 == 0b00 { "staddh" } else { "staddlh" }; return write!(fmt, "{} {}, {}", inst, self.operands[0], self.operands[2]); } } write!(fmt, "{}", self.opcode)?; } Opcode::LDCLRH(ar) => { if let Operand::Register(_, rt) = self.operands[1] { if rt == 31 && ar & 0b10 == 0b00 { let inst = if ar & 0b01 == 0b00 { "stclrh" } else { "stclrlh" }; return write!(fmt, "{} {}, {}", inst, self.operands[0], self.operands[2]); } } write!(fmt, "{}", self.opcode)?; } Opcode::LDSETH(ar) => { if let Operand::Register(_, rt) = self.operands[1] { if rt == 31 && ar & 0b10 == 0b00 { let inst = if ar & 0b01 == 0b00 { "stseth" } else { "stsetlh" }; return write!(fmt, "{} {}, {}", inst, self.operands[0], self.operands[2]); } } write!(fmt, "{}", self.opcode)?; } Opcode::LDSMAXH(ar) => { if let Operand::Register(_, rt) = self.operands[1] { if rt == 31 && ar & 0b10 == 0b00 { let inst = if ar & 0b01 == 0b00 { "stsmaxh" } else { "stsmaxlh" }; return write!(fmt, "{} {}, {}", inst, self.operands[0], self.operands[2]); } } write!(fmt, "{}", self.opcode)?; } Opcode::LDSMINH(ar) => { if let Operand::Register(_, rt) = self.operands[1] { if rt == 31 && ar & 0b10 == 0b00 { let inst = if ar & 0b01 == 0b00 { "stsminh" } else { "stsminlh" }; return write!(fmt, "{} {}, {}", inst, self.operands[0], self.operands[2]); } } write!(fmt, "{}", self.opcode)?; } Opcode::LDUMAXH(ar) => { if let Operand::Register(_, rt) = self.operands[1] { if rt == 31 && ar & 0b10 == 0b00 { let inst = if ar & 0b01 == 0b00 { "stumaxh" } else { "stumaxlh" }; return write!(fmt, "{} {}, {}", inst, self.operands[0], self.operands[2]); } } write!(fmt, "{}", self.opcode)?; } Opcode::LDUMINH(ar) => { if let Operand::Register(_, rt) = self.operands[1] { if rt == 31 && ar & 0b10 == 0b00 { let inst = if ar & 0b01 == 0b00 { "stuminh" } else { "stuminlh" }; return write!(fmt, "{} {}, {}", inst, self.operands[0], self.operands[2]); } } write!(fmt, "{}", self.opcode)?; } Opcode::LDEORH(ar) => { if let Operand::Register(_, rt) = self.operands[1] { if rt == 31 && ar & 0b10 == 0b00 { let inst = if ar & 0b01 == 0b00 { "steorh" } else { "steorlh" }; return write!(fmt, "{} {}, {}", inst, self.operands[0], self.operands[2]); } } write!(fmt, "{}", self.opcode)?; } Opcode::LDADDB(ar) => { if let Operand::Register(_, rt) = self.operands[1] { if rt == 31 && ar & 0b10 == 0b00 { let inst = if ar & 0b01 == 0b00 { "staddb" } else { "staddlb" }; return write!(fmt, "{} {}, {}", inst, self.operands[0], self.operands[2]); } } write!(fmt, "{}", self.opcode)?; } Opcode::LDCLRB(ar) => { if let Operand::Register(_, rt) = self.operands[1] { if rt == 31 && ar & 0b10 == 0b00 { let inst = if ar & 0b01 == 0b00 { "stclrb" } else { "stclrlb" }; return write!(fmt, "{} {}, {}", inst, self.operands[0], self.operands[2]); } } write!(fmt, "{}", self.opcode)?; } Opcode::LDSETB(ar) => { if let Operand::Register(_, rt) = self.operands[1] { if rt == 31 && ar & 0b10 == 0b00 { let inst = if ar & 0b01 == 0b00 { "stsetb" } else { "stsetlb" }; return write!(fmt, "{} {}, {}", inst, self.operands[0], self.operands[2]); } } write!(fmt, "{}", self.opcode)?; } Opcode::LDSMAXB(ar) => { if let Operand::Register(_, rt) = self.operands[1] { if rt == 31 && ar & 0b10 == 0b00 { let inst = if ar & 0b01 == 0b00 { "stsmaxb" } else { "stsmaxlb" }; return write!(fmt, "{} {}, {}", inst, self.operands[0], self.operands[2]); } } write!(fmt, "{}", self.opcode)?; } Opcode::LDSMINB(ar) => { if let Operand::Register(_, rt) = self.operands[1] { if rt == 31 && ar & 0b10 == 0b00 { let inst = if ar & 0b01 == 0b00 { "stsminb" } else { "stsminlb" }; return write!(fmt, "{} {}, {}", inst, self.operands[0], self.operands[2]); } } write!(fmt, "{}", self.opcode)?; } Opcode::LDUMAXB(ar) => { if let Operand::Register(_, rt) = self.operands[1] { if rt == 31 && ar & 0b10 == 0b00 { let inst = if ar & 0b01 == 0b00 { "stumaxb" } else { "stumaxlb" }; return write!(fmt, "{} {}, {}", inst, self.operands[0], self.operands[2]); } } write!(fmt, "{}", self.opcode)?; } Opcode::LDUMINB(ar) => { if let Operand::Register(_, rt) = self.operands[1] { if rt == 31 && ar & 0b10 == 0b00 { let inst = if ar & 0b01 == 0b00 { "stuminb" } else { "stuminlb" }; return write!(fmt, "{} {}, {}", inst, self.operands[0], self.operands[2]); } } write!(fmt, "{}", self.opcode)?; } Opcode::LDEORB(ar) => { if let Operand::Register(_, rt) = self.operands[1] { if rt == 31 && ar & 0b10 == 0b00 { let inst = if ar & 0b01 == 0b00 { "steorb" } else { "steorlb" }; return write!(fmt, "{} {}, {}", inst, self.operands[0], self.operands[2]); } } write!(fmt, "{}", self.opcode)?; } other => { write!(fmt, "{}", other)?; } }; if self.operands[0] != Operand::Nothing { write!(fmt, " {}", self.operands[0])?; } else { return Ok(()); } if self.operands[1] != Operand::Nothing { write!(fmt, ", {}", self.operands[1])?; } else { return Ok(()); } if self.operands[2] != Operand::Nothing { write!(fmt, ", {}", self.operands[2])?; } else { return Ok(()); } if self.operands[3] != Operand::Nothing { write!(fmt, ", {}", self.operands[3])?; } else { return Ok(()); } Ok(()) } } impl LengthedInstruction for Instruction { type Unit = AddressDiff<::Address>; fn min_size() -> Self::Unit { AddressDiff::from_const(4) } fn len(&self) -> Self::Unit { AddressDiff::from_const(4) } } impl Default for Instruction { fn default() -> Self { Instruction { opcode: Opcode::Invalid, operands: [Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing] } } } #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)] #[repr(transparent)] pub struct SysOps { data: u8 } impl SysOps { fn new(op1: u8, op2: u8) -> Self { SysOps { data: op1 | (op2 << 4) } } #[inline] pub fn op1(&self) -> u8 { self.data & 0b1111 } #[inline] pub fn op2(&self) -> u8 { (self.data >> 4) & 0b1111 } } #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)] #[repr(u16)] pub enum Opcode { Invalid, MOVN, MOVK, MOVZ, ADC, ADCS, SBC, SBCS, AND, ORR, ORN, EOR, EON, BIC, BICS, ANDS, ADDS, ADD, SUBS, SUB, BFM, UBFM, SBFM, ADR, ADRP, EXTR, LDAR, LDLAR, LDARB, LDLARB, LDAXRB, LDARH, LDLARH, LDAXP, LDAXR, LDAXRH, LDP, LDPSW, LDR, LDRB, LDRSB, LDRSW, LDRSH, LDRH, LDTR, LDTRB, LDTRH, LDTRSB, LDTRSH, LDTRSW, LDUR, LDURB, LDURSB, LDURSW, LDURSH, LDURH, LDXP, LDXR, LDXRB, LDXRH, STLR, STLLR, STLRB, STLLRB, STLRH, STLLRH, STLXP, STLXR, STLXRB, STLXRH, STP, STR, STTR, STTRB, STTRH, STRB, STRH, STRW, STUR, STURB, STURH, STXP, STXR, STXRB, STXRH, TBZ, TBNZ, CBZ, CBNZ, B, BR, Bcc(u8), BL, BLR, SVC, HVC, SMC, BRK, HLT, DCPS1, DCPS2, DCPS3, RET, ERET, DRPS, MSR, // TODO: handle aliases (like cfinv) MRS, SYS(SysOps), SYSL(SysOps), ISB, DSB(u8), DMB(u8), SB, SSSB, HINT(u8), CLREX, CSEL, CSNEG, CSINC, CSINV, CCMN, CCMP, RBIT, REV16, REV, REV32, CLZ, CLS, MADD, MSUB, SMADDL, SMSUBL, SMULH, UMADDL, UMSUBL, UMULH, UDIV, SDIV, LSLV, LSRV, ASRV, RORV, CRC32B, CRC32H, CRC32W, CRC32X, CRC32CB, CRC32CH, CRC32CW, CRC32CX, STNP, LDNP, ST1, ST2, ST3, ST4, LD1, LD2, LD3, LD4, LD1R, LD2R, LD3R, LD4R, FMADD, FMSUB, FNMADD, FNMSUB, SCVTF, UCVTF, FCVTZS, FCVTZU, FMOV, FABS, FNEG, FSQRT, FRINTN, FRINTP, FRINTM, FRINTZ, FRINTA, FRINTX, FRINTI, FRINT32Z, FRINT32X, FRINT64Z, FRINT64X, BFCVT, FCVT, FCMP, FCMPE, FMUL, FDIV, FADD, FSUB, FMAX, FMIN, FMAXNM, FMINNM, FNMUL, FCSEL, FCCMP, FCCMPE, FMULX, FMLSL, FMLAL, SQRDMLSH, UDOT, SQRDMLAH, UMULL, UMULL2, UMLSL, UMLSL2, MLS, UMLAL, UMLAL2, MLA, SDOT, SQDMULH, SQDMULL, SQDMULL2, SMULL, SMULL2, MUL, SQDMLSL, SQDMLSL2, SMLSL, SMLSL2, SQDMLAL, SQDMLAL2, SMLAL, SMLAL2, SQRDMULH, FCMLA, SSHR, SSRA, SRSHR, SRSRA, SHL, SQSHL, SHRN, RSHRN, SQSHRN, SQRSHRN, SSHLL, USHR, USRA, URSHR, URSRA, SRI, SLI, SQSHLU, UQSHL, SQSHRUN, SQRSHRUN, UQSHRN, UQRSHRN, USHLL, MOVI, MVNI, SHADD, SQADD, SRHADD, SHSUB, SQSUB, CMGT, CMGE, SSHL, SRSHL, SQRSHL, SMAX, SMIN, SABD, SABA, CMTST, SMAXP, SMINP, ADDP, UHADD, UQADD, URHADD, UHSUB, UQSUB, CMHI, CMHS, USHL, URSHL, UQRSHL, UMAX, UMIN, UABD, UABA, CMEQ, PMUL, UMAXP, UMINP, FMLA, FCMEQ, FRECPS, BSL, BIT, BIF, FMAXNMP, FMINMNP, FADDP, FCMGE, FACGE, FMAXP, SADDL, SADDL2, SADDW, SADDW2, SSUBL, SSUBL2, SSUBW, SSUBW2, ADDHN, ADDHN2, SABAL, SABAL2, SUBHN, SUBHN2, SABDL, SABDL2, PMULL, PMULL2, UADDL, UADDL2, UADDW, UADDW2, USUBL, USUBL2, USUBW, USUBW2, RADDHN, RADDHN2, RSUBHN, RSUBHN2, UABAL, UABAL2, UABDL, UABDL2, REV64, SADDLP, SUQADD, CNT, SADALP, SQABS, CMLT, ABS, XTN, XTN2, SQXTN, SQXTN2, FCVTN, FCVTN2, FCMGT, FCVTL, FCVTL2, FCVTNS, FCVTPS, FCVTMS, FCVTAS, URECPE, FRECPE, UADDLP, USQADD, UADALP, SQNEG, CMLE, NEG, SQXTUN, SQXTUN2, SHLL, SHLL2, UQXTN, UQXTN2, FCVTXN, FCVTXN2, FCVTNU, FCVTMU, FCVTAU, INS, EXT, DUP, UZP1, TRN1, ZIP1, UZP2, TRN2, ZIP2, SMOV, UMOV, SQSHRN2, SQRSHRN2, SQSHRUN2, UQSHRN2, UQRSHRN2, FMLS, FRECPX, FRSQRTE, FCVTPU, FCMLT, FCMLE, FMAXNMV, FMINNMV, FMAXV, FMINV, UADDLV, SADDLV, UMAXV, SMAXV, UMINV, SMINV, ADDV, FRSQRTS, FMINNMP, FMLAL2, FMLSL2, FABD, FACGT, FMINP, FJCVTZS, URSQRTE, PRFM, PRFUM, AESE, AESD, AESMC, AESIMC, SHA1H, SHA1SU1, SHA256SU0, SM3TT1A, SM3TT1B, SM3TT2A, SM3TT2B, SHA512H, SHA512H2, SHA512SU1, RAX1, SM3PARTW1, SM3PARTW2, SM4EKEY, BCAX, SM3SSI, SHA512SU0, SM4E, EOR3, XAR, LDRAA, LDRAB, LDAPR, LDAPRH, LDAPRB, SWP(u8), SWPB(u8), SWPH(u8), LDADDB(u8), LDCLRB(u8), LDEORB(u8), LDSETB(u8), LDSMAXB(u8), LDSMINB(u8), LDUMAXB(u8), LDUMINB(u8), LDADDH(u8), LDCLRH(u8), LDEORH(u8), LDSETH(u8), LDSMAXH(u8), LDSMINH(u8), LDUMAXH(u8), LDUMINH(u8), LDADD(u8), LDCLR(u8), LDEOR(u8), LDSET(u8), LDSMAX(u8), LDSMIN(u8), LDUMAX(u8), LDUMIN(u8), CAS(u8), CASH(u8), CASB(u8), CASP(u8), TBL, TBX, FCADD, LDGM, LDG, STGM, STZGM, STG, STZG, ST2G, STZ2G, LDAPUR, LDAPURB, LDAPURH, LDAPURSB, LDAPURSH, LDAPURSW, STLUR, STLURB, STLURH, SETF8, SETF16, RMIF, NOT, RSHRN2, SQRSHRUN2, USHLL2, SHA1C, SHA1P, SHA1M, SHA1SU0, SHA256H, SHA256H2, SHA256SU1, SHRN2, BLRAA, BLRAAZ, BLRAB, BLRABZ, BRAA, BRAAZ, BRAB, BRABZ, RETAA, RETAB, ERETAA, ERETAB, PACIA, PACIB, PACDA, PACDB, AUTIA, AUTIB, AUTDA, AUTDB, PACIZA, PACIZB, PACDZA, PACDZB, AUTIZA, AUTIZB, AUTDZA, AUTDZB, XPACI, XPACD, } impl Display for Opcode { fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { let text = match *self { Opcode::Invalid => "invalid", Opcode::MOVK => "movk", Opcode::ADC => "adc", Opcode::ADCS => "adcs", Opcode::SBC => "sbc", Opcode::SBCS => "sbcs", Opcode::AND => "and", Opcode::BIC => "bic", Opcode::BICS => "bics", Opcode::EOR => "eor", Opcode::EON => "eon", Opcode::BFM => "bfm", Opcode::ADR => "adr", Opcode::ADRP => "adrp", Opcode::LDP => "ldp", Opcode::LDPSW => "ldpsw", Opcode::LDR => "ldr", Opcode::LDRB => "ldrb", Opcode::LDRSB => "ldrsb", Opcode::LDRSH => "ldrsh", Opcode::LDRSW => "ldrsw", Opcode::LDRH => "ldrh", Opcode::LDTR => "ldtr", Opcode::LDTRB => "ldtrb", Opcode::LDTRSB => "ldtrsb", Opcode::LDTRSH => "ldtrsh", Opcode::LDTRSW => "ldtrsw", Opcode::LDTRH => "ldtrh", Opcode::LDUR => "ldur", Opcode::LDURB => "ldurb", Opcode::LDURSB => "ldursb", Opcode::LDURSW => "ldursw", Opcode::LDURSH => "ldursh", Opcode::LDURH => "ldurh", Opcode::LDAR => "ldar", Opcode::LDARB => "ldarb", Opcode::LDAXRB => "ldaxrb", Opcode::LDARH => "ldarh", Opcode::LDAXP => "ldaxp", Opcode::LDAXR => "ldaxr", Opcode::LDAXRH => "ldaxrh", Opcode::LDXP => "ldxp", Opcode::LDXR => "ldxr", Opcode::LDXRB => "ldxrb", Opcode::LDXRH => "ldxrh", Opcode::STP => "stp", Opcode::STR => "str", Opcode::STRB => "strb", Opcode::STRH => "strh", Opcode::STRW => "strw", Opcode::STTR => "sttr", Opcode::STTRB => "sttrb", Opcode::STTRH => "sttrh", Opcode::STUR => "stur", Opcode::STURB => "sturb", Opcode::STURH => "sturh", Opcode::STLR => "stlr", Opcode::STLRB => "stlrb", Opcode::STLRH => "stlrh", Opcode::STLXP => "stlxp", Opcode::STLXR => "stlxr", Opcode::STLXRB => "stlxrb", Opcode::STLXRH => "stlxrh", Opcode::STXP => "stxp", Opcode::STXR => "stxr", Opcode::STXRB => "stxrb", Opcode::STXRH => "stxrh", Opcode::TBZ => "tbz", Opcode::TBNZ => "tbnz", Opcode::CBZ => "cbz", Opcode::CBNZ => "cbnz", Opcode::B => "b", Opcode::BR => "br", Opcode::BL => "bl", Opcode::BLR => "blr", Opcode::SVC => "svc", Opcode::HVC => "hvc", Opcode::SMC => "smc", Opcode::BRK => "brk", Opcode::HLT => "hlt", Opcode::DCPS1 => "dcps1", Opcode::DCPS2 => "dcps2", Opcode::DCPS3 => "dcps3", Opcode::ERET => "eret", Opcode::DRPS => "drps", Opcode::MSR => "msr", Opcode::MRS => "mrs", Opcode::ISB => "isb", Opcode::SB => "sb", Opcode::SSSB => "sssb", Opcode::CLREX => "clrex", Opcode::CSEL => "csel", Opcode::CCMN => "ccmn", Opcode::CCMP => "ccmp", Opcode::RBIT => "rbit", Opcode::REV16 => "rev16", Opcode::REV => "rev", Opcode::REV32 => "rev32", Opcode::CLZ => "clz", Opcode::CLS => "cls", Opcode::CRC32B => "crc32b", Opcode::CRC32H => "crc32h", Opcode::CRC32W => "crc32w", Opcode::CRC32X => "crc32x", Opcode::CRC32CB => "crc32cb", Opcode::CRC32CH => "crc32ch", Opcode::CRC32CW => "crc32cw", Opcode::CRC32CX => "crc32cx", Opcode::STNP => "stnp", Opcode::LDNP => "ldnp", Opcode::ST1 => "st1", Opcode::ST2 => "st2", Opcode::ST3 => "st3", Opcode::ST4 => "st4", Opcode::LD1R => "ld1r", Opcode::LD2R => "ld2r", Opcode::LD3R => "ld3r", Opcode::LD4R => "ld4r", Opcode::LD1 => "ld1", Opcode::LD2 => "ld2", Opcode::LD3 => "ld3", Opcode::LD4 => "ld4", Opcode::FMADD => "fmadd", Opcode::FMSUB => "fmsub", Opcode::FNMADD => "fnmadd", Opcode::FNMSUB => "fnmsub", Opcode::SCVTF => "scvtf", Opcode::UCVTF => "ucvtf", Opcode::FCVTZS => "fcvtzs", Opcode::FCVTZU => "fcvtzu", Opcode::FMOV => "fmov", Opcode::FABS => "fabs", Opcode::FNEG => "fneg", Opcode::FSQRT => "fsqrt", Opcode::FRINTN => "frintn", Opcode::FRINTP => "frintp", Opcode::FRINTM => "frintm", Opcode::FRINTZ => "frintz", Opcode::FRINTA => "frinta", Opcode::FRINTX => "frintx", Opcode::FRINTI => "frinti", Opcode::FRINT32Z => "frint32z", Opcode::FRINT32X => "frint32x", Opcode::FRINT64Z => "frint64z", Opcode::FRINT64X => "frint64x", Opcode::BFCVT => "bfcvt", Opcode::FCVT => "fcvt", Opcode::FCMP => "fcmp", Opcode::FCMPE => "fcmpe", Opcode::FMUL => "fmul", Opcode::FDIV => "fdiv", Opcode::FADD => "fadd", Opcode::FSUB => "fsub", Opcode::FMAX => "fmax", Opcode::FMIN => "fmin", Opcode::FMAXNM => "fmaxnm", Opcode::FMINNM => "fminnm", Opcode::FNMUL => "fnmul", Opcode::FCSEL => "fcsel", Opcode::FCCMP => "fccmp", Opcode::FCCMPE => "fccmpe", Opcode::FMULX => "fmulx", Opcode::FMLSL => "fmlsl", Opcode::FMLAL => "fmlal", Opcode::SQRDMLSH => "sqrdmlsh", Opcode::UDOT => "udot", Opcode::SQRDMLAH => "sqrdmlah", Opcode::UMULL => "umull", Opcode::UMULL2 => "umull2", Opcode::UMLSL => "umlsl", Opcode::UMLSL2 => "umlsl2", Opcode::MLS => "mls", Opcode::UMLAL => "umlal", Opcode::UMLAL2 => "umlal2", Opcode::MLA => "mla", Opcode::SDOT => "sdot", Opcode::SQDMULH => "sqdmulh", Opcode::SQDMULL => "sqdmull", Opcode::SQDMULL2 => "sqdmull2", Opcode::SMULL => "smull", Opcode::SMULL2 => "smull2", Opcode::MUL => "mul", Opcode::SQDMLSL => "sqdmlsl", Opcode::SQDMLSL2 => "sqdmlsl2", Opcode::SMLSL => "smlsl", Opcode::SMLSL2 => "smlsl2", Opcode::SQDMLAL => "sqdmlal", Opcode::SQDMLAL2 => "sqdmlal2", Opcode::SMLAL => "smlal", Opcode::SMLAL2 => "smlal2", Opcode::SQRDMULH => "sqrdmulh", Opcode::FCMLA => "fcmla", Opcode::SSHR => "sshr", Opcode::SSRA => "ssra", Opcode::SRSHR => "srshr", Opcode::SRSRA => "srsra", Opcode::SHL => "shl", Opcode::SQSHL => "sqshl", Opcode::SHRN => "shrn", Opcode::SHRN2 => "shrn2", Opcode::RSHRN => "rshrn", Opcode::SQSHRN => "sqshrn", Opcode::SQRSHRN => "sqrshrn", Opcode::SSHLL => "sshll", Opcode::USHLL => "sshll", Opcode::USHR => "ushr", Opcode::USRA => "usra", Opcode::URSHR => "urshr", Opcode::URSRA => "ursra", Opcode::SRI => "sri", Opcode::SLI => "sli", Opcode::SQSHLU => "sqshlu", Opcode::UQSHL => "uqshl", Opcode::SQSHRUN => "sqshrun", Opcode::SQRSHRUN => "sqrshrun", Opcode::UQSHRN => "uqshrn", Opcode::UQRSHRN => "uqrshrn", Opcode::MOVI => "movi", Opcode::MVNI => "mvni", Opcode::NOT => "not", Opcode::RSHRN2 => "rshrn2", Opcode::SQRSHRUN2 => "sqrshrun2", Opcode::USHLL2 => "ushll2", Opcode::SHADD => "shadd", Opcode::SQADD => "sqadd", Opcode::SRHADD => "srhadd", Opcode::SHSUB => "shsub", Opcode::SQSUB => "sqsub", Opcode::CMGT => "cmgt", Opcode::CMGE => "cmge", Opcode::SSHL => "sshl", Opcode::SRSHL => "srshl", Opcode::SQRSHL => "sqrshl", Opcode::SMAX => "smax", Opcode::SMIN => "smin", Opcode::SABD => "sabd", Opcode::SABA => "saba", Opcode::CMTST => "cmtst", Opcode::SMAXP => "smaxp", Opcode::SMINP => "sminp", Opcode::ADDP => "addp", Opcode::UHADD => "uhadd", Opcode::UQADD => "uqadd", Opcode::URHADD => "urhadd", Opcode::UHSUB => "uhsub", Opcode::UQSUB => "uqsub", Opcode::CMHI => "cmhi", Opcode::CMHS => "cmhs", Opcode::USHL => "ushl", Opcode::URSHL => "urshl", Opcode::UQRSHL => "uqrshl", Opcode::UMAX => "umax", Opcode::UMIN => "umin", Opcode::UABD => "uabd", Opcode::UABA => "uaba", Opcode::CMEQ => "cmeq", Opcode::PMUL => "pmul", Opcode::UMAXP => "umaxp", Opcode::UMINP => "uminp", Opcode::FMLA => "fmla", Opcode::FCMEQ => "fcmeq", Opcode::FRECPS => "frecps", Opcode::BSL => "bsl", Opcode::BIT => "bit", Opcode::BIF => "bif", Opcode::FMAXNMP => "fmaxnmp", Opcode::FMINMNP => "fminmnp", Opcode::FADDP => "faddp", Opcode::FCMGE => "fcmge", Opcode::FACGE => "facge", Opcode::FMAXP => "fmaxp", Opcode::SADDL => "saddl", Opcode::SADDL2 => "saddl2", Opcode::SADDW => "saddw", Opcode::SADDW2 => "saddw2", Opcode::SSUBL => "ssubl", Opcode::SSUBL2 => "ssubl2", Opcode::SSUBW => "ssubw", Opcode::SSUBW2 => "ssubw2", Opcode::ADDHN => "addhn", Opcode::ADDHN2 => "addhn2", Opcode::SABAL => "sabal", Opcode::SABAL2 => "sabal2", Opcode::SUBHN => "subhn", Opcode::SUBHN2 => "subhn2", Opcode::SABDL => "sabdl", Opcode::SABDL2 => "sabdl2", Opcode::PMULL => "pmull", Opcode::PMULL2 => "pmull2", Opcode::UADDL => "uaddl", Opcode::UADDL2 => "uaddl2", Opcode::UADDW => "uaddw", Opcode::UADDW2 => "uaddw2", Opcode::USUBL => "usubl", Opcode::USUBL2 => "usubl2", Opcode::USUBW => "usubw", Opcode::USUBW2 => "usubw2", Opcode::RADDHN => "raddhn", Opcode::RADDHN2 => "raddhn2", Opcode::RSUBHN => "rsubhn", Opcode::RSUBHN2 => "rsubhn2", Opcode::UABAL => "uabal", Opcode::UABAL2 => "uabal2", Opcode::UABDL => "uabdl", Opcode::UABDL2 => "uabdl2", Opcode::REV64 => "rev64", Opcode::SADDLP => "saddlp", Opcode::SUQADD => "suqadd", Opcode::CNT => "cnt", Opcode::SADALP => "sadalp", Opcode::SQABS => "sqabs", Opcode::CMLT => "cmlt", Opcode::ABS => "abs", Opcode::XTN => "xtn", Opcode::XTN2 => "xtn2", Opcode::SQXTN => "sqxtn", Opcode::SQXTN2 => "sqxtn2", Opcode::FCVTN => "fcvtn", Opcode::FCVTN2 => "fcvtn2", Opcode::FCMGT => "fcmgt", Opcode::FCVTL => "fcvtl", Opcode::FCVTL2 => "fcvtl2", Opcode::FCVTNS => "fcvtns", Opcode::FCVTPS => "fcvtps", Opcode::FCVTMS => "fcvtms", Opcode::FCVTAS => "fcvtas", Opcode::URECPE => "urecpe", Opcode::FRECPE => "frecpe", Opcode::UADDLP => "uaddlp", Opcode::USQADD => "usqadd", Opcode::UADALP => "uadalp", Opcode::SQNEG => "sqneg", Opcode::CMLE => "cmle", Opcode::NEG => "neg", Opcode::SQXTUN => "sqxtun", Opcode::SQXTUN2 => "sqxtun2", Opcode::SHLL => "shll", Opcode::SHLL2 => "shll2", Opcode::UQXTN => "uqxtn", Opcode::UQXTN2 => "uqxtn2", Opcode::FCVTXN => "fcvtxn", Opcode::FCVTXN2 => "fcvtxn2", Opcode::FCVTNU => "fcvtnu", Opcode::FCVTMU => "fcvtmu", Opcode::FCVTAU => "fcvtau", Opcode::EXT => "ext", Opcode::UZP1 => "uzp1", Opcode::TRN1 => "trn1", Opcode::ZIP1 => "zip1", Opcode::UZP2 => "uzp2", Opcode::TRN2 => "trn2", Opcode::ZIP2 => "zip2", Opcode::SMOV => "smov", Opcode::UMOV => "umov", Opcode::SQSHRN2 => "sqshrn2", Opcode::SQRSHRN2 => "sqrshrn2", Opcode::SQSHRUN2 => "sqshrun2", Opcode::UQSHRN2 => "uqshrn2", Opcode::UQRSHRN2 => "uqrshrn2", Opcode::FMLS => "fmls", Opcode::FRECPX => "frecpx", Opcode::FRSQRTE => "frsqrte", Opcode::FCVTPU => "fcvtpu", Opcode::FCMLT => "fcmlt", Opcode::FCMLE => "fcmle", Opcode::FMAXNMV => "fmaxnmv", Opcode::FMINNMV => "fminnmv", Opcode::FMAXV => "fmaxv", Opcode::FMINV => "fminv", Opcode::UADDLV => "uaddlv", Opcode::SADDLV => "saddlv", Opcode::UMAXV => "umaxv", Opcode::SMAXV => "smaxv", Opcode::UMINV => "uminv", Opcode::SMINV => "sminv", Opcode::ADDV => "addv", Opcode::FRSQRTS => "frsqrts", Opcode::FMINNMP => "fminnmp", Opcode::FMLAL2 => "fmlal2", Opcode::FMLSL2 => "fmlsl2", Opcode::FABD => "fabd", Opcode::FACGT => "facgt", Opcode::FMINP => "fminp", Opcode::FJCVTZS => "fjcvtzs", Opcode::URSQRTE => "ursqrte", Opcode::PRFM => "prfm", Opcode::PRFUM => "prfum", Opcode::AESE => "aese", Opcode::AESD => "aesd", Opcode::AESMC => "aesmc", Opcode::AESIMC => "aesimc", Opcode::SHA1H => "sha1h", Opcode::SHA1SU1 => "sha1su1", Opcode::SHA256SU0 => "sha256su0", Opcode::SM3TT1A => "sm3tt1a", Opcode::SM3TT1B => "sm3tt1b", Opcode::SM3TT2A => "sm3tt2a", Opcode::SM3TT2B => "sm3tt2b", Opcode::SHA512H => "sha512h", Opcode::SHA512H2 => "sha512h2", Opcode::SHA512SU1 => "sha512su1", Opcode::RAX1 => "rax1", Opcode::SM3PARTW1 => "sm3partw1", Opcode::SM3PARTW2 => "sm3partw2", Opcode::SM4EKEY => "sm4ekey", Opcode::BCAX => "bcax", Opcode::SM3SSI => "sm3ssi", Opcode::SHA512SU0 => "sha512su0", Opcode::SM4E => "sm4e", Opcode::EOR3 => "eor3", Opcode::XAR => "xar", Opcode::LDRAA => "ldraa", Opcode::LDRAB => "ldrab", Opcode::LDAPR => "ldapr", Opcode::LDAPRH => "ldaprh", Opcode::LDAPRB => "ldaprb", Opcode::SWP(ar) => { if ar == 0 { "swp" } else if ar == 0b01 { "swpl" } else if ar == 0b10 { "swpa" } else { "swpal" } } Opcode::SWPB(ar) => { if ar == 0 { "swpb" } else if ar == 0b01 { "swplb" } else if ar == 0b10 { "swpab" } else { "swpalb" } } Opcode::SWPH(ar) => { if ar == 0 { "swph" } else if ar == 0b01 { "swplh" } else if ar == 0b10 { "swpah" } else { "swpalh" } } Opcode::LDADDB(ar) => { if ar == 0 { "ldaddb" } else if ar == 0b01 { "ldaddlb" } else if ar == 0b10 { "ldaddab" } else { "ldaddalb" } } Opcode::LDCLRB(ar) => { if ar == 0 { "ldclrb" } else if ar == 0b01 { "ldclrlb" } else if ar == 0b10 { "ldclrab" } else { "ldclralb" } } Opcode::LDEORB(ar) => { if ar == 0 { "ldeorb" } else if ar == 0b01 { "ldeorlb" } else if ar == 0b10 { "ldeorab" } else { "ldeoralb" } } Opcode::LDSETB(ar) => { if ar == 0 { "ldsetb" } else if ar == 0b01 { "ldsetlb" } else if ar == 0b10 { "ldsetab" } else { "ldsetalb" } } Opcode::LDSMAXB(ar) => { if ar == 0 { "ldsmaxb" } else if ar == 0b01 { "ldsmaxlb" } else if ar == 0b10 { "ldsmaxab" } else { "ldsmaxalb" } } Opcode::LDSMINB(ar) => { if ar == 0 { "ldsminb" } else if ar == 0b01 { "ldsminlb" } else if ar == 0b10 { "ldsminab" } else { "ldsminalb" } } Opcode::LDUMAXB(ar) => { if ar == 0 { "ldumaxb" } else if ar == 0b01 { "ldumaxlb" } else if ar == 0b10 { "ldumaxab" } else { "ldumaxalb" } } Opcode::LDUMINB(ar) => { if ar == 0 { "lduminb" } else if ar == 0b01 { "lduminlb" } else if ar == 0b10 { "lduminab" } else { "lduminalb" } } Opcode::LDADDH(ar) => { if ar == 0 { "ldaddh" } else if ar == 0b01 { "ldaddlh" } else if ar == 0b10 { "ldaddah" } else { "ldaddalh" } } Opcode::LDCLRH(ar) => { if ar == 0 { "ldclrh" } else if ar == 0b01 { "ldclrlh" } else if ar == 0b10 { "ldclrah" } else { "ldclralh" } } Opcode::LDEORH(ar) => { if ar == 0 { "ldeorh" } else if ar == 0b01 { "ldeorlh" } else if ar == 0b10 { "ldeorah" } else { "ldeoralh" } } Opcode::LDSETH(ar) => { if ar == 0 { "ldseth" } else if ar == 0b01 { "ldsetlh" } else if ar == 0b10 { "ldsetah" } else { "ldsetalh" } } Opcode::LDSMAXH(ar) => { if ar == 0 { "ldsmaxh" } else if ar == 0b01 { "ldsmaxlh" } else if ar == 0b10 { "ldsmaxah" } else { "ldsmaxalh" } } Opcode::LDSMINH(ar) => { if ar == 0 { "ldsminh" } else if ar == 0b01 { "ldsminlh" } else if ar == 0b10 { "ldsminah" } else { "ldsminalh" } } Opcode::LDUMAXH(ar) => { if ar == 0 { "ldumaxh" } else if ar == 0b01 { "ldumaxlh" } else if ar == 0b10 { "ldumaxah" } else { "ldumaxalh" } } Opcode::LDUMINH(ar) => { if ar == 0 { "lduminh" } else if ar == 0b01 { "lduminlh" } else if ar == 0b10 { "lduminah" } else { "lduminalh" } } Opcode::LDADD(ar) => { if ar == 0 { "ldadd" } else if ar == 0b01 { "ldaddl" } else if ar == 0b10 { "ldadda" } else { "ldaddal" } } Opcode::LDCLR(ar) => { if ar == 0 { "ldclr" } else if ar == 0b01 { "ldclrl" } else if ar == 0b10 { "ldclra" } else { "ldclral" } } Opcode::LDEOR(ar) => { if ar == 0 { "ldeor" } else if ar == 0b01 { "ldeorl" } else if ar == 0b10 { "ldeora" } else { "ldeoral" } } Opcode::LDSET(ar) => { if ar == 0 { "ldset" } else if ar == 0b01 { "ldsetl" } else if ar == 0b10 { "ldseta" } else { "ldsetal" } } Opcode::LDSMAX(ar) => { if ar == 0 { "ldsmax" } else if ar == 0b01 { "ldsmaxl" } else if ar == 0b10 { "ldsmaxa" } else { "ldsmaxal" } } Opcode::LDSMIN(ar) => { if ar == 0 { "ldsmin" } else if ar == 0b01 { "ldsminl" } else if ar == 0b10 { "ldsmina" } else { "ldsminal" } } Opcode::LDUMAX(ar) => { if ar == 0 { "ldumax" } else if ar == 0b01 { "ldumaxl" } else if ar == 0b10 { "ldumaxa" } else { "ldumaxal" } } Opcode::LDUMIN(ar) => { if ar == 0 { "ldumin" } else if ar == 0b01 { "lduminl" } else if ar == 0b10 { "ldumina" } else { "lduminal" } } Opcode::MOVN => "movn", Opcode::MOVZ => "movz", Opcode::ORR => "orr", Opcode::ORN => "orn", Opcode::ANDS => "ands", Opcode::ADDS => "adds", Opcode::ADD => "add", Opcode::SUBS => "subs", Opcode::SUB => "sub", Opcode::UBFM => "ubfm", Opcode::SBFM => "sbfm", Opcode::EXTR => "extr", Opcode::RET => "ret", Opcode::SYS(_) => "sys", Opcode::SYSL(_) => "sysl", Opcode::CSNEG => "csneg", Opcode::CSINC => "csinc", Opcode::CSINV => "csinv", Opcode::MADD => "madd", Opcode::MSUB => "msub", Opcode::SMADDL => "smaddl", Opcode::SMSUBL => "smsubl", Opcode::SMULH => "smulh", Opcode::UMADDL => "umaddl", Opcode::UMSUBL => "umsubl", Opcode::UMULH => "umulh", Opcode::UDIV => "udiv", Opcode::SDIV => "sdiv", Opcode::LSLV => "lslv", Opcode::LSRV => "lsrv", Opcode::ASRV => "asrv", Opcode::RORV => "rorv", Opcode::INS => "ins", Opcode::DUP => "dup", Opcode::LDLARB => "ldlarb", Opcode::LDLARH => "ldlarh", Opcode::LDLAR => "ldlar", Opcode::STLLRB => "stllrb", Opcode::STLLRH => "stllrh", Opcode::STLLR => "stllr", Opcode::TBL => "tbl", Opcode::TBX => "tbx", Opcode::FCADD => "fcadd", Opcode::LDGM => "ldgm", Opcode::LDG => "ldm", Opcode::STGM => "stgm", Opcode::STZGM => "stzgm", Opcode::STG => "stg", Opcode::STZG => "stzg", Opcode::ST2G => "st2g", Opcode::STZ2G => "stz2g", Opcode::LDAPUR => "ldapur", Opcode::LDAPURB => "ldapurb", Opcode::LDAPURH => "ldapurh", Opcode::LDAPURSB => "ldapursb", Opcode::LDAPURSH => "ldapursh", Opcode::LDAPURSW => "ldapursw", Opcode::STLUR => "stlur", Opcode::STLURB => "stlurb", Opcode::STLURH => "stlurh", Opcode::SETF8 => "setf8", Opcode::SETF16 => "setf16", Opcode::RMIF => "rmif", Opcode::SHA1C => "sha1c", Opcode::SHA1P => "sha1p", Opcode::SHA1M => "sha1m", Opcode::SHA1SU0 => "sha1su0", Opcode::SHA256H => "sha256h", Opcode::SHA256H2 => "sha256h2", Opcode::SHA256SU1 => "sha256su1", Opcode::BLRAA => "blraa", Opcode::BLRAAZ => "blraaz", Opcode::BLRAB => "blrab", Opcode::BLRABZ => "blrabz", Opcode::BRAA => "braa", Opcode::BRAAZ => "braaz", Opcode::BRAB => "brab", Opcode::BRABZ => "brabz", Opcode::ERETAA => "eretaa", Opcode::ERETAB => "eretab", Opcode::RETAA => "retaa", Opcode::RETAB => "retab", Opcode::PACIA => "pacia", Opcode::PACIB => "pacib", Opcode::PACDA => "pacda", Opcode::PACDB => "pacdb", Opcode::AUTIA => "autia", Opcode::AUTIB => "autib", Opcode::AUTDA => "autda", Opcode::AUTDB => "autdb", Opcode::PACIZA => "paciza", Opcode::PACIZB => "pacizb", Opcode::PACDZA => "pacdza", Opcode::PACDZB => "pacdzb", Opcode::AUTIZA => "autiza", Opcode::AUTIZB => "autizb", Opcode::AUTDZA => "autdza", Opcode::AUTDZB => "autdzb", Opcode::XPACI => "xpaci", Opcode::XPACD => "xpacd", Opcode::Bcc(cond) => { return write!(fmt, "b.{}", Operand::ConditionCode(cond)); }, Opcode::DMB(option) => { return match option { 0b0001 => write!(fmt, "dmb oshld"), 0b0010 => write!(fmt, "dmb oshst"), 0b0011 => write!(fmt, "dmb osh"), 0b0101 => write!(fmt, "dmb nshld"), 0b0110 => write!(fmt, "dmb nshst"), 0b0111 => write!(fmt, "dmb nsh"), 0b1001 => write!(fmt, "dmb ishld"), 0b1010 => write!(fmt, "dmb ishst"), 0b1011 => write!(fmt, "dmb ish"), 0b1101 => write!(fmt, "dmb ld"), 0b1110 => write!(fmt, "dmb st"), 0b1111 => write!(fmt, "dmb sy"), _ => write!(fmt, "dmb {:x}", option) }; } Opcode::DSB(option) => { return match option { 0b0001 => write!(fmt, "dsb oshld"), 0b0010 => write!(fmt, "dsb oshst"), 0b0011 => write!(fmt, "dsb osh"), 0b0101 => write!(fmt, "dsb nshld"), 0b0110 => write!(fmt, "dsb nshst"), 0b0111 => write!(fmt, "dsb nsh"), 0b1001 => write!(fmt, "dsb ishld"), 0b1010 => write!(fmt, "dsb ishst"), 0b1011 => write!(fmt, "dsb ish"), 0b1101 => write!(fmt, "dsb ld"), 0b1110 => write!(fmt, "dsb st"), 0b1111 => write!(fmt, "dsb sy"), _ => write!(fmt, "dsb {:x}", option) }; } Opcode::HINT(v) => { return match v { 0 => { write!(fmt, "nop") }, 1 => { write!(fmt, "yield") }, 2 => { write!(fmt, "wfe") }, 3 => { write!(fmt, "wfi") }, 4 => { write!(fmt, "sev") }, 5 => { write!(fmt, "sevl") }, _ => { write!