use clap::Parser; use libc::pid_t; use nix::sys::mman::{MapFlags, ProtFlags}; use nix::sys::ptrace::Request::*; use nix::unistd::ForkResult; use std::ffi::c_void; use std::fs; use std::num::NonZeroUsize; use std::path::PathBuf; use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering}; use yaxpeax_arch::LengthedInstruction; #[derive(Parser)] #[clap(about, version, author)] struct Args { /// file of bytes to execute #[clap(short, long, parse(from_os_str), conflicts_with = "code")] file: Option, /// hex bytes to execute. for example, try `33c0` #[clap(required_unless_present = "file")] code: Option, /// initial register state. registers not specified here may be initialized to random values. #[clap(short, long)] regs: Option, } fn parse_number(v: &str) -> Result { let res = if v.starts_with("0x") { u64::from_str_radix(&v[2..], 16) } else if v.starts_with("0b") { u64::from_str_radix(&v[2..], 2) } else if v.starts_with("0o") { u64::from_str_radix(&v[2..], 8) } else { u64::from_str_radix(v, 10) }; res.map_err(|e| format!("{}", e)) } fn main() { let args = Args::parse(); let buf: Vec = match args.code { Some(code) => match hex::decode(code) { Ok(buf) => buf, Err(e) => { eprintln!("invalid input, {}. expected a sequence of bytes as hex", e); return; } }, None => { let name = args.file.unwrap(); match fs::read(&name) { Ok(v) => v, Err(e) => { eprintln!("error reading {}: {}", name.display(), e); return; } } } }; let initial_rip: Option = args.regs.as_ref() .and_then(|regs| regs.split(",").find(|x| x.starts_with("rip="))) .map(|assign| { match assign.split("=").collect::>().as_slice() { ["rip", value] => parse_number(value), [_other, _value] => Err(format!("found `rip=` but then string didn't start with `rip=`?")), other => Err(format!("string was not a simple reg=value format: {:?}", other)) } }) .transpose() .unwrap(); // implement `initial_rip`, if present, as follows: // `initial_rip / 4096` is implemented by an mmap base address, // `initial_rip % 4096` is implemented by offsetting in that mmap ("before" initial_rip is // implicitly all 0) let required_len =|x| x as usize & 0xfff).unwrap_or(0) + buf.len() + 1; let rounded_len = (required_len + 0xfff) & !0xfff; let sync: *const AtomicBool = { let shared_ptr = unsafe { nix::sys::mman::mmap( None, NonZeroUsize::new(4096).unwrap(), ProtFlags::PROT_EXEC | ProtFlags::PROT_WRITE | ProtFlags::PROT_READ, MapFlags::MAP_SHARED | MapFlags::MAP_ANON, 0, 0, ).unwrap() }; let ptr = shared_ptr as *mut AtomicBool; unsafe { std::ptr::write(ptr, AtomicBool::new(false)) }; ptr as *const AtomicBool }; let mut map_flags = MapFlags::MAP_SHARED | MapFlags::MAP_ANON; if initial_rip.is_some() { map_flags |= MapFlags::MAP_FIXED; } let code = unsafe { nix::sys::mman::mmap(|x| NonZeroUsize::new(x as usize - (x as usize % 0x1000)).unwrap()), NonZeroUsize::new(rounded_len).unwrap(), ProtFlags::PROT_EXEC | ProtFlags::PROT_WRITE | ProtFlags::PROT_READ, map_flags, 0, 0, ).unwrap() }; let initial_rip = (code as u64) +|x| x & 0xfff).unwrap_or(0); let slice: &mut [u8] = unsafe { std::slice::from_raw_parts_mut( initial_rip as *mut u8, required_len ) }; (&mut slice[..buf.len()]).copy_from_slice(buf.as_slice()); slice[buf.len()] = 0xcc; println!("loaded code..."); let mut offset = 0; while offset < buf.len() + 1 { match yaxpeax_x86::long_mode::InstDecoder::default().decode_slice(&slice[offset..]) { Ok(inst) => { if offset < buf.len() { println!