#[cfg(feature="use-serde")] #[macro_use] extern crate serde_derive; #[cfg(feature="use-serde")] extern crate serde; //#[cfg(feature="use-serde")] //use serde::{Serialize, Deserialize}; extern crate yaxpeax_arch; use yaxpeax_arch::{Arch, AddressDiff, Decoder, LengthedInstruction, Reader, StandardDecodeError, U16le}; use yaxpeax_arch::annotation::{AnnotatingDecoder, DescriptionSink, NullSink}; mod display; pub use display::NoContext; #[cfg_attr(feature="use-serde", derive(Serialize, Deserialize))] #[derive(Debug)] pub struct MSP430; impl Arch for MSP430 { type Address = u16; type Word = U16le; type Instruction = Instruction; type DecodeError = StandardDecodeError; type Decoder = InstDecoder; type Operand = Operand; } #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)] pub struct Instruction { pub opcode: Opcode, pub op_width: Width, pub operands: [Operand; 2] } #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum Width { W, B } impl fmt::Display for Width { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { match self { Width::W => { f.write_str("w") } Width::B => { f.write_str("b") } } } } impl Default for Instruction { fn default() -> Instruction { Instruction { opcode: Opcode::Invalid(0xffff), op_width: Width::W, operands: [Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing] } } } impl LengthedInstruction for Instruction { type Unit = AddressDiff<::Address>; fn min_size() -> Self::Unit { AddressDiff::from_const(2) } fn len(&self) -> Self::Unit { let mut size = 2; match self.operands[0] { Operand::Indexed(_, _) | Operand::Symbolic(_) | Operand::Immediate(_) | Operand::Absolute(_) => { size += 2; }, _ => {} }; match self.operands[1] { Operand::Indexed(_, _) | Operand::Symbolic(_) | Operand::Immediate(_) | Operand::Absolute(_) => { size += 2; }, _ => {} }; AddressDiff::from_const(size) } } #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum Opcode { Invalid(u16), RRC, SWPB, RRA, SXT, PUSH, CALL, RETI, JNE, JEQ, JNC, JC, JN, JGE, JL, JMP, MOV, ADD, ADDC, SUBC, SUB, CMP, DADD, BIT, BIC, BIS, XOR, AND } #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum Operand { Register(u8), Indexed(u8, u16), RegisterIndirect(u8), IndirectAutoinc(u8), Symbolic(u16), Immediate(u16), Absolute(u16), Offset(i16), Const4, Const8, Const0, Const1, Const2, ConstNeg1, Nothing } impl yaxpeax_arch::Instruction for Instruction { // TODO: this is wrong!! fn well_defined(&self) -> bool { true } } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct InstDecoder { flags: u8 } impl InstDecoder { pub fn minimal() -> Self { InstDecoder { flags: 0 } } pub fn with_microcorruption(mut self) -> Self { self.flags |= 1; self } pub fn microcorruption_quirks(&self) -> bool { (self.flags & 1) != 0 } } impl Default for InstDecoder { fn default() -> Self { InstDecoder { flags: 0xff } } } /* let mut bytes_iter = bytes.into_iter(); let word: Vec = bytes_iter.by_ref().take(2).collect(); let fullword = match word[..] { [] | [_] => { return Err(DecodeError::ExhaustedInput); }, [low, high] => (high as u16) << 8 | (low as u16), _ => unreachable!() }; */ impl Decoder for InstDecoder { fn decode_into::Address, ::Word>>(&self, inst: &mut Instruction, words: &mut T) -> Result<(), ::DecodeError> { self.decode_with_annotation(inst, words, &mut NullSink) } } #[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct MSP430FieldDescription { desc: Option<&'static str>, value: MSP430Field, // an opaque identifier to link different parts of FieldDescription at different offsets. id: u32, } impl yaxpeax_arch::annotation::FieldDescription for MSP430FieldDescription { fn id(&self) -> u32 { self.id } fn is_separator(&self) -> bool { false } } #[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum MSP430Field { Opcode(Opcode), Operand(Operand), Width(Width), None, } use std::fmt; impl fmt::Display for MSP430FieldDescription { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { match &self.value { MSP430Field::Opcode(opc) => { write!(f, "opcode: {}", opc)?; } MSP430Field::Operand(operand) => { write!