use std::fs::File; use std::io::Read; //use std; use std::fmt; use std::hint::unreachable_unchecked; #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)] pub struct RegSpec { num: u8, bank: RegisterBank } impl fmt::Display for RegSpec { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { let name = match { RegisterBank::Q => { ["rax", "rcx", "rdx", "rbx", "rsp", "rbp", "rsi", "rdi", "r8", "r9", "r10", "r11", "r12", "r13", "r14", "r15"][self.num as usize] }, RegisterBank::D => { ["eax", "ecx", "edx", "ebx", "esp", "ebp", "esi", "edi", "r8d", "r9d", "r10d", "r11d", "r12d", "r13d", "r14d", "r15d"][self.num as usize] }, RegisterBank::W => { ["ax", "cx", "dx", "bx", "sp", "bp", "si", "di", "r8w", "r9w", "r10w", "r11w", "r12w", "r13w", "r14w", "r15w"][self.num as usize] }, RegisterBank::B => { ["al", "cl", "dl", "bl", "ah", "ch", "dh", "bh"][self.num as usize] }, RegisterBank::rB => { ["al", "cl", "dl", "bl", "spl", "bpl", "sil", "dil"][self.num as usize] }, RegisterBank::EIP => { "eip" }, RegisterBank::RIP => { "rip" }, _ => panic!("unnamable register") }; write!(f, "{}", name) } } enum SizeCode { b, vd, vq, vqp } impl fmt::Display for Operand { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { match self { &Operand::ImmediateI16(imm) => write!(f, "0x{:x}", imm), &Operand::ImmediateU16(imm) => write!(f, "0x{:x}", imm), &Operand::ImmediateU32(imm) => write!(f, "0x{:x}", imm), &Operand::ImmediateI32(imm) => write!(f, "0x{:x}", imm), &Operand::ImmediateU64(imm) => write!(f, "0x{:x}", imm), &Operand::ImmediateI64(imm) => write!(f, "0x{:x}", imm), &Operand::Register(ref spec) => write!(f, "{}", spec), &Operand::ImmediateI8(imm) => write!(f, "0x{:x}", imm), &Operand::ImmediateU8(imm) => write!(f, "0x{:x}", imm), &Operand::DisplacementU32(imm) => write!(f, "[0x{:x}]", imm), &Operand::DisplacementI32(imm) => write!(f, "[0x{:x}]", imm), &Operand::RegDisp(ref spec, ref disp) => write!(f, "[{} + 0x{:x}]", spec, disp), &Operand::RegDeref(ref spec) => write!(f, "[{}]", spec), &Operand::RegScale(ref spec, scale) => write!(f, "[{} * {}]", spec, scale), &Operand::RegScaleDisp(ref spec, scale, disp) => { write!(f, "[{} * {} + 0x{:x}]", spec, scale, disp) }, &Operand::RegIndexBase(ref base, ref index) => { write!(f, "[{} + {}]", base, index) } &Operand::RegIndexBaseDisp(ref base, ref index, disp) => { write!(f, "[{} + {} + 0x{:x}]", base, index, disp) }, &Operand::RegIndexBaseScale(ref base, ref index, scale) => { if scale == 1 { write!(f, "[{} + {}]", base, index) } else { write!(f, "[{} + {} * {}]", base, index, scale) } } &Operand::RegIndexBaseScaleDisp(ref base, ref index, scale, disp) => { if scale == 1 { write!(f, "[{} + {} + {:#x}]", base, index, disp) } else { write!(f, "[{} + {} * {} + {:#x}]", base, index, scale, disp) } }, &Operand::Nothing => { Ok(()) }, &Operand::Many(_) => { panic!("many not covered"); } } } } #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub enum Operand { ImmediateI8(i8), ImmediateU8(u8), ImmediateI16(i16), ImmediateU16(u16), ImmediateU32(u32), ImmediateI32(i32), ImmediateU64(u64), ImmediateI64(i64), Register(RegSpec), DisplacementI32(u32), DisplacementU32(i32), RegDeref(RegSpec), RegDisp(RegSpec, i32), RegScale(RegSpec, u8), RegIndexBase(RegSpec, RegSpec), RegIndexBaseDisp(RegSpec, RegSpec, i32), RegScaleDisp(RegSpec, u8, i32), RegIndexBaseScale(RegSpec, RegSpec, u8), RegIndexBaseScaleDisp(RegSpec, RegSpec, u8, i32), Many(Vec), Nothing } #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)] pub enum RegisterBank { Q, D, W, B, rB, // Quadword, Dword, Word, Byte CR, DR, S, EIP, RIP, // Control reg, Debug reg, Selector, ... X, Y, Z, // XMM, YMM, ZMM ST, MM, // ST, MM regs (x87, mmx) } #[derive(Debug)] pub enum Segment { CS, DS, ES, FS, GS, SS } impl fmt::Display for Opcode { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { match self { &Opcode::INC => write!(f, "{}", "inc"), &Opcode::DEC => write!(f, "{}", "dec"), &Opcode::HLT => write!(f, "{}", "hlt"), &Opcode::SBB => write!(f, "{}", "sbb"), &Opcode::AND => write!(f, "{}", "and"), &Opcode::XOR => write!(f, "{}", "xor"), &Opcode::OR => write!(f, "{}", "or"), &Opcode::PUSH => write!(f, "{}", "push"), &Opcode::POP => write!(f, "{}", "pop"), &Opcode::LEA => write!(f, "{}", "lea"), &Opcode::NOP => write!(f, "{}", "nop"), &Opcode::XCHG => write!(f, "{}", "xchg"), &Opcode::POPF => write!(f, "{}", "popf"), &Opcode::ADD => write!(f, "{}", "add"), &Opcode::ADC => write!(f, "{}", "adc"), &Opcode::SUB => write!(f, "{}", "sub"), &Opcode::INT => write!(f, "{}", "int"), &Opcode::INTO => write!(f, "{}", "into"), &Opcode::IRET => write!(f, "{}", "iret"), &Opcode::RETF => write!(f, "{}", "retf"), &Opcode::ENTER => write!(f, "{}", "enter"), &Opcode::LEAVE => write!(f, "{}", "leave"), &Opcode::MOV => write!(f, "{}", "mov"), &Opcode::RETURN => write!(f, "{}", "ret"), &Opcode::PUSHF => write!(f, "{}", "pushf"), &Opcode::WAIT => write!(f, "{}", "wait"), &Opcode::CBW => write!(f, "{}", "cbw"), &Opcode::CDW => write!(f, "{}", "cdw"), &Opcode::LODS => write!(f, "{}", "lods"), &Opcode::STOS => write!(f, "{}", "stos"), &Opcode::LAHF => write!(f, "{}", "lahf"), &Opcode::SAHF => write!(f, "{}", "sahf"), &Opcode::CMPS => write!(f, "{}", "cmps"), &Opcode::SCAS => write!(f, "{}", "scas"), &Opcode::MOVS => write!(f, "{}", "movs"), &Opcode::TEST => write!(f, "{}", "test"), &Opcode::CMP => write!(f, "{}", "cmp"), &Opcode::INS => write!(f, "{}", "ins"), &Opcode::OUTS => write!(f, "{}", "outs"), &Opcode::IMUL => write!(f, "{}", "imul"), &Opcode::JO => write!(f, "{}", "jo"), &Opcode::JNO => write!(f, "{}", "jno"), &Opcode::JB => write!(f, "{}", "jb"), &Opcode::JNB => write!