//#[cfg(feature="use-serde")] //use serde::{Serialize, Deserialize}; // // many variables, among other things, will use the manual's spelling (e.g. fields named `Rm` // rather than `rm` or `reg_m`). rust doesn't like this, but it's how we're gonna be. #![allow(non_snake_case)] use core::fmt::{self, Display, Formatter}; use yaxpeax_arch::{Arch, AddressDiff, Decoder, LengthedInstruction, Reader, ReadError, ShowContextual, YaxColors}; #[allow(non_snake_case)] mod docs { use crate::armv8::a64::DecodeError; #[test] fn test_ones() { assert_eq!(Ones(0), 0x00); assert_eq!(Ones(1), 0x01); assert_eq!(Ones(2), 0x03); assert_eq!(Ones(3), 0x07); assert_eq!(Ones(4), 0x0f); assert_eq!(Ones(5), 0x1f); assert_eq!(Ones(6), 0x3f); assert_eq!(Ones(7), 0x7f); assert_eq!(Ones(8), 0xff); } fn Ones(len: u8) -> u64 { assert!(len <= 64); if len == 0 { return 0; } if len == 64 { return 0xffffffff_ffffffffu64; } let mask = ((0x8000_0000_0000_0000u64 as i64) >> ((64 - 1) - len)) as u64; !mask } #[test] fn test_highest_set_bit() { assert_eq!(HighestSetBit(1, 0x11), 0); assert_eq!(HighestSetBit(5, 0x11), 4); assert_eq!(HighestSetBit(8, 0x08), 3); } #[test] fn test_vfpexpandimm() { assert_eq!(VFPExpandImm(0x34), 20.0f64); assert_eq!(VFPExpandImm(0x70), 1f64); assert_eq!(VFPExpandImm(0xdc), -0.4375f64); assert_eq!(VFPExpandImm(0xe0), -0.5f64); assert_eq!(VFPExpandImm(0xf0), -1f64); } fn HighestSetBit(N: u8, bits: u64) -> u8 { let mut probe = 1u64 << (N - 1); let mut i = N - 1; loop { if bits & probe != 0 { return i; } if i == 0 { break; } else { probe = probe >> 1; i -= 1; } } return 0xff; } fn Replicate(bitsM: u64, M_size: u8, N: u8) -> u64 { let count = N / M_size; let mut res = bitsM; for i in 1..count { res |= bitsM << M_size * i; } // since this produces a u64, we might have a few extra non-zero bits set. let res_mask = Ones(N); res & res_mask } fn ROR(bits: u64, bitsN: u8, shift: u8) -> u64 { if shift == 0 { bits } else { let m = shift % bitsN; (bits >> m) | (bits << (bitsN - m)) } } // helper functions from the ARMv8 Architecture Reference Manual pub fn DecodeBitMasks_32(immN: u8, imms: u8, immr: u8) -> Result<(u32, u32), DecodeError> { // should the !imms be ~imms let len = HighestSetBit(7, ((immN << 6) | ((!imms) & 0x3f)) as u64); if len == 0xff { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } let levels = (Ones(len) & 0x3f) as u8; // should ZeroExtend to at least 6 bits, but this is u8. let S = imms & levels; let R = immr & levels; let diff = S.wrapping_sub(R); let esize = 1 << len; let d = diff & !(0xff << len); let welem = Ones(S + 1); let telem = Ones(d + 1); let wmask = Replicate(ROR(welem, esize, R), esize, 32) as u32; let tmask = Replicate(telem, esize, 32) as u32; Ok((wmask, tmask)) } pub fn DecodeBitMasks_64(immN: u8, imms: u8, immr: u8) -> Result<(u64, u64), DecodeError> { // should the !imms be ~imms let len = HighestSetBit(7, ((immN << 6) | ((!imms) & 0x3f)) as u64); if len == 0xff { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } let levels = (Ones(len) & 0x3f) as u8; // should ZeroExtend to at least 6 bits, but this is u8. let S = imms & levels; let R = immr & levels; let diff = S.wrapping_sub(R); let esize = 1 << len; let d = diff & !(0xff << len); let welem = Ones(S + 1); let telem = Ones(d + 1); let wmask = Replicate(ROR(welem, esize, R), esize, 64); let tmask = Replicate(telem, esize, 64); Ok((wmask, tmask)) } pub fn DecodeShift(op: u8) -> super::ShiftStyle { assert!(op <= 0b11); [ super::ShiftStyle::LSL, super::ShiftStyle::LSR, super::ShiftStyle::ASR, super::ShiftStyle::ROR, ][op as usize] } pub fn VFPExpandImm(imm8: u8) -> f64 { let sign = imm8 >> 7; let exp = imm8 >> 4; let exp = (exp as i16) << 13 >> 13; let exp = exp ^ 0b1_00_0000_0000; let frac = imm8 << 4; let bits = ((sign as u64) << 63) | (((exp as u64) & 0b1_11_1111_1111) << 52) | ((frac as u64) << 44); f64::from_bits(bits) } } #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Copy, Clone)] pub enum DecodeError { ExhaustedInput, InvalidOpcode, InvalidOperand, IncompleteDecoder, } impl fmt::Display for DecodeError { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { use yaxpeax_arch::DecodeError; f.write_str(self.description()) } } #[cfg(feature = "std")] extern crate std; #[cfg(feature = "std")] impl std::error::Error for DecodeError { fn description(&self) -> &str { ::description(self) } } impl From for DecodeError { fn from(_e: ReadError) -> DecodeError { DecodeError::ExhaustedInput } } impl yaxpeax_arch::DecodeError for DecodeError { fn data_exhausted(&self) -> bool { self == &DecodeError::ExhaustedInput } fn bad_opcode(&self) -> bool { self == &DecodeError::InvalidOpcode } fn bad_operand(&self) -> bool { self == &DecodeError::InvalidOperand } fn description(&self) -> &'static str { match self { DecodeError::ExhaustedInput => "exhausted input", DecodeError::InvalidOpcode => "invalid opcode", DecodeError::InvalidOperand => "invalid operand", DecodeError::IncompleteDecoder => "incomplete decoder", } } } impl yaxpeax_arch::Instruction for Instruction { // TODO: this is wrong!! fn well_defined(&self) -> bool { true } } pub struct NoContext; impl ShowContextual for Instruction { fn contextualize(&self, _colors: &Y, _address: u64, _context: Option<&NoContext>, out: &mut T) -> fmt::Result { write!(out, "{}", self) } } #[cfg(feature="use-serde")] #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct ARMv8 { } #[cfg(not(feature="use-serde"))] #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)] pub struct ARMv8 { } impl Arch for ARMv8 { type Word = u8; type Address = u64; type Instruction = Instruction; type DecodeError = DecodeError; type Decoder = InstDecoder; type Operand = Operand; } #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)] #[repr(u8)] pub enum SizeCode { X, W } #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)] #[repr(u8)] pub enum SIMDSizeCode { B, H, S, D, Q } impl SIMDSizeCode { fn width(&self) -> u16 { match self { SIMDSizeCode::B => 1, SIMDSizeCode::H => 2, SIMDSizeCode::S => 4, SIMDSizeCode::D => 8, SIMDSizeCode::Q => 16, } } fn name(&self) -> &'static str { match self { SIMDSizeCode::B => "b", SIMDSizeCode::H => "h", SIMDSizeCode::S => "s", SIMDSizeCode::D => "d", SIMDSizeCode::Q => "q", } } } #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)] #[repr(C)] pub struct Instruction { pub opcode: Opcode, pub operands: [Operand; 4], } impl Display for Instruction { fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result { match self.opcode { Opcode::ISB => { // the default/reserved/expected value for the immediate in `isb` is `0b1111`. if let Operand::Imm16(15) = self.operands[0] { return write!(fmt, "isb"); } } Opcode::SBC => { if let Operand::Register(_, 31) = self.operands[1] { return write!(fmt, "ngc {}, {}", self.operands[0], self.operands[2]); } else { write!(fmt, "sbc")?; } } Opcode::MOVN => { let imm = if let Operand::ImmShift(imm, shift) = self.operands[1] { !((imm as u64) << shift) } else { unreachable!("movn operand 1 is always ImmShift"); }; let imm = if let Operand::Register(size, _) = self.operands[0] { if size == SizeCode::W { (imm as u32) as i32 as i64 } else { imm as i64 } } else { unreachable!("movn operand 0 is always Register"); }; return write!(fmt, "mov {}, #{:#x}", self.operands[0], imm); }, Opcode::MOVZ => { let imm = if let Operand::ImmShift(imm, shift) = self.operands[1] { (imm as u64) << shift } else { unreachable!("movz operand is always ImmShift"); }; let imm = if let Operand::Register(size, _) = self.operands[0] { if size == SizeCode::W { (imm as u32) as i32 as i64 } else { imm as i64 } } else { unreachable!("movn operand 0 is always Register"); }; return write!(fmt, "mov {}, #{:#x}", self.operands[0], imm); }, Opcode::ORR => { if let Operand::Register(_, 31) = self.operands[1] { if let Operand::Immediate(0) = self.operands[2] { return write!(fmt, "mov {}, {}", self.operands[0], self.operands[1]); } else if let Operand::RegShift(style, amt, size, r) = self.operands[2] { if style == ShiftStyle::LSL && amt == 0 { return write!(fmt, "mov {}, {}", self.operands[0], Operand::Register(size, r)); } } else { return write!(fmt, "mov {}, {}", self.operands[0], self.operands[2]); } } else if self.operands[1] == self.operands[2] { return write!(fmt, "mov {}, {}", self.operands[0], self.operands[1]); } write!(fmt, "orr")?; }, Opcode::ORN => { if let Operand::Register(_, 31) = self.operands[1] { return write!(fmt, "mvn {}, {}", self.operands[0], self.operands[2]); } write!(fmt, "orn")?; }, Opcode::ANDS => { if let Operand::Register(_, 31) = self.operands[0] { return write!(fmt, "tst {}, {}", self.operands[1], self.operands[2]); } write!(fmt, "ands")?; }, Opcode::NOT => { // `This instruction is used by the alias MVN. The alias is always the preferred // disassembly.` write!(fmt, "mvn")?; }, Opcode::ADDS => { if let Operand::Register(_, 31) = self.operands[0] { return write!(fmt, "cmn {}, {}", self.operands[1], self.operands[2]); } else if let Operand::RegShift(ShiftStyle::LSL, 0, size, reg) = self.operands[2] { return write!(fmt, "adds {}, {}, {}", self.operands[0], self.operands[1], Operand::Register(size, reg)); } write!(fmt, "adds")?; }, Opcode::ADD => { if let Operand::Immediate(0) = self.operands[2] { if let Operand::RegisterOrSP(_, 31) = self.operands[0] { return write!(fmt, "mov {}, {}", self.operands[0], self.operands[1]); } else if let Operand::RegisterOrSP(_, 31) = self.operands[1] { return write!(fmt, "mov {}, {}", self.operands[0], self.operands[1]); } } else if let Operand::Register(_, 31) = self.operands[1] { return write!(fmt, "mov {}, {}", self.operands[0], self.operands[2]); } else if let Operand::RegShift(ShiftStyle::LSL, 0, size, reg) = self.operands[2] { return write!(fmt, "add {}, {}, {}", self.operands[0], self.operands[1], Operand::Register(size, reg)); } write!(fmt, "add")?; }, Opcode::SUBS => { if let Operand::Register(_, 31) = self.operands[0] { return write!(fmt, "cmp {}, {}", self.operands[1], self.operands[2]) } else if let Operand::Register(_, 31) = self.operands[1] { return write!(fmt, "negs {}, {}", self.operands[0], self.operands[2]) } else if let Operand::RegShift(ShiftStyle::LSL, 0, size, reg) = self.operands[2] { return write!(fmt, "subs {}, {}, {}", self.operands[0], self.operands[1], Operand::Register(size, reg)); } write!(fmt, "subs")?; }, Opcode::SUB => { if let Operand::Register(_, 31) = self.operands[1] { return write!(fmt, "neg {}, {}", self.operands[0], self.operands[2]) } else if let Operand::RegShift(ShiftStyle::LSL, 0, size, reg) = self.operands[2] { return write!(fmt, "sub {}, {}, {}", self.operands[0], self.operands[1], Operand::Register(size, reg)); } write!(fmt, "sub")?; }, Opcode::SBCS => { if let Operand::Register(_, 31) = self.operands[1] { return write!(fmt, "ngcs {}, {}", self.operands[0], self.operands[2]) } write!(fmt, "sbcs")?; }, Opcode::UBFM => { if let Operand::Immediate(0) = self.operands[2] { let newdest = if let Operand::Register(_size, destnum) = self.operands[0] { Operand::Register(SizeCode::W, destnum) } else { unreachable!("operand 1 is always a register"); }; let newsrc = if let Operand::Register(_size, srcnum) = self.operands[1] { Operand::Register(SizeCode::W, srcnum) } else { unreachable!("operand 1 is always a register"); }; if let Operand::Immediate(7) = self.operands[3] { return write!(fmt, "uxtb {}, {}", newdest, newsrc); } else if let Operand::Immediate(15) = self.operands[3] { return write!(fmt, "uxth {}, {}", newdest, newsrc); } } if let Operand::Immediate(imms) = self.operands[3] { let size = if let Operand::Register(size, _) = self.operands[0] { size } else { unreachable!("operand 0 is a register"); }; match (imms, size) { (63, SizeCode::X) | (31, SizeCode::W) => { return write!(fmt, "lsr {}, {}, {}", self.operands[0], self.operands[1], self.operands[2]); }, _ => { let size = if size == SizeCode::X { 64 } else { 32 }; let immr = if let Operand::Immediate(immr) = self.operands[2] { immr } else { unreachable!("operand 3 is a register"); }; if imms + 1 == immr { return write!(fmt, "lsl {}, {}, #{:#x}", self.operands[0], self.operands[1], size - imms - 1); } if imms < immr { return write!(fmt, "ubfiz {}, {}, #{:#x}, #{:#x}", self.operands[0], self.operands[1], size - immr, imms + 1, ); } } } } // `ubfm` is never actually displayed: in the remaining case, it is always aliased // to `ubfx` let width = if let (Operand::Immediate(lsb), Operand::Immediate(width)) = (self.operands[2], self.operands[3]) { Operand::Immediate(width - lsb + 1) } else { unreachable!("last two operands of ubfm are always immediates"); }; return write!(fmt, "ubfx {}, {}, {}, {}", self.operands[0], self.operands[1], self.operands[2], width); }, Opcode::BFM => { if let (Operand::Immediate(immr), Operand::Immediate(imms)) = (self.operands[2], self.operands[3]) { if imms < immr { if let Operand::Register(sz, rn) = self.operands[1] { let width = imms + 1; let lsb = if sz == SizeCode::W { ((-(immr as i8)) as u8) & 0x1f } else { ((-(immr as i8)) as u8) & 0x3f }; if rn == 31 { return write!(fmt, "bfc {}, #{:#x}, #{:#x}", self.operands[0], lsb, width); } else { return write!(fmt, "bfi {}, {}, #{:#x}, #{:#x}", self.operands[0], self.operands[1], lsb, width); } } } else { // bfxil let lsb = immr; let width = imms + 1 - lsb; return write!(fmt, "bfxil {}, {}, #{:#x}, #{:#x}", self.operands[0], self.operands[1], lsb, width); } } } Opcode::SBFM => { if let Operand::Immediate(63) = self.operands[3] { if let Operand::Register(SizeCode::X, _) = self.operands[0] { return write!(fmt, "asr {}, {}, {}", self.operands[0], self.operands[1], self.operands[2]); } } if let Operand::Immediate(31) = self.operands[3] { if let Operand::Register(SizeCode::W, _) = self.operands[0] { return write!(fmt, "asr {}, {}, {}", self.operands[0], self.operands[1], self.operands[2]); } } if let Operand::Immediate(0) = self.operands[2] { let newsrc = if let Operand::Register(_size, srcnum) = self.operands[1] { Operand::Register(SizeCode::W, srcnum) } else { unreachable!("operand 1 is always a register"); }; if let Operand::Immediate(7) = self.operands[3] { return write!(fmt, "sxtb {}, {}", self.operands[0], newsrc); } else if let Operand::Immediate(15) = self.operands[3] { return write!(fmt, "sxth {}, {}", self.operands[0], newsrc); } else if let Operand::Immediate(31) = self.operands[3] { return write!(fmt, "sxtw {}, {}", self.operands[0], newsrc); } } if let (Operand::Immediate(imms), Operand::Immediate(immr)) = (self.operands[2], self.operands[3]) { if immr < imms { let size = if let Operand::Register(size, _) = self.operands[0] { if size == SizeCode::W { 32 } else { 64 } } else { unreachable!("operand 0 is always a register"); }; return write!(fmt, "sbfiz {}, {}, #{:#x}, #{:#x}", self.operands[0], self.operands[1], size - imms, immr + 1, ); } } // `sbfm` is never actually displayed: in the remaining case, it is always aliased // to `sbfx` let width = if let (Operand::Immediate(lsb), Operand::Immediate(width)) = (self.operands[2], self.operands[3]) { Operand::Immediate(width - lsb + 1) } else { unreachable!("last two operands of sbfm are always immediates"); }; return write!(fmt, "sbfx {}, {}, {}, {}", self.operands[0], self.operands[1], self.operands[2], width); }, Opcode::EXTR => { if let (Operand::Register(_, Rn), Operand::Register(_, Rm)) = (self.operands[1], self.operands[2]) { if Rn == Rm { return write!(fmt, "ror {}, {}, {}", self.operands[0], self.operands[2], self.operands[3]); } } write!(fmt, "extr")?; }, Opcode::RET => { write!(fmt, "ret")?; if let Operand::Register(SizeCode::X, 30) = self.operands[0] { // C5.6.148: Defaults to X30 if absent. // so ret x30 is probably expected to be read as just `ret` return Ok(()); } }, Opcode::SYS(ops) => { return write!(fmt, "sys {:#x}, {}, {}, {:#x}, {}", ops.op1(), self.operands[0], self.operands[1], ops.op2(), self.operands[2], ); } Opcode::SYSL(ops) => { return write!(fmt, "sysl {}, {:#x}, {}, {}, {:#x}", self.operands[0], ops.op1(), self.operands[1], self.operands[2], ops.op2(), ); } Opcode::HINT(v) => { match v { 0 => { write!(fmt, "nop")?; }, 1 => { write!(fmt, "yield")?; }, 2 => { write!(fmt, "wfe")?; }, 3 => { write!(fmt, "wfi")?; }, 4 => { write!(fmt, "sev")?; }, 5 => { write!(fmt, "sevl")?; }, _ => { write!(fmt, "hint({:#x})", v)?; } } } Opcode::CSNEG => { if let (Operand::Register(_size, rn), Operand::Register(_, rm), Operand::ConditionCode(cond)) = (self.operands[1], self.operands[2], self.operands[3]) { if cond < 0b1110 && rn == rm { return write!(fmt, "cneg {}, {}, {}", self.operands[0], self.operands[2], Operand::ConditionCode(cond ^ 0x01)); } } else { unreachable!("operands 2 and 3 are always registers"); } write!(fmt, "csneg")?; } Opcode::CSINC => { match (self.operands[1], self.operands[2], self.operands[3]) { (Operand::Register(_, n), Operand::Register(_, m), Operand::ConditionCode(cond)) => { if n == m && cond < 0b1110 { if n == 31 { return write!(fmt, "cset {}, {}", self.operands[0], Operand::ConditionCode(cond ^ 0x01)); } else { return write!(fmt, "cinc {}, {}, {}", self.operands[0], self.operands[1], Operand::ConditionCode(cond ^ 0x01)); } } } _ => {} } write!(fmt, "csinc")?; } Opcode::CSINV => { match (self.operands[1], self.operands[2], self.operands[3]) { (Operand::Register(_, n), Operand::Register(_, m), Operand::ConditionCode(cond)) => { if n == m && n != 31 && cond < 0b1110 { return write!(fmt, "cinv {}, {}, {}", self.operands[0], self.operands[1], Operand::ConditionCode(cond ^ 0x01)) } else if n == m && n == 31 && cond < 0b1110 { return write!(fmt, "csetm {}, {}", self.operands[0], Operand::ConditionCode(cond ^ 0x01)); } } _ => {} } write!(fmt, "csinv")?; } Opcode::MADD => { if let Operand::Register(_, 31) = self.operands[3] { return write!(fmt, "mul {}, {}, {}", self.operands[0], self.operands[1], self.operands[2]) } write!(fmt, "madd")?; } Opcode::MSUB => { if let Operand::Register(_, 31) = self.operands[3] { return write!(fmt, "mneg {}, {}, {}", self.operands[0], self.operands[1], self.operands[2]) } write!(fmt, "msub")?; } Opcode::SMADDL => { if let Operand::Register(_, 31) = self.operands[3] { return write!(fmt, "smull {}, {}, {}", self.operands[0], self.operands[1], self.operands[2]) } write!(fmt, "smaddl")?; } Opcode::SMSUBL => { if let Operand::Register(_, 31) = self.operands[3] { return write!(fmt, "smnegl {}, {}, {}", self.operands[0], self.operands[1], self.operands[2]) } write!(fmt, "smsubl")?; } Opcode::UMADDL => { if let Operand::Register(_, 31) = self.operands[3] { return write!(fmt, "umull {}, {}, {}", self.operands[0], self.operands[1], self.operands[2]) } write!(fmt, "umaddl")?; } Opcode::UMSUBL => { if let Operand::Register(_, 31) = self.operands[3] { return write!(fmt, "umnegl {}, {}, {}", self.operands[0], self.operands[1], self.operands[2]) } write!(fmt, "umsubl")?; } Opcode::LSLV => { // lslv == lsl (register) and, quoth the manual, `lsl is always the preferred // disassembly`. write!(fmt, "lsl")?; } Opcode::LSRV => { // lsrv == lsr (register) and, quoth the manual, `lsr is always the preferred // disassembly`. write!(fmt, "lsr")?; } Opcode::ASRV => { // asrv == asr (register) and, quoth the manual, `asr is always the preferred // disassembly`. write!(fmt, "asr")?; } Opcode::RORV => { // rorv == ror (register) and, quoth the manual, `ror is always the preferred // disassembly`. write!(fmt, "ror")?; } Opcode::INS => { // `ins (element)` and `ins (general)` both have `mov` as an alias. manual reports // that `mov` is the preferred disassembly. write!(fmt, "mov")?; } Opcode::DUP => { if let Operand::Register(_, _) = self.operands[1] { // `dup (general)` write!(fmt, "dup")?; } else { // `dup (element)` // manual says `mov` is the preferred disassembly here? but capstone uses // `dup`. write!(fmt, "mov")?; } } Opcode::UMOV => { if let (Operand::Register(reg_sz, _), Operand::SIMDRegisterElementsLane(_, _, elem_sz, _)) = (self.operands[0], self.operands[1]) { if (reg_sz == SizeCode::W && elem_sz == SIMDSizeCode::S) || (reg_sz == SizeCode::X && elem_sz == SIMDSizeCode::D) { return write!(fmt, "mov {}, {}", self.operands[0], self.operands[1]); } else { write!(fmt, "umov")?; } } } Opcode::LDADD(ar) => { if let Operand::Register(_, rt) = self.operands[1] { if rt == 31 && ar & 0b10 == 0b00 { let inst = if ar & 0b01 == 0b00 { "stadd" } else { "staddl" }; return write!(fmt, "{} {}, {}", inst, self.operands[0], self.operands[2]); } } write!(fmt, "{}", self.opcode)?; } Opcode::LDCLR(ar) => { if let Operand::Register(_, rt) = self.operands[1] { if rt == 31 && ar & 0b10 == 0b00 { let inst = if ar & 0b01 == 0b00 { "stclr" } else { "stclrl" }; return write!(fmt, "{} {}, {}", inst, self.operands[0], self.operands[2]); } } write!(fmt, "{}", self.opcode)?; } Opcode::LDSET(ar) => { if let Operand::Register(_, rt) = self.operands[1] { if rt == 31 && ar & 0b10 == 0b00 { let inst = if ar & 0b01 == 0b00 { "stset" } else { "stsetl" }; return write!(fmt, "{} {}, {}", inst, self.operands[0], self.operands[2]); } } write!(fmt, "{}", self.opcode)?; } Opcode::LDSMAX(ar) => { if let Operand::Register(_, rt) = self.operands[1] { if rt == 31 && ar & 0b10 == 0b00 { let inst = if ar & 0b01 == 0b00 { "stsmax" } else { "stsmaxl" }; return write!(fmt, "{} {}, {}", inst, self.operands[0], self.operands[2]); } } write!(fmt, "{}", self.opcode)?; } Opcode::LDSMIN(ar) => { if let Operand::Register(_, rt) = self.operands[1] { if rt == 31 && ar & 0b10 == 0b00 { let inst = if ar & 0b01 == 0b00 { "stsmin" } else { "stsminl" }; return write!(fmt, "{} {}, {}", inst, self.operands[0], self.operands[2]); } } write!(fmt, "{}", self.opcode)?; } Opcode::LDUMAX(ar) => { if let Operand::Register(_, rt) = self.operands[1] { if rt == 31 && ar & 0b10 == 0b00 { let inst = if ar & 0b01 == 0b00 { "stumax" } else { "stumaxl" }; return write!(fmt, "{} {}, {}", inst, self.operands[0], self.operands[2]); } } write!(fmt, "{}", self.opcode)?; } Opcode::LDUMIN(ar) => { if let Operand::Register(_, rt) = self.operands[1] { if rt == 31 && ar & 0b10 == 0b00 { let inst = if ar & 0b01 == 0b00 { "stumin" } else { "stuminl" }; return write!(fmt, "{} {}, {}", inst, self.operands[0], self.operands[2]); } } write!(fmt, "{}", self.opcode)?; } Opcode::LDEOR(ar) => { if let Operand::Register(_, rt) = self.operands[1] { if rt == 31 && ar & 0b10 == 0b00 { let inst = if ar & 0b01 == 0b00 { "steor" } else { "steorl" }; return write!(fmt, "{} {}, {}", inst, self.operands[0], self.operands[2]); } } write!(fmt, "{}", self.opcode)?; } Opcode::LDADDH(ar) => { if let Operand::Register(_, rt) = self.operands[1] { if rt == 31 && ar & 0b10 == 0b00 { let inst = if ar & 0b01 == 0b00 { "staddh" } else { "staddlh" }; return write!(fmt, "{} {}, {}", inst, self.operands[0], self.operands[2]); } } write!(fmt, "{}", self.opcode)?; } Opcode::LDCLRH(ar) => { if let Operand::Register(_, rt) = self.operands[1] { if rt == 31 && ar & 0b10 == 0b00 { let inst = if ar & 0b01 == 0b00 { "stclrh" } else { "stclrlh" }; return write!(fmt, "{} {}, {}", inst, self.operands[0], self.operands[2]); } } write!(fmt, "{}", self.opcode)?; } Opcode::LDSETH(ar) => { if let Operand::Register(_, rt) = self.operands[1] { if rt == 31 && ar & 0b10 == 0b00 { let inst = if ar & 0b01 == 0b00 { "stseth" } else { "stsetlh" }; return write!(fmt, "{} {}, {}", inst, self.operands[0], self.operands[2]); } } write!(fmt, "{}", self.opcode)?; } Opcode::LDSMAXH(ar) => { if let Operand::Register(_, rt) = self.operands[1] { if rt == 31 && ar & 0b10 == 0b00 { let inst = if ar & 0b01 == 0b00 { "stsmaxh" } else { "stsmaxlh" }; return write!(fmt, "{} {}, {}", inst, self.operands[0], self.operands[2]); } } write!(fmt, "{}", self.opcode)?; } Opcode::LDSMINH(ar) => { if let Operand::Register(_, rt) = self.operands[1] { if rt == 31 && ar & 0b10 == 0b00 { let inst = if ar & 0b01 == 0b00 { "stsminh" } else { "stsminlh" }; return write!(fmt, "{} {}, {}", inst, self.operands[0], self.operands[2]); } } write!(fmt, "{}", self.opcode)?; } Opcode::LDUMAXH(ar) => { if let Operand::Register(_, rt) = self.operands[1] { if rt == 31 && ar & 0b10 == 0b00 { let inst = if ar & 0b01 == 0b00 { "stumaxh" } else { "stumaxlh" }; return write!(fmt, "{} {}, {}", inst, self.operands[0], self.operands[2]); } } write!(fmt, "{}", self.opcode)?; } Opcode::LDUMINH(ar) => { if let Operand::Register(_, rt) = self.operands[1] { if rt == 31 && ar & 0b10 == 0b00 { let inst = if ar & 0b01 == 0b00 { "stuminh" } else { "stuminlh" }; return write!(fmt, "{} {}, {}", inst, self.operands[0], self.operands[2]); } } write!(fmt, "{}", self.opcode)?; } Opcode::LDEORH(ar) => { if let Operand::Register(_, rt) = self.operands[1] { if rt == 31 && ar & 0b10 == 0b00 { let inst = if ar & 0b01 == 0b00 { "steorh" } else { "steorlh" }; return write!(fmt, "{} {}, {}", inst, self.operands[0], self.operands[2]); } } write!(fmt, "{}", self.opcode)?; } Opcode::LDADDB(ar) => { if let Operand::Register(_, rt) = self.operands[1] { if rt == 31 && ar & 0b10 == 0b00 { let inst = if ar & 0b01 == 0b00 { "staddb" } else { "staddlb" }; return write!(fmt, "{} {}, {}", inst, self.operands[0], self.operands[2]); } } write!(fmt, "{}", self.opcode)?; } Opcode::LDCLRB(ar) => { if let Operand::Register(_, rt) = self.operands[1] { if rt == 31 && ar & 0b10 == 0b00 { let inst = if ar & 0b01 == 0b00 { "stclrb" } else { "stclrlb" }; return write!(fmt, "{} {}, {}", inst, self.operands[0], self.operands[2]); } } write!(fmt, "{}", self.opcode)?; } Opcode::LDSETB(ar) => { if let Operand::Register(_, rt) = self.operands[1] { if rt == 31 && ar & 0b10 == 0b00 { let inst = if ar & 0b01 == 0b00 { "stsetb" } else { "stsetlb" }; return write!(fmt, "{} {}, {}", inst, self.operands[0], self.operands[2]); } } write!(fmt, "{}", self.opcode)?; } Opcode::LDSMAXB(ar) => { if let Operand::Register(_, rt) = self.operands[1] { if rt == 31 && ar & 0b10 == 0b00 { let inst = if ar & 0b01 == 0b00 { "stsmaxb" } else { "stsmaxlb" }; return write!(fmt, "{} {}, {}", inst, self.operands[0], self.operands[2]); } } write!(fmt, "{}", self.opcode)?; } Opcode::LDSMINB(ar) => { if let Operand::Register(_, rt) = self.operands[1] { if rt == 31 && ar & 0b10 == 0b00 { let inst = if ar & 0b01 == 0b00 { "stsminb" } else { "stsminlb" }; return write!(fmt, "{} {}, {}", inst, self.operands[0], self.operands[2]); } } write!(fmt, "{}", self.opcode)?; } Opcode::LDUMAXB(ar) => { if let Operand::Register(_, rt) = self.operands[1] { if rt == 31 && ar & 0b10 == 0b00 { let inst = if ar & 0b01 == 0b00 { "stumaxb" } else { "stumaxlb" }; return write!(fmt, "{} {}, {}", inst, self.operands[0], self.operands[2]); } } write!(fmt, "{}", self.opcode)?; } Opcode::LDUMINB(ar) => { if let Operand::Register(_, rt) = self.operands[1] { if rt == 31 && ar & 0b10 == 0b00 { let inst = if ar & 0b01 == 0b00 { "stuminb" } else { "stuminlb" }; return write!(fmt, "{} {}, {}", inst, self.operands[0], self.operands[2]); } } write!(fmt, "{}", self.opcode)?; } Opcode::LDEORB(ar) => { if let Operand::Register(_, rt) = self.operands[1] { if rt == 31 && ar & 0b10 == 0b00 { let inst = if ar & 0b01 == 0b00 { "steorb" } else { "steorlb" }; return write!(fmt, "{} {}, {}", inst, self.operands[0], self.operands[2]); } } write!(fmt, "{}", self.opcode)?; } other => { write!(fmt, "{}", other)?; } }; if self.operands[0] != Operand::Nothing { write!(fmt, " {}", self.operands[0])?; } else { return Ok(()); } if self.operands[1] != Operand::Nothing { write!(fmt, ", {}", self.operands[1])?; } else { return Ok(()); } if self.operands[2] != Operand::Nothing { write!(fmt, ", {}", self.operands[2])?; } else { return Ok(()); } if self.operands[3] != Operand::Nothing { write!