use core::fmt; use yaxpeax_arch::{Colorize, ShowContextual, NoColors, YaxColors}; use yaxpeax_arch::display::*; use crate::safer_unchecked::GetSaferUnchecked as _; use crate::safer_unchecked::unreachable_kinda_unchecked; use crate::MEM_SIZE_STRINGS; use crate::long_mode::{RegSpec, Opcode, Operand, MergeMode, InstDecoder, Instruction, Segment, PrefixRex, OperandSpec}; impl fmt::Display for InstDecoder { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { if self == &InstDecoder::default() { return write!(f, ""); } else if self == &InstDecoder::minimal() { return write!(f, ""); } if self.sse3() { write!(f, "sse3 ")? } if self.ssse3() { write!(f, "ssse3 ")? } if self.monitor() { write!(f, "monitor ")? } if self.vmx() { write!(f, "vmx ")? } if self.fma3() { write!(f, "fma3 ")? } if self.cmpxchg16b() { write!(f, "cmpxchg16b ")? } if self.sse4_1() { write!(f, "sse4_1 ")? } if self.sse4_2() { write!(f, "sse4_2 ")? } if self.movbe() { write!(f, "movbe ")? } if self.popcnt() { write!(f, "popcnt ")? } if self.aesni() { write!(f, "aesni ")? } if self.xsave() { write!(f, "xsave ")? } if self.rdrand() { write!(f, "rdrand ")? } if self.sgx() { write!(f, "sgx ")? } if self.bmi1() { write!(f, "bmi1 ")? } if self.avx2() { write!(f, "avx2 ")? } if self.bmi2() { write!(f, "bmi2 ")? } if self.invpcid() { write!(f, "invpcid ")? } if self.mpx() { write!(f, "mpx ")? } if self.avx512_f() { write!(f, "avx512_f ")? } if self.avx512_dq() { write!(f, "avx512_dq ")? } if self.rdseed() { write!(f, "rdseed ")? } if self.adx() { write!(f, "adx ")? } if self.avx512_fma() { write!(f, "avx512_fma ")? } if self.pcommit() { write!(f, "pcommit ")? } if self.clflushopt() { write!(f, "clflushopt ")? } if self.clwb() { write!(f, "clwb ")? } if self.avx512_pf() { write!(f, "avx512_pf ")? } if self.avx512_er() { write!(f, "avx512_er ")? } if self.avx512_cd() { write!(f, "avx512_cd ")? } if self.sha() { write!(f, "sha ")? } if self.avx512_bw() { write!(f, "avx512_bw ")? } if self.avx512_vl() { write!(f, "avx512_vl ")? } if self.prefetchwt1() { write!(f, "prefetchwt1 ")? } if self.avx512_vbmi() { write!(f, "avx512_vbmi ")? } if self.avx512_vbmi2() { write!(f, "avx512_vbmi2 ")? } if self.gfni() { write!(f, "gfni ")? } if self.vaes() { write!(f, "vaes ")? } if self.pclmulqdq() { write!(f, "pclmulqdq ")? } if self.avx_vnni() { write!(f, "avx_vnni ")? } if self.avx512_bitalg() { write!(f, "avx512_bitalg ")? } if self.avx512_vpopcntdq() { write!(f, "avx512_vpopcntdq ")? } if self.avx512_4vnniw() { write!(f, "avx512_4vnniw ")? } if self.avx512_4fmaps() { write!(f, "avx512_4fmaps ")? } if self.cx8() { write!(f, "cx8 ")? } if self.syscall() { write!(f, "syscall ")? } if self.rdtscp() { write!(f, "rdtscp ")? } if self.abm() { write!(f, "abm ")? } if self.sse4a() { write!(f, "sse4a ")? } if self._3dnowprefetch() { write!(f, "_3dnowprefetch ")? } if self.xop() { write!(f, "xop ")? } if self.skinit() { write!(f, "skinit ")? } if self.tbm() { write!(f, "tbm ")? } if self.intel_quirks() { write!(f, "intel_quirks ")? } if self.amd_quirks() { write!(f, "amd_quirks ")? } if self.avx() { write!(f, "avx ")? } Ok(()) } } impl fmt::Display for PrefixRex { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { if self.present() { write!(f, "rex:{}{}{}{}", if self.w() { "w" } else { "-" }, if self.r() { "r" } else { "-" }, if self.x() { "x" } else { "-" }, if self.b() { "b" } else { "-" }, ) } else { write!(f, "rex:none") } } } impl Segment { fn name(&self) -> &'static [u8; 2] { match self { Segment::CS => b"cs", Segment::DS => b"ds", Segment::ES => b"es", Segment::FS => b"fs", Segment::GS => b"gs", Segment::SS => b"ss", } } } impl fmt::Display for Segment { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { match self { Segment::CS => write!(f, "cs"), Segment::DS => write!(f, "ds"), Segment::ES => write!(f, "es"), Segment::FS => write!(f, "fs"), Segment::GS => write!(f, "gs"), Segment::SS => write!(f, "ss"), } } } // register names are grouped by indices scaled by 16. // xmm, ymm, zmm all get two indices. const REG_NAMES: &[&'static str] = &[ "BUG", "BUG", "BUG", "BUG", "BUG", "BUG", "BUG", "BUG", "al", "cl", "dl", "bl", "ah", "ch", "dh", "bh", "ax", "cx", "dx", "bx", "sp", "bp", "si", "di", "r8w", "r9w", "r10w", "r11w", "r12w", "r13w", "r14w", "r15w", "eax", "ecx", "edx", "ebx", "esp", "ebp", "esi", "edi", "r8d", "r9d", "r10d", "r11d", "r12d", "r13d", "r14d", "r15d", "BUG", "BUG", "BUG", "BUG", "spl", "bpl", "sil", "dil", "r8b", "r9b", "r10b", "r11b", "r12b", "r13b", "r14b", "r15b", "rax", "rcx", "rdx", "rbx", "rsp", "rbp", "rsi", "rdi", "r8", "r9", "r10", "r11", "r12", "r13", "r14", "r15", "cr0", "cr1", "cr2", "cr3", "cr4", "cr5", "cr6", "cr7", "cr8", "cr9", "cr10", "cr11", "cr12", "cr13", "cr14", "cr15", "dr0", "dr1", "dr2", "dr3", "dr4", "dr5", "dr6", "dr7", "dr8", "dr9", "dr10", "dr11", "dr12", "dr13", "dr14", "dr15", "es", "cs", "ss", "ds", "fs", "gs", "", "", "xmm0", "xmm1", "xmm2", "xmm3", "xmm4", "xmm5", "xmm6", "xmm7", "xmm8", "xmm9", "xmm10", "xmm11", "xmm12", "xmm13", "xmm14", "xmm15", "xmm16", "xmm17", "xmm18", "xmm19", "xmm20", "xmm21", "xmm22", "xmm23", "xmm24", "xmm25", "xmm26", "xmm27", "xmm28", "xmm29", "xmm30", "xmm31", "ymm0", "ymm1", "ymm2", "ymm3", "ymm4", "ymm5", "ymm6", "ymm7", "ymm8", "ymm9", "ymm10", "ymm11", "ymm12", "ymm13", "ymm14", "ymm15", "ymm16", "ymm17", "ymm18", "ymm19", "ymm20", "ymm21", "ymm22", "ymm23", "ymm24", "ymm25", "ymm26", "ymm27", "ymm28", "ymm29", "ymm30", "ymm31", "zmm0", "zmm1", "zmm2", "zmm3", "zmm4", "zmm5", "zmm6", "zmm7", "zmm8", "zmm9", "zmm10", "zmm11", "zmm12", "zmm13", "zmm14", "zmm15", "zmm16", "zmm17", "zmm18", "zmm19", "zmm20", "zmm21", "zmm22", "zmm23", "zmm24", "zmm25", "zmm26", "zmm27", "zmm28", "zmm29", "zmm30", "zmm31", "st(0)", "st(1)", "st(2)", "st(3)", "st(4)", "st(5)", "st(6)", "st(7)", "mm0", "mm1", "mm2", "mm3", "mm4", "mm5", "mm6", "mm7", "k0", "k1", "k2", "k3", "k4", "k5", "k6", "k7", "eip", "BUG", "BUG", "BUG", "BUG", "BUG", "BUG", "BUG", "rip", "BUG", "BUG", "BUG", "BUG", "BUG", "BUG", "BUG", "eflags", "BUG", "BUG", "BUG", "BUG", "BUG", "BUG", "BUG", "rflags", "BUG", "BUG", "BUG", "BUG", "BUG", "BUG", "BUG", ]; pub(crate) fn regspec_label(spec: &RegSpec) -> &'static str { unsafe { REG_NAMES.get_kinda_unchecked((spec.num as u16 + (( as u16) << 3)) as usize) } } pub(crate) fn mem_size_label(size: u8) -> &'static str { unsafe { MEM_SIZE_STRINGS.get_kinda_unchecked(size as usize) } } impl fmt::Display for RegSpec { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { f.write_str(regspec_label(self)) } } impl fmt::Display for Operand { fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { self.colorize(&NoColors, fmt) } } impl Colorize for Operand { fn colorize(&self, colors: &Y, f: &mut T) -> fmt::Result { match self { &Operand::ImmediateU8(imm) => { write!(f, "{}", colors.number(u8_hex(imm))) } &Operand::ImmediateI8(imm) => { write!(f, "{}", colors.number(signed_i8_hex(imm))) }, &Operand::ImmediateU16(imm) => { write!(f, "{}", colors.number(u16_hex(imm))) } &Operand::ImmediateI16(imm) => { write!(f, "{}", colors.number(signed_i16_hex(imm))) }, &Operand::ImmediateU32(imm) => { write!