[package] authors = [ "iximeow " ] description = "instruction decoder for the renesas m16c architecture" edition = "2018" license = "0BSD" name = "yaxpeax-m16c" repository = "http://git.iximeow.net/yaxpeax-m16c/" version = "0.0.3" [dependencies] yaxpeax-arch = { version = "0.0.4", default-features = false, features = [] } "num-traits" = { version = "0.2", default-features = false } "serde" = { version = "1.0", optional = true } "serde_json" = { version = "1.0", optional = true } "serde_derive" = { version = "1.0", optional = true } [[test]] name = "test" path = "test/test.rs" [profile.release] opt-level = 3 lto = true [features] default = ["std", "use-serde"] # opt-in for some apis that are really much nicer with String std = [] use-serde = ["yaxpeax-arch/use-serde", "serde", "serde_derive"]