(fmt, ", {}", self.operands[3])?; } else { return Ok(()); } Ok(()) } } impl LengthedInstruction for Instruction { type Unit = AddressDiff<::Address>; fn min_size() -> Self::Unit { AddressDiff::from_const(4) } fn len(&self) -> Self::Unit { AddressDiff::from_const(4) } } impl Default for Instruction { fn default() -> Self { Instruction { opcode: Opcode::Invalid, operands: [Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing] } } } #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)] #[repr(transparent)] pub struct SysOps { data: u8 } impl SysOps { fn new(op1: u8, op2: u8) -> Self { SysOps { data: op1 | (op2 << 4) } } #[inline] pub fn op1(&self) -> u8 { self.data & 0b1111 } #[inline] pub fn op2(&self) -> u8 { (self.data >> 4) & 0b1111 } } #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)] #[repr(u16)] pub enum Opcode { Invalid, MOVN, MOVK, MOVZ, ADC, ADCS, SBC, SBCS, AND, ORR, ORN, EOR, EON, BIC, BICS, ANDS, ADDS, ADD, SUBS, SUB, BFM, UBFM, SBFM, ADR, ADRP, EXTR, LDAR, LDLAR, LDARB, LDLARB, LDAXRB, LDARH, LDLARH, LDAXP, LDAXR, LDAXRH, LDP, LDPSW, LDR, LDRB, LDRSB, LDRSW, LDRSH, LDRH, LDTR, LDTRB, LDTRH, LDTRSB, LDTRSH, LDTRSW, LDUR, LDURB, LDURSB, LDURSW, LDURSH, LDURH, LDXP, LDXR, LDXRB, LDXRH, STLR, STLLR, STLRB, STLLRB, STLRH, STLLRH, STLXP, STLXR, STLXRB, STLXRH, STP, STR, STTR, STTRB, STTRH, STRB, STRH, STRW, STUR, STURB, STURH, STXP, STXR, STXRB, STXRH, TBZ, TBNZ, CBZ, CBNZ, B, BR, Bcc(u8), BL, BLR, SVC, HVC, SMC, BRK, HLT, DCPS1, DCPS2, DCPS3, RET, ERET, DRPS, MSR, MRS, SYS(SysOps), SYSL(SysOps), ISB, DSB(u8), DMB(u8), SB, SSSB, HINT(u8), CLREX, CSEL, CSNEG, CSINC, CSINV, PACIA, PACIZA, CCMN, CCMP, RBIT, REV16, REV, REV32, CLZ, CLS, MADD, MSUB, SMADDL, SMSUBL, SMULH, UMADDL, UMSUBL, UMULH, UDIV, SDIV, LSLV, LSRV, ASRV, RORV, CRC32B, CRC32H, CRC32W, CRC32X, CRC32CB, CRC32CH, CRC32CW, CRC32CX, STNP, LDNP, ST1, ST2, ST3, ST4, LD1, LD2, LD3, LD4, LD1R, LD2R, LD3R, LD4R, FMADD, FMSUB, FNMADD, FNMSUB, SCVTF, UCVTF, FCVTZS, FCVTZU, FMOV, FABS, FNEG, FSQRT, FRINTN, FRINTP, FRINTM, FRINTZ, FRINTA, FRINTX, FRINTI, FRINT32Z, FRINT32X, FRINT64Z, FRINT64X, BFCVT, FCVT, FCMP, FCMPE, FMUL, FDIV, FADD, FSUB, FMAX, FMIN, FMAXNM, FMINNM, FNMUL, FCSEL, FCCMP, FCCMPE, FMULX, FMLSL, FMLAL, SQRDMLSH, UDOT, SQRDMLAH, UMULL, UMULL2, UMLSL, UMLSL2, MLS, UMLAL, UMLAL2, MLA, SDOT, SQDMULH, SQDMULL, SQDMULL2, SMULL, SMULL2, MUL, SQDMLSL, SQDMLSL2, SMLSL, SMLSL2, SQDMLAL, SQDMLAL2, SMLAL, SMLAL2, SQRDMULH, FCMLA, SSHR, SSRA, SRSHR, SRSRA, SHL, SQSHL, SHRN, RSHRN, SQSHRN, SQRSHRN, SSHLL, USHR, USRA, URSHR, URSRA, SRI, SLI, SQSHLU, UQSHL, SQSHRUN, SQRSHRUN, UQSHRN, UQRSHRN, USHLL, MOVI, MVNI, SHADD, SQADD, SRHADD, SHSUB, SQSUB, CMGT, CMGE, SSHL, SRSHL, SQRSHL, SMAX, SMIN, SABD, SABA, CMTST, SMAXP, SMINP, ADDP, UHADD, UQADD, URHADD, UHSUB, UQSUB, CMHI, CMHS, USHL, URSHL, UQRSHL, UMAX, UMIN, UABD, UABA, CMEQ, PMUL, UMAXP, UMINP, FMLA, FCMEQ, FRECPS, BSL, BIT, BIF, FMAXNMP, FMINMNP, FADDP, FCMGE, FACGE, FMAXP, SADDL, SADDL2, SADDW, SADDW2, SSUBL, SSUBL2, SSUBW, SSUBW2, ADDHN, ADDHN2, SABAL, SABAL2, SUBHN, SUBHN2, SABDL, SABDL2, PMULL, PMULL2, UADDL, UADDL2, UADDW, UADDW2, USUBL, USUBL2, USUBW, USUBW2, RADDHN, RADDHN2, RSUBHN, RSUBHN2, UABAL, UABAL2, UABDL, UABDL2, REV64, SADDLP, SUQADD, CNT, SADALP, SQABS, CMLT, ABS, XTN, XTN2, SQXTN, SQXTN2, FCVTN, FCVTN2, FCMGT, FCVTL, FCVTL2, FCVTNS, FCVTPS, FCVTMS, FCVTAS, URECPE, FRECPE, UADDLP, USQADD, UADALP, SQNEG, CMLE, NEG, SQXTUN, SQXTUN2, SHLL, SHLL2, UQXTN, UQXTN2, FCVTXN, FCVTXN2, FCVTNU, FCVTMU, FCVTAU, INS, EXT, DUP, UZP1, TRN1, ZIP1, UZP2, TRN2, ZIP2, SMOV, UMOV, SQSHRN2, SQRSHRN2, SQSHRUN2, UQSHRN2, UQRSHRN2, FMLS, FRECPX, FRSQRTE, FCVTPU, FCMLT, FCMLE, FMAXNMV, FMINNMV, FMAXV, FMINV, UADDLV, SADDLV, UMAXV, SMAXV, UMINV, SMINV, ADDV, FRSQRTS, FMINNMP, FMLAL2, FMLSL2, FABD, FACGT, FMINP, FJCVTZS, URSQRTE, PRFM, AESE, AESD, AESMC, AESIMC, SHA1H, SHA1SU1, SHA256SU0, SM3TT1A, SM3TT1B, SM3TT2A, SM3TT2B, SHA512H, SHA512H2, SHA512SU1, RAX1, SM3PARTW1, SM3PARTW2, SM4EKEY, BCAX, SM3SSI, SHA512SU0, SM4E, EOR3, XAR, LDRAA, LDRAB, LDAPR, LDAPRH, LDAPRB, SWP(u8), SWPB(u8), SWPH(u8), LDADDB(u8), LDCLRB(u8), LDEORB(u8), LDSETB(u8), LDSMAXB(u8), LDSMINB(u8), LDUMAXB(u8), LDUMINB(u8), LDADDH(u8), LDCLRH(u8), LDEORH(u8), LDSETH(u8), LDSMAXH(u8), LDSMINH(u8), LDUMAXH(u8), LDUMINH(u8), LDADD(u8), LDCLR(u8), LDEOR(u8), LDSET(u8), LDSMAX(u8), LDSMIN(u8), LDUMAX(u8), LDUMIN(u8), CAS(u8), CASH(u8), CASB(u8), CASP(u8), TBL, TBX, FCADD, LDGM, LDG, STGM, STZGM, STG, STZG, ST2G, STZ2G, LDAPUR, LDAPURB, LDAPURH, LDAPURSB, LDAPURSH, LDAPURSW, STLUR, STLURB, STLURH, SETF8, SETF16, RMIF, NOT, RSHRN2, SQRSHRUN2, USHLL2, SHA1C, SHA1P, SHA1M, SHA1SU0, SHA256H, SHA256H2, SHA256SU1, SHRN2, } impl Display for Opcode { fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { let text = match *self { Opcode::Invalid => "invalid", Opcode::MOVK => "movk", Opcode::ADC => "adc", Opcode::ADCS => "adcs", Opcode::SBC => "sbc", Opcode::SBCS => "sbcs", Opcode::AND => "and", Opcode::BIC => "bic", Opcode::BICS => "bics", Opcode::EOR => "eor", Opcode::EON => "eon", Opcode::BFM => "bfm", Opcode::ADR => "adr", Opcode::ADRP => "adrp", Opcode::LDP => "ldp", Opcode::LDPSW => "ldpsw", Opcode::LDR => "ldr", Opcode::LDRB => "ldrb", Opcode::LDRSB => "ldrsb", Opcode::LDRSH => "ldrsh", Opcode::LDRSW => "ldrsw", Opcode::LDRH => "ldrh", Opcode::LDTR => "ldtr", Opcode::LDTRB => "ldtrb", Opcode::LDTRSB => "ldtrsb", Opcode::LDTRSH => "ldtrsh", Opcode::LDTRSW => "ldtrsw", Opcode::LDTRH => "ldtrh", Opcode::LDUR => "ldur", Opcode::LDURB => "ldurb", Opcode::LDURSB => "ldursb", Opcode::LDURSW => "ldursw", Opcode::LDURSH => "ldursh", Opcode::LDURH => "ldurh", Opcode::LDAR => "ldar", Opcode::LDARB => "ldarb", Opcode::LDAXRB => "ldaxrb", Opcode::LDARH => "ldarh", Opcode::LDAXP => "ldaxp", Opcode::LDAXR => "ldaxr", Opcode::LDAXRH => "ldaxrh", Opcode::LDXP => "ldxp", Opcode::LDXR => "ldxr", Opcode::LDXRB => "ldxrb", Opcode::LDXRH => "ldxrh", Opcode::STP => "stp", Opcode::STR => "str", Opcode::STRB => "strb", Opcode::STRH => "strh", Opcode::STRW => "strw", Opcode::STTR => "sttr", Opcode::STTRB => "sttrb", Opcode::STTRH => "sttrh", Opcode::STUR => "stur", Opcode::STURB => "sturb", Opcode::STURH => "sturh", Opcode::STLR => "stlr", Opcode::STLRB => "stlrb", Opcode::STLRH => "stlrh", Opcode::STLXP => "stlxp", Opcode::STLXR => "stlxr", Opcode::STLXRB => "stlxrb", Opcode::STLXRH => "stlxrh", Opcode::STXP => "stxp", Opcode::STXR => "stxr", Opcode::STXRB => "stxrb", Opcode::STXRH => "stxrh", Opcode::TBZ => "tbz", Opcode::TBNZ => "tbnz", Opcode::CBZ => "cbz", Opcode::CBNZ => "cbnz", Opcode::B => "b", Opcode::BR => "br", Opcode::BL => "bl", Opcode::BLR => "blr", Opcode::SVC => "svc", Opcode::HVC => "hvc", Opcode::SMC => "smc", Opcode::BRK => "brk", Opcode::HLT => "hlt", Opcode::DCPS1 => "dcps1", Opcode::DCPS2 => "dcps2", Opcode::DCPS3 => "dcps3", Opcode::ERET => "eret", Opcode::DRPS => "drps", Opcode::MSR => "msr", Opcode::MRS => "mrs", Opcode::ISB => "isb", Opcode::SB => "sb", Opcode::SSSB => "sssb", Opcode::CLREX => "clrex", Opcode::CSEL => "csel", Opcode::PACIA => "pacia", Opcode::PACIZA => "paciza", Opcode::CCMN => "ccmn", Opcode::CCMP => "ccmp", Opcode::RBIT => "rbit", Opcode::REV16 => "rev16", Opcode::REV => "rev", Opcode::REV32 => "rev32", Opcode::CLZ => "clz", Opcode::CLS => "cls", Opcode::CRC32B => "crc32b", Opcode::CRC32H => "crc32h", Opcode::CRC32W => "crc32w", Opcode::CRC32X => "crc32x", Opcode::CRC32CB => "crc32cb", Opcode::CRC32CH => "crc32ch", Opcode::CRC32CW => "crc32cw", Opcode::CRC32CX => "crc32cx", Opcode::STNP => "stnp", Opcode::LDNP => "ldnp", Opcode::ST1 => "st1", Opcode::ST2 => "st2", Opcode::ST3 => "st3", Opcode::ST4 => "st4", Opcode::LD1R => "ld1r", Opcode::LD2R => "ld2r", Opcode::LD3R => "ld3r", Opcode::LD4R => "ld4r", Opcode::LD1 => "ld1", Opcode::LD2 => "ld2", Opcode::LD3 => "ld3", Opcode::LD4 => "ld4", Opcode::FMADD => "fmadd", Opcode::FMSUB => "fmsub", Opcode::FNMADD => "fnmadd", Opcode::FNMSUB => "fnmsub", Opcode::SCVTF => "scvtf", Opcode::UCVTF => "ucvtf", Opcode::FCVTZS => "fcvtzs", Opcode::FCVTZU => "fcvtzu", Opcode::FMOV => "fmov", Opcode::FABS => "fabs", Opcode::FNEG => "fneg", Opcode::FSQRT => "fsqrt", Opcode::FRINTN => "frintn", Opcode::FRINTP => "frintp", Opcode::FRINTM => "frintm", Opcode::FRINTZ => "frintz", Opcode::FRINTA => "frinta", Opcode::FRINTX => "frintx", Opcode::FRINTI => "frinti", Opcode::FRINT32Z => "frint32z", Opcode::FRINT32X => "frint32x", Opcode::FRINT64Z => "frint64z", Opcode::FRINT64X => "frint64x", Opcode::BFCVT => "bfcvt", Opcode::FCVT => "fcvt", Opcode::FCMP => "fcmp", Opcode::FCMPE => "fcmpe", Opcode::FMUL => "fmul", Opcode::FDIV => "fdiv", Opcode::FADD => "fadd", Opcode::FSUB => "fsub", Opcode::FMAX => "fmax", Opcode::FMIN => "fmin", Opcode::FMAXNM => "fmaxnm", Opcode::FMINNM => "fminnm", Opcode::FNMUL => "fnmul", Opcode::FCSEL => "fcsel", Opcode::FCCMP => "fccmp", Opcode::FCCMPE => "fccmpe", Opcode::FMULX => "fmulx", Opcode::FMLSL => "fmlsl", Opcode::FMLAL => "fmlal", Opcode::SQRDMLSH => "sqrdmlsh", Opcode::UDOT => "udot", Opcode::SQRDMLAH => "sqrdmlah", Opcode::UMULL => "umull", Opcode::UMULL2 => "umull2", Opcode::UMLSL => "umlsl", Opcode::UMLSL2 => "umlsl2", Opcode::MLS => "mls", Opcode::UMLAL => "umlal", Opcode::UMLAL2 => "umlal2", Opcode::MLA => "mla", Opcode::SDOT => "sdot", Opcode::SQDMULH => "sqdmulh", Opcode::SQDMULL => "sqdmull", Opcode::SQDMULL2 => "sqdmull2", Opcode::SMULL => "smull", Opcode::SMULL2 => "smull2", Opcode::MUL => "mul", Opcode::SQDMLSL => "sqdmlsl", Opcode::SQDMLSL2 => "sqdmlsl2", Opcode::SMLSL => "smlsl", Opcode::SMLSL2 => "smlsl2", Opcode::SQDMLAL => "sqdmlal", Opcode::SQDMLAL2 => "sqdmlal2", Opcode::SMLAL => "smlal", Opcode::SMLAL2 => "smlal2", Opcode::SQRDMULH => "sqrdmulh", Opcode::FCMLA => "fcmla", Opcode::SSHR => "sshr", Opcode::SSRA => "ssra", Opcode::SRSHR => "srshr", Opcode::SRSRA => "srsra", Opcode::SHL => "shl", Opcode::SQSHL => "sqshl", Opcode::SHRN => "shrn", Opcode::SHRN2 => "shrn2", Opcode::RSHRN => "rshrn", Opcode::SQSHRN => "sqshrn", Opcode::SQRSHRN => "sqrshrn", Opcode::SSHLL => "sshll", Opcode::USHLL => "sshll", Opcode::USHR => "ushr", Opcode::USRA => "usra", Opcode::URSHR => "urshr", Opcode::URSRA => "ursra", Opcode::SRI => "sri", Opcode::SLI => "sli", Opcode::SQSHLU => "sqshlu", Opcode::UQSHL => "uqshl", Opcode::SQSHRUN => "sqshrun", Opcode::SQRSHRUN => "sqrshrun", Opcode::UQSHRN => "uqshrn", Opcode::UQRSHRN => "uqrshrn", Opcode::MOVI => "movi", Opcode::MVNI => "mvni", Opcode::NOT => "not", Opcode::RSHRN2 => "rshrn2", Opcode::SQRSHRUN2 => "sqrshrun2", Opcode::USHLL2 => "ushll2", Opcode::SHADD => "shadd", Opcode::SQADD => "sqadd", Opcode::SRHADD => "srhadd", Opcode::SHSUB => "shsub", Opcode::SQSUB => "sqsub", Opcode::CMGT => "cmgt", Opcode::CMGE => "cmge", Opcode::SSHL => "sshl", Opcode::SRSHL => "srshl", Opcode::SQRSHL => "sqrshl", Opcode::SMAX => "smax", Opcode::SMIN => "smin", Opcode::SABD => "sabd", Opcode::SABA => "saba", Opcode::CMTST => "cmtst", Opcode::SMAXP => "smaxp", Opcode::SMINP => "sminp", Opcode::ADDP => "addp", Opcode::UHADD => "uhadd", Opcode::UQADD => "uqadd", Opcode::URHADD => "urhadd", Opcode::UHSUB => "uhsub", Opcode::UQSUB => "uqsub", Opcode::CMHI => "cmhi", Opcode::CMHS => "cmhs", Opcode::USHL => "ushl", Opcode::URSHL => "urshl", Opcode::UQRSHL => "uqrshl", Opcode::UMAX => "umax", Opcode::UMIN => "umin", Opcode::UABD => "uabd", Opcode::UABA => "uaba", Opcode::CMEQ => "cmeq", Opcode::PMUL => "pmul", Opcode::UMAXP => "umaxp", Opcode::UMINP => "uminp", Opcode::FMLA => "fmla", Opcode::FCMEQ => "fcmeq", Opcode::FRECPS => "frecps", Opcode::BSL => "bsl", Opcode::BIT => "bit", Opcode::BIF => "bif", Opcode::FMAXNMP => "fmaxnmp", Opcode::FMINMNP => "fminmnp", Opcode::FADDP => "faddp", Opcode::FCMGE => "fcmge", Opcode::FACGE => "facge", Opcode::FMAXP => "fmaxp", Opcode::SADDL => "saddl", Opcode::SADDL2 => "saddl2", Opcode::SADDW => "saddw", Opcode::SADDW2 => "saddw2", Opcode::SSUBL => "ssubl", Opcode::SSUBL2 => "ssubl2", Opcode::SSUBW => "ssubw", Opcode::SSUBW2 => "ssubw2", Opcode::ADDHN => "addhn", Opcode::ADDHN2 => "addhn2", Opcode::SABAL => "sabal", Opcode::SABAL2 => "sabal2", Opcode::SUBHN => "subhn", Opcode::SUBHN2 => "subhn2", Opcode::SABDL => "sabdl", Opcode::SABDL2 => "sabdl2", Opcode::PMULL => "pmull", Opcode::PMULL2 => "pmull2", Opcode::UADDL => "uaddl", Opcode::UADDL2 => "uaddl2", Opcode::UADDW => "uaddw", Opcode::UADDW2 => "uaddw2", Opcode::USUBL => "usubl", Opcode::USUBL2 => "usubl2", Opcode::USUBW => "usubw", Opcode::USUBW2 => "usubw2", Opcode::RADDHN => "raddhn", Opcode::RADDHN2 => "raddhn2", Opcode::RSUBHN => "rsubhn", Opcode::RSUBHN2 => "rsubhn2", Opcode::UABAL => "uabal", Opcode::UABAL2 => "uabal2", Opcode::UABDL => "uabdl", Opcode::UABDL2 => "uabdl2", Opcode::REV64 => "rev64", Opcode::SADDLP => "saddlp", Opcode::SUQADD => "suqadd", Opcode::CNT => "cnt", Opcode::SADALP => "sadalp", Opcode::SQABS => "sqabs", Opcode::CMLT => "cmlt", Opcode::ABS => "abs", Opcode::XTN => "xtn", Opcode::XTN2 => "xtn2", Opcode::SQXTN => "sqxtn", Opcode::SQXTN2 => "sqxtn2", Opcode::FCVTN => "fcvtn", Opcode::FCVTN2 => "fcvtn2", Opcode::FCMGT => "fcmgt", Opcode::FCVTL => "fcvtl", Opcode::FCVTL2 => "fcvtl2", Opcode::FCVTNS => "fcvtns", Opcode::FCVTPS => "fcvtps", Opcode::FCVTMS => "fcvtms", Opcode::FCVTAS => "fcvtas", Opcode::URECPE => "urecpe", Opcode::FRECPE => "frecpe", Opcode::UADDLP => "uaddlp", Opcode::USQADD => "usqadd", Opcode::UADALP => "uadalp", Opcode::SQNEG => "sqneg", Opcode::CMLE => "cmle", Opcode::NEG => "neg", Opcode::SQXTUN => "sqxtun", Opcode::SQXTUN2 => "sqxtun2", Opcode::SHLL => "shll", Opcode::SHLL2 => "shll2", Opcode::UQXTN => "uqxtn", Opcode::UQXTN2 => "uqxtn2", Opcode::FCVTXN => "fcvtxn", Opcode::FCVTXN2 => "fcvtxn2", Opcode::FCVTNU => "fcvtnu", Opcode::FCVTMU => "fcvtmu", Opcode::FCVTAU => "fcvtau", Opcode::EXT => "ext", Opcode::UZP1 => "uzp1", Opcode::TRN1 => "trn1", Opcode::ZIP1 => "zip1", Opcode::UZP2 => "uzp2", Opcode::TRN2 => "trn2", Opcode::ZIP2 => "zip2", Opcode::SMOV => "smov", Opcode::UMOV => "umov", Opcode::SQSHRN2 => "sqshrn2", Opcode::SQRSHRN2 => "sqrshrn2", Opcode::SQSHRUN2 => "sqshrun2", Opcode::UQSHRN2 => "uqshrn2", Opcode::UQRSHRN2 => "uqrshrn2", Opcode::FMLS => "fmls", Opcode::FRECPX => "frecpx", Opcode::FRSQRTE => "frsqrte", Opcode::FCVTPU => "fcvtpu", Opcode::FCMLT => "fcmlt", Opcode::FCMLE => "fcmle", Opcode::FMAXNMV => "fmaxnmv", Opcode::FMINNMV => "fminnmv", Opcode::FMAXV => "fmaxv", Opcode::FMINV => "fminv", Opcode::UADDLV => "uaddlv", Opcode::SADDLV => "saddlv", Opcode::UMAXV => "umaxv", Opcode::SMAXV => "smaxv", Opcode::UMINV => "uminv", Opcode::SMINV => "sminv", Opcode::ADDV => "addv", Opcode::FRSQRTS => "frsqrts", Opcode::FMINNMP => "fminnmp", Opcode::FMLAL2 => "fmlal2", Opcode::FMLSL2 => "fmlsl2", Opcode::FABD => "fabd", Opcode::FACGT => "facgt", Opcode::FMINP => "fminp", Opcode::FJCVTZS => "fjcvtzs", Opcode::URSQRTE => "ursqrte", Opcode::PRFM => "prfm", Opcode::AESE => "aese", Opcode::AESD => "aesd", Opcode::AESMC => "aesmc", Opcode::AESIMC => "aesimc", Opcode::SHA1H => "sha1h", Opcode::SHA1SU1 => "sha1su1", Opcode::SHA256SU0 => "sha256su0", Opcode::SM3TT1A => "sm3tt1a", Opcode::SM3TT1B => "sm3tt1b", Opcode::SM3TT2A => "sm3tt2a", Opcode::SM3TT2B => "sm3tt2b", Opcode::SHA512H => "sha512h", Opcode::SHA512H2 => "sha512h2", Opcode::SHA512SU1 => "sha512su1", Opcode::RAX1 => "rax1", Opcode::SM3PARTW1 => "sm3partw1", Opcode::SM3PARTW2 => "sm3partw2", Opcode::SM4EKEY => "sm4ekey", Opcode::BCAX => "bcax", Opcode::SM3SSI => "sm3ssi", Opcode::SHA512SU0 => "sha512su0", Opcode::SM4E => "sm4e", Opcode::EOR3 => "eor3", Opcode::XAR => "xar", Opcode::LDRAA => "ldraa", Opcode::LDRAB => "ldrab", Opcode::LDAPR => "ldapr", Opcode::LDAPRH => "ldaprh", Opcode::LDAPRB => "ldaprb", Opcode::SWP(ar) => { if ar == 0 { "swp" } else if ar == 0b01 { "swpl" } else if ar == 0b10 { "swpa" } else { "swpal" } } Opcode::SWPB(ar) => { if ar == 0 { "swpb" } else if ar == 0b01 { "swplb" } else if ar == 0b10 { "swpab" } else { "swpalb" } } Opcode::SWPH(ar) => { if ar == 0 { "swph" } else if ar == 0b01 { "swplh" } else if ar == 0b10 { "swpah" } else { "swpalh" } } Opcode::LDADDB(ar) => { if ar == 0 { "ldaddb" } else if ar == 0b01 { "ldaddlb" } else if ar == 0b10 { "ldaddab" } else { "ldaddalb" } } Opcode::LDCLRB(ar) => { if ar == 0 { "ldclrb" } else if ar == 0b01 { "ldclrlb" } else if ar == 0b10 { "ldclrab" } else { "ldclralb" } } Opcode::LDEORB(ar) => { if ar == 0 { "ldeorb" } else if ar == 0b01 { "ldeorlb" } else if ar == 0b10 { "ldeorab" } else { "ldeoralb" } } Opcode::LDSETB(ar) => { if ar == 0 { "ldsetb" } else if ar == 0b01 { "ldsetlb" } else if ar == 0b10 { "ldsetab" } else { "ldsetalb" } } Opcode::LDSMAXB(ar) => { if ar == 0 { "ldsmaxb" } else if ar == 0b01 { "ldsmaxlb" } else if ar == 0b10 { "ldsmaxab" } else { "ldsmaxalb" } } Opcode::LDSMINB(ar) => { if ar == 0 { "ldsminb" } else if ar == 0b01 { "ldsminlb" } else if ar == 0b10 { "ldsminab" } else { "ldsminalb" } } Opcode::LDUMAXB(ar) => { if ar == 0 { "ldumaxb" } else if ar == 0b01 { "ldumaxlb" } else if ar == 0b10 { "ldumaxab" } else { "ldumaxalb" } } Opcode::LDUMINB(ar) => { if ar == 0 { "lduminb" } else if ar == 0b01 { "lduminlb" } else if ar == 0b10 { "lduminab" } else { "lduminalb" } } Opcode::LDADDH(ar) => { if ar == 0 { "ldaddh" } else if ar == 0b01 { "ldaddlh" } else if ar == 0b10 { "ldaddah" } else { "ldaddalh" } } Opcode::LDCLRH(ar) => { if ar == 0 { "ldclrh" } else if ar == 0b01 { "ldclrlh" } else if ar == 0b10 { "ldclrah" } else { "ldclralh" } } Opcode::LDEORH(ar) => { if ar == 0 { "ldeorh" } else if ar == 0b01 { "ldeorlh" } else if ar == 0b10 { "ldeorah" } else { "ldeoralh" } } Opcode::LDSETH(ar) => { if ar == 0 { "ldseth" } else if ar == 0b01 { "ldsetlh" } else if ar == 0b10 { "ldsetah" } else { "ldsetalh" } } Opcode::LDSMAXH(ar) => { if ar == 0 { "ldsmaxh" } else if ar == 0b01 { "ldsmaxlh" } else if ar == 0b10 { "ldsmaxah" } else { "ldsmaxalh" } } Opcode::LDSMINH(ar) => { if ar == 0 { "ldsminh" } else if ar == 0b01 { "ldsminlh" } else if ar == 0b10 { "ldsminah" } else { "ldsminalh" } } Opcode::LDUMAXH(ar) => { if ar == 0 { "ldumaxh" } else if ar == 0b01 { "ldumaxlh" } else if ar == 0b10 { "ldumaxah" } else { "ldumaxalh" } } Opcode::LDUMINH(ar) => { if ar == 0 { "lduminh" } else if ar == 0b01 { "lduminlh" } else if ar == 0b10 { "lduminah" } else { "lduminalh" } } Opcode::LDADD(ar) => { if ar == 0 { "ldadd" } else if ar == 0b01 { "ldaddl" } else if ar == 0b10 { "ldadda" } else { "ldaddal" } } Opcode::LDCLR(ar) => { if ar == 0 { "ldclr" } else if ar == 0b01 { "ldclrl" } else if ar == 0b10 { "ldclra" } else { "ldclral" } } Opcode::LDEOR(ar) => { if ar == 0 { "ldeor" } else if ar == 0b01 { "ldeorl" } else if ar == 0b10 { "ldeora" } else { "ldeoral" } } Opcode::LDSET(ar) => { if ar == 0 { "ldset" } else if ar == 0b01 { "ldsetl" } else if ar == 0b10 { "ldseta" } else { "ldsetal" } } Opcode::LDSMAX(ar) => { if ar == 0 { "ldsmax" } else if ar == 0b01 { "ldsmaxl" } else if ar == 0b10 { "ldsmaxa" } else { "ldsmaxal" } } Opcode::LDSMIN(ar) => { if ar == 0 { "ldsmin" } else if ar == 0b01 { "ldsminl" } else if ar == 0b10 { "ldsmina" } else { "ldsminal" } } Opcode::LDUMAX(ar) => { if ar == 0 { "ldumax" } else if ar == 0b01 { "ldumaxl" } else if ar == 0b10 { "ldumaxa" } else { "ldumaxal" } } Opcode::LDUMIN(ar) => { if ar == 0 { "ldumin" } else if ar == 0b01 { "lduminl" } else if ar == 0b10 { "ldumina" } else { "lduminal" } } Opcode::MOVN => "movn", Opcode::MOVZ => "movz", Opcode::ORR => "orr", Opcode::ORN => "orn", Opcode::ANDS => "ands", Opcode::ADDS => "adds", Opcode::ADD => "add", Opcode::SUBS => "subs", Opcode::SUB => "sub", Opcode::UBFM => "ubfm", Opcode::SBFM => "sbfm", Opcode::EXTR => "extr", Opcode::RET => "ret", Opcode::SYS(_) => "sys", Opcode::SYSL(_) => "sysl", Opcode::CSNEG => "csneg", Opcode::CSINC => "csinc", Opcode::CSINV => "csinv", Opcode::MADD => "madd", Opcode::MSUB => "msub", Opcode::SMADDL => "smaddl", Opcode::SMSUBL => "smsubl", Opcode::SMULH => "smulh", Opcode::UMADDL => "umaddl", Opcode::UMSUBL => "umsubl", Opcode::UMULH => "umulh", Opcode::UDIV => "udiv", Opcode::SDIV => "sdiv", Opcode::LSLV => "lslv", Opcode::LSRV => "lsrv", Opcode::ASRV => "asrv", Opcode::RORV => "rorv", Opcode::INS => "ins", Opcode::DUP => "dup", Opcode::LDLARB => "ldlarb", Opcode::LDLARH => "ldlarh", Opcode::LDLAR => "ldlar", Opcode::STLLRB => "stllrb", Opcode::STLLRH => "stllrh", Opcode::STLLR => "stllr", Opcode::TBL => "tbl", Opcode::TBX => "tbx", Opcode::FCADD => "fcadd", Opcode::LDGM => "ldgm", Opcode::LDG => "ldm", Opcode::STGM => "stgm", Opcode::STZGM => "stzgm", Opcode::STG => "stg", Opcode::STZG => "stzg", Opcode::ST2G => "st2g", Opcode::STZ2G => "stz2g", Opcode::LDAPUR => "ldapur", Opcode::LDAPURB => "ldapurb", Opcode::LDAPURH => "ldapurh", Opcode::LDAPURSB => "ldapursb", Opcode::LDAPURSH => "ldapursh", Opcode::LDAPURSW => "ldapursw", Opcode::STLUR => "stlur", Opcode::STLURB => "stlurb", Opcode::STLURH => "stlurh", Opcode::SETF8 => "setf8", Opcode::SETF16 => "setf16", Opcode::RMIF => "rmif", Opcode::SHA1C => "sha1c", Opcode::SHA1P => "sha1p", Opcode::SHA1M => "sha1m", Opcode::SHA1SU0 => "sha1su0", Opcode::SHA256H => "sha256h", Opcode::SHA256H2 => "sha256h2", Opcode::SHA256SU1 => "sha256su1", Opcode::Bcc(cond) => { return write!(fmt, "b.{}", Operand::ConditionCode(cond)); }, Opcode::DMB(option) => { return match option { 0b0001 => write!(fmt, "dmb oshld"), 0b0010 => write!(fmt, "dmb oshst"), 0b0011 => write!(fmt, "dmb osh"), 0b0101 => write!(fmt, "dmb nshld"), 0b0110 => write!(fmt, "dmb nshst"), 0b0111 => write!(fmt, "dmb nsh"), 0b1001 => write!(fmt, "dmb ishld"), 0b1010 => write!(fmt, "dmb ishst"), 0b1011 => write!(fmt, "dmb ish"), 0b1101 => write!(fmt, "dmb ld"), 0b1110 => write!(fmt, "dmb st"), 0b1111 => write!(fmt, "dmb sy"), _ => write!(fmt, "dmb {:x}", option) }; } Opcode::DSB(option) => { return match option { 0b0001 => write!(fmt, "dsb oshld"), 0b0010 => write!(fmt, "dsb oshst"), 0b0011 => write!(fmt, "dsb osh"), 0b0101 => write!(fmt, "dsb nshld"), 0b0110 => write!(fmt, "dsb nshst"), 0b0111 => write!(fmt, "dsb nsh"), 0b1001 => write!(fmt, "dsb ishld"), 0b1010 => write!(fmt, "dsb ishst"), 0b1011 => write!(fmt, "dsb ish"), 0b1101 => write!(fmt, "dsb ld"), 0b1110 => write!(fmt, "dsb st"), 0b1111 => write!(fmt, "dsb sy"), _ => write!(fmt, "dsb {:x}", option) }; } Opcode::HINT(v) => { return match v { 0 => { write!(fmt, "nop") }, 1 => { write!(fmt, "yield") }, 2 => { write!(fmt, "wfe") }, 3 => { write!(fmt, "wfi") }, 4 => { write!(fmt, "sev") }, 5 => { write!(fmt, "sevl") }, _ => { write!(fmt, "hint({:#x})", v) } } } Opcode::CASB(ar) => { if ar == 0 { "casb" } else if ar == 0b01 { "caslb" } else if ar == 0b10 { "casab" } else { "casalb" } } Opcode::CASH(ar) => { if ar == 0 { "cash" } else if ar == 0b01 { "caslh" } else if ar == 0b10 { "casah" } else { "casalh" } } Opcode::CAS(ar) => { if ar == 0 { "cas" } else if ar == 0b01 { "casl" } else if ar == 0b10 { "casa" } else { "casal" } } Opcode::CASP(ar) => { if ar == 0 { "casp" } else if ar == 0b01 { "caspl" } else if ar == 0b10 { "caspa" } else { "caspal" } } }; fmt.write_str(text) } } #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)] pub enum ShiftStyle { LSL, LSR, ASR, ROR, UXTB, UXTH, UXTW, UXTX, SXTB, SXTH, SXTW, SXTX, } impl Display for ShiftStyle { fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { match self { ShiftStyle::LSL => { write!(fmt, "lsl") }, ShiftStyle::LSR => { write!(fmt, "lsr") }, ShiftStyle::ASR => { write!(fmt, "asr") }, ShiftStyle::ROR => { write!(fmt, "ror") }, ShiftStyle::UXTB => { write!(fmt, "uxtb") }, ShiftStyle::UXTH => { write!(fmt, "uxth") }, ShiftStyle::UXTW => { write!(fmt, "uxtw") }, ShiftStyle::UXTX => { write!(fmt, "uxtx") }, ShiftStyle::SXTB => { write!(fmt, "sxtb") }, ShiftStyle::SXTH => { write!(fmt, "sxth") }, ShiftStyle::SXTW => { write!(fmt, "sxtw") }, ShiftStyle::SXTX => { write!(fmt, "sxtx") }, } } } #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)] #[repr(C)] pub enum Operand { Nothing, Register(SizeCode, u16), RegisterPair(SizeCode, u16), SIMDRegister(SIMDSizeCode, u16), SIMDRegisterElements(SIMDSizeCode, u16, SIMDSizeCode), SIMDRegisterElementsLane(SIMDSizeCode, u16, SIMDSizeCode, u8), SIMDRegisterElementsMultipleLane(SIMDSizeCode, u16, SIMDSizeCode, u8, u8), SIMDRegisterGroup(SIMDSizeCode, u16, SIMDSizeCode, u8), SIMDRegisterGroupLane(u16, SIMDSizeCode, u8, u8), RegisterOrSP(SizeCode, u16), ConditionCode(u8), Offset(i64), PCOffset(i64), Immediate(u32), ImmediateDouble(f64), Imm64(u64), Imm16(u16), ImmShift(u16, u8), ImmShiftMSL(u16, u8), RegShift(ShiftStyle, u8, SizeCode, u16), RegOffset(u16, i16), RegRegOffset(u16, u16, SizeCode, ShiftStyle, u8), RegPreIndex(u16, i32, bool), RegPostIndex(u16, i32), RegPostIndexReg(u16, u16), PrefetchOp(u16), SystemReg(u16), ControlReg(u16), PstateField(u8), } impl Display for Operand { fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result { match self { Operand::Nothing => { unreachable!(); }, Operand::Register(size, reg) => { if *reg == 31 { match size { SizeCode::X => { write!(fmt, "xzr") }, SizeCode::W => { write!(fmt, "wzr") } } } else { match size { SizeCode::X => { write!(fmt, "x{}", reg) }, SizeCode::W => { write!(fmt, "w{}", reg) } } } }, Operand::RegisterPair(size, reg) => { write!(fmt, "{}, {}", Operand::Register(*size, *reg), Operand::Register(*size, *reg + 1)) }, Operand::ControlReg(reg) => { write!(fmt, "cr{}", reg) }, Operand::PrefetchOp(op) => { let ty = (op >> 3) & 0b11; let target = (op >> 1) & 0b11; let policy = op & 1; if ty == 0b11 || target == 0b11 { write!(fmt, "{:#02x}", op) } else { write!(fmt, "{}{}{}", ["pld", "pli", "pst"][ty as usize], ["l1", "l2", "l3"][target as usize], ["keep", "strm"][policy as usize], ) } } Operand::SystemReg(reg) => { // TODO: look up system register names better match reg { 0x4000 => fmt.write_str("midr_el1"), 0x5e82 => fmt.write_str("tpidr_el0"), 0x5f02 => fmt.write_str("cntvct_el0"), _ => write!(fmt, "sysreg:{:x}", reg), } } Operand::PstateField(reg) => { // `MSR (immediate)` writes to the `PSTATE` register, setting a few bit patterns as // selected by `reg`. write!(fmt, "pstate.{:x}", reg) } Operand::SIMDRegister(size, reg) => { match size { SIMDSizeCode::B => { write!(fmt, "b{}", reg) } SIMDSizeCode::H => { write!(fmt, "h{}", reg) } SIMDSizeCode::S => { write!(fmt, "s{}", reg) } SIMDSizeCode::D => { write!(fmt, "d{}", reg) } SIMDSizeCode::Q => { write!(fmt, "q{}", reg) } } } Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(vector_width, reg, lane_width) => { let num_items = vector_width.width() / lane_width.width(); write!(fmt, "v{}.{}{}", reg, num_items, lane_width.name()) } Operand::SIMDRegisterElementsLane(_vector_width, reg, lane_width, lane) => { write!(fmt, "v{}.{}[{}]", reg, lane_width.name(), lane) } Operand::SIMDRegisterGroup(vector_width, reg, lane_width, group_size) => { let num_items = vector_width.width() / lane_width.width(); let format_reg = |f: &mut fmt::Formatter, reg, elems, lane_size: SIMDSizeCode| { write!(f, "v{}.{}{}", reg, elems, lane_size.name()) }; fmt.write_str("{")?; format_reg(fmt, *reg, num_items, *lane_width)?; for i in 1..*group_size { fmt.write_str(", ")?; format_reg(fmt, (*reg + i as u16) % 32, num_items, *lane_width)?; } fmt.write_str("}")?; Ok(()) } Operand::SIMDRegisterGroupLane(reg, lane_width, group_size, lane) => { let format_reg = |f: &mut fmt::Formatter, reg, lane_size: SIMDSizeCode| { write!(f, "v{}.{}", reg, lane_size.name()) }; fmt.write_str("{")?; format_reg(fmt, *reg, *lane_width)?; for i in 1..*group_size { fmt.write_str(", ")?; format_reg(fmt, (*reg + i as u16) % 32, *lane_width)?; } fmt.write_str("}")?; write!(fmt, "[{}]", lane)?; Ok(()) } Operand::RegisterOrSP(size, reg) => { if *reg == 31 { match size { SizeCode::X => { write!(fmt, "sp") }, SizeCode::W => { write!(fmt, "wsp") } } } else { match size { SizeCode::X => { write!(fmt, "x{}", reg) }, SizeCode::W => { write!(fmt, "w{}", reg) } } } }, Operand::ConditionCode(cond) => { match cond { 0b0000 => { write!(fmt, "eq") } 0b0010 => { write!(fmt, "hs") } 0b0100 => { write!(fmt, "mi") } 0b0110 => { write!(fmt, "vs") } 0b1000 => { write!(fmt, "hi") } 0b1010 => { write!(fmt, "ge") } 0b1100 => { write!(fmt, "gt") } 0b1110 => { write!(fmt, "al") } 0b0001 => { write!(fmt, "ne") } 0b0011 => { write!(fmt, "lo") } 0b0101 => { write!(fmt, "pl") } 0b0111 => { write!(fmt, "vc") } 0b1001 => { write!(fmt, "ls") } 0b1011 => { write!(fmt, "lt") } 0b1101 => { write!(fmt, "le") } 0b1111 => { write!(fmt, "nv") } // `The Condition code NV exists only to provide a valid disassembly of the 0b1111 encoding, otherwise its behavior is identical to AL`. _ => { unreachable!(); } } } Operand::Offset(offs) => { if *offs < 0 { write!(fmt, "$-{:#x}", offs.wrapping_neg()) } else { write!(fmt, "$+{:#x}", offs) } } Operand::PCOffset(offs) => { if *offs < 0 { write!(fmt, "$-{:#x}", offs.wrapping_neg()) } else { write!(fmt, "$+{:#x}", offs) } } Operand::Immediate(i) => { write!(fmt, "#{:x}", *i) }, Operand::ImmediateDouble(d) => { write!(fmt, "#{:0.1}", d) }, Operand::Imm16(i) => { write!(fmt, "#{:#x}", *i) }, Operand::Imm64(i) => { write!(fmt, "#{:#x}", *i) }, Operand::ImmShift(i, shift) => { match shift { 0 => { write!(fmt, "#{:#x}", *i) }, _ => { write!(fmt, "#{:#x}, lsl #{}", i, shift) } } }, Operand::ImmShiftMSL(i, shift) => { match shift { 0 => { write!(fmt, "#{:#x}", *i) }, _ => { write!(fmt, "#{:#x}, msl #{}", i, shift) } } }, Operand::RegShift(shift_type, amount, size, reg) => { match size { SizeCode::X => { if (*shift_type == ShiftStyle::LSL || *shift_type == ShiftStyle::UXTX) && *amount == 0 { write!(fmt, "{}", Operand::Register(SizeCode::X, *reg)) } else if *amount != 0 { write!(fmt, "{}, {} #{}", Operand::Register(SizeCode::X, *reg), shift_type, amount) } else { write!(fmt, "{}, {}", Operand::Register(SizeCode::X, *reg), shift_type) } }, SizeCode::W => { if *shift_type == ShiftStyle::LSL && *amount == 0 { write!(fmt, "{}", Operand::Register(SizeCode::W, *reg)) } else if *amount != 0 { write!(fmt, "{}, {} #{}", Operand::Register(SizeCode::W, *reg), shift_type, amount) } else { write!(fmt, "{}, {}", Operand::Register(SizeCode::W, *reg), shift_type) } } } } Operand::RegOffset(reg, offset) => { if *offset != 0 { if *offset < 0 { write!(fmt, "[{}, #-{:#x}]", Operand::RegisterOrSP(SizeCode::X, *reg), -*offset) } else { write!(fmt, "[{}, #{:#x}]", Operand::RegisterOrSP(SizeCode::X, *reg), offset) } } else { write!(fmt, "[{}]", Operand::RegisterOrSP(SizeCode::X, *reg)) } } Operand::RegRegOffset(reg, index_reg, index_size, extend, amount) => { write!(fmt, "[{}, {}, {} #{:#x}]", Operand::RegisterOrSP(SizeCode::X, *reg), Operand::Register(*index_size, *index_reg), extend, amount) } Operand::RegPreIndex(reg, offset, wback_bit) => { let wback = if *wback_bit { "!" } else { "" }; if *offset != 0 || *wback_bit { if *offset < 0 { write!(fmt, "[{}, #-{:#x}]{}", Operand::RegisterOrSP(SizeCode::X, *reg), -*offset, wback) } else { write!(fmt, "[{}, #{:#x}]{}", Operand::RegisterOrSP(SizeCode::X, *reg), offset, wback) } } else { write!(fmt, "[{}]", Operand::RegisterOrSP(SizeCode::X, *reg)) } } Operand::RegPostIndex(reg, offset) => { if *offset < 0 { write!(fmt, "[{}], #-{:#x}", Operand::RegisterOrSP(SizeCode::X, *reg), -*offset) } else { write!(fmt, "[{}], #{:#x}", Operand::RegisterOrSP(SizeCode::X, *reg), offset) } } Operand::RegPostIndexReg(reg, offset_reg) => { write!(fmt, "[{}], x{}", Operand::RegisterOrSP(SizeCode::X, *reg), offset_reg) } } } } #[derive(Default, Debug)] pub struct InstDecoder {} #[allow(non_snake_case)] impl Decoder for InstDecoder { fn decode_into::Address, ::Word>>(&self, inst: &mut Instruction, words: &mut T) -> Result<(), ::DecodeError> { let mut word_bytes = [0u8; 4]; words.next_n(&mut word_bytes)?; let word = u32::from_le_bytes(word_bytes); #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)] enum Section { Unallocated, LoadStore, DataProcessingReg, DataProcessingSimd, DataProcessingSimd2, DataProcessingImmediate, BranchExceptionSystem, SME, SVE, } // from ARM architecture refrence manual for ARMv8, C3.1 /* * ---00--- UNALLOCATED * ---100-- Data processing - immediate * ---101-- Branch, exception, system instructions * ----1-0- Loads and stores * ----101- Data processing - register * ---0111- Data processing - SIMD and floating point * ---1111- Data processing - SIMD and floating point */ let section_bits = word >> 25; let section = [ Section::SME, // 0000 // SME encodings Section::Unallocated, // 0001 Section::SVE, // 0010 // SVE encodings Section::Unallocated, // 0011 Section::LoadStore, // 0100 Section::DataProcessingReg, // 0101 Section::LoadStore, // 0110 Section::DataProcessingSimd, // 0111 Section::DataProcessingImmediate, // 1000 Section::DataProcessingImmediate, // 1001 Section::BranchExceptionSystem, // 1010 Section::BranchExceptionSystem, // 1011 Section::LoadStore, // 1100 Section::DataProcessingReg, // 1101 Section::LoadStore, // 1110 Section::DataProcessingSimd2, // 1111 ][(section_bits & 0x0f) as usize]; // crate::armv8::a64::std::eprintln!