(" {:016x}: {}", offset + initial_rip as usize, inst); } else { println!(" {:016x}: 🏁 ({})", offset + initial_rip as usize, inst); } offset += inst.len().to_const() as usize } Err(e) => { println!(" {:016x}: {}", offset + initial_rip as usize, e); println!(" (offset {:x})", offset); break; } } } println!("running..."); let target = match unsafe { nix::unistd::fork().unwrap() } { ForkResult::Parent { child } => PtraceEvalTarget::attach(child.as_raw(), sync), ForkResult::Child => unsafe { setup(sync) }, }; unsafe { target.clear_regs(); if let Some(regs) = args.regs.as_ref() { target.apply_regs(regs); } target.set_rip(initial_rip); let regs = target.get_regs(); let status =; // println!("status: {}", status); let exit_regs = target.get_regs(); print_diff(®s, &exit_regs); if status & 0xff == 0x7f { let signal = status >> 8; if signal == libc::SIGTRAP { if == (initial_rip + buf.len() as u64 + 1) { // code completed normally } else { println!("sigtrap at atypical address: {:016x}",; std::process::exit(1); } } else if signal == libc::SIGSEGV { println!("sigsegv at unexpected address: {:016x}",; std::process::exit(1); } else { println!("signal {} at unexpected address: {:016x}", signal,; } } else if status <= 255 { println!("exited with signal: {}", status & 0xff); std::process::exit(1); } else { println!("unknown stop status? {}", status); std::process::exit(1); } } } fn print_diff(from: &libc::user_regs_struct, to: &libc::user_regs_struct) { if from.rax != to.rax { println!(" rax: {:016x}", from.rax); println!(" to -> {:016x}", to.rax); } if from.rcx != to.rcx { println!(" rcx: {:016x}", from.rcx); println!(" to -> {:016x}", to.rcx); } if from.rdx != to.rdx { println!(" rdx: {:016x}", from.rdx); println!(" to -> {:016x}", to.rdx); } if from.rbx != to.rbx { println!(" rbx: {:016x}", from.rbx); println!(" to -> {:016x}", to.rbx); } if from.rbp != to.rbp { println!(" rbp: {:016x}", from.rbp); println!(" to -> {:016x}", to.rbp); } if from.rsp != to.rsp { println!(" rsp: {:016x}", from.rsp); println!(" to -> {:016x}", to.rsp); } if from.rsi != to.rsi { println!(" rsi: {:016x}", from.rsi); println!(" to -> {:016x}", to.rsi); } if from.rdi != to.rdi { println!(" rdi: {:016x}", from.rdi); println!(" to -> {:016x}", to.rdi); } if from.r8 != to.r8 { println!(" r8: {:016x}", from.r8); println!(" to -> {:016x}", to.r8); } if from.r9 != to.r9 { println!(" r9: {:016x}", from.r9); println!(" to -> {:016x}", to.r9); } if from.r10 != to.r10 { println!(" r10: {:016x}", from.r10); println!(" to -> {:016x}", to.r10); } if from.r11 != to.r11 { println!(" r11: {:016x}", from.r11); println!(" to -> {:016x}", to.r11); } if from.r12 != to.r12 { println!(" r12: {:016x}", from.r12); println!(" to -> {:016x}", to.r12); } if from.r13 != to.r13 { println!(" r13: {:016x}", from.r13); println!(" to -> {:016x}", to.r13); } if from.r14 != to.r14 { println!(" r14: {:016x}", from.r14); println!(" to -> {:016x}", to.r14); } if from.r15 != to.r15 { println!(" r15: {:016x}", from.r15); println!(" to -> {:016x}", to.r15); } if != { println!(" rip: {:016x}",; println!(" to -> {:016x}",; } if from.eflags != to.eflags { println!(" eflags: {:08x}", from.eflags); println!(" to -> {:08x}", to.eflags); } } unsafe fn setup(sync: *const AtomicBool) -> ! { assert_eq!