(f, "{}", "jnb"), &Opcode::JZ => write!(f, "{}", "jz"), &Opcode::JNZ => write!(f, "{}", "jnz"), &Opcode::JA => write!(f, "{}", "ja"), &Opcode::JNA => write!(f, "{}", "jna"), &Opcode::JS => write!(f, "{}", "js"), &Opcode::JNS => write!(f, "{}", "jns"), &Opcode::JP => write!(f, "{}", "jp"), &Opcode::JNP => write!(f, "{}", "jnp"), &Opcode::JL => write!(f, "{}", "jl"), &Opcode::JGE => write!(f, "{}", "jge"), &Opcode::JLE => write!(f, "{}", "jle"), &Opcode::JG => write!(f, "{}", "jg"), &Opcode::CALL => write!(f, "{}", "call"), &Opcode::JMP => write!(f, "{}", "jmp"), &Opcode::CALLF => write!(f, "{}", "callf"), &Opcode::JMPF => write!(f, "{}", "jmpf"), &Opcode::SAR => write!(f, "{}", "sar"), &Opcode::SAL => write!(f, "{}", "sal"), &Opcode::SHR => write!(f, "{}", "shr"), &Opcode::SHL => write!(f, "{}", "shl"), &Opcode::RCR => write!(f, "{}", "rcr"), &Opcode::RCL => write!(f, "{}", "rcl"), &Opcode::ROR => write!(f, "{}", "ror"), &Opcode::ROL => write!(f, "{}", "rol"), &Opcode::CMOVA => write!(f, "{}", "cmova"), &Opcode::CMOVB => write!(f, "{}", "cmovb"), &Opcode::CMOVG => write!(f, "{}", "cmovg"), &Opcode::CMOVGE => write!(f, "{}", "cmovge"), &Opcode::CMOVL => write!(f, "{}", "cmovl"), &Opcode::CMOVLE => write!(f, "{}", "cmovle"), &Opcode::CMOVNA => write!(f, "{}", "cmovna"), &Opcode::CMOVNB => write!(f, "{}", "cmovnb"), &Opcode::CMOVNO => write!(f, "{}", "cmovno"), &Opcode::CMOVNP => write!(f, "{}", "cmovnp"), &Opcode::CMOVNS => write!(f, "{}", "cmovns"), &Opcode::CMOVNZ => write!(f, "{}", "cmovnz"), &Opcode::CMOVO => write!(f, "{}", "cmovo"), &Opcode::CMOVP => write!(f, "{}", "cmovp"), &Opcode::CMOVS => write!(f, "{}", "cmovs"), &Opcode::CMOVZ => write!(f, "{}", "cmovz"), &Opcode::NEG => write!(f, "{}", "neg"), &Opcode::NOT => write!(f, "{}", "not"), &Opcode::MUL => write!(f, "{}", "mul"), &Opcode::IMUL => write!(f, "{}", "imul"), &Opcode::DIV => write!(f, "{}", "div"), &Opcode::IDIV => write!(f, "{}", "idiv"), &Opcode::CMPXCHG => write!(f, "{}", "cmpxchg"), &Opcode::Invalid => write!(f, "{}", "invalid") } } } #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)] pub enum Opcode { SAR, SAL, SHR, SHL, RCR, RCL, ROR, ROL, INC, DEC, HLT, CALL, CALLF, JMP, JMPF, SBB, AND, XOR, OR, PUSH, POP, LEA, NOP, XCHG, POPF, ADD, ADC, SUB, INT, INTO, IRET, RETF, ENTER, LEAVE, MOV, RETURN, PUSHF, WAIT, CBW, CDW, LODS, STOS, LAHF, SAHF, CMPS, SCAS, MOVS, TEST, CMP, INS, OUTS, IMUL, JO, JNO, JB, JNB, JZ, JNZ, JA, JNA, JS, JNS, JP, JNP, JL, JGE, JLE, JG, CMOVA, CMOVB, CMOVG, CMOVGE, CMOVL, CMOVLE, CMOVNA, CMOVNB, CMOVNO, CMOVNP, CMOVNS, CMOVNZ, CMOVO, CMOVP, CMOVS, CMOVZ, DIV, IDIV, MUL, NEG, NOT, CMPXCHG, Invalid } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct Instruction { pub prefixes: Prefixes, pub opcode: Opcode, pub operands: [Operand; 2] } impl Instruction { pub fn invalid() -> Instruction { Instruction { prefixes: Prefixes::new(0), opcode: Opcode::Invalid, operands: [Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing] } } pub fn is_invalid(&self) -> bool { match self.opcode { Opcode::Invalid => true, _ => false } } } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct Prefixes { bits: u8, rex: PrefixRex, segment: Segment, lock: bool } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct PrefixRex { bits: u8 } impl Prefixes { fn new(bits: u8) -> Prefixes { Prefixes { bits: bits, rex: PrefixRex { bits: 0 }, segment: Segment::DS, lock: false } } fn rep(&self) -> bool { self.bits & 0x30 == 0x10 } fn set_rep(&mut self) { self.bits = (self.bits & 0xcf) | 0x10 } fn repz(&self) -> bool { self.bits & 0x30 == 0x20 } fn set_repz(&mut self) { self.bits = (self.bits & 0xcf) | 0x20 } fn repnz(&self) -> bool { self.bits & 0x30 == 0x30 } fn set_repnz(&mut self) { self.bits = (self.bits & 0xcf) | 0x30 } fn lock(&self) -> bool { self.lock } fn set_lock(&mut self) { self.lock = true; } fn operand_size(&self) -> bool { self.bits & 0x1 == 1 } fn set_operand_size(&mut self) { self.bits = self.bits | 0x1 } fn address_size(&self) -> bool { self.bits & 0x2 == 2 } fn set_address_size(&mut self) { self.bits = self.bits | 0x2 } fn cs(&self) -> bool { self.bits & 0x70 == 0x10 } fn set_cs(&mut self) { self.bits = (self.bits & 0x8f) | 0x10 } fn ds(&self) -> bool { self.bits & 0x70 == 0x20 } fn set_ds(&mut self) { self.bits = (self.bits & 0x8f) | 0x20 } fn es(&self) -> bool { self.bits & 0x70 == 0x30 } fn set_es(&mut self) { self.bits = (self.bits & 0x8f) | 0x30 } fn fs(&self) -> bool { self.bits & 0x70 == 0x40 } fn set_fs(&mut self) { self.bits = (self.bits & 0x8f) | 0x40 } fn gs(&self) -> bool { self.bits & 0x70 == 0x50 } fn set_gs(&mut self) { self.bits = (self.bits & 0x8f) | 0x50 } fn ss(&self) -> bool { self.bits & 0x70 == 0x60 } fn set_ss(&mut self) { self.bits = (self.bits & 0x8f) | 0x60 } fn rex(&self) -> &PrefixRex { &self.rex } fn rex_mut(&mut self) -> &mut PrefixRex { &mut self.rex } } impl PrefixRex { fn set_present(&mut self) { self.bits |= 0x10 } fn present(&self) -> bool { (self.bits & 0x10) == 0x10 } fn set_b(&mut self) { self.bits |= 0x01 } fn b(&self) -> bool { (self.bits & 0x01) == 0x01 } fn set_x(&mut self) { self.bits |= 0x02 } fn x(&self) -> bool { (self.bits & 0x02) == 0x02 } fn set_r(&mut self) { self.bits |= 0x04 } fn r(&self) -> bool { (self.bits & 0x04) == 0x04 } fn set_w(&mut self) { self.bits |= 0x08 } fn w(&self) -> bool { (self.bits & 0x08) == 0x08 } fn from(&mut self, prefix: u8) { self.bits = prefix & 0x0f; self.set_present(); } } impl fmt::Display for Instruction { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { if self.prefixes.lock { write!(f, "lock "); } write!