("word: {:#x}, bits: {:#b}", word, section_bits & 0xf); match section { Section::SME => { return Err(DecodeError::IncompleteDecoder); }, Section::SVE => { return Err(DecodeError::IncompleteDecoder); } Section::DataProcessingSimd | Section::DataProcessingSimd2 => { let op3 = (word >> 10) & 0b1_1111_1111; let op2 = (word >> 19) & 0b1111; let op1 = (word >> 23) & 0b11; let op0 = (word >> 28) & 0b1111; if (op0 & 0b1001) == 0b0000 { let op3_low = (op3 & 1) == 1; if op1 >= 0b10 { if op3_low { if op1 == 0b11 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } // `Advanced SIMD {modified,shift by} immediate` if op2 != 0b0000 { // `shift by` let Rd = word & 0b1_1111; let Rn = (word >> 5) & 0b1_1111; let opcode = (word >> 11) & 0b11111; let immb = (word >> 16) & 0b111; let immh = (word >> 19) & 0b1111; let Q = (word >> 30) & 1; let U = (word >> 29) & 1; if immh == 0b0001 && (opcode == 0b11100 || opcode == 0b11111) { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); }; if immh >= 0b1000 && Q == 0 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } let datasize = if Q == 1 { SIMDSizeCode::Q } else { SIMDSizeCode::D }; // is shift encoded as `N - imm` or `imm - N`? const OPCODES: &[Result<(Opcode, bool), DecodeError>] = &[ Ok((Opcode::SSHR, true)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::SSRA, true)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::SRSHR, true)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::SRSRA, true)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), // 0b01000 Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::SHL, false)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::SQSHL, false)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), // 0b10000 Ok((Opcode::SHRN, true)), Ok((Opcode::RSHRN, true)), Ok((Opcode::SQSHRN, true)), Ok((Opcode::SQRSHRN, true)), Ok((Opcode::SSHLL, false)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), // 0b11000 Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::SCVTF, true)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::FCVTZS, true)), // U == 1 Ok((Opcode::USHR, true)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::USRA, true)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::URSHR, true)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::URSRA, true)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), // 0b01000 Ok((Opcode::SRI, true)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::SLI, false)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::SQSHLU, false)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::UQSHL, false)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), // 0b10000 Ok((Opcode::SQSHRUN, true)), Ok((Opcode::SQRSHRUN, true)), Ok((Opcode::UQSHRN, true)), Ok((Opcode::UQRSHRN, true)), Ok((Opcode::USHLL, false)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), // 0b11000 Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::UCVTF, true)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::FCVTZU, true)), ]; let (opcode, before) = OPCODES[((U << 5) | opcode) as usize]?; inst.opcode = opcode; let (T, shift) = if before { if immh > 0b0111 { (SIMDSizeCode::D, 128 - ((immh << 3) | immb)) } else if immh > 0b0011 { (SIMDSizeCode::S, 64 - ((immh << 3) | immb)) } else if immh > 0b0001 { (SIMDSizeCode::H, 32 - ((immh << 3) | immb)) } else { (SIMDSizeCode::B, 16 - ((immh << 3) | immb)) } } else { if immh > 0b0111 { (SIMDSizeCode::D, ((immh << 3) | immb) - 64) } else if immh > 0b0011 { (SIMDSizeCode::S, ((immh << 3) | immb) - 32) } else if immh > 0b0001 { (SIMDSizeCode::H, ((immh << 3) | immb) - 16) } else { (SIMDSizeCode::B, ((immh << 3) | immb) - 8) } }; let (Vb, Tb) = if opcode == Opcode::SQSHRUN || opcode == Opcode::SQRSHRUN || opcode == Opcode::UQSHRN || opcode == Opcode::UQRSHRN || opcode == Opcode::SHRN || opcode == Opcode::RSHRN || opcode == Opcode::SQSHRN || opcode == Opcode::SQRSHRN { if immh > 0b0111 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } else if immh > 0b0011 { (SIMDSizeCode::Q, SIMDSizeCode::D) } else if immh > 0b0001 { (SIMDSizeCode::Q, SIMDSizeCode::S) } else { (SIMDSizeCode::Q, SIMDSizeCode::H) } } else { (datasize, T) }; if Q == 1 { if inst.opcode == Opcode::RSHRN { inst.opcode = Opcode::RSHRN2; } else if inst.opcode == Opcode::SQSHRUN { inst.opcode = Opcode::SQSHRUN2; } else if inst.opcode == Opcode::SQRSHRUN { inst.opcode = Opcode::SQRSHRUN2; } else if inst.opcode == Opcode::UQSHRN { inst.opcode = Opcode::UQSHRN2; } else if inst.opcode == Opcode::UQRSHRN { inst.opcode = Opcode::UQRSHRN2; } else if inst.opcode == Opcode::USHLL { inst.opcode = Opcode::USHLL2; } else if inst.opcode == Opcode::SHRN { inst.opcode = Opcode::SHRN2; } else if inst.opcode == Opcode::SQSHRN { inst.opcode = Opcode::SQSHRN2; } else if inst.opcode == Opcode::SQRSHRN { inst.opcode = Opcode::SQRSHRN2; } }; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(datasize, Rd as u16, T), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(Vb, Rn as u16, Tb), Operand::Immediate(shift), Operand::Nothing, ]; } else { // `modified` let Rd = word & 0b1_1111; let defgh = (word >> 5) & 0b1_1111; let o2 = (word >> 11) & 0b1; let cmode = (word >> 12) & 0b1111; let abc = (word >> 16) & 0b111; let Q = (word >> 30) & 1; let op = (word >> 29) & 1; let datasize = if Q == 1 { SIMDSizeCode::Q } else { SIMDSizeCode::D }; const OPCODES: &[Result<(Opcode, SIMDSizeCode), DecodeError>] = &[ Ok((Opcode::MOVI, SIMDSizeCode::S)), Ok((Opcode::ORR, SIMDSizeCode::S)), Ok((Opcode::MOVI, SIMDSizeCode::S)), Ok((Opcode::ORR, SIMDSizeCode::S)), Ok((Opcode::MOVI, SIMDSizeCode::S)), Ok((Opcode::ORR, SIMDSizeCode::S)), Ok((Opcode::MOVI, SIMDSizeCode::S)), Ok((Opcode::ORR, SIMDSizeCode::S)), Ok((Opcode::MOVI, SIMDSizeCode::H)), Ok((Opcode::ORR, SIMDSizeCode::H)), Ok((Opcode::MOVI, SIMDSizeCode::H)), Ok((Opcode::ORR, SIMDSizeCode::H)), Ok((Opcode::MOVI, SIMDSizeCode::S)), Ok((Opcode::MOVI, SIMDSizeCode::S)), Ok((Opcode::MOVI, SIMDSizeCode::B)), Ok((Opcode::FMOV, SIMDSizeCode::B)), // op == 1 Ok((Opcode::MVNI, SIMDSizeCode::S)), Ok((Opcode::BIC, SIMDSizeCode::S)), Ok((Opcode::MVNI, SIMDSizeCode::S)), Ok((Opcode::BIC, SIMDSizeCode::S)), Ok((Opcode::MVNI, SIMDSizeCode::S)), Ok((Opcode::BIC, SIMDSizeCode::S)), Ok((Opcode::MVNI, SIMDSizeCode::S)), Ok((Opcode::BIC, SIMDSizeCode::S)), Ok((Opcode::MVNI, SIMDSizeCode::H)), Ok((Opcode::BIC, SIMDSizeCode::H)), Ok((Opcode::MVNI, SIMDSizeCode::H)), Ok((Opcode::BIC, SIMDSizeCode::H)), Ok((Opcode::MVNI, SIMDSizeCode::S)), Ok((Opcode::MVNI, SIMDSizeCode::S)), Ok((Opcode::MOVI, SIMDSizeCode::D)), Ok((Opcode::FMOV, SIMDSizeCode::B)), ]; if cmode == 0b1111 && op == 1 && Q == 0 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } let (opc, size) = OPCODES[((op << 4) | cmode) as usize]?; let mut size = size; let imm = if opc == Opcode::FMOV { if op == 0 && o2 == 0 { size = SIMDSizeCode::S; } else if op == 0 && o2 == 1 { size = SIMDSizeCode::H; } else if op == 1 && o2 == 0 { size = SIMDSizeCode::D; } // simd expand let a = (abc >> 2) as u64; let b = ((abc >> 1) & 1) as u64; let c = (abc & 1) as u64; let cdefgh = (c << 5) | defgh as u64; // the expansion is the same (with more exponent bits) for the // various widths let value = (a << 63) | (((b * 0b111_111_111) ^ 0b100_000_000) << 54) | (cdefgh << 48); let value = f64::from_bits(value); Operand::ImmediateDouble(value) } else if opc == Opcode::ORR || opc == Opcode::BIC { // abcdefgh let abcdefgh = (abc << 5) | defgh; let amount = match size { SIMDSizeCode::H => { (cmode & 0b0010) << 2 } SIMDSizeCode::S => { (cmode & 0b0110) << 2 } _ => 0, }; Operand::ImmShift(abcdefgh as u16, amount as u8) } else /* if opc == Opcode::MOVI || opc == Opcode::MVNI */ { if cmode == 0b1110 && op == 1 { let abcdefgh = ((abc << 5) | defgh) as u64; let abcdefgh = (abcdefgh | (abcdefgh << 16)) & 0x000000ff000000ff; let abcdefgh = (abcdefgh | (abcdefgh << 8)) & 0x00ff00ff00ff00ff; let abcdefgh = (abcdefgh | (abcdefgh << 4)) & 0x0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f; let abcdefgh = (abcdefgh | (abcdefgh << 2)) & 0x3333333333333333; let abcdefgh = (abcdefgh | (abcdefgh << 1)) & 0x5555555555555555; Operand::Imm64(abcdefgh | (abcdefgh << 1)) } else { let abcdefgh = ((abc << 5) | defgh) as u64; let imm8 = abcdefgh; let amount = match size { SIMDSizeCode::H => { (cmode & 0b0010) << 2 } SIMDSizeCode::S => { (cmode & 0b0110) << 2 } _ => 0, }; if cmode & 0b1110 == 0b1100 { let amount = (cmode & 1) << 3; Operand::ImmShiftMSL(imm8 as u16, amount as u8 + 8) } else { Operand::ImmShift(imm8 as u16, amount as u8) } } }; inst.opcode = opc; if Q == 0 && op == 1 && cmode == 0b1110 && o2 == 0 { inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegister(size, Rd as u16), imm, Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; } else { inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(datasize, Rd as u16, size), imm, Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; } } } else { // `Advanced SIMD vector x indexed element` let Rd = word & 0b1_1111; let Rn = (word >> 5) & 0b1_1111; let opcode = (word >> 12) & 0b1111; let Rm = (word >> 16) & 0b1111; let Q = (word >> 30) & 1; let U = (word >> 29) & 1; let size = (word >> 22) & 0b11; let L = (word >> 21) & 1; let M = (word >> 20) & 1; let H = (word >> 11) & 1; match (U << 4) | opcode { 0b0_0010 => { if size == 0b00 || size == 0b11 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } let (index, Rm) = if size == 0b01 { let index = (H << 2) | (L << 1) | M; (index, Rm) } else { let index = (H << 1) | L; let Rm = (M << 4) | Rm; (index, Rm) }; let Tb_vecsize = if Q == 1 { SIMDSizeCode::Q } else { SIMDSizeCode::D }; let (Ta, Tb_elemsize, Ts) = if size == 0b01 { (SIMDSizeCode::S, SIMDSizeCode::H, SIMDSizeCode::H) } else { (SIMDSizeCode::D, SIMDSizeCode::S, SIMDSizeCode::S) }; inst.opcode = if Q == 1 { Opcode::SMLAL2 } else { Opcode::SMLAL }; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rd as u16, Ta), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(Tb_vecsize, Rn as u16, Tb_elemsize), Operand::SIMDRegisterElementsLane(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rm as u16, Ts, index as u8), Operand::Nothing, ]; }, 0b0_0011 => { if size == 0b00 || size == 0b11 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } let (index, Rm) = if size == 0b01 { let index = (H << 2) | (L << 1) | M; (index, Rm) } else { let index = (H << 1) | L; let Rm = (M << 4) | Rm; (index, Rm) }; let Tb_vecsize = if Q == 1 { SIMDSizeCode::Q } else { SIMDSizeCode::D }; let (Ta, Tb_elemsize, Ts) = if size == 0b01 { (SIMDSizeCode::S, SIMDSizeCode::H, SIMDSizeCode::H) } else { (SIMDSizeCode::D, SIMDSizeCode::S, SIMDSizeCode::S) }; inst.opcode = if Q == 1 { Opcode::SQDMLAL2 } else { Opcode::SQDMLAL }; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rd as u16, Ta), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(Tb_vecsize, Rn as u16, Tb_elemsize), Operand::SIMDRegisterElementsLane(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rm as u16, Ts, index as u8), Operand::Nothing, ]; }, 0b0_0110 => { if size == 0b00 || size == 0b11 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } let (index, Rm) = if size == 0b01 { let index = (H << 2) | (L << 1) | M; (index, Rm) } else { let index = (H << 1) | L; let Rm = (M << 4) | Rm; (index, Rm) }; let Tb_vecsize = if Q == 1 { SIMDSizeCode::Q } else { SIMDSizeCode::D }; let (Ta, Tb_elemsize, Ts) = if size == 0b01 { (SIMDSizeCode::S, SIMDSizeCode::H, SIMDSizeCode::H) } else { (SIMDSizeCode::D, SIMDSizeCode::S, SIMDSizeCode::S) }; inst.opcode = if Q == 1 { Opcode::SMLSL2 } else { Opcode::SMLSL }; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rd as u16, Ta), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(Tb_vecsize, Rn as u16, Tb_elemsize), Operand::SIMDRegisterElementsLane(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rm as u16, Ts, index as u8), Operand::Nothing, ]; }, 0b0_0111 => { if size == 0b00 || size == 0b11 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } let (index, Rm) = if size == 0b01 { let index = (H << 2) | (L << 1) | M; (index, Rm) } else { let index = (H << 1) | L; let Rm = (M << 4) | Rm; (index, Rm) }; let Tb_vecsize = if Q == 1 { SIMDSizeCode::Q } else { SIMDSizeCode::D }; let (Ta, Tb_elemsize, Ts) = if size == 0b01 { (SIMDSizeCode::S, SIMDSizeCode::H, SIMDSizeCode::H) } else { (SIMDSizeCode::D, SIMDSizeCode::S, SIMDSizeCode::S) }; inst.opcode = if Q == 1 { Opcode::SQDMLSL2 } else { Opcode::SQDMLSL }; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rd as u16, Ta), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(Tb_vecsize, Rn as u16, Tb_elemsize), Operand::SIMDRegisterElementsLane(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rm as u16, Ts, index as u8), Operand::Nothing, ]; }, 0b0_1000 => { if size == 0b00 || size == 0b11 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } let (index, Rm) = if size == 0b01 { let index = (H << 2) | (L << 1) | M; (index, Rm) } else { let index = (H << 1) | L; let Rm = (M << 4) | Rm; (index, Rm) }; let datasize = if Q == 1 { SIMDSizeCode::Q } else { SIMDSizeCode::D }; let elemsize = if size == 0b01 { SIMDSizeCode::H } else { SIMDSizeCode::S }; inst.opcode = Opcode::MUL; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(datasize, Rd as u16, elemsize), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(datasize, Rn as u16, elemsize), Operand::SIMDRegisterElementsLane(datasize, Rm as u16, elemsize, index as u8), Operand::Nothing, ]; }, 0b0_1010 => { if size == 0b00 || size == 0b11 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } let (index, Rm) = if size == 0b01 { let index = (H << 2) | (L << 1) | M; (index, Rm) } else { let index = (H << 1) | L; let Rm = (M << 4) | Rm; (index, Rm) }; let Tb_vecsize = if Q == 1 { SIMDSizeCode::Q } else { SIMDSizeCode::D }; let (Ta, Tb_elemsize, Ts) = if size == 0b01 { (SIMDSizeCode::S, SIMDSizeCode::H, SIMDSizeCode::H) } else { (SIMDSizeCode::D, SIMDSizeCode::S, SIMDSizeCode::S) }; inst.opcode = if Q == 1 { Opcode::SMULL2 } else { Opcode::SMULL }; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rd as u16, Ta), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(Tb_vecsize, Rn as u16, Tb_elemsize), Operand::SIMDRegisterElementsLane(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rm as u16, Ts, index as u8), Operand::Nothing, ]; }, 0b0_1011 => { if size == 0b00 || size == 0b11 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } let (index, Rm) = if size == 0b01 { let index = (H << 2) | (L << 1) | M; (index, Rm) } else { let index = (H << 1) | L; let Rm = (M << 4) | Rm; (index, Rm) }; let Tb_vecsize = if Q == 1 { SIMDSizeCode::Q } else { SIMDSizeCode::D }; let (Ta, Tb_elemsize, Ts) = if size == 0b01 { (SIMDSizeCode::S, SIMDSizeCode::H, SIMDSizeCode::H) } else { (SIMDSizeCode::D, SIMDSizeCode::S, SIMDSizeCode::S) }; inst.opcode = if Q == 1 { Opcode::SQDMULL2 } else { Opcode::SQDMULL }; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rd as u16, Ta), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(Tb_vecsize, Rn as u16, Tb_elemsize), Operand::SIMDRegisterElementsLane(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rm as u16, Ts, index as u8), Operand::Nothing, ]; }, 0b0_1100 => { if size == 0b00 || size == 0b11 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } let (index, Rm) = if size == 0b01 { let index = (H << 2) | (L << 1) | M; (index, Rm) } else { let index = (H << 1) | L; let Rm = (M << 4) | Rm; (index, Rm) }; let Tb_vecsize = if Q == 1 { SIMDSizeCode::Q } else { SIMDSizeCode::D }; let (Ta, Tb_elemsize, Ts) = if size == 0b01 { (SIMDSizeCode::H, SIMDSizeCode::H, SIMDSizeCode::H) } else { (SIMDSizeCode::S, SIMDSizeCode::S, SIMDSizeCode::S) }; inst.opcode = Opcode::SQDMULH; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rd as u16, Ta), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(Tb_vecsize, Rn as u16, Tb_elemsize), Operand::SIMDRegisterElementsLane(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rm as u16, Ts, index as u8), Operand::Nothing, ]; }, 0b0_1101 => { if size == 0b00 || size == 0b11 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } let (index, Rm) = if size == 0b01 { let index = (H << 2) | (L << 1) | M; (index, Rm) } else { let index = (H << 1) | L; let Rm = (M << 4) | Rm; (index, Rm) }; let Tb_vecsize = if Q == 1 { SIMDSizeCode::Q } else { SIMDSizeCode::D }; let (Ta, Tb_elemsize, Ts) = if size == 0b01 { (SIMDSizeCode::H, SIMDSizeCode::H, SIMDSizeCode::H) } else { (SIMDSizeCode::S, SIMDSizeCode::S, SIMDSizeCode::S) }; inst.opcode = Opcode::SQRDMULH; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rd as u16, Ta), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(Tb_vecsize, Rn as u16, Tb_elemsize), Operand::SIMDRegisterElementsLane(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rm as u16, Ts, index as u8), Operand::Nothing, ]; }, 0b0_1110 => { if size != 0b10 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } let Rm = (M << 4) | Rm; let index = (H << 1) | L; let datasize = if Q == 1 { SIMDSizeCode::Q } else { SIMDSizeCode::D }; inst.opcode = Opcode::SDOT; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(datasize, Rd as u16, SIMDSizeCode::S), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(datasize, Rn as u16, SIMDSizeCode::B), Operand::SIMDRegisterElementsMultipleLane(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rm as u16, SIMDSizeCode::B, index as u8, 4), Operand::Nothing, ]; }, 0b0_1111 => { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } 0b0_0000 => { // FMLAL if size != 0b10 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } if (word >> 29 & 1) == 0 { inst.opcode = Opcode::FMLAL; } else { inst.opcode = Opcode::FMLAL2; } let index = (H << 2) | (L << 1) | M; let datasize = if Q == 1 { SIMDSizeCode::Q } else { SIMDSizeCode::D }; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(datasize, Rd as u16, SIMDSizeCode::S), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(datasize, Rn as u16, SIMDSizeCode::H), Operand::SIMDRegisterElementsLane(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rm as u16, SIMDSizeCode::H, index as u8), Operand::Nothing, ]; } 0b0_0100 => { // FMLSL if size != 0b10 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } if (word >> 29 & 1) == 0 { inst.opcode = Opcode::FMLSL; } else { inst.opcode = Opcode::FMLSL2; } let index = (H << 2) | (L << 1) | M; let datasize = if Q == 1 { SIMDSizeCode::Q } else { SIMDSizeCode::D }; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(datasize, Rd as u16, SIMDSizeCode::S), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(datasize, Rn as u16, SIMDSizeCode::H), Operand::SIMDRegisterElementsLane(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rm as u16, SIMDSizeCode::H, index as u8), Operand::Nothing, ]; } 0b0_0001 => { // FMLA (not size=0b01) if size == 0b01 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } inst.opcode = Opcode::FMLA; let sz = size & 1; if sz == 1 && L == 1 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } if sz == 1 && Q == 0 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } let (index, Rm, size) = if size == 0b00 { let index = (H << 2) | (L << 1) | M; (index, Rm, SIMDSizeCode::H) } else if size == 0b10 { // `sz == 0` let index = (H << 1) | L; let Rm = (M << 4) | Rm; (index, Rm, SIMDSizeCode::S) } else { // `sz == 1` let index = H; let Rm = (M << 4) | Rm; (index, Rm, SIMDSizeCode::D) }; let datasize = if Q == 1 { SIMDSizeCode::Q } else { SIMDSizeCode::D }; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(datasize, Rd as u16, size), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(datasize, Rn as u16, size), Operand::SIMDRegisterElementsLane(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rm as u16, size, index as u8), Operand::Nothing, ]; } 0b0_0101 => { // FMLS (not size=0b01) if size == 0b01 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } inst.opcode = Opcode::FMLS; let sz = size & 1; if sz == 1 && L == 1 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } if sz == 1 && Q == 0 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } let (index, Rm, size) = if size == 0b00 { let index = (H << 2) | (L << 1) | M; (index, Rm, SIMDSizeCode::H) } else if size == 0b10 { // `sz == 0` let index = (H << 1) | L; let Rm = (M << 4) | Rm; (index, Rm, SIMDSizeCode::S) } else { // `sz == 1` let index = H; let Rm = (M << 4) | Rm; (index, Rm, SIMDSizeCode::D) }; let datasize = if Q == 1 { SIMDSizeCode::Q } else { SIMDSizeCode::D }; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(datasize, Rd as u16, size), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(datasize, Rn as u16, size), Operand::SIMDRegisterElementsLane(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rm as u16, size, index as u8), Operand::Nothing, ]; } 0b0_1001 => { // FMUL (not size=0b01) if size == 0b01 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } inst.opcode = Opcode::FMUL; let sz = size & 1; if sz == 1 && L == 1 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } if sz == 1 && Q == 0 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } let (index, Rm, size) = if size == 0b00 { let index = (H << 2) | (L << 1) | M; (index, Rm, SIMDSizeCode::H) } else if size == 0b10 { // `sz == 0` let index = (H << 1) | L; let Rm = (M << 4) | Rm; (index, Rm, SIMDSizeCode::S) } else { // `sz == 1` let index = H; let Rm = (M << 4) | Rm; (index, Rm, SIMDSizeCode::D) }; let datasize = if Q == 1 { SIMDSizeCode::Q } else { SIMDSizeCode::D }; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(datasize, Rd as u16, size), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(datasize, Rn as u16, size), Operand::SIMDRegisterElementsLane(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rm as u16, size, index as u8), Operand::Nothing, ]; } 0b1_0000 => { if size == 0b00 || size == 0b11 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } let (index, Rm) = if size == 0b01 { let index = (H << 2) | (L << 1) | M; (index, Rm) } else { let index = (H << 1) | L; let Rm = (M << 4) | Rm; (index, Rm) }; let datasize = if Q == 1 { SIMDSizeCode::Q } else { SIMDSizeCode::D }; let elemsize = if size == 0b01 { SIMDSizeCode::H } else { SIMDSizeCode::S }; inst.opcode = Opcode::MLA; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(datasize, Rd as u16, elemsize), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(datasize, Rn as u16, elemsize), Operand::SIMDRegisterElementsLane(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rm as u16, elemsize, index as u8), Operand::Nothing, ]; } 0b1_0010 => { if size == 0b00 || size == 0b11 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } let (index, Rm) = if size == 0b01 { let index = (H << 2) | (L << 1) | M; (index, Rm) } else { let index = (H << 1) | L; let Rm = (M << 4) | Rm; (index, Rm) }; let Tb_vecsize = if Q == 1 { SIMDSizeCode::Q } else { SIMDSizeCode::D }; let (Ta, Tb_elemsize, Ts) = if size == 0b01 { (SIMDSizeCode::S, SIMDSizeCode::H, SIMDSizeCode::H) } else { (SIMDSizeCode::D, SIMDSizeCode::S, SIMDSizeCode::S) }; inst.opcode = if Q == 1 { Opcode::UMLAL2 } else { Opcode::UMLAL }; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rd as u16, Ta), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(Tb_vecsize, Rn as u16, Tb_elemsize), Operand::SIMDRegisterElementsLane(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rm as u16, Ts, index as u8), Operand::Nothing, ]; } 0b1_0100 => { if size == 0b00 || size == 0b11 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } let (index, Rm) = if size == 0b01 { let index = (H << 2) | (L << 1) | M; (index, Rm) } else { let index = (H << 1) | L; let Rm = (M << 4) | Rm; (index, Rm) }; let datasize = if Q == 1 { SIMDSizeCode::Q } else { SIMDSizeCode::D }; let elemsize = if size == 0b01 { SIMDSizeCode::H } else { SIMDSizeCode::S }; inst.opcode = Opcode::MLS; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(datasize, Rd as u16, elemsize), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(datasize, Rn as u16, elemsize), Operand::SIMDRegisterElementsLane(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rm as u16, elemsize, index as u8), Operand::Nothing, ]; } 0b1_0110 => { if size == 0b00 || size == 0b11 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } let (index, Rm) = if size == 0b01 { let index = (H << 2) | (L << 1) | M; (index, Rm) } else { let index = (H << 1) | L; let Rm = (M << 4) | Rm; (index, Rm) }; let Tb_vecsize = if Q == 1 { SIMDSizeCode::Q } else { SIMDSizeCode::D }; let (Ta, Tb_elemsize, Ts) = if size == 0b01 { (SIMDSizeCode::S, SIMDSizeCode::H, SIMDSizeCode::H) } else { (SIMDSizeCode::D, SIMDSizeCode::S, SIMDSizeCode::S) }; inst.opcode = if Q == 1 { Opcode::UMLSL2 } else { Opcode::UMLSL }; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rd as u16, Ta), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(Tb_vecsize, Rn as u16, Tb_elemsize), Operand::SIMDRegisterElementsLane(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rm as u16, Ts, index as u8), Operand::Nothing, ]; } 0b1_1010 => { if size == 0b00 || size == 0b11 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } let (index, Rm) = if size == 0b01 { let index = (H << 2) | (L << 1) | M; (index, Rm) } else { let index = (H << 1) | L; let Rm = (M << 4) | Rm; (index, Rm) }; let Tb_vecsize = if Q == 1 { SIMDSizeCode::Q } else { SIMDSizeCode::D }; let (Ta, Tb_elemsize, Ts) = if size == 0b01 { (SIMDSizeCode::S, SIMDSizeCode::H, SIMDSizeCode::H) } else { (SIMDSizeCode::D, SIMDSizeCode::S, SIMDSizeCode::S) }; inst.opcode = if Q == 1 { Opcode::UMULL2 } else { Opcode::UMULL }; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rd as u16, Ta), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(Tb_vecsize, Rn as u16, Tb_elemsize), Operand::SIMDRegisterElementsLane(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rm as u16, Ts, index as u8), Operand::Nothing, ]; } 0b1_1011 => { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } 0b1_1101 => { if size == 0b00 || size == 0b11 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } let (index, Rm) = if size == 0b01 { let index = (H << 2) | (L << 1) | M; (index, Rm) } else { let index = (H << 1) | L; let Rm = (M << 4) | Rm; (index, Rm) }; let Tb_vecsize = if Q == 1 { SIMDSizeCode::Q } else { SIMDSizeCode::D }; let (Ta, Tb_elemsize, Ts) = if size == 0b01 { (SIMDSizeCode::H, SIMDSizeCode::H, SIMDSizeCode::H) } else { (SIMDSizeCode::S, SIMDSizeCode::S, SIMDSizeCode::S) }; inst.opcode = Opcode::SQRDMLAH; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(Tb_vecsize, Rd as u16, Ta), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(Tb_vecsize, Rn as u16, Tb_elemsize), Operand::SIMDRegisterElementsLane(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rm as u16, Ts, index as u8), Operand::Nothing, ]; } 0b1_1110 => { if size != 0b10 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } let Rm = (M << 4) | Rm; let index = (H << 1) | L; let datasize = if Q == 1 { SIMDSizeCode::Q } else { SIMDSizeCode::D }; inst.opcode = Opcode::UDOT; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(datasize, Rd as u16, SIMDSizeCode::S), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(datasize, Rn as u16, SIMDSizeCode::B), Operand::SIMDRegisterElementsMultipleLane(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rm as u16, SIMDSizeCode::B, index as u8, 4), Operand::Nothing, ]; } 0b1_1111 => { if size == 0b00 || size == 0b11 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } let (index, Rm) = if size == 0b01 { let index = (H << 2) | (L << 1) | M; (index, Rm) } else { let index = (H << 1) | L; let Rm = (M << 4) | Rm; (index, Rm) }; let Tb_vecsize = if Q == 1 { SIMDSizeCode::Q } else { SIMDSizeCode::D }; let (Ta, Tb_elemsize, Ts) = if size == 0b01 { (SIMDSizeCode::H, SIMDSizeCode::H, SIMDSizeCode::H) } else { (SIMDSizeCode::S, SIMDSizeCode::S, SIMDSizeCode::S) }; inst.opcode = Opcode::SQRDMLSH; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(Tb_vecsize, Rd as u16, Ta), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(Tb_vecsize, Rn as u16, Tb_elemsize), Operand::SIMDRegisterElementsLane(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rm as u16, Ts, index as u8), Operand::Nothing, ]; } 0b1_1000 => { if size < 0b10 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } let index = (H << 2) | (L << 1) | M; let datasize = if Q == 1 { SIMDSizeCode::Q } else { SIMDSizeCode::D }; inst.opcode = Opcode::FMLAL; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(datasize, Rd as u16, SIMDSizeCode::S), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(datasize, Rn as u16, SIMDSizeCode::H), Operand::SIMDRegisterElementsLane(datasize, Rm as u16, SIMDSizeCode::H, index as u8), Operand::Nothing, ]; } 0b1_1100 => { if size < 0b10 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } let index = (H << 2) | (L << 1) | M; let datasize = if Q == 1 { SIMDSizeCode::Q } else { SIMDSizeCode::D }; inst.opcode = Opcode::FMLSL; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(datasize, Rd as u16, SIMDSizeCode::S), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(datasize, Rn as u16, SIMDSizeCode::H), Operand::SIMDRegisterElementsLane(datasize, Rm as u16, SIMDSizeCode::H, index as u8), Operand::Nothing, ]; } 0b1_1001 => { if size == 0b01 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } let (index, Rm) = if size == 0b00 { let index = (H << 2) | (L << 1) | M; (index, Rm) } else if size == 0b10 { let index = (H << 1) | L; let Rm = (M << 4) | Rm; (index, Rm) } else { if L == 1 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } let Rm = (M << 4) | Rm; (H, Rm) }; let datasize = if Q == 1 { SIMDSizeCode::Q } else { SIMDSizeCode::D }; let (Ta, Tb_elemsize, Ts) = if size == 0b00 { (SIMDSizeCode::H, SIMDSizeCode::H, SIMDSizeCode::H) } else if size == 0b10 { (SIMDSizeCode::S, SIMDSizeCode::S, SIMDSizeCode::S) } else /* if size == 0b11 */ { (SIMDSizeCode::D, SIMDSizeCode::D, SIMDSizeCode::D) }; inst.opcode = Opcode::FMULX; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(datasize, Rd as u16, Ta), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(datasize, Rn as u16, Tb_elemsize), Operand::SIMDRegisterElementsLane(datasize, Rm as u16, Ts, index as u8), Operand::Nothing, ]; } 0b1_0001 | 0b1_0011 | 0b1_0101 | 0b1_0111 => { // opcode == 0xx1 // arm v8.3 if size == 0b00 || size == 0b11 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } if size == 0b01 && Q == 1 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } let index = if size == 0b01 { (H << 1) | L } else { H }; let Rm = (M << 4) | Rm; let datasize = if Q == 1 { SIMDSizeCode::Q } else { SIMDSizeCode::D }; let (T, Ts) = if size == 0b01 { (SIMDSizeCode::H, SIMDSizeCode::H) } else /* if size == 0b10 */ { (SIMDSizeCode::S, SIMDSizeCode::S) }; let rot = (word >> 13) & 0b11; let rot = rot * 90; inst.opcode = Opcode::FCMLA; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(datasize, Rd as u16, T), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(datasize, Rn as u16, T), Operand::SIMDRegisterElementsLane(datasize, Rm as u16, Ts, index as u8), Operand::Immediate(rot), ]; } _ => { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } } } } else { // `Advanced SIMD three same` and below // op1 == 0x if op2 & 0b0100 == 0b0100 { // op2 == x1xx let size = (word >> 22) & 0b11; let Rn = (word >> 5) & 0b1_1111; let Rd = word & 0b1_1111; let Q = (word >> 30) & 1; let U = (word >> 29) & 1; if op3 & 1 == 1 { // `Advanced SIMD three same` let opcode = (word >> 11) & 0b1_1111; let Rm = (word >> 16) & 0b1_1111; const U0_OPCODES: &[Opcode; 0b11000] = &[ Opcode::SHADD, Opcode::SQADD, Opcode::SRHADD, Opcode::AND, // or BIC, ORR, ORN Opcode::SHSUB, Opcode::SQSUB, Opcode::CMGT, Opcode::CMGE, Opcode::SSHL, Opcode::SQSHL, Opcode::SRSHL, Opcode::SQRSHL, Opcode::SMAX, Opcode::SMIN, Opcode::SABD, Opcode::SABA, Opcode::ADD, Opcode::CMTST, Opcode::MLA, Opcode::MUL, Opcode::SMAXP, Opcode::SMINP, Opcode::SQDMULH, Opcode::ADDP, ]; const U1_OPCODES: &[Opcode; 0b11000] = &[ Opcode::UHADD, Opcode::UQADD, Opcode::URHADD, Opcode::EOR, // or BSL, BIT, BIF Opcode::UHSUB, Opcode::UQSUB, Opcode::CMHI, Opcode::CMHS, Opcode::USHL, Opcode::UQSHL, Opcode::URSHL, Opcode::UQRSHL, Opcode::UMAX, Opcode::UMIN, Opcode::UABD, Opcode::UABA, Opcode::SUB, Opcode::CMEQ, Opcode::MLS, Opcode::PMUL, Opcode::UMAXP, Opcode::UMINP, Opcode::SQRDMULH, Opcode::Invalid, ]; let datasize = if Q == 1 { SIMDSizeCode::Q } else { SIMDSizeCode::D }; const SIZES: [SIMDSizeCode; 4] = [ SIMDSizeCode::B, SIMDSizeCode::H, SIMDSizeCode::S, SIMDSizeCode::D, ]; let (opc, T) = if U == 0 { if opcode < 0b11000 { if opcode == 0b00011 { const OPS: [Opcode; 4] = [ Opcode::AND, Opcode::BIC, Opcode::ORR, Opcode::ORN, ]; (OPS[size as usize], SIMDSizeCode::B) } else { (U0_OPCODES[opcode as usize], SIZES[size as usize]) } } else { const U0_HIGH_OPCODES: &[Result] = &[ Ok(Opcode::FMAXNM), Ok(Opcode::FMINNM), Ok(Opcode::FMLA), Ok(Opcode::FMLS), Ok(Opcode::FADD), Ok(Opcode::FSUB), Ok(Opcode::FMULX), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok(Opcode::FCMEQ), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok(Opcode::FMAX), Ok(Opcode::FMIN), Ok(Opcode::FRECPS), Ok(Opcode::FRSQRTS), ]; ( U0_HIGH_OPCODES[(((opcode - 0b11000) << 1) | (word >> 23) & 1) as usize]?, [SIMDSizeCode::S, SIMDSizeCode::D][((word >> 22) & 1) as usize] ) } } else { if opcode < 0b11000 { if opcode == 0b00011 { const OPS: [Opcode; 4] = [ Opcode::EOR, Opcode::BSL, Opcode::BIT, Opcode::BIF, ]; (OPS[size as usize], SIMDSizeCode::B) } else if opcode == 0b10111 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } else { (U1_OPCODES[opcode as usize], SIZES[size as usize]) } } else { const U1_HIGH_OPCODES: &[Result] = &[ Ok(Opcode::FMAXNMP), Ok(Opcode::FMINNMP), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok(Opcode::FADDP), Ok(Opcode::FABD), Ok(Opcode::FMUL), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok(Opcode::FCMGE), Ok(Opcode::FCMGT), Ok(Opcode::FACGE), Ok(Opcode::FACGT), Ok(Opcode::FMAXP), Ok(Opcode::FMINP), Ok(Opcode::FDIV), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), ]; ( U1_HIGH_OPCODES[(((opcode - 0b11000) << 1) | (word >> 23) & 1) as usize]?, [SIMDSizeCode::S, SIMDSizeCode::D][((word >> 22) & 1) as usize] ) } }; inst.opcode = opc; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(datasize, Rd as u16, T), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(datasize, Rn as u16, T), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(datasize, Rm as u16, T), Operand::Nothing, ]; } else if op2 == 0b1111 && op3 & 0b110000011 == 0b000000010 { // `Advanced SIMD two-register miscellaneous (FP16)` let Rd = (word >> 0) & 0b11111; let Rn = (word >> 5) & 0b11111; let opc = (word >> 12) & 0b11111; let a = (word >> 23) & 1; let u = (word >> 29) & 1; let q = (word >> 30) & 1; let vec_size = if q == 0 { SIMDSizeCode::D } else { SIMDSizeCode::Q }; inst.opcode = match (u, a, opc) { (0, 0, 0b11000) => Opcode::FRINTN, (0, 0, 0b11001) => Opcode::FRINTM, (0, 0, 0b11010) => Opcode::FCVTNS, (0, 0, 0b11011) => Opcode::FCVTMS, (0, 0, 0b11100) => Opcode::FCVTAS, (0, 0, 0b11101) => Opcode::SCVTF, (0, 1, 0b01100) => Opcode::FCMGT, (0, 1, 0b01101) => Opcode::FCMEQ, (0, 1, 0b01110) => Opcode::FCMLT, (0, 1, 0b01111) => Opcode::FABS, (0, 1, 0b11000) => Opcode::FRINTP, (0, 1, 0b11001) => Opcode::FRINTZ, (0, 1, 0b11010) => Opcode::FCVTPS, (0, 1, 0b11011) => Opcode::FCVTZS, (0, 1, 0b11101) => Opcode::FRECPE, (1, 0, 0b11000) => Opcode::FRINTA, (1, 0, 0b11001) => Opcode::FRINTX, (1, 0, 0b11010) => Opcode::FCVTNU, (1, 0, 0b11011) => Opcode::FCVTMU, (1, 0, 0b11100) => Opcode::FCVTAU, (1, 0, 0b11101) => Opcode::UCVTF, (1, 1, 0b01100) => Opcode::FCMGE, (1, 1, 0b01101) => Opcode::FCMLE, (1, 1, 0b01111) => Opcode::FNEG, (1, 1, 0b11001) => Opcode::FRINTI, (1, 1, 0b11010) => Opcode::FCVTPU, (1, 1, 0b11011) => Opcode::FCVTZU, (1, 1, 0b11101) => Opcode::FRSQRTE, (1, 1, 0b11111) => Opcode::FSQRT, _ => { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } }; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(vec_size, Rd as u16, SIMDSizeCode::H), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(vec_size, Rn as u16, SIMDSizeCode::H), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; if [Opcode::FCMGE, Opcode::FCMLE, Opcode::FCMGT, Opcode::FCMEQ, Opcode::FCMLT].contains(&inst.opcode) { inst.operands[2] = Operand::ImmediateDouble(0.0); } } else if op3 & 0b11 == 0b00 { // `Advanced SIMD three different` let opcode = (word >> 12) & 0b1111; let Rm = (word >> 16) & 0b1_1111; const OPCODES: &[Result; 64] = &[ Ok(Opcode::SADDL), Ok(Opcode::SADDL2), Ok(Opcode::SADDW), Ok(Opcode::SADDW2), Ok(Opcode::SSUBL), Ok(Opcode::SSUBL2), Ok(Opcode::SSUBW), Ok(Opcode::SSUBW2), Ok(Opcode::ADDHN), Ok(Opcode::ADDHN2), Ok(Opcode::SABAL), Ok(Opcode::SABAL2), Ok(Opcode::SUBHN), Ok(Opcode::SUBHN2), Ok(Opcode::SABDL), Ok(Opcode::SABDL2), Ok(Opcode::SMLAL), Ok(Opcode::SMLAL2), Ok(Opcode::SQDMLAL), Ok(Opcode::SQDMLAL2), Ok(Opcode::SMLSL), Ok(Opcode::SMLSL2), Ok(Opcode::SQDMLSL), Ok(Opcode::SQDMLSL2), Ok(Opcode::SMULL), Ok(Opcode::SMULL2), Ok(Opcode::SQDMULL), Ok(Opcode::SQDMULL2), Ok(Opcode::PMULL), Ok(Opcode::PMULL2), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), // u == 1 Ok(Opcode::UADDL), Ok(Opcode::UADDL2), Ok(Opcode::UADDW), Ok(Opcode::UADDW2), Ok(Opcode::USUBL), Ok(Opcode::USUBL2), Ok(Opcode::USUBW), Ok(Opcode::USUBW2), Ok(Opcode::RADDHN), Ok(Opcode::RADDHN2), Ok(Opcode::UABAL), Ok(Opcode::UABAL2), Ok(Opcode::RSUBHN), Ok(Opcode::RSUBHN2), Ok(Opcode::UABDL), Ok(Opcode::UABDL2), Ok(Opcode::UMLAL), Ok(Opcode::UMLAL2), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok(Opcode::UMLSL), Ok(Opcode::UMLSL2), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok(Opcode::UMULL), Ok(Opcode::UMULL2), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), ]; let datasize = if Q == 1 { SIMDSizeCode::Q } else { SIMDSizeCode::D }; let (Ta, Tb) = [ (SIMDSizeCode::H, SIMDSizeCode::B), (SIMDSizeCode::S, SIMDSizeCode::H), (SIMDSizeCode::D, SIMDSizeCode::S), (SIMDSizeCode::Q, SIMDSizeCode::D), ][size as usize]; inst.opcode = OPCODES[((U << 5) | (opcode << 1) | Q) as usize]?; if size == 0b11 && inst.opcode != Opcode::PMULL && inst.opcode != Opcode::PMULL2 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } if opcode == 0b001 || opcode == 0b011 { inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rd as u16, Ta), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rn as u16, Ta), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(datasize, Rm as u16, Tb), Operand::Nothing, ]; } else if opcode == 0b100 || opcode == 0b110 { inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(datasize, Rd as u16, Tb), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rn as u16, Ta), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rm as u16, Ta), Operand::Nothing, ]; } else if opcode == 0b1110 && U == 0 { if size != 0b00 && size != 0b11 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } let ta_size = SIMDSizeCode::Q; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(ta_size, Rd as u16, Ta), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(datasize, Rn as u16, Tb), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(datasize, Rm as u16, Tb), Operand::Nothing, ]; } else { inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rd as u16, Ta), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(datasize, Rn as u16, Tb), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(datasize, Rm as u16, Tb), Operand::Nothing, ]; } } else if op3 & 0b11_00000_11 == 0b00_00000_10 { // op3 == 00xxxx10: // could be either `Advanced SIMD across lanes` or `Advanced SIMD // two-register miscellaneous` or `Cryptographic AES` let opcode = (word >> 12) & 0b1_1111; let size = (word >> 22) & 0b11; let q = (word >> 30) & 1; type OperandSizeTable = [Result<(SIMDSizeCode, SIMDSizeCode, SIMDSizeCode, SIMDSizeCode), DecodeError>; 8]; use armv8::a64::SIMDSizeCode::*; const TABLE_A: &'static OperandSizeTable = &[ Ok((D, B, D, B)), Ok((Q, B, Q, B)), Ok((D, H, D, H)), Ok((Q, H, Q, H)), Ok((D, S, D, S)), Ok((Q, S, Q, S)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand), ]; const TABLE_B: &'static OperandSizeTable = &[ Ok((D, B, D, B)), Ok((Q, B, Q, B)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand), ]; const TABLE_C: &'static OperandSizeTable = &[ Ok((D, H, D, B)), Ok((Q, H, Q, B)), Ok((D, S, D, H)), Ok((Q, S, Q, H)), Ok((D, D, D, S)), Ok((Q, D, Q, S)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand), ]; const TABLE_D: &'static OperandSizeTable = &[ Ok((D, B, D, B)), Ok((Q, H, Q, B)), Ok((D, H, D, H)), Ok((Q, S, Q, H)), Ok((D, S, D, S)), Ok((Q, D, Q, S)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand), Ok((Q, D, Q, D)), ]; const TABLE_E: &'static OperandSizeTable = &[ Ok((D, B, Q, H)), Ok((Q, B, Q, H)), Ok((D, H, Q, S)), Ok((Q, H, Q, S)), Ok((D, S, Q, D)), Ok((Q, S, Q, D)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand), ]; // TODO: double check? const TABLE_F: &'static OperandSizeTable = &[ Ok((D, H, Q, S)), Ok((Q, H, Q, S)), Ok((D, S, Q, D)), Ok((Q, S, Q, D)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand), ]; // TODO: double check? const TABLE_G: &'static OperandSizeTable = &[ Ok((Q, S, D, H)), Ok((Q, S, Q, H)), Ok((Q, D, D, S)), Ok((Q, D, Q, S)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand), ]; // TODO: double check? const TABLE_H: &'static OperandSizeTable = &[ Ok((D, S, D, S)), Ok((Q, S, Q, S)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand), Ok((Q, D, Q, D)), Ok((D, S, D, S)), Ok((Q, S, Q, S)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand), Ok((Q, D, Q, D)), ]; const TABLE_I: &'static OperandSizeTable = &[ Ok((D, S, D, S)), Ok((Q, S, Q, S)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand), Ok((Q, D, Q, D)), Ok((D, S, D, S)), Ok((Q, S, Q, S)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand), Ok((Q, D, Q, D)), ]; const TABLE_J: &'static OperandSizeTable = &[ Ok((Q, H, D, B)), Ok((Q, H, Q, B)), Ok((Q, S, D, H)), Ok((Q, S, Q, H)), Ok((Q, D, D, S)), Ok((Q, D, Q, S)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand), ]; if op2 & 0b0111 == 0b0100 { // `Advanced SIMD two-register miscellaneous` const OPCODES_U0_LOW: &[Result<(Opcode, &'static OperandSizeTable), DecodeError>; 20] = &[ Ok((Opcode::REV64, TABLE_A)), Ok((Opcode::REV16, TABLE_B)), Ok((Opcode::SADDLP, TABLE_C)), Ok((Opcode::SUQADD, TABLE_A)), Ok((Opcode::CLS, TABLE_A)), Ok((Opcode::CNT, TABLE_B)), Ok((Opcode::SADALP, TABLE_C)), Ok((Opcode::SQABS, TABLE_A)), Ok((Opcode::CMGT, TABLE_A)), Ok((Opcode::CMEQ, TABLE_A)), Ok((Opcode::CMLT, TABLE_A)), Ok((Opcode::ABS, TABLE_A)), // 0b01100, all four size=1x Ok((Opcode::FCMGT, TABLE_I)), Ok((Opcode::FCMEQ, TABLE_I)), Ok((Opcode::FCMLT, TABLE_I)), Ok((Opcode::FABS, TABLE_I)), // 0b10000 Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::XTN, TABLE_E)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), // 0b10100 ]; // index by low 3 of opcode | upper bit of size const OPCODES_U0_HIGH: &[Result<(Opcode, &'static OperandSizeTable), DecodeError>] = &[ Ok((Opcode::SQXTN, TABLE_E)), Ok((Opcode::SQXTN, TABLE_E)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::FCVTN, TABLE_F)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::FCVTL, TABLE_G)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::FRINTN, TABLE_H)), Ok((Opcode::FRINTP, TABLE_H)), Ok((Opcode::FRINTM, TABLE_H)), Ok((Opcode::FRINTZ, TABLE_H)), Ok((Opcode::FCVTNS, TABLE_H)), Ok((Opcode::FCVTPS, TABLE_H)), Ok((Opcode::FCVTMS, TABLE_H)), Ok((Opcode::FCVTZS, TABLE_H)), Ok((Opcode::FCVTAS, TABLE_H)), Ok((Opcode::URECPE, TABLE_H)), Ok((Opcode::SCVTF, TABLE_H)), Ok((Opcode::FRECPE, TABLE_H)), Ok((Opcode::FRINT32Z, TABLE_H)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::FRINT64Z, TABLE_H)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), // u == 1, op == 0b00000 ]; // `Advanced SIMD two-register miscellaneous`, U == 1 const OPCODES_U1_LOW: &[Result<(Opcode, &'static OperandSizeTable), DecodeError>; 20] = &[ Ok((Opcode::REV32, TABLE_A)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::UADDLP, TABLE_C)), Ok((Opcode::USQADD, TABLE_A)), Ok((Opcode::CLZ, TABLE_A)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::UADALP, TABLE_C)), Ok((Opcode::SQNEG, TABLE_A)), Ok((Opcode::CMGE, TABLE_A)), Ok((Opcode::CMLE, TABLE_A)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::NEG, TABLE_A)), // 0b01100, all four size=1x Ok((Opcode::FCMGE, TABLE_I)), Ok((Opcode::FCMLE, TABLE_I)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::FNEG, TABLE_I)), // 0b10000 Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::SQXTUN, TABLE_E)), Ok((Opcode::SHLL, TABLE_J)), // 0b10100 ]; // index by low 3 of opcode | upper bit of size const OPCODES_U1_HIGH: &[Result<(Opcode, &'static OperandSizeTable), DecodeError>] = &[ Ok((Opcode::UQXTN, TABLE_E)), Ok((Opcode::UQXTN, TABLE_E)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::FCVTXN, TABLE_F)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::FRINTA, TABLE_H)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::FRINTX, TABLE_H)), Ok((Opcode::FRINTI, TABLE_H)), Ok((Opcode::FCVTNU, TABLE_H)), Ok((Opcode::FCVTPU, TABLE_H)), Ok((Opcode::FCVTMU, TABLE_H)), Ok((Opcode::FCVTZU, TABLE_H)), Ok((Opcode::FCVTAU, TABLE_H)), Ok((Opcode::URSQRTE, TABLE_H)), Ok((Opcode::UCVTF, TABLE_H)), Ok((Opcode::FRSQRTE, TABLE_H)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::FSQRT, TABLE_H)), // u == 1, op == 0b00000 ]; let (opc, (datasize_a, elemsize_a, datasize_b, elemsize_b)) = if opcode == 0b00101 && U == 1{ let vecsize = if q == 0 { SIMDSizeCode::D } else { SIMDSizeCode::Q }; if size == 0b00 { (Opcode::NOT, (vecsize, SIMDSizeCode::B, vecsize, SIMDSizeCode::B)) } else if size == 0b01 { (Opcode::RBIT, (vecsize, SIMDSizeCode::B, vecsize, SIMDSizeCode::B)) } else { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } } else if opcode < 0b10100 { let (opc, table) = if U == 0 { OPCODES_U0_LOW[opcode as usize]? } else { OPCODES_U1_LOW[opcode as usize]? }; (opc, table[((size << 1) | q) as usize]?) } else { let (opc, table) = if U == 0 { OPCODES_U0_HIGH[(((opcode - 0b10100) << 1) | (size >> 1)) as usize]? } else { OPCODES_U1_HIGH[(((opcode - 0b10100) << 1) | (size >> 1)) as usize]? }; (opc, table[((size << 1) | q) as usize]?) }; inst.opcode = opc; if q != 0 { if opc == Opcode::FCVTL { inst.opcode = Opcode::FCVTL2; } else if opc == Opcode::XTN { inst.opcode = Opcode::XTN2; } else if opc == Opcode::SQXTN { inst.opcode = Opcode::SQXTN2; } else if opc == Opcode::SQXTUN { inst.opcode = Opcode::SQXTUN2; } else if opc == Opcode::UQXTN { inst.opcode = Opcode::UQXTN2; } else if opc == Opcode::FCVTN { inst.opcode = Opcode::FCVTN2; } else if opc == Opcode::FCVTXN { inst.opcode = Opcode::FCVTXN2; } } inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(datasize_a, Rd as u16, elemsize_a), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(datasize_b, Rn as u16, elemsize_b), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; if [Opcode::CMGE, Opcode::CMLE, Opcode::CMGT, Opcode::CMEQ, Opcode::CMLT].contains(&inst.opcode) { inst.operands[2] = Operand::Imm64(0); } else if [Opcode::FCMGE, Opcode::FCMLE, Opcode::FCMGT, Opcode::FCMEQ, Opcode::FCMLT].contains(&inst.opcode) { inst.operands[2] = Operand::ImmediateDouble(0.0); } else if inst.opcode == Opcode::SHLL { if q == 1 { inst.opcode = Opcode::SHLL2; } let sz = (word >> 22) & 0b11; if sz == 0b11 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } inst.operands[2] = Operand::Imm64((8 << sz) as u64); } } else if op2 & 0b0111 == 0b0110 { // `Advanced SIMD across lanes` let opcode = (word >> 12) & 0b1_1111; let size = (word >> 22) & 0b11; let u = (word >> 29) & 1 == 1; let q = (word >> 30) & 1 == 1; let opc_bits = opcode; let size_bits = size; let (size, opcode) = if opcode == 0b01100 { let opcode = if size == 0b00 { Opcode::FMAXNMV } else if size >= 0b10 { Opcode::FMINNMV } else { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); }; let size = if !u { SIMDSizeCode::H } else if size & 1 == 0 { if !q { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } SIMDSizeCode::S } else { // `sz=1` encodings are reserved return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); }; (size, opcode) } else if opcode == 0b01111 { let opcode = if size == 0b00 { Opcode::FMAXV } else if size >= 0b10 { Opcode::FMINV } else { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); }; let size = if !u { SIMDSizeCode::H } else if size & 1 == 0 { if !q { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } SIMDSizeCode::S } else { // `sz=1` encodings are reserved return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); }; (size, opcode) } else { let size = if size == 0b00 { SIMDSizeCode::B } else if size == 0b01 { SIMDSizeCode::H } else if size == 0b10 { if !q { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } SIMDSizeCode::S } else { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); }; let opcode = if opcode == 0b00011 { if u { Opcode::UADDLV } else { Opcode::SADDLV } } else if opcode == 0b01010 { if u { Opcode::UMAXV } else { Opcode::SMAXV } } else if opcode == 0b11010 { if u { Opcode::UMINV } else { Opcode::SMINV } } else if opcode == 0b11011 { if u { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } else { Opcode::ADDV } } else { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); }; (size, opcode) }; let scalar_size = if opc_bits == 0b00011 { if size_bits == 0b00 { SIMDSizeCode::H } else if size_bits == 0b01 { SIMDSizeCode::S } else { SIMDSizeCode::D } } else { size }; let vec_size = if !q { SIMDSizeCode::D } else { SIMDSizeCode::Q }; inst.opcode = opcode; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegister(scalar_size, Rd as u16), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(vec_size, Rn as u16, size), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; } else if op2 & 0b0111 == 0b0101 && op0 == 0b0100 { // `Cryptographic AES` let Rd = word & 0b11111; let Rn = (word >> 5) & 0b11111; let opcode = (word >> 12) & 0b11111; let size = (word >> 22) & 0b11; if size != 0b00 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } let opcode = match opcode { 0b00100 => Opcode::AESE, 0b00101 => Opcode::AESD, 0b00110 => Opcode::AESMC, 0b00111 => Opcode::AESIMC, _ => { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } }; inst.opcode = opcode; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rd as u16, SIMDSizeCode::B), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rn as u16, SIMDSizeCode::B), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; } } else { // op3 == 1xxxxx10 or x1xxxx10: both unallocated. return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } } else { // op2 == x0xx if op3 & 0b000100001 == 0b000100001 { // `Advanced SIMD three same extra`` let Rd = (word >> 0) & 0b11111; let Rn = (word >> 5) & 0b11111; let opcode = (word >> 11) & 0b1111; let Rm = (word >> 16) & 0b11111; let sz = (word >> 22) & 0b11; let u = (word >> 29) & 1; let q = (word >> 30) & 1; if opcode == 0b0010 { // sdot/udot inst.opcode = if u == 0 { Opcode::SDOT } else { Opcode::UDOT }; let vec_size = if q == 0 { SIMDSizeCode::D } else { SIMDSizeCode::Q }; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(vec_size, Rd as u16, SIMDSizeCode::S), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(vec_size, Rn as u16, SIMDSizeCode::B), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(vec_size, Rm as u16, SIMDSizeCode::B), Operand::Nothing, ]; } else { if u == 0 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } if opcode & 0b1110 == 0b0000 { // sqrdml{a,s}h inst.opcode = if opcode == 0b0000 { Opcode::SQRDMLAH } else { Opcode::SQRDMLSH }; let vec_size = if q == 0 { SIMDSizeCode::D } else { SIMDSizeCode::Q }; let elem_size = if sz == 0b01 { SIMDSizeCode::H } else if sz == 0b10 { SIMDSizeCode::S } else { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); }; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(vec_size, Rd as u16, elem_size), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(vec_size, Rn as u16, elem_size), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(vec_size, Rm as u16, elem_size), Operand::Nothing, ]; } else if opcode & 0b1100 == 0b1000 { // fcmla let rot = (word >> 11) & 0b11; let vec_size = if q == 0 { SIMDSizeCode::D } else { SIMDSizeCode::Q }; let elem_size = if sz == 0b01 { SIMDSizeCode::H } else if sz == 0b10 { SIMDSizeCode::S } else { if q == 0 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } SIMDSizeCode::D }; inst.opcode = Opcode::FCMLA; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(vec_size, Rd as u16, elem_size), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(vec_size, Rn as u16, elem_size), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(vec_size, Rm as u16, elem_size), Operand::Imm16(90 * (rot as u16)), ]; } else if opcode & 0b1101 == 0b1100 { // fcadd let rot = (word >> 12) & 1; let vec_size = if q == 0 { SIMDSizeCode::D } else { SIMDSizeCode::Q }; let elem_size = if sz == 0b01 { SIMDSizeCode::H } else if sz == 0b10 { SIMDSizeCode::S } else { if q == 0 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } SIMDSizeCode::D }; inst.opcode = Opcode::FCADD; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(vec_size, Rd as u16, elem_size), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(vec_size, Rn as u16, elem_size), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(vec_size, Rm as u16, elem_size), Operand::Imm16(90 + 180 * (rot as u16)), ]; } else { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } } } else if op2 & 0b1100 == 0b1000 && op3 & 0b000110001 == 0b000000001 { // `Advanced SIMD three same (FP16)` let Rd = (word >> 0) & 0b11111; let Rn = (word >> 5) & 0b11111; let opc = (word >> 11) & 0b111; let Rm = (word >> 16) & 0b11111; let a = (word >> 23) & 1; let u = (word >> 29) & 1; let q = (word >> 30) & 1; const OPCODES: &[Result; 32] = &[ Ok(Opcode::FMAXNM), Ok(Opcode::FMLA), Ok(Opcode::FADD), Ok(Opcode::FMULX), Ok(Opcode::FCMEQ), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok(Opcode::FMAX), Ok(Opcode::FRECPS), Ok(Opcode::FMINNM), Ok(Opcode::FMLS), Ok(Opcode::FSUB), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok(Opcode::FMIN), Ok(Opcode::FRSQRTS), Ok(Opcode::FMAXNMP), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok(Opcode::FADDP), Ok(Opcode::FMUL), Ok(Opcode::FCMGE), Ok(Opcode::FACGE), Ok(Opcode::FMAXP), Ok(Opcode::FDIV), Ok(Opcode::FMINNMP), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok(Opcode::FABD), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok(Opcode::FCMGT), Ok(Opcode::FACGT), Ok(Opcode::FMINP), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), ]; let vec_size = if q == 0 { SIMDSizeCode::D } else { SIMDSizeCode::Q }; let uaopc = (u << 4) | (a << 3) | opc; inst.opcode = OPCODES[uaopc as usize]?; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(vec_size, Rd as u16, SIMDSizeCode::H), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(vec_size, Rn as u16, SIMDSizeCode::H), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(vec_size, Rm as u16, SIMDSizeCode::H), Operand::Nothing, ]; } else if op3 & 0b000100001 == 0b000000001 { // `Advanced SIMD copy` let Rd = (word >> 0) & 0b11111; let Rn = (word >> 5) & 0b11111; let imm4 = (word >> 11) & 0b1111; let imm5 = (word >> 16) & 0b11111; let op = (word >> 29) & 1; let Q = (word >> 30) & 1 == 1; if imm5 & 0b01111 == 0b00000 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } if op == 1 { if Q { // INS (element) inst.opcode = Opcode::INS; let (size, index1, index2) = match imm5.trailing_zeros() { 0 => { (SIMDSizeCode::B, imm5 >> 1, imm4) } 1 => { (SIMDSizeCode::H, imm5 >> 2, imm4 >> 1) } 2 => { (SIMDSizeCode::S, imm5 >> 3, imm4 >> 2) } _ => { (SIMDSizeCode::D, imm5 >> 4, imm4 >> 3) } }; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterElementsLane(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rd as u16, size, index1 as u8), Operand::SIMDRegisterElementsLane(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rn as u16, size, index2 as u8), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; } else { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } } else { let vector_size = if Q { SIMDSizeCode::Q } else { SIMDSizeCode::D }; if imm4 == 0b0000 { // DUP (element) inst.opcode = Opcode::DUP; let (size, index) = match imm5.trailing_zeros() { 0 => { (SIMDSizeCode::B, imm5 >> 1) } 1 => { (SIMDSizeCode::H, imm5 >> 2) } 2 => { (SIMDSizeCode::S, imm5 >> 3) } _ => { (SIMDSizeCode::D, imm5 >> 4) } }; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(vector_size, Rd as u16, size), Operand::SIMDRegisterElementsLane(vector_size, Rn as u16, size, index as u8), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; } else if imm4 == 0b0001 { // DUP (general) inst.opcode = Opcode::DUP; let (size, gpr_size) = match imm5.trailing_zeros() { 0 => { (SIMDSizeCode::B, SizeCode::W) } 1 => { (SIMDSizeCode::H, SizeCode::W) } 2 => { (SIMDSizeCode::S, SizeCode::W) } 3 => { if !Q { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } (SIMDSizeCode::D, SizeCode::X) } _ => { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } }; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(vector_size, Rd as u16, size), Operand::Register(gpr_size, Rn as u16), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; } else if imm4 == 0b0101 { // SMOV inst.opcode = Opcode::SMOV; let gpr_size = if Q { SizeCode::X } else { SizeCode::W }; let (size, index) = match imm5.trailing_zeros() { 0 => { (SIMDSizeCode::B, imm5 >> 1) } 1 => { (SIMDSizeCode::H, imm5 >> 2) } 2 => { if !Q { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } (SIMDSizeCode::S, imm5 >> 3) } _ => { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } }; inst.operands = [ Operand::Register(gpr_size, Rd as u16), Operand::SIMDRegisterElementsLane(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rn as u16, size, index as u8), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; } else if imm4 == 0b0111 { // UMOV inst.opcode = Opcode::UMOV; let gpr_size = if Q { SizeCode::X } else { SizeCode::W }; let (size, index) = match imm5.trailing_zeros() { 0 => { if Q { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } (SIMDSizeCode::B, imm5 >> 1) } 1 => { if Q { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } (SIMDSizeCode::H, imm5 >> 2) } 2 => { if Q { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } (SIMDSizeCode::S, imm5 >> 3) } 3 => { if !Q { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } (SIMDSizeCode::D, imm5 >> 4) } _ => { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } }; inst.operands = [ Operand::Register(gpr_size, Rd as u16), Operand::SIMDRegisterElementsLane(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rn as u16, size, index as u8), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; } else if imm4 == 0b0011 { // INS (general) inst.opcode = Opcode::INS; let (size, gpr_size, index) = match imm5.trailing_zeros() { 0 => { (SIMDSizeCode::B, SizeCode::W, imm5 >> 1) } 1 => { (SIMDSizeCode::H, SizeCode::W, imm5 >> 2) } 2 => { (SIMDSizeCode::S, SizeCode::W, imm5 >> 3) } 3 => { (SIMDSizeCode::D, SizeCode::X, imm5 >> 4) } _ => { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } }; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterElementsLane(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rd as u16, size, index as u8), Operand::Register(gpr_size, Rn as u16), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; } else { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } } } else { if op3 & 0b000100001 == 0b000000000 && op0 & 0b1011 == 0b0010 { // `Advanced SIMD extract` let Rd = (word >> 0) & 0b11111; let Rn = (word >> 5) & 0b11111; let imm4 = (word >> 11) & 0b1111; let Rm = (word >> 16) & 0b11111; let op2 = (word >> 22) & 0b11; let Q = (word >> 30) & 1 == 1; if op2 != 00 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } inst.opcode = Opcode::EXT; let (vec_size, index) = if Q { (SIMDSizeCode::Q, imm4) } else { if (imm4 & 0b1000) != 0 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } (SIMDSizeCode::D, imm4) }; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(vec_size, Rd as u16, SIMDSizeCode::B), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(vec_size, Rn as u16, SIMDSizeCode::B), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(vec_size, Rm as u16, SIMDSizeCode::B), Operand::Imm16(index as u16), ]; } else if op3 & 0b000100011 == 0b000000010 && op0 & 0b1011 == 0b0000 { // `Advanced SIMD permute` let Rd = (word >> 0) & 0b11111; let Rn = (word >> 5) & 0b11111; let opcode = (word >> 12) & 0b111; let Rm = (word >> 16) & 0b11111; let size = (word >> 22) & 0b11; let Q = (word >> 30) & 1 == 1; const OPCODES: [Result; 8] = [ Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok(Opcode::UZP1), Ok(Opcode::TRN1), Ok(Opcode::ZIP1), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok(Opcode::UZP2), Ok(Opcode::TRN2), Ok(Opcode::ZIP2), ]; inst.opcode = OPCODES[opcode as usize]?; let vec_size = if Q { SIMDSizeCode::Q } else { SIMDSizeCode::D }; let size = match size { 0b00 => SIMDSizeCode::B, 0b01 => SIMDSizeCode::H, 0b10 => SIMDSizeCode::S, _ => { if !Q { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } SIMDSizeCode::D } }; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(vec_size, Rd as u16, size), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(vec_size, Rn as u16, size), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(vec_size, Rm as u16, size), Operand::Nothing, ]; } else if op3 & 0b000100011 == 0b000000000 && op0 & 0b1011 == 0b0000 { // `Advanced SIMD table lookup` let Rd = (word >> 0) & 0b11111; let Rn = (word >> 5) & 0b11111; let op = (word >> 12) & 0b1; let len = ((word >> 13) & 0b11) as u8; let Rm = (word >> 16) & 0b11111; let op2 = (word >> 22) & 0b11; let Q = (word >> 30) & 1; if op2 != 0b00 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } let vec_size = if Q == 0 { SIMDSizeCode::D } else { SIMDSizeCode::Q }; inst.opcode = if op == 0 { Opcode::TBL } else { Opcode::TBX }; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(vec_size, Rd as u16, SIMDSizeCode::B), Operand::SIMDRegisterGroup(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rn as u16, SIMDSizeCode::B, len + 1), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(vec_size, Rm as u16, SIMDSizeCode::B), Operand::Nothing, ]; } else { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } } } } } else if (op0 & 0b0101) == 0b0001 { // op0 == x0x1 (floating-point ops or unallocated - op1, op2, op3 are // self-contained from here) if op1 & 0b10 == 0b00 { if op2 & 0b0100 == 0b0000 { // op2 = x0xx // `Conversion between floating-point and fixed-point` let sf = word >> 31; let S = (word >> 29) & 1; let ty = (word >> 22) & 0b11; let mode = (word >> 19) & 0b11; let opcode = (word >> 16) & 0b111; let scale = (word >> 10) & 0b11_1111; let Rn = (word >> 5) & 0b1_1111; let Rd = word & 0b1_1111; if S == 1 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } if sf == 0 && scale >= 100000 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } if opcode >= 0b100 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } let size = if sf == 0 { SizeCode::W } else { SizeCode::X }; let precision = if ty == 0b00 { SIMDSizeCode::S } else if ty == 0b01 { SIMDSizeCode::D } else if ty == 0b11 { SIMDSizeCode::H } else { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); }; const OPCODES: &[Result] = &[ // type = 00 // mode = 00, opcode = 00 Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), // mode = 00, opcode = 10 Ok(Opcode::SCVTF), Ok(Opcode::UCVTF), // mode = 11, opcode = 00 Ok(Opcode::FCVTZS), Ok(Opcode::FCVTZU), // mode = 11, opcode = 10 Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), ]; let opc_idx = ((mode & 0b10) << 1) | (opcode & 0b011); inst.opcode = OPCODES[opc_idx as usize]?; if mode == 0b00 { inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegister(precision, Rd as u16), Operand::Register(size, Rn as u16), Operand::Immediate(std::cmp::min(64 - scale, if size == SizeCode::X { 64 } else { 32 })), Operand::Nothing, ]; } else { inst.operands = [ Operand::Register(size, Rd as u16), Operand::SIMDRegister(precision, Rn as u16), Operand::Immediate(std::cmp::min(64 - scale, if size == SizeCode::X { 64 } else { 32 })), Operand::Nothing, ]; } } else if (op3 & 0b000_111111) == 0b000_000000 { // op2 = x1xx, op3 = xxx000000 // `Conversion between floating-point and fixed-point` /* let op3 = (word >> 10) & 0b1_1111_1111; let op2 = (word >> 19) & 0b1111; let op1 = (word >> 23) & 0b11; let op0 = (word >> 28) & 0b1111; */ let sf = word >> 31; let S = (word >> 29) & 1; let ty = (word >> 22) & 0b11; let mode = (word >> 19) & 0b11; let opcode = (word >> 16) & 0b111; let Rn = (word >> 5) & 0b1_1111; let Rd = word & 0b1_1111; if S == 1 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } if mode != 0b00 && opcode >= 0b100 && opcode != 0b110 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } let size = if sf == 0 { SizeCode::W } else { SizeCode::X }; let precision = if ty == 0b00 { SIMDSizeCode::S } else if ty == 0b01 { SIMDSizeCode::D } else if ty == 0b11 { SIMDSizeCode::H } else { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); }; #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)] enum GpSize { Infer, W, X, } #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)] enum FpSize { Infer, H, S, D, Qh, } #[allow(non_camel_case_types)] #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)] enum ConvertOperands { fp_to_gp(FpSize, GpSize), gp_to_fp(GpSize, FpSize), } const OPCODES: &[Result<(Opcode, ConvertOperands), DecodeError>; 32] = &[ Ok((Opcode::FCVTNS, ConvertOperands::fp_to_gp(FpSize::Infer, GpSize::Infer))), Ok((Opcode::FCVTNU, ConvertOperands::fp_to_gp(FpSize::Infer, GpSize::Infer))), Ok((Opcode::SCVTF, ConvertOperands::gp_to_fp(GpSize::Infer, FpSize::Infer))), Ok((Opcode::UCVTF, ConvertOperands::gp_to_fp(GpSize::Infer, FpSize::Infer))), Ok((Opcode::FCVTAS, ConvertOperands::fp_to_gp(FpSize::Infer, GpSize::Infer))), Ok((Opcode::FCVTAU, ConvertOperands::fp_to_gp(FpSize::Infer, GpSize::Infer))), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), // these are handled in the explicit check above Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), // these are handled in the explicit check above Ok((Opcode::FCVTPS, ConvertOperands::fp_to_gp(FpSize::Infer, GpSize::Infer))), Ok((Opcode::FCVTPU, ConvertOperands::fp_to_gp(FpSize::Infer, GpSize::Infer))), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::FCVTMS, ConvertOperands::fp_to_gp(FpSize::Infer, GpSize::Infer))), Ok((Opcode::FCVTMU, ConvertOperands::fp_to_gp(FpSize::Infer, GpSize::Infer))), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::FCVTZS, ConvertOperands::fp_to_gp(FpSize::Infer, GpSize::Infer))), Ok((Opcode::FCVTZU, ConvertOperands::fp_to_gp(FpSize::Infer, GpSize::Infer))), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), ]; let (opcode, operands_size) = if opcode == 0b110 || opcode == 0b111 { match (sf, ty, mode, opcode) { (0, 0b01, 0b11, 0b110) => { (Opcode::FJCVTZS, ConvertOperands::fp_to_gp(FpSize::D, GpSize::W)) } (1, 0b10, 0b01, 0b110) => { (Opcode::FMOV, ConvertOperands::fp_to_gp(FpSize::Qh, GpSize::X)) } (1, 0b10, 0b01, 0b111) => { (Opcode::FMOV, ConvertOperands::gp_to_fp(GpSize::X, FpSize::Qh)) } (1, 0b11, 0b00, 0b111) => { (Opcode::FMOV, ConvertOperands::gp_to_fp(GpSize::X, FpSize::H)) } (1, 0b01, 0b00, 0b110) => { (Opcode::FMOV, ConvertOperands::fp_to_gp(FpSize::D, GpSize::X)) } (1, 0b01, 0b00, 0b111) => { (Opcode::FMOV, ConvertOperands::gp_to_fp(GpSize::X, FpSize::D)) } (0, 0b11, 0b00, 0b110) => { (Opcode::FMOV, ConvertOperands::fp_to_gp(FpSize::H, GpSize::W)) } (0, 0b11, 0b00, 0b111) => { (Opcode::FMOV, ConvertOperands::gp_to_fp(GpSize::W, FpSize::H)) } (0, 0b00, 0b00, 0b110) => { (Opcode::FMOV, ConvertOperands::fp_to_gp(FpSize::S, GpSize::W)) } (0, 0b00, 0b00, 0b111) => { (Opcode::FMOV, ConvertOperands::gp_to_fp(GpSize::W, FpSize::S)) } _ => { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } } } else { OPCODES[((mode << 3) | opcode) as usize]? }; inst.opcode = opcode; match operands_size { ConvertOperands::gp_to_fp(gp_size, fp_size) => { let fp_reg = match fp_size { FpSize::Infer => Operand::SIMDRegister(precision, Rd as u16), FpSize::H => Operand::SIMDRegister(SIMDSizeCode::H, Rd as u16), FpSize::S => Operand::SIMDRegister(SIMDSizeCode::S, Rd as u16), FpSize::D => Operand::SIMDRegister(SIMDSizeCode::D, Rd as u16), FpSize::Qh => Operand::SIMDRegisterElementsLane( SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rd as u16, SIMDSizeCode::D, 1 ), }; let gp_reg = match gp_size { GpSize::Infer => Operand::Register(size, Rn as u16), GpSize::W => Operand::Register(SizeCode::W, Rn as u16), GpSize::X => Operand::Register(SizeCode::X, Rn as u16), }; inst.operands = [ fp_reg, gp_reg, Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; } ConvertOperands::fp_to_gp(fp_size, gp_size) => { let fp_reg = match fp_size { FpSize::Infer => Operand::SIMDRegister(precision, Rn as u16), FpSize::H => Operand::SIMDRegister(SIMDSizeCode::H, Rn as u16), FpSize::S => Operand::SIMDRegister(SIMDSizeCode::S, Rn as u16), FpSize::D => Operand::SIMDRegister(SIMDSizeCode::D, Rn as u16), FpSize::Qh => Operand::SIMDRegisterElementsLane( SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rn as u16, SIMDSizeCode::D, 1 ), }; let gp_reg = match gp_size { GpSize::Infer => Operand::Register(size, Rd as u16), GpSize::W => Operand::Register(SizeCode::W, Rd as u16), GpSize::X => Operand::Register(SizeCode::X, Rd as u16), }; inst.operands = [ gp_reg, fp_reg, Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; } } } else { if (word >> 29) > 0 { // if either `M` or `S` are set.. return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } match op3.trailing_zeros() { 0 => { // op3 = xxxxxxxx1 // `Floating-point conditional compare` or // `Floating-point conditional select` let ty = (word >> 22) & 0b11; let Rm = (word >> 16) & 0b1_1111; let cond = (word >> 12) & 0b1111; let Rn = (word >> 5) & 0b1_1111; let precision = if ty == 0b00 { SIMDSizeCode::S } else if ty == 0b01 { SIMDSizeCode::D } else if ty == 0b11 { SIMDSizeCode::H } else { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); }; if ((word >> 11) & 1) == 0 { // fp compare let nzcv = word & 0b1111; inst.opcode = if (word >> 4) & 1 == 0 { Opcode::FCCMP } else { Opcode::FCCMPE }; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegister(precision, Rn as u16), Operand::SIMDRegister(precision, Rm as u16), Operand::Immediate(nzcv), Operand::ConditionCode(cond as u8), ]; } else { // fp select let Rd = word & 0b1_1111; inst.opcode = Opcode::FCSEL; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegister(precision, Rd as u16), Operand::SIMDRegister(precision, Rn as u16), Operand::SIMDRegister(precision, Rm as u16), Operand::ConditionCode(cond as u8), ]; } } 1 => { // op3 = xxxxxxx10 // `Floating-point data-processing (2 source)` let ty = (word >> 22) & 0b11; let Rm = (word >> 16) & 0b1_1111; let opcode = (word >> 12) & 0b1111; let Rn = (word >> 5) & 0b1_1111; let Rd = word & 0b1_1111; if opcode > 0b1000 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } let precision = if ty == 0b00 { SIMDSizeCode::S } else if ty == 0b01 { SIMDSizeCode::D } else if ty == 0b11 { SIMDSizeCode::H } else { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); }; const OPCODES: &[Opcode] = &[ Opcode::FMUL, Opcode::FDIV, Opcode::FADD, Opcode::FSUB, Opcode::FMAX, Opcode::FMIN, Opcode::FMAXNM, Opcode::FMINNM, Opcode::FNMUL, ]; inst.opcode = OPCODES[opcode as usize]; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegister(precision, Rd as u16), Operand::SIMDRegister(precision, Rn as u16), Operand::SIMDRegister(precision, Rm as u16), Operand::Nothing, ]; } 2 => { // op3 = xxxxxx100 // `Floating-point immediate` let ty = (word >> 22) & 0b11; let imm8 = (word >> 13) & 0b1111_1111; let imm5 = (word >> 5) & 0b1_1111; let Rd = word & 0b1_1111; if imm5 != 0 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } let precision = if ty == 0b00 { SIMDSizeCode::S } else if ty == 0b01 { SIMDSizeCode::D } else if ty == 0b11 { SIMDSizeCode::H } else { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); }; inst.opcode = Opcode::FMOV; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegister(precision, Rd as u16), Operand::ImmediateDouble(docs::VFPExpandImm(imm8 as u8)), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; } 3 => { // op3 = xxxxx1000 // `Floating-point compare` let ty = (word >> 22) & 0b11; let Rm = (word >> 16) & 0b1_1111; let opcode = (word >> 14) & 0b11; let Rn = (word >> 5) & 0b1_1111; let opcode2 = word & 0b1_1111; if (opcode & 0b00_111) != 00_000 { // any of the low three bits in opcode being set means // unallocated return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } let precision = if ty == 0b00 { SIMDSizeCode::S } else if ty == 0b01 { SIMDSizeCode::D } else if ty == 0b11 { SIMDSizeCode::H } else { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); }; inst.opcode = if opcode2 & 0b1_0000 != 0 { Opcode::FCMPE } else { Opcode::FCMP }; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegister(precision, Rn as u16), if opcode2 & 0b01000 != 0 { // and, sugguested, Rm == 0 Operand::ImmediateDouble(0.0) } else { Operand::SIMDRegister(precision, Rm as u16) }, Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; } 4 => { // op3 = xxxx10000 // `Floating-point data-processing (1 source)` let ty = (word >> 22) & 0b11; let opcode = (word >> 15) & 0b111_111; let Rn = (word >> 5) & 0b1_1111; let Rd = word & 0b1_1111; if opcode >= 0b100_000 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } let precision = if ty == 0b00 { SIMDSizeCode::S } else if ty == 0b01 { SIMDSizeCode::D } else if ty == 0b11 { SIMDSizeCode::H } else { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); }; const OPCODES: &[Result] = &[ Ok(Opcode::FMOV), Ok(Opcode::FABS), Ok(Opcode::FNEG), Ok(Opcode::FSQRT), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok(Opcode::FRINTN), Ok(Opcode::FRINTP), Ok(Opcode::FRINTM), Ok(Opcode::FRINTZ), Ok(Opcode::FRINTA), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok(Opcode::FRINTX), Ok(Opcode::FRINTI), Ok(Opcode::FRINT32Z), Ok(Opcode::FRINT32X), Ok(Opcode::FRINT64Z), Ok(Opcode::FRINT64X), ]; if opcode >= 0b000100 && opcode < 0b001000 { // precision-specific opcodes to convert between floating // point precisions let dest_precision_bits = opcode & 0b11; let dest_precision = if dest_precision_bits == 0b00 { SIMDSizeCode::S } else if dest_precision_bits == 0b01 { SIMDSizeCode::D } else if dest_precision_bits == 0b10 { return if precision == SIMDSizeCode::H { inst.opcode = Opcode::BFCVT; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegister(SIMDSizeCode::H, Rd as u16), Operand::SIMDRegister(SIMDSizeCode::S, Rn as u16), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; Ok(()) } else { Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode) }; } else { SIMDSizeCode::H }; if precision == dest_precision { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } inst.opcode = Opcode::FCVT; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegister(dest_precision, Rd as u16), Operand::SIMDRegister(precision, Rn as u16), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; } else { let opc = OPCODES.get(opcode as usize).cloned().unwrap_or(Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode))?; inst.opcode = opc; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegister(precision, Rd as u16), Operand::SIMDRegister(precision, Rn as u16), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; } } 5 => { // op3 = xxx100000 // unallocated return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } _ => { // 6 or more zeroes // op3 = xxx000000 // `Conversion between floating-point and integer` // handled above, so this arm is actually unreachable. } } } } else { // op1 = 1x // `Floating-point data-processing (3 source)` if (word >> 29) > 0 { // if either `M` or `S` are set.. return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } let type_o1_o0 = ((word >> 20) & 0b1110) | ((word >> 15) & 0b0001); const OPCODES: [Result<(Opcode, SIMDSizeCode), DecodeError>; 16] = [ Ok((Opcode::FMADD, SIMDSizeCode::S)), Ok((Opcode::FMSUB, SIMDSizeCode::S)), Ok((Opcode::FNMADD, SIMDSizeCode::S)), Ok((Opcode::FNMSUB, SIMDSizeCode::S)), Ok((Opcode::FMADD, SIMDSizeCode::D)), Ok((Opcode::FMSUB, SIMDSizeCode::D)), Ok((Opcode::FNMADD, SIMDSizeCode::D)), Ok((Opcode::FNMSUB, SIMDSizeCode::D)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::FMADD, SIMDSizeCode::H)), // TODO: half-precision added in ARMv8.2 Ok((Opcode::FMSUB, SIMDSizeCode::H)), Ok((Opcode::FNMADD, SIMDSizeCode::H)), Ok((Opcode::FNMSUB, SIMDSizeCode::H)), ]; let (opcode, precision) = OPCODES[type_o1_o0 as usize]?; let Rd = (word & 0x1f) as u16; let Rn = ((word >> 5) & 0x1f) as u16; let Ra = ((word >> 10) & 0x1f) as u16; let Rm = ((word >> 16) & 0x1f) as u16; inst.opcode = opcode; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegister(precision, Rd), Operand::SIMDRegister(precision, Rn), Operand::SIMDRegister(precision, Rm), Operand::SIMDRegister(precision, Ra), ]; } } else if (op0 & 0b1101) == 0b0101 { // op0 == x1x1 `Advanced SIMD scalar *` if op1 < 0b10 { // op1 == 0x if op2 & 0b0100 == 0b0100 { // op2 == x1xx if op3 & 1 == 1 { // `Advanced SIMD scalar three same` // op3 == xxxxxxxx1 let Rd = word & 0b11111; let Rn = (word >> 5) & 0b11111; let opcode = (word >> 11) & 0b11111; let Rm = (word >> 16) & 0b11111; let size = (word >> 22) & 0b11; let U = (word >> 29) & 1 == 1; let q = (word >> 30) & 1; type OperandSizeTable = [Result<(SIMDSizeCode, SIMDSizeCode, SIMDSizeCode, SIMDSizeCode), DecodeError>; 8]; use armv8::a64::SIMDSizeCode::*; const TABLE_A: &'static OperandSizeTable = &[ Ok((D, B, D, B)), Ok((Q, B, Q, B)), Ok((D, H, D, H)), Ok((Q, H, Q, H)), Ok((D, S, D, S)), Ok((Q, S, Q, S)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand), Ok((Q, D, Q, D)), ]; const TABLE_C: &'static OperandSizeTable = &[ Ok((D, S, D, S)), Ok((Q, S, Q, S)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand), Ok((Q, D, Q, D)), Ok((D, S, D, S)), Ok((Q, S, Q, S)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand), Ok((Q, D, Q, D)), ]; if opcode < 0b11000 { // TODO: validate operands const OPCODES_U0_LOW: &[Result<(Opcode, &'static OperandSizeTable), DecodeError>] = &[ Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::SQADD, TABLE_A)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::SQSUB, TABLE_A)), Ok((Opcode::CMGT, TABLE_A)), Ok((Opcode::CMGE, TABLE_A)), Ok((Opcode::SSHL, TABLE_A)), Ok((Opcode::SQSHL, TABLE_A)), Ok((Opcode::SRSHL, TABLE_A)), Ok((Opcode::SQRSHL, TABLE_A)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::ADD, TABLE_A)), Ok((Opcode::CMTST, TABLE_A)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::SQDMULH, TABLE_A)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), ]; const OPCODES_U1_LOW: &[Result<(Opcode, &'static OperandSizeTable), DecodeError>] = &[ Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::UQADD, TABLE_A)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::UQSUB, TABLE_A)), Ok((Opcode::CMHI, TABLE_A)), Ok((Opcode::CMHS, TABLE_A)), Ok((Opcode::USHL, TABLE_A)), Ok((Opcode::UQSHL, TABLE_A)), Ok((Opcode::URSHL, TABLE_A)), Ok((Opcode::UQRSHL, TABLE_A)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::SUB, TABLE_A)), Ok((Opcode::CMEQ, TABLE_A)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::SQRDMULH, TABLE_A)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), ]; let (opcode, table) = if U { OPCODES_U1_LOW[opcode as usize]? } else { OPCODES_U0_LOW[opcode as usize]? }; let (_va_width, va_elem, _vb_width, vb_elem) = table[((size << 1) | q) as usize]?; inst.opcode = opcode; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegister(va_elem, Rd as u16), Operand::SIMDRegister(vb_elem, Rn as u16), Operand::SIMDRegister(vb_elem, Rm as u16), Operand::Nothing, ] } else { // indexed by ((opcode - 0b11000) << 1) | (size >> 1) const OPCODES_U0_HIGH: &[Result<(Opcode, &'static OperandSizeTable), DecodeError>; 16] = &[ Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::FMULX, TABLE_C)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::FCMEQ, TABLE_C)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), ]; const OPCODES_U1_HIGH: &[Result<(Opcode, &'static OperandSizeTable), DecodeError>; 16] = &[ Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), // 0b11010 Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::FABD, TABLE_C)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), // 0b11100 Ok((Opcode::FCMGE, TABLE_C)), Ok((Opcode::FCMGT, TABLE_C)), Ok((Opcode::FACGE, TABLE_C)), Ok((Opcode::FACGT, TABLE_C)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), ]; let index = ((opcode - 0b11000) << 1) | (size >> 1); let (opcode, table) = if U { OPCODES_U1_HIGH[index as usize]? } else { OPCODES_U0_HIGH[index as usize]? }; let (_va_width, va_elem, _vb_width, vb_elem) = table[(((size & 0b01) << 1) | q) as usize]?; inst.opcode = opcode; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegister(va_elem, Rd as u16), Operand::SIMDRegister(vb_elem, Rn as u16), Operand::SIMDRegister(vb_elem, Rm as u16), Operand::Nothing, ] }; } else { if op3 & 0b10 == 0b00 { // `Advanced SIMD scalar three different` // op3 == xxxxxxx00 let Rd = word & 0b11111; let Rn = (word >> 5) & 0b11111; let opcode = (word >> 12) & 0b1111; let Rm = (word >> 16) & 0b11111; let size = (word >> 22) & 0b11; let U = (word >> 29) & 1 == 1; let Q = (word >> 29) & 1 == 1; if U { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } let (dest_size, src_size) = if size == 0b01 { (SIMDSizeCode::S, SIMDSizeCode::H) } else if size == 0b10 { (SIMDSizeCode::D, SIMDSizeCode::S) } else { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); }; let opcode = if opcode == 0b1001 { if Q { Opcode::SQDMLAL2 } else { Opcode::SQDMLAL } } else if opcode == 0b1011 { if Q { Opcode::SQDMLSL2 } else { Opcode::SQDMLSL } } else if opcode == 0b1101 { if Q { Opcode::SQDMULL2 } else { Opcode::SQDMULL } } else { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); }; inst.opcode = opcode; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegister(dest_size, Rd as u16), Operand::SIMDRegister(src_size, Rn as u16), Operand::SIMDRegister(src_size, Rm as u16), Operand::Nothing, ]; } else { // op3 == xxxxxxx10 if op3 & 0b110000011 != 0b000000010 { // op3 == 1xxxxxx10 or // op3 == x1xxxxx10 // either are unallocated return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } if op2 & 0b0111 == 0b0100 { // `Advanced SIMD scalar two-register miscellaneous` let Rd = word & 0b11111; let Rn = (word >> 5) & 0b11111; let opcode = (word >> 12) & 0b11111; let size = (word >> 22) & 0b11; let U = (word >> 29) & 1; type OperandSizeTable = [Result<(SIMDSizeCode, SIMDSizeCode, SIMDSizeCode, SIMDSizeCode), DecodeError>; 4]; use armv8::a64::SIMDSizeCode::*; const TABLE_A: &'static OperandSizeTable = &[ Ok((Q, B, Q, B)), Ok((Q, H, Q, H)), Ok((Q, S, Q, S)), Ok((Q, D, Q, D)), ]; const TABLE_B: &'static OperandSizeTable = &[ Ok((Q, B, Q, H)), Ok((Q, H, Q, S)), Ok((Q, S, Q, D)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand), ]; const TABLE_C: &'static OperandSizeTable = &[ Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand), Ok((Q, S, Q, D)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand), Ok((Q, S, Q, D)), ]; const TABLE_D: &'static OperandSizeTable = &[ Ok((Q, S, Q, S)), Ok((Q, D, Q, D)), Ok((Q, S, Q, S)), Ok((Q, D, Q, D)), ]; // indexed by `opcode << 2 | size & 0b10 | U` // opcodes for the section `Advanced SIMD scalar // two-register miscellaneous`. const ADV_SIMD_SCALAR_TWO_REG_MISC: &[Result<(Opcode, &'static OperandSizeTable), DecodeError>; 128] = &[ Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), // 0b00011_00 Ok((Opcode::SUQADD, TABLE_A)), // 0b0001100, Ok((Opcode::USQADD, TABLE_A)), // 0b0001101, Ok((Opcode::SUQADD, TABLE_A)), // 0b0001110, Ok((Opcode::USQADD, TABLE_A)), // 0b0001111, // 0b00100_00 Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), // 0b00101_00 Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), // 0b00110_00 Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::SQABS, TABLE_A)), // 0b0011100, Ok((Opcode::SQNEG, TABLE_A)), // 0b0011101, Ok((Opcode::SQABS, TABLE_A)), // 0b0011110, Ok((Opcode::SQNEG, TABLE_A)), // 0b0011111, Ok((Opcode::CMGT, TABLE_D)), // 0b0100000, Ok((Opcode::CMGE, TABLE_D)), // 0b0100001, Ok((Opcode::CMGT, TABLE_D)), // 0b0100010, Ok((Opcode::CMGE, TABLE_D)), // 0b0100011, Ok((Opcode::CMEQ, TABLE_D)), // 0b0100100, Ok((Opcode::CMLE, TABLE_D)), // 0b0100101, Ok((Opcode::CMEQ, TABLE_D)), // 0b0100110, Ok((Opcode::CMLE, TABLE_D)), // 0b0100111, Ok((Opcode::CMLT, TABLE_D)), // 0b0101000, Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::CMLT, TABLE_D)), // 0b0101010, Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::ABS, TABLE_D)), // 0b0101100, Ok((Opcode::NEG, TABLE_D)), // 0b0101101, Ok((Opcode::ABS, TABLE_D)), // 0b0101110, Ok((Opcode::NEG, TABLE_D)), // 0b0101111, // 0b01100_00 Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::FCMGT, TABLE_D)), // 0b0110010, Ok((Opcode::FCMGE, TABLE_D)), // 0b0110011, Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::FCMEQ, TABLE_D)), // 0b0110110, Ok((Opcode::FCMLE, TABLE_D)), // 0b0110111, Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::FCMLT, TABLE_D)), // 0b0111010, Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), // 0b01110_11 Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), // 0b10000_00 Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), // 0b10010_00 Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::SQXTUN, TABLE_B)), // 0b1001001, Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::SQXTUN, TABLE_B)), // 0b1001011, // 0b10011_00 Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), // 0b10100_00 Ok((Opcode::SQXTN, TABLE_B)), // 0b1010000, Ok((Opcode::UQXTN, TABLE_B)), // 0b1010001, Ok((Opcode::SQXTN, TABLE_B)), // 0b1010010, Ok((Opcode::UQXTN, TABLE_B)), // 0b1010011, // 0b10101_00 Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), // 0b10110_00 Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::FCVTXN, TABLE_C)), // 0b1011001, Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), // 0b10111_00 Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), // 0b11000_00 Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), // 0b11010_00 Ok((Opcode::FCVTNS, TABLE_D)), // 0b1101000, Ok((Opcode::FCVTNU, TABLE_D)), // 0b1101001, Ok((Opcode::FCVTPS, TABLE_D)), // 0b1101010, Ok((Opcode::FCVTPU, TABLE_D)), // 0b1101011, Ok((Opcode::FCVTMS, TABLE_D)), // 0b1101100, Ok((Opcode::FCVTMU, TABLE_D)), // 0b1101101, Ok((Opcode::FCVTZS, TABLE_D)), // 0b1101110, Ok((Opcode::FCVTZU, TABLE_D)), // 0b1101111, Ok((Opcode::FCVTAS, TABLE_D)), // 0b1110000, Ok((Opcode::FCVTAU, TABLE_D)), // 0b1110001, Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::SCVTF, TABLE_D)), // 0b1110100, Ok((Opcode::UCVTF, TABLE_D)), // 0b1110101, Ok((Opcode::FRECPE, TABLE_D)), // 0b1110110, Ok((Opcode::FRSQRTE, TABLE_D)), // 0b1110111, // 0b11110_00 Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), // 0b11111_00 Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::FRECPX, TABLE_D)), // 0b1111110, Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), ]; let (opcode, table) = ADV_SIMD_SCALAR_TWO_REG_MISC[((opcode << 2) | (size & 0b10) | U) as usize]?; inst.opcode = opcode; let (_, r1_size, _, r2_size) = table[size as usize]?; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegister(r1_size, Rd as u16), Operand::SIMDRegister(r2_size, Rn as u16), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; if [Opcode::FCMGE, Opcode::FCMLE, Opcode::FCMGT, Opcode::FCMEQ, Opcode::FCMLT].contains(&inst.opcode) { inst.operands[2] = Operand::ImmediateDouble(0.0); } else if [Opcode::CMGE, Opcode::CMLE, Opcode::CMGT, Opcode::CMEQ, Opcode::CMLT].contains(&inst.opcode) { inst.operands[2] = Operand::Immediate(0); } } else if op2 & 0b0111 == 0b110 { // `Advanced SIMD scalar pairwise` let Rd = word & 0b11111; let Rn = (word >> 5) & 0b11111; let opcode = (word >> 12) & 0b11111; let size = (word >> 22) & 0b11; let U = (word >> 29) & 1; let (opcode, vec_size, size) = if opcode == 0b11011 { if U == 0 && size == 0b11 { (Opcode::ADDP, SIMDSizeCode::Q, SIMDSizeCode::D) } else { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } } else { let (vec_size, el_size) = if U == 0 { (SIMDSizeCode::S, SIMDSizeCode::H) } else if size & 0b01 == 0 { (SIMDSizeCode::D, SIMDSizeCode::S) } else { (SIMDSizeCode::Q, SIMDSizeCode::D) }; let opcode = match opcode | ((size & 0b10) << 5) { 0b001100 => Opcode::FMAXNMP, 0b001101 => Opcode::FADDP, 0b001111 => Opcode::FMAXP, 0b101100 => Opcode::FMINNMP, 0b101111 => Opcode::FMINP, _ => { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } }; (opcode, vec_size, el_size) }; inst.opcode = opcode; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegister(size, Rd as u16), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(vec_size, Rn as u16, size), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; } else if op2 == 0b1111 { // `Advanced SIMD scalar two-register miscellaneous FP16` let Rd = word & 0b11111; let Rn = (word >> 5) & 0b11111; let opcode = (word >> 12) & 0b11111; let a = (word >> 23) & 1; let U = (word >> 29) & 1; let index = (opcode << 2) | (U << 1) | a; let res = match index { 0b11010_0_0 => Ok(Opcode::FCVTNS), 0b11011_0_0 => Ok(Opcode::FCVTMS), 0b11100_0_0 => Ok(Opcode::FCVTAS), 0b11101_0_0 => Ok(Opcode::SCVTF), 0b01100_0_1 => Ok(Opcode::FCMGT), 0b01101_0_1 => Ok(Opcode::FCMEQ), 0b01110_0_1 => Ok(Opcode::FCMLT), 0b11010_0_1 => Ok(Opcode::FCVTPS), 0b11011_0_1 => Ok(Opcode::FCVTZS), 0b11101_0_1 => Ok(Opcode::FRECPE), 0b11111_0_1 => Ok(Opcode::FRECPX), 0b11010_1_0 => Ok(Opcode::FCVTNU), 0b11011_1_0 => Ok(Opcode::FCVTMU), 0b11100_1_0 => Ok(Opcode::FCVTAU), 0b11101_1_0 => Ok(Opcode::UCVTF), 0b01100_1_1 => Ok(Opcode::FCMGE), 0b01101_1_1 => Ok(Opcode::FCMLE), 0b11010_1_1 => Ok(Opcode::FCVTPU), 0b11011_1_1 => Ok(Opcode::FCVTZU), 0b11101_1_1 => Ok(Opcode::FRSQRTE), _ => Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode) }; inst.opcode = res?; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegister(SIMDSizeCode::H, Rd as u16), Operand::SIMDRegister(SIMDSizeCode::H, Rn as u16), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; if [Opcode::FCMGE, Opcode::FCMLE, Opcode::FCMGT, Opcode::FCMEQ, Opcode::FCMLT].contains(&inst.opcode) { inst.operands[2] = Operand::ImmediateDouble(0.0); } } else if op2 & 0b0111 == 0b0101 && op0 == 0b0101 { // `Cryptographic two-register SHA` let Rd = word & 0b11111; let Rn = (word >> 5) & 0b11111; let opcode = (word >> 12) & 0b11111; let size = (word >> 22) & 0b11; if size != 0b00 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } let opcode = match opcode { 0b00000 => Opcode::SHA1H, 0b00001 => Opcode::SHA1SU1, 0b00010 => Opcode::SHA256SU0, _ => { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } }; inst.opcode = opcode; if opcode == Opcode::SHA1H { inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegister(SIMDSizeCode::S, Rd as u16), Operand::SIMDRegister(SIMDSizeCode::S, Rn as u16), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; } else { inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rd as u16, SIMDSizeCode::S), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rn as u16, SIMDSizeCode::S), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; } } else { // unallocated return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } } } } else { // op2 == x0xx if op0 == 0b0101 && op2 & 0b0100 == 0b0000 && op3 & 0b000_100_011 == 0b000_000_000 { // `Cryptographic three-register SHA` let Rd = word & 0b11111; let Rn = (word >> 5) & 0b11111; let opcode_bits = (word >> 12) & 0b111; let Rm = (word >> 16) & 0b11111; let size = (word >> 22) & 0b11; if size != 0b00 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } let (opcode, scalars) = &[ Ok((Opcode::SHA1C, true)), Ok((Opcode::SHA1P, true)), Ok((Opcode::SHA1M, true)), Ok((Opcode::SHA1SU0, false)), Ok((Opcode::SHA256H, true)), Ok((Opcode::SHA256H2, true)), Ok((Opcode::SHA256SU1, false)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), ][opcode_bits as usize]?; inst.opcode = *opcode; if *scalars { inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegister(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rd as u16), if opcode_bits < 0b100 { // sha1 second reg is `Sn` Operand::SIMDRegister(SIMDSizeCode::S, Rn as u16) } else { Operand::SIMDRegister(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rn as u16) }, Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rm as u16, SIMDSizeCode::S), Operand::Nothing, ]; } else { inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rd as u16, SIMDSizeCode::S), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rn as u16, SIMDSizeCode::S), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rm as u16, SIMDSizeCode::S), Operand::Nothing, ]; } } else if op0 & 0b1101 == 0b0101 && op2 & 0b1000 == 0b1000 && op3 & 0b000_110_001 == 0b000_000_001 { // op2 == 10xx // `Advanced SIMD scalar three same FP16` let Rd = word & 0b11111; let Rn = (word >> 5) & 0b11111; let opcode = (word >> 11) & 0b111; let Rm = (word >> 16) & 0b11111; let a = (word >> 23) & 1; let U = (word >> 29) & 1; if opcode < 0b011 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } let opcode = opcode - 0b011; let index = (opcode << 2) | (U << 1) | a; inst.opcode = [ // opcode == 0b011 Ok(Opcode::FMULX), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), // opcode == 0b100 Ok(Opcode::FCMEQ), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok(Opcode::FCMGE), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), // opcode == 0b101 Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok(Opcode::FACGE), Ok(Opcode::FACGT), // opcode == 0b110 Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), // opcode == 0b111 Ok(Opcode::FRECPS), Ok(Opcode::FRSQRTS), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), ][index as usize]?; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegister(SIMDSizeCode::H, Rd as u16), Operand::SIMDRegister(SIMDSizeCode::H, Rn as