use std::fs::File; use std::io::{Read, Write}; use std::{fmt, io}; use std::collections::BTreeSet; fn main() { use clap::*; let _ = include_str!("../Cargo.toml"); let app = app_from_crate!() .arg( Arg::with_name("arch") .short("a") .long("--architecture") .takes_value(true) .validator(|a| { if ["x86_64", "x86_32", "x86_16", "x86:64", "x86:32", "x86:16", "ia64", "armv7", "armv8", "avr", "mips", "msp430", "pic17", "pic18", "m16c", "6502", "lc87"].contains(&&a[..]) || (["sh", "sh2", "sh3", "sh4", "j2"].contains( &&a[0..a.find(|c| c == '+' || c == '-').unwrap_or(a.len())]) && a.split(|c| c == '+' || c == '-').skip(1).all( |f| ["be", "mmu", "fpu", "f64", "j2"].contains(&f))) { Ok(()) } else { Err("possible values: x86_64, x86_32, x86_16, x86:64, x86:32, x86:16, \ ia64, armv7, armv8, avr, mips, msp430, pic17, pic18, \ m16c, 6502, lc87, {sh{,2,3,4},j2}[[+-]{be,mmu,fpu,f64,j2}]*" .to_string()) } }) .help("architecture to disassemble input as."), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("file") .short("f") .long("file") .takes_value(true) .help("file of bytes to decode"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("verbose") .short("v") .long("--verbose") .help("increased detail when decoding instructions"), ) .arg(Arg::with_name("data").help( "hex bytes to decode by the selected architecture. for example, try -a x86_64 33c0c3", )); let matches = app.get_matches(); let arch_str = matches.value_of("arch").unwrap_or("x86_64"); let buf: Vec = match matches.value_of("data") { Some(data) => match hex::decode(data) { Ok(buf) => buf, Err(e) => { eprintln!("Invalid input, {}. Expected a sequence of bytes as hex", e); return; } }, None => { let mut v = Vec::new(); match matches.value_of("file") { Some(name) => match File::open(name) { Ok(mut f) => { f.read_to_end(&mut v).expect("can read the file"); v } Err(e) => { eprintln!("error opening {}: {}", name, e); return; } }, None => { eprintln!("data must be provided by either an argument consisting of hex bytes, or by the --file argument."); return; } } } }; let verbose = matches.occurrences_of("verbose") > 0; let printer = Printer { stdout: io::stdout(), verbose }; match arch_str { "x86_64" | "x86:64" => crate::current_arch::decode_input::(&buf, &printer), "x86_32" | "x86:32" => crate::current_arch::decode_input::(&buf, &printer), "x86_16" | "x86:16" => crate::current_arch::decode_input::(&buf, &printer), "ia64" => crate::current_arch::decode_input::(&buf, &printer), "avr" => crate::current_arch::decode_input::(&buf, &printer), "armv7" => crate::current_arch::decode_input::(&buf, &printer), "armv8" => crate::current_arch::decode_input::(&buf, &printer), "mips" => crate::current_arch::decode_input::(&buf, &printer), "msp430" => crate::current_arch::decode_input::(&buf, &printer), "pic17" => crate::current_arch::decode_input::(&buf, &printer), "pic18" => crate::current_arch::decode_input::(&buf, &printer), "m16c" => crate::current_arch::decode_input::(&buf, &printer), "6502" => crate::legacy_arch::decode_input::(&buf, &printer), "lc87" => crate::current_arch::decode_input::(&buf, &printer), // "pic24" => decode_input::(buf), other => { let seg_idx = arch_str.find(|c| c == '+' || c == '-').unwrap_or(arch_str.len()); let wps = |base| with_parsed_superh(base, &arch_str[seg_idx..], |decoder| crate::legacy_arch::decode_input_with_decoder::(decoder, &buf, &printer)); match &arch_str[0..seg_idx] { "sh" => wps(yaxpeax_superh::SuperHDecoder::SH1), "sh2" => wps(yaxpeax_superh::SuperHDecoder::SH2), "sh3" => wps(yaxpeax_superh::SuperHDecoder::SH3), "sh4" => wps(yaxpeax_superh::SuperHDecoder::SH4), "j2" => wps(yaxpeax_superh::SuperHDecoder::J2), _ => println!