(f, "{}", self.opcode); match &self.operands[0] { &Operand::Nothing => { return Ok(()); }, x @ &_ => { write!(f, " {}", x) } }; match &self.operands[1] { &Operand::Nothing => { return Ok(()); }, x @ &_ => { write!(f, ", {}", x) } } } } #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)] pub enum OperandCode { ModRM_0xf7, Gv_Ev_Iv, Gb_Eb_Ib, Yb_DX, Yv_DX, DX_Xb, DX_Xv, OR, AH, AL_Ib, AL_Ob, AL_Xb, AX_AL, AX_Ivd, AX_Ov, AX_Xv, DX_AX, ModRM_0xc0_Eb_Ib, ModRM_0xd0_Eb_1, ModRM_0xd2_Eb_CL, ModRM_0xfe_Eb, ModRM_0x8f_Ev, ModRM_0xc1_Ev_Ib, ModRM_0xd1_Ev_1, ModRM_0xd3_Ev_CL, ModRM_0xff_Ev, ModRM_0x80_Eb_Ib, ModRM_0x81_Ev_Ivs, ModRM_0x83_Ev_Ibs, ModRM_0xc6_Eb_Ib, ModRM_0xc7_Ev_Iv, Eb_Gb, Ev_Gv, Ev_Ivs, Ev, Ew_Sw, Fw, Gb_Eb, Gv_Ev, Gv_M, I_3, Ib, Ibs, Ivs, Iw, Iw_Ib, Jvds, Jbs, Ob_AL, Ov_AX, Sw_Ew, Yb_AL, Yb_Xb, Yv_AX, Yv_Xv, Zb_Ib(u8), Zv(u8), Zv_AX(u8), Zv_Ivq(u8), Nothing, Implied } const BASE_OPCODE_MAP: [Opcode; 8] = [ Opcode::ADD, Opcode::OR, Opcode::ADC, Opcode::SBB, Opcode::AND, Opcode::SUB, Opcode::XOR, Opcode::CMP ]; const BITWISE_OPCODE_MAP: [Opcode; 8] = [ Opcode::ROL, Opcode::ROR, Opcode::RCL, Opcode::RCR, Opcode::SHL, Opcode::SHR, Opcode::SAL, Opcode::SAR ]; fn read_opcode_0f_map(bytes_iter: &mut Iterator, instruction: &mut Instruction, prefixes: Prefixes) -> Result { match { Some(b) => { match *b { 0x1f => { instruction.prefixes = prefixes; instruction.opcode = Opcode::NOP; Ok(OperandCode::Ev) }, 0x40 => { instruction.prefixes = prefixes; instruction.opcode = Opcode::CMOVO; Ok(OperandCode::Gv_Ev) }, 0x41 => { instruction.prefixes = prefixes; instruction.opcode = Opcode::CMOVNO; Ok(OperandCode::Gv_Ev) }, 0x42 => { instruction.prefixes = prefixes; instruction.opcode = Opcode::CMOVB; Ok(OperandCode::Gv_Ev) }, 0x43 => { instruction.prefixes = prefixes; instruction.opcode = Opcode::CMOVNB; Ok(OperandCode::Gv_Ev) }, 0x44 => { instruction.prefixes = prefixes; instruction.opcode = Opcode::CMOVZ; Ok(OperandCode::Gv_Ev) }, 0x45 => { instruction.prefixes = prefixes; instruction.opcode = Opcode::CMOVNZ; Ok(OperandCode::Gv_Ev) }, 0x46 => { instruction.prefixes = prefixes; instruction.opcode = Opcode::CMOVNA; Ok(OperandCode::Gv_Ev) }, 0x47 => { instruction.prefixes = prefixes; instruction.opcode = Opcode::CMOVA; Ok(OperandCode::Gv_Ev) }, 0x48 => { instruction.prefixes = prefixes; instruction.opcode = Opcode::CMOVS; Ok(OperandCode::Gv_Ev) }, 0x49 => { instruction.prefixes = prefixes; instruction.opcode = Opcode::CMOVNS; Ok(OperandCode::Gv_Ev) }, 0x4a => { instruction.prefixes = prefixes; instruction.opcode = Opcode::CMOVP; Ok(OperandCode::Gv_Ev) }, 0x4b => { instruction.prefixes = prefixes; instruction.opcode = Opcode::CMOVNP; Ok(OperandCode::Gv_Ev) }, 0x4c => { instruction.prefixes = prefixes; instruction.opcode = Opcode::CMOVL; Ok(OperandCode::Gv_Ev) }, 0x4d => { instruction.prefixes = prefixes; instruction.opcode = Opcode::CMOVGE; Ok(OperandCode::Gv_Ev) }, 0x4e => { instruction.prefixes = prefixes; instruction.opcode = Opcode::CMOVLE; Ok(OperandCode::Gv_Ev) }, 0x4f => { instruction.prefixes = prefixes; instruction.opcode = Opcode::CMOVG; Ok(OperandCode::Gv_Ev) }, 0x80 => { instruction.prefixes = prefixes; instruction.opcode = Opcode::JO; Ok(OperandCode::Jvds) }, 0x81 => { instruction.prefixes = prefixes; instruction.opcode = Opcode::JNO; Ok(OperandCode::Jvds) }, 0x82 => { instruction.prefixes = prefixes; instruction.opcode = Opcode::JB; Ok(OperandCode::Jvds) }, 0x83 => { instruction.prefixes = prefixes; instruction.opcode = Opcode::JNB; Ok(OperandCode::Jvds) }, 0x84 => { instruction.prefixes = prefixes; instruction.opcode = Opcode::JZ; Ok(OperandCode::Jvds) }, 0x85 => { instruction.prefixes = prefixes; instruction.opcode = Opcode::JNZ; Ok(OperandCode::Jvds) }, 0x86 => { instruction.prefixes = prefixes; instruction.opcode = Opcode::JNA; Ok(OperandCode::Jvds) }, 0x87 => { instruction.prefixes = prefixes; instruction.opcode = Opcode::JA; Ok(OperandCode::Jvds) }, 0x88 => { instruction.prefixes = prefixes; instruction.opcode = Opcode::JS; Ok(OperandCode::Jvds) }, 0x89 => { instruction.prefixes = prefixes; instruction.opcode = Opcode::JNS; Ok(OperandCode::Jvds) }, 0x8a => { instruction.prefixes = prefixes; instruction.opcode = Opcode::JP; Ok(OperandCode::Jvds) }, 0x8b => { instruction.prefixes = prefixes; instruction.opcode = Opcode::JNP; Ok(OperandCode::Jvds) }, 0x8c => { instruction.prefixes = prefixes; instruction.opcode = Opcode::JL; Ok(OperandCode::Jvds) }, 0x8d => { instruction.prefixes = prefixes; instruction.opcode = Opcode::JGE; Ok(OperandCode::Jvds) }, 0x8e => { instruction.prefixes = prefixes; instruction.opcode = Opcode::JLE; Ok(OperandCode::Jvds) }, 0x8f => { instruction.prefixes = prefixes; instruction.opcode = Opcode::JG; Ok(OperandCode::Jvds) }, 0xb0 => { instruction.prefixes = prefixes; instruction.opcode = Opcode::CMPXCHG; Ok(OperandCode::Eb_Gb) }, 0xb1 => { instruction.prefixes = prefixes; instruction.opcode = Opcode::CMPXCHG; Ok(OperandCode::Ev_Gv) } _ => { Err(format!