(fmt, "hint({:#x})", v) } } } Opcode::CASB(ar) => { if ar == 0 { "casb" } else if ar == 0b01 { "caslb" } else if ar == 0b10 { "casab" } else { "casalb" } } Opcode::CASH(ar) => { if ar == 0 { "cash" } else if ar == 0b01 { "caslh" } else if ar == 0b10 { "casah" } else { "casalh" } } Opcode::CAS(ar) => { if ar == 0 { "cas" } else if ar == 0b01 { "casl" } else if ar == 0b10 { "casa" } else { "casal" } } Opcode::CASP(ar) => { if ar == 0 { "casp" } else if ar == 0b01 { "caspl" } else if ar == 0b10 { "caspa" } else { "caspal" } } }; fmt.write_str(text) } } #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)] pub enum ShiftStyle { LSL, LSR, ASR, ROR, UXTB, UXTH, UXTW, UXTX, SXTB, SXTH, SXTW, SXTX, } impl Display for ShiftStyle { fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { match self { ShiftStyle::LSL => { write!(fmt, "lsl") }, ShiftStyle::LSR => { write!(fmt, "lsr") }, ShiftStyle::ASR => { write!(fmt, "asr") }, ShiftStyle::ROR => { write!(fmt, "ror") }, ShiftStyle::UXTB => { write!(fmt, "uxtb") }, ShiftStyle::UXTH => { write!(fmt, "uxth") }, ShiftStyle::UXTW => { write!(fmt, "uxtw") }, ShiftStyle::UXTX => { write!(fmt, "uxtx") }, ShiftStyle::SXTB => { write!(fmt, "sxtb") }, ShiftStyle::SXTH => { write!(fmt, "sxth") }, ShiftStyle::SXTW => { write!(fmt, "sxtw") }, ShiftStyle::SXTX => { write!(fmt, "sxtx") }, } } } #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)] #[repr(C)] pub enum Operand { Nothing, Register(SizeCode, u16), RegisterPair(SizeCode, u16), SIMDRegister(SIMDSizeCode, u16), SIMDRegisterElements(SIMDSizeCode, u16, SIMDSizeCode), SIMDRegisterElementsLane(SIMDSizeCode, u16, SIMDSizeCode, u8), SIMDRegisterElementsMultipleLane(SIMDSizeCode, u16, SIMDSizeCode, u8, u8), SIMDRegisterGroup(SIMDSizeCode, u16, SIMDSizeCode, u8), SIMDRegisterGroupLane(u16, SIMDSizeCode, u8, u8), RegisterOrSP(SizeCode, u16), ConditionCode(u8), Offset(i64), PCOffset(i64), Immediate(u32), ImmediateDouble(f64), Imm64(u64), Imm16(u16), ImmShift(u16, u8), ImmShiftMSL(u16, u8), RegShift(ShiftStyle, u8, SizeCode, u16), RegOffset(u16, i16), RegRegOffset(u16, u16, SizeCode, ShiftStyle, u8), RegPreIndex(u16, i32, bool), RegPostIndex(u16, i32), RegPostIndexReg(u16, u16), PrefetchOp(u16), SystemReg(u16), ControlReg(u16), PstateField(u8), } impl Display for Operand { fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result { match self { Operand::Nothing => { unreachable!(); }, Operand::Register(size, reg) => { if *reg == 31 { match size { SizeCode::X => { write!(fmt, "xzr") }, SizeCode::W => { write!(fmt, "wzr") } } } else { match size { SizeCode::X => { write!(fmt, "x{}", reg) }, SizeCode::W => { write!(fmt, "w{}", reg) } } } }, Operand::RegisterPair(size, reg) => { write!(fmt, "{}, {}", Operand::Register(*size, *reg), Operand::Register(*size, *reg + 1)) }, Operand::ControlReg(reg) => { write!(fmt, "cr{}", reg) }, Operand::PrefetchOp(op) => { let ty = (op >> 3) & 0b11; let target = (op >> 1) & 0b11; let policy = op & 1; if ty == 0b11 || target == 0b11 { write!(fmt, "{:#02x}", op) } else { write!(fmt, "{}{}{}", ["pld", "pli", "pst"][ty as usize], ["l1", "l2", "l3"][target as usize], ["keep", "strm"][policy as usize], ) } } Operand::SystemReg(reg) => { // TODO: look up system register names better match reg { 0x4000 => fmt.write_str("midr_el1"), 0x5e82 => fmt.write_str("tpidr_el0"), 0x5f02 => fmt.write_str("cntvct_el0"), _ => write!(fmt, "sysreg:{:x}", reg), } } Operand::PstateField(reg) => { // `MSR (immediate)` writes to the `PSTATE` register, setting a few bit patterns as // selected by `reg`. write!(fmt, "pstate.{:x}", reg) } Operand::SIMDRegister(size, reg) => { match size { SIMDSizeCode::B => { write!(fmt, "b{}", reg) } SIMDSizeCode::H => { write!(fmt, "h{}", reg) } SIMDSizeCode::S => { write!(fmt, "s{}", reg) } SIMDSizeCode::D => { write!(fmt, "d{}", reg) } SIMDSizeCode::Q => { write!(fmt, "q{}", reg) } } } Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(vector_width, reg, lane_width) => { let num_items = vector_width.width() / lane_width.width(); write!(fmt, "v{}.{}{}", reg, num_items, lane_width.name()) } Operand::SIMDRegisterElementsLane(_vector_width, reg, lane_width, lane) => { write!(fmt, "v{}.{}[{}]", reg, lane_width.name(), lane) } Operand::SIMDRegisterElementsMultipleLane(_vector_width, reg, lane_width, lane, num_lanes) => { write!(fmt, "v{}.{}{}[{}]", reg, num_lanes, lane_width.name(), lane) } Operand::SIMDRegisterGroup(vector_width, reg, lane_width, group_size) => { let num_items = vector_width.width() / lane_width.width(); let format_reg = |f: &mut fmt::Formatter, reg, elems, lane_size: SIMDSizeCode| { write!(f, "v{}.{}{}", reg, elems, lane_size.name()) }; fmt.write_str("{")?; format_reg(fmt, *reg, num_items, *lane_width)?; for i in 1..*group_size { fmt.write_str(", ")?; format_reg(fmt, (*reg + i as u16) % 32, num_items, *lane_width)?; } fmt.write_str("}")?; Ok(()) } Operand::SIMDRegisterGroupLane(reg, lane_width, group_size, lane) => { let format_reg = |f: &mut fmt::Formatter, reg, lane_size: SIMDSizeCode| { write!(f, "v{}.{}", reg, lane_size.name()) }; fmt.write_str("{")?; format_reg(fmt, *reg, *lane_width)?; for i in 1..*group_size { fmt.write_str(", ")?; format_reg(fmt, (*reg + i as u16) % 32, *lane_width)?; } fmt.write_str("}")?; write!(fmt, "[{}]", lane)?; Ok(()) } Operand::RegisterOrSP(size, reg) => { if *reg == 31 { match size { SizeCode::X => { write!(fmt, "sp") }, SizeCode::W => { write!(fmt, "wsp") } } } else { match size { SizeCode::X => { write!(fmt, "x{}", reg) }, SizeCode::W => { write!(fmt, "w{}", reg) } } } }, Operand::ConditionCode(cond) => { match cond { 0b0000 => { write!(fmt, "eq") } 0b0010 => { write!(fmt, "hs") } 0b0100 => { write!(fmt, "mi") } 0b0110 => { write!(fmt, "vs") } 0b1000 => { write!(fmt, "hi") } 0b1010 => { write!(fmt, "ge") } 0b1100 => { write!(fmt, "gt") } 0b1110 => { write!(fmt, "al") } 0b0001 => { write!(fmt, "ne") } 0b0011 => { write!(fmt, "lo") } 0b0101 => { write!(fmt, "pl") } 0b0111 => { write!(fmt, "vc") } 0b1001 => { write!(fmt, "ls") } 0b1011 => { write!(fmt, "lt") } 0b1101 => { write!(fmt, "le") } 0b1111 => { write!(fmt, "nv") } // `The Condition code NV exists only to provide a valid disassembly of the 0b1111 encoding, otherwise its behavior is identical to AL`. _ => { unreachable!(); } } } Operand::Offset(offs) => { if *offs < 0 { write!(fmt, "$-{:#x}", offs.wrapping_neg()) } else { write!(fmt, "$+{:#x}", offs) } } Operand::PCOffset(offs) => { if *offs < 0 { write!(fmt, "$-{:#x}", offs.wrapping_neg()) } else { write!(fmt, "$+{:#x}", offs) } } Operand::Immediate(i) => { write!(fmt, "#{:x}", *i) }, Operand::ImmediateDouble(d) => { write!(fmt, "#{:0.1}", d) }, Operand::Imm16(i) => { write!(fmt, "#{:#x}", *i) }, Operand::Imm64(i) => { write!(fmt, "#{:#x}", *i) }, Operand::ImmShift(i, shift) => { match shift { 0 => { write!(fmt, "#{:#x}", *i) }, _ => { write!(fmt, "#{:#x}, lsl #{}", i, shift) } } }, Operand::ImmShiftMSL(i, shift) => { match shift { 0 => { write!(fmt, "#{:#x}", *i) }, _ => { write!(fmt, "#{:#x}, msl #{}", i, shift) } } }, Operand::RegShift(shift_type, amount, size, reg) => { match size { SizeCode::X => { if (*shift_type == ShiftStyle::LSL || *shift_type == ShiftStyle::UXTX) && *amount == 0 { write!(fmt, "{}", Operand::Register(SizeCode::X, *reg)) } else if *amount != 0 { write!(fmt, "{}, {} #{}", Operand::Register(SizeCode::X, *reg), shift_type, amount) } else { write!(fmt, "{}, {}", Operand::Register(SizeCode::X, *reg), shift_type) } }, SizeCode::W => { if *shift_type == ShiftStyle::LSL && *amount == 0 { write!(fmt, "{}", Operand::Register(SizeCode::W, *reg)) } else if *amount != 0 { write!(fmt, "{}, {} #{}", Operand::Register(SizeCode::W, *reg), shift_type, amount) } else { write!(fmt, "{}, {}", Operand::Register(SizeCode::W, *reg), shift_type) } } } } Operand::RegOffset(reg, offset) => { if *offset != 0 { if *offset < 0 { write!(fmt, "[{}, #-{:#x}]", Operand::RegisterOrSP(SizeCode::X, *reg), -*offset) } else { write!(fmt, "[{}, #{:#x}]", Operand::RegisterOrSP(SizeCode::X, *reg), offset) } } else { write!(fmt, "[{}]", Operand::RegisterOrSP(SizeCode::X, *reg)) } } Operand::RegRegOffset(reg, index_reg, index_size, extend, amount) => { if ((extend == &ShiftStyle::UXTW && index_size == &SizeCode::W) || (extend == &ShiftStyle::UXTX && index_size == &SizeCode::X)) && *amount == 0 { write!(fmt, "[{}, {}, {}]", Operand::RegisterOrSP(SizeCode::X, *reg), Operand::Register(*index_size, *index_reg), extend) } else { write!(fmt, "[{}, {}, {} #{:#x}]", Operand::RegisterOrSP(SizeCode::X, *reg), Operand::Register(*index_size, *index_reg), extend, amount) } } Operand::RegPreIndex(reg, offset, wback_bit) => { let wback = if *wback_bit { "!" } else { "" }; if *offset != 0 || *wback_bit { if *offset < 0 { write!(fmt, "[{}, #-{:#x}]{}", Operand::RegisterOrSP(SizeCode::X, *reg), -*offset, wback) } else { write!(fmt, "[{}, #{:#x}]{}", Operand::RegisterOrSP(SizeCode::X, *reg), offset, wback) } } else { write!(fmt, "[{}]", Operand::RegisterOrSP(SizeCode::X, *reg)) } } Operand::RegPostIndex(reg, offset) => { if *offset < 0 { write!(fmt, "[{}], #-{:#x}", Operand::RegisterOrSP(SizeCode::X, *reg), -*offset) } else { write!(fmt, "[{}], #{:#x}", Operand::RegisterOrSP(SizeCode::X, *reg), offset) } } Operand::RegPostIndexReg(reg, offset_reg) => { write!(fmt, "[{}], x{}", Operand::RegisterOrSP(SizeCode::X, *reg), offset_reg) } } } } #[derive(Default, Debug)] pub struct InstDecoder {} #[allow(non_snake_case)] impl Decoder for InstDecoder { fn decode_into::Address, ::Word>>(&self, inst: &mut Instruction, words: &mut T) -> Result<(), ::DecodeError> { let mut word_bytes = [0u8; 4]; words.next_n(&mut word_bytes)?; let word = u32::from_le_bytes(word_bytes); inst.operands = [ Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)] enum Section { Unallocated, LoadStore, DataProcessingReg, DataProcessingSimd, DataProcessingSimd2, DataProcessingImmediate, BranchExceptionSystem, SME, SVE, } // from ARM architecture refrence manual for ARMv8, C3.1 /* * ---00--- UNALLOCATED * ---100-- Data processing - immediate * ---101-- Branch, exception, system instructions * ----1-0- Loads and stores * ----101- Data processing - register * ---0111- Data processing - SIMD and floating point * ---1111- Data processing - SIMD and floating point */ let section_bits = word >> 25; let section = [ Section::SME, // 0000 // SME encodings Section::Unallocated, // 0001 Section::SVE, // 0010 // SVE encodings Section::Unallocated, // 0011 Section::LoadStore, // 0100 Section::DataProcessingReg, // 0101 Section::LoadStore, // 0110 Section::DataProcessingSimd, // 0111 Section::DataProcessingImmediate, // 1000 Section::DataProcessingImmediate, // 1001 Section::BranchExceptionSystem, // 1010 Section::BranchExceptionSystem, // 1011 Section::LoadStore, // 1100 Section::DataProcessingReg, // 1101 Section::LoadStore, // 1110 Section::DataProcessingSimd2, // 1111 ][(section_bits & 0x0f) as usize]; // crate::armv8::a64::std::eprintln!("word: {:#x}, bits: {:#b}", word, section_bits & 0xf); match section { Section::SME => { return Err(DecodeError::IncompleteDecoder); }, Section::SVE => { return Err(DecodeError::IncompleteDecoder); } Section::DataProcessingSimd | Section::DataProcessingSimd2 => { let op3 = (word >> 10) & 0b1_1111_1111; let op2 = (word >> 19) & 0b1111; let op1 = (word >> 23) & 0b11; let op0 = (word >> 28) & 0b1111; if (op0 & 0b1001) == 0b0000 { let op3_low = (op3 & 1) == 1; if op1 >= 0b10 { if op3_low { if op1 == 0b11 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } // `Advanced SIMD {modified,shift by} immediate` if op2 != 0b0000 { // `shift by` let Rd = word & 0b1_1111; let Rn = (word >> 5) & 0b1_1111; let opcode = (word >> 11) & 0b11111; let immb = (word >> 16) & 0b111; let immh = (word >> 19) & 0b1111; let Q = (word >> 30) & 1; let U = (word >> 29) & 1; if immh == 0b0001 && (opcode == 0b11100 || opcode == 0b11111) { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); }; if immh >= 0b1000 && Q == 0 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } let datasize = if Q == 1 { SIMDSizeCode::Q } else { SIMDSizeCode::D }; // is shift encoded as `N - imm` or `imm - N`? const OPCODES: &[Result<(Opcode, bool), DecodeError>] = &[ Ok((Opcode::SSHR, true)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::SSRA, true)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::SRSHR, true)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::SRSRA, true)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), // 0b01000 Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::SHL, false)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::SQSHL, false)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), // 0b10000 Ok((Opcode::SHRN, true)), Ok((Opcode::RSHRN, true)), Ok((Opcode::SQSHRN, true)), Ok((Opcode::SQRSHRN, true)), Ok((Opcode::SSHLL, false)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), // 0b11000 Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::SCVTF, true)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::FCVTZS, true)), // U == 1 Ok((Opcode::USHR, true)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::USRA, true)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::URSHR, true)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::URSRA, true)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), // 0b01000 Ok((Opcode::SRI, true)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::SLI, false)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::SQSHLU, false)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::UQSHL, false)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), // 0b10000 Ok((Opcode::SQSHRUN, true)), Ok((Opcode::SQRSHRUN, true)), Ok((Opcode::UQSHRN, true)), Ok((Opcode::UQRSHRN, true)), Ok((Opcode::USHLL, false)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), // 0b11000 Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::UCVTF, true)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::FCVTZU, true)), ]; let (opcode, before) = OPCODES[((U << 5) | opcode) as usize]?; inst.opcode = opcode; let (T, shift) = if before { if immh > 0b0111 { (SIMDSizeCode::D, 128 - ((immh << 3) | immb)) } else if immh > 0b0011 { (SIMDSizeCode::S, 64 - ((immh << 3) | immb)) } else if immh > 0b0001 { (SIMDSizeCode::H, 32 - ((immh << 3) | immb)) } else { (SIMDSizeCode::B, 16 - ((immh << 3) | immb)) } } else { if immh > 0b0111 { (SIMDSizeCode::D, ((immh << 3) | immb) - 64) } else if immh > 0b0011 { (SIMDSizeCode::S, ((immh << 3) | immb) - 32) } else if immh > 0b0001 { (SIMDSizeCode::H, ((immh << 3) | immb) - 16) } else { (SIMDSizeCode::B, ((immh << 3) | immb) - 8) } }; let (Vb, Tb) = if opcode == Opcode::SQSHRUN || opcode == Opcode::SQRSHRUN || opcode == Opcode::UQSHRN || opcode == Opcode::UQRSHRN || opcode == Opcode::SHRN || opcode == Opcode::RSHRN || opcode == Opcode::SQSHRN || opcode == Opcode::SQRSHRN { if immh > 0b0111 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } else if immh > 0b0011 { (SIMDSizeCode::Q, SIMDSizeCode::D) } else if immh > 0b0001 { (SIMDSizeCode::Q, SIMDSizeCode::S) } else { (SIMDSizeCode::Q, SIMDSizeCode::H) } } else { (datasize, T) }; let (datasize, T, shift) = if opcode == Opcode::SSHLL { let new_t = match T { SIMDSizeCode::B => SIMDSizeCode::H, SIMDSizeCode::H => SIMDSizeCode::S, _ /* SIMDSizeCode::S */ => SIMDSizeCode::D, }; (SIMDSizeCode::Q, new_t, shift) } else { (datasize, T, shift) }; if Q == 1 { if inst.opcode == Opcode::RSHRN { inst.opcode = Opcode::RSHRN2; } else if inst.opcode == Opcode::SQSHRUN { inst.opcode = Opcode::SQSHRUN2; } else if inst.opcode == Opcode::SQRSHRUN { inst.opcode = Opcode::SQRSHRUN2; } else if inst.opcode == Opcode::UQSHRN { inst.opcode = Opcode::UQSHRN2; } else if inst.opcode == Opcode::UQRSHRN { inst.opcode = Opcode::UQRSHRN2; } else if inst.opcode == Opcode::USHLL { inst.opcode = Opcode::USHLL2; } else if inst.opcode == Opcode::SHRN { inst.opcode = Opcode::SHRN2; } else if inst.opcode == Opcode::SQSHRN { inst.opcode = Opcode::SQSHRN2; } else if inst.opcode == Opcode::SQRSHRN { inst.opcode = Opcode::SQRSHRN2; } }; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(datasize, Rd as u16, T), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(Vb, Rn as u16, Tb), Operand::Immediate(shift), Operand::Nothing, ]; } else { // `modified` let Rd = word & 0b1_1111; let defgh = (word >> 5) & 0b1_1111; let o2 = (word >> 11) & 0b1; let cmode = (word >> 12) & 0b1111; let abc = (word >> 16) & 0b111; let Q = (word >> 30) & 1; let op = (word >> 29) & 1; let datasize = if Q == 1 { SIMDSizeCode::Q } else { SIMDSizeCode::D }; const OPCODES: &[Result<(Opcode, SIMDSizeCode), DecodeError>] = &[ Ok((Opcode::MOVI, SIMDSizeCode::S)), Ok((Opcode::ORR, SIMDSizeCode::S)), Ok((Opcode::MOVI, SIMDSizeCode::S)), Ok((Opcode::ORR, SIMDSizeCode::S)), Ok((Opcode::MOVI, SIMDSizeCode::S)), Ok((Opcode::ORR, SIMDSizeCode::S)), Ok((Opcode::MOVI, SIMDSizeCode::S)), Ok((Opcode::ORR, SIMDSizeCode::S)), Ok((Opcode::MOVI, SIMDSizeCode::H)), Ok((Opcode::ORR, SIMDSizeCode::H)), Ok((Opcode::MOVI, SIMDSizeCode::H)), Ok((Opcode::ORR, SIMDSizeCode::H)), Ok((Opcode::MOVI, SIMDSizeCode::S)), Ok((Opcode::MOVI, SIMDSizeCode::S)), Ok((Opcode::MOVI, SIMDSizeCode::B)), Ok((Opcode::FMOV, SIMDSizeCode::B)), // op == 1 Ok((Opcode::MVNI, SIMDSizeCode::S)), Ok((Opcode::BIC, SIMDSizeCode::S)), Ok((Opcode::MVNI, SIMDSizeCode::S)), Ok((Opcode::BIC, SIMDSizeCode::S)), Ok((Opcode::MVNI, SIMDSizeCode::S)), Ok((Opcode::BIC, SIMDSizeCode::S)), Ok((Opcode::MVNI, SIMDSizeCode::S)), Ok((Opcode::BIC, SIMDSizeCode::S)), Ok((Opcode::MVNI, SIMDSizeCode::H)), Ok((Opcode::BIC, SIMDSizeCode::H)), Ok((Opcode::MVNI, SIMDSizeCode::H)), Ok((Opcode::BIC, SIMDSizeCode::H)), Ok((Opcode::MVNI, SIMDSizeCode::S)), Ok((Opcode::MVNI, SIMDSizeCode::S)), Ok((Opcode::MOVI, SIMDSizeCode::D)), Ok((Opcode::FMOV, SIMDSizeCode::B)), ]; if cmode == 0b1111 && op == 1 && Q == 0 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } let (opc, size) = OPCODES[((op << 4) | cmode) as usize]?; let mut size = size; let imm = if opc == Opcode::FMOV { if op == 0 && o2 == 0 { size = SIMDSizeCode::S; } else if op == 0 && o2 == 1 { size = SIMDSizeCode::H; } else if op == 1 && o2 == 0 { size = SIMDSizeCode::D; } // simd expand let a = (abc >> 2) as u64; let b = ((abc >> 1) & 1) as u64; let c = (abc & 1) as u64; let cdefgh = (c << 5) | defgh as u64; // the expansion is the same (with more exponent bits) for the // various widths let value = (a << 63) | (((b * 0b111_111_111) ^ 0b100_000_000) << 54) | (cdefgh << 48); let value = f64::from_bits(value); Operand::ImmediateDouble(value) } else if opc == Opcode::ORR || opc == Opcode::BIC { // abcdefgh let abcdefgh = (abc << 5) | defgh; let amount = match size { SIMDSizeCode::H => { (cmode & 0b0010) << 2 } SIMDSizeCode::S => { (cmode & 0b0110) << 2 } _ => 0, }; Operand::ImmShift(abcdefgh as u16, amount as u8) } else /* if opc == Opcode::MOVI || opc == Opcode::MVNI */ { if cmode == 0b1110 && op == 1 { let abcdefgh = ((abc << 5) | defgh) as u64; let abcdefgh = (abcdefgh | (abcdefgh << 16)) & 0x000000ff000000ff; let abcdefgh = (abcdefgh | (abcdefgh << 8)) & 0x00ff00ff00ff00ff; let abcdefgh = (abcdefgh | (abcdefgh << 4)) & 0x0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f; let abcdefgh = (abcdefgh | (abcdefgh << 2)) & 0x3333333333333333; let abcdefgh = (abcdefgh | (abcdefgh << 1)) & 0x5555555555555555; Operand::Imm64(abcdefgh | (abcdefgh << 1)) } else { let abcdefgh = ((abc << 5) | defgh) as u64; let imm8 = abcdefgh; let amount = match size { SIMDSizeCode::H => { (cmode & 0b0010) << 2 } SIMDSizeCode::S => { (cmode & 0b0110) << 2 } _ => 0, }; if cmode & 0b1110 == 0b1100 { let amount = (cmode & 1) << 3; Operand::ImmShiftMSL(imm8 as u16, amount as u8 + 8) } else { Operand::ImmShift(imm8 as u16, amount as u8) } } }; inst.opcode = opc; if Q == 0 && op == 1 && cmode == 0b1110 && o2 == 0 { inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegister(size, Rd as u16), imm, Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; } else { inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(datasize, Rd as u16, size), imm, Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; } } } else { // `Advanced SIMD vector x indexed element` let Rd = word & 0b1_1111; let Rn = (word >> 5) & 0b1_1111; let opcode = (word >> 12) & 0b1111; let Rm = (word >> 16) & 0b1111; let Q = (word >> 30) & 1; let U = (word >> 29) & 1; let size = (word >> 22) & 0b11; let L = (word >> 21) & 1; let M = (word >> 20) & 1; let H = (word >> 11) & 1; match (U << 4) | opcode { 0b0_0010 => { if size == 0b00 || size == 0b11 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } let (index, Rm) = if size == 0b01 { let index = (H << 2) | (L << 1) | M; (index, Rm) } else { let index = (H << 1) | L; let Rm = (M << 4) | Rm; (index, Rm) }; let Tb_vecsize = if Q == 1 { SIMDSizeCode::Q } else { SIMDSizeCode::D }; let (Ta, Tb_elemsize, Ts) = if size == 0b01 { (SIMDSizeCode::S, SIMDSizeCode::H, SIMDSizeCode::H) } else { (SIMDSizeCode::D, SIMDSizeCode::S, SIMDSizeCode::S) }; inst.opcode = if Q == 1 { Opcode::SMLAL2 } else { Opcode::SMLAL }; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rd as u16, Ta), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(Tb_vecsize, Rn as u16, Tb_elemsize), Operand::SIMDRegisterElementsLane(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rm as u16, Ts, index as u8), Operand::Nothing, ]; }, 0b0_0011 => { if size == 0b00 || size == 0b11 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } let (index, Rm) = if size == 0b01 { let index = (H << 2) | (L << 1) | M; (index, Rm) } else { let index = (H << 1) | L; let Rm = (M << 4) | Rm; (index, Rm) }; let Tb_vecsize = if Q == 1 { SIMDSizeCode::Q } else { SIMDSizeCode::D }; let (Ta, Tb_elemsize, Ts) = if size == 0b01 { (SIMDSizeCode::S, SIMDSizeCode::H, SIMDSizeCode::H) } else { (SIMDSizeCode::D, SIMDSizeCode::S, SIMDSizeCode::S) }; inst.opcode = if Q == 1 { Opcode::SQDMLAL2 } else { Opcode::SQDMLAL }; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rd as u16, Ta), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(Tb_vecsize, Rn as u16, Tb_elemsize), Operand::SIMDRegisterElementsLane(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rm as u16, Ts, index as u8), Operand::Nothing, ]; }, 0b0_0110 => { if size == 0b00 || size == 0b11 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } let (index, Rm) = if size == 0b01 { let index = (H << 2) | (L << 1) | M; (index, Rm) } else { let index = (H << 1) | L; let Rm = (M << 4) | Rm; (index, Rm) }; let Tb_vecsize = if Q == 1 { SIMDSizeCode::Q } else { SIMDSizeCode::D }; let (Ta, Tb_elemsize, Ts) = if size == 0b01 { (SIMDSizeCode::S, SIMDSizeCode::H, SIMDSizeCode::H) } else { (SIMDSizeCode::D, SIMDSizeCode::S, SIMDSizeCode::S) }; inst.opcode = if Q == 1 { Opcode::SMLSL2 } else { Opcode::SMLSL }; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rd as u16, Ta), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(Tb_vecsize, Rn as u16, Tb_elemsize), Operand::SIMDRegisterElementsLane(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rm as u16, Ts, index as u8), Operand::Nothing, ]; }, 0b0_0111 => { if size == 0b00 || size == 0b11 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } let (index, Rm) = if size == 0b01 { let index = (H << 2) | (L << 1) | M; (index, Rm) } else { let index = (H << 1) | L; let Rm = (M << 4) | Rm; (index, Rm) }; let Tb_vecsize = if Q == 1 { SIMDSizeCode::Q } else { SIMDSizeCode::D }; let (Ta, Tb_elemsize, Ts) = if size == 0b01 { (SIMDSizeCode::S, SIMDSizeCode::H, SIMDSizeCode::H) } else { (SIMDSizeCode::D, SIMDSizeCode::S, SIMDSizeCode::S) }; inst.opcode = if Q == 1 { Opcode::SQDMLSL2 } else { Opcode::SQDMLSL }; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rd as u16, Ta), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(Tb_vecsize, Rn as u16, Tb_elemsize), Operand::SIMDRegisterElementsLane(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rm as u16, Ts, index as u8), Operand::Nothing, ]; }, 0b0_1000 => { if size == 0b00 || size == 0b11 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } let (index, Rm) = if size == 0b01 { let index = (H << 2) | (L << 1) | M; (index, Rm) } else { let index = (H << 1) | L; let Rm = (M << 4) | Rm; (index, Rm) }; let datasize = if Q == 1 { SIMDSizeCode::Q } else { SIMDSizeCode::D }; let elemsize = if size == 0b01 { SIMDSizeCode::H } else { SIMDSizeCode::S }; inst.opcode = Opcode::MUL; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(datasize, Rd as u16, elemsize), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(datasize, Rn as u16, elemsize), Operand::SIMDRegisterElementsLane(datasize, Rm as u16, elemsize, index as u8), Operand::Nothing, ]; }, 0b0_1010 => { if size == 0b00 || size == 0b11 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } let (index, Rm) = if size == 0b01 { let index = (H << 2) | (L << 1) | M; (index, Rm) } else { let index = (H << 1) | L; let Rm = (M << 4) | Rm; (index, Rm) }; let Tb_vecsize = if Q == 1 { SIMDSizeCode::Q } else { SIMDSizeCode::D }; let (Ta, Tb_elemsize, Ts) = if size == 0b01 { (SIMDSizeCode::S, SIMDSizeCode::H, SIMDSizeCode::H) } else { (SIMDSizeCode::D, SIMDSizeCode::S, SIMDSizeCode::S) }; inst.opcode = if Q == 1 { Opcode::SMULL2 } else { Opcode::SMULL }; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rd as u16, Ta), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(Tb_vecsize, Rn as u16, Tb_elemsize), Operand::SIMDRegisterElementsLane(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rm as u16, Ts, index as u8), Operand::Nothing, ]; }, 0b0_1011 => { if size == 0b00 || size == 0b11 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } let (index, Rm) = if size == 0b01 { let index = (H << 2) | (L << 1) | M; (index, Rm) } else { let index = (H << 1) | L; let Rm = (M << 4) | Rm; (index, Rm) }; let Tb_vecsize = if Q == 1 { SIMDSizeCode::Q } else { SIMDSizeCode::D }; let (Ta, Tb_elemsize, Ts) = if size == 0b01 { (SIMDSizeCode::S, SIMDSizeCode::H, SIMDSizeCode::H) } else { (SIMDSizeCode::D, SIMDSizeCode::S, SIMDSizeCode::S) }; inst.opcode = if Q == 1 { Opcode::SQDMULL2 } else { Opcode::SQDMULL }; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rd as u16, Ta), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(Tb_vecsize, Rn as u16, Tb_elemsize), Operand::SIMDRegisterElementsLane(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rm as u16, Ts, index as u8), Operand::Nothing, ]; }, 0b0_1100 => { if size == 0b00 || size == 0b11 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } let (index, Rm) = if size == 0b01 { let index = (H << 2) | (L << 1) | M; (index, Rm) } else { let index = (H << 1) | L; let Rm = (M << 4) | Rm; (index, Rm) }; let Tb_vecsize = if Q == 1 { SIMDSizeCode::Q } else { SIMDSizeCode::D }; let (Ta, Tb_elemsize, Ts) = if size == 0b01 { (SIMDSizeCode::H, SIMDSizeCode::H, SIMDSizeCode::H) } else { (SIMDSizeCode::S, SIMDSizeCode::S, SIMDSizeCode::S) }; inst.opcode = Opcode::SQDMULH; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(Tb_vecsize, Rd as u16, Ta), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(Tb_vecsize, Rn as u16, Tb_elemsize), Operand::SIMDRegisterElementsLane(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rm as u16, Ts, index as u8), Operand::Nothing, ]; }, 0b0_1101 => { if size == 0b00 || size == 0b11 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } let (index, Rm) = if size == 0b01 { let index = (H << 2) | (L << 1) | M; (index, Rm) } else { let index = (H << 1) | L; let Rm = (M << 4) | Rm; (index, Rm) }; let Tb_vecsize = if Q == 1 { SIMDSizeCode::Q } else { SIMDSizeCode::D }; let (Ta, Tb_elemsize, Ts) = if size == 0b01 { (SIMDSizeCode::H, SIMDSizeCode::H, SIMDSizeCode::H) } else { (SIMDSizeCode::S, SIMDSizeCode::S, SIMDSizeCode::S) }; inst.opcode = Opcode::SQRDMULH; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(Tb_vecsize, Rd as u16, Ta), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(Tb_vecsize, Rn as u16, Tb_elemsize), Operand::SIMDRegisterElementsLane(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rm as u16, Ts, index as u8), Operand::Nothing, ]; }, 0b0_1110 => { if size != 0b10 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } let Rm = (M << 4) | Rm; let index = (H << 1) | L; let datasize = if Q == 1 { SIMDSizeCode::Q } else { SIMDSizeCode::D }; inst.opcode = Opcode::SDOT; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(datasize, Rd as u16, SIMDSizeCode::S), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(datasize, Rn as u16, SIMDSizeCode::B), Operand::SIMDRegisterElementsMultipleLane(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rm as u16, SIMDSizeCode::B, index as u8, 4), Operand::Nothing, ]; }, 0b0_1111 => { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } 0b0_0000 => { // FMLAL if size != 0b10 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } if (word >> 29 & 1) == 0 { inst.opcode = Opcode::FMLAL; } else { inst.opcode = Opcode::FMLAL2; } let index = (H << 2) | (L << 1) | M; let datasize = if Q == 1 { SIMDSizeCode::Q } else { SIMDSizeCode::D }; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(datasize, Rd as u16, SIMDSizeCode::S), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(datasize, Rn as u16, SIMDSizeCode::H), Operand::SIMDRegisterElementsLane(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rm as u16, SIMDSizeCode::H, index as u8), Operand::Nothing, ]; } 0b0_0100 => { // FMLSL if size != 0b10 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } if (word >> 29 & 1) == 0 { inst.opcode = Opcode::FMLSL; } else { inst.opcode = Opcode::FMLSL2; } let index = (H << 2) | (L << 1) | M; let datasize = if Q == 1 { SIMDSizeCode::Q } else { SIMDSizeCode::D }; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(datasize, Rd as u16, SIMDSizeCode::S), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(datasize, Rn as u16, SIMDSizeCode::H), Operand::SIMDRegisterElementsLane(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rm as u16, SIMDSizeCode::H, index as u8), Operand::Nothing, ]; } 0b0_0001 => { // FMLA (not size=0b01) if size == 0b01 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } inst.opcode = Opcode::FMLA; let sz = size & 1; if sz == 1 && L == 1 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } if sz == 1 && Q == 0 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } let (index, Rm, size) = if size == 0b00 { let index = (H << 2) | (L << 1) | M; (index, Rm, SIMDSizeCode::H) } else if size == 0b10 { // `sz == 0` let index = (H << 1) | L; let Rm = (M << 4) | Rm; (index, Rm, SIMDSizeCode::S) } else { // `sz == 1` let index = H; let Rm = (M << 4) | Rm; (index, Rm, SIMDSizeCode::D) }; let datasize = if Q == 1 { SIMDSizeCode::Q } else { SIMDSizeCode::D }; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(datasize, Rd as u16, size), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(datasize, Rn as u16, size), Operand::SIMDRegisterElementsLane(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rm as u16, size, index as u8), Operand::Nothing, ]; } 0b0_0101 => { // FMLS (not size=0b01) if size == 0b01 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } inst.opcode = Opcode::FMLS; let sz = size & 1; if sz == 1 && L == 1 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } if sz == 1 && Q == 0 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } let (index, Rm, size) = if size == 0b00 { let index = (H << 2) | (L << 1) | M; (index, Rm, SIMDSizeCode::H) } else if size == 0b10 { // `sz == 0` let index = (H << 1) | L; let Rm = (M << 4) | Rm; (index, Rm, SIMDSizeCode::S) } else { // `sz == 1` let index = H; let Rm = (M << 4) | Rm; (index, Rm, SIMDSizeCode::D) }; let datasize = if Q == 1 { SIMDSizeCode::Q } else { SIMDSizeCode::D }; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(datasize, Rd as u16, size), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(datasize, Rn as u16, size), Operand::SIMDRegisterElementsLane(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rm as u16, size, index as u8), Operand::Nothing, ]; } 0b0_1001 => { // FMUL (not size=0b01) if size == 0b01 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } inst.opcode = Opcode::FMUL; let sz = size & 1; if sz == 1 && L == 1 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } if sz == 1 && Q == 0 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } let (index, Rm, size) = if size == 0b00 { let index = (H << 2) | (L << 1) | M; (index, Rm, SIMDSizeCode::H) } else if size == 0b10 { // `sz == 0` let index = (H << 1) | L; let Rm = (M << 4) | Rm; (index, Rm, SIMDSizeCode::S) } else { // `sz == 1` let index = H; let Rm = (M << 4) | Rm; (index, Rm, SIMDSizeCode::D) }; let datasize = if Q == 1 { SIMDSizeCode::Q } else { SIMDSizeCode::D }; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(datasize, Rd as u16, size), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(datasize, Rn as u16, size), Operand::SIMDRegisterElementsLane(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rm as u16, size, index as u8), Operand::Nothing, ]; } 0b1_0000 => { if size == 0b00 || size == 0b11 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } let (index, Rm) = if size == 0b01 { let index = (H << 2) | (L << 1) | M; (index, Rm) } else { let index = (H << 1) | L; let Rm = (M << 4) | Rm; (index, Rm) }; let datasize = if Q == 1 { SIMDSizeCode::Q } else { SIMDSizeCode::D }; let elemsize = if size == 0b01 { SIMDSizeCode::H } else { SIMDSizeCode::S }; inst.opcode = Opcode::MLA; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(datasize, Rd as u16, elemsize), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(datasize, Rn as u16, elemsize), Operand::SIMDRegisterElementsLane(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rm as u16, elemsize, index as u8), Operand::Nothing, ]; } 0b1_0010 => { if size == 0b00 || size == 0b11 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } let (index, Rm) = if size == 0b01 { let index = (H << 2) | (L << 1) | M; (index, Rm) } else { let index = (H << 1) | L; let Rm = (M << 4) | Rm; (index, Rm) }; let Tb_vecsize = if Q == 1 { SIMDSizeCode::Q } else { SIMDSizeCode::D }; let (Ta, Tb_elemsize, Ts) = if size == 0b01 { (SIMDSizeCode::S, SIMDSizeCode::H, SIMDSizeCode::H) } else { (SIMDSizeCode::D, SIMDSizeCode::S, SIMDSizeCode::S) }; inst.opcode = if Q == 1 { Opcode::UMLAL2 } else { Opcode::UMLAL }; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rd as u16, Ta), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(Tb_vecsize, Rn as u16, Tb_elemsize), Operand::SIMDRegisterElementsLane(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rm as u16, Ts, index as u8), Operand::Nothing, ]; } 0b1_0100 => { if size == 0b00 || size == 0b11 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } let (index, Rm) = if size == 0b01 { let index = (H << 2) | (L << 1) | M; (index, Rm) } else { let index = (H << 1) | L; let Rm = (M << 4) | Rm; (index, Rm) }; let datasize = if Q == 1 { SIMDSizeCode::Q } else { SIMDSizeCode::D }; let elemsize = if size == 0b01 { SIMDSizeCode::H } else { SIMDSizeCode::S }; inst.opcode = Opcode::MLS; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(datasize, Rd as u16, elemsize), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(datasize, Rn as u16, elemsize), Operand::SIMDRegisterElementsLane(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rm as u16, elemsize, index as u8), Operand::Nothing, ]; } 0b1_0110 => { if size == 0b00 || size == 0b11 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } let (index, Rm) = if size == 0b01 { let index = (H << 2) | (L << 1) | M; (index, Rm) } else { let index = (H << 1) | L; let Rm = (M << 4) | Rm; (index, Rm) }; let Tb_vecsize = if Q == 1 { SIMDSizeCode::Q } else { SIMDSizeCode::D }; let (Ta, Tb_elemsize, Ts) = if size == 0b01 { (SIMDSizeCode::S, SIMDSizeCode::H, SIMDSizeCode::H) } else { (SIMDSizeCode::D, SIMDSizeCode::S, SIMDSizeCode::S) }; inst.opcode = if Q == 1 { Opcode::UMLSL2 } else { Opcode::UMLSL }; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rd as u16, Ta), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(Tb_vecsize, Rn as u16, Tb_elemsize), Operand::SIMDRegisterElementsLane(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rm as u16, Ts, index as u8), Operand::Nothing, ]; } 0b1_1010 => { if size == 0b00 || size == 0b11 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } let (index, Rm) = if size == 0b01 { let index = (H << 2) | (L << 1) | M; (index, Rm) } else { let index = (H << 1) | L; let Rm = (M << 4) | Rm; (index, Rm) }; let Tb_vecsize = if Q == 1 { SIMDSizeCode::Q } else { SIMDSizeCode::D }; let (Ta, Tb_elemsize, Ts) = if size == 0b01 { (SIMDSizeCode::S, SIMDSizeCode::H, SIMDSizeCode::H) } else { (SIMDSizeCode::D, SIMDSizeCode::S, SIMDSizeCode::S) }; inst.opcode = if Q == 1 { Opcode::UMULL2 } else { Opcode::UMULL }; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rd as u16, Ta), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(Tb_vecsize, Rn as u16, Tb_elemsize), Operand::SIMDRegisterElementsLane(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rm as u16, Ts, index as u8), Operand::Nothing, ]; } 0b1_1011 => { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } 0b1_1101 => { if size == 0b00 || size == 0b11 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } let (index, Rm) = if size == 0b01 { let index = (H << 2) | (L << 1) | M; (index, Rm) } else { let index = (H << 1) | L; let Rm = (M << 4) | Rm; (index, Rm) }; let Tb_vecsize = if Q == 1 { SIMDSizeCode::Q } else { SIMDSizeCode::D }; let (Ta, Tb_elemsize, Ts) = if size == 0b01 { (SIMDSizeCode::H, SIMDSizeCode::H, SIMDSizeCode::H) } else { (SIMDSizeCode::S, SIMDSizeCode::S, SIMDSizeCode::S) }; inst.opcode = Opcode::SQRDMLAH; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(Tb_vecsize, Rd as u16, Ta), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(Tb_vecsize, Rn as u16, Tb_elemsize), Operand::SIMDRegisterElementsLane(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rm as u16, Ts, index as u8), Operand::Nothing, ]; } 0b1_1110 => { if size != 0b10 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } let Rm = (M << 4) | Rm; let index = (H << 1) | L; let datasize = if Q == 1 { SIMDSizeCode::Q } else { SIMDSizeCode::D }; inst.opcode = Opcode::UDOT; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(datasize, Rd as u16, SIMDSizeCode::S), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(datasize, Rn as u16, SIMDSizeCode::B), Operand::SIMDRegisterElementsMultipleLane(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rm as u16, SIMDSizeCode::B, index as u8, 4), Operand::Nothing, ]; } 0b1_1111 => { if size == 0b00 || size == 0b11 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } let (index, Rm) = if size == 0b01 { let index = (H << 2) | (L << 1) | M; (index, Rm) } else { let index = (H << 1) | L; let Rm = (M << 4) | Rm; (index, Rm) }; let Tb_vecsize = if Q == 1 { SIMDSizeCode::Q } else { SIMDSizeCode::D }; let (Ta, Tb_elemsize, Ts) = if size == 0b01 { (SIMDSizeCode::H, SIMDSizeCode::H, SIMDSizeCode::H) } else { (SIMDSizeCode::S, SIMDSizeCode::S, SIMDSizeCode::S) }; inst.opcode = Opcode::SQRDMLSH; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(Tb_vecsize, Rd as u16, Ta), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(Tb_vecsize, Rn as u16, Tb_elemsize), Operand::SIMDRegisterElementsLane(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rm as u16, Ts, index as u8), Operand::Nothing, ]; } 0b1_1000 => { if size < 0b10 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } let index = (H << 2) | (L << 1) | M; let datasize = if Q == 1 { SIMDSizeCode::Q } else { SIMDSizeCode::D }; inst.opcode = Opcode::FMLAL; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(datasize, Rd as u16, SIMDSizeCode::S), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(datasize, Rn as u16, SIMDSizeCode::H), Operand::SIMDRegisterElementsLane(datasize, Rm as u16, SIMDSizeCode::H, index as u8), Operand::Nothing, ]; } 0b1_1100 => { if size < 0b10 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } let index = (H << 2) | (L << 1) | M; let datasize = if Q == 1 { SIMDSizeCode::Q } else { SIMDSizeCode::D }; inst.opcode = Opcode::FMLSL; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(datasize, Rd as u16, SIMDSizeCode::S), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(datasize, Rn as u16, SIMDSizeCode::H), Operand::SIMDRegisterElementsLane(datasize, Rm as u16, SIMDSizeCode::H, index as u8), Operand::Nothing, ]; } 0b1_1001 => { if size == 0b01 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } let (index, Rm) = if size == 0b00 { let index = (H << 2) | (L << 1) | M; (index, Rm) } else if size == 0b10 { let index = (H << 1) | L; let Rm = (M << 4) | Rm; (index, Rm) } else { if L == 1 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } let Rm = (M << 4) | Rm; (H, Rm) }; let datasize = if Q == 1 { SIMDSizeCode::Q } else { SIMDSizeCode::D }; let (Ta, Tb_elemsize, Ts) = if size == 0b00 { (SIMDSizeCode::H, SIMDSizeCode::H, SIMDSizeCode::H) } else if size == 0b10 { (SIMDSizeCode::S, SIMDSizeCode::S, SIMDSizeCode::S) } else /* if size == 0b11 */ { (SIMDSizeCode::D, SIMDSizeCode::D, SIMDSizeCode::D) }; inst.opcode = Opcode::FMULX; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(datasize, Rd as u16, Ta), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(datasize, Rn as u16, Tb_elemsize), Operand::SIMDRegisterElementsLane(datasize, Rm as u16, Ts, index as u8), Operand::Nothing, ]; } 0b1_0001 | 0b1_0011 | 0b1_0101 | 0b1_0111 => { // opcode == 0xx1 // arm v8.3 if size == 0b00 || size == 0b11 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } if size == 0b01 && Q == 1 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } let index = if size == 0b01 { (H << 1) | L } else { H }; let Rm = (M << 4) | Rm; let datasize = if Q == 1 { SIMDSizeCode::Q } else { SIMDSizeCode::D }; let (T, Ts) = if size == 0b01 { (SIMDSizeCode::H, SIMDSizeCode::H) } else /* if size == 0b10 */ { (SIMDSizeCode::S, SIMDSizeCode::S) }; let rot = (word >> 13) & 0b11; let rot = rot * 90; inst.opcode = Opcode::FCMLA; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(datasize, Rd as u16, T), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(datasize, Rn as u16, T), Operand::SIMDRegisterElementsLane(datasize, Rm as u16, Ts, index as u8), Operand::Immediate(rot), ]; } _ => { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } } } } else { // `Advanced SIMD three same` and below // op1 == 0x if op2 & 0b0100 == 0b0100 { // op2 == x1xx let size = (word >> 22) & 0b11; let Rn = (word >> 5) & 0b1_1111; let Rd = word & 0b1_1111; let Q = (word >> 30) & 1; let U = (word >> 29) & 1; if op3 & 1 == 1 { // `Advanced SIMD three same` let opcode = (word >> 11) & 0b1_1111; let Rm = (word >> 16) & 0b1_1111; const U0_OPCODES: &[Opcode; 0b11000] = &[ Opcode::SHADD, Opcode::SQADD, Opcode::SRHADD, Opcode::AND, // or BIC, ORR, ORN Opcode::SHSUB, Opcode::SQSUB, Opcode::CMGT, Opcode::CMGE, Opcode::SSHL, Opcode::SQSHL, Opcode::SRSHL, Opcode::SQRSHL, Opcode::SMAX, Opcode::SMIN, Opcode::SABD, Opcode::SABA, Opcode::ADD, Opcode::CMTST, Opcode::MLA, Opcode::MUL, Opcode::SMAXP, Opcode::SMINP, Opcode::SQDMULH, Opcode::ADDP, ]; const U1_OPCODES: &[Opcode; 0b11000] = &[ Opcode::UHADD, Opcode::UQADD, Opcode::URHADD, Opcode::EOR, // or BSL, BIT, BIF Opcode::UHSUB, Opcode::UQSUB, Opcode::CMHI, Opcode::CMHS, Opcode::USHL, Opcode::UQSHL, Opcode::URSHL, Opcode::UQRSHL, Opcode::UMAX, Opcode::UMIN, Opcode::UABD, Opcode::UABA, Opcode::SUB, Opcode::CMEQ, Opcode::MLS, Opcode::PMUL, Opcode::UMAXP, Opcode::UMINP, Opcode::SQRDMULH, Opcode::Invalid, ]; let datasize = if Q == 1 { SIMDSizeCode::Q } else { SIMDSizeCode::D }; const SIZES: [SIMDSizeCode; 4] = [ SIMDSizeCode::B, SIMDSizeCode::H, SIMDSizeCode::S, SIMDSizeCode::D, ]; let (opc, T) = if U == 0 { if opcode < 0b11000 { if opcode == 0b00011 { const OPS: [Opcode; 4] = [ Opcode::AND, Opcode::BIC, Opcode::ORR, Opcode::ORN, ]; (OPS[size as usize], SIMDSizeCode::B) } else { (U0_OPCODES[opcode as usize], SIZES[size as usize]) } } else { const U0_HIGH_OPCODES: &[Result] = &[ Ok(Opcode::FMAXNM), Ok(Opcode::FMINNM), Ok(Opcode::FMLA), Ok(Opcode::FMLS), Ok(Opcode::FADD), Ok(Opcode::FSUB), Ok(Opcode::FMULX), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok(Opcode::FCMEQ), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok(Opcode::FMAX), Ok(Opcode::FMIN), Ok(Opcode::FRECPS), Ok(Opcode::FRSQRTS), ]; ( U0_HIGH_OPCODES[(((opcode - 0b11000) << 1) | (word >> 23) & 1) as usize]?, [SIMDSizeCode::S, SIMDSizeCode::D][((word >> 22) & 1) as usize] ) } } else { if opcode < 0b11000 { if opcode == 0b00011 { const OPS: [Opcode; 4] = [ Opcode::EOR, Opcode::BSL, Opcode::BIT, Opcode::BIF, ]; (OPS[size as usize], SIMDSizeCode::B) } else if opcode == 0b10111 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } else { (U1_OPCODES[opcode as usize], SIZES[size as usize]) } } else { const U1_HIGH_OPCODES: &[Result] = &[ Ok(Opcode::FMAXNMP), Ok(Opcode::FMINNMP), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok(Opcode::FADDP), Ok(Opcode::FABD), Ok(Opcode::FMUL), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok(Opcode::FCMGE), Ok(Opcode::FCMGT), Ok(Opcode::FACGE), Ok(Opcode::FACGT), Ok(Opcode::FMAXP), Ok(Opcode::FMINP), Ok(Opcode::FDIV), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), ]; ( U1_HIGH_OPCODES[(((opcode - 0b11000) << 1) | (word >> 23) & 1) as usize]?, [SIMDSizeCode::S, SIMDSizeCode::D][((word >> 22) & 1) as usize] ) } }; inst.opcode = opc; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(datasize, Rd as u16, T), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(datasize, Rn as u16, T), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(datasize, Rm as u16, T), Operand::Nothing, ]; } else if op2 == 0b1111 && op3 & 0b110000011 == 0b000000010 { // `Advanced SIMD two-register miscellaneous (FP16)` let Rd = (word >> 0) & 0b11111; let Rn = (word >> 5) & 0b11111; let opc = (word >> 12) & 0b11111; let a = (word >> 23) & 1; let u = (word >> 29) & 1; let q = (word >> 30) & 1; let vec_size = if q == 0 { SIMDSizeCode::D } else { SIMDSizeCode::Q }; inst.opcode = match (u, a, opc) { (0, 0, 0b11000) => Opcode::FRINTN, (0, 0, 0b11001) => Opcode::FRINTM, (0, 0, 0b11010) => Opcode::FCVTNS, (0, 0, 0b11011) => Opcode::FCVTMS, (0, 0, 0b11100) => Opcode::FCVTAS, (0, 0, 0b11101) => Opcode::SCVTF, (0, 1, 0b01100) => Opcode::FCMGT, (0, 1, 0b01101) => Opcode::FCMEQ, (0, 1, 0b01110) => Opcode::FCMLT, (0, 1, 0b01111) => Opcode::FABS, (0, 1, 0b11000) => Opcode::FRINTP, (0, 1, 0b11001) => Opcode::FRINTZ, (0, 1, 0b11010) => Opcode::FCVTPS, (0, 1, 0b11011) => Opcode::FCVTZS, (0, 1, 0b11101) => Opcode::FRECPE, (1, 0, 0b11000) => Opcode::FRINTA, (1, 0, 0b11001) => Opcode::FRINTX, (1, 0, 0b11010) => Opcode::FCVTNU, (1, 0, 0b11011) => Opcode::FCVTMU, (1, 0, 0b11100) => Opcode::FCVTAU, (1, 0, 0b11101) => Opcode::UCVTF, (1, 1, 0b01100) => Opcode::FCMGE, (1, 1, 0b01101) => Opcode::FCMLE, (1, 1, 0b01111) => Opcode::FNEG, (1, 1, 0b11001) => Opcode::FRINTI, (1, 1, 0b11010) => Opcode::FCVTPU, (1, 1, 0b11011) => Opcode::FCVTZU, (1, 1, 0b11101) => Opcode::FRSQRTE, (1, 1, 0b11111) => Opcode::FSQRT, _ => { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } }; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(vec_size, Rd as u16, SIMDSizeCode::H), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(vec_size, Rn as u16, SIMDSizeCode::H), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; if [Opcode::FCMGE, Opcode::FCMLE, Opcode::FCMGT, Opcode::FCMEQ, Opcode::FCMLT].contains(&inst.opcode) { inst.operands[2] = Operand::ImmediateDouble(0.0); } } else if op3 & 0b11 == 0b00 { // `Advanced SIMD three different` let opcode = (word >> 12) & 0b1111; let Rm = (word >> 16) & 0b1_1111; const OPCODES: &[Result; 64] = &[ Ok(Opcode::SADDL), Ok(Opcode::SADDL2), Ok(Opcode::SADDW), Ok(Opcode::SADDW2), Ok(Opcode::SSUBL), Ok(Opcode::SSUBL2), Ok(Opcode::SSUBW), Ok(Opcode::SSUBW2), Ok(Opcode::ADDHN), Ok(Opcode::ADDHN2), Ok(Opcode::SABAL), Ok(Opcode::SABAL2), Ok(Opcode::SUBHN), Ok(Opcode::SUBHN2), Ok(Opcode::SABDL), Ok(Opcode::SABDL2), Ok(Opcode::SMLAL), Ok(Opcode::SMLAL2), Ok(Opcode::SQDMLAL), Ok(Opcode::SQDMLAL2), Ok(Opcode::SMLSL), Ok(Opcode::SMLSL2), Ok(Opcode::SQDMLSL), Ok(Opcode::SQDMLSL2), Ok(Opcode::SMULL), Ok(Opcode::SMULL2), Ok(Opcode::SQDMULL), Ok(Opcode::SQDMULL2), Ok(Opcode::PMULL), Ok(Opcode::PMULL2), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), // u == 1 Ok(Opcode::UADDL), Ok(Opcode::UADDL2), Ok(Opcode::UADDW), Ok(Opcode::UADDW2), Ok(Opcode::USUBL), Ok(Opcode::USUBL2), Ok(Opcode::USUBW), Ok(Opcode::USUBW2), Ok(Opcode::RADDHN), Ok(Opcode::RADDHN2), Ok(Opcode::UABAL), Ok(Opcode::UABAL2), Ok(Opcode::RSUBHN), Ok(Opcode::RSUBHN2), Ok(Opcode::UABDL), Ok(Opcode::UABDL2), Ok(Opcode::UMLAL), Ok(Opcode::UMLAL2), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok(Opcode::UMLSL), Ok(Opcode::UMLSL2), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok(Opcode::UMULL), Ok(Opcode::UMULL2), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), ]; let datasize = if Q == 1 { SIMDSizeCode::Q } else { SIMDSizeCode::D }; let (Ta, Tb) = [ (SIMDSizeCode::H, SIMDSizeCode::B), (SIMDSizeCode::S, SIMDSizeCode::H), (SIMDSizeCode::D, SIMDSizeCode::S), (SIMDSizeCode::Q, SIMDSizeCode::D), ][size as usize]; inst.opcode = OPCODES[((U << 5) | (opcode << 1) | Q) as usize]?; if size == 0b11 && inst.opcode != Opcode::PMULL && inst.opcode != Opcode::PMULL2 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } if opcode == 0b001 || opcode == 0b011 { inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rd as u16, Ta), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rn as u16, Ta), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(datasize, Rm as u16, Tb), Operand::Nothing, ]; } else if opcode == 0b100 || opcode == 0b110 { inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(datasize, Rd as u16, Tb), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rn as u16, Ta), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rm as u16, Ta), Operand::Nothing, ]; } else if opcode == 0b1110 && U == 0 { if size != 0b00 && size != 0b11 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } let ta_size = SIMDSizeCode::Q; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(ta_size, Rd as u16, Ta), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(datasize, Rn as u16, Tb), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(datasize, Rm as u16, Tb), Operand::Nothing, ]; } else { inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rd as u16, Ta), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(datasize, Rn as u16, Tb), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(datasize, Rm as u16, Tb), Operand::Nothing, ]; } } else if op3 & 0b11_00000_11 == 0b00_00000_10 { // op3 == 00xxxx10: // could be either `Advanced SIMD across lanes` or `Advanced SIMD // two-register miscellaneous` or `Cryptographic AES` let opcode = (word >> 12) & 0b1_1111; let size = (word >> 22) & 0b11; let q = (word >> 30) & 1; type OperandSizeTable = [Result<(SIMDSizeCode, SIMDSizeCode, SIMDSizeCode, SIMDSizeCode), DecodeError>; 8]; use armv8::a64::SIMDSizeCode::*; const TABLE_A: &'static OperandSizeTable = &[ Ok((D, B, D, B)), Ok((Q, B, Q, B)), Ok((D, H, D, H)), Ok((Q, H, Q, H)), Ok((D, S, D, S)), Ok((Q, S, Q, S)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand), ]; const TABLE_B: &'static OperandSizeTable = &[ Ok((D, B, D, B)), Ok((Q, B, Q, B)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand), ]; const TABLE_C: &'static OperandSizeTable = &[ Ok((D, H, D, B)), Ok((Q, H, Q, B)), Ok((D, S, D, H)), Ok((Q, S, Q, H)), Ok((D, D, D, S)), Ok((Q, D, Q, S)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand), ]; const TABLE_E: &'static OperandSizeTable = &[ Ok((D, B, Q, H)), Ok((Q, B, Q, H)), Ok((D, H, Q, S)), Ok((Q, H, Q, S)), Ok((D, S, Q, D)), Ok((Q, S, Q, D)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand), ]; // TODO: double check? const TABLE_F: &'static OperandSizeTable = &[ Ok((D, H, Q, S)), Ok((Q, H, Q, S)), Ok((D, S, Q, D)), Ok((Q, S, Q, D)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand), ]; // TODO: double check? const TABLE_G: &'static OperandSizeTable = &[ Ok((Q, S, D, H)), Ok((Q, S, Q, H)), Ok((Q, D, D, S)), Ok((Q, D, Q, S)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand), ]; // TODO: double check? const TABLE_H: &'static OperandSizeTable = &[ Ok((D, S, D, S)), Ok((Q, S, Q, S)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand), Ok((Q, D, Q, D)), Ok((D, S, D, S)), Ok((Q, S, Q, S)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand), Ok((Q, D, Q, D)), ]; const TABLE_I: &'static OperandSizeTable = &[ Ok((D, S, D, S)), Ok((Q, S, Q, S)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand), Ok((Q, D, Q, D)), Ok((D, S, D, S)), Ok((Q, S, Q, S)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand), Ok((Q, D, Q, D)), ]; const TABLE_J: &'static OperandSizeTable = &[ Ok((Q, H, D, B)), Ok((Q, H, Q, B)), Ok((Q, S, D, H)), Ok((Q, S, Q, H)), Ok((Q, D, D, S)), Ok((Q, D, Q, S)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand), ]; if op2 & 0b0111 == 0b0100 { // `Advanced SIMD two-register miscellaneous` const OPCODES_U0_LOW: &[Result<(Opcode, &'static OperandSizeTable), DecodeError>; 20] = &[ Ok((Opcode::REV64, TABLE_A)), Ok((Opcode::REV16, TABLE_B)), Ok((Opcode::SADDLP, TABLE_C)), Ok((Opcode::SUQADD, TABLE_A)), Ok((Opcode::CLS, TABLE_A)), Ok((Opcode::CNT, TABLE_B)), Ok((Opcode::SADALP, TABLE_C)), Ok((Opcode::SQABS, TABLE_A)), Ok((Opcode::CMGT, TABLE_A)), Ok((Opcode::CMEQ, TABLE_A)), Ok((Opcode::CMLT, TABLE_A)), Ok((Opcode::ABS, TABLE_A)), // 0b01100, all four size=1x Ok((Opcode::FCMGT, TABLE_I)), Ok((Opcode::FCMEQ, TABLE_I)), Ok((Opcode::FCMLT, TABLE_I)), Ok((Opcode::FABS, TABLE_I)), // 0b10000 Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::XTN, TABLE_E)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), // 0b10100 ]; // index by low 3 of opcode | upper bit of size const OPCODES_U0_HIGH: &[Result<(Opcode, &'static OperandSizeTable), DecodeError>] = &[ Ok((Opcode::SQXTN, TABLE_E)), Ok((Opcode::SQXTN, TABLE_E)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::FCVTN, TABLE_F)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::FCVTL, TABLE_G)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::FRINTN, TABLE_H)), Ok((Opcode::FRINTP, TABLE_H)), Ok((Opcode::FRINTM, TABLE_H)), Ok((Opcode::FRINTZ, TABLE_H)), Ok((Opcode::FCVTNS, TABLE_H)), Ok((Opcode::FCVTPS, TABLE_H)), Ok((Opcode::FCVTMS, TABLE_H)), Ok((Opcode::FCVTZS, TABLE_H)), Ok((Opcode::FCVTAS, TABLE_H)), Ok((Opcode::URECPE, TABLE_H)), Ok((Opcode::SCVTF, TABLE_H)), Ok((Opcode::FRECPE, TABLE_H)), Ok((Opcode::FRINT32Z, TABLE_H)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::FRINT64Z, TABLE_H)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), // u == 1, op == 0b00000 ]; // `Advanced SIMD two-register miscellaneous`, U == 1 const OPCODES_U1_LOW: &[Result<(Opcode, &'static OperandSizeTable), DecodeError>; 20] = &[ Ok((Opcode::REV32, TABLE_A)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::UADDLP, TABLE_C)), Ok((Opcode::USQADD, TABLE_A)), Ok((Opcode::CLZ, TABLE_A)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::UADALP, TABLE_C)), Ok((Opcode::SQNEG, TABLE_A)), Ok((Opcode::CMGE, TABLE_A)), Ok((Opcode::CMLE, TABLE_A)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::NEG, TABLE_A)), // 0b01100, all four size=1x Ok((Opcode::FCMGE, TABLE_I)), Ok((Opcode::FCMLE, TABLE_I)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::FNEG, TABLE_I)), // 0b10000 Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::SQXTUN, TABLE_E)), Ok((Opcode::SHLL, TABLE_J)), // 0b10100 ]; // index by low 3 of opcode | upper bit of size const OPCODES_U1_HIGH: &[Result<(Opcode, &'static OperandSizeTable), DecodeError>] = &[ Ok((Opcode::UQXTN, TABLE_E)), Ok((Opcode::UQXTN, TABLE_E)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::FCVTXN, TABLE_F)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::FRINTA, TABLE_H)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::FRINTX, TABLE_H)), Ok((Opcode::FRINTI, TABLE_H)), Ok((Opcode::FCVTNU, TABLE_H)), Ok((Opcode::FCVTPU, TABLE_H)), Ok((Opcode::FCVTMU, TABLE_H)), Ok((Opcode::FCVTZU, TABLE_H)), Ok((Opcode::FCVTAU, TABLE_H)), Ok((Opcode::URSQRTE, TABLE_H)), Ok((Opcode::UCVTF, TABLE_H)), Ok((Opcode::FRSQRTE, TABLE_H)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::FSQRT, TABLE_H)), // u == 1, op == 0b00000 ]; let (opc, (datasize_a, elemsize_a, datasize_b, elemsize_b)) = if opcode == 0b00101 && U == 1 { let vecsize = if q == 0 { SIMDSizeCode::D } else { SIMDSizeCode::Q }; if size == 0b00 { (Opcode::NOT, (vecsize, SIMDSizeCode::B, vecsize, SIMDSizeCode::B)) } else if size == 0b01 { (Opcode::RBIT, (vecsize, SIMDSizeCode::B, vecsize, SIMDSizeCode::B)) } else { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } } else if opcode < 0b10100 { let (opc, table) = if U == 0 { OPCODES_U0_LOW[opcode as usize]? } else { OPCODES_U1_LOW[opcode as usize]? }; (opc, table[((size << 1) | q) as usize]?) } else { let (opc, table) = if U == 0 { OPCODES_U0_HIGH[(((opcode - 0b10100) << 1) | (size >> 1)) as usize]? } else { OPCODES_U1_HIGH[(((opcode - 0b10100) << 1) | (size >> 1)) as usize]? }; (opc, table[((size << 1) | q) as usize]?) }; inst.opcode = opc; if q != 0 { if opc == Opcode::FCVTL { inst.opcode = Opcode::FCVTL2; } else if opc == Opcode::XTN { inst.opcode = Opcode::XTN2; } else if opc == Opcode::SQXTN { inst.opcode = Opcode::SQXTN2; } else if opc == Opcode::SQXTUN { inst.opcode = Opcode::SQXTUN2; } else if opc == Opcode::UQXTN { inst.opcode = Opcode::UQXTN2; } else if opc == Opcode::FCVTN { inst.opcode = Opcode::FCVTN2; } else if opc == Opcode::FCVTXN { inst.opcode = Opcode::FCVTXN2; } } inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(datasize_a, Rd