(libc::prctl(libc::PR_SET_PDEATHSIG, libc::SIGKILL), 0); sync.as_ref().unwrap().store(true, Ordering::SeqCst); loop {} } struct PtraceEvalTarget { pid: pid_t, } impl PtraceEvalTarget { fn attach(pid: pid_t, sync: *const AtomicBool) -> Self { // wait until the child process signals it's ready to be attached to. this solves a small // race where if we attach and die before the child sets `prctl(PR_SET_PDEATHSIG)`, the // child process can become an orphan. the default config leaves the child process in an // infinite loop in such a case. let syncref = unsafe { sync.as_ref().unwrap() }; while !syncref.load(Ordering::SeqCst) { std::thread::sleep(std::time::Duration::from_millis(10)); } if unsafe { libc::ptrace(PTRACE_ATTACH as u32, pid) } != 0 { panic!("ptrace: {}", nix::errno::errno()); } if unsafe { libc::waitpid(pid, std::ptr::null_mut(), 0) } == -1 { panic!("waitpid: {}", nix::errno::errno()); } Self { pid } } unsafe fn apply_regs(&self, regs: &str) { let mut state = self.get_regs(); let parts = regs.split(","); for part in parts { let kv = part.split("=").collect::>(); match kv.as_slice() { [reg, value] => { let value: u64 = parse_number(value).unwrap(); match *reg { "rax" => { state.rax = value }, "rcx" => { state.rcx = value }, "rdx" => { state.rdx = value }, "rbx" => { state.rbx = value }, "rbp" => { state.rbp = value }, "rsp" => { state.rsp = value }, "rsi" => { state.rsi = value }, "rdi" => { state.rdi = value }, "r8" => { state.r8 = value }, "r9" => { state.r9 = value }, "r10" => { state.r10 = value }, "r11" => { state.r11 = value }, "r12" => { state.r12 = value }, "r13" => { state.r13 = value }, "r14" => { state.r14 = value }, "r15" => { state.r15 = value }, "eflags" => { state.eflags = value }, "rip" => { /* handled elsewhere */ }, other => { panic!("unknown register {}", other) } } }, other => { eprintln!("register assignment was not of the form `regname=value`? {:?}", other); } } } self.set_regs(&mut state); } unsafe fn clear_regs(&self) { let mut regs = self.get_regs(); regs.rax = 0; regs.rcx = 0; regs.rdx = 0; regs.rbx = 0; regs.rbp = 0; regs.rsp = 0; regs.rsi = 0; regs.rdi = 0; regs.r8 = 0; regs.r9 = 0; regs.r10 = 0; regs.r11 = 0; regs.r12 = 0; regs.r13 = 0; regs.r14 = 0; regs.r15 = 0; regs.eflags = 0; self.set_regs(&mut regs); } unsafe fn get_regs(&self) -> libc::user_regs_struct { let mut regs: libc::user_regs_struct = std::mem::transmute([0u8; std::mem::size_of::()]); if libc::ptrace(PTRACE_GETREGS as u32,, std::ptr::null_mut::<*const c_void>(), &mut regs as *mut libc::user_regs_struct) != 0 { panic!("ptrace(getregs): {}", nix::errno::errno()); } regs } unsafe fn set_regs(&self, regs: &mut libc::user_regs_struct) { if libc::ptrace(PTRACE_SETREGS as u32,, std::ptr::null_mut::<*const c_void>(), regs as *mut libc::user_regs_struct) != 0 { panic!("ptrace(setregs): {}", nix::errno::errno()); } } unsafe fn set_rip(&self, rip: u64) { let mut regs = self.get_regs(); = rip; if libc::ptrace(PTRACE_SETREGS as u32,, std::ptr::null_mut::<*const c_void>(), &mut regs as *mut libc::user_regs_struct) != 0 { panic!("ptrace(setregs): {}", nix::errno::errno()); } } unsafe fn run(&self) -> i32 { if libc::ptrace(PTRACE_CONT as u32,, 0, 0) != 0 { panic!("ptrace(cont): {}", nix::errno::errno()); } let mut status = 0; if libc::waitpid(, &mut status as *mut i32, 0) == -1 { panic!("waitpid: {}", nix::errno::errno()); } status } }