(f, "{}", colors.number(u32_hex(imm))) } &Operand::ImmediateI32(imm) => { write!(f, "{}", colors.number(signed_i32_hex(imm))) }, &Operand::ImmediateU64(imm) => { write!(f, "{}", colors.number(u64_hex(imm))) } &Operand::ImmediateI64(imm) => { write!(f, "{}", colors.number(signed_i64_hex(imm))) }, &Operand::Register(ref spec) => { f.write_str(regspec_label(spec)) } &Operand::RegisterMaskMerge(ref spec, ref mask, merge_mode) => { f.write_str(regspec_label(spec))?; if mask.num != 0 { f.write_str("{")?; f.write_str(regspec_label(mask))?; f.write_str("}")?; } if let MergeMode::Zero = merge_mode { f.write_str("{z}")?; } Ok(()) } &Operand::RegisterMaskMergeSae(ref spec, ref mask, merge_mode, sae_mode) => { f.write_str(regspec_label(spec))?; if mask.num != 0 { f.write_str("{")?; f.write_str(regspec_label(mask))?; f.write_str("}")?; } if let MergeMode::Zero = merge_mode { f.write_str("{z}")?; } f.write_str(sae_mode.label())?; Ok(()) } &Operand::RegisterMaskMergeSaeNoround(ref spec, ref mask, merge_mode) => { f.write_str(regspec_label(spec))?; if mask.num != 0 { f.write_str("{")?; f.write_str(regspec_label(mask))?; f.write_str("}")?; } if let MergeMode::Zero = merge_mode { f.write_str("{z}")?; } f.write_str("{sae}")?; Ok(()) } &Operand::DisplacementU32(imm) => { write!(f, "[{}]", colors.address(u32_hex(imm))) } &Operand::DisplacementU64(imm) => { write!(f, "[{}]", colors.address(u64_hex(imm))) } &Operand::RegDisp(ref spec, disp) => { write!(f, "[{} ", regspec_label(spec))?; format_number_i32(colors, f, disp, NumberStyleHint::HexSignedWithSignSplit)?; write!(f, "]") }, &Operand::RegDeref(ref spec) => { f.write_str("[")?; f.write_str(regspec_label(spec))?; f.write_str("]") }, &Operand::RegScale(ref spec, scale) => { write!(f, "[{} * {}]", regspec_label(spec), colors.number(scale) ) }, &Operand::RegScaleDisp(ref spec, scale, disp) => { write!(f, "[{} * {} ", regspec_label(spec), colors.number(scale), )?; format_number_i32(colors, f, disp, NumberStyleHint::HexSignedWithSignSplit)?; write!(f, "]") }, &Operand::RegIndexBase(ref base, ref index) => { f.write_str("[")?; f.write_str(regspec_label(base))?; f.write_str(" + ")?; f.write_str(regspec_label(index))?; f.write_str("]") } &Operand::RegIndexBaseDisp(ref base, ref index, disp) => { write!(f, "[{} + {} ", regspec_label(base), regspec_label(index), )?; format_number_i32(colors, f, disp, NumberStyleHint::HexSignedWithSignSplit)?; write!(f, "]") }, &Operand::RegIndexBaseScale(ref base, ref index, scale) => { write!(f, "[{} + {} * {}]", regspec_label(base), regspec_label(index), colors.number(scale) ) } &Operand::RegIndexBaseScaleDisp(ref base, ref index, scale, disp) => { write!(f, "[{} + {} * {} ", regspec_label(base), regspec_label(index), colors.number(scale), )?; format_number_i32(colors, f, disp, NumberStyleHint::HexSignedWithSignSplit)?; write!(f, "]") }, &Operand::RegDispMasked(ref spec, disp, ref mask_reg) => { write!(f, "[{} ", regspec_label(spec))?; format_number_i32(colors, f, disp, NumberStyleHint::HexSignedWithSignSplit)?; write!(f, "]")?; write!(f, "{{{}}}", regspec_label(mask_reg)) }, &Operand::RegDerefMasked(ref spec, ref mask_reg) => { f.write_str("[")?; f.write_str(regspec_label(spec))?; f.write_str("]")?; write!(f, "{{{}}}", regspec_label(mask_reg)) }, &Operand::RegScaleMasked(ref spec, scale, ref mask_reg) => { write!(f, "[{} * {}]", regspec_label(spec), colors.number(scale) )?; write!(f, "{{{}}}", regspec_label(mask_reg)) }, &Operand::RegScaleDispMasked(ref spec, scale, disp, ref mask_reg) => { write!(f, "[{} * {} ", regspec_label(spec), colors.number(scale), )?; format_number_i32(colors, f, disp, NumberStyleHint::HexSignedWithSignSplit)?; write!(f, "]")?; write!(f, "{{{}}}", regspec_label(mask_reg)) }, &Operand::RegIndexBaseMasked(ref base, ref index, ref mask_reg) => { f.write_str("[")?; f.write_str(regspec_label(base))?; f.write_str(" + ")?; f.write_str(regspec_label(index))?; f.write_str("]")?; write!(f, "{{{}}}", regspec_label(mask_reg)) } &Operand::RegIndexBaseDispMasked(ref base, ref index, disp, ref mask_reg) => { write!(f, "[{} + {} ", regspec_label(base), regspec_label(index), )?; format_number_i32(colors, f, disp, NumberStyleHint::HexSignedWithSignSplit)?; write!(f, "]")?; write!(f, "{{{}}}", regspec_label(mask_reg)) }, &Operand::RegIndexBaseScaleMasked(ref base, ref index, scale, ref mask_reg) => { write!(f, "[{} + {} * {}]", regspec_label(base), regspec_label(index), colors.number(scale) )?; write!(f, "{{{}}}", regspec_label(mask_reg)) } &Operand::RegIndexBaseScaleDispMasked(ref base, ref index, scale, disp, ref mask_reg) => { write!(f, "[{} + {} * {} ", regspec_label(base), regspec_label(index), colors.number(scale), )?; format_number_i32(colors, f, disp, NumberStyleHint::HexSignedWithSignSplit)?; write!(f, "]")?; write!(f, "{{{}}}", regspec_label(mask_reg)) }, &Operand::Nothing => { Ok(()) }, } } } pub enum TokenType { Mnemonic, Operand, Immediate, Register, Offset, } /// `DisplaySink` allows client code to collect output and minimal markup. this is currently used /// in formatting instructions for two reasons: /// * `DisplaySink` implementations have the opportunity to collect starts and ends of tokens at /// the same time as collecting output itself. /// * `DisplaySink` implementations provides specialized functions for writing strings in /// circumstances where a simple "use `core::fmt`" might incur unwanted overhead. /// /// spans are reported through `span_start` and `span_exit` to avoid constraining implementations /// into tracking current output offset (which may not be knowable) or span size (which may be /// knowable, but incur additional overhead to compute or track). /// /// spans are entered and exited in a FILO manner: a function writing to some `DisplaySink` must /// exit spans in reverse order to when they are entered. a function sequence like /// `sink.span_start(Operand); sink.span_start(Immediate); sink.span_exit(Operand)` is in error. /// /// the `write_*` helpers on `DisplaySink` may be able to take advantage of contraints described in /// documentation here to better support writing some kinds of inputs than a fully-general solution /// (such as `core::fmt`) might be able to yield. /// /// currently there are two motivating factors for `write_*` helpers: /// /// instruction formatting often involves writing small but variable-size strings, such as register /// names, which is something of a pathological case for string appending as Rust currently exists: /// this often becomes `memcpy` and specifically a call to the platform's `memcpy` (rather than an /// inlined `rep movsb`) just to move 3-5 bytes. one relevant Rust issue for reference: /// /// /// there are similar papercuts around formatting integers as base-16 numbers, such as /// . in isolation and in most applications these are /// not a significant source of overhead. but for programs bounded on decoding and printing /// instructions, these can add up to significant overhead - on the order of 10-20% of total /// runtime. /// /// `DisplaySink` pub trait DisplaySink: fmt::Write { #[inline(always)] fn write_fixed_size(&mut self, s: &str) -> Result<(), core::fmt::Error> { self.write_str(s) } /// write a string to this sink that is less than 32 bytes. this is provided for optimization /// opportunities when writing a variable-length string with known max size. /// /// SAFETY: the provided `s` must be less than 32 bytes. if the provided string is longer than /// 31 bytes, implementations may only copy part of a multi-byte codepoint while writing to a /// utf-8 string. this may corrupt Rust strings. unsafe fn write_lt_32(&mut self, s: &str) -> Result<(), core::fmt::Error> { self.write_str(s) } /// write a string to this sink that is less than 16 bytes. this is provided for optimization /// opportunities when writing a variable-length string with known max size. /// /// SAFETY: the provided `s` must be less than 16 bytes. if the provided string is longer than /// 15 bytes, implementations may only copy part of a multi-byte codepoint while writing to a /// utf-8 string. this may corrupt Rust strings. unsafe fn write_lt_16(&mut self, s: &str) -> Result<(), core::fmt::Error> { self.write_str(s) } /// write a string to this sink that is less than 8 bytes. this is provided for optimization /// opportunities when writing a variable-length string with known max size. /// /// SAFETY: the provided `s` must be less than 8 bytes. if the provided string is longer than /// 7 bytes, implementations may only copy part of a multi-byte codepoint while writing to a /// utf-8 string. this may corrupt Rust strings. unsafe fn write_lt_8(&mut self, s: &str) -> Result<(), core::fmt::Error> { self.write_str(s) } /// write a u8 to the output as a base-16 integer. /// /// this is provided for optimization opportunities when the formatted integer can be written /// directly to the sink (rather than formatted to an intermediate buffer and output as a /// followup step) fn write_u8(&mut self, v: u8) -> Result<(), core::fmt::Error> { write!(self, "{:x}", v) } /// write a u16 to the output as a base-16 integer. /// /// this is provided for optimization opportunities when the formatted integer can be written /// directly to the sink (rather than formatted to an intermediate buffer and output as a /// followup step) fn write_u16(&mut self, v: u16) -> Result<(), core::fmt::Error> { write!(self, "{:x}", v) } /// write a u32 to the output as a base-16 integer. /// /// this is provided for optimization opportunities when the formatted integer can be written /// directly to the sink (rather than formatted to an intermediate buffer and output as a /// followup step) fn write_u32(&mut self, v: u32) -> Result<(), core::fmt::Error> { write!(self, "{:x}", v) } /// write a u64 to the output as a base-16 integer. /// /// this is provided for optimization opportunities when the formatted integer can be written /// directly to the sink (rather than formatted to an intermediate buffer and output as a /// followup step) fn write_u64(&mut self, v: u64) -> Result<(), core::fmt::Error> { write!(self, "{:x}", v) } /// enter a region inside which output corresponds to a `ty`. /// /// the default implementation of these functions is as a no-op. this way, providing span /// information to a `DisplaySink` that does not want it is eliminated at compile time. /// /// spans are entered and ended in a FILO manner: a function writing to some `DisplaySink` must /// end spans in reverse order to when they are entered. a function sequence like /// `sink.span_start(Operand); sink.span_start(Immediate); sink.span_end(Operand)` is in error. /// /// a simple use of `span_start`/`span_end` might look something like: /// ```compile_fail /// sink.span_start(Operand) /// sink.write_char('[') /// sink.span_start(Register) /// sink.write_fixed_size("rbp") /// sink.span_end(Register) /// sink.write_char(']') /// sink.span_end(Operand) /// ``` /// which writes the text `[rbp]`, with span indicators where the operand (`[ ... ]`) begins, /// as well as the start and end of a register name. fn span_start(&mut self, _ty: TokenType) { } /// end a region where a `ty` was written. see docs on [`DisplaySink::span_start`] for more. fn span_end(&mut self, _ty: TokenType) { } } pub struct NoColorsSink<'a, T: fmt::Write> { pub out: &'a mut T, } impl<'a, T: fmt::Write> DisplaySink for NoColorsSink<'a, T> { fn span_start(&mut self, _ty: TokenType) { } fn span_end(&mut self, _ty: TokenType) { } } impl<'a, T: fmt::Write> fmt::Write for NoColorsSink<'a, T> { fn write_str(&mut self, s: &str) -> Result<(), core::fmt::Error> { self.out.write_str(s) } fn write_char(&mut self, c: char) -> Result<(), core::fmt::Error> { self.out.write_char(c) } fn write_fmt(&mut self, f: fmt::Arguments) -> Result<(), core::fmt::Error> { self.out.write_fmt(f) } } /// helper to format `amd64` instructions with highest throughupt and least configuration. /// /// ### when to use this over `fmt::Display`? /// /// `fmt::Display` is a fair choice in most cases. in some cases, `InstructionFormatter` may /// support formatting options that may be difficult to configure for a `Display` impl. /// additionally, `InstructionFormatter` may be able to specialize more effectively where /// `fmt::Display`, writing to a generic `fmt::Write`, may not. /// /// if your use case for `yaxpeax-x86` involves being bounded on the speed of disassembling and /// formatting instructions, [`InstructionFormatter::format_inst`] has been measured as up to 11% /// faster than an equivalent `write!(buf, "{}", inst)`. /// /// `InstructionFormatter` involves internal allocations; if your use case for `yaxpeax-x86` /// requires allocations never occurring, it is not an appropriate tool. /// /// ### example /// /// ``` /// use yaxpeax_x86::long_mode::InstDecoder; /// use yaxpeax_x86::long_mode::InstructionFormatter; /// /// let bytes = &[0x33, 0xc0]; /// let inst = InstDecoder::default().decode_slice(bytes).expect("can decode"); /// let mut formatter = InstructionFormatter::new(); /// assert_eq!( /// formatter.format_inst(&inst).expect("can format"), /// "xor eax, eax" /// ); /// /// // or, getting the formatted instruction with `text_str`: /// assert_eq!