(f, "operand: {}", operand)?; } MSP430Field::Width(width) => { write!(f, "width: {}", width)?; } MSP430Field::None => { } } if let Some(desc) = self.desc { if let MSP430Field::None = &self.value { // no preceeding text, we can get right into the description write!(f, "{}", desc)?; } else { // we printed something, add a separator for the description write!(f, ", {}", desc)?; } } else { // all done, no description to follow } Ok(()) } } impl AnnotatingDecoder for InstDecoder { type FieldDescription = MSP430FieldDescription; fn decode_with_annotation< T: Reader<::Address, ::Word>, S: DescriptionSink >(&self, inst: &mut Instruction, words: &mut T, sink: &mut S) -> Result<(), ::DecodeError> { let fullword = words.next()?.0; fn decode_operand< T: Reader<::Address, ::Word>, S: DescriptionSink >(words: &mut T, sink: &mut S, reg: u8, reg_addr: (u32, u32), mode: u8, mode_addr: (u32, u32), oper: &mut Operand) -> Result<(), StandardDecodeError> { let id = reg_addr.0 + 256; *oper = match reg { 0 => { if mode == 0 { sink.record(reg_addr.0, reg_addr.1, MSP430FieldDescription { desc: Some("register number"), value: MSP430Field::Operand(Operand::Register(reg)), id }); sink.record(mode_addr.0, mode_addr.1, MSP430FieldDescription { desc: Some("operand mode (register)"), value: MSP430Field::Operand(Operand::Register(reg)), id }); Operand::Register(reg) } else if mode == 1 { let disp_start = words.offset() as u32 * 16; let disp = words.next()?.0; sink.record(reg_addr.0, reg_addr.1, MSP430FieldDescription { desc: Some("operand mode (symbolic)"), value: MSP430Field::Operand(Operand::Symbolic(disp)), id }); sink.record(mode_addr.0, mode_addr.1, MSP430FieldDescription { desc: Some("operand mode (symbolic)"), value: MSP430Field::Operand(Operand::Symbolic(disp)), id }); sink.record(disp_start, disp_start + 15, MSP430FieldDescription { desc: Some("pc-relative offst"), value: MSP430Field::Operand(Operand::Symbolic(disp)), id }); Operand::Symbolic(disp) } else if mode == 2 { sink.record(reg_addr.0, reg_addr.1, MSP430FieldDescription { desc: Some("register number"), value: MSP430Field::Operand(Operand::Register(reg)), id }); sink.record(mode_addr.0, mode_addr.1, MSP430FieldDescription { desc: Some("operand mode (register)"), value: MSP430Field::Operand(Operand::Register(reg)), id }); Operand::RegisterIndirect(reg) } else if mode == 3 { let imm_start = words.offset() as u32 * 16; let imm = words.next()?.0; sink.record(reg_addr.0, reg_addr.1, MSP430FieldDescription { desc: Some("operand mode (immediate)"), value: MSP430Field::Operand(Operand::Immediate(imm)), id }); sink.record(mode_addr.0, mode_addr.1, MSP430FieldDescription { desc: Some("operand mode (immediate)"), value: MSP430Field::Operand(Operand::Immediate(imm)), id }); sink.record(imm_start, imm_start + 15, MSP430FieldDescription { desc: Some("immediate"), value: MSP430Field::Operand(Operand::Immediate(imm)), id }); Operand::Immediate(imm) } else { return Err(StandardDecodeError::InvalidOperand); } }, 2 => { match mode { 0 => { sink.record(reg_addr.0, reg_addr.1, MSP430FieldDescription { desc: Some("register number"), value: MSP430Field::Operand(Operand::Register(reg)), id }); sink.record(mode_addr.0, mode_addr.1, MSP430FieldDescription { desc: Some("operand mode (register)"), value: MSP430Field::Operand(Operand::Register(reg)), id }); Operand::Register(reg) }, 1 => { let abs_start = words.offset() as u32 * 16; let abs = words.next()?.0; sink.record(reg_addr.0, reg_addr.1, MSP430FieldDescription { desc: Some("operand mode (absolute)"), value: MSP430Field::Operand(Operand::Absolute(abs)), id }); sink.record(mode_addr.0, mode_addr.1, MSP430FieldDescription { desc: Some("operand mode (absolute)"), value: MSP430Field::Operand(Operand::Absolute(abs)), id }); sink.record(abs_start, abs_start + 15, MSP430FieldDescription { desc: Some("absolute address"), value: MSP430Field::Operand(Operand::Absolute(abs)), id }); Operand::Absolute(abs) }, 2 => { sink.record(reg_addr.0, reg_addr.1, MSP430FieldDescription { desc: Some("constant (8)"), value: MSP430Field::Operand(Operand::Const8), id }); sink.record(mode_addr.0, mode_addr.1, MSP430FieldDescription { desc: Some("constant (8)"), value: MSP430Field::Operand(Operand::Const8), id }); Operand::Const8 }, 3 => { sink.record(reg_addr.0, reg_addr.1, MSP430FieldDescription { desc: Some("constant (4)"), value: MSP430Field::Operand(Operand::Const4), id }); sink.record(mode_addr.0, mode_addr.1, MSP430FieldDescription { desc: Some("constant (4)"), value: MSP430Field::Operand(Operand::Const4), id }); Operand::Const4 }, _ => { unreachable!