as u16, elemsize_a), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(datasize_b, Rn as u16, elemsize_b), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; if [Opcode::CMGE, Opcode::CMLE, Opcode::CMGT, Opcode::CMEQ, Opcode::CMLT].contains(&inst.opcode) { inst.operands[2] = Operand::Imm64(0); } else if [Opcode::FCMGE, Opcode::FCMLE, Opcode::FCMGT, Opcode::FCMEQ, Opcode::FCMLT].contains(&inst.opcode) { inst.operands[2] = Operand::ImmediateDouble(0.0); } else if inst.opcode == Opcode::SHLL { if q == 1 { inst.opcode = Opcode::SHLL2; } let sz = (word >> 22) & 0b11; if sz == 0b11 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } inst.operands[2] = Operand::Imm64((8 << sz) as u64); } } else if op2 & 0b0111 == 0b0110 { // `Advanced SIMD across lanes` let opcode = (word >> 12) & 0b1_1111; let size = (word >> 22) & 0b11; let u = (word >> 29) & 1 == 1; let q = (word >> 30) & 1 == 1; let opc_bits = opcode; let size_bits = size; let (size, opcode) = if opcode == 0b01100 { let opcode = if size == 0b00 { Opcode::FMAXNMV } else if size >= 0b10 { Opcode::FMINNMV } else { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); }; let size = if !u { SIMDSizeCode::H } else if size & 1 == 0 { if !q { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } SIMDSizeCode::S } else { // `sz=1` encodings are reserved return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); }; (size, opcode) } else if opcode == 0b01111 { let opcode = if size == 0b00 { Opcode::FMAXV } else if size >= 0b10 { Opcode::FMINV } else { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); }; let size = if !u { SIMDSizeCode::H } else if size & 1 == 0 { if !q { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } SIMDSizeCode::S } else { // `sz=1` encodings are reserved return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); }; (size, opcode) } else { let size = if size == 0b00 { SIMDSizeCode::B } else if size == 0b01 { SIMDSizeCode::H } else if size == 0b10 { if !q { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } SIMDSizeCode::S } else { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); }; let opcode = if opcode == 0b00011 { if u { Opcode::UADDLV } else { Opcode::SADDLV } } else if opcode == 0b01010 { if u { Opcode::UMAXV } else { Opcode::SMAXV } } else if opcode == 0b11010 { if u { Opcode::UMINV } else { Opcode::SMINV } } else if opcode == 0b11011 { if u { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } else { Opcode::ADDV } } else { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); }; (size, opcode) }; let scalar_size = if opc_bits == 0b00011 { if size_bits == 0b00 { SIMDSizeCode::H } else if size_bits == 0b01 { SIMDSizeCode::S } else { SIMDSizeCode::D } } else { size }; let vec_size = if !q { SIMDSizeCode::D } else { SIMDSizeCode::Q }; inst.opcode = opcode; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegister(scalar_size, Rd as u16), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(vec_size, Rn as u16, size), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; } else if op2 & 0b0111 == 0b0101 && op0 == 0b0100 { // `Cryptographic AES` let Rd = word & 0b11111; let Rn = (word >> 5) & 0b11111; let opcode = (word >> 12) & 0b11111; let size = (word >> 22) & 0b11; if size != 0b00 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } let opcode = match opcode { 0b00100 => Opcode::AESE, 0b00101 => Opcode::AESD, 0b00110 => Opcode::AESMC, 0b00111 => Opcode::AESIMC, _ => { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } }; inst.opcode = opcode; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rd as u16, SIMDSizeCode::B), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rn as u16, SIMDSizeCode::B), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; } } else { // op3 == 1xxxxx10 or x1xxxx10: both unallocated. return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } } else { // op2 == x0xx if op3 & 0b000100001 == 0b000100001 { // `Advanced SIMD three same extra`` let Rd = (word >> 0) & 0b11111; let Rn = (word >> 5) & 0b11111; let opcode = (word >> 11) & 0b1111; let Rm = (word >> 16) & 0b11111; let sz = (word >> 22) & 0b11; let u = (word >> 29) & 1; let q = (word >> 30) & 1; if opcode == 0b0010 { // sdot/udot inst.opcode = if u == 0 { Opcode::SDOT } else { Opcode::UDOT }; let vec_size = if q == 0 { SIMDSizeCode::D } else { SIMDSizeCode::Q }; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(vec_size, Rd as u16, SIMDSizeCode::S), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(vec_size, Rn as u16, SIMDSizeCode::B), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(vec_size, Rm as u16, SIMDSizeCode::B), Operand::Nothing, ]; } else { if u == 0 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } if opcode & 0b1110 == 0b0000 { // sqrdml{a,s}h inst.opcode = if opcode == 0b0000 { Opcode::SQRDMLAH } else { Opcode::SQRDMLSH }; let vec_size = if q == 0 { SIMDSizeCode::D } else { SIMDSizeCode::Q }; let elem_size = if sz == 0b01 { SIMDSizeCode::H } else if sz == 0b10 { SIMDSizeCode::S } else { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); }; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(vec_size, Rd as u16, elem_size), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(vec_size, Rn as u16, elem_size), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(vec_size, Rm as u16, elem_size), Operand::Nothing, ]; } else if opcode & 0b1100 == 0b1000 { // fcmla let rot = (word >> 11) & 0b11; let vec_size = if q == 0 { SIMDSizeCode::D } else { SIMDSizeCode::Q }; let elem_size = if sz == 0b01 { SIMDSizeCode::H } else if sz == 0b10 { SIMDSizeCode::S } else { if q == 0 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } SIMDSizeCode::D }; inst.opcode = Opcode::FCMLA; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(vec_size, Rd as u16, elem_size), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(vec_size, Rn as u16, elem_size), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(vec_size, Rm as u16, elem_size), Operand::Imm16(90 * (rot as u16)), ]; } else if opcode & 0b1101 == 0b1100 { // fcadd let rot = (word >> 12) & 1; let vec_size = if q == 0 { SIMDSizeCode::D } else { SIMDSizeCode::Q }; let elem_size = if sz == 0b01 { SIMDSizeCode::H } else if sz == 0b10 { SIMDSizeCode::S } else { if q == 0 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } SIMDSizeCode::D }; inst.opcode = Opcode::FCADD; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(vec_size, Rd as u16, elem_size), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(vec_size, Rn as u16, elem_size), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(vec_size, Rm as u16, elem_size), Operand::Imm16(90 + 180 * (rot as u16)), ]; } else { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } } } else if op2 & 0b1100 == 0b1000 && op3 & 0b000110001 == 0b000000001 { // `Advanced SIMD three same (FP16)` let Rd = (word >> 0) & 0b11111; let Rn = (word >> 5) & 0b11111; let opc = (word >> 11) & 0b111; let Rm = (word >> 16) & 0b11111; let a = (word >> 23) & 1; let u = (word >> 29) & 1; let q = (word >> 30) & 1; const OPCODES: &[Result; 32] = &[ Ok(Opcode::FMAXNM), Ok(Opcode::FMLA), Ok(Opcode::FADD), Ok(Opcode::FMULX), Ok(Opcode::FCMEQ), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok(Opcode::FMAX), Ok(Opcode::FRECPS), Ok(Opcode::FMINNM), Ok(Opcode::FMLS), Ok(Opcode::FSUB), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok(Opcode::FMIN), Ok(Opcode::FRSQRTS), Ok(Opcode::FMAXNMP), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok(Opcode::FADDP), Ok(Opcode::FMUL), Ok(Opcode::FCMGE), Ok(Opcode::FACGE), Ok(Opcode::FMAXP), Ok(Opcode::FDIV), Ok(Opcode::FMINNMP), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok(Opcode::FABD), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok(Opcode::FCMGT), Ok(Opcode::FACGT), Ok(Opcode::FMINP), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), ]; let vec_size = if q == 0 { SIMDSizeCode::D } else { SIMDSizeCode::Q }; let uaopc = (u << 4) | (a << 3) | opc; inst.opcode = OPCODES[uaopc as usize]?; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(vec_size, Rd as u16, SIMDSizeCode::H), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(vec_size, Rn as u16, SIMDSizeCode::H), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(vec_size, Rm as u16, SIMDSizeCode::H), Operand::Nothing, ]; } else if op3 & 0b000100001 == 0b000000001 { // `Advanced SIMD copy` let Rd = (word >> 0) & 0b11111; let Rn = (word >> 5) & 0b11111; let imm4 = (word >> 11) & 0b1111; let imm5 = (word >> 16) & 0b11111; let op = (word >> 29) & 1; let Q = (word >> 30) & 1 == 1; if imm5 & 0b01111 == 0b00000 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } if op == 1 { if Q { // INS (element) inst.opcode = Opcode::INS; let (size, index1, index2) = match imm5.trailing_zeros() { 0 => { (SIMDSizeCode::B, imm5 >> 1, imm4) } 1 => { (SIMDSizeCode::H, imm5 >> 2, imm4 >> 1) } 2 => { (SIMDSizeCode::S, imm5 >> 3, imm4 >> 2) } _ => { (SIMDSizeCode::D, imm5 >> 4, imm4 >> 3) } }; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterElementsLane(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rd as u16, size, index1 as u8), Operand::SIMDRegisterElementsLane(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rn as u16, size, index2 as u8), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; } else { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } } else { let vector_size = if Q { SIMDSizeCode::Q } else { SIMDSizeCode::D }; if imm4 == 0b0000 { // DUP (element) inst.opcode = Opcode::DUP; let (size, index) = match imm5.trailing_zeros() { 0 => { (SIMDSizeCode::B, imm5 >> 1) } 1 => { (SIMDSizeCode::H, imm5 >> 2) } 2 => { (SIMDSizeCode::S, imm5 >> 3) } _ => { (SIMDSizeCode::D, imm5 >> 4) } }; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(vector_size, Rd as u16, size), Operand::SIMDRegisterElementsLane(vector_size, Rn as u16, size, index as u8), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; } else if imm4 == 0b0001 { // DUP (general) inst.opcode = Opcode::DUP; let (size, gpr_size) = match imm5.trailing_zeros() { 0 => { (SIMDSizeCode::B, SizeCode::W) } 1 => { (SIMDSizeCode::H, SizeCode::W) } 2 => { (SIMDSizeCode::S, SizeCode::W) } 3 => { if !Q { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } (SIMDSizeCode::D, SizeCode::X) } _ => { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } }; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(vector_size, Rd as u16, size), Operand::Register(gpr_size, Rn as u16), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; } else if imm4 == 0b0101 { // SMOV inst.opcode = Opcode::SMOV; let gpr_size = if Q { SizeCode::X } else { SizeCode::W }; let (size, index) = match imm5.trailing_zeros() { 0 => { (SIMDSizeCode::B, imm5 >> 1) } 1 => { (SIMDSizeCode::H, imm5 >> 2) } 2 => { if !Q { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } (SIMDSizeCode::S, imm5 >> 3) } _ => { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } }; inst.operands = [ Operand::Register(gpr_size, Rd as u16), Operand::SIMDRegisterElementsLane(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rn as u16, size, index as u8), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; } else if imm4 == 0b0111 { // UMOV inst.opcode = Opcode::UMOV; let gpr_size = if Q { SizeCode::X } else { SizeCode::W }; let (size, index) = match imm5.trailing_zeros() { 0 => { if Q { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } (SIMDSizeCode::B, imm5 >> 1) } 1 => { if Q { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } (SIMDSizeCode::H, imm5 >> 2) } 2 => { if Q { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } (SIMDSizeCode::S, imm5 >> 3) } 3 => { if !Q { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } (SIMDSizeCode::D, imm5 >> 4) } _ => { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } }; inst.operands = [ Operand::Register(gpr_size, Rd as u16), Operand::SIMDRegisterElementsLane(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rn as u16, size, index as u8), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; } else if imm4 == 0b0011 { // INS (general) inst.opcode = Opcode::INS; let (size, gpr_size, index) = match imm5.trailing_zeros() { 0 => { (SIMDSizeCode::B, SizeCode::W, imm5 >> 1) } 1 => { (SIMDSizeCode::H, SizeCode::W, imm5 >> 2) } 2 => { (SIMDSizeCode::S, SizeCode::W, imm5 >> 3) } 3 => { (SIMDSizeCode::D, SizeCode::X, imm5 >> 4) } _ => { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } }; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterElementsLane(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rd as u16, size, index as u8), Operand::Register(gpr_size, Rn as u16), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; } else { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } } } else { if op3 & 0b000100001 == 0b000000000 && op0 & 0b1011 == 0b0010 { // `Advanced SIMD extract` let Rd = (word >> 0) & 0b11111; let Rn = (word >> 5) & 0b11111; let imm4 = (word >> 11) & 0b1111; let Rm = (word >> 16) & 0b11111; let op2 = (word >> 22) & 0b11; let Q = (word >> 30) & 1 == 1; if op2 != 00 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } inst.opcode = Opcode::EXT; let (vec_size, index) = if Q { (SIMDSizeCode::Q, imm4) } else { if (imm4 & 0b1000) != 0 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } (SIMDSizeCode::D, imm4) }; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(vec_size, Rd as u16, SIMDSizeCode::B), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(vec_size, Rn as u16, SIMDSizeCode::B), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(vec_size, Rm as u16, SIMDSizeCode::B), Operand::Imm16(index as u16), ]; } else if op3 & 0b000100011 == 0b000000010 && op0 & 0b1011 == 0b0000 { // `Advanced SIMD permute` let Rd = (word >> 0) & 0b11111; let Rn = (word >> 5) & 0b11111; let opcode = (word >> 12) & 0b111; let Rm = (word >> 16) & 0b11111; let size = (word >> 22) & 0b11; let Q = (word >> 30) & 1 == 1; const OPCODES: [Result; 8] = [ Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok(Opcode::UZP1), Ok(Opcode::TRN1), Ok(Opcode::ZIP1), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok(Opcode::UZP2), Ok(Opcode::TRN2), Ok(Opcode::ZIP2), ]; inst.opcode = OPCODES[opcode as usize]?; let vec_size = if Q { SIMDSizeCode::Q } else { SIMDSizeCode::D }; let size = match size { 0b00 => SIMDSizeCode::B, 0b01 => SIMDSizeCode::H, 0b10 => SIMDSizeCode::S, _ => { if !Q { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } SIMDSizeCode::D } }; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(vec_size, Rd as u16, size), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(vec_size, Rn as u16, size), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(vec_size, Rm as u16, size), Operand::Nothing, ]; } else if op3 & 0b000100011 == 0b000000000 && op0 & 0b1011 == 0b0000 { // `Advanced SIMD table lookup` let Rd = (word >> 0) & 0b11111; let Rn = (word >> 5) & 0b11111; let op = (word >> 12) & 0b1; let len = ((word >> 13) & 0b11) as u8; let Rm = (word >> 16) & 0b11111; let op2 = (word >> 22) & 0b11; let Q = (word >> 30) & 1; if op2 != 0b00 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } let vec_size = if Q == 0 { SIMDSizeCode::D } else { SIMDSizeCode::Q }; inst.opcode = if op == 0 { Opcode::TBL } else { Opcode::TBX }; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(vec_size, Rd as u16, SIMDSizeCode::B), Operand::SIMDRegisterGroup(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rn as u16, SIMDSizeCode::B, len + 1), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(vec_size, Rm as u16, SIMDSizeCode::B), Operand::Nothing, ]; } else { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } } } } } else if (op0 & 0b0101) == 0b0001 { // op0 == x0x1 (floating-point ops or unallocated - op1, op2, op3 are // self-contained from here) if op1 & 0b10 == 0b00 { if op2 & 0b0100 == 0b0000 { // op2 = x0xx // `Conversion between floating-point and fixed-point` let sf = word >> 31; let S = (word >> 29) & 1; let ty = (word >> 22) & 0b11; let mode = (word >> 19) & 0b11; let opcode = (word >> 16) & 0b111; let scale = (word >> 10) & 0b11_1111; let Rn = (word >> 5) & 0b1_1111; let Rd = word & 0b1_1111; if S == 1 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } if sf == 0 && scale >= 100000 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } if opcode >= 0b100 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } let size = if sf == 0 { SizeCode::W } else { SizeCode::X }; let precision = if ty == 0b00 { SIMDSizeCode::S } else if ty == 0b01 { SIMDSizeCode::D } else if ty == 0b11 { SIMDSizeCode::H } else { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); }; const OPCODES: &[Result] = &[ // type = 00 // mode = 00, opcode = 00 Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), // mode = 00, opcode = 10 Ok(Opcode::SCVTF), Ok(Opcode::UCVTF), // mode = 11, opcode = 00 Ok(Opcode::FCVTZS), Ok(Opcode::FCVTZU), // mode = 11, opcode = 10 Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), ]; let opc_idx = ((mode & 0b10) << 1) | (opcode & 0b011); inst.opcode = OPCODES[opc_idx as usize]?; if mode == 0b00 { inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegister(precision, Rd as u16), Operand::Register(size, Rn as u16), Operand::Immediate(std::cmp::min(64 - scale, if size == SizeCode::X { 64 } else { 32 })), Operand::Nothing, ]; } else { inst.operands = [ Operand::Register(size, Rd as u16), Operand::SIMDRegister(precision, Rn as u16), Operand::Immediate(std::cmp::min(64 - scale, if size == SizeCode::X { 64 } else { 32 })), Operand::Nothing, ]; } } else if (op3 & 0b000_111111) == 0b000_000000 { // op2 = x1xx, op3 = xxx000000 // `Conversion between floating-point and fixed-point` /* let op3 = (word >> 10) & 0b1_1111_1111; let op2 = (word >> 19) & 0b1111; let op1 = (word >> 23) & 0b11; let op0 = (word >> 28) & 0b1111; */ let sf = word >> 31; let S = (word >> 29) & 1; let ty = (word >> 22) & 0b11; let mode = (word >> 19) & 0b11; let opcode = (word >> 16) & 0b111; let Rn = (word >> 5) & 0b1_1111; let Rd = word & 0b1_1111; if S == 1 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } if mode != 0b00 && opcode >= 0b100 && opcode != 0b110 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } let size = if sf == 0 { SizeCode::W } else { SizeCode::X }; let precision = if ty == 0b00 { SIMDSizeCode::S } else if ty == 0b01 { SIMDSizeCode::D } else if ty == 0b11 { SIMDSizeCode::H } else { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); }; #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)] enum GpSize { Infer, W, X, } #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)] enum FpSize { Infer, H, S, D, Qh, } #[allow(non_camel_case_types)] #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)] enum ConvertOperands { fp_to_gp(FpSize, GpSize), gp_to_fp(GpSize, FpSize), } const OPCODES: &[Result<(Opcode, ConvertOperands), DecodeError>; 32] = &[ Ok((Opcode::FCVTNS, ConvertOperands::fp_to_gp(FpSize::Infer, GpSize::Infer))), Ok((Opcode::FCVTNU, ConvertOperands::fp_to_gp(FpSize::Infer, GpSize::Infer))), Ok((Opcode::SCVTF, ConvertOperands::gp_to_fp(GpSize::Infer, FpSize::Infer))), Ok((Opcode::UCVTF, ConvertOperands::gp_to_fp(GpSize::Infer, FpSize::Infer))), Ok((Opcode::FCVTAS, ConvertOperands::fp_to_gp(FpSize::Infer, GpSize::Infer))), Ok((Opcode::FCVTAU, ConvertOperands::fp_to_gp(FpSize::Infer, GpSize::Infer))), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), // these are handled in the explicit check above Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), // these are handled in the explicit check above Ok((Opcode::FCVTPS, ConvertOperands::fp_to_gp(FpSize::Infer, GpSize::Infer))), Ok((Opcode::FCVTPU, ConvertOperands::fp_to_gp(FpSize::Infer, GpSize::Infer))), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::FCVTMS, ConvertOperands::fp_to_gp(FpSize::Infer, GpSize::Infer))), Ok((Opcode::FCVTMU, ConvertOperands::fp_to_gp(FpSize::Infer, GpSize::Infer))), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::FCVTZS, ConvertOperands::fp_to_gp(FpSize::Infer, GpSize::Infer))), Ok((Opcode::FCVTZU, ConvertOperands::fp_to_gp(FpSize::Infer, GpSize::Infer))), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), ]; let (opcode, operands_size) = if opcode == 0b110 || opcode == 0b111 { match (sf, ty, mode, opcode) { (0, 0b01, 0b11, 0b110) => { (Opcode::FJCVTZS, ConvertOperands::fp_to_gp(FpSize::D, GpSize::W)) } (1, 0b10, 0b01, 0b110) => { (Opcode::FMOV, ConvertOperands::fp_to_gp(FpSize::Qh, GpSize::X)) } (1, 0b10, 0b01, 0b111) => { (Opcode::FMOV, ConvertOperands::gp_to_fp(GpSize::X, FpSize::Qh)) } (1, 0b11, 0b00, 0b111) => { (Opcode::FMOV, ConvertOperands::gp_to_fp(GpSize::X, FpSize::H)) } (1, 0b01, 0b00, 0b110) => { (Opcode::FMOV, ConvertOperands::fp_to_gp(FpSize::D, GpSize::X)) } (1, 0b01, 0b00, 0b111) => { (Opcode::FMOV, ConvertOperands::gp_to_fp(GpSize::X, FpSize::D)) } (0, 0b11, 0b00, 0b110) => { (Opcode::FMOV, ConvertOperands::fp_to_gp(FpSize::H, GpSize::W)) } (0, 0b11, 0b00, 0b111) => { (Opcode::FMOV, ConvertOperands::gp_to_fp(GpSize::W, FpSize::H)) } (0, 0b00, 0b00, 0b110) => { (Opcode::FMOV, ConvertOperands::fp_to_gp(FpSize::S, GpSize::W)) } (0, 0b00, 0b00, 0b111) => { (Opcode::FMOV, ConvertOperands::gp_to_fp(GpSize::W, FpSize::S)) } _ => { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } } } else { OPCODES[((mode << 3) | opcode) as usize]? }; inst.opcode = opcode; match operands_size { ConvertOperands::gp_to_fp(gp_size, fp_size) => { let fp_reg = match fp_size { FpSize::Infer => Operand::SIMDRegister(precision, Rd as u16), FpSize::H => Operand::SIMDRegister(SIMDSizeCode::H, Rd as u16), FpSize::S => Operand::SIMDRegister(SIMDSizeCode::S, Rd as u16), FpSize::D => Operand::SIMDRegister(SIMDSizeCode::D, Rd as u16), FpSize::Qh => Operand::SIMDRegisterElementsLane( SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rd as u16, SIMDSizeCode::D, 1 ), }; let gp_reg = match gp_size { GpSize::Infer => Operand::Register(size, Rn as u16), GpSize::W => Operand::Register(SizeCode::W, Rn as u16), GpSize::X => Operand::Register(SizeCode::X, Rn as u16), }; inst.operands = [ fp_reg, gp_reg, Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; } ConvertOperands::fp_to_gp(fp_size, gp_size) => { let fp_reg = match fp_size { FpSize::Infer => Operand::SIMDRegister(precision, Rn as u16), FpSize::H => Operand::SIMDRegister(SIMDSizeCode::H, Rn as u16), FpSize::S => Operand::SIMDRegister(SIMDSizeCode::S, Rn as u16), FpSize::D => Operand::SIMDRegister(SIMDSizeCode::D, Rn as u16), FpSize::Qh => Operand::SIMDRegisterElementsLane( SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rn as u16, SIMDSizeCode::D, 1 ), }; let gp_reg = match gp_size { GpSize::Infer => Operand::Register(size, Rd as u16), GpSize::W => Operand::Register(SizeCode::W, Rd as u16), GpSize::X => Operand::Register(SizeCode::X, Rd as u16), }; inst.operands = [ gp_reg, fp_reg, Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; } } } else { if (word >> 29) > 0 { // if either `M` or `S` are set.. return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } match op3.trailing_zeros() { 0 => { // op3 = xxxxxxxx1 // `Floating-point conditional compare` or // `Floating-point conditional select` let ty = (word >> 22) & 0b11; let Rm = (word >> 16) & 0b1_1111; let cond = (word >> 12) & 0b1111; let Rn = (word >> 5) & 0b1_1111; let precision = if ty == 0b00 { SIMDSizeCode::S } else if ty == 0b01 { SIMDSizeCode::D } else if ty == 0b11 { SIMDSizeCode::H } else { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); }; if ((word >> 11) & 1) == 0 { // fp compare let nzcv = word & 0b1111; inst.opcode = if (word >> 4) & 1 == 0 { Opcode::FCCMP } else { Opcode::FCCMPE }; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegister(precision, Rn as u16), Operand::SIMDRegister(precision, Rm as u16), Operand::Immediate(nzcv), Operand::ConditionCode(cond as u8), ]; } else { // fp select let Rd = word & 0b1_1111; inst.opcode = Opcode::FCSEL; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegister(precision, Rd as u16), Operand::SIMDRegister(precision, Rn as u16), Operand::SIMDRegister(precision, Rm as u16), Operand::ConditionCode(cond as u8), ]; } } 1 => { // op3 = xxxxxxx10 // `Floating-point data-processing (2 source)` let ty = (word >> 22) & 0b11; let Rm = (word >> 16) & 0b1_1111; let opcode = (word >> 12) & 0b1111; let Rn = (word >> 5) & 0b1_1111; let Rd = word & 0b1_1111; if opcode > 0b1000 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } let precision = if ty == 0b00 { SIMDSizeCode::S } else if ty == 0b01 { SIMDSizeCode::D } else if ty == 0b11 { SIMDSizeCode::H } else { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); }; const OPCODES: &[Opcode] = &[ Opcode::FMUL, Opcode::FDIV, Opcode::FADD, Opcode::FSUB, Opcode::FMAX, Opcode::FMIN, Opcode::FMAXNM, Opcode::FMINNM, Opcode::FNMUL, ]; inst.opcode = OPCODES[opcode as usize]; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegister(precision, Rd as u16), Operand::SIMDRegister(precision, Rn as u16), Operand::SIMDRegister(precision, Rm as u16), Operand::Nothing, ]; } 2 => { // op3 = xxxxxx100 // `Floating-point immediate` let ty = (word >> 22) & 0b11; let imm8 = (word >> 13) & 0b1111_1111; let imm5 = (word >> 5) & 0b1_1111; let Rd = word & 0b1_1111; if imm5 != 0 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } let precision = if ty == 0b00 { SIMDSizeCode::S } else if ty == 0b01 { SIMDSizeCode::D } else if ty == 0b11 { SIMDSizeCode::H } else { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); }; inst.opcode = Opcode::FMOV; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegister(precision, Rd as u16), Operand::ImmediateDouble(docs::VFPExpandImm(imm8 as u8)), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; } 3 => { // op3 = xxxxx1000 // `Floating-point compare` let ty = (word >> 22) & 0b11; let Rm = (word >> 16) & 0b1_1111; let opcode = (word >> 14) & 0b11; let Rn = (word >> 5) & 0b1_1111; let opcode2 = word & 0b1_1111; if (opcode & 0b00_111) != 00_000 { // any of the low three bits in opcode being set means // unallocated return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } let precision = if ty == 0b00 { SIMDSizeCode::S } else if ty == 0b01 { SIMDSizeCode::D } else if ty == 0b11 { SIMDSizeCode::H } else { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); }; inst.opcode = if opcode2 & 0b1_0000 != 0 { Opcode::FCMPE } else { Opcode::FCMP }; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegister(precision, Rn as u16), if opcode2 & 0b01000 != 0 { // and, sugguested, Rm == 0 Operand::ImmediateDouble(0.0) } else { Operand::SIMDRegister(precision, Rm as u16) }, Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; } 4 => { // op3 = xxxx10000 // `Floating-point data-processing (1 source)` let ty = (word >> 22) & 0b11; let opcode = (word >> 15) & 0b111_111; let Rn = (word >> 5) & 0b1_1111; let Rd = word & 0b1_1111; if opcode >= 0b100_000 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } let precision = if ty == 0b00 { SIMDSizeCode::S } else if ty == 0b01 { SIMDSizeCode::D } else if ty == 0b11 { SIMDSizeCode::H } else { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); }; const OPCODES: &[Result] = &[ Ok(Opcode::FMOV), Ok(Opcode::FABS), Ok(Opcode::FNEG), Ok(Opcode::FSQRT), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok(Opcode::FRINTN), Ok(Opcode::FRINTP), Ok(Opcode::FRINTM), Ok(Opcode::FRINTZ), Ok(Opcode::FRINTA), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok(Opcode::FRINTX), Ok(Opcode::FRINTI), Ok(Opcode::FRINT32Z), Ok(Opcode::FRINT32X), Ok(Opcode::FRINT64Z), Ok(Opcode::FRINT64X), ]; if opcode >= 0b000100 && opcode < 0b001000 { // precision-specific opcodes to convert between floating // point precisions let dest_precision_bits = opcode & 0b11; let dest_precision = if dest_precision_bits == 0b00 { SIMDSizeCode::S } else if dest_precision_bits == 0b01 { SIMDSizeCode::D } else if dest_precision_bits == 0b10 { return if precision == SIMDSizeCode::H { inst.opcode = Opcode::BFCVT; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegister(SIMDSizeCode::H, Rd as u16), Operand::SIMDRegister(SIMDSizeCode::S, Rn as u16), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; Ok(()) } else { Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode) }; } else { SIMDSizeCode::H }; if precision == dest_precision { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } inst.opcode = Opcode::FCVT; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegister(dest_precision, Rd as u16), Operand::SIMDRegister(precision, Rn as u16), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; } else { let opc = OPCODES.get(opcode as usize).cloned().unwrap_or(Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode))?; inst.opcode = opc; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegister(precision, Rd