("unsupported architecture: {}", other), } } } } fn with_parsed_superh( mut based_on: yaxpeax_superh::SuperHDecoder, mut from: &str, func: F ) { let mut features = based_on.features.iter().copied().collect::>(); while !from.is_empty() { // This would be Not Trash if split_inclusive were stable; alas let op = from.chars().next().unwrap(); from = &from[1..]; let next_feat_idx = from.find(|c| c == '+' || c == '-').unwrap_or(from.len()); let feat = &from[0..next_feat_idx]; from = &from[next_feat_idx..]; match (op, feat) { ('+', "be") => based_on.little_endian = false, ('-', "be") => based_on.little_endian = true, ('+', "f64") => based_on.fpscr_sz = true, ('-', "f64") => based_on.fpscr_sz = false, ('+', "mmu") => { features.insert(yaxpeax_superh::SuperHFeature::MMU); }, ('-', "mmu") => { features.remove(&yaxpeax_superh::SuperHFeature::MMU); }, ('+', "fpu") => { features.insert(yaxpeax_superh::SuperHFeature::FPU); }, ('-', "fpu") => { features.remove(&yaxpeax_superh::SuperHFeature::FPU); }, ('+', "j2") => { features.insert(yaxpeax_superh::SuperHFeature::J2); }, ('-', "j2") => { features.remove(&yaxpeax_superh::SuperHFeature::J2); }, pair => panic!("Who is {:?} and why was it not caught at parse time?", pair), } } func(yaxpeax_superh::SuperHDecoder { features: &features.into_iter().collect::>()[..], ..based_on }) } struct Printer { stdout: io::Stdout, verbose: bool, } impl Printer { // shared generic function to keep display logic consistent regardless of yaxpeax-arch version fn print_instr(&self, rest: &[u8], addr: usize, x: Result<(usize, bool, I), E>) where I: fmt::Display + fmt::Debug, E: fmt::Display, { // TODO: lock stdout for the whole time? What if an arch implementation tries to log something? let mut stdout = self.stdout.lock(); write!(stdout, "{:#010x}: ", addr).unwrap(); match x { Ok((inst_len, well_defined, inst)) => { writeln!(stdout, "{:14}: {}", hex::encode(&rest[..inst_len]), inst) .unwrap(); if self.verbose { writeln!(stdout, " {:?}", inst).unwrap(); if !well_defined { writeln!(stdout, " not well-defined").unwrap(); } } } Err(e) => { writeln!(stdout, "{}", e).unwrap(); } } } } // yaxpeax-arch, implemented by all decoders here, is required at incompatible versions by // different decoders. implement the actual decode-and-print behavior on both versions of // yaxpeax-arch while older decoders are still being updated. mod current_arch { use yaxpeax_arch_02::{AddressBase, Arch, Decoder, Instruction, LengthedInstruction, Reader, U8Reader}; use std::fmt; use num_traits::identities::Zero; use super::Printer; pub(crate) fn decode_input(buf: &[u8], printer: &Printer) where A::Instruction: fmt::Display, for<'data> U8Reader<'data>: Reader, { decode_input_with_decoder::(A::Decoder::default(), buf, printer); } pub(crate) fn decode_input_with_decoder(decoder: A::Decoder, buf: &[u8], printer: &Printer) where A::Instruction: fmt::Display, for<'data> U8Reader<'data>: Reader, { let mut addr = A::Address::zero(); while let Some(rest) = buf.get(addr.to_linear()..).filter(|v| !v.is_empty()) { let mut reader = U8Reader::new(rest); let res = decoder.decode(&mut reader); let advance_addr = match &res { Ok(inst) => inst.len(), Err(_) => A::Instruction::min_size(), }; let generic_res =|inst| { ( A::Address::zero().wrapping_offset(inst.len()).to_linear(), inst.well_defined(), inst, ) }); printer.print_instr(rest, addr.to_linear(), generic_res); addr += advance_addr; } } } mod legacy_arch { use yaxpeax_arch_01::{AddressBase, Arch, Decoder, Instruction, LengthedInstruction}; use std::fmt; use num_traits::identities::Zero; use super::Printer; pub(crate) fn decode_input(buf: &[u8], printer: &Printer) where A::Instruction: fmt::Display, { decode_input_with_decoder::(A::Decoder::default(), buf, printer); } pub(crate) fn decode_input_with_decoder(decoder: A::Decoder, buf: &[u8], printer: &Printer) where A::Instruction: fmt::Display, { let mut addr = A::Address::zero(); while let Some(rest) = buf.get(addr.to_linear()..).filter(|v| !v.is_empty()) { let res = decoder.decode(rest.iter().copied()); let advance_addr = match &res { Ok(inst) => inst.len(), Err(_) => A::Instruction::min_size(), }; let generic_res =|inst| { ( A::Address::zero().wrapping_offset(inst.len()).to_linear(), inst.well_defined(), inst, ) }); printer.print_instr(rest, addr.to_linear(), generic_res); addr += advance_addr; } } }