( /// formatter.text_str(), /// "xor eax, eax" /// ); /// ``` pub struct InstructionFormatter { content: alloc::string::String, } impl InstructionFormatter { /// create an `InstructionFormatter` with default settings. `InstructionFormatter`'s default /// settings format instructions identically to their corresponding `fmt::Display`. pub fn new() -> Self { let mut buf = alloc::string::String::new(); // TODO: move 512 out to a MAX_INSTRUCTION_LEN const and appropriate justification (and // fuzzing and ..) buf.reserve(512); Self { content: buf, } } /// format `inst` through this formatter, storing the formatted text in this formatter's /// internal buffer. returns a borrow of that same internal buffer for convenience. /// /// this clears and reuses an internal buffer; if an instruction had been previously formatted /// through this formatter, it will be overwritten. pub fn format_inst<'formatter>(&'formatter mut self, inst: &Instruction) -> Result<&'formatter str, fmt::Error> { let mut handle = self.write_handle(); inst.write_to(&mut handle)?; Ok(self.text_str()) } /// return a borrow of this formatter's buffer. if an instruction has been formatted, the /// returned `&str` contains that formatted instruction's text. pub fn text_str(&self) -> &str { self.content.as_str() } fn write_handle(&mut self) -> InstructionTextSink { self.content.clear(); InstructionTextSink { buf: &mut self.content } } } /// this private struct is guaranteed to contain a string that is long enough to hold a /// fully-formatted x86 instruction. /// /// this is wildly dangerous in general use, but because of the constrained lifecycle of /// `InstructionTextSink` in the context of `InstructionFormatter`, it's OK to use here. it is /// wildly dangerous because writing to this sink does not bounds check and assumes the contained /// `buf` is large enough for any input. as an example: if `buf` did not have enough space /// available from its current position, the `write_*` methods would write into whatever happens to /// be after `buf` in memory. /// /// don't make this pub. if this is pub in docs, it's a bug. struct InstructionTextSink<'buf> { buf: &'buf mut alloc::string::String } impl<'buf> fmt::Write for InstructionTextSink<'buf> { fn write_str(&mut self, s: &str) -> Result<(), core::fmt::Error> { self.buf.write_str(s) } fn write_char(&mut self, c: char) -> Result<(), core::fmt::Error> { // SAFETY: `buf` is assumed to be long enough to hold all input, `buf` at `underlying.len()` // is valid for writing, but may be uninitialized. // // this function is essentially equivalent to `Vec::push` specialized for the case that // `len < buf.capacity()`: // unsafe { let underlying = self.buf.as_mut_vec(); // `InstructionTextSink::write_char` is only used by yaxpeax-x86, and is only used to // write single ASCII characters. this is wrong in the general case, but `write_char` // here is not going to be used in the general case. if cfg!(debug_asertions) { panic!("InstructionTextSink::write_char would truncate output"); } let to_push = c as u8; // `ptr::write` here because `underlying.add(underlying.len())` may not point to an // initialized value, which would mean that turning that pointer into a `&mut u8` to // store through would be UB. `ptr::write` avoids taking the mut ref. underlying.as_mut_ptr().offset(underlying.len() as isize).write(to_push); // we have initialized all (one) bytes that `set_len` is increasing the length to // include. underlying.set_len(underlying.len() + 1); } Ok(()) } } /// this DisplaySink impl exists to support somewhat more performant buffering of the kinds of /// strings `yaxpeax-x86` uses in formatting instructions. impl DisplaySink for alloc::string::String { #[inline(always)] fn write_fixed_size(&mut self, s: &str) -> Result<(), core::fmt::Error> { self.reserve(s.len()); let buf = unsafe { self.as_mut_vec() }; let new_bytes = s.as_bytes(); if new_bytes.len() == 0 { unsafe { unreachable_kinda_unchecked() } } if new_bytes.len() >= 16 { unsafe { unreachable_kinda_unchecked() } } unsafe { let dest = buf.as_mut_ptr().offset(buf.len() as isize); // this used to be enough to bamboozle llvm away from // // if `s` is not fixed size. somewhere between Rust 1.68 and Rust 1.74 this stopped // being sufficient, so `write_fixed_size` truly should only be used for fixed size `s` // (otherwise this is a libc memcpy call in disguise). for fixed-size strings this // unrolls into some kind of appropriate series of `mov`. dest.offset(0 as isize).write(new_bytes[0]); for i in 1..new_bytes.len() { dest.offset(i as isize).write(new_bytes[i]); } buf.set_len(buf.len() + new_bytes.len()); } Ok(()) } unsafe fn write_lt_32(&mut self, s: &str) -> Result<(), fmt::Error> { self.reserve(s.len()); // SAFETY: todo let buf = unsafe { self.as_mut_vec() }; let new_bytes = s.as_bytes(); // should get DCE if new_bytes.len() >= 32 { unsafe { core::hint::unreachable_unchecked() } } unsafe { let dest = buf.as_mut_ptr().offset(buf.len() as isize); let src = new_bytes.as_ptr(); let rem = new_bytes.len() as isize; // set_len early because there is no way to avoid the following asm!() writing that // same number of bytes into buf buf.set_len(buf.len() + new_bytes.len()); core::arch::asm!( "6:", "cmp {rem:e}, 16", "jb 7f", "mov {buf:r}, qword ptr [{src} + {rem} - 16]", "mov qword ptr [{dest} + {rem} - 16], {buf:r}", "mov {buf:r}, qword ptr [{src} + {rem} - 8]", "mov qword ptr [{dest} + {rem} - 8], {buf:r}", "sub {rem:e}, 16", "jz 11f", "7:", "cmp {rem:e}, 8", "jb 8f", "mov {buf:r}, qword ptr [{src} + {rem} - 8]", "mov qword ptr [{dest} + {rem} - 8], {buf:r}", "sub {rem:e}, 8", "jz 11f", "8:", "cmp {rem:e}, 4", "jb 9f", "mov {buf:e}, dword ptr [{src} + {rem} - 4]", "mov dword ptr [{dest} + {rem} - 4], {buf:e}", "sub {rem:e}, 4", "jz 11f", "9:", "cmp {rem:e}, 2", "jb 10f", "mov {buf:x}, word ptr [{src} + {rem} - 2]", "mov word ptr [{dest} + {rem} - 2], {buf:x}", "sub {rem:e}, 2", "jz 11f", "10:", "cmp {rem:e}, 1", "jb 11f", "mov {buf:l}, byte ptr [{src} + {rem} - 1]", "mov byte ptr [{dest} + {rem} - 1], {buf:l}", "11:", src = in(reg) src, dest = in(reg) dest, rem = inout(reg) rem => _, buf = out(reg) _, options(nostack), ); } /* for i in 0..new_bytes.len() { unsafe { buf.as_mut_ptr().offset(buf.len() as isize).offset(i as isize).write_volatile(new_bytes[i]); } } */ Ok(()) } unsafe fn write_lt_16(&mut self, s: &str) -> Result<(), fmt::Error> { self.reserve(s.len()); // SAFETY: todo let buf = unsafe { self.as_mut_vec() }; let new_bytes = s.as_bytes(); // should get DCE if new_bytes.len() >= 16 { unsafe { core::hint::unreachable_unchecked() } } unsafe { let dest = buf.as_mut_ptr().offset(buf.len() as isize); let src = new_bytes.as_ptr(); let rem = new_bytes.len() as isize; // set_len early because there is no way to avoid the following asm!() writing that // same number of bytes into buf buf.set_len(buf.len() + new_bytes.len()); core::arch::asm!( "7:", "cmp {rem:e}, 8", "jb 8f", "mov {buf:r}, qword ptr [{src} + {rem} - 8]", "mov qword ptr [{dest} + {rem} - 8], {buf:r}", "sub {rem:e}, 8", "jz 11f", "8:", "cmp {rem:e}, 4", "jb 9f", "mov {buf:e}, dword ptr [{src} + {rem} - 4]", "mov dword ptr [{dest} + {rem} - 4], {buf:e}", "sub {rem:e}, 4", "jz 11f", "9:", "cmp {rem:e}, 2", "jb 10f", "mov {buf:x}, word ptr [{src} + {rem} - 2]", "mov word ptr [{dest} + {rem} - 2], {buf:x}", "sub {rem:e}, 2", "jz 11f", "10:", "cmp {rem:e}, 1", "jb 11f", "mov {buf:l}, byte ptr [{src} + {rem} - 1]", "mov byte ptr [{dest} + {rem} - 1], {buf:l}", "11:", src = in(reg) src, dest = in(reg) dest, rem = inout(reg) rem => _, buf = out(reg) _, options(nostack), ); } /* for i in 0..new_bytes.len() { unsafe { buf.as_mut_ptr().offset(buf.len() as isize).offset(i as isize).write_volatile(new_bytes[i]); } } */ Ok(()) } unsafe fn write_lt_8(&mut self, s: &str) -> Result<(), fmt::Error> { self.reserve(s.len()); // SAFETY: todo let buf = unsafe { self.as_mut_vec() }; let new_bytes = s.as_bytes(); // should get DCE if new_bytes.len() >= 8 { unsafe { core::hint::unreachable_unchecked() } } unsafe { let dest = buf.as_mut_ptr().offset(buf.len() as isize); let src = new_bytes.as_ptr(); let rem = new_bytes.len() as isize; // set_len early because there is no way to avoid the following asm!