as u16), Operand::SIMDRegister(precision, Rn as u16), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; } } 5 => { // op3 = xxx100000 // unallocated return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } _ => { // 6 or more zeroes // op3 = xxx000000 // `Conversion between floating-point and integer` // handled above, so this arm is actually unreachable. } } } } else { // op1 = 1x // `Floating-point data-processing (3 source)` if (word >> 29) > 0 { // if either `M` or `S` are set.. return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } let type_o1_o0 = ((word >> 20) & 0b1110) | ((word >> 15) & 0b0001); const OPCODES: [Result<(Opcode, SIMDSizeCode), DecodeError>; 16] = [ Ok((Opcode::FMADD, SIMDSizeCode::S)), Ok((Opcode::FMSUB, SIMDSizeCode::S)), Ok((Opcode::FNMADD, SIMDSizeCode::S)), Ok((Opcode::FNMSUB, SIMDSizeCode::S)), Ok((Opcode::FMADD, SIMDSizeCode::D)), Ok((Opcode::FMSUB, SIMDSizeCode::D)), Ok((Opcode::FNMADD, SIMDSizeCode::D)), Ok((Opcode::FNMSUB, SIMDSizeCode::D)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::FMADD, SIMDSizeCode::H)), // TODO: half-precision added in ARMv8.2 Ok((Opcode::FMSUB, SIMDSizeCode::H)), Ok((Opcode::FNMADD, SIMDSizeCode::H)), Ok((Opcode::FNMSUB, SIMDSizeCode::H)), ]; let (opcode, precision) = OPCODES[type_o1_o0 as usize]?; let Rd = (word & 0x1f) as u16; let Rn = ((word >> 5) & 0x1f) as u16; let Ra = ((word >> 10) & 0x1f) as u16; let Rm = ((word >> 16) & 0x1f) as u16; inst.opcode = opcode; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegister(precision, Rd), Operand::SIMDRegister(precision, Rn), Operand::SIMDRegister(precision, Rm), Operand::SIMDRegister(precision, Ra), ]; } } else if (op0 & 0b1101) == 0b0101 { // op0 == x1x1 `Advanced SIMD scalar *` if op1 < 0b10 { // op1 == 0x if op2 & 0b0100 == 0b0100 { // op2 == x1xx if op3 & 1 == 1 { // `Advanced SIMD scalar three same` // op3 == xxxxxxxx1 let Rd = word & 0b11111; let Rn = (word >> 5) & 0b11111; let opcode = (word >> 11) & 0b11111; let Rm = (word >> 16) & 0b11111; let size = (word >> 22) & 0b11; let U = (word >> 29) & 1 == 1; let q = (word >> 30) & 1; type OperandSizeTable = [Result<(SIMDSizeCode, SIMDSizeCode, SIMDSizeCode, SIMDSizeCode), DecodeError>; 8]; use armv8::a64::SIMDSizeCode::*; const TABLE_A: &'static OperandSizeTable = &[ Ok((D, B, D, B)), Ok((Q, B, Q, B)), Ok((D, H, D, H)), Ok((Q, H, Q, H)), Ok((D, S, D, S)), Ok((Q, S, Q, S)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand), Ok((Q, D, Q, D)), ]; const TABLE_C: &'static OperandSizeTable = &[ Ok((D, S, D, S)), Ok((Q, S, Q, S)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand), Ok((Q, D, Q, D)), Ok((D, S, D, S)), Ok((Q, S, Q, S)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand), Ok((Q, D, Q, D)), ]; if opcode < 0b11000 { // TODO: validate operands const OPCODES_U0_LOW: &[Result<(Opcode, &'static OperandSizeTable), DecodeError>] = &[ Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::SQADD, TABLE_A)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::SQSUB, TABLE_A)), Ok((Opcode::CMGT, TABLE_A)), Ok((Opcode::CMGE, TABLE_A)), Ok((Opcode::SSHL, TABLE_A)), Ok((Opcode::SQSHL, TABLE_A)), Ok((Opcode::SRSHL, TABLE_A)), Ok((Opcode::SQRSHL, TABLE_A)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::ADD, TABLE_A)), Ok((Opcode::CMTST, TABLE_A)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::SQDMULH, TABLE_A)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), ]; const OPCODES_U1_LOW: &[Result<(Opcode, &'static OperandSizeTable), DecodeError>] = &[ Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::UQADD, TABLE_A)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::UQSUB, TABLE_A)), Ok((Opcode::CMHI, TABLE_A)), Ok((Opcode::CMHS, TABLE_A)), Ok((Opcode::USHL, TABLE_A)), Ok((Opcode::UQSHL, TABLE_A)), Ok((Opcode::URSHL, TABLE_A)), Ok((Opcode::UQRSHL, TABLE_A)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::SUB, TABLE_A)), Ok((Opcode::CMEQ, TABLE_A)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::SQRDMULH, TABLE_A)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), ]; let (opcode, table) = if U { OPCODES_U1_LOW[opcode as usize]? } else { OPCODES_U0_LOW[opcode as usize]? }; let (_va_width, va_elem, _vb_width, vb_elem) = table[((size << 1) | q) as usize]?; inst.opcode = opcode; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegister(va_elem, Rd as u16), Operand::SIMDRegister(vb_elem, Rn as u16), Operand::SIMDRegister(vb_elem, Rm as u16), Operand::Nothing, ] } else { // indexed by ((opcode - 0b11000) << 1) | (size >> 1) const OPCODES_U0_HIGH: &[Result<(Opcode, &'static OperandSizeTable), DecodeError>; 16] = &[ Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::FMULX, TABLE_C)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::FCMEQ, TABLE_C)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), ]; const OPCODES_U1_HIGH: &[Result<(Opcode, &'static OperandSizeTable), DecodeError>; 16] = &[ Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), // 0b11010 Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::FABD, TABLE_C)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), // 0b11100 Ok((Opcode::FCMGE, TABLE_C)), Ok((Opcode::FCMGT, TABLE_C)), Ok((Opcode::FACGE, TABLE_C)), Ok((Opcode::FACGT, TABLE_C)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), ]; let index = ((opcode - 0b11000) << 1) | (size >> 1); let (opcode, table) = if U { OPCODES_U1_HIGH[index as usize]? } else { OPCODES_U0_HIGH[index as usize]? }; let (_va_width, va_elem, _vb_width, vb_elem) = table[(((size & 0b01) << 1) | q) as usize]?; inst.opcode = opcode; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegister(va_elem, Rd as u16), Operand::SIMDRegister(vb_elem, Rn as u16), Operand::SIMDRegister(vb_elem, Rm as u16), Operand::Nothing, ] }; } else { if op3 & 0b10 == 0b00 { // `Advanced SIMD scalar three different` // op3 == xxxxxxx00 let Rd = word & 0b11111; let Rn = (word >> 5) & 0b11111; let opcode = (word >> 12) & 0b1111; let Rm = (word >> 16) & 0b11111; let size = (word >> 22) & 0b11; let U = (word >> 29) & 1 == 1; let Q = (word >> 29) & 1 == 1; if U { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } let (dest_size, src_size) = if size == 0b01 { (SIMDSizeCode::S, SIMDSizeCode::H) } else if size == 0b10 { (SIMDSizeCode::D, SIMDSizeCode::S) } else { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); }; let opcode = if opcode == 0b1001 { if Q { Opcode::SQDMLAL2 } else { Opcode::SQDMLAL } } else if opcode == 0b1011 { if Q { Opcode::SQDMLSL2 } else { Opcode::SQDMLSL } } else if opcode == 0b1101 { if Q { Opcode::SQDMULL2 } else { Opcode::SQDMULL } } else { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); }; inst.opcode = opcode; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegister(dest_size, Rd as u16), Operand::SIMDRegister(src_size, Rn as u16), Operand::SIMDRegister(src_size, Rm as u16), Operand::Nothing, ]; } else { // op3 == xxxxxxx10 if op3 & 0b110000011 != 0b000000010 { // op3 == 1xxxxxx10 or // op3 == x1xxxxx10 // either are unallocated return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } if op2 & 0b0111 == 0b0100 { // `Advanced SIMD scalar two-register miscellaneous` let Rd = word & 0b11111; let Rn = (word >> 5) & 0b11111; let opcode = (word >> 12) & 0b11111; let size = (word >> 22) & 0b11; let U = (word >> 29) & 1; type OperandSizeTable = [Result<(SIMDSizeCode, SIMDSizeCode, SIMDSizeCode, SIMDSizeCode), DecodeError>; 4]; use armv8::a64::SIMDSizeCode::*; const TABLE_A: &'static OperandSizeTable = &[ Ok((Q, B, Q, B)), Ok((Q, H, Q, H)), Ok((Q, S, Q, S)), Ok((Q, D, Q, D)), ]; const TABLE_B: &'static OperandSizeTable = &[ Ok((Q, B, Q, H)), Ok((Q, H, Q, S)), Ok((Q, S, Q, D)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand), ]; const TABLE_C: &'static OperandSizeTable = &[ Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand), Ok((Q, S, Q, D)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand), Ok((Q, S, Q, D)), ]; const TABLE_D: &'static OperandSizeTable = &[ Ok((Q, S, Q, S)), Ok((Q, D, Q, D)), Ok((Q, S, Q, S)), Ok((Q, D, Q, D)), ]; // indexed by `opcode << 2 | size & 0b10 | U` // opcodes for the section `Advanced SIMD scalar // two-register miscellaneous`. const ADV_SIMD_SCALAR_TWO_REG_MISC: &[Result<(Opcode, &'static OperandSizeTable), DecodeError>; 128] = &[ Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), // 0b00011_00 Ok((Opcode::SUQADD, TABLE_A)), // 0b0001100, Ok((Opcode::USQADD, TABLE_A)), // 0b0001101, Ok((Opcode::SUQADD, TABLE_A)), // 0b0001110, Ok((Opcode::USQADD, TABLE_A)), // 0b0001111, // 0b00100_00 Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), // 0b00101_00 Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), // 0b00110_00 Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::SQABS, TABLE_A)), // 0b0011100, Ok((Opcode::SQNEG, TABLE_A)), // 0b0011101, Ok((Opcode::SQABS, TABLE_A)), // 0b0011110, Ok((Opcode::SQNEG, TABLE_A)), // 0b0011111, Ok((Opcode::CMGT, TABLE_D)), // 0b0100000, Ok((Opcode::CMGE, TABLE_D)), // 0b0100001, Ok((Opcode::CMGT, TABLE_D)), // 0b0100010, Ok((Opcode::CMGE, TABLE_D)), // 0b0100011, Ok((Opcode::CMEQ, TABLE_D)), // 0b0100100, Ok((Opcode::CMLE, TABLE_D)), // 0b0100101, Ok((Opcode::CMEQ, TABLE_D)), // 0b0100110, Ok((Opcode::CMLE, TABLE_D)), // 0b0100111, Ok((Opcode::CMLT, TABLE_D)), // 0b0101000, Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::CMLT, TABLE_D)), // 0b0101010, Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::ABS, TABLE_D)), // 0b0101100, Ok((Opcode::NEG, TABLE_D)), // 0b0101101, Ok((Opcode::ABS, TABLE_D)), // 0b0101110, Ok((Opcode::NEG, TABLE_D)), // 0b0101111, // 0b01100_00 Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::FCMGT, TABLE_D)), // 0b0110010, Ok((Opcode::FCMGE, TABLE_D)), // 0b0110011, Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::FCMEQ, TABLE_D)), // 0b0110110, Ok((Opcode::FCMLE, TABLE_D)), // 0b0110111, Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::FCMLT, TABLE_D)), // 0b0111010, Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), // 0b01110_11 Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), // 0b10000_00 Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), // 0b10010_00 Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::SQXTUN, TABLE_B)), // 0b1001001, Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::SQXTUN, TABLE_B)), // 0b1001011, // 0b10011_00 Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), // 0b10100_00 Ok((Opcode::SQXTN, TABLE_B)), // 0b1010000, Ok((Opcode::UQXTN, TABLE_B)), // 0b1010001, Ok((Opcode::SQXTN, TABLE_B)), // 0b1010010, Ok((Opcode::UQXTN, TABLE_B)), // 0b1010011, // 0b10101_00 Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), // 0b10110_00 Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::FCVTXN, TABLE_C)), // 0b1011001, Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), // 0b10111_00 Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), // 0b11000_00 Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), // 0b11010_00 Ok((Opcode::FCVTNS, TABLE_D)), // 0b1101000, Ok((Opcode::FCVTNU, TABLE_D)), // 0b1101001, Ok((Opcode::FCVTPS, TABLE_D)), // 0b1101010, Ok((Opcode::FCVTPU, TABLE_D)), // 0b1101011, Ok((Opcode::FCVTMS, TABLE_D)), // 0b1101100, Ok((Opcode::FCVTMU, TABLE_D)), // 0b1101101, Ok((Opcode::FCVTZS, TABLE_D)), // 0b1101110, Ok((Opcode::FCVTZU, TABLE_D)), // 0b1101111, Ok((Opcode::FCVTAS, TABLE_D)), // 0b1110000, Ok((Opcode::FCVTAU, TABLE_D)), // 0b1110001, Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::SCVTF, TABLE_D)), // 0b1110100, Ok((Opcode::UCVTF, TABLE_D)), // 0b1110101, Ok((Opcode::FRECPE, TABLE_D)), // 0b1110110, Ok((Opcode::FRSQRTE, TABLE_D)), // 0b1110111, // 0b11110_00 Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), // 0b11111_00 Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::FRECPX, TABLE_D)), // 0b1111110, Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), ]; let (opcode, table) = ADV_SIMD_SCALAR_TWO_REG_MISC[((opcode << 2) | (size & 0b10) | U) as usize]?; inst.opcode = opcode; let (_, r1_size, _, r2_size) = table[size as usize]?; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegister(r1_size, Rd as u16), Operand::SIMDRegister(r2_size, Rn as u16), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; if [Opcode::FCMGE, Opcode::FCMLE, Opcode::FCMGT, Opcode::FCMEQ, Opcode::FCMLT].contains(&inst.opcode) { inst.operands[2] = Operand::ImmediateDouble(0.0); } else if [Opcode::CMGE, Opcode::CMLE, Opcode::CMGT, Opcode::CMEQ, Opcode::CMLT].contains(&inst.opcode) { inst.operands[2] = Operand::Immediate(0); } } else if op2 & 0b0111 == 0b110 { // `Advanced SIMD scalar pairwise` let Rd = word & 0b11111; let Rn = (word >> 5) & 0b11111; let opcode = (word >> 12) & 0b11111; let size = (word >> 22) & 0b11; let U = (word >> 29) & 1; let (opcode, vec_size, size) = if opcode == 0b11011 { if U == 0 && size == 0b11 { (Opcode::ADDP, SIMDSizeCode::Q, SIMDSizeCode::D) } else { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } } else { let (vec_size, el_size) = if U == 0 { (SIMDSizeCode::S, SIMDSizeCode::H) } else if size & 0b01 == 0 { (SIMDSizeCode::D, SIMDSizeCode::S) } else { (SIMDSizeCode::Q, SIMDSizeCode::D) }; let opcode = match opcode | ((size & 0b10) << 5) { 0b001100 => Opcode::FMAXNMP, 0b001101 => Opcode::FADDP, 0b001111 => Opcode::FMAXP, 0b101100 => Opcode::FMINNMP, 0b101111 => Opcode::FMINP, _ => { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } }; (opcode, vec_size, el_size) }; inst.opcode = opcode; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegister(size, Rd as u16), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(vec_size, Rn as u16, size), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; } else if op2 == 0b1111 { // `Advanced SIMD scalar two-register miscellaneous FP16` let Rd = word & 0b11111; let Rn = (word >> 5) & 0b11111; let opcode = (word >> 12) & 0b11111; let a = (word >> 23) & 1; let U = (word >> 29) & 1; let index = (opcode << 2) | (U << 1) | a; let res = match index { 0b11010_0_0 => Ok(Opcode::FCVTNS), 0b11011_0_0 => Ok(Opcode::FCVTMS), 0b11100_0_0 => Ok(Opcode::FCVTAS), 0b11101_0_0 => Ok(Opcode::SCVTF), 0b01100_0_1 => Ok(Opcode::FCMGT), 0b01101_0_1 => Ok(Opcode::FCMEQ), 0b01110_0_1 => Ok(Opcode::FCMLT), 0b11010_0_1 => Ok(Opcode::FCVTPS), 0b11011_0_1 => Ok(Opcode::FCVTZS), 0b11101_0_1 => Ok(Opcode::FRECPE), 0b11111_0_1 => Ok(Opcode::FRECPX), 0b11010_1_0 => Ok(Opcode::FCVTNU), 0b11011_1_0 => Ok(Opcode::FCVTMU), 0b11100_1_0 => Ok(Opcode::FCVTAU), 0b11101_1_0 => Ok(Opcode::UCVTF), 0b01100_1_1 => Ok(Opcode::FCMGE), 0b01101_1_1 => Ok(Opcode::FCMLE), 0b11010_1_1 => Ok(Opcode::FCVTPU), 0b11011_1_1 => Ok(Opcode::FCVTZU), 0b11101_1_1 => Ok(Opcode::FRSQRTE), _ => Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode) }; inst.opcode = res?; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegister(SIMDSizeCode::H, Rd as u16), Operand::SIMDRegister(SIMDSizeCode::H, Rn as u16), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; if [Opcode::FCMGE, Opcode::FCMLE, Opcode::FCMGT, Opcode::FCMEQ, Opcode::FCMLT].contains(&inst.opcode) { inst.operands[2] = Operand::ImmediateDouble(0.0); } } else if op2 & 0b0111 == 0b0101 && op0 == 0b0101 { // `Cryptographic two-register SHA` let Rd = word & 0b11111; let Rn = (word >> 5) & 0b11111; let opcode = (word >> 12) & 0b11111; let size = (word >> 22) & 0b11; if size != 0b00 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } let opcode = match opcode { 0b00000 => Opcode::SHA1H, 0b00001 => Opcode::SHA1SU1, 0b00010 => Opcode::SHA256SU0, _ => { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } }; inst.opcode = opcode; if opcode == Opcode::SHA1H { inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegister(SIMDSizeCode::S, Rd as u16), Operand::SIMDRegister(SIMDSizeCode::S, Rn as u16), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; } else { inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rd as u16, SIMDSizeCode::S), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rn as u16, SIMDSizeCode::S), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; } } else { // unallocated return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } } } } else { // op2 == x0xx if op0 == 0b0101 && op2 & 0b0100 == 0b0000 && op3 & 0b000_100_011 == 0b000_000_000 { // `Cryptographic three-register SHA` let Rd = word & 0b11111; let Rn = (word >> 5) & 0b11111; let opcode_bits = (word >> 12) & 0b111; let Rm = (word >> 16) & 0b11111; let size = (word >> 22) & 0b11; if size != 0b00 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } let (opcode, scalars) = &[ Ok((Opcode::SHA1C, true)), Ok((Opcode::SHA1P, true)), Ok((Opcode::SHA1M, true)), Ok((Opcode::SHA1SU0, false)), Ok((Opcode::SHA256H, true)), Ok((Opcode::SHA256H2, true)), Ok((Opcode::SHA256SU1, false)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), ][opcode_bits as usize]?; inst.opcode = *opcode; if *scalars { inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegister(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rd as u16), if opcode_bits < 0b100 { // sha1 second reg is `Sn` Operand::SIMDRegister(SIMDSizeCode::S, Rn as u16) } else { Operand::SIMDRegister(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rn as u16) }, Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rm as u16, SIMDSizeCode::S), Operand::Nothing, ]; } else { inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rd as u16, SIMDSizeCode::S), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rn as u16, SIMDSizeCode::S), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rm as u16, SIMDSizeCode::S), Operand::Nothing, ]; } } else if op0 & 0b1101 == 0b0101 && op2 & 0b1000 == 0b1000 && op3 & 0b000_110_001 == 0b000_000_001 { // op2 == 10xx // `Advanced SIMD scalar three same FP16` let Rd = word & 0b11111; let Rn = (word >> 5) & 0b11111; let opcode = (word >> 11) & 0b111; let Rm = (word >> 16) & 0b11111; let a = (word >> 23) & 1; let U = (word >> 29) & 1; if opcode < 0b011 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } let opcode = opcode - 0b011; let index = (opcode << 2) | (U << 1) | a; inst.opcode = [ // opcode == 0b011 Ok(Opcode::FMULX), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), // opcode == 0b100 Ok(Opcode::FCMEQ), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok(Opcode::FCMGE), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), // opcode == 0b101 Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok(Opcode::FACGE), Ok(Opcode::FACGT), // opcode == 0b110 Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), // opcode == 0b111 Ok(Opcode::FRECPS), Ok(Opcode::FRSQRTS), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), ][index as usize]?; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegister(SIMDSizeCode::H, Rd as u16), Operand::SIMDRegister(SIMDSizeCode::H, Rn as u16), Operand::SIMDRegister(SIMDSizeCode::H, Rm as u16), Operand::Nothing, ]; } else if word & 0b1101_000_11_1100_000100001_0000000000 == 0b0101_000_00_0000_000000001_0000000000 { // check op0, op1, op2, and op3 all at once because i am lazy // op2 == 00xx // `Advanced SIMD scalar copy` let imm4 = (word >> 11) & 0b1111; let op = (word >> 29) & 1; if imm4 == 0b0000 && op == 0 { inst.opcode = Opcode::DUP; let imm5 = (word >> 16) & 0b11111; let Rn = (word >> 5) & 0b11111; let Rd = (word >> 0) & 0b11111; let (size, index) = match imm5.trailing_zeros() { 0 => { (SIMDSizeCode::B, imm5 >> 1) } 1 => { (SIMDSizeCode::H, imm5 >> 2) } 2 => { (SIMDSizeCode::S, imm5 >> 3) } 3 => { (SIMDSizeCode::D, imm5 >> 4) } _ => { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } }; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegister(size, Rd as u16), Operand::SIMDRegisterElementsLane(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rn as u16, size, index as u8), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; } else { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } } else if word & 0b1101_1111_0010_0000_1000_0100_0000_0000 == 0b0101_1110_0000_0000_1000_0100_0000_0000 { // `Advanced SIMD scalar three same extra` let Rd = (word >> 0) & 0b11111; let Rn = (word >> 5) & 0b11111; let Rm = (word >> 16) & 0b11111; let opcode = (word >> 11) & 0b1111; let size = (word >> 22) & 0b11; let u = (word >> 29) & 1; if u == 0 || opcode > 0b0001 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } let size = if size == 0b01 { SIMDSizeCode::H } else if size == 0b10 { SIMDSizeCode::S } else { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); }; inst.opcode = if opcode == 0b0000 { Opcode::SQRDMLAH } else { Opcode::SQRDMLSH }; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegister(size, Rd as u16), Operand::SIMDRegister(size, Rn as u16), Operand::SIMDRegister(size, Rm as u16), Operand::Nothing, ]; } else { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } } } else { // op1 == 1x if op3 & 1 == 0 { // `Advanced SIMD scalar x indexed element` let Rd = (word >> 0) & 0b11111; let Rn = (word >> 5) & 0b11111; let H = (word >> 11) & 1; let opcode = (word >> 12) & 0b1111; let Rm = (word >> 16) & 0b1111; let M = (word >> 20) & 1; let L = (word >> 21) & 1; let size = (word >> 22) & 0b11; let U = (word >> 29) & 1; enum OperandKind { SameSizes, DifferentSizes, } let (opcode, operands_kind) = match (opcode << 1) | U { 0b0001_0 => (Opcode::FMLA, OperandKind::SameSizes), 0b0011_0 => (Opcode::SQDMLAL, OperandKind::DifferentSizes), 0b0101_0 => (Opcode::FMLS, OperandKind::SameSizes), 0b0111_0 => (Opcode::SQDMLSL, OperandKind::DifferentSizes), 0b1001_0 => (Opcode::FMUL, OperandKind::SameSizes), 0b1011_0 => (Opcode::SQDMULL, OperandKind::DifferentSizes), 0b1100_0 => (Opcode::SQDMULH, OperandKind::SameSizes), 0b1101_0 => { (if U == 1 { Opcode::SQRDMLAH } else { Opcode::SQRDMULH }, OperandKind::SameSizes) } 0b1111_0 => (Opcode::SQRDMLSH, OperandKind::DifferentSizes), 0b1001_1 => (Opcode::FMULX, OperandKind::SameSizes), 0b1101_1 => (Opcode::SQRDMLAH, OperandKind::SameSizes), 0b1111_1 => (Opcode::SQRDMLSH, OperandKind::SameSizes), _ => { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } }; inst.opcode = opcode; // by coincidence, the `SameSizes` opcodes here all are invalid for // size=0b01. match operands_kind { OperandKind::SameSizes => { let size = match size { 0b00 => SIMDSizeCode::H, 0b01 => { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } 0b10 => SIMDSizeCode::S, _ => SIMDSizeCode::D, }; let (Rm, index) = match size { SIMDSizeCode::H => { (Rm, (H << 2) | (L << 1) | M) }, SIMDSizeCode::S => { (Rm | (M << 4), (H << 1) | L) } _ => { /* SIMDSizeCode::D */ if L != 0 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } (Rm | (M << 4), H) } }; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegister(size, Rd as u16), Operand::SIMDRegister(size, Rn as u16), Operand::SIMDRegisterElementsLane(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rm as u16, size, index as u8), Operand::Nothing, ]; }, OperandKind::DifferentSizes => { let (dest_size, src_size) = match size { 0b01 => (SIMDSizeCode::S, SIMDSizeCode::H), 0b10 => (SIMDSizeCode::D, SIMDSizeCode::S), _ => { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } }; let (Rm, index) = if size == 0b10 { (Rm | (M << 4), (H << 1) | L) } else { (Rm, (H << 2) | (L << 1) | M) }; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegister(dest_size, Rd as u16), Operand::SIMDRegister(src_size, Rn as u16), Operand::SIMDRegisterElementsLane(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rm as u16, src_size, index as u8), Operand::Nothing, ]; } } } else { if op1 == 0b11 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } // `Advanced SIMD scalar shift by immediate` let Rn = (word >> 5) & 0b11111; let Rd = (word >> 0) & 0b11111; let opcode = (word >> 11) & 0b11111; let immb = (word >> 16) & 0b111; let immh = (word >> 19) & 0b1111; let U = (word >> 29) & 1; let Q = (word >> 30) & 1 == 1; if immh == 0 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } enum OperandsKind { SameSizes, DifferentSizes, } let (opcode, operands_kind) = match (opcode << 1) + U { 0b00000_0 => (Opcode::SSHR, OperandsKind::SameSizes), 0b00010_0 => (Opcode::SSRA, OperandsKind::SameSizes), 0b00100_0 => (Opcode::SRSHR, OperandsKind::SameSizes), 0b00110_0 => (Opcode::SRSRA, OperandsKind::SameSizes), 0b01010_0 => (Opcode::SHL, OperandsKind::SameSizes), 0b01110_0 => (Opcode::SQSHL, OperandsKind::SameSizes), 0b10010_0 => (Opcode::SQSHRN, OperandsKind::DifferentSizes), 0b10011_0 => (Opcode::SQRSHRN, OperandsKind::DifferentSizes), 0b11100_0 => (Opcode::SCVTF, OperandsKind::SameSizes), 0b11111_0 => (Opcode::FCVTZS, OperandsKind::SameSizes), 0b00000_1 => (Opcode::USHR, OperandsKind::SameSizes), 0b00010_1 => (Opcode::USRA, OperandsKind::SameSizes), 0b00100_1 => (Opcode::URSHR, OperandsKind::SameSizes), 0b00110_1 => (Opcode::URSRA, OperandsKind::SameSizes), 0b01000_1 => (Opcode::SRI, OperandsKind::SameSizes), 0b01010_1 => (Opcode::SLI, OperandsKind::SameSizes), 0b01100_1 => (Opcode::SQSHLU, OperandsKind::SameSizes), 0b01110_1 => (Opcode::UQSHL, OperandsKind::SameSizes), 0b10000_1 => (Opcode::SQSHRUN, OperandsKind::DifferentSizes), 0b10001_1 => (Opcode::SQRSHRUN, OperandsKind::DifferentSizes), 0b10010_1 => (Opcode::UQSHRN, OperandsKind::DifferentSizes), 0b10011_1 => (Opcode::UQRSHRN, OperandsKind::DifferentSizes), 0b11100_1 => (Opcode::UCVTF, OperandsKind::SameSizes), 0b11111_1 => (Opcode::FCVTZU, OperandsKind::SameSizes), _ => { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); }, }; let opcode = if Q { if opcode == Opcode::SQSHRN { Opcode::SQSHRN2 } else if opcode == Opcode::SQRSHRN { Opcode::SQRSHRN2 } else if opcode == Opcode::SQSHRUN { Opcode::SQSHRUN2 } else if opcode == Opcode::SQRSHRUN { Opcode::SQRSHRUN2 } else if opcode == Opcode::UQSHRN { Opcode::UQSHRN2 } else if opcode == Opcode::UQRSHRN { Opcode::UQRSHRN2 } else { opcode } } else { opcode }; inst.opcode = opcode; match operands_kind { OperandsKind::SameSizes => { let vec_size = if Q { SIMDSizeCode::Q } else { SIMDSizeCode::D }; let (size, imm) = match immh.leading_zeros() { 3 => { (SIMDSizeCode::B, immb) } 2 => { (SIMDSizeCode::H, ((immh & 0b0001) << 4)| immb) } 1 => { (SIMDSizeCode::S, ((immh & 0b0011) << 4)| immb) } 0 => { // the +q version of this check would be `Advanced SIMD // modified immediate`, checked well before we got // here. so assume q is 0, error. return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } _ => { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } }; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(vec_size, Rd as u16, size), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(vec_size, Rn as u16, size), Operand::Imm16(imm as u16), Operand::Nothing, ]; }, OperandsKind::DifferentSizes => { let (dest_size, src_size, imm) = match immh.leading_zeros() { 3 => { (SIMDSizeCode::B, SIMDSizeCode::H, immb) } 2 => { (SIMDSizeCode::H, SIMDSizeCode::S, ((immh & 0b0001) << 4)| immb) } 1 => { (SIMDSizeCode::S, SIMDSizeCode::D, ((immh & 0b0011) << 4)| immb) } _ => { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } }; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegister(dest_size, Rd as u16), Operand::SIMDRegister(src_size, Rn as u16), Operand::Imm16(imm as u16), Operand::Nothing, ]; } } } } } else if op0 == 0b1100 { let Rd = (word & 0b11111) as u16; let Rn = ((word >> 5) & 0b11111) as u16; if op1 == 0b00 { if op2 & 0b1100 == 0b1000 { // `Cryptographic three-register, imm2` let Rm = ((word >> 16) & 0b11111) as u16; let opcode = (word >> 10) & 0b11; let imm2 = (word >> 12) & 0b11; inst.opcode = [ Opcode::SM3TT1A, Opcode::SM3TT1B, Opcode::SM3TT2A, Opcode::SM3TT2B, ][opcode as usize]; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rd, SIMDSizeCode::S), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rn, SIMDSizeCode::S), Operand::SIMDRegisterElementsLane(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rm, SIMDSizeCode::S, imm2 as u8), Operand::Nothing, ]; } else if op2 & 0b1100 == 0b1100 { // `Cryptographic three-register SHA512` let Rm = ((word >> 16) & 0b11111) as u16; let opcode = (word >> 10) & 0b11; let O = (word >> 14) & 0b1; let Oop = (O << 2) | opcode; match Oop { 0b000 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::SHA512H; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegister(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rd), Operand::SIMDRegister(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rn), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rm, SIMDSizeCode::D), Operand::Nothing, ]; } 0b001 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::SHA512H2; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegister(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rd), Operand::SIMDRegister(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rn), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rm, SIMDSizeCode::D), Operand::Nothing, ]; } 