("Unknown opcode: 0f{:x}", b)) } } }, None => { Err("No more bytes".to_owned()) } } } fn read_opcode(bytes_iter: &mut Iterator, instruction: &mut Instruction) -> Result { use std::hint::unreachable_unchecked; // use std::intrinsics::unlikely; let mut reading = true; let mut prefixes = Prefixes::new(0); let mut two_byte_map = false; loop { match { Some(b) => { match *b { x if x < 0x40 => { if x % 8 > 5 { // unsafe { unlikely(x % 8 > 5) } { // for x86_32 this is push/pop prefixes and 0x0f escape // for x86_64 this is mostly invalid match x { 0x0f => { return read_opcode_0f_map(bytes_iter, instruction, prefixes); }, 0x26 => { prefixes.set_es() }, 0x2e => { prefixes.set_cs() }, 0x36 => { prefixes.set_ss() }, 0x3e => { prefixes.set_ds() }, 0x06 | 0x07 | 0x0e | 0x16 | 0x17 | 0x1e | 0x1f | 0x27 | 0x2f | 0x37 | 0x3f => { instruction.prefixes = prefixes; instruction.opcode = Opcode::Invalid; return Ok(OperandCode::Nothing); }, _ => { unsafe { unreachable_unchecked(); } } } continue; } let op = BASE_OPCODE_MAP[(x / 8) as usize].clone(); let operand_code = [ OperandCode::Eb_Gb, OperandCode::Ev_Gv, OperandCode::Gb_Eb, OperandCode::Gv_Ev, OperandCode::AL_Ib, OperandCode::AX_Ivd ][(x % 8) as usize].clone(); instruction.prefixes = prefixes; instruction.opcode = op; return Ok(operand_code); }, x if x < 0x50 => { // x86_32 inc/dec // x86_64 rex prefixes.rex_mut().from(x); }, x if x < 0x60 => { let op = if x < 0x58 { Opcode::PUSH } else { Opcode::POP }; instruction.prefixes = prefixes; instruction.opcode = op; return Ok(OperandCode::Zv(x)); }, 0x64 => { prefixes.set_fs(); }, 0x65 => { prefixes.set_gs(); }, 0x66 => { prefixes.set_operand_size(); }, 0x67 => { prefixes.set_address_size(); }, 0x68 => { instruction.prefixes = prefixes; instruction.opcode = Opcode::PUSH; return Ok(OperandCode::Ivs); }, 0x69 => { instruction.prefixes = prefixes; instruction.opcode = Opcode::IMUL; return Ok(OperandCode::Gv_Ev_Iv); }, 0x6a => { instruction.prefixes = prefixes; instruction.opcode = Opcode::PUSH; return Ok(OperandCode::Ibs); }, 0x6b => { instruction.prefixes = prefixes; instruction.opcode = Opcode::IMUL; return Ok(OperandCode::Gb_Eb_Ib); }, 0x6c => { instruction.prefixes = prefixes; instruction.opcode = Opcode::INS; return Ok(OperandCode::Yb_DX); }, 0x6d => { instruction.prefixes = prefixes; instruction.opcode = Opcode::INS; return Ok(OperandCode::Yv_DX); }, 0x6e => { instruction.prefixes = prefixes; instruction.opcode = Opcode::OUTS; return Ok(OperandCode::DX_Xb); }, 0x6f => { instruction.prefixes = prefixes; instruction.opcode = Opcode::OUTS; return Ok(OperandCode::DX_Xv); }, x if x < 0x80 => { let op = [ Opcode::JO, Opcode::JNO, Opcode::JB, Opcode::JNB, Opcode::JZ, Opcode::JNZ, Opcode::JNA, Opcode::JA, Opcode::JS, Opcode::JNS, Opcode::JP, Opcode::JNP, Opcode::JL, Opcode::JGE, Opcode::JLE, Opcode::JG ][(x & 0xf) as usize].clone(); instruction.prefixes = prefixes; instruction.opcode = op; return Ok(OperandCode::Jbs); } x if x < 0x84 => { // oh right op depends on modrm.... if x == 0x82 { return (Err("invalid opcode".to_owned())); } else { let op = Opcode::Invalid; let operand = if x == 0x80 { OperandCode::ModRM_0x80_Eb_Ib } else if x == 0x81 { OperandCode::ModRM_0x81_Ev_Ivs } else { OperandCode::ModRM_0x83_Ev_Ibs }; instruction.prefixes = prefixes; instruction.opcode = op; return Ok(operand); } }, 0x84 => { instruction.prefixes = prefixes; instruction.opcode = Opcode::TEST; return Ok(OperandCode::Eb_Gb); }, 0x85 => { instruction.prefixes = prefixes; instruction.opcode = Opcode::TEST; return Ok(OperandCode::Ev_Gv); }, 0x86 => { instruction.prefixes = prefixes; instruction.opcode = Opcode::XCHG; return Ok(OperandCode::Gb_Eb); }, 0x87 => { instruction.prefixes = prefixes; instruction.opcode = Opcode::XCHG; return Ok(OperandCode::Gv_Ev); }, 0x88 => { instruction.prefixes = prefixes; instruction.opcode = Opcode::MOV; return Ok(OperandCode::Eb_Gb); } 0x89 => { instruction.prefixes = prefixes; instruction.opcode = Opcode::MOV; return Ok(OperandCode::Ev_Gv); } 0x8a => { instruction.prefixes = prefixes; instruction.opcode = Opcode::MOV; return Ok(OperandCode::Gb_Eb); } 0x8b => { instruction.prefixes = prefixes; instruction.opcode = Opcode::MOV; return Ok(OperandCode::Gv_Ev); } 0x8c => { instruction.prefixes = prefixes; instruction.opcode = Opcode::MOV; return Ok(OperandCode::Ew_Sw); } 0x8d => { instruction.prefixes = prefixes; instruction.opcode = Opcode::LEA; return Ok(OperandCode::Gv_M); } 0x8e => { instruction.prefixes = prefixes; instruction.opcode = Opcode::MOV; return Ok(OperandCode::Sw_Ew); }, 0x8f => { instruction.prefixes = prefixes; instruction.opcode = Opcode::Invalid; return Ok(OperandCode::ModRM_0x8f_Ev); }, 0x90 => { instruction.prefixes = prefixes; instruction.opcode = Opcode::NOP; return Ok(OperandCode::Nothing); }, x if x < 0x98 => { instruction.prefixes = prefixes; instruction.opcode = Opcode::XCHG; return Ok(OperandCode::Zv_AX(x)); }, 0x98 => { instruction.prefixes = prefixes; instruction.opcode = Opcode::CBW; return Ok(OperandCode::AX_AL); }, 0x99 => { instruction.prefixes = prefixes; instruction.opcode = Opcode::CBW; return Ok(OperandCode::DX_AX); }, 0x9a => { return Err("invalid opcode".to_owned()); }, 0x9b => { instruction.prefixes = prefixes; instruction.opcode = Opcode::WAIT; return Ok(OperandCode::Nothing); } 0x9c => { instruction.prefixes = prefixes; instruction.opcode = Opcode::PUSHF; return Ok(OperandCode::Fw); }, 0x9d => { instruction.prefixes = prefixes; instruction.opcode = Opcode::POPF; return Ok(OperandCode::Fw); }, 0x9e => { instruction.prefixes = prefixes; instruction.opcode = Opcode::SAHF; return Ok(OperandCode::AH); }, 0x9f => { instruction.prefixes = prefixes; instruction.opcode = Opcode::LAHF; return Ok(OperandCode::AH); }, 0xa0 => { instruction.prefixes = prefixes; instruction.opcode = Opcode::MOV; return Ok(OperandCode::AL_Ob); }, 0xa1 => { instruction.prefixes = prefixes; instruction.opcode = Opcode::MOV; return Ok(OperandCode::AX_Ov); }, 0xa2 => { instruction.prefixes = prefixes; instruction.opcode = Opcode::MOV; return Ok(OperandCode::Ob_AL); }, 0xa3 => { instruction.prefixes = prefixes; instruction.opcode = Opcode::MOV; return Ok(OperandCode::Ov_AX); }, 0xa4 => { instruction.prefixes = prefixes; instruction.opcode = Opcode::MOVS; return