u16), Operand::SIMDRegister(SIMDSizeCode::H, Rm as u16), Operand::Nothing, ]; } else if word & 0b1101_000_11_1100_000100001_0000000000 == 0b0101_000_00_0000_000000001_0000000000 { // check op0, op1, op2, and op3 all at once because i am lazy // op2 == 00xx // `Advanced SIMD scalar copy` let imm4 = (word >> 11) & 0b1111; let op = (word >> 29) & 1; if imm4 == 0b0000 && op == 0 { inst.opcode = Opcode::DUP; let imm5 = (word >> 16) & 0b11111; let Rn = (word >> 5) & 0b11111; let Rd = (word >> 0) & 0b11111; let (size, index) = match imm5.trailing_zeros() { 0 => { (SIMDSizeCode::B, imm5 >> 1) } 1 => { (SIMDSizeCode::H, imm5 >> 2) } 2 => { (SIMDSizeCode::S, imm5 >> 3) } 3 => { (SIMDSizeCode::D, imm5 >> 4) } _ => { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } }; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegister(size, Rd as u16), Operand::SIMDRegisterElementsLane(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rn as u16, size, index as u8), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; } else { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } } else if word & 0b1101_1111_0010_0000_1000_0100_0000_0000 == 0b0101_1110_0000_0000_1000_0100_0000_0000 { // `Advanced SIMD scalar three same extra` let Rd = (word >> 0) & 0b11111; let Rn = (word >> 5) & 0b11111; let Rm = (word >> 16) & 0b11111; let opcode = (word >> 11) & 0b1111; let size = (word >> 22) & 0b11; let u = (word >> 29) & 1; if u == 0 || opcode > 0b0001 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } let size = if size == 0b01 { SIMDSizeCode::H } else if size == 0b10 { SIMDSizeCode::S } else { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); }; inst.opcode = if opcode == 0b0000 { Opcode::SQRDMLAH } else { Opcode::SQRDMLSH }; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegister(size, Rd as u16), Operand::SIMDRegister(size, Rn as u16), Operand::SIMDRegister(size, Rm as u16), Operand::Nothing, ]; } else { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } } } else { // op1 == 1x if op3 & 1 == 0 { // `Advanced SIMD scalar x indexed element` let Rd = (word >> 0) & 0b11111; let Rn = (word >> 5) & 0b11111; let H = (word >> 11) & 1; let opcode = (word >> 12) & 0b1111; let Rm = (word >> 16) & 0b1111; let M = (word >> 20) & 1; let L = (word >> 21) & 1; let size = (word >> 22) & 0b11; let U = (word >> 29) & 1; enum OperandKind { SameSizes, DifferentSizes, } let (opcode, operands_kind) = match (opcode << 1) | U { 0b0001_0 => (Opcode::FMLA, OperandKind::SameSizes), 0b0011_0 => (Opcode::SQDMLAL, OperandKind::DifferentSizes), 0b0101_0 => (Opcode::FMLS, OperandKind::SameSizes), 0b0111_0 => (Opcode::SQDMLSL, OperandKind::DifferentSizes), 0b1001_0 => (Opcode::FMUL, OperandKind::SameSizes), 0b1011_0 => (Opcode::SQDMULL, OperandKind::DifferentSizes), 0b1100_0 => (Opcode::SQDMULH, OperandKind::SameSizes), 0b1101_0 => { (if U == 1 { Opcode::SQRDMLAH } else { Opcode::SQRDMULH }, OperandKind::SameSizes) } 0b1111_0 => (Opcode::SQRDMLSH, OperandKind::DifferentSizes), 0b1001_1 => (Opcode::FMULX, OperandKind::SameSizes), 0b1101_1 => (Opcode::SQRDMLAH, OperandKind::SameSizes), 0b1111_1 => (Opcode::SQRDMLSH, OperandKind::SameSizes), _ => { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } }; inst.opcode = opcode; // by coincidence, the `SameSizes` opcodes here all are invalid for // size=0b01. match operands_kind { OperandKind::SameSizes => { let size = match size { 0b00 => SIMDSizeCode::H, 0b01 => { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } 0b10 => SIMDSizeCode::S, _ => SIMDSizeCode::D, }; let (Rm, index) = match size { SIMDSizeCode::H => { (Rm, (H << 2) | (L << 1) | M) }, SIMDSizeCode::S => { (Rm | (M << 4), (H << 1) | L) } _ => { /* SIMDSizeCode::D */ if L != 0 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } (Rm | (M << 4), H) } }; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegister(size, Rd as u16), Operand::SIMDRegister(size, Rn as u16), Operand::SIMDRegisterElementsLane(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rm as u16, size, index as u8), Operand::Nothing, ]; }, OperandKind::DifferentSizes => { let (dest_size, src_size) = match size { 0b01 => (SIMDSizeCode::S, SIMDSizeCode::H), 0b10 => (SIMDSizeCode::D, SIMDSizeCode::S), _ => { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } }; let (Rm, index) = if size == 0b10 { (Rm | (M << 4), (H << 1) | L) } else { (Rm, (H << 2) | (L << 1) | M) }; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegister(dest_size, Rd as u16), Operand::SIMDRegister(src_size, Rn as u16), Operand::SIMDRegisterElementsLane(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rm as u16, src_size, index as u8), Operand::Nothing, ]; } } } else { if op1 == 0b11 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } // `Advanced SIMD scalar shift by immediate` let Rn = (word >> 5) & 0b11111; let Rd = (word >> 0) & 0b11111; let opcode = (word >> 11) & 0b11111; let immb = (word >> 16) & 0b111; let immh = (word >> 19) & 0b1111; let U = (word >> 29) & 1; let Q = (word >> 30) & 1 == 1; if immh == 0 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } enum OperandsKind { SameSizes, DifferentSizes, } let (opcode, operands_kind) = match (opcode << 1) + U { 0b00000_0 => (Opcode::SSHR, OperandsKind::SameSizes), 0b00010_0 => (Opcode::SSRA, OperandsKind::SameSizes), 0b00100_0 => (Opcode::SRSHR, OperandsKind::SameSizes), 0b00110_0 => (Opcode::SRSRA, OperandsKind::SameSizes), 0b01010_0 => (Opcode::SHL, OperandsKind::SameSizes), 0b01110_0 => (Opcode::SQSHL, OperandsKind::SameSizes), 0b10010_0 => (Opcode::SQSHRN, OperandsKind::DifferentSizes), 0b10011_0 => (Opcode::SQRSHRN, OperandsKind::DifferentSizes), 0b11100_0 => (Opcode::SCVTF, OperandsKind::SameSizes), 0b11111_0 => (Opcode::FCVTZS, OperandsKind::SameSizes), 0b00000_1 => (Opcode::USHR, OperandsKind::SameSizes), 0b00010_1 => (Opcode::USRA, OperandsKind::SameSizes), 0b00100_1 => (Opcode::URSHR, OperandsKind::SameSizes), 0b00110_1 => (Opcode::URSRA, OperandsKind::SameSizes), 0b01000_1 => (Opcode::SRI, OperandsKind::SameSizes), 0b01010_1 => (Opcode::SLI, OperandsKind::SameSizes), 0b01100_1 => (Opcode::SQSHLU, OperandsKind::SameSizes), 0b01110_1 => (Opcode::UQSHL, OperandsKind::SameSizes), 0b10000_1 => (Opcode::SQSHRUN, OperandsKind::DifferentSizes), 0b10001_1 => (Opcode::SQRSHRUN, OperandsKind::DifferentSizes), 0b10010_1 => (Opcode::UQSHRN, OperandsKind::DifferentSizes), 0b10011_1 => (Opcode::UQRSHRN, OperandsKind::DifferentSizes), 0b11100_1 => (Opcode::UCVTF, OperandsKind::SameSizes), 0b11111_1 => (Opcode::FCVTZU, OperandsKind::SameSizes), _ => { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); }, }; let opcode = if Q { if opcode == Opcode::SQSHRN { Opcode::SQSHRN2 } else if opcode == Opcode::SQRSHRN { Opcode::SQRSHRN2 } else if opcode == Opcode::SQSHRUN { Opcode::SQSHRUN2 } else if opcode == Opcode::SQRSHRUN { Opcode::SQRSHRUN2 } else if opcode == Opcode::UQSHRN { Opcode::UQSHRN2 } else if opcode == Opcode::UQRSHRN { Opcode::UQRSHRN2 } else { opcode } } else { opcode }; inst.opcode = opcode; match operands_kind { OperandsKind::SameSizes => { let vec_size = if Q { SIMDSizeCode::Q } else { SIMDSizeCode::D }; let (size, imm) = match immh.leading_zeros() { 3 => { (SIMDSizeCode::B, immb) } 2 => { (SIMDSizeCode::H, ((immh & 0b0001) << 4)| immb) } 1 => { (SIMDSizeCode::S, ((immh & 0b0011) << 4)| immb) } 0 => { // the +q version of this check would be `Advanced SIMD // modified immediate`, checked well before we got // here. so assume q is 0, error. return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } _ => { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } }; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(vec_size, Rd as u16, size), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(vec_size, Rn as u16, size), Operand::Imm16(imm as u16), Operand::Nothing, ]; }, OperandsKind::DifferentSizes => { let (dest_size, src_size, imm) = match immh.leading_zeros() { 3 => { (SIMDSizeCode::B, SIMDSizeCode::H, immb) } 2 => { (SIMDSizeCode::H, SIMDSizeCode::S, ((immh & 0b0001) << 4)| immb) } 1 => { (SIMDSizeCode::S, SIMDSizeCode::D, ((immh & 0b0011) << 4)| immb) } _ => { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } }; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegister(dest_size, Rd as u16), Operand::SIMDRegister(src_size, Rn as u16), Operand::Imm16(imm as u16), Operand::Nothing, ]; } } } } } else if op0 == 0b1100 { let Rd = (word & 0b11111) as u16; let Rn = ((word >> 5) & 0b11111) as u16; if op1 == 0b00 { if op2 & 0b1100 == 0b1000 { // `Cryptographic three-register, imm2` let Rm = ((word >> 16) & 0b11111) as u16; let opcode = (word >> 10) & 0b11; let imm2 = (word >> 12) & 0b11; inst.opcode = [ Opcode::SM3TT1A, Opcode::SM3TT1B, Opcode::SM3TT2A, Opcode::SM3TT2B, ][opcode as usize]; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rd, SIMDSizeCode::S), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rn, SIMDSizeCode::S), Operand::SIMDRegisterElementsLane(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rm, SIMDSizeCode::S, imm2 as u8), Operand::Nothing, ]; } else if op2 & 0b1100 == 0b1100 { // `Cryptographic three-register SHA512` let Rm = ((word >> 16) & 0b11111) as u16; let opcode = (word >> 10) & 0b11; let O = (word >> 14) & 0b1; let Oop = (O << 2) | opcode; match Oop { 0b000 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::SHA512H; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegister(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rd), Operand::SIMDRegister(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rn), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rm, SIMDSizeCode::D), Operand::Nothing, ]; } 0b001 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::SHA512H2; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegister(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rd), Operand::SIMDRegister(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rn), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rm, SIMDSizeCode::D), Operand::Nothing, ]; } 0b010 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::SHA512SU1; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rd, SIMDSizeCode::D), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rn, SIMDSizeCode::D), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rm, SIMDSizeCode::D), Operand::Nothing, ]; } 0b011 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::RAX1; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rd, SIMDSizeCode::D), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rn, SIMDSizeCode::D), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rm, SIMDSizeCode::D), Operand::Nothing, ]; } 0b100 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::SM3PARTW1; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rd, SIMDSizeCode::S), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rn, SIMDSizeCode::S), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rm, SIMDSizeCode::S), Operand::Nothing, ]; } 0b101 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::SM3PARTW2; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rd, SIMDSizeCode::S), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rn, SIMDSizeCode::S), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rm, SIMDSizeCode::S), Operand::Nothing, ]; } 0b110 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::SM4EKEY; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rd, SIMDSizeCode::S), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rn, SIMDSizeCode::S), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rm, SIMDSizeCode::S), Operand::Nothing, ]; } _ => { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } } } else { // `Cryptographic four-register` let Ra = ((word >> 10) & 0b11111) as u16; let Rm = ((word >> 16) & 0b11111) as u16; let Op0 = (word >> 21) & 0b11; if Op0 == 0b00 { inst.opcode = Opcode::EOR3; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rd, SIMDSizeCode::B), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rn, SIMDSizeCode::B), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rm, SIMDSizeCode::B), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Ra, SIMDSizeCode::B), ]; } else if Op0 == 0b01 { inst.opcode = Opcode::BCAX; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rd, SIMDSizeCode::B), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rn, SIMDSizeCode::B), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rm, SIMDSizeCode::B), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Ra, SIMDSizeCode::B), ]; } else if Op0 == 0b10 { inst.opcode = Opcode::SM3SSI; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rd, SIMDSizeCode::S), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rn, SIMDSizeCode::S), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rm, SIMDSizeCode::S), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Ra, SIMDSizeCode::S), ]; } else { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } } } else if op1 == 0b01 { if op2 & 0b1100 == 0b0000 { let imm6 = ((word >> 10) & 0b111111) as u16; let Rm = ((word >> 16) & 0b11111) as u16; inst.opcode = Opcode::XAR; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rd, SIMDSizeCode::D), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rn, SIMDSizeCode::D), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rm, SIMDSizeCode::D), Operand::Imm16(imm6 as u16), ]; // `XAR` } else { // `Cryptographic two-register sha512` let opcode = (word >> 10) & 0b11; if opcode == 0b00 { inst.opcode = Opcode::SHA512SU0; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rd, SIMDSizeCode::D), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rn, SIMDSizeCode::D), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; } else if opcode == 0b01 { inst.opcode = Opcode::SM4E; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rd, SIMDSizeCode::S), Operand::SIMDRegisterElements(SIMDSizeCode::Q, Rn, SIMDSizeCode::S), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; } else { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } } } else { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } } else { // rest of this space is unallocated return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } } Section::Unallocated => { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } Section::DataProcessingReg => { /* * Section C3.5. Data Processing - Register * * instructions here have the form * XXXX101X_XXXXXXXX_XXXXXXXX_XXXXXXXX */ if (word & 0x10000000) != 0 { // These are of the form // XXX1101X_... let group_bits = (word >> 22) & 0x7; match group_bits { 0b000 => { // Add/subtract (with carry) let Rd = (word & 0x1f) as u16; let Rn = ((word >> 5) & 0x1f) as u16; let opc2 = ((word >> 10) & 0x3f) as u16; let Rm = ((word >> 16) & 0x1f) as u16; if opc2 != 0b000000 { if opc2 & 0b011111 == 0b000001 { // `Rotate right into flags` if word & 0xe0_00_00_10 != 0xa0_00_00_00 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } let mask = (word >> 0) & 0xf; let imm6 = (word >> 15) & 0x3f; inst.opcode = Opcode::RMIF; inst.operands = [ Operand::Register(SizeCode::X, Rn), Operand::Imm16(imm6 as u16), Operand::Imm16(mask as u16), Operand::Nothing, ]; return Ok(()); } else if opc2 & 0b001111 == 0b000010 { // `Evaluate into flags` let sz = (word >> 14) & 1; if word & 0b1111_1111_1111_1111_1011_1100_0001_1111 != 0b0011_1010_0000_0000_0000_1000_0000_1101 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } inst.opcode = if sz == 0 { Opcode::SETF8 } else { Opcode::SETF16 }; inst.operands = [ Operand::Register(SizeCode::W, Rn), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; return Ok(()); } else { inst.opcode = Opcode::Invalid; return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } } let size_code = match word >> 29 { 0b000 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::ADC; SizeCode::W } 0b001 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::ADCS; SizeCode::W } 0b010 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::SBC; SizeCode::W } 0b011 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::SBCS; SizeCode::W } 0b100 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::ADC; SizeCode::X } 0b101 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::ADCS; SizeCode::X } 0b110 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::SBC; SizeCode::X } 0b111 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::SBCS; SizeCode::X } _ => { unreachable!("opc and size flag are three bits"); } }; inst.operands = [ Operand::Register(size_code, Rd), Operand::Register(size_code, Rn), Operand::Register(size_code, Rm), Operand::Nothing ]; }, 0b001 => { // Conditional compare (register/immediate) let imm_or_reg = (word >> 11) & 0x01; let o3 = (word >> 4) & 0x01; let o2 = (word >> 10) & 0x01; let S = (word >> 29) & 0x01; let op = (word >> 30) & 0x01; let sf = (word >> 31) & 0x01; if S != 1 || o2 != 0 || o3 != 0 { inst.opcode = Opcode::Invalid; return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } let size = if sf == 1 { SizeCode::X } else { SizeCode::W }; inst.opcode = if op == 1 { Opcode::CCMP } else { Opcode::CCMN }; let Rn = ((word >> 5) & 0x1f) as u16; let Rm = ((word >> 16) & 0x1f) as u16; let cond = ((word >> 12) & 0x0f) as u8; let nzcv = (word & 0x0f) as u8; inst.operands = [ Operand::Register(size, Rn), if imm_or_reg == 1 { Operand::Immediate(Rm as u32) } else { Operand::Register(size, Rm) }, Operand::Immediate(nzcv as u32), Operand::ConditionCode(cond), ] }, 0b010 => { // Conditional select let op2 = (word >> 10) & 0x03; let sf_op = (word >> 28) & 0x0c; if word & 0x20000000 != 0 { inst.opcode = Opcode::Invalid; return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } let size = match sf_op | op2 { 0b0000 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::CSEL; SizeCode::W }, 0b0001 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::CSINC; SizeCode::W }, 0b0100 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::CSINV; SizeCode::W }, 0b0101 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::CSNEG; SizeCode::W }, 0b1000 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::CSEL; SizeCode::X }, 0b1001 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::CSINC; SizeCode::X }, 0b1100 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::CSINV; SizeCode::X }, 0b1101 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::CSNEG; SizeCode::X }, 0b0010 | 0b0011 | 0b0110 | 0b0111 | 0b1010 | 0b1011 | 0b1110 | 0b1111 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::Invalid; return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); }, _ => { unreachable!("sf, op, op2 are four bits total"); } }; let Rd = (word & 0x1f) as u16; let Rn = ((word >> 5) & 0x1f) as u16; let Rm = ((word >> 16) & 0x1f) as u16; let cond = ((word >> 12) & 0x0f) as u8; inst.operands = [ Operand::Register(size, Rd), Operand::Register(size, Rn), Operand::Register(size, Rm), Operand::ConditionCode(cond) ]; }, 0b011 => { // Data processing (1 source, 2 source) if ((word >> 30) & 1) == 0 { // X0X11010_110XXXXX_XXXXXXXX_XXXXXXXX // Data-processing (2 source) let sf = ((word >> 31) & 0x01) as u8; let S = ((word >> 29) & 0x01) as u8; let Rd = (word & 0x1f) as u16; let Rn = ((word >> 5) & 0x1f) as u16; let opcode = ((word >> 10) & 0x3f) as u8; let Rm = ((word >> 16) & 0x1f) as u16; if S == 1 { // unallocated return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } let combined_idx = (opcode << 1) | sf; const OPCODES: &[Result<(Opcode, SizeCode), DecodeError>] = &[ Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), // opcode = 0b00_0010 Ok((Opcode::UDIV, SizeCode::W)), Ok((Opcode::UDIV, SizeCode::X)), // opcode = 0b00_0011 Ok((Opcode::SDIV, SizeCode::W)), Ok((Opcode::SDIV, SizeCode::X)), // opcode = 0b00_01xx Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), // opcode = 0b00_1000 Ok((Opcode::LSLV, SizeCode::W)), Ok((Opcode::LSLV, SizeCode::X)), Ok((Opcode::LSRV, SizeCode::W)), Ok((Opcode::LSRV, SizeCode::X)), // opcode = 0b00_1010 Ok((Opcode::ASRV, SizeCode::W)), Ok((Opcode::ASRV, SizeCode::X)), // opcode = 0b00_1011 Ok((Opcode::RORV, SizeCode::W)), Ok((Opcode::RORV, SizeCode::X)), // opcode = 0b00_11xx Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), // opcode = 0b01_0000 Ok((Opcode::CRC32B, SizeCode::W)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), // opcode = 0b01_0001 Ok((Opcode::CRC32H, SizeCode::W)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), // opcode = 0b01_0010 Ok((Opcode::CRC32W, SizeCode::W)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), // opcode = 0b01_0011 Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::CRC32X, SizeCode::X)), // opcode = 0b01_0100 Ok((Opcode::CRC32CB, SizeCode::W)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), // opcode = 0b01_0101 Ok((Opcode::CRC32CH, SizeCode::W)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), // opcode = 0b01_0110 Ok((Opcode::CRC32CW, SizeCode::W)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), // opcode = 0b01_0111 Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::CRC32CX, SizeCode::X)), ]; let (opcode, size) = OPCODES.get(combined_idx as usize).cloned().unwrap_or(Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode))?; inst.opcode = opcode; inst.operands = [ // `crc32` instructions always have w-reg dest/source1 operands if combined_idx > 0b01_0000_0 { Operand::Register(SizeCode::W, Rd) } else { Operand::Register(SizeCode::X, Rd) }, if combined_idx > 0b01_0000_0 { Operand::Register(SizeCode::W, Rn) } else { Operand::Register(SizeCode::X, Rn) }, Operand::Register(size, Rm), Operand::Nothing, ]; } else { // X1X11010_110XXXXX_XXXXXXXX_XXXXXXXX // Data-processing (1 source) let sf = ((word >> 31) & 0x01) as u8; let S = ((word >> 29) & 0x01) as u8; let Rd = (word & 0x1f) as u16; let Rn = ((word >> 5) & 0x1f) as u16; let opcode = ((word >> 10) & 0x3f) as u8; let opcode2 = ((word >> 16) & 0x1f) as u8; // So ARMv8 ARM only says that 0b00000 has well-defined // instructions // however, PAC (added in v8.3) says otherwise. match opcode2 { 0b00000 => { if S != 0 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } let (opcode, size) = match (opcode << 1) | sf { 0b000000_0 => (Opcode::RBIT, SizeCode::W), 0b000000_1 => (Opcode::RBIT, SizeCode::X), 0b000001_0 => (Opcode::REV16, SizeCode::W), 0b000001_1 => (Opcode::REV16, SizeCode::X), 0b000010_0 => (Opcode::REV, SizeCode::W), 0b000010_1 => (Opcode::REV32, SizeCode::X), 0b000011_0 => (Opcode::Invalid, SizeCode::W), 0b000011_1 => (Opcode::REV, SizeCode::X), 0b000100_0 => (Opcode::CLZ, SizeCode::W), 0b000100_1 => (Opcode::CLZ, SizeCode::X), 0b000101_0 => (Opcode::CLS, SizeCode::W), 0b000101_1 => (Opcode::CLS, SizeCode::X), _ => (Opcode::Invalid, SizeCode::W), }; inst.opcode = opcode; inst.operands = [ Operand::Register(size, Rd), Operand::Register(size, Rn), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; if opcode == Opcode::Invalid { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } } 0b00001 => { if S != 0 || sf != 1 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } match opcode { 0b000000 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::PACIA; inst.operands = [ Operand::Register(SizeCode::X, Rd), Operand::RegisterOrSP(SizeCode::X, Rn), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; } 0b001000 => { if Rn != 31 { // technically this is undefined - do some // cores do something with this? inst.opcode = Opcode::Invalid; return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } inst.opcode = Opcode::PACIZA; inst.operands = [ Operand::Register(SizeCode::X, Rd), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; } _ => { inst.opcode = Opcode::Invalid; } } } _ => { // Data-processing (1 source), op2 > 0b00001 is (currently // as of v8.3) undefined. return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } } } }, _ => { // Data processing (3 source) let op0 = ((word >> 15) & 0x01) as u8; let op31 = ((word >> 21) & 0x07) as u8; let op54 = ((word >> 29) & 0x03) as u8; let op = op0 | (op31 << 1) | (op54 << 4); let sf = ((word >> 31) & 0x01) as u8; let Rd = ((word >> 0) & 0x1f) as u16; let Rn = ((word >> 5) & 0x1f) as u16; let Ra = ((word >> 10) & 0x1f) as u16; let Rm = ((word >> 16) & 0x1f) as u16; const DATA_PROCESSING_3_SOURCE: &[Result<(Opcode, SizeCode, SizeCode), DecodeError>] = &[ Ok((Opcode::MADD, SizeCode::W, SizeCode::W)), Ok((Opcode::MADD, SizeCode::X, SizeCode::X)), Ok((Opcode::MSUB, SizeCode::W, SizeCode::W)), Ok((Opcode::MSUB, SizeCode::X, SizeCode::X)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::SMADDL, SizeCode::W, SizeCode::X)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::SMSUBL, SizeCode::W, SizeCode::X)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::SMULH, SizeCode::X, SizeCode::X)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::UMADDL, SizeCode::W, SizeCode::X)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::UMSUBL, SizeCode::W, SizeCode::X)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::UMULH, SizeCode::X, SizeCode::X)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), ]; let compound_idx = (op << 1) | sf; let (opcode, source_size, dest_size) = DATA_PROCESSING_3_SOURCE.get(compound_idx as usize) .map(std::borrow::ToOwned::to_owned) .unwrap_or(Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode))?; inst.opcode = opcode; inst.operands = [ Operand::Register(dest_size, Rd), Operand::Register(source_size, Rn), Operand::Register(source_size, Rm), if opcode == Opcode::SMULH { Operand::Nothing } else { // in practice these match up with the corresponding operand. Operand::Register(dest_size, Ra) }, ]; if opcode == Opcode::UMULH { inst.operands[3] = Operand::Nothing; } } } } else { // These are of the form // XXX0101X_... // so bits 21 and 24 fully distinguish categories here... // but bit 21 distinguishes between add/sub shifted/extended, which // we can deal with later. so use bit 24 to figure out the instruction // class, first. if (word & 0x01000000) == 0 { // Logical (shifted register) // XXX01010X_... let sf = (word >> 31) == 1; let size = if sf { SizeCode::X } else { SizeCode::W }; let opc = (word >> 28) & 6; let n = (word >> 21) & 1; inst.opcode = [ Opcode::AND, Opcode::BIC, Opcode::ORR, Opcode::ORN, Opcode::EOR, Opcode::EON, Opcode::ANDS, Opcode::BICS, ][(opc | n) as usize]; let shift = ((word >> 22) & 3) as u8; let Rd = (word & 0x1f) as u16; let Rn = ((word >> 5) & 0x1f) as u16; let imm6 = ((word >> 10) & 0x3f) as u8; let Rm = ((word >> 16) & 0x1f) as u16; inst.operands[0] = Operand::Register(size, Rd); inst.operands[1] = Operand::Register(size, Rn); inst.operands[2] = Operand::RegShift(docs::DecodeShift(shift), imm6, size, Rm); } else { // Add/subtract ({shifted,extended} register) // XXX11011X_... // specific instruction is picked by the first two bits.. inst.opcode = [ Opcode::ADD, Opcode::ADDS, Opcode::SUB, Opcode::SUBS ][((word >> 29) as usize) & 0x03]; let sf = (word >> 31) == 1; let size = if sf { SizeCode::X } else { SizeCode::W }; // and operands are contingent on bit 21 if (word & 0x20_0000) != 0 { // extended form // opt (bits 22, 23) must be 0 if (word >> 22) & 0x03 != 0 { inst.opcode = Opcode::Invalid; return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } let Rd = (word & 0x1f) as u16; let Rn = ((word >> 5) & 0x1f) as u16; let imm3 = (word >> 10) & 0x07; let option = (word >> 13) & 0x07; let Rm = ((word >> 16) & 0x1f) as u16; // for `extended register` instructions, sometimes the dest is Rd, // sometimes it's . this depends on if the instruction sets // status flags. inst.operands = [ if (word >> 29 & 1) == 0 { Operand::RegisterOrSP(size, Rd) } else { Operand::Register(size, Rd) }, Operand::RegisterOrSP(size, Rn), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; let shift_size = match option { 0b011 | 0b111 => { if size == SizeCode::X { SizeCode::X } else { SizeCode::W } } _ => { SizeCode::W } }; const SHIFT_TYPES: &[ShiftStyle] = &[ ShiftStyle::UXTB, ShiftStyle::UXTH, ShiftStyle::UXTW, ShiftStyle::UXTX, ShiftStyle::SXTB, ShiftStyle::SXTH, ShiftStyle::SXTW, ShiftStyle::SXTX, ]; let shift_type = { let ty = SHIFT_TYPES[option as usize]; if ty == ShiftStyle::UXTW && shift_size == SizeCode::W { ShiftStyle::LSL } else if ty == ShiftStyle::UXTX && shift_size == SizeCode::X { ShiftStyle::LSL } else { ty } }; let shift = imm3 as u8; inst.operands[2] = Operand::RegShift(shift_type, shift, shift_size, Rm); } else { // shifted form let shift = (word >> 22) & 0x03; if shift == 0b11 { inst.opcode = Opcode::Invalid; return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } let Rd = (word & 0x1f) as u16; let Rn = ((word >> 5) & 0x1f) as u16; let imm6 = ((word >> 10) & 0x3f) as u8; let Rm = ((word >> 16) & 0x1f) as u16; if size == SizeCode::W && imm6 >= 32 { inst.opcode = Opcode::Invalid; return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } inst.operands[0] = Operand::Register(size, Rd); inst.operands[1] = Operand::Register(size, Rn); inst.operands[2] = match shift { 0b00 => Operand::RegShift(ShiftStyle::LSL, imm6, size, Rm), 0b01 => Operand::RegShift(ShiftStyle::LSR, imm6, size, Rm), 0b10 => Operand::RegShift(ShiftStyle::ASR, imm6, size, Rm), _ => { unreachable!("shift is two bits and 0b11 has early test"); }, }; } } } }, Section::DataProcessingImmediate => { /* * Section C3.4, Data processing - immediate * This collects bits 23:25, which are the only ones that vary in this category */ let group_bits = (word >> 23) & 0x7; match group_bits { 0b000 | 0b001 => { // PC-rel addressing if word >= 0x80000000 { inst.opcode = Opcode::ADRP; let offset = (((word >> 3) & 0x1ffffc) | ((word >> 29) & 0x3)) as i32; let extended_offset = (offset << 11) >> 11; inst.operands = [ Operand::Register(SizeCode::X, (word & 0x1f) as u16), Operand::Offset((extended_offset as i64) << 12), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing ]; } else { inst.opcode = Opcode::ADR; let offset = (((word >> 3) & 0x1ffffc) | ((word >> 29) & 0x3)) as i32; let extended_offset = (offset << 11) >> 11; inst.operands = [ Operand::Register(SizeCode::X, (word & 0x1f) as u16), Operand::Offset(extended_offset as i64), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing ]; }; } 0b010 | 0b011 => { // add/sub imm let Rd = word & 0x1f; let Rn = (word >> 5) & 0x1f; let imm12 = (word >> 10) & 0xfff; let shift = (word >> 22) & 0x3; let size = match word >> 29 { 0b000 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::ADD; SizeCode::W }, 0b001 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::ADDS; SizeCode::W }, 0b010 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::SUB; SizeCode::W }, 0b011 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::SUBS; SizeCode::W }, 0b100 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::ADD; SizeCode::X }, 0b101 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::ADDS; SizeCode::X }, 0b110 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::SUB; SizeCode::X }, 0b111 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::SUBS; SizeCode::X }, _ => { unreachable!