0b010 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::SHA512SU1; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rd, SIMDSizeCode::D), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rn, SIMDSizeCode::D), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rm, SIMDSizeCode::D), Operand::Nothing, ]; } 0b011 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::RAX1; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rd, SIMDSizeCode::D), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rn, SIMDSizeCode::D), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rm, SIMDSizeCode::D), Operand::Nothing, ]; } 0b100 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::SM3PARTW1; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rd, SIMDSizeCode::S), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rn, SIMDSizeCode::S), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rm, SIMDSizeCode::S), Operand::Nothing, ]; } 0b101 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::SM3PARTW2; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rd, SIMDSizeCode::S), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rn, SIMDSizeCode::S), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rm, SIMDSizeCode::S), Operand::Nothing, ]; } 0b110 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::SM4EKEY; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rd, SIMDSizeCode::S), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rn, SIMDSizeCode::S), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rm, SIMDSizeCode::S), Operand::Nothing, ]; } _ => { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } } } else { // `Cryptographic four-register` let Ra = ((word >> 10) & 0b11111) as u16; let Rm = ((word >> 16) & 0b11111) as u16; let Op0 = (word >> 21) & 0b11; if Op0 == 0b00 { inst.opcode = Opcode::EOR3; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rd, SIMDSizeCode::B), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rn, SIMDSizeCode::B), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rm, SIMDSizeCode::B), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Ra, SIMDSizeCode::B), ]; } else if Op0 == 0b01 { inst.opcode = Opcode::BCAX; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rd, SIMDSizeCode::B), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rn, SIMDSizeCode::B), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rm, SIMDSizeCode::B), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Ra, SIMDSizeCode::B), ]; } else if Op0 == 0b10 { inst.opcode = Opcode::SM3SSI; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rd, SIMDSizeCode::S), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rn, SIMDSizeCode::S), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rm, SIMDSizeCode::S), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Ra, SIMDSizeCode::S), ]; } else { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } } } else if op1 == 0b01 { if op2 & 0b1100 == 0b0000 { let imm6 = ((word >> 10) & 0b111111) as u16; let Rm = ((word >> 16) & 0b11111) as u16; inst.opcode = Opcode::XAR; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rd, SIMDSizeCode::D), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rn, SIMDSizeCode::D), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rm, SIMDSizeCode::D), Operand::Imm16(imm6 as u16), ]; // `XAR` } else { // `Cryptographic two-register sha512` let opcode = (word >> 10) & 0b11; if opcode == 0b00 { inst.opcode = Opcode::SHA512SU0; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rd, SIMDSizeCode::D), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rn, SIMDSizeCode::D), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; } else if opcode == 0b01 { inst.opcode = Opcode::SM4E; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rd, SIMDSizeCode::S), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rn, SIMDSizeCode::S), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; } else { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } } } else { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } } else { // rest of this space is unallocated return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } } Section::Unallocated => { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } Section::DataProcessingReg => { /* * Section C3.5. Data Processing - Register * * instructions here have the form * XXXX101X_XXXXXXXX_XXXXXXXX_XXXXXXXX */ if (word & 0x10000000) != 0 { // These are of the form // XXX1101X_... let group_bits = (word >> 22) & 0x7; match group_bits { 0b000 => { // Add/subtract (with carry) let Rd = (word & 0x1f) as u16; let Rn = ((word >> 5) & 0x1f) as u16; let opc2 = ((word >> 10) & 0x3f) as u16; let Rm = ((word >> 16) & 0x1f) as u16; if opc2 != 0b000000 { if opc2 & 0b011111 == 0b000001 { // `Rotate right into flags` if word & 0xe0_00_00_10 != 0xa0_00_00_00 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } let mask = (word >> 0) & 0xf; let imm6 = (word >> 15) & 0x3f; inst.opcode = Opcode::RMIF; inst.operands = [ Operand::Register(SizeCode::X, Rn), Operand::Imm16(imm6 as u16), Operand::Imm16(mask as u16), Operand::Nothing, ]; return Ok(()); } else if opc2 & 0b001111 == 0b000010 { // `Evaluate into flags` let sz = (word >> 14) & 1; if word & 0b1111_1111_1111_1111_1011_1100_0001_1111 != 0b0011_1010_0000_0000_0000_1000_0000_1101 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } inst.opcode = if sz == 0 { Opcode::SETF8 } else { Opcode::SETF16 }; inst.operands = [ Operand::Register(SizeCode::W, Rn), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; return Ok(()); } else { inst.opcode = Opcode::Invalid; return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } } let size_code = match word >> 29 { 0b000 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::ADC; SizeCode::W } 0b001 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::ADCS; SizeCode::W } 0b010 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::SBC; SizeCode::W } 0b011 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::SBCS; SizeCode::W } 0b100 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::ADC; SizeCode::X } 0b101 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::ADCS; SizeCode::X } 0b110 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::SBC; SizeCode::X } 0b111 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::SBCS; SizeCode::X } _ => { unreachable!("opc and size flag are three bits"); } }; inst.operands = [ Operand::Register(size_code, Rd), Operand::Register(size_code, Rn), Operand::Register(size_code, Rm), Operand::Nothing ]; }, 0b001 => { // Conditional compare (register/immediate) let imm_or_reg = (word >> 11) & 0x01; let o3 = (word >> 4) & 0x01; let o2 = (word >> 10) & 0x01; let S = (word >> 29) & 0x01; let op = (word >> 30) & 0x01; let sf = (word >> 31) & 0x01; if S != 1 || o2 != 0 || o3 != 0 { inst.opcode = Opcode::Invalid; return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } let size = if sf == 1 { SizeCode::X } else { SizeCode::W }; inst.opcode = if op == 1 { Opcode::CCMP } else { Opcode::CCMN }; let Rn = ((word >> 5) & 0x1f) as u16; let Rm = ((word >> 16) & 0x1f) as u16; let cond = ((word >> 12) & 0x0f) as u8; let nzcv = (word & 0x0f) as u8; inst.operands = [ Operand::Register(size, Rn), if imm_or_reg == 1 { Operand::Immediate(Rm as u32) } else { Operand::Register(size, Rm) }, Operand::Immediate(nzcv as u32), Operand::ConditionCode(cond), ] }, 0b010 => { // Conditional select let op2 = (word >> 10) & 0x03; let sf_op = (word >> 28) & 0x0c; if word & 0x20000000 != 0 { inst.opcode = Opcode::Invalid; return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } let size = match sf_op | op2 { 0b0000 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::CSEL; SizeCode::W }, 0b0001 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::CSINC; SizeCode::W }, 0b0100 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::CSINV; SizeCode::W }, 0b0101 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::CSNEG; SizeCode::W }, 0b1000 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::CSEL; SizeCode::X }, 0b1001 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::CSINC; SizeCode::X }, 0b1100 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::CSINV; SizeCode::X }, 0b1101 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::CSNEG; SizeCode::X }, 0b0010 | 0b0011 | 0b0110 | 0b0111 | 0b1010 | 0b1011 | 0b1110 | 0b1111 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::Invalid; return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); }, _ => { unreachable!("sf, op, op2 are four bits total"); } }; let Rd = (word & 0x1f) as u16; let Rn = ((word >> 5) & 0x1f) as u16; let Rm = ((word >> 16) & 0x1f) as u16; let cond = ((word >> 12) & 0x0f) as u8; inst.operands = [ Operand::Register(size, Rd), Operand::Register(size, Rn), Operand::Register(size, Rm), Operand::ConditionCode(cond) ]; }, 0b011 => { // Data processing (1 source, 2 source) if ((word >> 30) & 1) == 0 { // X0X11010_110XXXXX_XXXXXXXX_XXXXXXXX // Data-processing (2 source) let sf = ((word >> 31) & 0x01) as u8; let S = ((word >> 29) & 0x01) as u8; let Rd = (word & 0x1f) as u16; let Rn = ((word >> 5) & 0x1f) as u16; let opcode = ((word >> 10) & 0x3f) as u8; let Rm = ((word >> 16) & 0x1f) as u16; if S == 1 { // unallocated return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } let combined_idx = (opcode << 1) | sf; const OPCODES: &[Result<(Opcode, SizeCode), DecodeError>] = &[ Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), // opcode = 0b00_0010 Ok((Opcode::UDIV, SizeCode::W)), Ok((Opcode::UDIV, SizeCode::X)), // opcode = 0b00_0011 Ok((Opcode::SDIV, SizeCode::W)), Ok((Opcode::SDIV, SizeCode::X)), // opcode = 0b00_01xx Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), // opcode = 0b00_1000 Ok((Opcode::LSLV, SizeCode::W)), Ok((Opcode::LSLV, SizeCode::X)), Ok((Opcode::LSRV, SizeCode::W)), Ok((Opcode::LSRV, SizeCode::X)), // opcode = 0b00_1010 Ok((Opcode::ASRV, SizeCode::W)), Ok((Opcode::ASRV, SizeCode::X)), // opcode = 0b00_1011 Ok((Opcode::RORV, SizeCode::W)), Ok((Opcode::RORV, SizeCode::X)), // opcode = 0b00_11xx Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), // opcode = 0b01_0000 Ok((Opcode::CRC32B, SizeCode::W)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), // opcode = 0b01_0001 Ok((Opcode::CRC32H, SizeCode::W)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), // opcode = 0b01_0010 Ok((Opcode::CRC32W, SizeCode::W)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), // opcode = 0b01_0011 Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::CRC32X, SizeCode::X)), // opcode = 0b01_0100 Ok((Opcode::CRC32CB, SizeCode::W)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), // opcode = 0b01_0101 Ok((Opcode::CRC32CH, SizeCode::W)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), // opcode = 0b01_0110 Ok((Opcode::CRC32CW, SizeCode::W)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), // opcode = 0b01_0111 Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::CRC32CX, SizeCode::X)), ]; let (opcode, size) = OPCODES.get(combined_idx as usize).cloned().unwrap_or(Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode))?; inst.opcode = opcode; inst.operands = [ // `crc32` instructions always have w-reg dest/source1 operands if combined_idx > 0b01_0000_0 { Operand::Register(SizeCode::W, Rd) } else { Operand::Register(size, Rd) }, if combined_idx > 0b01_0000_0 { Operand::Register(SizeCode::W, Rn) } else { Operand::Register(size, Rn) }, Operand::Register(size, Rm), Operand::Nothing, ]; } else { // X1X11010_110XXXXX_XXXXXXXX_XXXXXXXX // Data-processing (1 source) let sf = ((word >> 31) & 0x01) as u8; let S = ((word >> 29) & 0x01) as u8; let Rd = (word & 0x1f) as u16; let Rn = ((word >> 5) & 0x1f) as u16; let opcode = ((word >> 10) & 0x3f) as u8; let opcode2 = ((word >> 16) & 0x1f) as u8; // So ARMv8 ARM only says that 0b00000 has well-defined // instructions // however, PAC (added in v8.3) says otherwise. match opcode2 { 0b00000 => { if S != 0 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } let (opcode, size) = match (opcode << 1) | sf { 0b000000_0 => (Opcode::RBIT, SizeCode::W), 0b000000_1 => (Opcode::RBIT, SizeCode::X), 0b000001_0 => (Opcode::REV16, SizeCode::W), 0b000001_1 => (Opcode::REV16, SizeCode::X), 0b000010_0 => (Opcode::REV, SizeCode::W), 0b000010_1 => (Opcode::REV32, SizeCode::X), 0b000011_0 => (Opcode::Invalid, SizeCode::W), 0b000011_1 => (Opcode::REV, SizeCode::X), 0b000100_0 => (Opcode::CLZ, SizeCode::W), 0b000100_1 => (Opcode::CLZ, SizeCode::X), 0b000101_0 => (Opcode::CLS, SizeCode::W), 0b000101_1 => (Opcode::CLS, SizeCode::X), _ => (Opcode::Invalid, SizeCode::W), }; inst.opcode = opcode; inst.operands = [ Operand::Register(size, Rd), Operand::Register(size, Rn), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; if opcode == Opcode::Invalid { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } } 0b00001 => { if S != 0 || sf != 1 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } if opcode >= 0b001000 && Rn != 0b11111 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } let opc = &[ Ok(Opcode::PACIA), Ok(Opcode::PACIB), Ok(Opcode::PACDA), Ok(Opcode::PACDB), Ok(Opcode::AUTIA), Ok(Opcode::AUTIB), Ok(Opcode::AUTDA), Ok(Opcode::AUTDB), Ok(Opcode::PACIZA), Ok(Opcode::PACIZB), Ok(Opcode::PACDZA), Ok(Opcode::PACDZB), Ok(Opcode::AUTIZA), Ok(Opcode::AUTIZB), Ok(Opcode::AUTDZA), Ok(Opcode::AUTDZB), Ok(Opcode::XPACI), Ok(Opcode::XPACD), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), ][opcode as usize]?; inst.opcode = *opc; inst.operands = [ Operand::Register(SizeCode::X, Rd), if opcode < 0b001000 { Operand::RegisterOrSP(SizeCode::X, Rn) } else { Operand::Nothing }, Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; } _ => { // Data-processing (1 source), op2 > 0b00001 is (currently // as of v8.3) undefined. return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } } } }, _ => { // Data processing (3 source) let op0 = ((word >> 15) & 0x01) as u8; let op31 = ((word >> 21) & 0x07) as u8; let op54 = ((word >> 29) & 0x03) as u8; let op = op0 | (op31 << 1) | (op54 << 4); let sf = ((word >> 31) & 0x01) as u8; let Rd = ((word >> 0) & 0x1f) as u16; let Rn = ((word >> 5) & 0x1f) as u16; let Ra = ((word >> 10) & 0x1f) as u16; let Rm = ((word >> 16) & 0x1f) as u16; const DATA_PROCESSING_3_SOURCE: &[Result<(Opcode, SizeCode, SizeCode), DecodeError>] = &[ Ok((Opcode::MADD, SizeCode::W, SizeCode::W)), Ok((Opcode::MADD, SizeCode::X, SizeCode::X)), Ok((Opcode::MSUB, SizeCode::W, SizeCode::W)), Ok((Opcode::MSUB, SizeCode::X, SizeCode::X)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::SMADDL, SizeCode::W, SizeCode::X)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::SMSUBL, SizeCode::W, SizeCode::X)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::SMULH, SizeCode::X, SizeCode::X)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::UMADDL, SizeCode::W, SizeCode::X)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::UMSUBL, SizeCode::W, SizeCode::X)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::UMULH, SizeCode::X, SizeCode::X)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), ]; let compound_idx = (op << 1) | sf; let (opcode, source_size, dest_size) = DATA_PROCESSING_3_SOURCE.get(compound_idx as usize) .map(std::borrow::ToOwned::to_owned) .unwrap_or(Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode))?; inst.opcode = opcode; inst.operands = [ Operand::Register(dest_size, Rd), Operand::Register(source_size, Rn), Operand::Register(source_size, Rm), if opcode == Opcode::SMULH { Operand::Nothing } else { // in practice these match up with the corresponding operand. Operand::Register(dest_size, Ra) }, ]; if opcode == Opcode::UMULH { inst.operands[3] = Operand::Nothing; } } } } else { // These are of the form // XXX0101X_... // so bits 21 and 24 fully distinguish categories here... // but bit 21 distinguishes between add/sub shifted/extended, which // we can deal with later. so use bit 24 to figure out the instruction // class, first. if (word & 0x01000000) == 0 { // Logical (shifted register) // XXX01010X_... let sf = (word >> 31) == 1; let size = if sf { SizeCode::X } else { SizeCode::W }; let opc = (word >> 28) & 6; let n = (word >> 21) & 1; inst.opcode = [ Opcode::AND, Opcode::BIC, Opcode::ORR, Opcode::ORN, Opcode::EOR, Opcode::EON, Opcode::ANDS, Opcode::BICS, ][(opc | n) as usize]; let shift = ((word >> 22) & 3) as u8; let Rd = (word & 0x1f) as u16; let Rn = ((word >> 5) & 0x1f) as u16; let imm6 = ((word >> 10) & 0x3f) as u8; let Rm = ((word >> 16) & 0x1f) as u16; inst.operands[0] = Operand::Register(size, Rd); inst.operands[1] = Operand::Register(size, Rn); inst.operands[2] = Operand::RegShift(docs::DecodeShift(shift), imm6, size, Rm); } else { // Add/subtract ({shifted,extended} register) // XXX11011X_... // specific instruction is picked by the first two bits.. inst.opcode = [ Opcode::ADD, Opcode::ADDS, Opcode::SUB, Opcode::SUBS ][((word >> 29) as usize) & 0x03]; let sf = (word >> 31) == 1; let size = if sf { SizeCode::X } else { SizeCode::W }; // and operands are contingent on bit 21 if (word & 0x20_0000) != 0 { // extended form // opt (bits 22, 23) must be 0 if (word >> 22) & 0x03 != 0 { inst.opcode = Opcode::Invalid; return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } let Rd = (word & 0x1f) as u16; let Rn = ((word >> 5) & 0x1f) as u16; let imm3 = (word >> 10) & 0x07; let option = (word >> 13) & 0x07; let Rm = ((word >> 16) & 0x1f) as u16; // for `extended register` instructions, sometimes the dest is Rd, // sometimes it's . this depends on if the instruction sets // status flags. inst.operands = [ if (word >> 29 & 1) == 0 { Operand::RegisterOrSP(size, Rd) } else { Operand::Register(size, Rd) }, Operand::RegisterOrSP(size, Rn), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; let shift_size = match option { 0b011 | 0b111 => { if size == SizeCode::X { SizeCode::X } else { SizeCode::W } } _ => { SizeCode::W } }; const SHIFT_TYPES: &[ShiftStyle] = &[ ShiftStyle::UXTB, ShiftStyle::UXTH, ShiftStyle::UXTW, ShiftStyle::UXTX, ShiftStyle::SXTB, ShiftStyle::SXTH, ShiftStyle::SXTW, ShiftStyle::SXTX, ]; let shift_type = { let ty = SHIFT_TYPES[option as usize]; if ty == ShiftStyle::UXTW && shift_size == SizeCode::W { ShiftStyle::LSL } else if ty == ShiftStyle::UXTX && shift_size == SizeCode::X { ShiftStyle::LSL } else { ty } }; let shift = imm3 as u8; inst.operands[2] = Operand::RegShift(shift_type, shift, shift_size, Rm); } else { // shifted form let shift = (word >> 22) & 0x03; if shift == 0b11 { inst.opcode = Opcode::Invalid; return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } let Rd = (word & 0x1f) as u16; let Rn = ((word >> 5) & 0x1f) as u16; let imm6 = ((word >> 10) & 0x3f) as u8; let Rm = ((word >> 16) & 0x1f) as u16; if size == SizeCode::W && imm6 >= 32 { inst.opcode = Opcode::Invalid; return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } inst.operands[0] = Operand::Register(size, Rd); inst.operands[1] = Operand::Register(size, Rn); inst.operands[2] = match shift { 0b00 => Operand::RegShift(ShiftStyle::LSL, imm6, size, Rm), 0b01 => Operand::RegShift(ShiftStyle::LSR, imm6, size, Rm), 0b10 => Operand::RegShift(ShiftStyle::ASR, imm6, size, Rm), _ => { unreachable!("shift is two bits and 0b11 has early test"); }, }; } } } }, Section::DataProcessingImmediate => { /* * Section C3.4, Data processing - immediate * This collects bits 23:25, which are the only ones that vary in this category */ let group_bits = (word >> 23) & 0x7; match group_bits { 0b000 | 0b001 => { // PC-rel addressing if word >= 0x80000000 { inst.opcode = Opcode::ADRP; let offset = (((word >> 3) & 0x1ffffc) | ((word >> 29) & 0x3)) as i32; let extended_offset = (offset << 11) >> 11; inst.operands = [ Operand::Register(SizeCode::X, (word & 0x1f) as u16), Operand::Offset((extended_offset as i64) << 12), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing ]; } else { inst.opcode = Opcode::ADR; let offset = (((word >> 3) & 0x1ffffc) | ((word >> 29) & 0x3)) as i32; let extended_offset = (offset << 11) >> 11; inst.operands = [ Operand::Register(SizeCode::X, (word & 0x1f) as u16), Operand::Offset(extended_offset as i64), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing ]; }; } 0b010 | 0b011 => { // add/sub imm let Rd = word & 0x1f; let Rn = (word >> 5) & 0x1f; let imm12 = (word >> 10) & 0xfff; let shift = (word >> 22) & 0x3; let size = match word >> 29 { 0b000 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::ADD; SizeCode::W }, 0b001 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::ADDS; SizeCode::W }, 0b010 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::SUB; SizeCode::W }, 0b011 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::SUBS; SizeCode::W }, 0b100 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::ADD; SizeCode::X }, 0b101 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::ADDS; SizeCode::X }, 0b110 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::SUB; SizeCode::X }, 0b111 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::SUBS; SizeCode::X }, _ => { unreachable!("size and opc are three bits"); } }; if inst.opcode == Opcode::ADD || inst.opcode == Opcode::SUB { inst.operands[0] = Operand::RegisterOrSP(size, Rd as u16); } else { inst.operands[0] = Operand::Register(size, Rd as u16); } inst.operands[1] = Operand::RegisterOrSP(size, Rn as u16); inst.operands[2] = match shift { 0b00 => { Operand::Immediate(imm12 as u32) }, 0b01 => { Operand::ImmShift(imm12 as u16, 12) }, 0b10 | 0b11 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::Invalid; return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } _ => { unreachable!("shift is two bits"); } }; inst.operands[3] = Operand::Nothing; } 0b100 => { // logical (imm) let Rd = (word & 0x1f) as u16; let Rn = ((word >> 5) & 0x1f) as u16; let imms = (word >> 10) & 0x3f; let immr = (word >> 16) & 0x3f; let N = (word >> 22) & 1; let size = match word >> 29 { 0b000 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::AND; SizeCode::W } 0b001 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::ORR; SizeCode::W } 0b010 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::EOR; SizeCode::W } 0b011 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::ANDS; SizeCode::W } 0b100 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::AND; SizeCode::X } 0b101 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::ORR; SizeCode::X } 0b110 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::EOR; SizeCode::X } 0b111 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::ANDS; SizeCode::X } _ => { unreachable!("size and opc are three bits"); } }; inst.operands = [ if (word >> 29 & 0b11) == 0b11 { Operand::Register(size, Rd) } else { Operand::RegisterOrSP(size, Rd) }, Operand::Register(size, Rn), match size { SizeCode::W => Operand::Immediate(docs::DecodeBitMasks_32(N as u8, imms as u8, immr as u8)?.0), SizeCode::X => Operand::Imm64(docs::DecodeBitMasks_64(N as u8, imms as u8, immr as u8)?.0) }, Operand::Nothing ]; }, 0b101 => { // move wide (imm) let Rd = word & 0x1f; let imm16 = (word >> 5) & 0xffff; let hw = (word >> 21) & 0x3; let size = match word >> 29 { 0b000 => { if hw >= 0x10 { inst.opcode = Opcode::Invalid; } else { inst.opcode = Opcode::MOVN; } SizeCode::W }, 0b001 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::Invalid; SizeCode::W } 0b010 => { if hw >= 0x10 { inst.opcode = Opcode::Invalid; } else { inst.opcode = Opcode::MOVZ; } SizeCode::W }, 0b011 => { if hw >= 0x10 { inst.opcode = Opcode::Invalid; } else { inst.opcode = Opcode::MOVK; } SizeCode::W }, 0b100 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::MOVN; SizeCode::X }, 0b101 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::Invalid; SizeCode::X } 0b110 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::MOVZ; SizeCode::X }, 0b111 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::MOVK; SizeCode::X }, _ => { unreachable!("size and opc are three bits"); } }; inst.operands = [ Operand::Register(size, Rd as u16), Operand::ImmShift(imm16 as u16, hw as u8 * 16), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing ]; }, 0b110 => { // bitfield let Rd = word & 0x1f; let Rn = (word >> 5) & 0x1f; let imms = (word >> 10) & 0x3f; let immr = (word >> 16) & 0x3f; let N = (word >> 22) & 0x1; let opc = word >> 29 & 0b11; let sf = word >> 31 & 1; let opc = &[ Ok(Opcode::SBFM), Ok(Opcode::BFM), Ok(Opcode::UBFM), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode) ][opc as usize]?; inst.opcode = *opc; let size = if sf == 0 { SizeCode::W } else { SizeCode::X }; if sf != N { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } if sf == 0 && (immr >= 32 || imms >= 32) { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } inst.operands = [ Operand::Register(size, Rd as u16), Operand::Register(size, Rn as u16), Operand::Immediate(immr as u32), Operand::Immediate(imms as u32) ]; }, 0b111 => { // extract // let Rd = word & 0x1f; // let Rn = (word >> 5) & 0x1f; let imms = (word >> 10) & 0x3f; // let Rm = (word >> 16) & 0x1f; let No0 = (word >> 21) & 0x3; let sf_op21 = word >> 29; let size = if sf_op21 == 0b000 { if No0 != 0b00 || imms >= 0x20 { inst.opcode = Opcode::Invalid; return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } else { inst.opcode = Opcode::EXTR; SizeCode::W } } else if sf_op21 == 0b100 { if No0 != 0b10 { inst.opcode = Opcode::Invalid; return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } else { inst.opcode = Opcode::EXTR; SizeCode::X } } else { inst.opcode = Opcode::Invalid; return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); }; let Rd = (word & 0x1f) as u16; let Rn = ((word >> 5) & 0x1f) as u16; let Rm = ((word >> 16) & 0x1f) as u16; inst.operands = [ Operand::Register(size, Rd), Operand::Register(size, Rn), Operand::Register(size, Rm), Operand::Immediate(imms), ]; } _ => { unreachable!("group is three bits") } } }, Section::LoadStore => { /* * This corresponds to section C3.3, Loads and stores. * Specifically, instructions in this category are all of the form * * v _ G G 1 G 0 G G _ v v v v v v _ _ _ _ v v __________ * * where G+v variants indicate which instruction class the word is in. * * however! the G bits are sufficient to distinguish most class of instruction. */ let group_byte = word >> 23; let group_bits = (group_byte & 0x03) | ((group_byte >> 1) & 0x04) | ((group_byte >> 2) & 0x18); // println!("Group byte: {:#b}, bits: {:#b}", group_byte, group_bits); match group_bits { 0b00000 => { let Rt = (word & 0x1f) as u16; let Rn = ((word >> 5) & 0x1f) as u16; let Rt2 = ((word >> 10) & 0x1f) as u16; let o0 = (word & 0x8000) >> 15; let Rs = ((word >> 16) & 0x1f) as u16; let Lo1 = (word & 0x600000) >> 21; let size = (word >> 30) & 0x3; // load/store exclusive // o2 == 0 if Lo1 & 1 == 1 && size < 0b10 { // o1 == 1 if Rt2 != 0b11111 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } let ar = ((Lo1 & 0b10) | o0) as u8; let size_code = if size & 0b01 == 0 { SizeCode::W } else { SizeCode::X }; if Rt & 1 != 0 || Rs & 1 != 0 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } inst.opcode = Opcode::CASP(ar); inst.operands = [ Operand::RegisterPair(size_code, Rs), Operand::RegisterPair(size_code, Rt), Operand::RegOffset(Rn, 0), Operand::Nothing, ]; return Ok(()); } inst.opcode = match size { size @ 0b00 | size @ 0b01 => { if Lo1 == 0b00 { // store ops inst.operands = [ Operand::Register(SizeCode::W, Rs), Operand::Register(SizeCode::W, Rt), Operand::RegOffset(Rn, 0), Operand::Nothing, ]; } else if Lo1 == 0b10 { // load ops inst.operands = [ Operand::Register(SizeCode::W, Rt), Operand::RegOffset(Rn, 0), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; } else { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); }; if size == 0b00 { match (Lo1, o0) { (0b00, 0b0) => Opcode::STXRB, (0b00, 0b1) => Opcode::STLXRB, (0b10, 0b0) => Opcode::LDXRB, (0b10, 0b1) => Opcode::LDAXRB, _ => { inst.opcode = Opcode::Invalid; return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } } } else if size == 0b01 { match (Lo1, o0) { (0b00, 0b0) => Opcode::STXRH, (0b00, 0b1) => Opcode::STLXRH, (0b10, 0b0) => Opcode::LDXRH, (0b10, 0b1) => Opcode::LDAXRH, _ => { inst.opcode = Opcode::Invalid; return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } } } else { unreachable!("size was checked to be 0 or 1"); } } size @ 0b10 | size @ 0b11 => { let size_code = match size { 0b10 => SizeCode::W, 0b11 => SizeCode::X, _ => { unreachable!("size is already known to be 0b10 or 0b11"); } }; match Lo1 { 0b00 => { inst.operands = [ Operand::Register(SizeCode::W, Rs), Operand::Register(size_code, Rt), Operand::RegOffset(Rn, 0), Operand::Nothing, ]; match o0 { 0b0 => Opcode::STXR, 0b1 => Opcode::STLXR, _ => { unreachable!