() writing that // same number of bytes into buf buf.set_len(buf.len() + new_bytes.len()); core::arch::asm!( "8:", "cmp {rem:e}, 4", "jb 9f", "mov {buf:e}, dword ptr [{src} + {rem} - 4]", "mov dword ptr [{dest} + {rem} - 4], {buf:e}", "sub {rem:e}, 4", "jz 11f", "9:", "cmp {rem:e}, 2", "jb 10f", "mov {buf:x}, word ptr [{src} + {rem} - 2]", "mov word ptr [{dest} + {rem} - 2], {buf:x}", "sub {rem:e}, 2", "jz 11f", "10:", "cmp {rem:e}, 1", "jb 11f", "mov {buf:l}, byte ptr [{src} + {rem} - 1]", "mov byte ptr [{dest} + {rem} - 1], {buf:l}", "11:", src = in(reg) src, dest = in(reg) dest, rem = inout(reg) rem => _, buf = out(reg) _, options(nostack), ); } /* for i in 0..new_bytes.len() { unsafe { buf.as_mut_ptr().offset(buf.len() as isize).offset(i as isize).write_volatile(new_bytes[i]); } } */ Ok(()) } /// write a u8 to the output as a base-16 integer. /// /// this is provided for optimization opportunities when the formatted integer can be written /// directly to the sink (rather than formatted to an intermediate buffer and output as a /// followup step) #[inline(always)] fn write_u8(&mut self, mut v: u8) -> Result<(), core::fmt::Error> { if v == 0 { return self.write_fixed_size("0"); } // we can fairly easily predict the size of a formatted string here with lzcnt, which also // means we can write directly into the correct offsets of the output string. let printed_size = ((8 - v.leading_zeros() + 3) >> 2) as usize; self.reserve(printed_size); let buf = unsafe { self.as_mut_vec() }; let new_len = buf.len() + printed_size; unsafe { buf.set_len(new_len); } let mut p = unsafe { buf.as_mut_ptr().offset(new_len as isize) }; loop { let digit = v % 16; let c = c_to_hex(digit as u8); unsafe { p = p.offset(-1); p.write(c); } v = v / 16; if v == 0 { break; } } Ok(()) } /// write a u16 to the output as a base-16 integer. /// /// this is provided for optimization opportunities when the formatted integer can be written /// directly to the sink (rather than formatted to an intermediate buffer and output as a /// followup step) #[inline(always)] fn write_u16(&mut self, mut v: u16) -> Result<(), core::fmt::Error> { if v == 0 { return self.write_fixed_size("0"); } // we can fairly easily predict the size of a formatted string here with lzcnt, which also // means we can write directly into the correct offsets of the output string. let printed_size = ((16 - v.leading_zeros() + 3) >> 2) as usize; self.reserve(printed_size); let buf = unsafe { self.as_mut_vec() }; let new_len = buf.len() + printed_size; unsafe { buf.set_len(new_len); } let mut p = unsafe { buf.as_mut_ptr().offset(new_len as isize) }; loop { let digit = v % 16; let c = c_to_hex(digit as u8); unsafe { p = p.offset(-1); p.write(c); } v = v / 16; if v == 0 { break; } } Ok(()) } /// write a u32 to the output as a base-16 integer. /// /// this is provided for optimization opportunities when the formatted integer can be written /// directly to the sink (rather than formatted to an intermediate buffer and output as a /// followup step) #[inline(always)] fn write_u32(&mut self, mut v: u32) -> Result<(), core::fmt::Error> { if v == 0 { return self.write_fixed_size("0"); } // we can fairly easily predict the size of a formatted string here with lzcnt, which also // means we can write directly into the correct offsets of the output string. let printed_size = ((32 - v.leading_zeros() + 3) >> 2) as usize; self.reserve(printed_size); let buf = unsafe { self.as_mut_vec() }; let new_len = buf.len() + printed_size; unsafe { buf.set_len(new_len); } let mut p = unsafe { buf.as_mut_ptr().offset(new_len as isize) }; loop { let digit = v % 16; let c = c_to_hex(digit as u8); unsafe { p = p.offset(-1); p.write(c); } v = v / 16; if v == 0 { break; } } Ok(()) } /// write a u64 to the output as a base-16 integer. /// /// this is provided for optimization opportunities when the formatted integer can be written /// directly to the sink (rather than formatted to an intermediate buffer and output as a /// followup step) #[inline(always)] fn write_u64(&mut self, mut v: u64) -> Result<(), core::fmt::Error> { if v == 0 { return self.write_fixed_size("0"); } // we can fairly easily predict the size of a formatted string here with lzcnt, which also // means we can write directly into the correct offsets of the output string. let printed_size = ((64 - v.leading_zeros() + 3) >> 2) as usize; self.reserve(printed_size); let buf = unsafe { self.as_mut_vec() }; let new_len = buf.len() + printed_size; unsafe { buf.set_len(new_len); } let mut p = unsafe { buf.as_mut_ptr().offset(new_len as isize) }; loop { let digit = v % 16; let c = c_to_hex(digit as u8); unsafe { p = p.offset(-1); p.write(c); } v = v / 16; if v == 0 { break; } } Ok(()) } fn span_start(&mut self, _ty: TokenType) {} fn span_end(&mut self, _ty: TokenType) {} } impl<'buf> DisplaySink for InstructionTextSink<'buf> { #[inline(always)] fn write_fixed_size(&mut self, s: &str) -> Result<(), core::fmt::Error> { let buf = unsafe { self.buf.as_mut_vec() }; let new_bytes = s.as_bytes(); if new_bytes.len() == 0 { return Ok(()); } if new_bytes.len() >= 16 { unsafe { unreachable_kinda_unchecked() } } unsafe { let dest = buf.as_mut_ptr().offset(buf.len() as isize); // this used to be enough to bamboozle llvm away from // // if `s` is not fixed size. somewhere between Rust 1.68 and Rust 1.74 this stopped // being sufficient, so `write_fixed_size` truly should only be used for fixed size `s` // (otherwise this is a libc memcpy call in disguise). for fixed-size strings this // unrolls into some kind of appropriate series of `mov`. dest.offset(0 as isize).write(new_bytes[0]); for i in 1..new_bytes.len() { dest.offset(i as isize).write(new_bytes[i]); } buf.set_len(buf.len() + new_bytes.len()); } Ok(()) } unsafe fn write_lt_32(&mut self, s: &str) -> Result<(), fmt::Error> { // SAFETY: todo let buf = unsafe { self.buf.as_mut_vec() }; let new_bytes = s.as_bytes(); // should get DCE if new_bytes.len() >= 32 { unsafe { core::hint::unreachable_unchecked() } } unsafe { let dest = buf.as_mut_ptr().offset(buf.len() as isize); let src = new_bytes.as_ptr(); let rem = new_bytes.len() as isize; // set_len early because there is no way to avoid the following asm!() writing that // same number of bytes into buf buf.set_len(buf.len() + new_bytes.len()); core::arch::asm!