## 0.0.7 `sse` and `sse2` support are mostly complete. `jmp reg` erroneously decoded to 32-bit registers without `rex.w`. `callf` could erroneously decode as having a register operand. more comprehensive, if yet insufficiently tested, avx decoding. support `vmclear` and `vmxon`, vmx still incomplete. ## 0.0.6 addressing modes using a sib byte with displacement != 0 were wrongly reported as having no displacement. ## 0.0.5 history basically starts here. * impl Ord and PartialOrd on RegSpec and RegisterBank * `RegSpec::name` to get `&'static str` labels for registers * support `in` and `out` instructions ## 0.0.4 - 0.0.2 seriously stop, just don't use these versions just bumps to use newer `yaxpeax-arch` since this is all wildly unstable