("o0 is one bit"); } } } 0b01 => { inst.operands = [ Operand::Register(SizeCode::W, Rs), Operand::Register(size_code, Rt), Operand::Register(size_code, Rt2), Operand::RegOffset(Rn, 0), ]; match o0 { 0b0 => Opcode::STXP, 0b1 => Opcode::STLXP, _ => { unreachable!("o0 is one bit"); } } } 0b10 => { inst.operands = [ Operand::Register(size_code, Rt), Operand::RegOffset(Rn, 0), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; match o0 { 0b0 => Opcode::LDXR, 0b1 => Opcode::LDAXR, _ => { unreachable!("o0 is one bit"); } } } 0b11 => { inst.operands = [ Operand::Register(size_code, Rt), Operand::Register(size_code, Rt2), Operand::RegOffset(Rn, 0), Operand::Nothing, ]; match o0 { 0b0 => Opcode::LDXP, 0b1 => Opcode::LDAXP, _ => { unreachable!("o0 is one bit"); } } } _ => { unreachable!("Lo1 is two bits"); } } } _ => { unreachable!("size is two bits"); } }; }, 0b00001 => { let Rt = (word & 0x1f) as u16; let Rn = ((word >> 5) & 0x1f) as u16; let Rt2 = ((word >> 10) & 0x1f) as u16; let o0 = (word >> 15) & 1; let Rs = ((word >> 16) & 0x1f) as u16; let Lo1 = (word >> 21) & 0x3; let size = (word >> 30) & 0x3; // load/store exclusive // o2 == 1 if Lo1 & 1 == 1 && size < 0b10 { // o1 == 1 if Rt2 != 0b11111 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } let ar = ((Lo1 & 0b10) | o0) as u8; let (opcode, size_code) = if size == 0b00 { (Opcode::CASB(ar), SizeCode::W) } else if size == 0b01 { (Opcode::CASH(ar), SizeCode::W) } else if size == 0b10 { (Opcode::CAS(ar), SizeCode::W) } else { (Opcode::CAS(ar), SizeCode::X) }; inst.opcode = opcode; inst.operands = [ Operand::Register(size_code, Rs), Operand::Register(size_code, Rt), Operand::RegOffset(Rn, 0), Operand::Nothing, ]; return Ok(()); } // STLRB -> Wt (Rt) Xn|SP (Rn) // LDARB -> Wt (Rt) Xn|SP (Rn) // STLRH -> Wt (Rt) Xn|SP (Rn) // LDARH -> Wt (Rt) Xn|SP (Rn) // STLR -> Wt (Rt) Xn|SP (Rn) // LDAR -> Wt (Rt) Xn|SP (Rn) // STLR -> Wt (Rt) Xn|SP (Rn) // LDAR -> Wt (Rt) Xn|SP (Rn) inst.opcode = match (size, Lo1, o0) { (0b00, 0b00, 0b0) => Opcode::STLLRB, (0b00, 0b00, 0b1) => Opcode::STLRB, (0b00, 0b10, 0b0) => Opcode::LDLARB, (0b00, 0b10, 0b1) => Opcode::LDARB, (0b01, 0b00, 0b0) => Opcode::STLLRH, (0b01, 0b00, 0b1) => Opcode::STLRH, (0b01, 0b10, 0b0) => Opcode::LDLARH, (0b01, 0b10, 0b1) => Opcode::LDARH, (0b10, 0b00, 0b0) => Opcode::STLLR, // 32-bit (0b10, 0b00, 0b1) => Opcode::STLR, // 32-bit (0b10, 0b10, 0b0) => Opcode::LDLAR, // 32-bit (0b10, 0b10, 0b1) => Opcode::LDAR, // 32-bit (0b11, 0b00, 0b0) => Opcode::STLLR, // 64-bit (0b11, 0b00, 0b1) => Opcode::STLR, // 64-bit (0b11, 0b10, 0b0) => Opcode::LDLAR, // 64-bit (0b11, 0b10, 0b1) => Opcode::LDAR, // 64-bit _ => { inst.opcode = Opcode::Invalid; return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } }; let size_code = if size == 0b11 { SizeCode::X } else { SizeCode::W }; inst.operands = [ Operand::Register(size_code, Rt), Operand::RegOffset(Rn, 0), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; }, 0b01000 | 0b01001 => { // load register (literal) // V == 0 let opc = (word >> 30) & 0x3; let Rt = (word & 0x1f) as u16; let imm19 = ((((word >> 5) & 0x7ffff) as i32) << 13) >> 13; let size = match opc { 0b00 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::LDR; SizeCode::W }, 0b01 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::LDR; SizeCode::X } 0b10 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::LDRSW; SizeCode::W } 0b11 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::PRFM; SizeCode::X } _ => { unreachable!("opc is two bits"); } }; inst.operands = [ if opc == 0b11 { Operand::PrefetchOp(Rt) } else { Operand::Register(size, Rt) }, Operand::PCOffset((imm19 << 2) as i64), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; }, 0b01010 | 0b01011 => { // `Load/store memory tags`, `Load/store exclusive` let op0 = (word >> 28) & 0b11111; let op3 = (word >> 16) & 0b111111; let op4 = (word >> 10) & 0b11; if op3 & 0b100000 == 0 { if op4 != 0b00 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } // else, `LDAPR/STLR (unscaled immediate)` let size = (word >> 30) & 0b11; let opc = (word >> 22) & 0b11; let imm9 = (word >> 12) & 0b111_111_111; let Rn = ((word >> 5) & 0b11111) as u16; let Rt = ((word >> 0) & 0b11111) as u16; let simm = ((imm9 as i16) << 7) >> 7; let index = (size << 2) | opc; if index == 0b1011 || index >= 0b1110 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } let opcode = &[ Opcode::STLURB, Opcode::LDAPURB, Opcode::LDAPURSB, Opcode::LDAPURSB, Opcode::STLURH, Opcode::LDAPURH, Opcode::LDAPURSH, Opcode::LDAPURSH, Opcode::STLUR, Opcode::LDAPUR, Opcode::LDAPURSW, Opcode::Invalid, Opcode::STLUR, Opcode::LDAPUR, Opcode::Invalid, Opcode::Invalid, ][index as usize]; let size = if size == 0b11 || opc == 0b10 { SizeCode::X } else { SizeCode::W }; inst.opcode = *opcode; inst.operands = [ Operand::Register(size, Rt), Operand::RegOffset(Rn, simm), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; } else { if op0 != 0b1101 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } // else, `Load/store memory tags` let opc = (word >> 22) & 0b11; let imm9 = (word >> 12) & 0b111_111_111; let op2 = (word >> 10) & 0b11; let Rn = ((word >> 5) & 0b11111) as u16; let Rt = ((word >> 0) & 0b11111) as u16; let simm = ((imm9 as i16) << 7) >> 7; let opcode = &[ Opcode::STZGM, Opcode::STG, Opcode::STG, Opcode::STG, Opcode::LDG, Opcode::STZG, Opcode::STZG, Opcode::STZG, Opcode::STGM, Opcode::ST2G, Opcode::ST2G, Opcode::ST2G, Opcode::LDGM, Opcode::STZ2G, Opcode::STZ2G, Opcode::STZ2G, ][((opc << 2) | op2) as usize]; inst.opcode = *opcode; if op2 == 0 && imm9 != 0 { if opc == 0b01 { // ldg inst.operands = [ Operand::Register(SizeCode::X, Rt), Operand::RegOffset(Rn, simm), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; return Ok(()); } else { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } } inst.operands = [ if op2 == 0b00 { Operand::Register(SizeCode::X, Rt) } else { Operand::RegisterOrSP(SizeCode::X, Rt) }, if op2 == 0b00 { Operand::RegOffset(Rn, 0) } else if op2 == 0b01 { Operand::RegPostIndex(Rn, simm as i32) } else if op2 == 0b10 { Operand::RegOffset(Rn, simm) } else { Operand::RegPreIndex(Rn, simm as i32, true) }, Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; } }, 0b01100 | 0b01101 => { // load register (literal) // V == 1 let opc = (word >> 30) & 0x3; let Rt = (word & 0x1f) as u16; let imm19 = ((((word >> 5) & 0x7ffff) as i32) << 13) >> 13; let size_code = match opc { 0b00 => SIMDSizeCode::S, 0b01 => SIMDSizeCode::D, 0b10 => SIMDSizeCode::Q, 0b11 => { // 11011100_XXXXXXXX_XXXXXXXX_XXXXXXXX inst.opcode = Opcode::Invalid; return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } _ => { unreachable!("opc is two bits"); } }; inst.opcode = Opcode::LDR; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegister(size_code, Rt), Operand::PCOffset((imm19 << 2) as i64), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; }, 0b10000 => { // load/store no-allocate pair (offset) // V == 0 let opc_L = ((word >> 22) & 1) | ((word >> 29) & 0x6); const ENCODINGS: &'static [Result<(Opcode, SizeCode), DecodeError>] = &[ Ok((Opcode::STNP, SizeCode::W)), Ok((Opcode::LDNP, SizeCode::W)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::STNP, SizeCode::X)), Ok((Opcode::LDNP, SizeCode::X)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), ]; let (opcode, size) = ENCODINGS[opc_L as usize]?; inst.opcode = opcode; let scale = if size == SizeCode::W { 2 } else { 3 }; let Rt = (word & 0x1f) as u16; let Rn = ((word >> 5) & 0x1f) as u16; let Rt2 = ((word >> 10) & 0x1f) as u16; let imm7 = ((word >> 15) & 0x7f) as i16; let imm7 = (imm7 << 9) >> 9; inst.operands = [ Operand::Register(size, Rt), Operand::Register(size, Rt2), Operand::RegPreIndex(Rn, (imm7 as i32) << scale, false), Operand::Nothing, ]; }, 0b10100 => { // load/store no-allocate pair (offset) // V == 1 let opc_L = ((word >> 22) & 1) | ((word >> 29) & 0x6); const ENCODINGS: &'static [Result<(Opcode, SIMDSizeCode), DecodeError>] = &[ Ok((Opcode::STNP, SIMDSizeCode::S)), Ok((Opcode::LDNP, SIMDSizeCode::S)), Ok((Opcode::STNP, SIMDSizeCode::D)), Ok((Opcode::LDNP, SIMDSizeCode::D)), Ok((Opcode::STNP, SIMDSizeCode::Q)), Ok((Opcode::LDNP, SIMDSizeCode::Q)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), ]; let (opcode, size) = ENCODINGS[opc_L as usize]?; inst.opcode = opcode; let scale = if size == SIMDSizeCode::S { 2 } else if size == SIMDSizeCode::D { 3 } else { 4 }; let Rt = (word & 0x1f) as u16; let Rn = ((word >> 5) & 0x1f) as u16; let Rt2 = ((word >> 10) & 0x1f) as u16; let imm7 = ((word >> 15) & 0x7f) as i16; let imm7 = (imm7 << 9) >> 9; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegister(size, Rt), Operand::SIMDRegister(size, Rt2), Operand::RegPreIndex(Rn, (imm7 as i32) << scale, false), Operand::Nothing, ]; }, 0b10001 => { // load/store register pair (post-indexed) // V == 0 let Rt = (word & 0x1f) as u16; let Rn = ((word >> 5) & 0x1f) as u16; let Rt2 = ((word >> 10) & 0x1f) as u16; let mut imm7 = ((((word >> 15) & 0x7f) as i16) << 9) >> 9; let opc_L = ((word >> 22) & 1) | ((word >> 29) & 0x6); let size = match opc_L { 0b000 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::STP; imm7 <<= 2; SizeCode::W }, 0b001 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::LDP; imm7 <<= 2; SizeCode::W }, 0b010 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::Invalid; SizeCode::W }, 0b011 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::LDPSW; imm7 <<= 2; SizeCode::X }, 0b100 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::STP; imm7 <<= 3; SizeCode::X }, 0b101 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::LDP; imm7 <<= 3; SizeCode::X }, 0b110 | 0b111 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::Invalid; SizeCode::X } _ => { unreachable!("opc and L are three bits"); } }; inst.operands = [ Operand::Register(size, Rt), Operand::Register(size, Rt2), Operand::RegPostIndex(Rn, imm7 as i32), Operand::Nothing ]; }, 0b10101 => { // load/store register pair (post-indexed) // V == 1 // let opc_L = ((word >> 22) & 1) | ((word >> 29) & 0x6); let Rt = (word & 0x1f) as u16; let Rn = ((word >> 5) & 0x1f) as u16; let Rt2 = ((word >> 10) & 0x1f) as u16; let mut imm7 = ((((word >> 15) & 0x7f) as i16) << 9) >> 9; let opc_L = ((word >> 22) & 1) | ((word >> 29) & 0x6); let size = match opc_L { 0b000 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::STP; imm7 <<= 2; SIMDSizeCode::S }, 0b001 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::LDP; imm7 <<= 2; SIMDSizeCode::S }, 0b010 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::STP; imm7 <<= 3; SIMDSizeCode::D }, 0b011 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::LDP; imm7 <<= 3; SIMDSizeCode::D }, 0b100 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::STP; imm7 <<= 4; SIMDSizeCode::Q }, 0b101 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::LDP; imm7 <<= 4; SIMDSizeCode::Q }, 0b110 | 0b111 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::Invalid; SIMDSizeCode::Q } _ => { unreachable!("opc and L are three bits"); } }; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegister(size, Rt), Operand::SIMDRegister(size, Rt2), Operand::RegPostIndex(Rn, imm7 as i32), Operand::Nothing ]; }, 0b10010 => { // load/store register pair (offset) // V == 0 let Rt = (word & 0x1f) as u16; let Rn = ((word >> 5) & 0x1f) as u16; let Rt2 = ((word >> 10) & 0x1f) as u16; let mut imm7 = ((((word >> 15) & 0x7f) as i16) << 9) >> 9; let opc_L = ((word >> 22) & 1) | ((word >> 29) & 0x6); let size = match opc_L { 0b000 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::STP; imm7 <<= 2; SizeCode::W }, 0b001 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::LDP; imm7 <<= 2; SizeCode::W }, 0b010 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::Invalid; SizeCode::W }, 0b011 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::LDPSW; imm7 <<= 2; SizeCode::X }, 0b100 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::STP; imm7 <<= 3; SizeCode::X }, 0b101 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::LDP; imm7 <<= 3; SizeCode::X }, 0b110 | 0b111 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::Invalid; SizeCode::X } _ => { unreachable!("opc and L are three bits"); } }; inst.operands = [ Operand::Register(size, Rt), Operand::Register(size, Rt2), Operand::RegOffset(Rn, imm7), Operand::Nothing ]; }, 0b10110 => { // load/store register pair (offset) // V == 1 // let opc_L = ((word >> 22) & 1) | ((word >> 29) & 0x6); let Rt = (word & 0x1f) as u16; let Rn = ((word >> 5) & 0x1f) as u16; let Rt2 = ((word >> 10) & 0x1f) as u16; let mut imm7 = ((((word >> 15) & 0x7f) as i16) << 9) >> 9; let opc_L = ((word >> 22) & 1) | ((word >> 29) & 0x6); let size = match opc_L { 0b000 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::STP; imm7 <<= 2; SIMDSizeCode::S }, 0b001 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::LDP; imm7 <<= 2; SIMDSizeCode::S }, 0b010 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::STP; imm7 <<= 3; SIMDSizeCode::D }, 0b011 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::LDP; imm7 <<= 3; SIMDSizeCode::D }, 0b100 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::STP; imm7 <<= 4; SIMDSizeCode::Q }, 0b101 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::LDP; imm7 <<= 4; SIMDSizeCode::Q }, 0b110 | 0b111 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::Invalid; SIMDSizeCode::Q } _ => { unreachable!("opc and L are three bits"); } }; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegister(size, Rt), Operand::SIMDRegister(size, Rt2), Operand::RegPreIndex(Rn, imm7 as i32, false), Operand::Nothing ]; }, 0b10011 => { // load/store register pair (pre-indexed) // V == 0 let Rt = (word & 0x1f) as u16; let Rn = ((word >> 5) & 0x1f) as u16; let Rt2 = ((word >> 10) & 0x1f) as u16; let mut imm7 = ((((word >> 15) & 0x7f) as i16) << 9) >> 9; let opc_L = ((word >> 22) & 1) | ((word >> 29) & 0x6); let size = match opc_L { 0b000 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::STP; imm7 <<= 2; SizeCode::W }, 0b001 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::LDP; imm7 <<= 2; SizeCode::W }, 0b010 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::Invalid; SizeCode::W }, 0b011 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::LDPSW; imm7 <<= 2; SizeCode::X }, 0b100 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::STP; imm7 <<= 3; SizeCode::X }, 0b101 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::LDP; imm7 <<= 3; SizeCode::X }, 0b110 | 0b111 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::Invalid; SizeCode::X } _ => { unreachable!("opc and L are three bits"); } }; inst.operands = [ Operand::Register(size, Rt), Operand::Register(size, Rt2), Operand::RegPreIndex(Rn, imm7 as i32, true), Operand::Nothing ]; }, 0b10111 => { // load/store register pair (pre-indexed) // V == 1 // let opc_L = ((word >> 22) & 1) | ((word >> 29) & 0x6); let Rt = (word & 0x1f) as u16; let Rn = ((word >> 5) & 0x1f) as u16; let Rt2 = ((word >> 10) & 0x1f) as u16; let mut imm7 = ((((word >> 15) & 0x7f) as i16) << 9) >> 9; let opc_L = ((word >> 22) & 1) | ((word >> 29) & 0x6); let size = match opc_L { 0b000 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::STP; imm7 <<= 2; SIMDSizeCode::S }, 0b001 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::LDP; imm7 <<= 2; SIMDSizeCode::S }, 0b010 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::STP; imm7 <<= 3; SIMDSizeCode::D }, 0b011 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::LDP; imm7 <<= 3; SIMDSizeCode::D }, 0b100 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::STP; imm7 <<= 4; SIMDSizeCode::Q }, 0b101 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::LDP; imm7 <<= 4; SIMDSizeCode::Q }, 0b110 | 0b111 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::Invalid; SIMDSizeCode::Q } _ => { unreachable!("opc and L are three bits"); } }; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegister(size, Rt), Operand::SIMDRegister(size, Rt2), Operand::RegPreIndex(Rn, imm7 as i32, true), Operand::Nothing ]; }, 0b11000 | 0b11001 => { /* * load/store register {unscaled immediate, immediate post-indexed, * unprivileged, immediate pre-indexd, register offset, pac} * atomic memory operations * V == 0 */ let Rt = (word & 0x1f) as u16; let Rn = ((word >> 5) & 0x1f) as u16; let size_opc = ((word >> 22) & 0x03) | ((word >> 28) & 0x0c); let category = (word >> 10) & 0x03; // println!("load/store: size_opc: {:#b}, category: {:#b}", size_opc, category); if word & 0x200000 != 0 { match category { 0b00 => { // Atomic memory operations // V==0 // A and R bits mean... "acquire" and "release" let sz = (word >> 30) & 0b11; let ar = ((word >> 22) & 0b11) as u8; let o3 = (word >> 15) & 1; let opcode = (word >> 12) & 0b111; let Rs = (word >> 16) & 0b11111; let size = if sz == 0b11 { SizeCode::X } else { SizeCode::W }; if o3 == 0 { let opc = match (sz << 3) | opcode { 0b00_000 => Opcode::LDADDB(ar), 0b00_001 => Opcode::LDCLRB(ar), 0b00_010 => Opcode::LDEORB(ar), 0b00_011 => Opcode::LDSETB(ar), 0b00_100 => Opcode::LDSMAXB(ar), 0b00_101 => Opcode::LDSMINB(ar), 0b00_110 => Opcode::LDUMAXB(ar), 0b00_111 => Opcode::LDUMINB(ar), 0b01_000 => Opcode::LDADDH(ar), 0b01_001 => Opcode::LDCLRH(ar), 0b01_010 => Opcode::LDEORH(ar), 0b01_011 => Opcode::LDSETH(ar), 0b01_100 => Opcode::LDSMAXH(ar), 0b01_101 => Opcode::LDSMINH(ar), 0b01_110 => Opcode::LDUMAXH(ar), 0b01_111 => Opcode::LDUMINH(ar), 0b10_000 => Opcode::LDADD(ar), 0b10_001 => Opcode::LDCLR(ar), 0b10_010 => Opcode::LDEOR(ar), 0b10_011 => Opcode::LDSET(ar), 0b10_100 => Opcode::LDSMAX(ar), 0b10_101 => Opcode::LDSMIN(ar), 0b10_110 => Opcode::LDUMAX(ar), 0b10_111 => Opcode::LDUMIN(ar), 0b11_000 => Opcode::LDADD(ar), 0b11_001 => Opcode::LDCLR(ar), 0b11_010 => Opcode::LDEOR(ar), 0b11_011 => Opcode::LDSET(ar), 0b11_100 => Opcode::LDSMAX(ar), 0b11_101 => Opcode::LDSMIN(ar), 0b11_110 => Opcode::LDUMAX(ar), 0b11_111 => Opcode::LDUMIN(ar), _ => { unreachable!("sz|opc is 5 bits") } }; inst.opcode = opc; inst.operands = [ Operand::Register(size, Rs as u16), Operand::Register(size, Rt as u16), Operand::RegOffset(Rn, 0), Operand::Nothing, ]; } else { if opcode == 0b000 { inst.opcode = if sz == 0b00 { Opcode::SWPB(ar) } else if sz == 0b01 { Opcode::SWPH(ar) } else if sz == 0b10 { Opcode::SWP(ar) } else { Opcode::SWP(ar) }; inst.operands = [ Operand::Register(size, Rs as u16), Operand::Register(size, Rt as u16), Operand::RegOffset(Rn, 0), Operand::Nothing, ]; } else if opcode == 0b100 { if ar != 0b10 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } inst.opcode = if sz == 0b01 { Opcode::LDAPRH } else if sz == 0b00 { Opcode::LDAPRB } else { // sz = 1x Opcode::LDAPR }; // TOOD: should_is_must, Rs = 11111 inst.operands = [ Operand::Register(size, Rt as u16), Operand::RegOffset(Rn, 0), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; } else { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } } } 0b01 | 0b11 => { // Load/store register (pac) // V==0 let w = (word >> 11) & 1; let imm9 = ((word >> 12) & 0b1_1111_1111) as i16; let imm9 = (imm9 << 7) >> 7; let imm9 = imm9 << 3; // `simm` is stored as a multiple of 8 let m = (word >> 23) & 1; let size = (word >> 30) & 0b11; if size != 0b11 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } if m == 0 { inst.opcode = Opcode::LDRAA; } else { inst.opcode = Opcode::LDRAB; } inst.operands = [ Operand::Register(SizeCode::X, Rt), if w == 0 { Operand::RegOffset(Rn, imm9) } else { Operand::RegPreIndex(Rn, imm9 as i32, true) }, Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; } 0b10 => { // Load/store register (register offset) // C3.3.10 const OPCODES: &[Result<(Opcode, SizeCode, u8), DecodeError>] = &[ Ok((Opcode::STRB, SizeCode::W, 0)), Ok((Opcode::LDRB, SizeCode::W, 0)), Ok((Opcode::LDRSB, SizeCode::X, 0)), Ok((Opcode::LDRSB, SizeCode::W, 0)), Ok((Opcode::STRH, SizeCode::W, 1)), Ok((Opcode::LDRH, SizeCode::W, 1)), Ok((Opcode::LDRSH, SizeCode::X, 1)), Ok((Opcode::LDRSH, SizeCode::W, 1)), Ok((Opcode::STR, SizeCode::W, 2)), Ok((Opcode::LDR, SizeCode::W, 2)), Ok((Opcode::LDRSW, SizeCode::X, 2)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::STR, SizeCode::X, 3)), Ok((Opcode::LDR, SizeCode::X, 3)), Ok((Opcode::PRFM, SizeCode::X, 3)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), ]; let (opcode, size, shamt) = OPCODES.get(size_opc as usize).cloned().unwrap_or(Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode))?; inst.opcode = opcode; let S = ((word >> 12) & 0x1) as u8; let option = ((word >> 13) & 0x07) as u8; let Rm = ((word >> 16) & 0x1f) as u16; let index_size = match option & 0x3 { 0b00 | 0b01 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::Invalid; return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); }, 0b10 => { SizeCode::W } 0b11 => { SizeCode::X } _ => { unreachable!("option is two bits"); } }; const SHIFT_STYLES: &[Result] = &[ Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand), Ok(ShiftStyle::UXTW), Ok(ShiftStyle::LSL), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand), Ok(ShiftStyle::SXTW), Ok(ShiftStyle::SXTX), ]; let shift_style = SHIFT_STYLES[option as usize]?; inst.operands = [ if size_opc == 0b1110 { Operand::PrefetchOp(Rt) } else { Operand::Register(size, Rt) }, Operand::RegRegOffset(Rn, Rm, index_size, shift_style, S * shamt), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; } _ => { unreachable!("category is two bits"); } } } else { let imm9 = ((((word >> 12) & 0x1ff) as i16) << 7) >> 7; match category { 0b00 => { // Load/store register (unscaled immediate) const OPCODES: &[Result<(Opcode, SizeCode), DecodeError>] = &[ Ok((Opcode::STURB, SizeCode::W)), Ok((Opcode::LDURB, SizeCode::W)), Ok((Opcode::LDURSB, SizeCode::X)), Ok((Opcode::LDURSB, SizeCode::W)), Ok((Opcode::STURH, SizeCode::W)), Ok((Opcode::LDURH, SizeCode::W)), Ok((Opcode::LDURSH, SizeCode::X)), Ok((Opcode::LDURSH, SizeCode::W)), Ok((Opcode::STUR, SizeCode::W)), Ok((Opcode::LDUR, SizeCode::W)), Ok((Opcode::LDURSW, SizeCode::X)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::STUR, SizeCode::X)), Ok((Opcode::LDUR, SizeCode::X)), Ok((Opcode::PRFUM, SizeCode::X)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), ]; let (opcode, size) = OPCODES.get(size_opc as usize).cloned().unwrap_or(Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode))?; inst.opcode = opcode; inst.operands = [ if size_opc == 0b1110 { Operand::PrefetchOp(Rt) } else { Operand::Register(size, Rt) }, Operand::RegOffset(Rn, imm9), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; } 0b10 => { // Load/store register (unprivileged) const OPCODES: &[Result<(Opcode, SizeCode), DecodeError>] = &[ Ok((Opcode::STTRB, SizeCode::W)), Ok((Opcode::LDTRB, SizeCode::W)), Ok((Opcode::LDTRSB, SizeCode::X)), Ok((Opcode::LDTRSB, SizeCode::W)), Ok((Opcode::STTRH, SizeCode::W)), Ok((Opcode::LDTRH, SizeCode::W)), Ok((Opcode::LDTRSH, SizeCode::X)), Ok((Opcode::LDTRSH, SizeCode::W)), Ok((Opcode::STTR, SizeCode::W)), Ok((Opcode::LDTR, SizeCode::W)), Ok((Opcode::LDTRSW, SizeCode::X)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::STTR, SizeCode::X)), Ok((Opcode::LDTR, SizeCode::X)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), ]; let (opcode, size) = OPCODES.get(size_opc as usize).cloned().unwrap_or(Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode))?; inst.opcode = opcode; inst.operands = [ Operand::Register(size, Rt), Operand::RegPreIndex(Rn, imm9 as i32, false), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; } 0b01 | 0b11 => { const OPCODES: &[Result<(Opcode, SizeCode), DecodeError>] = &[ Ok((Opcode::STRB, SizeCode::W)), Ok((Opcode::LDRB, SizeCode::W)), Ok((Opcode::LDRSB, SizeCode::X)), Ok((Opcode::LDRSB, SizeCode::W)), Ok((Opcode::STRH, SizeCode::W)), Ok((Opcode::LDRH, SizeCode::W)), Ok((Opcode::LDRSH, SizeCode::X)), Ok((Opcode::LDRSH, SizeCode::W)), Ok((Opcode::STR, SizeCode::W)), Ok((Opcode::LDR, SizeCode::W)), Ok((Opcode::LDRSW, SizeCode::X)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::STR, SizeCode::X)), Ok((Opcode::LDR, SizeCode::X)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), ]; let (opcode, size) = OPCODES.get(size_opc as usize).cloned().unwrap_or(Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode))?; inst.opcode = opcode; inst.operands = [ Operand::Register(size, Rt), if category == 0b01 { Operand::RegPostIndex(Rn, imm9 as i32) } else { Operand::RegPreIndex(Rn, imm9 as i32, true) }, Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; }, _ => { unreachable!("category is two bits"); } } } } 0b11100 | 0b11101 => { /* * load/store register {unscaled immediate, immediate post-indexed, * unprivileged, immediate pre-indexed, register offset, pac} * also atomic memory operations * V == 1 */ let Rt = (word & 0x1f) as u16; let Rn = ((word >> 5) & 0x1f) as u16; let size_opc = ((word >> 22) & 0x03) | ((word >> 28) & 0x0c); let op4 = ((word >> 16) & 0x3f) as u8; let op5 = ((word >> 10) & 0x03) as u8; if op4 < 0b10_0000 { let imm9 = ((((word >> 12) & 0x1ff) as i16) << 7) >> 7; match op5 { 0b00 => { // Load/store register (unscaled immediate) // V == 1 const OPCODES: &[Result<(Opcode, SIMDSizeCode), DecodeError>] = &[ Ok((Opcode::STUR, SIMDSizeCode::B)), Ok((Opcode::LDUR, SIMDSizeCode::B)), Ok((Opcode::STUR, SIMDSizeCode::Q)), Ok((Opcode::LDUR, SIMDSizeCode::Q)), // 01 1 0x Ok((Opcode::STUR, SIMDSizeCode::H)), Ok((Opcode::LDUR, SIMDSizeCode::H)), // 01 1 1x Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), // 10 1 0x Ok((Opcode::STUR, SIMDSizeCode::S)), Ok((Opcode::LDUR, SIMDSizeCode::S)), // 10 1 1x Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), // 11 1 0x Ok((Opcode::STUR, SIMDSizeCode::D)), Ok((Opcode::LDUR, SIMDSizeCode::D)), // 11 1 1x Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), ]; let (opcode, size) = OPCODES.get(size_opc as usize).cloned().unwrap_or(Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode))?; inst.opcode = opcode; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegister(size, Rt), Operand::RegPreIndex(Rn, imm9 as i32, false), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; } 0b10 => { // Load/store register (unprivileged) // V == 1 // this entire section in the manual is currently `Unallocated` return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } 0b01 | 0b11 => { // Load/store register (immediate post-indexed) // and // Load/store register (immediate pre-indexed) // V == 1 let pre_or_post = (word >> 11) & 0x01; const OPCODES: &[Result<(Opcode, SIMDSizeCode), DecodeError>] = &[ Ok((Opcode::STR, SIMDSizeCode::B)), Ok((Opcode::LDR, SIMDSizeCode::B)), Ok((Opcode::STR, SIMDSizeCode::Q)), Ok((Opcode::LDR, SIMDSizeCode::Q)), // 01 1 0x Ok((Opcode::STR, SIMDSizeCode::H)), Ok((Opcode::LDR, SIMDSizeCode::H)), // 01 1 1x Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), // 10 1 0x Ok((Opcode::STR, SIMDSizeCode::S)), Ok((Opcode::LDR, SIMDSizeCode::S)), // 10 1 1x Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), // 11 1 0x Ok((Opcode::STR, SIMDSizeCode::D)), Ok((Opcode::LDR, SIMDSizeCode::D)), // 11 1 1x Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), ]; let (opcode, size) = OPCODES.get(size_opc as usize).cloned().unwrap_or(Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode))?; inst.opcode = opcode; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegister(size, Rt), if pre_or_post == 1 { Operand::RegPreIndex(Rn, imm9 as i32, true) } else { Operand::RegPostIndex(Rn, imm9 as i32) }, Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; } _ => { unreachable!