( "6:", "cmp {rem:e}, 16", "jb 7f", "mov {buf:r}, qword ptr [{src} + {rem} - 16]", "mov qword ptr [{dest} + {rem} - 16], {buf:r}", "mov {buf:r}, qword ptr [{src} + {rem} - 8]", "mov qword ptr [{dest} + {rem} - 8], {buf:r}", "sub {rem:e}, 16", "jz 11f", "7:", "cmp {rem:e}, 8", "jb 8f", "mov {buf:r}, qword ptr [{src} + {rem} - 8]", "mov qword ptr [{dest} + {rem} - 8], {buf:r}", "sub {rem:e}, 8", "jz 11f", "8:", "cmp {rem:e}, 4", "jb 9f", "mov {buf:e}, dword ptr [{src} + {rem} - 4]", "mov dword ptr [{dest} + {rem} - 4], {buf:e}", "sub {rem:e}, 4", "jz 11f", "9:", "cmp {rem:e}, 2", "jb 10f", "mov {buf:x}, word ptr [{src} + {rem} - 2]", "mov word ptr [{dest} + {rem} - 2], {buf:x}", "sub {rem:e}, 2", "jz 11f", "10:", "cmp {rem:e}, 1", "jb 11f", "mov {buf:l}, byte ptr [{src} + {rem} - 1]", "mov byte ptr [{dest} + {rem} - 1], {buf:l}", "11:", src = in(reg) src, dest = in(reg) dest, rem = inout(reg) rem => _, buf = out(reg) _, options(nostack), ); } /* for i in 0..new_bytes.len() { unsafe { buf.as_mut_ptr().offset(buf.len() as isize).offset(i as isize).write_volatile(new_bytes[i]); } } */ Ok(()) } unsafe fn write_lt_16(&mut self, s: &str) -> Result<(), fmt::Error> { // SAFETY: todo let buf = unsafe { self.buf.as_mut_vec() }; let new_bytes = s.as_bytes(); // should get DCE if new_bytes.len() >= 16 { unsafe { core::hint::unreachable_unchecked() } } unsafe { let dest = buf.as_mut_ptr().offset(buf.len() as isize); let src = new_bytes.as_ptr(); let rem = new_bytes.len() as isize; // set_len early because there is no way to avoid the following asm!() writing that // same number of bytes into buf buf.set_len(buf.len() + new_bytes.len()); core::arch::asm!( "7:", "cmp {rem:e}, 8", "jb 8f", "mov {buf:r}, qword ptr [{src} + {rem} - 8]", "mov qword ptr [{dest} + {rem} - 8], {buf:r}", "sub {rem:e}, 8", "jz 11f", "8:", "cmp {rem:e}, 4", "jb 9f", "mov {buf:e}, dword ptr [{src} + {rem} - 4]", "mov dword ptr [{dest} + {rem} - 4], {buf:e}", "sub {rem:e}, 4", "jz 11f", "9:", "cmp {rem:e}, 2", "jb 10f", "mov {buf:x}, word ptr [{src} + {rem} - 2]", "mov word ptr [{dest} + {rem} - 2], {buf:x}", "sub {rem:e}, 2", "jz 11f", "10:", "cmp {rem:e}, 1", "jb 11f", "mov {buf:l}, byte ptr [{src} + {rem} - 1]", "mov byte ptr [{dest} + {rem} - 1], {buf:l}", "11:", src = in(reg) src, dest = in(reg) dest, rem = inout(reg) rem => _, buf = out(reg) _, options(nostack), ); } /* for i in 0..new_bytes.len() { unsafe { buf.as_mut_ptr().offset(buf.len() as isize).offset(i as isize).write_volatile(new_bytes[i]); } } */ Ok(()) } unsafe fn write_lt_8(&mut self, s: &str) -> Result<(), fmt::Error> { // SAFETY: todo let buf = unsafe { self.buf.as_mut_vec() }; let new_bytes = s.as_bytes(); // should get DCE if new_bytes.len() >= 8 { unsafe { core::hint::unreachable_unchecked() } } unsafe { let dest = buf.as_mut_ptr().offset(buf.len() as isize); let src = new_bytes.as_ptr(); let rem = new_bytes.len() as isize; // set_len early because there is no way to avoid the following asm!() writing that // same number of bytes into buf buf.set_len(buf.len() + new_bytes.len()); core::arch::asm!( "8:", "cmp {rem:e}, 4", "jb 9f", "mov {buf:e}, dword ptr [{src} + {rem} - 4]", "mov dword ptr [{dest} + {rem} - 4], {buf:e}", "sub {rem:e}, 4", "jz 11f", "9:", "cmp {rem:e}, 2", "jb 10f", "mov {buf:x}, word ptr [{src} + {rem} - 2]", "mov word ptr [{dest} + {rem} - 2], {buf:x}", "sub {rem:e}, 2", "jz 11f", "10:", "cmp {rem:e}, 1", "jb 11f", "mov {buf:l}, byte ptr [{src} + {rem} - 1]", "mov byte ptr [{dest} + {rem} - 1], {buf:l}", "11:", src = in(reg) src, dest = in(reg) dest, rem = inout(reg) rem => _, buf = out(reg) _, options(nostack), ); } /* for i in 0..new_bytes.len() { unsafe { buf.as_mut_ptr().offset(buf.len() as isize).offset(i as isize).write_volatile(new_bytes[i]); } } */ Ok(()) } /// write a u8 to the output as a base-16 integer. /// /// this is provided for optimization opportunities when the formatted integer can be written /// directly to the sink (rather than formatted to an intermediate buffer and output as a /// followup step) #[inline(always)] fn write_u8(&mut self, mut v: u8) -> Result<(), core::fmt::Error> { if v == 0 { return self.write_fixed_size("0"); } // we can fairly easily predict the size of a formatted string here with lzcnt, which also // means we can write directly into the correct offsets of the output string. let printed_size = ((8 - v.leading_zeros() + 3) >> 2) as usize; let buf = unsafe { self.buf.as_mut_vec() }; let new_len = buf.len() + printed_size; unsafe { buf.set_len(new_len); } let mut p = unsafe { buf.as_mut_ptr().offset(new_len as isize) }; loop { let digit = v % 16; let c = c_to_hex(digit as u8); unsafe { p = p.offset(-1); p.write(c); } v = v / 16; if v == 0 { break; } } Ok(()) } /// write a u16 to the output as a base-16 integer. /// /// this is provided for optimization opportunities when the formatted integer can be written /// directly to the sink (rather than formatted to an intermediate buffer and output as a /// followup step) #[inline(always)] fn write_u16(&mut self, mut v: u16) -> Result<(), core::fmt::Error> { if v == 0 { return self.write_fixed_size("0"); } // we can fairly easily predict the size of a formatted string here with lzcnt, which also // means we can write directly into the correct offsets of the output string. let printed_size = ((16 - v.leading_zeros() + 3) >> 2) as usize; let buf = unsafe { self.buf.as_mut_vec() }; let new_len = buf.len() + printed_size; unsafe { buf.set_len(new_len); } let mut p = unsafe { buf.as_mut_ptr().offset(new_len as isize) }; loop { let digit = v % 16; let c = c_to_hex(digit as u8); unsafe { p = p.offset(-1); p.write(c); } v = v / 16; if v == 0 { break; } } Ok(()) } /// write a u32 to the output as a base-16 integer. /// /// this is provided for optimization opportunities when the formatted integer can be written /// directly to the sink (rather than formatted to an intermediate buffer and output as a /// followup step) #[inline(always)] fn write_u32(&mut self, mut v: u32) -> Result<(), core::fmt::Error> { if v == 0 { return self.write_fixed_size("0"); } // we can fairly easily predict the size of a formatted string here with lzcnt, which also // means we can write directly into the correct offsets of the output string. let printed_size = ((32 - v.leading_zeros() + 3) >> 2) as usize; let buf = unsafe { self.buf.as_mut_vec() }; let new_len = buf.len() + printed_size; unsafe { buf.set_len(new_len); } let mut p = unsafe { buf.as_mut_ptr().offset(new_len as isize) }; loop { let digit = v % 16; let c = c_to_hex(digit as u8); unsafe { p = p.offset(-1); p.write(c); } v = v / 16; if v == 0 { break; } } Ok(()) } /// write a u64 to the output as a base-16 integer. /// /// this is provided for optimization opportunities when the formatted integer can be written /// directly to the sink (rather than formatted to an intermediate buffer and output as a /// followup step) #[inline(always)] fn write_u64(&mut self, mut v: u64) -> Result<(), core::fmt::Error> { if v == 0 { return self.write_fixed_size("0"); } // we can fairly easily predict the size of a formatted string here with lzcnt, which also // means we can write directly into the correct offsets of the output string. let printed_size = ((64 - v.leading_zeros() + 3) >> 2) as usize; let buf = unsafe { self.buf.as_mut_vec() }; let new_len = buf.len() + printed_size; unsafe { buf.set_len(new_len); } let mut p = unsafe { buf.as_mut_ptr().offset(new_len as isize) }; loop { let digit = v % 16; let c = c_to_hex(digit as u8); unsafe { p = p.offset(-1); p.write(c); } v = v / 16; if v == 0 { break; } } Ok(()) } fn span_start(&mut self, _ty: TokenType) {} fn span_end(&mut self, _ty: TokenType) {} } struct ColorizingOperandVisitor<'a, T> { f: &'a mut T, } impl crate::long_mode::OperandVisitor for ColorizingOperandVisitor<'_, T> { type Ok = (); type