() } } }, 3 => { match mode { 0 => { sink.record(reg_addr.0, reg_addr.1, MSP430FieldDescription { desc: Some("constant (0)"), value: MSP430Field::Operand(Operand::Const0), id }); sink.record(mode_addr.0, mode_addr.1, MSP430FieldDescription { desc: Some("constant (0)"), value: MSP430Field::Operand(Operand::Const0), id }); Operand::Const0 }, 1 => { sink.record(reg_addr.0, reg_addr.1, MSP430FieldDescription { desc: Some("constant (1)"), value: MSP430Field::Operand(Operand::Const1), id }); sink.record(mode_addr.0, mode_addr.1, MSP430FieldDescription { desc: Some("constant (1)"), value: MSP430Field::Operand(Operand::Const1), id }); Operand::Const1 }, 2 => { sink.record(reg_addr.0, reg_addr.1, MSP430FieldDescription { desc: Some("constant (2)"), value: MSP430Field::Operand(Operand::Const2), id }); sink.record(mode_addr.0, mode_addr.1, MSP430FieldDescription { desc: Some("constant (2)"), value: MSP430Field::Operand(Operand::Const2), id }); Operand::Const2 }, 3 => { sink.record(reg_addr.0, reg_addr.1, MSP430FieldDescription { desc: Some("constant (-1)"), value: MSP430Field::Operand(Operand::ConstNeg1), id }); sink.record(mode_addr.0, mode_addr.1, MSP430FieldDescription { desc: Some("constant (-1)"), value: MSP430Field::Operand(Operand::ConstNeg1), id }); Operand::ConstNeg1 }, _ => { unreachable!() } } }, _ => { match mode { 0 => { sink.record(reg_addr.0, reg_addr.1, MSP430FieldDescription { desc: Some("register number"), value: MSP430Field::Operand(Operand::Register(reg)), id }); sink.record(mode_addr.0, mode_addr.1, MSP430FieldDescription { desc: Some("operand mode (register)"), value: MSP430Field::Operand(Operand::Register(reg)), id }); Operand::Register(reg) }, 1 => { let offset_start = words.offset() as u32 * 16; let offset = words.next()?.0; sink.record(reg_addr.0, reg_addr.1, MSP430FieldDescription { desc: Some("operand mode (indexed)"), value: MSP430Field::Operand(Operand::Indexed(reg, offset)), id }); sink.record(mode_addr.0, mode_addr.1, MSP430FieldDescription { desc: Some("operand mode (indexed)"), value: MSP430Field::Operand(Operand::Indexed(reg, offset)), id }); sink.record(offset_start, offset_start + 15, MSP430FieldDescription { desc: Some("reg-relative offset"), value: MSP430Field::Operand(Operand::Indexed(reg, offset)), id }); Operand::Indexed(reg, offset) }, 2 => { sink.record(reg_addr.0, reg_addr.1, MSP430FieldDescription { desc: Some("register number"), value: MSP430Field::Operand(Operand::Register(reg)), id }); sink.record(mode_addr.0, mode_addr.1, MSP430FieldDescription { desc: Some("operand mode (register indirect)"), value: MSP430Field::Operand(Operand::Register(reg)), id }); Operand::RegisterIndirect(reg) }, 3 => { sink.record(reg_addr.0, reg_addr.1, MSP430FieldDescription { desc: Some("register number"), value: MSP430Field::Operand(Operand::Register(reg)), id }); sink.record(mode_addr.0, mode_addr.1, MSP430FieldDescription { desc: Some("operand mode (register indirect, autoinc)"), value: MSP430Field::Operand(Operand::Register(reg)), id }); Operand::IndirectAutoinc(reg) }, _ => { unreachable!