("op5 is two bits"); } } } else { match op5 { 0b00 => { // Atomic memory operations // V == 1 // all `V == 1` atomic operations are unallocated. return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } 0b10 => { // Load/store register (register offset) // V == 1 const OPCODES: &[Result<(Opcode, SIMDSizeCode), DecodeError>] = &[ // 00 1 00 Ok((Opcode::STR, SIMDSizeCode::B)), // 00 1 01 Ok((Opcode::LDR, SIMDSizeCode::B)), // 00 1 10 Ok((Opcode::STR, SIMDSizeCode::Q)), // 00 1 11 Ok((Opcode::LDR, SIMDSizeCode::Q)), // 01 1 00 Ok((Opcode::STR, SIMDSizeCode::H)), Ok((Opcode::LDR, SIMDSizeCode::H)), // 01 1 1x Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), // 10 1 0x Ok((Opcode::STR, SIMDSizeCode::S)), Ok((Opcode::LDR, SIMDSizeCode::S)), // 10 1 1x Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), // 11 1 0x Ok((Opcode::STR, SIMDSizeCode::D)), Ok((Opcode::LDR, SIMDSizeCode::D)), // 11 1 1x Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), ]; let option = (word >> 13) & 0x07; let Rt = word & 0x1f; let Rn = (word >> 5) & 0x1f; let Rm = (word >> 16) & 0x1f; let S = (word >> 12) & 0x01; let (opcode, size) = OPCODES.get(size_opc as usize).cloned().unwrap_or(Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode))?; let shift_amount = match size { SIMDSizeCode::B => 0, SIMDSizeCode::H => 1, SIMDSizeCode::S => 2, SIMDSizeCode::D => 3, SIMDSizeCode::Q => 4, }; let extend = if size == SIMDSizeCode::B && option == 0b011 { ShiftStyle::LSL } else { const SHIFT_TYPES: &[ShiftStyle] = &[ ShiftStyle::UXTB, ShiftStyle::UXTH, ShiftStyle::UXTW, ShiftStyle::LSL, ShiftStyle::SXTB, ShiftStyle::SXTH, ShiftStyle::SXTW, ShiftStyle::SXTX, ]; SHIFT_TYPES[option as usize] }; inst.opcode = opcode; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegister(size, Rt as u16), Operand::RegRegOffset(Rn as u16, Rm as u16, if option & 0x01 == 0 { SizeCode::W } else { SizeCode::X }, extend, if S != 0 { shift_amount } else { 0 }), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; } _ => { // Load/store register (pac) // not clearly named in a table but looks like all `V == 1` are // unallocated. return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } } } } 0b11010 | 0b11011 => { // load/store register (unsigned immediate) // V == 0 let Rt = (word & 0x1f) as u16; let Rn = ((word >> 5) & 0x1f) as u16; let imm12 = ((word >> 10) & 0x0fff) as i16; let size_opc = ((word >> 22) & 0x3) | ((word >> 28) & 0xc); match size_opc { 0b0000 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::STRB; inst.operands = [ Operand::Register(SizeCode::W, Rt), Operand::RegOffset(Rn, imm12), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; } 0b0001 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::LDRB; inst.operands = [ Operand::Register(SizeCode::W, Rt), Operand::RegOffset(Rn, imm12), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; } 0b0010 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::LDRSB; inst.operands = [ Operand::Register(SizeCode::X, Rt), Operand::RegOffset(Rn, imm12), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; } 0b0011 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::LDRSB; inst.operands = [ Operand::Register(SizeCode::W, Rt), Operand::RegOffset(Rn, imm12), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; } 0b0100 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::STRH; inst.operands = [ Operand::Register(SizeCode::W, Rt), Operand::RegOffset(Rn, imm12 << 1), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; } 0b0101 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::LDRH; inst.operands = [ Operand::Register(SizeCode::W, Rt), Operand::RegOffset(Rn, imm12 << 1), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; } 0b0110 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::LDRSH; inst.operands = [ Operand::Register(SizeCode::X, Rt), Operand::RegOffset(Rn, imm12 << 1), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; } 0b0111 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::LDRSH; inst.operands = [ Operand::Register(SizeCode::W, Rt), Operand::RegOffset(Rn, imm12 << 1), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; } 0b1000 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::STR; inst.operands = [ Operand::Register(SizeCode::W, Rt), Operand::RegOffset(Rn, imm12 << 2), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; } 0b1001 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::LDR; inst.operands = [ Operand::Register(SizeCode::W, Rt), Operand::RegOffset(Rn, imm12 << 2), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; } 0b1010 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::LDRSW; inst.operands = [ Operand::Register(SizeCode::X, Rt), Operand::RegOffset(Rn, imm12 << 2), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; } 0b1011 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::Invalid; } 0b1100 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::STR; inst.operands = [ Operand::Register(SizeCode::X, Rt), Operand::RegOffset(Rn, imm12 << 3), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; } 0b1101 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::LDR; inst.operands = [ Operand::Register(SizeCode::X, Rt), Operand::RegOffset(Rn, imm12 << 3), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; } 0b1110 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::PRFM; inst.operands = [ Operand::PrefetchOp(Rt), Operand::RegOffset(Rn, imm12 << 3), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; } 0b1111 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::Invalid; } _ => { unreachable!("size and opc are four bits"); } } }, 0b11110 | 0b11111 => { // load/store register (unsigned immediate) // V == 1 let Rt = word & 0x1f; let Rn = (word >> 5) & 0x1f; let imm12 = (word >> 10) & 0xfff; let opc = (word >> 22) & 0x3; let size_opc = ((word >> 28) & 0x0c) | opc; const OPCODES: &[Result<(Opcode, SIMDSizeCode), DecodeError>] = &[ // 00 1 00 Ok((Opcode::STR, SIMDSizeCode::B)), // 00 1 01 Ok((Opcode::LDR, SIMDSizeCode::B)), // 00 1 10 Ok((Opcode::STR, SIMDSizeCode::Q)), // 00 1 11 Ok((Opcode::LDR, SIMDSizeCode::Q)), // 01 1 00 Ok((Opcode::STR, SIMDSizeCode::H)), Ok((Opcode::LDR, SIMDSizeCode::H)), // 01 1 1x Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), // 10 1 0x Ok((Opcode::STR, SIMDSizeCode::S)), Ok((Opcode::LDR, SIMDSizeCode::S)), // 10 1 1x Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), // 11 1 0x Ok((Opcode::STR, SIMDSizeCode::D)), Ok((Opcode::LDR, SIMDSizeCode::D)), // 11 1 1x Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), ]; let (opc, size) = OPCODES.get(size_opc as usize).cloned().unwrap_or(Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode))?; let offset_scale = match size { SIMDSizeCode::B => 1, SIMDSizeCode::H => 2, SIMDSizeCode::S => 4, SIMDSizeCode::D => 8, SIMDSizeCode::Q => 16, }; inst.opcode = opc; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegister(size, Rt as u16), Operand::RegPreIndex(Rn as u16, (imm12 as u32 * offset_scale) as i32, false), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; }, 0b00100 => { // AdvSIMD load/store multiple structures let Rt = word & 0x1f; let Rn = (word >> 5) & 0x1f; let size = (word >> 10) & 0x03; let opcode_bits = (word >> 12) & 0x0f; let Rm = (word >> 16) & 0x1f; if Rm != 0 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } let L = (word >> 22) & 0x01; let Q = (word >> 30) & 0x01; let datasize = if Q == 1 { SIMDSizeCode::Q } else { SIMDSizeCode::D }; const OPCODES: &[Result<(Opcode, u8), DecodeError>] = &[ // opcode == 0b0000 Ok((Opcode::ST4, 4)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::ST1, 4)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), // opcode == 0b0100 Ok((Opcode::ST3, 3)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::ST1, 3)), Ok((Opcode::ST1, 1)), // opcode == 0b1000 Ok((Opcode::ST2, 2)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::ST1, 2)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), ]; let (opcode, num_regs) = OPCODES[opcode_bits as usize]?; inst.opcode = if L == 0 { opcode } else { if opcode == Opcode::ST1 { Opcode::LD1 } else if opcode == Opcode::ST2 { Opcode::LD2 } else if opcode == Opcode::ST3 { Opcode::LD3 } else { Opcode::LD4 } }; const SIZES: [SIMDSizeCode; 4] = [ SIMDSizeCode::B, SIMDSizeCode::H, SIMDSizeCode::S, SIMDSizeCode::D, ]; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterGroup(datasize, Rt as u16, SIZES[size as usize], num_regs), Operand::RegOffset(Rn as u16, 0), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; }, 0b00101 => { // AdvSIMD load/store multiple structures (post-indexed) let Rt = word & 0x1f; let Rn = (word >> 5) & 0x1f; let size = (word >> 10) & 0x03; let opcode_bits = (word >> 12) & 0x0f; let Rm = (word >> 16) & 0x1f; let L = (word >> 22) & 0x01; let Q = (word >> 30) & 0x01; let datasize = if Q == 1 { SIMDSizeCode::Q } else { SIMDSizeCode::D }; const OPCODES: &[Result<(Opcode, u8), DecodeError>] = &[ // opcode == 0b0000 Ok((Opcode::ST4, 4)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::ST1, 4)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), // opcode == 0b0100 Ok((Opcode::ST3, 3)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::ST1, 3)), Ok((Opcode::ST1, 1)), // opcode == 0b1000 Ok((Opcode::ST2, 2)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::ST1, 2)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), ]; let (opcode, num_regs) = OPCODES[opcode_bits as usize]?; inst.opcode = if L == 0 { opcode } else { if opcode == Opcode::ST1 { Opcode::LD1 } else if opcode == Opcode::ST2 { Opcode::LD2 } else if opcode == Opcode::ST3 { Opcode::LD3 } else { Opcode::LD4 } }; const SIZES: [SIMDSizeCode; 4] = [ SIMDSizeCode::B, SIMDSizeCode::H, SIMDSizeCode::S, SIMDSizeCode::D, ]; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterGroup(datasize, Rt as u16, SIZES[size as usize], num_regs), if Rm == 31 { Operand::RegPostIndex(Rn as u16, (datasize.width() * (num_regs as u16)) as i32) } else { Operand::RegPostIndexReg(Rn as u16, Rm as u16) }, Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; }, 0b00110 => { // AdvSIMD load/store single structure let Rt = word & 0x1f; let Rn = (word >> 5) & 0x1f; let size = (word >> 10) & 0x03; let S = (word >> 12) & 1; let opcode_bits = (word >> 13) & 0x07; let Rm = (word >> 16) & 0x1f; if Rm != 0 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } let R = (word >> 21) & 0x01; let L = (word >> 22) & 0x01; let Q = (word >> 30) & 0x01; let datasize = if Q == 1 { SIMDSizeCode::Q } else { SIMDSizeCode::D }; // interleave R==0, R==1 const OPCODES: &[Result<(Opcode, u8, SIMDSizeCode), DecodeError>] = &[ Ok((Opcode::ST1, 1, SIMDSizeCode::B)), Ok((Opcode::ST2, 2, SIMDSizeCode::B)), Ok((Opcode::ST3, 3, SIMDSizeCode::B)), Ok((Opcode::ST4, 4, SIMDSizeCode::B)), // opcode = 0b010 Ok((Opcode::ST1, 1, SIMDSizeCode::H)), Ok((Opcode::ST2, 2, SIMDSizeCode::H)), Ok((Opcode::ST3, 3, SIMDSizeCode::H)), Ok((Opcode::ST4, 4, SIMDSizeCode::H)), // opcode = 0b100 Ok((Opcode::ST1, 1, SIMDSizeCode::S)), // note these can be 64-bit if `size` says so. Ok((Opcode::ST2, 2, SIMDSizeCode::S)), Ok((Opcode::ST3, 3, SIMDSizeCode::S)), Ok((Opcode::ST4, 4, SIMDSizeCode::S)), // opcode = 0b110 // unallocated, is. if L==1, these are LD*R ]; if opcode_bits > 0b101 { if S != 0 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } if L == 0 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } const OPCODES: [Opcode; 4] = [ Opcode::LD1R, Opcode::LD2R, Opcode::LD3R, Opcode::LD4R, ]; let opc_idx = (opcode_bits & 0x01) * 2 + R; inst.opcode = OPCODES[opc_idx as usize]; const SIZES: [SIMDSizeCode; 4] = [ SIMDSizeCode::B, SIMDSizeCode::H, SIMDSizeCode::S, SIMDSizeCode::D, ]; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterGroup(datasize, Rt as u16, SIZES[size as usize], opc_idx as u8 + 1), Operand::RegOffset(Rn as u16, 0), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; return Ok(()); } let mut scale = opcode_bits >> 1; // let selem = (((opcode_bits & 1) << 1) | R) + 1; // let mut replicate = false; let opc_idx = (opcode_bits << 1) | R; let (opcode, group_size, item_size) = OPCODES.get(opc_idx as usize).cloned().unwrap_or(Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode))?; let item_size = match item_size { SIMDSizeCode::B => SIMDSizeCode::B, SIMDSizeCode::H => { if (size & 1) == 1 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } SIMDSizeCode::H } SIMDSizeCode::S => { if size >= 0b10 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } if size == 0b01 { if S == 1 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } scale = 3; SIMDSizeCode::D } else { SIMDSizeCode::S } } SIMDSizeCode::D => { if L == 0 || S == 1 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } // replicate = true; SIMDSizeCode::D } other => other }; let index = ((Q << 3) | (S << 2) | size) >> scale; inst.opcode = if L == 0 { opcode } else { if opcode == Opcode::ST1 { Opcode::LD1 } else if opcode == Opcode::ST2 { Opcode::LD2 } else if opcode == Opcode::ST3 { Opcode::LD3 } else { Opcode::LD4 } }; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterGroupLane(Rt as u16, item_size, group_size, index as u8), Operand::RegOffset(Rn as u16, 0), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; }, 0b00111 => { // AdvSIMD load/store single structure (post-indexed) let Rt = word & 0x1f; let Rn = (word >> 5) & 0x1f; let size = (word >> 10) & 0x03; let S = (word >> 12) & 1; let opcode_bits = (word >> 13) & 0x07; let Rm = (word >> 16) & 0x1f; let R = (word >> 21) & 0x01; let L = (word >> 22) & 0x01; let Q = (word >> 30) & 0x01; let datasize = if Q == 1 { SIMDSizeCode::Q } else { SIMDSizeCode::D }; // interleave R==0, R==1 const OPCODES: &[Result<(Opcode, u8, SIMDSizeCode), DecodeError>] = &[ Ok((Opcode::ST1, 1, SIMDSizeCode::B)), Ok((Opcode::ST2, 2, SIMDSizeCode::B)), Ok((Opcode::ST3, 3, SIMDSizeCode::B)), Ok((Opcode::ST4, 4, SIMDSizeCode::B)), // opcode = 0b010 Ok((Opcode::ST1, 1, SIMDSizeCode::H)), Ok((Opcode::ST2, 2, SIMDSizeCode::H)), Ok((Opcode::ST3, 3, SIMDSizeCode::H)), Ok((Opcode::ST4, 4, SIMDSizeCode::H)), // opcode = 0b100 Ok((Opcode::ST1, 1, SIMDSizeCode::S)), // note these can be 64-bit if `size` says so. Ok((Opcode::ST2, 2, SIMDSizeCode::S)), Ok((Opcode::ST3, 3, SIMDSizeCode::S)), Ok((Opcode::ST4, 4, SIMDSizeCode::S)), // opcode = 0b110 // unallocated, is. if L==1, these are LD*R ]; if opcode_bits >= 0b110 { if S != 0 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } if L == 0 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } const OPCODES: [Opcode; 4] = [ Opcode::LD1R, Opcode::LD2R, Opcode::LD3R, Opcode::LD4R, ]; let opc_idx = (opcode_bits & 0x01) * 2 + R; inst.opcode = OPCODES[opc_idx as usize]; const SIZES: [SIMDSizeCode; 4] = [ SIMDSizeCode::B, SIMDSizeCode::H, SIMDSizeCode::S, SIMDSizeCode::D, ]; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterGroup(datasize, Rt as u16, SIZES[size as usize], opc_idx as u8 + 1), if Rm == 31 { Operand::RegPostIndex(Rn as u16, ((opc_idx + 1) * (1 << size)) as i32) } else { Operand::RegPostIndexReg(Rn as u16, Rm as u16) }, Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; return Ok(()); } let mut scale = opcode_bits >> 1; // let selem = (((opcode_bits & 1) << 1) | R) + 1; // let mut replicate = false; let opc_idx = (opcode_bits << 1) | R; let (opcode, group_size, item_size) = OPCODES.get(opc_idx as usize).cloned().unwrap_or(Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode))?; let item_size = match item_size { SIMDSizeCode::B => SIMDSizeCode::B, SIMDSizeCode::H => { if (size & 1) == 1 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } SIMDSizeCode::H } SIMDSizeCode::S => { if size >= 0b10 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } if size == 0b01 { if S == 1 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } scale = 3; SIMDSizeCode::D } else { SIMDSizeCode::S } } SIMDSizeCode::D => { if L == 0 || S == 1 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } // replicate = true; SIMDSizeCode::D } other => other }; let index = ((Q << 3) | (S << 2) | size) >> scale; inst.opcode = if L == 0 { opcode } else { if opcode == Opcode::ST1 { Opcode::LD1 } else if opcode == Opcode::ST2 { Opcode::LD2 } else if opcode == Opcode::ST3 { Opcode::LD3 } else { Opcode::LD4 } }; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterGroupLane(Rt as u16, item_size, group_size, index as u8), if Rm == 31 { Operand::RegPostIndex(Rn as u16, (group_size as u16 * item_size.width()) as i32) } else { Operand::RegPostIndexReg(Rn as u16, Rm as u16) }, Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; } _ => { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } } }, Section::BranchExceptionSystem => { let group_bits = ((word >> 29) << 2) | ((word >> 24) & 0x03); match group_bits { 0b00000 | 0b00001 | 0b00010 | 0b00011 => { // unconditional branch (imm) let offset = ((word & 0x03ff_ffff) << 2) as i32; let extended_offset = (offset << 4) >> 4; inst.opcode = Opcode::B; inst.operands = [ Operand::Offset(extended_offset as i64), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing ]; }, 0b00100 => { // compare branch (imm) inst.opcode = Opcode::CBZ; let offset = (word as i32 & 0x00ff_ffe0) >> 3; let extended_offset = (offset << 11) >> 11; let Rt = word & 0x1f; inst.operands = [ Operand::Register(SizeCode::W, Rt as u16), Operand::Offset(extended_offset as i64), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing ]; }, 0b00101 => { // compare branch (imm) inst.opcode = Opcode::CBNZ; let offset = (word as i32 & 0x00ff_ffe0) >> 3; let extended_offset = (offset << 11) >> 11; let Rt = word & 0x1f; inst.operands = [ Operand::Register(SizeCode::W, Rt as u16), Operand::Offset(extended_offset as i64), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing ]; }, 0b00110 => { // test branch (imm) let offset = (word as i32 & 0x0007_ffe0) >> 3; let extended_offset = (offset << 16) >> 16; let b = (word >> 19) & 0x1f; let Rt = word & 0x1f; inst.opcode = Opcode::TBZ; inst.operands = [ Operand::Register(SizeCode::W, Rt as u16), Operand::Imm16(b as u16), Operand::Offset(extended_offset as i64), Operand::Nothing ]; }, 0b00111 => { // test branch (imm) let offset = (word as i32 & 0x0007_ffe0) >> 3; let extended_offset = (offset << 16) >> 16; let b = (word >> 19) & 0x1f; let Rt = word & 0x1f; inst.opcode = Opcode::TBNZ; inst.operands = [ Operand::Register(SizeCode::W, Rt as u16), Operand::Imm16(b as u16), Operand::Offset(extended_offset as i64), Operand::Nothing ]; }, 0b01000 => { // conditional branch (imm) let offset = (word as i32 & 0x00ff_ffe0) >> 3; let extended_offset = (offset << 11) >> 11; let cond = word & 0x0f; inst.opcode = Opcode::Bcc(cond as u8); inst.operands = [ Operand::Offset(extended_offset as i64), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing ]; } 0b01001 => { // conditional branch (imm) // o1 -> unallocated, reserved return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } /* 0b01010 to 0b01111 seem all invalid? */ 0b10000 | 0b10001 | 0b10010 | 0b10011 => { // unconditional branch (imm) let offset = ((word & 0x03ff_ffff) << 2) as i32; let extended_offset = (offset << 4) >> 4; inst.opcode = Opcode::BL; inst.operands = [ Operand::Offset(extended_offset as i64), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing ]; }, 0b10100 => { // compare branch (imm) inst.opcode = Opcode::CBZ; let offset = (word as i32 & 0x00ff_ffe0) >> 3; let extended_offset = (offset << 11) >> 11; let Rt = word & 0x1f; inst.operands = [ Operand::Register(SizeCode::X, Rt as u16), Operand::Offset(extended_offset as i64), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing ]; }, 0b10101 => { // compare branch (imm) inst.opcode = Opcode::CBNZ; let offset = (word as i32 & 0x00ff_ffe0) >> 3; let extended_offset = (offset << 11) >> 11; let Rt = word & 0x1f; inst.operands = [ Operand::Register(SizeCode::X, Rt as u16), Operand::Offset(extended_offset as i64), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing ]; }, 0b10110 => { // test branch (imm) let offset = (word as i32 & 0x0007_ffe0) >> 3; let extended_offset = (offset << 16) >> 16; let b = (word >> 19) & 0x1f; let Rt = word & 0x1f; inst.opcode = Opcode::TBZ; inst.operands = [ Operand::Register(SizeCode::X, Rt as u16), Operand::Imm16((b as u16) | 0x20), Operand::Offset(extended_offset as i64), Operand::Nothing ]; }, 0b10111 => { // test branch (imm) let offset = (word as i32 & 0x0007_ffe0) >> 3; let extended_offset = (offset << 16) >> 16; let b = (word >> 19) & 0x1f; let Rt = word & 0x1f; inst.opcode = Opcode::TBNZ; inst.operands = [ Operand::Register(SizeCode::X, Rt as u16), Operand::Imm16((b as u16) | 0x20), Operand::Offset(extended_offset as i64), Operand::Nothing ]; }, 0b11000 => { // exception generation let ll = word & 0x3; let op2 = (word >> 2) & 0x7; let opc = (word >> 21) & 0x7; match (opc, op2, ll) { (0b000, 0b000, 0b01) => { inst.opcode = Opcode::SVC; } (0b000, 0b000, 0b10) => { inst.opcode = Opcode::HVC; } (0b000, 0b000, 0b11) => { inst.opcode = Opcode::SMC; } (0b001, 0b000, 0b00) => { inst.opcode = Opcode::BRK; } (0b010, 0b000, 0b00) => { inst.opcode = Opcode::HLT; } (0b101, 0b000, 0b01) => { inst.opcode = Opcode::DCPS1; } (0b101, 0b000, 0b10) => { inst.opcode = Opcode::DCPS2; } (0b101, 0b000, 0b11) => { inst.opcode = Opcode::DCPS3; } _ => { inst.opcode = Opcode::Invalid; } } let imm = (word >> 5) & 0xffff; inst.operands = [ Operand::Imm16(imm as u16), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing ]; }, 0b11001 => { // system let remainder = word & 0xffffff; if remainder >= 0x400000 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } else { let Rt = word & 0x1f; let Lop0 = ((word >> 19) & 0x7) as u8; match Lop0 { 0b000 => { // MSR, HINT, CLREX, DSB, DMB, ISB if Rt == 0b11111 { let CRn = (word >> 12) & 0xf; let op1 = (word >> 16) & 0x7; let op2 = (word >> 5) & 0x1f; match CRn { 0b0010 => { if op1 == 0b011 { inst.opcode = Opcode::HINT(op2 as u8); } else { inst.opcode = Opcode::Invalid; } }, 0b0011 => { let CRm = (word >> 8) & 0xf; let op2 = (word >> 5) & 0b111; match op2 { 0b010 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::CLREX; inst.operands = [ Operand::Imm16(CRm as u16), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; }, 0b100 => { if CRm == 0b0000 { inst.opcode = Opcode::SSSB; inst.operands = [ Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; } else { inst.opcode = Opcode::DSB(CRm as u8); inst.operands = [ Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; } }, 0b101 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::DMB(CRm as u8); inst.operands = [ Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; }, 0b110 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::ISB; // other values of CRm are reserved, but // execute as full barriers. "must not be // relied upon by software". inst.operands = [ Operand::Imm16(CRm as u16), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; } 0b111 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::SB; inst.operands = [ Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; } _ => { inst.opcode = Opcode::Invalid; } }; }, 0b0100 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::MSR; if op1 == 0b001 || op1 == 0b010 || op1 >= 0b100 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } else if op1 == 0b000 && op2 >= 0b110 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } else if op1 == 0b011 && op2 == 0b000 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } else if op1 == 0b011 && op2 == 0b011 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } else if op1 == 0b011 && op2 == 0b101 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } inst.operands = [ Operand::PstateField(((op1 << 3) | op2 << 3) as u8), Operand::Imm16( ((word >> 8) & 0xf) as u16 ), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; } _ => { inst.opcode = Opcode::Invalid; } } } else { inst.opcode = Opcode::Invalid; } } 0b001 => { let Rt = word & 0b1111; let op2 = (word >> 5) & 0b111; let CRm = (word >> 8) & 0b1111; let CRn = (word >> 12) & 0b1111; let op1 = (word >> 16) & 0b111; inst.opcode = Opcode::SYS(SysOps::new(op1 as u8, op2 as u8)); inst.operands = [ Operand::Register(SizeCode::X, Rt as u16), Operand::ControlReg(CRn as u16), Operand::ControlReg(CRm as u16), Operand::Nothing, ]; } 0b010 | 0b011 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::MSR; let Rt = word & 0b1111; let systemreg = (word >> 5) & 0b1_111_1111_1111_111; inst.operands = [ Operand::SystemReg(systemreg as u16), Operand::Register(SizeCode::X, Rt as u16), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; } 0b100 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::Invalid; } 0b101 => { let Rt = word & 0b1111; let op2 = (word >> 5) & 0b111; let CRm = (word >> 8) & 0b1111; let CRn = (word >> 12) & 0b1111; let op1 = (word >> 16) & 0b111; inst.opcode = Opcode::SYSL(SysOps::new(op1 as u8, op2 as u8)); inst.operands = [ Operand::ControlReg(CRn as u16), Operand::ControlReg(CRm as u16), Operand::Register(SizeCode::X, Rt as u16), Operand::Nothing, ]; } 0b110 | 0b111 => { let Rt = word & 0b11111; let systemreg = (word >> 5) & 0b1_111_1111_1111_111; inst.opcode = Opcode::MRS; inst.operands = [ Operand::Register(SizeCode::X, Rt as u16), Operand::SystemReg(systemreg as u16), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; } _ => { inst.opcode = Opcode::Invalid; } } } }, 0b11010 => { // unconditional branch (reg) // actually the low 3 bits of opc let opc = (word >> 21) & 0x7; match opc { 0b000 => { let Rn = (word >> 5) & 0x1f; if (word & 0x1ffc1f) == 0x1f0000 { inst.opcode = Opcode::BR; inst.operands = [ Operand::Register(SizeCode::X, Rn as u16), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing ]; } else if (word & 0x1fffff) == 0x1f081f { inst.opcode = Opcode::BRAAZ; inst.operands = [ Operand::Register(SizeCode::X, Rn as u16), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; } else if (word & 0x1fffff) == 0x1f0c1f { inst.opcode = Opcode::BRABZ; inst.operands = [ Operand::Register(SizeCode::X, Rn as u16), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; } else { inst.opcode = Opcode::Invalid; return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } }, 0b001 => { let Rn = (word >> 5) & 0x1f; if (word & 0x1ffc1f) == 0x1f0000 { inst.opcode = Opcode::BLR; inst.operands = [ Operand::Register(SizeCode::X, Rn as u16), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing ]; } else if (word & 0x1fffff) == 0x1f081f { inst.opcode = Opcode::BLRAAZ; inst.operands = [ Operand::Register(SizeCode::X, Rn as u16), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; } else if (word & 0x1fffff) == 0x1f0c1f { inst.opcode = Opcode::BLRABZ; inst.operands = [ Operand::Register(SizeCode::X, Rn as u16), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; } else { inst.opcode = Opcode::Invalid; return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } }, 0b010 => { let Rn = (word >> 5) & 0x1f; if (word & 0x1ffc1f) == 0x1f0000 { inst.opcode = Opcode::RET; inst.operands = [ Operand::Register(SizeCode::X, Rn as u16), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing ]; } else if (word & 0x1fffff) == 0x1f0bff { inst.opcode = Opcode::RETAA; inst.operands = [ Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; } else if (word & 0x1fffff) == 0x1f0fff { inst.opcode = Opcode::RETAB; inst.operands = [ Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; } else { inst.opcode = Opcode::Invalid; return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } }, 0b100 => { if (word & 0x1fffff) == 0x1f03e0 { inst.opcode = Opcode::ERET; } else if (word & 0x1fffff) == 0x1f0bff { inst.opcode = Opcode::ERETAA; } else if (word & 0x1fffff) == 0x1f0fff { inst.opcode = Opcode::ERETAB; } else { inst.opcode = Opcode::Invalid; return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } }, 0b101 => { if (word & 0x1fffff) == 0x1f03e0 { inst.opcode = Opcode::DRPS; } else { inst.opcode = Opcode::Invalid; return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } }, _ => { inst.opcode = Opcode::Invalid; return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } } } 0b11011 => { // unconditional branch (reg) // the last 1 is bit 24, which C3.2.7 indicates are // all invalid encodings (opc is b0101 or lower) let opc = (word >> 21) & 0x7; if opc == 0b000 { // implied leading bit means opc = 0b1000 if word & 0xff_ff_fc_00 == 0xd7_1f_08_00 { // op3 = 000011 // register modifier variant inst.opcode = Opcode::BRAA; inst.operands = [ Operand::Register(SizeCode::X, ((word >> 5) & 0b11111) as u16), Operand::RegisterOrSP(SizeCode::X, (word & 0b11111) as u16), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; } else if word & 0xff_ff_fc_00 == 0xd7_1f_0c_00 { // op3 = 000011 inst.opcode = Opcode::BRAB; inst.operands = [ Operand::Register(SizeCode::X, ((word >> 5) & 0b11111) as u16), Operand::RegisterOrSP(SizeCode::X, (word & 0b11111) as u16), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; } else { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } } else if opc == 0b001 { // implied leading bit means opc = 0b1001 if word & 0xff_ff_fc_00 == 0xd7_1f_0c_00 { // op3 = 000011 // register modifier variant inst.opcode = Opcode::BLRAA; inst.operands = [ Operand::Register(SizeCode::X, ((word >> 5) & 0b11111) as u16), Operand::RegisterOrSP(SizeCode::X, (word & 0b11111) as u16), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; } else if word & 0xff_ff_fc_00 == 0xd7_1f_08_00 { // op3 = 000011 inst.opcode = Opcode::BLRAB; inst.operands = [ Operand::Register(SizeCode::X, ((word >> 5) & 0b11111) as u16), Operand::RegisterOrSP(SizeCode::X, (word & 0b11111) as u16), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; } else { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } } else { inst.opcode = Opcode::Invalid; return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } } _ => { // TODO: invalid return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } } }, }; Ok(()) } }