("size and opc are three bits"); } }; if inst.opcode == Opcode::ADD || inst.opcode == Opcode::SUB { inst.operands[0] = Operand::RegisterOrSP(size, Rd as u16); } else { inst.operands[0] = Operand::Register(size, Rd as u16); } inst.operands[1] = Operand::RegisterOrSP(size, Rn as u16); inst.operands[2] = match shift { 0b00 => { Operand::Immediate(imm12 as u32) }, 0b01 => { Operand::ImmShift(imm12 as u16, 12) }, 0b10 | 0b11 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::Invalid; return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } _ => { unreachable!("shift is two bits"); } }; inst.operands[3] = Operand::Nothing; } 0b100 => { // logical (imm) let Rd = (word & 0x1f) as u16; let Rn = ((word >> 5) & 0x1f) as u16; let imms = (word >> 10) & 0x3f; let immr = (word >> 16) & 0x3f; let N = (word >> 22) & 1; let size = match word >> 29 { 0b000 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::AND; SizeCode::W } 0b001 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::ORR; SizeCode::W } 0b010 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::EOR; SizeCode::W } 0b011 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::ANDS; SizeCode::W } 0b100 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::AND; SizeCode::X } 0b101 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::ORR; SizeCode::X } 0b110 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::EOR; SizeCode::X } 0b111 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::ANDS; SizeCode::X } _ => { unreachable!("size and opc are three bits"); } }; inst.operands = [ if (word >> 29 & 0b11) == 0b11 { Operand::Register(size, Rd) } else { Operand::RegisterOrSP(size, Rd) }, Operand::Register(size, Rn), match size { SizeCode::W => Operand::Immediate(docs::DecodeBitMasks_32(N as u8, imms as u8, immr as u8)?.0), SizeCode::X => Operand::Imm64(docs::DecodeBitMasks_64(N as u8, imms as u8, immr as u8)?.0) }, Operand::Nothing ]; }, 0b101 => { // move wide (imm) let Rd = word & 0x1f; let imm16 = (word >> 5) & 0xffff; let hw = (word >> 21) & 0x3; let size = match word >> 29 { 0b000 => { if hw >= 0x10 { inst.opcode = Opcode::Invalid; } else { inst.opcode = Opcode::MOVN; } SizeCode::W }, 0b001 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::Invalid; SizeCode::W } 0b010 => { if hw >= 0x10 { inst.opcode = Opcode::Invalid; } else { inst.opcode = Opcode::MOVZ; } SizeCode::W }, 0b011 => { if hw >= 0x10 { inst.opcode = Opcode::Invalid; } else { inst.opcode = Opcode::MOVK; } SizeCode::W }, 0b100 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::MOVN; SizeCode::X }, 0b101 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::Invalid; SizeCode::X } 0b110 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::MOVZ; SizeCode::X }, 0b111 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::MOVK; SizeCode::X }, _ => { unreachable!("size and opc are three bits"); } }; inst.operands = [ Operand::Register(size, Rd as u16), Operand::ImmShift(imm16 as u16, hw as u8 * 16), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing ]; }, 0b110 => { // bitfield let Rd = word & 0x1f; let Rn = (word >> 5) & 0x1f; let imms = (word >> 10) & 0x3f; let immr = (word >> 16) & 0x3f; let N = (word >> 22) & 0x1; let opc = word >> 29 & 0b11; let sf = word >> 31 & 1; let opc = &[ Ok(Opcode::SBFM), Ok(Opcode::BFM), Ok(Opcode::UBFM), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode) ][opc as usize]?; inst.opcode = *opc; let size = if sf == 0 { SizeCode::W } else { SizeCode::X }; if sf != N { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } if sf == 0 && (immr >= 32 || imms >= 32) { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } inst.operands = [ Operand::Register(size, Rd as u16), Operand::Register(size, Rn as u16), Operand::Immediate(immr as u32), Operand::Immediate(imms as u32) ]; }, 0b111 => { // extract // let Rd = word & 0x1f; // let Rn = (word >> 5) & 0x1f; let imms = (word >> 10) & 0x3f; // let Rm = (word >> 16) & 0x1f; let No0 = (word >> 21) & 0x3; let sf_op21 = word >> 29; let size = if sf_op21 == 0b000 { if No0 != 0b00 || imms >= 0x20 { inst.opcode = Opcode::Invalid; return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } else { inst.opcode = Opcode::EXTR; SizeCode::W } } else if sf_op21 == 0b100 { if No0 != 0b10 { inst.opcode = Opcode::Invalid; return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } else { inst.opcode = Opcode::EXTR; SizeCode::X } } else { inst.opcode = Opcode::Invalid; return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); }; let Rd = (word & 0x1f) as u16; let Rn = ((word >> 5) & 0x1f) as u16; let Rm = ((word >> 16) & 0x1f) as u16; inst.operands = [ Operand::Register(size, Rd), Operand::Register(size, Rn), Operand::Register(size, Rm), Operand::Immediate(imms), ]; } _ => { unreachable!("group is three bits") } } }, Section::LoadStore => { /* * This corresponds to section C3.3, Loads and stores. * Specifically, instructions in this category are all of the form * * v _ G G 1 G 0 G G _ v v v v v v _ _ _ _ v v __________ * * where G+v variants indicate which instruction class the word is in. * * however! the G bits are sufficient to distinguish most class of instruction. */ let group_byte = word >> 23; let group_bits = (group_byte & 0x03) | ((group_byte >> 1) & 0x04) | ((group_byte >> 2) & 0x18); // println!("Group byte: {:#b}, bits: {:#b}", group_byte, group_bits); match group_bits { 0b00000 => { let Rt = (word & 0x1f) as u16; let Rn = ((word >> 5) & 0x1f) as u16; let Rt2 = ((word >> 10) & 0x1f) as u16; let o0 = (word & 0x8000) >> 15; let Rs = ((word >> 16) & 0x1f) as u16; let Lo1 = (word & 0x600000) >> 21; let size = (word >> 30) & 0x3; // load/store exclusive // o2 == 0 if Lo1 & 1 == 1 && size < 0b10 { // o1 == 1 if Rt2 != 0b11111 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } let ar = ((Lo1 & 0b10) | o0) as u8; let size_code = if size & 0b01 == 0 { SizeCode::W } else { SizeCode::X }; if Rt & 1 != 0 || Rs & 1 != 0 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } inst.opcode = Opcode::CASP(ar); inst.operands = [ Operand::RegisterPair(size_code, Rs), Operand::RegisterPair(size_code, Rt), Operand::RegOffset(Rn, 0), Operand::Nothing, ]; return Ok(()); } inst.opcode = match size { size @ 0b00 | size @ 0b01 => { if Lo1 == 0b00 { // store ops inst.operands = [ Operand::Register(SizeCode::W, Rs), Operand::Register(SizeCode::W, Rt), Operand::RegOffset(Rn, 0), Operand::Nothing, ]; } else if Lo1 == 0b10 { // load ops inst.operands = [ Operand::Register(SizeCode::W, Rt), Operand::RegOffset(Rn, 0), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; } else { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); }; if size == 0b00 { match (Lo1, o0) { (0b00, 0b0) => Opcode::STXRB, (0b00, 0b1) => Opcode::STLXRB, (0b10, 0b0) => Opcode::LDXRB, (0b10, 0b1) => Opcode::LDAXRB, _ => { inst.opcode = Opcode::Invalid; return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } } } else if size == 0b01 { match (Lo1, o0) { (0b00, 0b0) => Opcode::STXRH, (0b00, 0b1) => Opcode::STLXRH, (0b10, 0b0) => Opcode::LDXRH, (0b10, 0b1) => Opcode::LDAXRH, _ => { inst.opcode = Opcode::Invalid; return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } } } else { unreachable!("size was checked to be 0 or 1"); } } size @ 0b10 | size @ 0b11 => { let size_code = match size { 0b10 => SizeCode::W, 0b11 => SizeCode::X, _ => { unreachable!("size is already known to be 0b10 or 0b11"); } }; match Lo1 { 0b00 => { inst.operands = [ Operand::Register(SizeCode::W, Rs), Operand::Register(size_code, Rt), Operand::RegOffset(Rn, 0), Operand::Nothing, ]; match o0 { 0b0 => Opcode::STXR, 0b1 => Opcode::STLXR, _ => { unreachable!("o0 is one bit"); } } } 0b01 => { inst.operands = [ Operand::Register(SizeCode::W, Rs), Operand::Register(size_code, Rt), Operand::Register(size_code, Rt2), Operand::RegOffset(Rn, 0), ]; match o0 { 0b0 => Opcode::STXP, 0b1 => Opcode::STLXP, _ => { unreachable!("o0 is one bit"); } } } 0b10 => { inst.operands = [ Operand::Register(size_code, Rt), Operand::RegOffset(Rn, 0), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; match o0 { 0b0 => Opcode::LDXR, 0b1 => Opcode::LDAXR, _ => { unreachable!("o0 is one bit"); } } } 0b11 => { inst.operands = [ Operand::Register(size_code, Rt), Operand::Register(size_code, Rt2), Operand::RegOffset(Rn, 0), Operand::Nothing, ]; match o0 { 0b0 => Opcode::LDXP, 0b1 => Opcode::LDAXP, _ => { unreachable!("o0 is one bit"); } } } _ => { unreachable!("Lo1 is two bits"); } } } _ => { unreachable!("size is two bits"); } }; }, 0b00001 => { let Rt = (word & 0x1f) as u16; let Rn = ((word >> 5) & 0x1f) as u16; let Rt2 = ((word >> 10) & 0x1f) as u16; let o0 = (word >> 15) & 1; let Rs = ((word >> 16) & 0x1f) as u16; let Lo1 = (word >> 21) & 0x3; let size = (word >> 30) & 0x3; // load/store exclusive // o2 == 1 if Lo1 & 1 == 1 && size < 0b10 { // o1 == 1 if Rt2 != 0b11111 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } let ar = ((Lo1 & 0b10) | o0) as u8; let (opcode, size_code) = if size == 0b00 { (Opcode::CASB(ar), SizeCode::W) } else if size == 0b01 { (Opcode::CASH(ar), SizeCode::W) } else if size == 0b10 { (Opcode::CAS(ar), SizeCode::W) } else { (Opcode::CAS(ar), SizeCode::X) }; inst.opcode = opcode; inst.operands = [ Operand::Register(size_code, Rs), Operand::Register(size_code, Rt), Operand::RegOffset(Rn, 0), Operand::Nothing, ]; return Ok(()); } // STLRB -> Wt (Rt) Xn|SP (Rn) // LDARB -> Wt (Rt) Xn|SP (Rn) // STLRH -> Wt (Rt) Xn|SP (Rn) // LDARH -> Wt (Rt) Xn|SP (Rn) // STLR -> Wt (Rt) Xn|SP (Rn) // LDAR -> Wt (Rt) Xn|SP (Rn) // STLR -> Wt (Rt) Xn|SP (Rn) // LDAR -> Wt (Rt) Xn|SP (Rn) inst.opcode = match (size, Lo1, o0) { (0b00, 0b00, 0b0) => Opcode::STLLRB, (0b00, 0b00, 0b1) => Opcode::STLRB, (0b00, 0b10, 0b0) => Opcode::LDLARB, (0b00, 0b10, 0b1) => Opcode::LDARB, (0b01, 0b00, 0b0) => Opcode::STLLRH, (0b01, 0b00, 0b1) => Opcode::STLRH, (0b01, 0b10, 0b0) => Opcode::LDLARH, (0b01, 0b10, 0b1) => Opcode::LDARH, (0b10, 0b00, 0b0) => Opcode::STLLR, // 32-bit (0b10, 0b00, 0b1) => Opcode::STLR, // 32-bit (0b10, 0b10, 0b0) => Opcode::LDLAR, // 32-bit (0b10, 0b10, 0b1) => Opcode::LDAR, // 32-bit (0b11, 0b00, 0b0) => Opcode::STLLR, // 64-bit (0b11, 0b00, 0b1) => Opcode::STLR, // 64-bit (0b11, 0b10, 0b0) => Opcode::LDLAR, // 64-bit (0b11, 0b10, 0b1) => Opcode::LDAR, // 64-bit _ => { inst.opcode = Opcode::Invalid; return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } }; let size_code = if size == 0b11 { SizeCode::X } else { SizeCode::W }; inst.operands = [ Operand::Register(size_code, Rt), Operand::RegOffset(Rn, 0), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; }, 0b01000 | 0b01001 => { // load register (literal) // V == 0 let opc = (word >> 30) & 0x3; let Rt = (word & 0x1f) as u16; let imm19 = ((((word >> 5) & 0x7ffff) as i32) << 13) >> 13; let size = match opc { 0b00 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::LDR; SizeCode::W }, 0b01 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::LDR; SizeCode::X } 0b10 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::LDRSW; SizeCode::W } 0b11 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::PRFM; SizeCode::X } _ => { unreachable!("opc is two bits"); } }; inst.operands = [ if opc == 0b11 { Operand::PrefetchOp(Rt) } else { Operand::Register(size, Rt) }, Operand::PCOffset((imm19 << 2) as i64), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; }, 0b01010 | 0b01011 => { // `Load/store memory tags`, `Load/store exclusive` let op0 = (word >> 28) & 0b11111; let op3 = (word >> 16) & 0b111111; let op4 = (word >> 10) & 0b11; if op3 & 0b100000 == 0 { if op4 != 0b00 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } // else, `LDAPR/STLR (unscaled immediate)` let size = (word >> 30) & 0b11; let opc = (word >> 22) & 0b11; let imm9 = (word >> 12) & 0b111_111_111; let Rn = ((word >> 5) & 0b11111) as u16; let Rt = ((word >> 0) & 0b11111) as u16; let simm = ((imm9 as i16) << 7) >> 7; let index = (size << 2) | opc; if index == 0b1011 || index >= 0b1110 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } let opcode = &[ Opcode::STLURB, Opcode::LDAPURB, Opcode::LDAPURSB, Opcode::LDAPURSB, Opcode::STLURH, Opcode::LDAPURH, Opcode::LDAPURSH, Opcode::LDAPURSH, Opcode::STLUR, Opcode::LDAPUR, Opcode::LDAPURSW, Opcode::Invalid, Opcode::STLUR, Opcode::LDAPUR, Opcode::Invalid, Opcode::Invalid, ][index as usize]; let size = if size == 0b11 || opc == 0b10 { SizeCode::X } else { SizeCode::W }; inst.opcode = *opcode; inst.operands = [ Operand::Register(size, Rt), Operand::RegOffset(Rn, simm), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; } else { if op0 != 0b1101 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } // else, `Load/store memory tags` let opc = (word >> 22) & 0b11; let imm9 = (word >> 12) & 0b111_111_111; let op2 = (word >> 10) & 0b11; let Rn = ((word >> 5) & 0b11111) as u16; let Rt = ((word >> 0) & 0b11111) as u16; let simm = ((imm9 as i16) << 7) >> 7; let opcode = &[ Opcode::STZGM, Opcode::STG, Opcode::STG, Opcode::STG, Opcode::LDG, Opcode::STZG, Opcode::STZG, Opcode::STZG, Opcode::STGM, Opcode::ST2G, Opcode::ST2G, Opcode::ST2G, Opcode::LDGM, Opcode::STZ2G, Opcode::STZ2G, Opcode::STZ2G, ][((opc << 2) | op2) as usize]; inst.opcode = *opcode; if op2 == 0 && imm9 != 0 { if opc == 0b01 { // ldg inst.operands = [ Operand::Register(SizeCode::X, Rt), Operand::RegOffset(Rn, simm), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; return Ok(()); } else { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } } inst.operands = [ if op2 == 0b00 { Operand::Register(SizeCode::X, Rt) } else { Operand::RegisterOrSP(SizeCode::X, Rt) }, if op2 == 0b00 { Operand::RegOffset(Rn, 0) } else if op2 == 0b01 { Operand::RegPostIndex(Rn, simm as i32) } else if op2 == 0b10 { Operand::RegOffset(Rn, simm) } else { Operand::RegPreIndex(Rn, simm as i32, true) }, Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; } }, 0b01100 | 0b01101 => { // load register (literal) // V == 1 let opc = (word >> 30) & 0x3; let Rt = (word & 0x1f) as u16; let imm19 = ((((word >> 5) & 0x7ffff) as i32) << 13) >> 13; let size_code = match opc { 0b00 => SIMDSizeCode::S, 0b01 => SIMDSizeCode::D, 0b10 => SIMDSizeCode::Q, 0b11 => { // 11011100_XXXXXXXX_XXXXXXXX_XXXXXXXX inst.opcode = Opcode::Invalid; return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } _ => { unreachable!("opc is two bits"); } }; inst.opcode = Opcode::LDR; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegister(size_code, Rt), Operand::PCOffset((imm19 << 2) as i64), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; }, 0b10000 => { // load/store no-allocate pair (offset) // V == 0 let opc_L = ((word >> 22) & 1) | ((word >> 29) & 0x6); const ENCODINGS: &'static [Result<(Opcode, SizeCode), DecodeError>] = &[ Ok((Opcode::STNP, SizeCode::W)), Ok((Opcode::LDNP, SizeCode::W)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::STNP, SizeCode::X)), Ok((Opcode::LDNP, SizeCode::X)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), ]; let (opcode, size) = ENCODINGS[opc_L as usize]?; inst.opcode = opcode; let scale = if size == SizeCode::W { 2 } else { 3 }; let Rt = (word & 0x1f) as u16; let Rn = ((word >> 5) & 0x1f) as u16; let Rt2 = ((word >> 10) & 0x1f) as u16; let imm7 = ((word >> 15) & 0x7f) as i16; let imm7 = (imm7 << 9) >> 9; inst.operands = [ Operand::Register(size, Rt), Operand::Register(size, Rt2), Operand::RegPreIndex(Rn, (imm7 as i32) << scale, false), Operand::Nothing, ]; }, 0b10100 => { // load/store no-allocate pair (offset) // V == 1 let opc_L = ((word >> 22) & 1) | ((word >> 29) & 0x6); const ENCODINGS: &'static [Result<(Opcode, SIMDSizeCode), DecodeError>] = &[ Ok((Opcode::STNP, SIMDSizeCode::S)), Ok((Opcode::LDNP, SIMDSizeCode::S)), Ok((Opcode::STNP, SIMDSizeCode::D)), Ok((Opcode::LDNP, SIMDSizeCode::D)), Ok((Opcode::STNP, SIMDSizeCode::Q)), Ok((Opcode::LDNP, SIMDSizeCode::Q)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), ]; let (opcode, size) = ENCODINGS[opc_L as usize]?; inst.opcode = opcode; let scale = if size == SIMDSizeCode::S { 2 } else if size == SIMDSizeCode::D { 3 } else { 4 }; let Rt = (word & 0x1f) as u16; let Rn = ((word >> 5) & 0x1f) as u16; let Rt2 = ((word >> 10) & 0x1f) as u16; let imm7 = ((word >> 15) & 0x7f) as i16; let imm7 = (imm7 << 9) >> 9; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegister(size, Rt), Operand::SIMDRegister(size, Rt2), Operand::RegPreIndex(Rn, (imm7 as i32) << scale, false), Operand::Nothing, ]; }, 0b10001 => { // load/store register pair (post-indexed) // V == 0 let Rt = (word & 0x1f) as u16; let Rn = ((word >> 5) & 0x1f) as u16; let Rt2 = ((word >> 10) & 0x1f) as u16; let mut imm7 = ((((word >> 15) & 0x7f) as i16) << 9) >> 9; let opc_L = ((word >> 22) & 1) | ((word >> 29) & 0x6); let size = match opc_L { 0b000 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::STP; imm7 <<= 2; SizeCode::W }, 0b001 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::LDP; imm7 <<= 2; SizeCode::W }, 0b010 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::Invalid; SizeCode::W }, 0b011 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::LDPSW; imm7 <<= 2; SizeCode::X }, 0b100 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::STP; imm7 <<= 3; SizeCode::X }, 0b101 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::LDP; imm7 <<= 3; SizeCode::X }, 0b110 | 0b111 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::Invalid; SizeCode::X } _ => { unreachable!("opc and L are three bits"); } }; inst.operands = [ Operand::Register(size, Rt), Operand::Register(size, Rt2), Operand::RegPostIndex(Rn, imm7 as i32), Operand::Nothing ]; }, 0b10101 => { // load/store register pair (post-indexed) // V == 1 // let opc_L = ((word >> 22) & 1) | ((word >> 29) & 0x6); let Rt = (word & 0x1f) as u16; let Rn = ((word >> 5) & 0x1f) as u16; let Rt2 = ((word >> 10) & 0x1f) as u16; let mut imm7 = ((((word >> 15) & 0x7f) as i16) << 9) >> 9; let opc_L = ((word >> 22) & 1) | ((word >> 29) & 0x6); let size = match opc_L { 0b000 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::STP; imm7 <<= 2; SIMDSizeCode::S }, 0b001 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::LDP; imm7 <<= 2; SIMDSizeCode::S }, 0b010 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::STP; imm7 <<= 3; SIMDSizeCode::D }, 0b011 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::LDP; imm7 <<= 3; SIMDSizeCode::D }, 0b100 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::STP; imm7 <<= 4; SIMDSizeCode::Q }, 0b101 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::LDP; imm7 <<= 4; SIMDSizeCode::Q }, 0b110 | 0b111 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::Invalid; SIMDSizeCode::Q } _ => { unreachable!("opc and L are three bits"); } }; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegister(size, Rt), Operand::SIMDRegister(size, Rt2), Operand::RegPostIndex(Rn, imm7 as i32), Operand::Nothing ]; }, 0b10010 => { // load/store register pair (offset) // V == 0 let Rt = (word & 0x1f) as u16; let Rn = ((word >> 5) & 0x1f) as u16; let Rt2 = ((word >> 10) & 0x1f) as u16; let mut imm7 = ((((word >> 15) & 0x7f) as i16) << 9) >> 9; let opc_L = ((word >> 22) & 1) | ((word >> 29) & 0x6); let size = match opc_L { 0b000 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::STP; imm7 <<= 2; SizeCode::W }, 0b001 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::LDP; imm7 <<= 2; SizeCode::W }, 0b010 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::Invalid; SizeCode::W }, 0b011 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::LDPSW; imm7 <<= 2; SizeCode::X }, 0b100 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::STP; imm7 <<= 3; SizeCode::X }, 0b101 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::LDP; imm7 <<= 3; SizeCode::X }, 0b110 | 0b111 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::Invalid; SizeCode::X } _ => { unreachable!("opc and L are three bits"); } }; inst.operands = [ Operand::Register(size, Rt), Operand::Register(size, Rt2), Operand::RegOffset(Rn, imm7), Operand::Nothing ]; }, 0b10110 => { // load/store register pair (offset) // V == 1 // let opc_L = ((word >> 22) & 1) | ((word >> 29) & 0x6); let Rt = (word & 0x1f) as u16; let Rn = ((word >> 5) & 0x1f) as u16; let Rt2 = ((word >> 10) & 0x1f) as u16; let mut imm7 = ((((word >> 15) & 0x7f) as i16) << 9) >> 9; let opc_L = ((word >> 22) & 1) | ((word >> 29) & 0x6); let size = match opc_L { 0b000 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::STP; imm7 <<= 2; SIMDSizeCode::S }, 0b001 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::LDP; imm7 <<= 2; SIMDSizeCode::S }, 0b010 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::STP; imm7 <<= 3; SIMDSizeCode::D }, 0b011 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::LDP; imm7 <<= 3; SIMDSizeCode::D }, 0b100 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::STP; imm7 <<= 4; SIMDSizeCode::Q }, 0b101 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::LDP; imm7 <<= 4; SIMDSizeCode::Q }, 0b110 | 0b111 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::Invalid; SIMDSizeCode::Q } _ => { unreachable!("opc and L are three bits"); } }; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegister(size, Rt), Operand::SIMDRegister(size, Rt2), Operand::RegPreIndex(Rn, imm7 as i32, false), Operand::Nothing ]; }, 0b10011 => { // load/store register pair (pre-indexed) // V == 0 let Rt = (word & 0x1f) as u16; let Rn = ((word >> 5) & 0x1f) as u16; let Rt2 = ((word >> 10) & 0x1f) as u16; let mut imm7 = ((((word >> 15) & 0x7f) as i16) << 9) >> 9; let opc_L = ((word >> 22) & 1) | ((word >> 29) & 0x6); let size = match opc_L { 0b000 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::STP; imm7 <<= 2; SizeCode::W }, 0b001 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::LDP; imm7 <<= 2; SizeCode::W }, 0b010 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::Invalid; SizeCode::W }, 0b011 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::LDPSW; imm7 <<= 2; SizeCode::X }, 0b100 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::STP; imm7 <<= 3; SizeCode::X }, 0b101 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::LDP; imm7 <<= 3; SizeCode::X }, 0b110 | 0b111 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::Invalid; SizeCode::X } _ => { unreachable!("opc and L are three bits"); } }; inst.operands = [ Operand::Register(size, Rt), Operand::Register(size, Rt2), Operand::RegPreIndex(Rn, imm7 as i32, true), Operand::Nothing ]; }, 0b10111 => { // load/store register pair (pre-indexed) // V == 1 // let opc_L = ((word >> 22) & 1) | ((word >> 29) & 0x6); let Rt = (word & 0x1f) as u16; let Rn = ((word >> 5) & 0x1f) as u16; let Rt2 = ((word >> 10) & 0x1f) as u16; let mut imm7 = ((((word >> 15) & 0x7f) as i16) << 9) >> 9; let opc_L = ((word >> 22) & 1) | ((word >> 29) & 0x6); let size = match opc_L { 0b000 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::STP; imm7 <<= 2; SIMDSizeCode::S }, 0b001 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::LDP; imm7 <<= 2; SIMDSizeCode::S }, 0b010 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::STP; imm7 <<= 3; SIMDSizeCode::D }, 0b011 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::LDP; imm7 <<= 3; SIMDSizeCode::D }, 0b100 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::STP; imm7 <<= 4; SIMDSizeCode::Q }, 0b101 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::LDP; imm7 <<= 4; SIMDSizeCode::Q }, 0b110 | 0b111 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::Invalid; SIMDSizeCode::Q } _ => { unreachable!("opc and L are three bits"); } }; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegister(size, Rt), Operand::SIMDRegister(size, Rt2), Operand::RegPreIndex(Rn, imm7 as i32, true), Operand::Nothing ]; }, 0b11000 | 0b11001 => { /* * load/store register {unscaled immediate, immediate post-indexed, * unprivileged, immediate pre-indexd, register offset, pac} * atomic memory operations * V == 0 */ let Rt = (word & 0x1f) as u16; let Rn = ((word >> 5) & 0x1f) as u16; let size_opc = ((word >> 22) & 0x03) | ((word >> 28) & 0x0c); let category = (word >> 10) & 0x03; // println!("load/store: size_opc: {:#b}, category: {:#b}", size_opc, category); if word & 0x200000 != 0 { match category { 0b00 => { // Atomic memory operations // V==0 // A and R bits mean... "acquire" and "release" let sz = (word >> 30) & 0b11; let ar = ((word >> 22) & 0b11) as u8; let o3 = (word >> 15) & 1; let opcode = (word >> 12) & 0b111; let Rs = (word >> 16) & 0b11111; let size = if sz == 0b11 { SizeCode::X } else { SizeCode::W }; if o3 == 0 { let opc = match (sz << 3) | opcode { 0b00_000 => Opcode::LDADDB(ar), 0b00_001 => Opcode::LDCLRB(ar), 0b00_010 => Opcode::LDEORB(ar), 0b00_011 => Opcode::LDSETB(ar), 0b00_100 => Opcode::LDSMAXB(ar), 0b00_101 => Opcode::LDSMINB(ar), 0b00_110 => Opcode::LDUMAXB(ar), 0b00_111 => Opcode::LDUMINB(ar), 0b01_000 => Opcode::LDADDH(ar), 0b01_001 => Opcode::LDCLRH(ar), 0b01_010 => Opcode::LDEORH(ar), 0b01_011 => Opcode::LDSETH(ar), 0b01_100 => Opcode::LDSMAXH(ar), 0b01_101 => Opcode::LDSMINH(ar), 0b01_110 => Opcode::LDUMAXH(ar), 0b01_111 => Opcode::LDUMINH(ar), 0b10_000 => Opcode::LDADD(ar), 0b10_001 => Opcode::LDCLR(ar), 0b10_010 => Opcode::LDEOR(ar), 0b10_011 => Opcode::LDSET(ar), 0b10_100 => Opcode::LDSMAX(ar), 0b10_101 => Opcode::LDSMIN(ar), 0b10_110 => Opcode::LDUMAX(ar), 0b10_111 => Opcode::LDUMIN(ar), 0b11_000 => Opcode::LDADD(ar), 0b11_001 => Opcode::LDCLR(ar), 0b11_010 => Opcode::LDEOR(ar), 0b11_011 => Opcode::LDSET(ar), 0b11_100 => Opcode::LDSMAX(ar), 0b11_101 => Opcode::LDSMIN(ar), 0b11_110 => Opcode::LDUMAX(ar), 0b11_111 => Opcode::LDUMIN(ar), _ => { unreachable!("sz|opc is 5 bits") } }; inst.opcode = opc; inst.operands = [ Operand::Register(size, Rs as u16), Operand::Register(size, Rt as u16), Operand::RegOffset(Rn, 0), Operand::Nothing, ]; } else { if opcode == 0b000 { inst.opcode = if sz == 0b00 { Opcode::SWPB(ar) } else if sz == 0b01 { Opcode::SWPH(ar) } else if sz == 0b10 { Opcode::SWP(ar) } else { Opcode::SWP(ar) }; inst.operands = [ Operand::Register(size, Rs as u16), Operand::Register(size, Rt as u16), Operand::RegOffset(Rn, 0), Operand::Nothing, ]; } else if opcode == 0b100 { if ar != 0b10 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } inst.opcode = if sz == 0b01 { Opcode::LDAPRH } else if sz == 0b00 { Opcode::LDAPRB } else { // sz = 1x Opcode::LDAPR }; // TOOD: should_is_must, Rs = 11111 inst.operands = [ Operand::Register(size, Rt as u16), Operand::RegOffset(Rn, 0), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; } else { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } } } 0b01 | 0b11 => { // Load/store register (pac) // V==0 let w = (word >> 11) & 1; let imm9 = ((word >> 12) & 0b1_1111_1111) as i16; let imm9 = (imm9 << 7) >> 7; let m = (word >> 23) & 1; let size = (word >> 30) & 0b11; if size != 0b11 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } if m == 0 { inst.opcode = Opcode::LDRAA; } else { inst.opcode = Opcode::LDRAB; } inst.operands = [ Operand::Register(SizeCode::X, Rt), if w == 0 { Operand::RegOffset(Rn, imm9) } else { Operand::RegPreIndex(Rn, imm9 as i32, true) }, Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; } 0b10 => { // Load/store register (register offset) // C3.3.10 const OPCODES: &[Result<(Opcode, SizeCode, u8), DecodeError>] = &[ Ok((Opcode::STRB, SizeCode::W, 0)), Ok((Opcode::LDRB, SizeCode::W, 0)), Ok((Opcode::LDRSB, SizeCode::X, 0)), Ok((Opcode::LDRSB, SizeCode::W, 0)), Ok((Opcode::STRH, SizeCode::W, 1)), Ok((Opcode::LDRH, SizeCode::W, 1)), Ok((Opcode::LDRSH, SizeCode::X, 1)), Ok((Opcode::LDRSH, SizeCode::W, 1)), Ok((Opcode::STR, SizeCode::W, 2)), Ok((Opcode::LDR, SizeCode::W, 2)), Ok((Opcode::LDRSW, SizeCode::X, 2)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::STR, SizeCode::X, 3)), Ok((Opcode::LDR, SizeCode::X, 3)), Ok((Opcode::PRFM, SizeCode::X, 3)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), ]; let (opcode, size, shamt) = OPCODES.get(size_opc as usize).cloned().unwrap_or(Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode))?; inst.opcode = opcode; let S = ((word >> 12) & 0x1) as u8; let option = ((word >> 13) & 0x07) as u8; let Rm = ((word >> 16) & 0x1f) as u16; let index_size = match option & 0x3 { 0b00 | 0b01 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::Invalid; return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); }, 0b10 => { SizeCode::W } 0b11 => { SizeCode::X } _ => { unreachable!("option is two bits"); } }; const SHIFT_STYLES: &[Result] = &[ Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand), Ok(ShiftStyle::UXTW), Ok(ShiftStyle::LSL), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand), Ok(ShiftStyle::SXTW), Ok(ShiftStyle::SXTX), ]; let shift_style = SHIFT_STYLES[option as usize]?; inst.operands = [ if size_opc == 0b1110 { Operand::PrefetchOp(Rt) } else { Operand::Register(size, Rt) }, Operand::RegRegOffset(Rn, Rm, index_size, shift_style, S * shamt), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; } _ => { unreachable!("category is two bits"); } } } else { let imm9 = ((((word >> 12) & 0x1ff) as i16) << 7) >> 7; match category { 0b00 => { // Load/store register (unscaled immediate) const OPCODES: &[Result<(Opcode, SizeCode), DecodeError>] = &[ Ok((Opcode::STURB, SizeCode::W)), Ok((Opcode::LDURB, SizeCode::W)), Ok((Opcode::LDURSB, SizeCode::X)), Ok((Opcode::LDURSB, SizeCode::W)), Ok((Opcode::STURH, SizeCode::W)), Ok((Opcode::LDURH, SizeCode::W)), Ok((Opcode::LDURSH, SizeCode::X)), Ok((Opcode::LDURSH, SizeCode::W)), Ok((Opcode::STUR, SizeCode::W)), Ok((Opcode::LDUR, SizeCode::W)), Ok((Opcode::LDURSW, SizeCode::X)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::STUR, SizeCode::X)), Ok((Opcode::LDUR, SizeCode::X)), Ok((Opcode::PRFM, SizeCode::X)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), ]; let (opcode, size) = OPCODES.get(size_opc as usize).cloned().unwrap_or(Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode))?; inst.opcode = opcode; inst.operands = [ if size_opc == 0b1110 { Operand::PrefetchOp(Rt) } else { Operand::Register(size, Rt) }, Operand::RegOffset(Rn, imm9), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; } 0b10 => { // Load/store register (unprivileged) const OPCODES: &[Result<(Opcode, SizeCode), DecodeError>] = &[ Ok((Opcode::STTRB, SizeCode::W)), Ok((Opcode::LDTRB, SizeCode::W)), Ok((Opcode::LDTRSB, SizeCode::X)), Ok((Opcode::LDTRSB, SizeCode::W)), Ok((Opcode::STTRH, SizeCode::W)), Ok((Opcode::LDTRH, SizeCode::W)), Ok((Opcode::LDTRSH, SizeCode::X)), Ok((Opcode::LDTRSH, SizeCode::W)), Ok((Opcode::STTR, SizeCode::W)), Ok((Opcode::LDTR, SizeCode::W)), Ok((Opcode::LDTRSW, SizeCode::X)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::STUR, SizeCode::X)), Ok((Opcode::LDTR, SizeCode::X)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), ]; let (opcode, size) = OPCODES.get(size_opc as usize).cloned().unwrap_or(Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode))?; inst.opcode = opcode; inst.operands = [ Operand::Register(size, Rt), Operand::RegPreIndex(Rn, imm9 as i32, false), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; } 0b01 | 0b11 => { const OPCODES: &[Result<(Opcode, SizeCode), DecodeError>] = &[ Ok((Opcode::STRB, SizeCode::W)), Ok((Opcode::LDRB, SizeCode::W)), Ok((Opcode::LDRSB, SizeCode::X)), Ok((Opcode::LDRSB, SizeCode::W)), Ok((Opcode::STRH, SizeCode::W)), Ok((Opcode::LDRH, SizeCode::W)), Ok((Opcode::LDRSH, SizeCode::X)), Ok((Opcode::LDRSH, SizeCode::W)), Ok((Opcode::STR, SizeCode::W)), Ok((Opcode::LDR, SizeCode::W)), Ok((Opcode::LDRSW, SizeCode::X)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::STR, SizeCode::X)), Ok((Opcode::LDR, SizeCode::X)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), ]; let (opcode, size) = OPCODES.get(size_opc as usize).cloned().unwrap_or(Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode))?; inst.opcode = opcode; inst.operands = [ Operand::Register(size, Rt), if category == 0b01 { Operand::RegPostIndex(Rn, imm9 as i32) } else { Operand::RegPreIndex(Rn, imm9 as i32, true) }, Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; }, _ => { unreachable!