import json isa_data = json.loads(open("./x86_64.json").read()) class IsaData: def __init__(self, data): isa_extensions = isa_data['sets'] microarchitectures = isa_data['uarch'] self.instructions = isa_data['instructions'] loaded_exts = {} for ext in isa_extensions: loaded_exts[ext['name']] = ext loaded_uarches = {} for arch in microarchitectures: loaded_uarches[arch['name']] = arch def validate_err(mnemonic, message): raise Exception("inst={}, {}".format(mnemonic, message)) for (name, data) in self.instructions.items(): if "kind" not in data: validate_err(name, "instruction is missing declared kind") if "fault_causes" not in data: validate_err(name, "instruction is missing declared fault causes") if "deprecated" not in data: validate_err(name, "instruction does not declare if it is deprecated") if data['kind'] == "": validate_err(name, "kind is not acutally... populated..") for (name, ext) in loaded_exts.items(): if 'new' not in ext: raise Exception("ext {} does not have a new instructions section".format(name)) def validate_instructions(setname, to_validate, insts): for inst in to_validate: # it's actually "include this set", not an instruction, so skip it. # if there's another set with that name, we'll have covered it in iterating all extensions. if inst.startswith("+"): continue if inst not in insts: validate_err(inst, "instruction is in extension {} but not defined".format(setname)) validate_instructions(name, ext['new'], self.instructions) if 'extended' in ext: validate_instructions(name, ext['extended'], self.instructions) self.exts = loaded_exts self.uarches = loaded_uarches self.referenced_sets = set([]) def compile_uarch(self, arch): uarch = self.uarches[arch] sets = self.uarch_sets(arch) out = { "name": uarch['name'], "vendor": uarch['vendor'], "extensions": list(sets), "instructions": list(self.sets2instructions(sets)) } return out def uarch_sets(self, arch): sets = set([]) uarch = self.uarches[arch] for item in uarch['sets']: if item[0] == '/': continue elif item[0] == '+': sets |= self.uarch_sets(item[1:]) else: sets.add(item) sets = self.resolve_sets(sets) self.referenced_sets |= sets return sets def unused_extensions(self): all_sets = set(self.exts.keys()) return all_sets - self.referenced_sets def used_extensions(self): return self.referenced_sets def sets2instructions(self, sets): instructions = set([]) for ext in sets: ext = self.exts[ext] for item in ext['new']: if item[0] != '+': instructions.add(item) return instructions def resolve_sets(self, sets): resolved_sets = set(list(sets)) self.referenced_sets |= resolved_sets for ext in sets: ext = self.exts[ext] for item in ext['new']: if item[0] == '/': continue elif item[0] == '+': new_sets = self.resolve_sets(set([item[1:]])) self.referenced_sets |= new_sets resolved_sets |= new_sets return resolved_sets isa_data = IsaData(isa_data) for (arch, data) in isa_data.uarches.items(): arch = isa_data.compile_uarch(arch) # print("x: {}".format(json.dumps(arch))) print("unused sets: {}".format(json.dumps(list(isa_data.unused_extensions())))) print("used sets: {}".format(json.dumps(list(isa_data.used_extensions())))) ROOTS = ["real_mode", "protected_mode", "long_mode", "x86_generic"] ALL_INSTRUCTIONS = set([]) INSTRUCTION_NUMS = {} for root in ROOTS: arch = isa_data.compile_uarch(root) print("name: {}, {} instructions".format(arch['name'], len(arch['instructions']))) ALL_INSTRUCTIONS |= set(arch['instructions']) print("opcode enum to follow...") class Output: def __init__(self, f): self.indentation = 0 self.out = f self.should_indent = False def begin_block(self, content): self.write(content) self.write(" {") self.newline() self.indent() def end_block(self): self.outdent() self.write("}") self.newline() def indent(self): self.indentation += 