Ok(OperandCode::Yb_Xb); }, 0xa5 => { instruction.prefixes = prefixes; instruction.opcode = Opcode::MOVS; return Ok(OperandCode::Yv_Xv); }, 0xa6 => { instruction.prefixes = prefixes; instruction.opcode = Opcode::CMPS; return Ok(OperandCode::Yb_Xb); }, 0xa7 => { instruction.prefixes = prefixes; instruction.opcode = Opcode::CMPS; return Ok(OperandCode::Yv_Xv); }, 0xa8 => { instruction.prefixes = prefixes; instruction.opcode = Opcode::TEST; return Ok(OperandCode::AL_Ib); }, 0xa9 => { instruction.prefixes = prefixes; instruction.opcode = Opcode::TEST; return Ok(OperandCode::AX_Ivd); }, 0xaa => { instruction.prefixes = prefixes; instruction.opcode = Opcode::STOS; return Ok(OperandCode::Yb_AL); }, 0xab => { instruction.prefixes = prefixes; instruction.opcode = Opcode::STOS; return Ok(OperandCode::Yv_AX); }, 0xac => { instruction.prefixes = prefixes; instruction.opcode = Opcode::LODS; return Ok(OperandCode::AL_Xb); }, 0xad => { instruction.prefixes = prefixes; instruction.opcode = Opcode::LODS; return Ok(OperandCode::AX_Xv); }, 0xae => { instruction.prefixes = prefixes; instruction.opcode = Opcode::SCAS; return Ok(OperandCode::Yb_AL); }, 0xaf => { instruction.prefixes = prefixes; instruction.opcode = Opcode::SCAS; return Ok(OperandCode::Yv_AX); }, x if x < 0xc0 => { let operand = if x < 0xb8 { OperandCode::Zb_Ib(x) } else { OperandCode::Zv_Ivq(x) }; instruction.prefixes = prefixes; instruction.opcode = Opcode::MOV; return Ok(operand); }, 0xc0 => { instruction.prefixes = prefixes; instruction.opcode = Opcode::Invalid; return Ok(OperandCode::ModRM_0xc0_Eb_Ib); }, 0xc1 => { instruction.prefixes = prefixes; instruction.opcode = Opcode::Invalid; return Ok(OperandCode::ModRM_0xc1_Ev_Ib); }, 0xc2 => { instruction.prefixes = prefixes; instruction.opcode = Opcode::RETURN; return Ok(OperandCode::Iw); }, 0xc3 => { instruction.prefixes = prefixes; instruction.opcode = Opcode::RETURN; return Ok(OperandCode::Nothing); }, 0xc4 | 0xc5 => { return Err("invalid opcode".to_owned()); }, 0xc6 => { instruction.prefixes = prefixes; instruction.opcode = Opcode::MOV; return Ok(OperandCode::ModRM_0xc6_Eb_Ib); }, 0xc7 => { instruction.prefixes = prefixes; instruction.opcode = Opcode::MOV; return Ok(OperandCode::ModRM_0xc7_Ev_Iv); }, 0xc8 => { instruction.prefixes = prefixes; instruction.opcode = Opcode::ENTER; return Ok(OperandCode::Iw_Ib); }, 0xc9 => { instruction.prefixes = prefixes; instruction.opcode = Opcode::LEAVE; return Ok(OperandCode::Nothing); }, 0xca => { instruction.prefixes = prefixes; instruction.opcode = Opcode::RETF; return Ok(OperandCode::Iw); } 0xcb => { instruction.prefixes = prefixes; instruction.opcode = Opcode::RETF; return Ok(OperandCode::Nothing); } 0xcc => { instruction.prefixes = prefixes; instruction.opcode = Opcode::INT; return Ok(OperandCode::I_3); }, 0xcd => { instruction.prefixes = prefixes; instruction.opcode = Opcode::INT; return Ok(OperandCode::Ib); }, 0xce => { instruction.prefixes = prefixes; instruction.opcode = Opcode::INTO; return Ok(OperandCode::Fw); }, 0xcf => { instruction.prefixes = prefixes; instruction.opcode = Opcode::IRET; return Ok(OperandCode::Fw); }, x if x < 0xd4 => { let operand = [ OperandCode::ModRM_0xd0_Eb_1, OperandCode::ModRM_0xd1_Ev_1, OperandCode::ModRM_0xd2_Eb_CL, OperandCode::ModRM_0xd3_Ev_CL ][(x & 0x3) as usize].clone(); instruction.prefixes = prefixes; instruction.opcode = Opcode::Invalid; return Ok(operand); }, // TODO: GAP 0xe8 => { instruction.prefixes = prefixes; instruction.opcode = Opcode::CALL; return Ok(OperandCode::Jvds); }, 0xe9 => { instruction.prefixes = prefixes; instruction.opcode = Opcode::JMP; return Ok(OperandCode::Jvds); }, 0xeb => { instruction.prefixes = prefixes; instruction.opcode = Opcode::JMP; return Ok(OperandCode::Jbs); }, 0xf0 => { prefixes.set_lock(); }, 0xf2 => { prefixes.set_repnz(); }, 0xf3 => { prefixes.set_rep(); }, 0xf4 => { instruction.prefixes = prefixes; instruction.opcode = Opcode::HLT; return Ok(OperandCode::Nothing); }, 0xf6 => { }, 0xf7 => { instruction.prefixes = prefixes; instruction.opcode = Opcode::Invalid; return Ok(OperandCode::ModRM_0xf7); }, 0xfe => { instruction.prefixes = prefixes; instruction.opcode = Opcode::Invalid; return Ok(OperandCode::ModRM_0xfe_Eb); }, 0xff => { // TODO: test 0xff /3 instruction.prefixes = prefixes; instruction.opcode = Opcode::Invalid; return Ok(OperandCode::ModRM_0xff_Ev); }, _ => { return Err("unsupported opcode".to_owned()); } } }, None => { return Err("no more bytes".to_owned()); } } } } fn read_E(bytes_iter: &mut Iterator, prefixes: &Prefixes, m: u8, modbits: u8, width: u8, result: &mut Operand) -> Result<(), String> { if modbits == 0b11 { if prefixes.rex().b() { *result = Operand::Register(RegSpec { num: m + 0b1000, bank: width_to_gp_reg_bank(width) }); return Ok(()); } else { *result = Operand::Register(RegSpec { num: m, bank: width_to_gp_reg_bank(width) }); return Ok(()); } } else if m == 5 && modbits == 0b00 { let disp = read_num(bytes_iter, 4); *result = Operand::RegDisp(RegSpec { num: 0, // this is determined by prefixes not ... operand width bank: if width == 4 { RegisterBank::EIP } else { RegisterBank::RIP } }, disp as i32); Ok(()) } else if m == 4 { let sibbyte = *; let (ss, index, base) = octets_of(sibbyte); // println!