("category is two bits"); } } } } 0b11100 | 0b11101 => { /* * load/store register {unscaled immediate, immediate post-indexed, * unprivileged, immediate pre-indexed, register offset, pac} * also atomic memory operations * V == 1 */ let Rt = (word & 0x1f) as u16; let Rn = ((word >> 5) & 0x1f) as u16; let size_opc = ((word >> 22) & 0x03) | ((word >> 28) & 0x0c); let op4 = ((word >> 16) & 0x3f) as u8; let op5 = ((word >> 10) & 0x03) as u8; if op4 < 0b10_0000 { let imm9 = ((((word >> 12) & 0x1ff) as i16) << 7) >> 7; match op5 { 0b00 => { // Load/store register (unscaled immediate) // V == 1 const OPCODES: &[Result<(Opcode, SIMDSizeCode), DecodeError>] = &[ Ok((Opcode::STUR, SIMDSizeCode::B)), Ok((Opcode::LDUR, SIMDSizeCode::B)), Ok((Opcode::STUR, SIMDSizeCode::Q)), Ok((Opcode::LDUR, SIMDSizeCode::Q)), // 01 1 0x Ok((Opcode::STUR, SIMDSizeCode::H)), Ok((Opcode::LDUR, SIMDSizeCode::H)), // 01 1 1x Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), // 10 1 0x Ok((Opcode::STUR, SIMDSizeCode::S)), Ok((Opcode::LDUR, SIMDSizeCode::S)), // 10 1 1x Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), // 11 1 0x Ok((Opcode::STUR, SIMDSizeCode::D)), Ok((Opcode::LDUR, SIMDSizeCode::D)), // 11 1 1x Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), ]; let (opcode, size) = OPCODES.get(size_opc as usize).cloned().unwrap_or(Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode))?; inst.opcode = opcode; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegister(size, Rt), Operand::RegPreIndex(Rn, imm9 as i32, false), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; } 0b10 => { // Load/store register (unprivileged) // V == 1 // this entire section in the manual is currently `Unallocated` return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } 0b01 | 0b11 => { // Load/store register (immediate post-indexed) // and // Load/store register (immediate pre-indexed) // V == 1 let pre_or_post = (word >> 11) & 0x01; const OPCODES: &[Result<(Opcode, SIMDSizeCode), DecodeError>] = &[ Ok((Opcode::STR, SIMDSizeCode::B)), Ok((Opcode::LDR, SIMDSizeCode::B)), Ok((Opcode::STR, SIMDSizeCode::Q)), Ok((Opcode::LDR, SIMDSizeCode::Q)), // 01 1 0x Ok((Opcode::STR, SIMDSizeCode::H)), Ok((Opcode::LDR, SIMDSizeCode::H)), // 01 1 1x Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), // 10 1 0x Ok((Opcode::STR, SIMDSizeCode::S)), Ok((Opcode::LDR, SIMDSizeCode::S)), // 10 1 1x Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), // 11 1 0x Ok((Opcode::STR, SIMDSizeCode::D)), Ok((Opcode::LDR, SIMDSizeCode::D)), // 11 1 1x Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), ]; let (opcode, size) = OPCODES.get(size_opc as usize).cloned().unwrap_or(Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode))?; inst.opcode = opcode; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegister(size, Rt), if pre_or_post == 1 { Operand::RegPreIndex(Rn, imm9 as i32, true) } else { Operand::RegPostIndex(Rn, imm9 as i32) }, Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; } _ => { unreachable!("op5 is two bits"); } } } else { match op5 { 0b00 => { // Atomic memory operations // V == 1 // all `V == 1` atomic operations are unallocated. return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } 0b10 => { // Load/store register (register offset) // V == 1 const OPCODES: &[Result<(Opcode, SIMDSizeCode), DecodeError>] = &[ // 00 1 00 Ok((Opcode::STR, SIMDSizeCode::B)), // 00 1 01 Ok((Opcode::LDR, SIMDSizeCode::B)), // 00 1 10 Ok((Opcode::STR, SIMDSizeCode::Q)), // 00 1 11 Ok((Opcode::LDR, SIMDSizeCode::Q)), // 01 1 00 Ok((Opcode::STR, SIMDSizeCode::H)), Ok((Opcode::LDR, SIMDSizeCode::H)), // 01 1 1x Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), // 10 1 0x Ok((Opcode::STR, SIMDSizeCode::S)), Ok((Opcode::LDR, SIMDSizeCode::S)), // 10 1 1x Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), // 11 1 0x Ok((Opcode::STR, SIMDSizeCode::D)), Ok((Opcode::LDR, SIMDSizeCode::D)), // 11 1 1x Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), ]; let option = (word >> 13) & 0x07; let Rt = word & 0x1f; let Rn = (word >> 5) & 0x1f; let Rm = (word >> 16) & 0x1f; let S = (word >> 12) & 0x01; let (opcode, size) = OPCODES.get(size_opc as usize).cloned().unwrap_or(Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode))?; let shift_amount = match size { SIMDSizeCode::B => 0, SIMDSizeCode::H => 1, SIMDSizeCode::S => 2, SIMDSizeCode::D => 3, SIMDSizeCode::Q => 4, }; let extend = if size == SIMDSizeCode::B && option == 0b011 { ShiftStyle::LSL } else { const SHIFT_TYPES: &[ShiftStyle] = &[ ShiftStyle::UXTB, ShiftStyle::UXTH, ShiftStyle::UXTW, ShiftStyle::LSL, ShiftStyle::SXTB, ShiftStyle::SXTH, ShiftStyle::SXTW, ShiftStyle::SXTX, ]; SHIFT_TYPES[option as usize] }; inst.opcode = opcode; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegister(size, Rt as u16), Operand::RegRegOffset(Rn as u16, Rm as u16, if option & 0x01 == 0 { SizeCode::W } else { SizeCode::X }, extend, if S != 0 { shift_amount } else { 0 }), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; } _ => { // Load/store register (pac) // not clearly named in a table but looks like all `V == 1` are // unallocated. return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } } } } 0b11010 | 0b11011 => { // load/store register (unsigned immediate) // V == 0 let Rt = (word & 0x1f) as u16; let Rn = ((word >> 5) & 0x1f) as u16; let imm12 = ((word >> 10) & 0x0fff) as i16; let size_opc = ((word >> 22) & 0x3) | ((word >> 28) & 0xc); match size_opc { 0b0000 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::STRB; inst.operands = [ Operand::Register(SizeCode::W, Rt), Operand::RegOffset(Rn, imm12), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; } 0b0001 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::LDRB; inst.operands = [ Operand::Register(SizeCode::W, Rt), Operand::RegOffset(Rn, imm12), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; } 0b0010 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::LDRSB; inst.operands = [ Operand::Register(SizeCode::X, Rt), Operand::RegOffset(Rn, imm12), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; } 0b0011 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::LDRSB; inst.operands = [ Operand::Register(SizeCode::W, Rt), Operand::RegOffset(Rn, imm12), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; } 0b0100 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::STRH; inst.operands = [ Operand::Register(SizeCode::W, Rt), Operand::RegOffset(Rn, imm12 << 1), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; } 0b0101 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::LDRH; inst.operands = [ Operand::Register(SizeCode::W, Rt), Operand::RegOffset(Rn, imm12 << 1), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; } 0b0110 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::LDRSH; inst.operands = [ Operand::Register(SizeCode::X, Rt), Operand::RegOffset(Rn, imm12 << 1), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; } 0b0111 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::LDRSH; inst.operands = [ Operand::Register(SizeCode::W, Rt), Operand::RegOffset(Rn, imm12 << 1), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; } 0b1000 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::STR; inst.operands = [ Operand::Register(SizeCode::W, Rt), Operand::RegOffset(Rn, imm12 << 2), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; } 0b1001 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::LDR; inst.operands = [ Operand::Register(SizeCode::W, Rt), Operand::RegOffset(Rn, imm12 << 2), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; } 0b1010 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::LDRSW; inst.operands = [ Operand::Register(SizeCode::X, Rt), Operand::RegOffset(Rn, imm12 << 2), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; } 0b1011 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::Invalid; } 0b1100 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::STR; inst.operands = [ Operand::Register(SizeCode::X, Rt), Operand::RegOffset(Rn, imm12 << 3), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; } 0b1101 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::LDR; inst.operands = [ Operand::Register(SizeCode::X, Rt), Operand::RegOffset(Rn, imm12 << 3), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; } 0b1110 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::PRFM; inst.operands = [ Operand::PrefetchOp(Rt), Operand::RegOffset(Rn, imm12 << 3), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; } 0b1111 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::Invalid; } _ => { unreachable!("size and opc are four bits"); } } }, 0b11110 | 0b11111 => { // load/store register (unsigned immediate) // V == 1 let Rt = word & 0x1f; let Rn = (word >> 5) & 0x1f; let imm12 = (word >> 10) & 0xfff; let opc = (word >> 22) & 0x3; let size_opc = ((word >> 28) & 0x0c) | opc; const OPCODES: &[Result<(Opcode, SIMDSizeCode), DecodeError>] = &[ // 00 1 00 Ok((Opcode::STR, SIMDSizeCode::B)), // 00 1 01 Ok((Opcode::LDR, SIMDSizeCode::B)), // 00 1 10 Ok((Opcode::STR, SIMDSizeCode::Q)), // 00 1 11 Ok((Opcode::LDR, SIMDSizeCode::Q)), // 01 1 00 Ok((Opcode::STR, SIMDSizeCode::H)), Ok((Opcode::LDR, SIMDSizeCode::H)), // 01 1 1x Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), // 10 1 0x Ok((Opcode::STR, SIMDSizeCode::S)), Ok((Opcode::LDR, SIMDSizeCode::S)), // 10 1 1x Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), // 11 1 0x Ok((Opcode::STR, SIMDSizeCode::D)), Ok((Opcode::LDR, SIMDSizeCode::D)), // 11 1 1x Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), ]; let (opc, size) = OPCODES.get(size_opc as usize).cloned().unwrap_or(Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode))?; let offset_scale = match size { SIMDSizeCode::B => 1, SIMDSizeCode::H => 2, SIMDSizeCode::S => 4, SIMDSizeCode::D => 8, SIMDSizeCode::Q => 16, }; inst.opcode = opc; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegister(size, Rt as u16), Operand::RegPreIndex(Rn as u16, (imm12 as u32 * offset_scale) as i32, false), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; }, 0b00100 => { // AdvSIMD load/store multiple structures let Rt = word & 0x1f; let Rn = (word >> 5) & 0x1f; let size = (word >> 10) & 0x03; let opcode_bits = (word >> 12) & 0x0f; let Rm = (word >> 16) & 0x1f; if Rm != 0 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } let L = (word >> 22) & 0x01; let Q = (word >> 30) & 0x01; let datasize = if Q == 1 { SIMDSizeCode::Q } else { SIMDSizeCode::D }; const OPCODES: &[Result<(Opcode, u8), DecodeError>] = &[ // opcode == 0b0000 Ok((Opcode::ST4, 4)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::ST1, 4)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), // opcode == 0b0100 Ok((Opcode::ST3, 3)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::ST1, 3)), Ok((Opcode::ST1, 1)), // opcode == 0b1000 Ok((Opcode::ST2, 2)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::ST1, 2)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), ]; let (opcode, num_regs) = OPCODES[opcode_bits as usize]?; inst.opcode = if L == 0 { opcode } else { if opcode == Opcode::ST1 { Opcode::LD1 } else if opcode == Opcode::ST2 { Opcode::LD2 } else if opcode == Opcode::ST3 { Opcode::LD3 } else { Opcode::LD4 } }; const SIZES: [SIMDSizeCode; 4] = [ SIMDSizeCode::B, SIMDSizeCode::H, SIMDSizeCode::S, SIMDSizeCode::D, ]; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterGroup(datasize, Rt as u16, SIZES[size as usize], num_regs), Operand::RegOffset(Rn as u16, 0), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; }, 0b00101 => { // AdvSIMD load/store multiple structures (post-indexed) let Rt = word & 0x1f; let Rn = (word >> 5) & 0x1f; let size = (word >> 10) & 0x03; let opcode_bits = (word >> 12) & 0x0f; let Rm = (word >> 16) & 0x1f; let L = (word >> 22) & 0x01; let Q = (word >> 30) & 0x01; let datasize = if Q == 1 { SIMDSizeCode::Q } else { SIMDSizeCode::D }; const OPCODES: &[Result<(Opcode, u8), DecodeError>] = &[ // opcode == 0b0000 Ok((Opcode::ST4, 4)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::ST1, 4)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), // opcode == 0b0100 Ok((Opcode::ST3, 3)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::ST1, 3)), Ok((Opcode::ST1, 1)), // opcode == 0b1000 Ok((Opcode::ST2, 2)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Ok((Opcode::ST1, 2)), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode), ]; let (opcode, num_regs) = OPCODES[opcode_bits as usize]?; inst.opcode = if L == 0 { opcode } else { if opcode == Opcode::ST1 { Opcode::LD1 } else if opcode == Opcode::ST2 { Opcode::LD2 } else if opcode == Opcode::ST3 { Opcode::LD3 } else { Opcode::LD4 } }; const SIZES: [SIMDSizeCode; 4] = [ SIMDSizeCode::B, SIMDSizeCode::H, SIMDSizeCode::S, SIMDSizeCode::D, ]; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterGroup(datasize, Rt as u16, SIZES[size as usize], num_regs), if Rm == 31 { Operand::RegPostIndex(Rn as u16, (datasize.width() * (num_regs as u16)) as i32) } else { Operand::RegPostIndexReg(Rn as u16, Rm as u16) }, Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; }, 0b00110 => { // AdvSIMD load/store single structure let Rt = word & 0x1f; let Rn = (word >> 5) & 0x1f; let size = (word >> 10) & 0x03; let S = (word >> 12) & 1; let opcode_bits = (word >> 13) & 0x07; let Rm = (word >> 16) & 0x1f; if Rm != 0 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } let R = (word >> 21) & 0x01; let L = (word >> 22) & 0x01; let Q = (word >> 30) & 0x01; let datasize = if Q == 1 { SIMDSizeCode::Q } else { SIMDSizeCode::D }; // interleave R==0, R==1 const OPCODES: &[Result<(Opcode, u8, SIMDSizeCode), DecodeError>] = &[ Ok((Opcode::ST1, 1, SIMDSizeCode::B)), Ok((Opcode::ST2, 2, SIMDSizeCode::B)), Ok((Opcode::ST3, 3, SIMDSizeCode::B)), Ok((Opcode::ST4, 4, SIMDSizeCode::B)), // opcode = 0b010 Ok((Opcode::ST1, 1, SIMDSizeCode::H)), Ok((Opcode::ST2, 2, SIMDSizeCode::H)), Ok((Opcode::ST3, 3, SIMDSizeCode::H)), Ok((Opcode::ST4, 4, SIMDSizeCode::H)), // opcode = 0b100 Ok((Opcode::ST1, 1, SIMDSizeCode::S)), // note these can be 64-bit if `size` says so. Ok((Opcode::ST2, 2, SIMDSizeCode::S)), Ok((Opcode::ST3, 3, SIMDSizeCode::S)), Ok((Opcode::ST4, 4, SIMDSizeCode::S)), // opcode = 0b110 // unallocated, is. if L==1, these are LD*R ]; if opcode_bits > 0b101 { if S != 0 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } if L == 0 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } const OPCODES: [Opcode; 4] = [ Opcode::LD1R, Opcode::LD2R, Opcode::LD3R, Opcode::LD4R, ]; let opc_idx = (opcode_bits & 0x01) * 2 + R; inst.opcode = OPCODES[opc_idx as usize]; const SIZES: [SIMDSizeCode; 4] = [ SIMDSizeCode::B, SIMDSizeCode::H, SIMDSizeCode::S, SIMDSizeCode::D, ]; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterGroup(datasize, Rt as u16, SIZES[size as usize], opc_idx as u8 + 1), Operand::RegOffset(Rn as u16, 0), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; return Ok(()); } let mut scale = opcode_bits >> 1; // let selem = (((opcode_bits & 1) << 1) | R) + 1; // let mut replicate = false; let opc_idx = (opcode_bits << 1) | R; let (opcode, group_size, item_size) = OPCODES.get(opc_idx as usize).cloned().unwrap_or(Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode))?; let item_size = match item_size { SIMDSizeCode::B => SIMDSizeCode::B, SIMDSizeCode::H => { if (size & 1) == 1 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } SIMDSizeCode::H } SIMDSizeCode::S => { if size >= 0b10 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } if size == 0b01 { if S == 1 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } scale = 3; SIMDSizeCode::D } else { SIMDSizeCode::S } } SIMDSizeCode::D => { if L == 0 || S == 1 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } // replicate = true; SIMDSizeCode::D } other => other }; let index = ((Q << 3) | (S << 2) | size) >> scale; inst.opcode = if L == 0 { opcode } else { if opcode == Opcode::ST1 { Opcode::LD1 } else if opcode == Opcode::ST2 { Opcode::LD2 } else if opcode == Opcode::ST3 { Opcode::LD3 } else { Opcode::LD4 } }; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterGroupLane(Rt as u16, item_size, group_size, index as u8), Operand::RegOffset(Rn as u16, 0), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; }, 0b00111 => { // AdvSIMD load/store single structure (post-indexed) let Rt = word & 0x1f; let Rn = (word >> 5) & 0x1f; let size = (word >> 10) & 0x03; let S = (word >> 12) & 1; let opcode_bits = (word >> 13) & 0x07; let Rm = (word >> 16) & 0x1f; let R = (word >> 21) & 0x01; let L = (word >> 22) & 0x01; let Q = (word >> 30) & 0x01; let datasize = if Q == 1 { SIMDSizeCode::Q } else { SIMDSizeCode::D }; // interleave R==0, R==1 const OPCODES: &[Result<(Opcode, u8, SIMDSizeCode), DecodeError>] = &[ Ok((Opcode::ST1, 1, SIMDSizeCode::B)), Ok((Opcode::ST2, 2, SIMDSizeCode::B)), Ok((Opcode::ST3, 3, SIMDSizeCode::B)), Ok((Opcode::ST4, 4, SIMDSizeCode::B)), // opcode = 0b010 Ok((Opcode::ST1, 1, SIMDSizeCode::H)), Ok((Opcode::ST2, 2, SIMDSizeCode::H)), Ok((Opcode::ST3, 3, SIMDSizeCode::H)), Ok((Opcode::ST4, 4, SIMDSizeCode::H)), // opcode = 0b100 Ok((Opcode::ST1, 1, SIMDSizeCode::S)), // note these can be 64-bit if `size` says so. Ok((Opcode::ST2, 2, SIMDSizeCode::S)), Ok((Opcode::ST3, 3, SIMDSizeCode::S)), Ok((Opcode::ST4, 4, SIMDSizeCode::S)), // opcode = 0b110 // unallocated, is. if L==1, these are LD*R ]; if opcode_bits >= 0b110 { if S != 0 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } if L == 0 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } const OPCODES: [Opcode; 4] = [ Opcode::LD1R, Opcode::LD2R, Opcode::LD3R, Opcode::LD4R, ]; let opc_idx = (opcode_bits & 0x01) * 2 + R; inst.opcode = OPCODES[opc_idx as usize]; const SIZES: [SIMDSizeCode; 4] = [ SIMDSizeCode::B, SIMDSizeCode::H, SIMDSizeCode::S, SIMDSizeCode::D, ]; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterGroup(datasize, Rt as u16, SIZES[size as usize], opc_idx as u8 + 1), if Rm == 31 { Operand::RegPostIndex(Rn as u16, ((opc_idx + 1) * (1 << size)) as i32) } else { Operand::RegPostIndexReg(Rn as u16, Rm as u16) }, Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; return Ok(()); } let mut scale = opcode_bits >> 1; // let selem = (((opcode_bits & 1) << 1) | R) + 1; // let mut replicate = false; let opc_idx = (opcode_bits << 1) | R; let (opcode, group_size, item_size) = OPCODES.get(opc_idx as usize).cloned().unwrap_or(Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode))?; let item_size = match item_size { SIMDSizeCode::B => SIMDSizeCode::B, SIMDSizeCode::H => { if (size & 1) == 1 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } SIMDSizeCode::H } SIMDSizeCode::S => { if size >= 0b10 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } if size == 0b01 { if S == 1 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } scale = 3; SIMDSizeCode::D } else { SIMDSizeCode::S } } SIMDSizeCode::D => { if L == 0 || S == 1 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } // replicate = true; SIMDSizeCode::D } other => other }; let index = ((Q << 3) | (S << 2) | size) >> scale; inst.opcode = if L == 0 { opcode } else { if opcode == Opcode::ST1 { Opcode::LD1 } else if opcode == Opcode::ST2 { Opcode::LD2 } else if opcode == Opcode::ST3 { Opcode::LD3 } else { Opcode::LD4 } }; inst.operands = [ Operand::SIMDRegisterGroupLane(Rt as u16, item_size, group_size, index as u8), if Rm == 31 { Operand::RegPostIndex(Rn as u16, (group_size as u16 * item_size.width()) as i32) } else { Operand::RegPostIndexReg(Rn as u16, Rm as u16) }, Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; } _ => { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } } }, Section::BranchExceptionSystem => { let group_bits = ((word >> 29) << 2) | ((word >> 24) & 0x03); match group_bits { 0b00000 | 0b00001 | 0b00010 | 0b00011 => { // unconditional branch (imm) let offset = ((word & 0x03ff_ffff) << 2) as i32; let extended_offset = (offset << 4) >> 4; inst.opcode = Opcode::B; inst.operands = [ Operand::Offset(extended_offset as i64), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing ]; }, 0b00100 => { // compare branch (imm) inst.opcode = Opcode::CBZ; let offset = (word as i32 & 0x00ff_ffe0) >> 3; let extended_offset = (offset << 11) >> 11; let Rt = word & 0x1f; inst.operands = [ Operand::Register(SizeCode::W, Rt as u16), Operand::Offset(extended_offset as i64), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing ]; }, 0b00101 => { // compare branch (imm) inst.opcode = Opcode::CBNZ; let offset = (word as i32 & 0x00ff_ffe0) >> 3; let extended_offset = (offset << 11) >> 11; let Rt = word & 0x1f; inst.operands = [ Operand::Register(SizeCode::W, Rt as u16), Operand::Offset(extended_offset as i64), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing ]; }, 0b00110 => { // test branch (imm) let offset = (word as i32 & 0x0007_ffe0) >> 3; let extended_offset = (offset << 16) >> 16; let b = (word >> 19) & 0x1f; let Rt = word & 0x1f; inst.opcode = Opcode::TBZ; inst.operands = [ Operand::Register(SizeCode::W, Rt as u16), Operand::Imm16(b as u16), Operand::Offset(extended_offset as i64), Operand::Nothing ]; }, 0b00111 => { // test branch (imm) let offset = (word as i32 & 0x0007_ffe0) >> 3; let extended_offset = (offset << 16) >> 16; let b = (word >> 19) & 0x1f; let Rt = word & 0x1f; inst.opcode = Opcode::TBNZ; inst.operands = [ Operand::Register(SizeCode::W, Rt as u16), Operand::Imm16(b as u16), Operand::Offset(extended_offset as i64), Operand::Nothing ]; }, 0b01000 => { // conditional branch (imm) let offset = (word as i32 & 0x00ff_ffe0) >> 3; let extended_offset = (offset << 11) >> 11; let cond = word & 0x0f; inst.opcode = Opcode::Bcc(cond as u8); inst.operands = [ Operand::Offset(extended_offset as i64), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing ]; } 0b01001 => { // conditional branch (imm) // o1 -> unallocated, reserved return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } /* 0b01010 to 0b01111 seem all invalid? */ 0b10000 | 0b10001 | 0b10010 | 0b10011 => { // unconditional branch (imm) let offset = ((word & 0x03ff_ffff) << 2) as i32; let extended_offset = (offset << 4) >> 4; inst.opcode = Opcode::BL; inst.operands = [ Operand::Offset(extended_offset as i64), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing ]; }, 0b10100 => { // compare branch (imm) inst.opcode = Opcode::CBZ; let offset = (word as i32 & 0x00ff_ffe0) >> 3; let extended_offset = (offset << 11) >> 11; let Rt = word & 0x1f; inst.operands = [ Operand::Register(SizeCode::X, Rt as u16), Operand::Offset(extended_offset as i64), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing ]; }, 0b10101 => { // compare branch (imm) inst.opcode = Opcode::CBNZ; let offset = (word as i32 & 0x00ff_ffe0) >> 3; let extended_offset = (offset << 11) >> 11; let Rt = word & 0x1f; inst.operands = [ Operand::Register(SizeCode::X, Rt as u16), Operand::Offset(extended_offset as i64), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing ]; }, 0b10110 => { // test branch (imm) let offset = (word as i32 & 0x0007_ffe0) >> 3; let extended_offset = (offset << 16) >> 16; let b = (word >> 19) & 0x1f; let Rt = word & 0x1f; inst.opcode = Opcode::TBZ; inst.operands = [ Operand::Register(SizeCode::X, Rt as u16), Operand::Imm16((b as u16) | 0x20), Operand::Offset(extended_offset as i64), Operand::Nothing ]; }, 0b10111 => { // test branch (imm) let offset = (word as i32 & 0x0007_ffe0) >> 3; let extended_offset = (offset << 16) >> 16; let b = (word >> 19) & 0x1f; let Rt = word & 0x1f; inst.opcode = Opcode::TBNZ; inst.operands = [ Operand::Register(SizeCode::X, Rt as u16), Operand::Imm16((b as u16) | 0x20), Operand::Offset(extended_offset as i64), Operand::Nothing ]; }, 0b11000 => { // exception generation let ll = word & 0x3; let op2 = (word >> 2) & 0x7; let opc = (word >> 21) & 0x7; match (opc, op2, ll) { (0b000, 0b000, 0b01) => { inst.opcode = Opcode::SVC; } (0b000, 0b000, 0b10) => { inst.opcode = Opcode::HVC; } (0b000, 0b000, 0b11) => { inst.opcode = Opcode::SMC; } (0b001, 0b000, 0b00) => { inst.opcode = Opcode::BRK; } (0b010, 0b000, 0b00) => { inst.opcode = Opcode::HLT; } (0b101, 0b000, 0b01) => { inst.opcode = Opcode::DCPS1; } (0b101, 0b000, 0b10) => { inst.opcode = Opcode::DCPS2; } (0b101, 0b000, 0b11) => { inst.opcode = Opcode::DCPS3; } _ => { inst.opcode = Opcode::Invalid; } } let imm = (word >> 5) & 0xffff; inst.operands = [ Operand::Imm16(imm as u16), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing ]; }, 0b11001 => { // system let remainder = word & 0xffffff; if remainder >= 0x400000 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } else { let Rt = word & 0x1f; let Lop0 = ((word >> 19) & 0x7) as u8; match Lop0 { 0b000 => { // MSR, HINT, CLREX, DSB, DMB, ISB if Rt == 0b11111 { let CRn = (word >> 12) & 0xf; let op1 = (word >> 16) & 0x7; let op2 = (word >> 5) & 0x1f; match CRn { 0b0010 => { if op1 == 0b011 { inst.opcode = Opcode::HINT(op2 as u8); } else { inst.opcode = Opcode::Invalid; } }, 0b0011 => { let CRm = (word >> 8) & 0xf; let op2 = (word >> 5) & 0b111; match op2 { 0b010 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::CLREX; inst.operands = [ Operand::Imm16(CRm as u16), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; }, 0b100 => { if CRm == 0b0000 { inst.opcode = Opcode::SSSB; inst.operands = [ Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; } else { inst.opcode = Opcode::DSB(CRm as u8); inst.operands = [ Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; } }, 0b101 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::DMB(CRm as u8); inst.operands = [ Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; }, 0b110 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::ISB; // other values of CRm are reserved, but // execute as full barriers. "must not be // relied upon by software". inst.operands = [ Operand::Imm16(CRm as u16), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; } 0b111 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::SB; inst.operands = [ Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; } _ => { inst.opcode = Opcode::Invalid; } }; }, 0b0100 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::MSR; if op1 == 0b001 || op1 == 0b010 || op1 >= 0b100 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } else if op1 == 0b000 && op2 >= 0b110 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } else if op1 == 0b011 && op2 == 0b000 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } else if op1 == 0b011 && op2 == 0b011 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } else if op1 == 0b011 && op2 == 0b101 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } inst.operands = [ Operand::PstateField(((op1 << 3) | op2 << 3) as u8), Operand::Imm16( ((word >> 8) & 0xf) as u16 ), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; } _ => { inst.opcode = Opcode::Invalid; } } } else { inst.opcode = Opcode::Invalid; } } 0b001 => { let Rt = word & 0b1111; let op2 = (word >> 5) & 0b111; let CRm = (word >> 8) & 0b1111; let CRn = (word >> 12) & 0b1111; let op1 = (word >> 16) & 0b111; inst.opcode = Opcode::SYS(SysOps::new(op1 as u8, op2 as u8)); inst.operands = [ Operand::Register(SizeCode::X, Rt as u16), Operand::ControlReg(CRn as u16), Operand::ControlReg(CRm as u16), Operand::Nothing, ]; } 0b010 | 0b011 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::MSR; let Rt = word & 0b1111; let systemreg = (word >> 5) & 0b1_111_1111_1111_111; inst.operands = [ Operand::SystemReg(systemreg as u16), Operand::Register(SizeCode::X, Rt as u16), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; } 0b100 => { inst.opcode = Opcode::Invalid; } 0b101 => { let Rt = word & 0b1111; let op2 = (word >> 5) & 0b111; let CRm = (word >> 8) & 0b1111; let CRn = (word >> 12) & 0b1111; let op1 = (word >> 16) & 0b111; inst.opcode = Opcode::SYSL(SysOps::new(op1 as u8, op2 as u8)); inst.operands = [ Operand::ControlReg(CRn as u16), Operand::ControlReg(CRm as u16), Operand::Register(SizeCode::X, Rt as u16), Operand::Nothing, ]; } 0b110 | 0b111 => { let Rt = word & 0b11111; let systemreg = (word >> 5) & 0b1_111_1111_1111_111; inst.opcode = Opcode::MRS; inst.operands = [ Operand::Register(SizeCode::X, Rt as u16), Operand::SystemReg(systemreg as u16), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, ]; } _ => { inst.opcode = Opcode::Invalid; } } } }, 0b11010 => { // unconditional branch (reg) // actually the low 3 bits of opc let opc = (word >> 21) & 0x7; match opc { 0b000 => { if (word & 0x1ffc1f) == 0x1f0000 { let Rn = (word >> 5) & 0x1f; inst.opcode = Opcode::BR; inst.operands = [ Operand::Register(SizeCode::X, Rn as u16), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing ]; } else { inst.opcode = Opcode::Invalid; } }, 0b001 => { if (word & 0x1ffc1f) == 0x1f0000 { let Rn = (word >> 5) & 0x1f; inst.opcode = Opcode::BLR; inst.operands = [ Operand::Register(SizeCode::X, Rn as u16), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing ]; } else { inst.opcode = Opcode::Invalid; } }, 0b010 => { if (word & 0x1ffc1f) == 0x1f0000 { let Rn = (word >> 5) & 0x1f; inst.opcode = Opcode::RET; inst.operands = [ Operand::Register(SizeCode::X, Rn as u16), Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing ]; } else { inst.opcode = Opcode::Invalid; } }, 0b100 => { if (word & 0x1fffff) == 0x1f03e0 { inst.opcode = Opcode::ERET; } else { inst.opcode = Opcode::Invalid; } }, 0b101 => { if (word & 0x1fffff) == 0x1f03e0 { inst.opcode = Opcode::DRPS; } else { inst.opcode = Opcode::Invalid; } }, _ => { inst.opcode = Opcode::Invalid; } } } 0b11011 => { // unconditional branch (reg) // the last 1 is bit 24, which C3.2.7 indicates are // all invalid encodings (opc is b0101 or lower) inst.opcode = Opcode::Invalid; } _ => { // TODO: invalid return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } } }, }; Ok(()) } }