() } } } }; return Ok(()); } inst.op_width = Width::W; match fullword { /* instrword if instrword < 0x1000 => { // MSP430X instructions go here inst.opcode = Opcode::Invalid(instrword); inst.operands[0] = Operand::Nothing; inst.operands[1] = Operand::Nothing; return None; }, */ instrword if instrword < 0x2000 => { // microcorruption msp430 is non-standard and accepts invalid instructions.. if !self.microcorruption_quirks() { sink.record(13, 15, MSP430FieldDescription { desc: Some("unallocated opcode space (error)"), value: MSP430Field::None, id: 0, }); return Err(StandardDecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } else { sink.record(13, 15, MSP430FieldDescription { desc: Some("unallocated opcode space (microcorruption ignores)"), value: MSP430Field::None, id: 0, }); } let (opcode_idx, operands) = ((instrword & 0x0380) >> 7, instrword & 0x7f); match opcode_idx { x if x < 6 => { inst.opcode = [ Opcode::RRC, Opcode::SWPB, Opcode::RRA, Opcode::SXT, Opcode::PUSH, Opcode::CALL ][x as usize]; sink.record(7, 9, MSP430FieldDescription { desc: None, value: MSP430Field::Opcode(inst.opcode), id: 0, }); inst.op_width = if operands & 0b01000000 == 0 { Width::W } else { Width::B }; sink.record(6, 6, MSP430FieldDescription { desc: None, value: MSP430Field::Width(inst.op_width), id: 1, }); if inst.op_width == Width::B && (x == 1 || x == 3 || x == 5) { sink.record(6, 9, MSP430FieldDescription { desc: Some("swpb, sxt, and call all require width=W (error)"), value: MSP430Field::None, id: 0, }); inst.opcode = Opcode::Invalid(instrword); return Err(StandardDecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } #[allow(non_snake_case)] let (As, source) = ( ((instrword & 0x0030) >> 4) as u8, (instrword & 0x000f) as u8 ); decode_operand(words, sink, source, (0, 3), As, (4, 5), &mut inst.operands[0])?; inst.operands[1] = Operand::Nothing; Ok(()) }, 6 => { sink.record(7, 9, MSP430FieldDescription { desc: None, value: MSP430Field::Opcode(Opcode::RETI), id: 0, }); if operands == 0 { inst.opcode = Opcode::RETI; inst.operands[0] = Operand::Nothing; inst.operands[1] = Operand::Nothing; Ok(()) } else { sink.record(0, 6, MSP430FieldDescription { desc: Some("reti requires all-zero operands (error)"), value: MSP430Field::None, id: 0, }); inst.opcode = Opcode::Invalid(instrword); return Err(StandardDecodeError::InvalidOperand); } } 7 => { sink.record(7, 9, MSP430FieldDescription { desc: Some("invalid opcode"), value: MSP430Field::None, id: 0, }); inst.opcode = Opcode::Invalid(instrword); return Err(StandardDecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } _ => { unreachable!(); } } }, instrword if instrword < 0x4000 => { let (opcode_idx, offset) = ((instrword & 0x1c00) >> 10, instrword & 0x3ff); inst.opcode = [ Opcode::JNE, Opcode::JEQ, Opcode::JNC, Opcode::JC, Opcode::JN, Opcode::JGE, Opcode::JL, Opcode::JMP ][opcode_idx as usize]; sink.record(13, 15, MSP430FieldDescription { desc: Some("Jcc or JMP"), value: MSP430Field::Opcode(inst.opcode), id: 0, }); sink.record(10, 12, MSP430FieldDescription { desc: None, value: MSP430Field::Opcode(inst.opcode), id: 0, }); let offset = ((offset as i16) << 6) >> 6; sink.record(0, 9, MSP430FieldDescription { desc: Some("relative offset (sign-extended to i16)"), value: MSP430Field::Operand(Operand::Offset(offset)), id: 2, }); inst.operands[0] = Operand::Offset(offset); inst.operands[1] = Operand::Nothing; Ok(()) }, instrword @ _ => { let (opcode_idx, operands) = ((instrword & 0xf000) >> 12, instrword & 0x0fff); inst.opcode = [ Opcode::MOV, Opcode::ADD, Opcode::ADDC, Opcode::SUBC, Opcode::SUB, Opcode::CMP, Opcode::DADD, Opcode::BIT, Opcode::BIC, Opcode::BIS, Opcode::XOR, Opcode::AND ][(opcode_idx - 4) as usize]; sink.record(12, 15, MSP430FieldDescription { desc: None, value: MSP430Field::Opcode(inst.opcode), id: 0, }); inst.op_width = if operands & 0b01000000 == 0 { Width::W } else { Width:: B }; sink.record(6, 6, MSP430FieldDescription { desc: None, value: MSP430Field::Width(inst.op_width), id: 1, }); #[allow(non_snake_case)] let (source, Ad, As, dest) = ( ((instrword & 0x0f00) >> 8) as u8, ((instrword & 0x0080) >> 7) as u8, ((instrword & 0x0030) >> 4) as u8, (instrword & 0x000f) as u8 ); decode_operand(words, sink, source, (8, 11), As, (4, 5), &mut inst.operands[0])?; decode_operand(words, sink, dest, (0, 3), Ad, (7, 7), &mut inst.operands[1])?; Ok(()) } } } }