1 def outdent(self): self.indentation -= 1 def write(self, content): if self.should_indent: self.out.write(" " * self.indentation) self.should_indent = False self.out.write(content) def newline(self): self.out.write("\n") self.should_indent = True def comment(self, content): if not self.should_indent: # we've written something on this line. add a space to be reader-friendly. self.out.write(" ") self.write("// ") self.writeline(content) def writeline(self, content): self.write(content) self.newline() def close(self): self.out.close() OPCODE_REPR = "u16" OPCODE_ANNOTATIONS = [ "#[allow(non_camel_case_types)]", "#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]", "#[non_exhaustive]", "#[repr({})]".format(OPCODE_REPR) ] f = open("../src/generated/", "w") f = Output(f) f.writeline("pub(crate) mod opcode;") f.writeline("pub(crate) mod imp;") f.newline() for root in ROOTS: if root == "x86_generic": continue f.begin_block("pub(crate) mod {}".format(root)) f.writeline("pub(crate) use super::opcode::{}::Opcode as Opcode;".format(root)) f.writeline("pub(crate) use super::imp::{}::revise_instruction as revise_instruction;".format(root)) f.end_block() f = open("../src/generated/", "w") f = Output(f) f.writeline("use crate::safer_unchecked::GetSaferUnchecked;") f.newline() for annotation in OPCODE_ANNOTATIONS: f.writeline(annotation) f.begin_block("pub enum Opcode") insts = list(ALL_INSTRUCTIONS) insts.sort() for (i, inst) in enumerate(insts): INSTRUCTION_NUMS[inst] = i if inst == "invalid": f.writeline("Invalid,") else: f.writeline("{},".format(str(inst).upper())) f.end_block() f.newline() f.writeline("pub(crate) const MNEMONICS: &'static [&'static str] = &[") f.indent() for (_i, inst) in enumerate(insts): f.writeline('"{}",'.format(inst.lower())) f.outdent() f.writeline("];") f.newline() f.begin_block("impl Opcode") f.begin_block("pub fn name(&self) -> &'static str") f.comment("safety: `MNEMONICS` and `Opcode` are generated together, where every entry in `Opcode` guarantees") f.comment(" a corresponding entry in `MNEMONICS`.") f.begin_block("unsafe") f.writeline("MNEMONICS.get_kinda_unchecked(*self as usize)") f.end_block() f.end_block() f.end_block() f.newline() for root in ROOTS: if root == "x86_generic": continue f.begin_block("pub(crate) mod {}".format(root)) for annotation in OPCODE_ANNOTATIONS: f.writeline(annotation) f.begin_block("pub enum Opcode") arch = isa_data.compile_uarch(root) insts = arch['instructions'] insts.sort() for inst in insts: if inst == "invalid": f.writeline("Invalid = super::Opcode::Invalid as {},".format(OPCODE_REPR)) else: f.writeline("{} = super::Opcode::{} as {},".format(str(inst).upper(), str(inst).upper(), OPCODE_REPR)) f.end_block() f.newline() f.begin_block("impl Opcode") f.begin_block("pub fn to_generic(&self) -> super::Opcode") f.comment("safety: each item in `Self` is defined with the same value in `super::Opcode`. `Self` is") f.comment(" a subset of `super::Opcode` so casting to the more generic form is well-defined.") f.writeline("unsafe { core::mem::transmute::(*self) }") f.end_block() f.newline() f.begin_block("pub fn nane(&self) -> &'static str") f.writeline("self.to_generic().name()") f.end_block() f.end_block() f.end_block() f.newline() f = open("../src/generated/", "w") f = Output(f) # f.writeline("fn main() {}\n") # f.comment("should be `{}::DecodeError` but i want to compile this on its own while bootstrapping") # f.writeline('#[path="/toy/yaxpeax/arch/x86/src/{}/"]'.format(root)) # f.writeline("mod structs;") # f.writeline("use structs::{InstDecoder, Instruction};") # f.begin_block("enum DecodeError") # f.writeline("InvalidOpcode,") # f.end_block() # f.newline() f.writeline("use yaxpeax_arch::{Colorize, YaxColors};") f.writeline("use core::fmt;") f.writeline("use