("scale: {:b}, index: {:b}, base: {:b}", ss, index, base); if base == 0b101 { let disp = if modbits == 0b00 { read_num(bytes_iter, 4) } else if modbits == 0b01 { read_num(bytes_iter, 1) } else { read_num(bytes_iter, 4) }; if index == 0b100 { if modbits == 0b00 && !prefixes.rex().x() { *result = Operand::DisplacementU32(disp as i32); Ok(()) } else { let indexnum = if prefixes.rex().x() { 0b1000 + 0b100 } else { 0b100 }; if disp == 0 { *result = Operand::RegDeref(RegSpec { num: indexnum, bank: width_to_gp_reg_bank(width) }); Ok(()) } else { *result = Operand::RegDisp(RegSpec { num: indexnum, bank: width_to_gp_reg_bank(width) }, disp as i32); Ok(()) } } } else { let base_reg = if prefixes.rex().b() { RegSpec { num: 5 + 0b1000, bank: width_to_gp_reg_bank(width) } } else { RegSpec { num: 5, bank: width_to_gp_reg_bank(width) } }; let index_reg = if prefixes.rex().x() { RegSpec { num: index + 0b1000, bank: width_to_gp_reg_bank(width) } } else { RegSpec { num: index, bank: width_to_gp_reg_bank(width) } }; match (ss, modbits, disp) { (0, 0b00, 0) => { *result = Operand::RegDeref(index_reg); Ok(()) }, (0, 0b00, _) => { *result = Operand::RegDisp(index_reg, disp as i32); Ok(()) }, (0, _, 0) => { *result = Operand::RegIndexBase(base_reg, index_reg); Ok(()) }, (0, _, _) => { *result = Operand::RegIndexBaseDisp(base_reg, index_reg, disp as i32); Ok(()) }, (_, 0b00, 0) => { *result = Operand::RegScale(index_reg, 1u8 << ss); Ok(()) }, (_, 0b00, _) => { *result = Operand::RegScaleDisp(index_reg, 1u8 << ss, disp as i32); Ok(()) }, (_, _, 0) => { *result = Operand::RegIndexBaseScale(base_reg, index_reg, 1u8 << ss); Ok(()) }, (_, _, _) => { *result = Operand::RegIndexBaseScaleDisp(base_reg, index_reg, 1u8 << ss, disp as i32); Ok(()) } } } } else { let base_reg = if prefixes.rex().b() { RegSpec { num: base + 0b1000, bank: width_to_gp_reg_bank(width) } } else { RegSpec { num: base, bank: width_to_gp_reg_bank(width) } }; let disp = if modbits == 0b00 { 0 } else if modbits == 0b01 { read_num(bytes_iter, 1) } else { read_num(bytes_iter, 4) }; if index == 0b100 { if disp == 0 { *result = Operand::RegDeref(base_reg); Ok(()) } else { *result = Operand::RegDisp(base_reg, disp as i32); Ok(()) } } else { let index_reg = RegSpec { num: index, bank: width_to_gp_reg_bank(width) }; if disp == 0 { *result = Operand::RegIndexBaseScale(base_reg, index_reg, 1u8 << ss); Ok(()) } else { *result = Operand::RegIndexBaseScaleDisp(base_reg, index_reg, 1u8 << ss, disp as i32); Ok(()) } } } } else { let regidx = m + if prefixes.rex().b() { 0b1000 } else { 0 }; if modbits == 0b00 { *result = Operand::RegDeref(RegSpec { num: regidx, bank: width_to_gp_reg_bank(width) // TODO: arch width }); Ok(()) } else { let disp_width = if modbits == 0b01 { 1 } else { 4 }; let disp = read_num(bytes_iter, disp_width) as i32; *result = Operand::RegDisp(RegSpec { num: regidx, bank: width_to_gp_reg_bank(width) // TODO: arch width }, disp); Ok(()) } } } fn read_operands( bytes_iter: &mut Iterator, instruction: &mut Instruction, operand_code: OperandCode ) -> Result<(), String> { match operand_code { /* Gv_Ev_Iv, Gb_Eb_Ib, Yb_DX, Yv_DX, DX_Xb, DX_Xv, OR, AH, AL_Ib, AL_Ob, AL_Xb, AX_AL, AX_Ivd, AX_Ov, AX_Xv, DX_AX, Eb_1, Eb_Ib, Eb_CL, Ev, Ev_1, Ev_CL, Ev_Ibs, Ev_Iv, Ev_Ivs, Ew_Sw, Fw, Gv_M, I_3, Ib, Ibs, Ivs, Iw, Iw_Ib, Ob_AL, Ov_AX, Sw_Ew, Yb_AL, Yb_Xb, Yv_AX, Yv_Xv, Zb_Ib, Zv, Zv_AX, */ OperandCode::ModRM_0x80_Eb_Ib => { let opwidth = 1; // TODO: ... let modrm =; let (mod_bits, r, m) = octets_of(*modrm); match read_E(bytes_iter, &instruction.prefixes, m, mod_bits, opwidth, &mut instruction.operands[0]) { Ok(()) => { let num = read_num(bytes_iter, 1) as i8; let opcode = BASE_OPCODE_MAP[r as usize].clone(); instruction.opcode = opcode; instruction.operands[1] = Operand::ImmediateI8(num); Ok(()) }, Err(reason) => Err(reason) } }, OperandCode::ModRM_0xc0_Eb_Ib => { let opwidth = 1; // TODO: ... let modrm =; let (mod_bits, r, m) = octets_of(*modrm); match read_E(bytes_iter, &instruction.prefixes, m, mod_bits, opwidth, &mut instruction.operands[0]) { Ok(()) => { let num = read_num(bytes_iter, 1) as i8; let opcode = BITWISE_OPCODE_MAP[r as usize].clone(); instruction.opcode = opcode; instruction.operands[1] = Operand::ImmediateI8(num); Ok(()) }, Err(reason) => Err(reason) } }, OperandCode::ModRM_0xc1_Ev_Ib => { let opwidth = imm_width_from_prefixes_64(SizeCode::vqp, &instruction.prefixes); // TODO: ... let modrm =; let (mod_bits, r, m) = octets_of(*modrm); match read_E(bytes_iter, &instruction.prefixes, m, mod_bits, opwidth, &mut instruction.operands[0]) { Ok(()) => { let num = read_num(bytes_iter, 1) as i8; let opcode = BITWISE_OPCODE_MAP[r as usize].clone(); instruction.opcode = opcode; instruction.operands[1] = Operand::ImmediateI8(num); Ok(()) }, Err(reason) => Err(reason) } }, OperandCode::ModRM_0xc6_Eb_Ib => { let opwidth = 1; // TODO: ... let modrm =; let (mod_bits, r, m) = octets_of(*modrm); match read_E(bytes_iter, &instruction.prefixes, m, mod_bits, opwidth, &mut instruction.operands[0]) { Ok(()) => { let num = read_num(bytes_iter, 1) as i8; if r != 0 { return (Err("modrm invalid".to_owned())); } instruction.opcode = Opcode::MOV; instruction.operands[1] = Operand::ImmediateI8(num); Ok(()) }, Err(reason) => Err(reason) } }, OperandCode::ModRM_0xc7_Ev_Iv => { let opwidth = imm_width_from_prefixes_64(SizeCode::vqp, &instruction.prefixes); // TODO: ... let modrm =; let (mod_bits, r, m) = octets_of(*modrm); match read_E(bytes_iter, &instruction.prefixes, m, mod_bits, opwidth, &mut instruction.operands[0]) { Ok(e_op) => { match read_imm_unsigned(bytes_iter, opwidth) { Ok(imm) => { instruction.opcode = Opcode::MOV; instruction.operands[1] = imm; Ok(()) }, Err(reason) => Err(reason) } }, Err(reason) => Err(reason) } }, OperandCode::ModRM_0xd0_Eb_1 => { let opwidth = 1; // TODO: ... let modrm =; let (mod_bits, r, m) = octets_of(*modrm); match read_E(bytes_iter, &instruction.prefixes, m, mod_bits, opwidth, &mut instruction.operands[0]) { Ok(()) => { let