crate::generated::opcode::Opcode;") f.newline() f.begin_block("impl fmt::Display for Opcode") f.begin_block("fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result") f.writeline("f.write_str(") f.end_block() f.end_block() f.newline() f.begin_block("impl Colorize for Opcode") f.begin_block("fn colorize(&self, colors: &Y, out: &mut T) -> fmt::Result") f.begin_block("match self") by_kind = {} for (inst, data) in isa_data.instructions.items(): if data['kind'] not in by_kind: by_kind[data['kind']] = [] by_kind[data['kind']].append(inst) for (kind, insts) in by_kind.items(): insts = list(insts) insts.sort() suffix_needed = False any_entries = False for inst in insts: if suffix_needed: f.writeline("|") if inst == "invalid": f.write("Opcode::Invalid ") else: f.write("Opcode::{} ".format(inst.upper())) suffix_needed = True any_entries = True f.writeline("=> {") f.indent() f.writeline("write!(out, \"{{}}\", colors.{}(self))".format(kind)) f.outdent() f.writeline("}") f.end_block() f.end_block() f.end_block() f.newline() for root in ROOTS: if root == "x86_generic": continue arch = isa_data.compile_uarch(root) f.begin_block("pub(crate) mod {}".format(root)) f.writeline("use crate::generated::{}::Opcode;".format(root)) f.writeline("use crate::{}::{{InstDecoder, Instruction, DecodeError}};".format(root)) f.newline() f.writeline("use yaxpeax_arch::{Colorize, YaxColors};") f.writeline("use core::fmt;") f.begin_block("impl InstDecoder") for ext in arch['extensions']: f.begin_block("fn feature_{}(&self) -> bool".format(ext)) f.writeline("true") f.end_block() f.end_block() f.begin_block("impl Colorize for Opcode") f.begin_block("fn colorize(&self, colors: &Y, out: &mut T) -> fmt::Result") f.writeline("self.to_generic().colorize(colors, out)") f.end_block() f.end_block() f.begin_block("impl Opcode") f.begin_block("pub fn name(&self) -> &'static str") f.writeline("self.to_generic().name()") f.end_block() f.end_block() f.begin_block("pub(crate) fn revise_instruction(decoder: &InstDecoder, inst: &mut Instruction) -> Result<(), DecodeError>") f.begin_block("if inst.prefixes.evex().is_some()") f.begin_block("if !decoder.avx512()") f.writeline("return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode);") f.outdent() f.writeline("} else {") f.indent() f.writeline("return Ok(());") f.end_block() f.end_block() f.newline() f.comment("for some instructions (tzcnt), not having an extension means the instruction is") f.comment("interpreted as another, rather than being simply rejected.") f.comment("we might still reject the alternate instruction later, if the extension adding *it*") f.comment("is also not supported.") f.begin_block("if inst.opcode == Opcode::TZCNT") f.begin_block("if !decoder.bmi1()") f.comment("tzcnt is only supported if bmi1 is enabled. without bmi1, this decodes as bsf.") f.writeline("inst.opcode = Opcode::BSF;") f.end_block() f.end_block() f.newline() f.begin_block("match inst.opcode") f.comment("we'll never be rejecting the instruction `Invalid`") f.writeline("Opcode::Invalid => {}") for ext in arch['extensions']: ext_data = isa_data.exts[ext]['new'] suffix_needed = False any_entries = False for (i, inst) in enumerate(ext_data): if inst[0] == '+': continue # special-cased `invalid` above; it's always present. if inst == "invalid": continue if suffix_needed: f.writeline("|") f.write("Opcode::{} ".format(inst.upper())) suffix_needed = True any_entries = True if not any_entries: print("no entries for ext {}".format(ext)) continue f.begin_block("=>") f.begin_block("if !decoder.feature_{}()".format(ext)) f.writeline("return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode);\n") f.end_block() f.end_block() f.end_block() f.writeline("Ok(())") f.end_block() f.end_block() f.newline() f.close()