opcode = BITWISE_OPCODE_MAP[r as usize].clone(); instruction.opcode = opcode; instruction.operands[1] = Operand::ImmediateI8(1); Ok(()) }, Err(reason) => Err(reason) } }, OperandCode::ModRM_0xd1_Ev_1 => { let opwidth = imm_width_from_prefixes_64(SizeCode::vqp, &instruction.prefixes); // TODO: ... let modrm =; let (mod_bits, r, m) = octets_of(*modrm); match read_E(bytes_iter, &instruction.prefixes, m, mod_bits, opwidth, &mut instruction.operands[0]) { Ok(()) => { let opcode = BITWISE_OPCODE_MAP[r as usize].clone(); instruction.opcode = opcode; instruction.operands[1] = Operand::ImmediateI8(1); Ok(()) }, Err(reason) => Err(reason) } }, OperandCode::ModRM_0xf7 => { let opwidth = imm_width_from_prefixes_64(SizeCode::vqp, &instruction.prefixes); let modrm =; let (mod_bits, r, m) = octets_of(*modrm); match read_E(bytes_iter, &instruction.prefixes, m, mod_bits, opwidth, &mut instruction.operands[0]) { Ok(()) => { }, Err(reason) => { return Err(reason); } }; match r { 0 | 1 => { instruction.opcode = Opcode::TEST; let numwidth = if opwidth == 8 { 4 } else { opwidth }; match read_imm_signed(bytes_iter, numwidth, opwidth) { Ok(imm) => { instruction.operands[1] = imm; }, Err(reason) => { return Err(reason); } } }, 2 => { instruction.opcode = Opcode::NOT; }, 3 => { instruction.opcode = Opcode::NEG; }, 4 => { instruction.opcode = Opcode::MUL; }, 5 => { instruction.opcode = Opcode::IMUL; }, 6 => { instruction.opcode = Opcode::DIV; }, 7 => { instruction.opcode = Opcode::IDIV; }, _ => { unsafe { unreachable_unchecked(); } } } Ok(()) }, OperandCode::ModRM_0xfe_Eb => { let opwidth = 1; // TODO: ... let modrm =; let (mod_bits, r, m) = octets_of(*modrm); match read_E(bytes_iter, &instruction.prefixes, m, mod_bits, opwidth, &mut instruction.operands[0]) { Ok(()) => { let opcode = [ Opcode::INC, Opcode::DEC, Opcode::Invalid, Opcode::Invalid, Opcode::Invalid, Opcode::Invalid, Opcode::Invalid, Opcode::Invalid ][r as usize].clone(); instruction.opcode = opcode; instruction.operands[1] = Operand::Nothing; Ok(()) }, Err(reason) => Err(reason) } } OperandCode::ModRM_0xff_Ev => { let opwidth = imm_width_from_prefixes_64(SizeCode::vqp, &instruction.prefixes); // TODO: ... let modrm =; let (mod_bits, r, m) = octets_of(*modrm); match read_E(bytes_iter, &instruction.prefixes, m, mod_bits, opwidth, &mut instruction.operands[0]) { Ok(()) => { let opcode = [ Opcode::INC, Opcode::DEC, Opcode::CALL, Opcode::CALLF, Opcode::JMP, Opcode::JMPF, Opcode::PUSH, Opcode::Invalid ][r as usize].clone(); instruction.opcode = opcode; instruction.operands[1] = Operand::Nothing; Ok(()) }, Err(reason) => Err(reason) } } OperandCode::Ev => { let opwidth = imm_width_from_prefixes_64(SizeCode::vqp, &instruction.prefixes); // TODO: ... let modrm =; let (mod_bits, r, m) = octets_of(*modrm); match read_E(bytes_iter, &instruction.prefixes, m, mod_bits, opwidth, &mut instruction.operands[0]) { Ok(()) => { instruction.operands[1] = Operand::Nothing; Ok(()) }, Err(reason) => Err(reason) } }, OperandCode::Eb_Gb => { let opwidth = 1; // TODO: ... let modrm =; let (mod_bits, r, m) = octets_of(*modrm); match read_E(bytes_iter, &instruction.prefixes, m, mod_bits, opwidth, &mut instruction.operands[0]) { Ok(()) => { instruction.operands[1] = Operand::Register(RegSpec { num: r, // TODO: test rex bank: width_to_gp_reg_bank(opwidth) }); Ok(()) }, Err(reason) => Err(reason) } }, OperandCode::Ev_Gv => { let opwidth = imm_width_from_prefixes_64(SizeCode::vqp, &instruction.prefixes); // TODO: ... let modrm =; let (mod_bits, r, m) = octets_of(*modrm); match read_E(bytes_iter, &instruction.prefixes, m, mod_bits, opwidth, &mut instruction.operands[0]) { Ok(()) => { instruction.operands[1] = Operand::Register(RegSpec { num: r, bank: width_to_gp_reg_bank(opwidth) }); Ok(()) }, Err(reason) => Err(reason) } }, OperandCode::Gb_Eb => { let opwidth = 1; // TODO: ... let modrm =; let (mod_bits, r, m) = octets_of(*modrm); match read_E(bytes_iter, &instruction.prefixes, m, mod_bits, opwidth, &mut instruction.operands[1]) { Ok(()) => { instruction.operands[0] = Operand::Register(RegSpec { num: r, bank: width_to_gp_reg_bank(opwidth) }); Ok(()) }, Err(reason) => Err(reason) } }, // TODO: verify M OperandCode::Gv_Ev | OperandCode::Gv_M => { let opwidth = imm_width_from_prefixes_64(SizeCode::vqp, &instruction.prefixes); // TODO: ... let modrm =; let (mod_bits, r, m) = octets_of(*modrm); // println!("mod_bits: {:2b}, r: {:3b}, m: {:3b}", mod_bits, r, m); match read_E(bytes_iter, &instruction.prefixes, m, mod_bits, opwidth, &mut instruction.operands[1]) { Ok(()) => { instruction.operands[0] = Operand::Register(RegSpec { num: r, bank: width_to_gp_reg_bank(opwidth) }); Ok(()) }, Err(reason) => Err(reason) } }, OperandCode::Zv_Ivq(opcode_byte) => { let opwidth = imm_width_from_prefixes_64(SizeCode::vqp, &instruction.prefixes); let reg_idx = opcode_byte & 0x7; match read_imm_ivq(bytes_iter, opwidth) { Ok(imm) => { instruction.operands = [ Operand::Register(RegSpec { num: reg_idx, bank: width_to_gp_reg_bank(opwidth) }), imm ]; Ok(()) }, Err(reason) => Err(reason) } }, OperandCode::AX_Ivd => { let opwidth = imm_width_from_prefixes_64(SizeCode::vqp, &instruction.prefixes); let numwidth = if opwidth == 8 { 4 } else { opwidth }; match read_imm_signed(bytes_iter, numwidth, opwidth) { Ok(imm) => { instruction.operands = [ Operand::Register(RegSpec { num: 0, bank: width_to_gp_reg_bank(opwidth) }), imm ]; Ok(()) }, Err(reason) => Err(reason) } } OperandCode::Zb_Ib(opcode_byte) => { let reg_idx = opcode_byte & 0x7; match read_imm_unsigned(bytes_iter, 1) { Ok(imm) => { instruction.operands = [ Operand::Register(RegSpec { num: reg_idx, bank: width_to_gp_reg_bank(1) }), imm]; Ok(()) }, Err(reason) => Err(reason) } }, OperandCode::Iw => { match read_imm_unsigned(bytes_iter, 2) { Ok(imm) => { instruction.operands = [imm, Operand::Nothing]; Ok(()) }, Err(reason) => Err(reason) } } OperandCode::Jbs => { // TODO: arch width (8 in 64, 4 in 32, 2 in 16) match read_imm_signed(bytes_iter, 1, 8) { Ok(imm) => { instruction.operands = [imm, Operand::Nothing]; Ok(()) }, Err(reason) => Err(reason) } }, OperandCode::ModRM_0x83_Ev_Ibs => { let modrm =; let opwidth = imm_width_from_prefixes_64(SizeCode::vqp, &instruction.prefixes); let (mod_bits, r, m) = octets_of(*modrm); match read_E(bytes_iter, &instruction.prefixes, m, mod_bits, opwidth, &mut instruction.operands[0]) { Ok(()) => { let opcode = BASE_OPCODE_MAP[r as usize].clone(); instruction.opcode = opcode; match read_imm_signed(bytes_iter, 1, opwidth) { Ok(op) => { instruction.operands[1] = op; Ok(()) }, Err(reason) => Err(reason) } }, Err(reason) => Err(reason) } }, OperandCode::Zv(opcode_byte) => { let opwidth = imm_width_from_prefixes_64(SizeCode::vq, &instruction.prefixes); let index = (opcode_byte & 0b111) + if instruction.prefixes.rex().b() { 0b1000 } else { 0 }; instruction.operands = [Operand::Register(RegSpec { num: index, bank: width_to_gp_reg_bank(opwidth) }), Operand::Nothing]; Ok(()) }, OperandCode::Jbs => { let offset = read_num(bytes_iter, 1); instruction.operands = [Operand::ImmediateI8(offset as i8), Operand::Nothing]; Ok(()) }, OperandCode::Jvds => { let offset = read_num(bytes_iter, 4); instruction.operands = [Operand::ImmediateI32(offset as i32), Operand::Nothing]; Ok(()) } OperandCode::Nothing => { instruction.operands = [Operand::Nothing, Operand::Nothing]; Ok(()) } _ => { // use std::hint::unreachable_unchecked; Err(format!("unsupported operand code: {:?}", operand_code)) // unsafe { unreachable_unchecked(); } } } } fn width_to_gp_reg_bank(width: u8) -> RegisterBank { use std::hint::unreachable_unchecked; match width { 1 => return RegisterBank::B, 2 => return RegisterBank::W, 4 => return RegisterBank::D, 8 => return RegisterBank::Q, _ => unsafe { unreachable_unchecked(); } } } pub fn decode_one<'a, 'b, T: IntoIterator>(bytes: T, instr: &'b mut Instruction) -> Option<()> { let mut bytes_iter = bytes.into_iter(); match read_opcode(&mut bytes_iter, instr) { Ok(operand_code) => { match read_operands(&mut bytes_iter, instr, operand_code) { Ok(()) => { Some(()) }, Err(reason) => { panic!("Decode error on operand: {:?}", reason); // println!("Invalid instruction: {}", reason); // return Instruction::invalid() None } } } Err(reason) => { panic!("Decode error on opcode: {:?}", reason); // println!("Invalid instruction: {}", reason); // return Instruction::invalid() None } } } fn read_num(bytes: &mut Iterator, width: u8) -> u64 { let mut result = 0u64; let mut idx = 0; loop { if idx == width { return result; } let byte = *; result |= (byte as u64) << (idx * 8); idx += 1; } } fn read_imm_ivq(bytes: &mut Iterator, width: u8) -> Result { match width { 2 => { Ok(Operand::ImmediateU16(read_num(bytes, 2) as u16)) }, 4 => { Ok(Operand::ImmediateU32(read_num(bytes, 4) as u32)) }, 8 => { Ok(Operand::ImmediateU64(read_num(bytes, 8) as u64)) }, _ => { unsafe { unreachable_unchecked(); } } } } fn read_imm_signed(bytes: &mut Iterator, num_width: u8, extend_to: u8) -> Result { match num_width { 1 => { let num = read_num(bytes, 1) as i8; match extend_to { 1 => { Ok(Operand::ImmediateI8(num)) }, 2 => { Ok(Operand::ImmediateI16(num as i16)) }, 4 => { Ok(Operand::ImmediateI32(num as i32)) }, 8 => { Ok(Operand::ImmediateI64(num as i64)) }, _ => { unsafe { unreachable_unchecked(); } } } }, 2 => { let num = read_num(bytes, 2) as i16; match extend_to { 1 => { Ok(Operand::ImmediateI8(num as i8)) }, 2 => { Ok(Operand::ImmediateI16(num)) }, 4 => { Ok(Operand::ImmediateI32(num as i32)) }, 8 => { Ok(Operand::ImmediateI64(num as i64)) }, _ => { unsafe { unreachable_unchecked(); } } } }, 4 => { let num = read_num(bytes, 4) as i32; match extend_to { 1 => { Ok(Operand::ImmediateI8(num as i8)) }, 2 => { Ok(Operand::ImmediateI16(num as i16)) }, 4 => { Ok(Operand::ImmediateI32(num)) }, 8 => { Ok(Operand::ImmediateI64(num as i64)) }, _ => { unsafe { unreachable_unchecked(); } } } }, 8 => { let num = read_num(bytes, 4) as i32; match extend_to { 1 => { Ok(Operand::ImmediateI8(num as i8)) }, 2 => { Ok(Operand::ImmediateI16(num as i16)) }, 4 => { Ok(Operand::ImmediateI32(num)) }, 8 => { Ok(Operand::ImmediateI64(num as i64)) }, _ => { unsafe { unreachable_unchecked(); } } } }, _ => { unsafe { unreachable_unchecked(); } } } } fn read_imm_unsigned(bytes: &mut Iterator, width: u8) -> Result { match width { 1 => { Ok(Operand::ImmediateU8(read_num(bytes, 1) as u8)) }, 2 => { Ok(Operand::ImmediateU16(read_num(bytes, 2) as u16)) }, 4 => { Ok(Operand::ImmediateU32(read_num(bytes, 4) as u32)) }, 8 => { Ok(Operand::ImmediateU64(read_num(bytes, 4) as u64)) } _ => { unsafe { unreachable_unchecked(); } } } } fn octets_of(byte: u8) -> (u8, u8, u8) { (byte >> 6 & 0b11, (byte >> 3) & 0b111, byte & 0b111) } fn imm_width_from_prefixes_64(interpretation: SizeCode, prefixes: &Prefixes) -> u8 { match interpretation { SizeCode::b => 1, SizeCode::vd => { if prefixes.rex().w() || !prefixes.operand_size() { 4 } else { 2 } }, SizeCode::vq => { // TODO: this should be address_size // but i'm not sure if that breaks other instructions rn if prefixes.operand_size() { 2 } else { 8 // TODO: this 8 should be arch width. } }, SizeCode::vqp => { if prefixes.rex().w() { 8 } else if prefixes.operand_size() { 2 } else { 4 } }, } }