Error = core::fmt::Error; #[cfg_attr(feature="profiling", inline(never))] fn visit_u8(&mut self, imm: u8) -> Result { self.f.span_start(TokenType::Immediate); self.f.write_fixed_size("0x")?; self.f.write_u8(imm)?; self.f.span_end(TokenType::Immediate); Ok(()) } #[cfg_attr(feature="profiling", inline(never))] fn visit_i8(&mut self, imm: i8) -> Result { self.f.span_start(TokenType::Immediate); let mut v = imm as u8; if imm < 0 { self.f.write_char('-')?; v = -imm as u8; } self.f.write_fixed_size("0x")?; self.f.write_u8(v)?; self.f.span_end(TokenType::Immediate); Ok(()) } #[cfg_attr(feature="profiling", inline(never))] fn visit_u16(&mut self, imm: u16) -> Result { self.f.span_start(TokenType::Immediate); self.f.write_fixed_size("0x")?; self.f.write_u16(imm)?; self.f.span_end(TokenType::Immediate); Ok(()) } #[cfg_attr(feature="profiling", inline(never))] fn visit_i16(&mut self, imm: i16) -> Result { self.f.span_start(TokenType::Immediate); let mut v = imm as u16; if imm < 0 { self.f.write_char('-')?; v = -imm as u16; } self.f.write_fixed_size("0x")?; self.f.write_u16(v)?; self.f.span_end(TokenType::Immediate); Ok(()) } #[cfg_attr(feature="profiling", inline(never))] fn visit_u32(&mut self, imm: u32) -> Result { self.f.span_start(TokenType::Immediate); self.f.write_fixed_size("0x")?; self.f.write_u32(imm)?; self.f.span_end(TokenType::Immediate); Ok(()) } fn visit_i32(&mut self, imm: i32) -> Result { self.f.span_start(TokenType::Immediate); let mut v = imm as u32; if imm < 0 { self.f.write_char('-')?; v = -imm as u32; } self.f.write_fixed_size("0x")?; self.f.write_u32(v)?; self.f.span_end(TokenType::Immediate); Ok(()) } #[cfg_attr(feature="profiling", inline(never))] fn visit_u64(&mut self, imm: u64) -> Result { self.f.span_start(TokenType::Immediate); self.f.write_fixed_size("0x")?; self.f.write_u64(imm)?; self.f.span_end(TokenType::Immediate); Ok(()) } #[cfg_attr(feature="profiling", inline(never))] fn visit_i64(&mut self, imm: i64) -> Result { self.f.span_start(TokenType::Immediate); let mut v = imm as u64; if imm < 0 { self.f.write_char('-')?; v = -imm as u64; } self.f.write_fixed_size("0x")?; self.f.write_u64(v)?; self.f.span_end(TokenType::Immediate); Ok(()) } #[cfg_attr(feature="profiling", inline(never))] fn visit_reg(&mut self, reg: RegSpec) -> Result { self.f.span_start(TokenType::Register); unsafe { self.f.write_lt_8(regspec_label(®))?; } self.f.span_end(TokenType::Register); Ok(()) } fn visit_reg_mask_merge(&mut self, spec: RegSpec, mask: RegSpec, merge_mode: MergeMode) -> Result { self.f.span_start(TokenType::Register); unsafe { self.f.write_lt_8(regspec_label(&spec))?; } self.f.span_end(TokenType::Register); if mask.num != 0 { self.f.write_fixed_size("{")?; self.f.span_start(TokenType::Register); unsafe { self.f.write_lt_8(regspec_label(&mask))?; } self.f.span_end(TokenType::Register); self.f.write_fixed_size("}")?; } if let MergeMode::Zero = merge_mode { self.f.write_fixed_size("{z}")?; } Ok(()) } fn visit_reg_mask_merge_sae(&mut self, spec: RegSpec, mask: RegSpec, merge_mode: MergeMode, sae_mode: crate::long_mode::SaeMode) -> Result { unsafe { self.f.write_lt_8(regspec_label(&spec))?; } if mask.num != 0 { self.f.write_fixed_size("{")?; unsafe { self.f.write_lt_8(regspec_label(&mask))?; } self.f.write_fixed_size("}")?; } if let MergeMode::Zero = merge_mode { self.f.write_fixed_size("{z}")?; } unsafe { self.f.write_lt_16(sae_mode.label())?; } Ok(()) } fn visit_reg_mask_merge_sae_noround(&mut self, spec: RegSpec, mask: RegSpec, merge_mode: MergeMode) -> Result { unsafe { self.f.write_lt_8(regspec_label(&spec))?; } if mask.num != 0 { self.f.write_fixed_size("{")?; unsafe { self.f.write_lt_8(regspec_label(&mask))?; } self.f.write_fixed_size("}")?; } if let MergeMode::Zero = merge_mode { self.f.write_fixed_size("{z}")?; } self.f.write_fixed_size("{sae}")?; Ok(()) } fn visit_abs_u32(&mut self, imm: u32) -> Result { self.f.write_fixed_size("[")?; self.f.write_fixed_size("0x")?; self.f.write_u32(imm)?; self.f.write_fixed_size("]")?; Ok(()) } fn visit_abs_u64(&mut self, imm: u64) -> Result { self.f.write_fixed_size("[")?; self.f.write_fixed_size("0x")?; self.f.write_u64(imm)?; self.f.write_fixed_size("]")?; Ok(()) } #[cfg_attr(not(feature="profiling"), inline(always))] #[cfg_attr(feature="profiling", inline(never))] fn visit_disp(&mut self, reg: RegSpec, disp: i32) -> Result { self.f.write_char('[')?; unsafe { self.f.write_lt_8(regspec_label(®))?; } self.f.write_fixed_size(" ")?; { let mut v = disp as u32; if disp < 0 { self.f.write_fixed_size("- 0x")?; v = -disp as u32; } else { self.f.write_fixed_size("+ 0x")?; } self.f.write_u32(v)?; } self.f.write_fixed_size("]") } fn visit_deref(&mut self, reg: RegSpec) -> Result { self.f.write_fixed_size("[")?; unsafe { self.f.write_lt_8(regspec_label(®))?; } self.f.write_fixed_size("]") } fn visit_reg_scale(&mut self, reg: RegSpec, scale: u8) -> Result { self.f.write_fixed_size("[")?; unsafe { self.f.write_lt_8(regspec_label(®))?; } self.f.write_fixed_size(" * ")?; self.f.write_char((0x30 + scale) as char)?; // translate scale=1 to '1', scale=2 to '2', etc self.f.write_fixed_size("]")?; Ok(()) } fn visit_reg_scale_disp(&mut self, reg: RegSpec, scale: u8, disp: i32) -> Result { self.f.write_fixed_size("[")?; unsafe { self.f.write_lt_8(regspec_label(®))?; } self.f.write_fixed_size(" * ")?; self.f.write_char((0x30 + scale) as char)?; // translate scale=1 to '1', scale=2 to '2', etc self.f.write_fixed_size(" ")?; { let mut v = disp as u32; if disp < 0 { self.f.write_fixed_size("- 0x")?; v = -disp as u32; } else { self.f.write_fixed_size("+ 0x")?; } self.f.write_u32(v)?; } self.f.write_char(']') } fn visit_index_base_scale(&mut self, base: RegSpec, index: RegSpec, scale: u8) -> Result { self.f.write_fixed_size("[")?; unsafe { self.f.write_lt_8(regspec_label(&base))?; } self.f.write_fixed_size(" + ")?; unsafe { self.f.write_lt_8(regspec_label(&index))?; } self.f.write_fixed_size(" * ")?; self.f.write_char((0x30 + scale) as char)?; // translate scale=1 to '1', scale=2 to '2', etc self.f.write_fixed_size("]") } fn visit_index_base_scale_disp(&mut self, base: RegSpec, index: RegSpec, scale: u8, disp: i32) -> Result { self.f.write_fixed_size("[")?; unsafe { self.f.write_lt_8(regspec_label(&base))?; } self.f.write_fixed_size(" + ")?; unsafe { self.f.write_lt_8(regspec_label(&index))?; } self.f.write_fixed_size(" * ")?; self.f.write_char((0x30 + scale) as char)?; // translate scale=1 to '1', scale=2 to '2', etc self.f.write_fixed_size(" ")?; { let mut v = disp as u32; if disp < 0 { self.f.write_fixed_size("- 0x")?; v = -disp as u32; } else { self.f.write_fixed_size("+ 0x")?; } self.f.write_u32(v)?; } self.f.write_fixed_size("]") } fn visit_reg_disp_masked(&mut self, spec: RegSpec, disp: i32, mask_reg: RegSpec) -> Result { self.f.write_char('[')?; unsafe { self.f.write_lt_8(regspec_label(&spec))?; } self.f.write_char(' ')?; let mut v = disp as u32; if disp < 0 { self.f.write_fixed_size("- 0x")?; v = -disp as u32; } else { self.f.write_fixed_size("+ 0x")?; } self.f.write_u32(v)?; self.f.write_char(']')?; self.f.write_char('{')?; unsafe { self.f.write_lt_8(regspec_label(&mask_reg))?; } self.f.write_char('}')?; Ok(()) } fn visit_reg_deref_masked(&mut self, spec: RegSpec, mask_reg: RegSpec) -> Result { self.f.write_fixed_size("[")?; unsafe { self.f.write_lt_8(regspec_label(&spec))?; } self.f.write_fixed_size("]")?; self.f.write_char('{')?; unsafe { self.f.write_lt_8(regspec_label(&mask_reg))?; } self.f.write_char('}')?; Ok(()) } fn visit_reg_scale_masked(&mut self, spec: RegSpec, scale: u8, mask_reg: RegSpec) -> Result { self.f.write_fixed_size("[")?; unsafe { self.f.write_lt_8(regspec_label(&spec))?; } self.f.write_fixed_size(" * ")?; self.f.write_char((0x30 + scale) as char)?; // translate scale=1 to '1', scale=2 to '2', etc self.f.write_fixed_size("]")?; self.f.write_char('{')?; unsafe { self.f.write_lt_8(regspec_label(&mask_reg))?; } self.f.write_char('}')?; Ok(()) } fn visit_reg_scale_disp_masked(&mut self, spec: RegSpec, scale: u8, disp: i32, mask_reg: RegSpec) -> Result { self.f.write_fixed_size("[")?; unsafe { self.f.write_lt_8(regspec_label(&spec))?; } self.f.write_fixed_size(" * ")?; self.f.write_char((0x30 + scale) as char)?; // translate scale=1 to '1', scale=2 to '2', etc self.f.write_fixed_size(" ")?; let mut v = disp as u32; if disp < 0 { self.f.write_fixed_size("- 0x")?; v = -disp as u32; } else { self.f.write_fixed_size("+ 0x")?; } self.f.write_u32(v)?; self.f.write_char(']')?; self.f.write_char('{')?; unsafe { self.f.write_lt_8(regspec_label(&mask_reg))?; } self.f.write_char('}')?; Ok(()) } fn visit_index_base_masked(&mut self, base: RegSpec, index: RegSpec, mask_reg: RegSpec) -> Result { self.f.write_fixed_size("[")?; unsafe { self.f.write_lt_8(regspec_label(&base))?; } self.f.write_fixed_size(" + ")?; unsafe { self.f.write_lt_8(regspec_label(&index))?; } self.f.write_fixed_size("]")?; self.f.write_char('{')?; unsafe { self.f.write_lt_8(regspec_label(&mask_reg))?; } self.f.write_char('}')?; Ok(()) } fn visit_index_base_disp_masked(&mut self, base: RegSpec, index: RegSpec, disp: i32, mask_reg: RegSpec) -> Result { self.f.write_fixed_size("[")?; unsafe { self.f.write_lt_8(regspec_label(&base))?; } self.f.write_fixed_size(" + ")?; unsafe { self.f.write_lt_8(regspec_label(&index))?; } self.f.write_fixed_size(" ")?; let mut v = disp as u32; if disp < 0 { self.f.write_fixed_size("- 0x")?; v = -disp as u32; } else { self.f.write_fixed_size("+ 0x")?; } self.f.write_u32(v)?; self.f.write_char(']')?; self.f.write_char('{')?; unsafe { self.f.write_lt_8(regspec_label(&mask_reg))?; } self.f.write_char('}')?; Ok(()) } fn visit_index_base_scale_masked(&mut self, base: RegSpec, index: RegSpec, scale: u8, mask_reg: RegSpec) -> Result { self.f.write_fixed_size("[")?; unsafe { self.f.write_lt_8(regspec_label(&base))?; } self.f.write_fixed_size(" + ")?; unsafe { self.f.write_lt_8(regspec_label(&index))?; } self.f.write_fixed_size(" * ")?; self.f.write_char((0x30 + scale) as char)?; // translate scale=1 to '1', scale=2 to '2', etc self.f.write_fixed_size("]")?; self.f.write_char('{')?; unsafe { self.f.write_lt_8(regspec_label(&mask_reg))?; } self.f.write_char('}')?; Ok(()) } fn visit_index_base_scale_disp_masked(&mut self, base: RegSpec, index: RegSpec, scale: u8, disp: i32, mask_reg: RegSpec) -> Result { self.f.write_fixed_size("[")?; unsafe { self.f.write_lt_8(regspec_label(&base))?; } self.f.write_fixed_size(" + ")?; unsafe { self.f.write_lt_8(regspec_label(&index))?; } self.f.write_fixed_size(" * ")?; self.f.write_char((0x30 + scale) as char)?; // translate scale=1 to '1', scale=2 to '2', etc self.f.write_char(' ')?; let mut v = disp as u32; if disp < 0 { self.f.write_fixed_size("- 0x")?; v = -disp as u32; } else { self.f.write_fixed_size("+ 0x")?; } self.f.write_u32(v)?; self.f.write_char(']')?; self.f.write_char('{')?; unsafe { self.f.write_lt_8(regspec_label(&mask_reg))?; } self.f.write_char('}')?; Ok(()) } fn visit_other(&mut self) -> Result { Ok(()) } } impl fmt::Display for Opcode { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { f.write_str( } } const MNEMONICS: &[&'static str] = &[ "add", "or", "adc", "sbb", "and", "sub", "xor", "cmp", "rol", "ror", "rcl", "rcr", "shl", "shr", "sal", "sar", "btc", "btr", "bts", "cmpxchg", "cmpxchg8b", "cmpxchg16b", "dec", "inc", "neg", "not", "xadd", "xchg", "cmps", "scas", "movs", "lods", "stos", "ins", "outs", "invalid", "bt", "bsf", "bsr", "tzcnt", "movss", "addss", "subss", "mulss", "divss", "minss", "maxss", "sqrtss", "movsd", "sqrtsd", "addsd", "subsd", "mulsd", "divsd", "minsd", "maxsd", "movsldup", "movshdup", "movddup", "haddps", "hsubps", "addsubpd", "addsubps", "cvtsi2ss", "cvtsi2sd", "cvttsd2si", "cvttps2dq", "cvtpd2dq", "cvtpd2ps", "cvtps2dq", "cvtsd2si", "cvtsd2ss", "cvttss2si", "cvtss2si", "cvtss2sd", "cvtdq2pd", "lddqu", "movzx", "movsx", "movsxd", "shrd", // "inc", // "dec", "hlt", "call", "callf", "jmp", "jmpf", "push", "pop", "lea", "nop", "prefetchnta", "prefetch0", "prefetch1", "prefetch2", // "xchg", "popf", "int", "into", "iret", "iretd", "iretq", "retf", "enter", "leave", "mov", "ret", "pushf", "wait", "cbw", "cwde", "cdqe", "cwd", "cdq", "cqo", "lahf", "sahf", "test", "in", "out", "imul", "jo", "jno", "jb", "jnb", "jz", "jnz", "ja", "jna", "js", "jns", "jp", "jnp", "jl", "jge", "jle", "jg", "cmova", "cmovb", "cmovg", "cmovge", "cmovl", "cmovle", "cmovna", "cmovnb", "cmovno", "cmovnp", "cmovns", "cmovnz", "cmovo", "cmovp", "cmovs", "cmovz", "div", "idiv", "mul", // "neg", // "not", // "cmpxchg", "seto", "setno", "setb", "setae", "setz", "setnz", "setbe", "seta", "sets", "setns", "setp", "setnp", "setl", "setge", "setle", "setg", "cpuid", "ud0", "ud1", "ud2", "wbinvd", "invd", "sysret", "clts", "syscall", "lsl", "lar", "sgdt", "sidt", "lgdt", "lidt", "smsw", "lmsw", "swapgs", "rdtscp", "invlpg", "fxsave", "fxrstor", "ldmxcsr", "stmxcsr", "xsave", "xrstor", "xsaveopt", "lfence", "mfence", "sfence", "clflush", "clflushopt", "clwb", "wrmsr", "rdtsc", "rdmsr", "rdpmc", "sldt", "str", "lldt", "ltr", "verr", "verw", "cmc", "clc", "stc", "cli", "sti", "cld", "std", "jmpe", "popcnt", "movdqu", "movdqa", "movq", "cmpss", "cmpsd", "unpcklps", "unpcklpd", "unpckhps", "unpckhpd", "pshufhw", "pshuflw", "movups", "movq2dq", "movdq2q", "rsqrtss", "rcpss", "andn", "bextr", "blsi", "blsmsk", "blsr", "vmclear", "vmxon", "vmcall", "vmlaunch", "vmresume", "vmxoff", "pconfig", "monitor", "mwait", "monitorx", "mwaitx", "clac", "stac", "encls", "enclv", "xgetbv", "xsetbv", "vmfunc", "xabort", "xbegin", "xend", "xtest", "enclu", "rdpkru", "wrpkru", "rdpru", "clzero", "rdseed", "rdrand", "addps", "addpd", "andnps", "andnpd", "andps", "andpd", "bswap", "cmppd", "cmpps", "comisd", "comiss", "cvtdq2ps", "cvtpi2ps", "cvtpi2pd", "cvtps2pd", "cvtps2pi", "cvtpd2pi", "cvttps2pi", "cvttpd2pi", "cvttpd2dq", "divps", "divpd", "emms", "getsec", "lfs", "lgs", "lss", "maskmovq", "maskmovdqu", "maxps", "maxpd", "minps", "minpd", "movaps", "movapd", "movd", "movlps", "movlpd", "movhps", "movhpd", "movlhps", "movhlps", "movupd", "movmskps", "movmskpd", "movnti", "movntps", "movntpd", "extrq", "insertq", "movntss", "movntsd", "movntq", "movntdq", "mulps", "mulpd", "orps", "orpd", "packssdw", "packsswb", "packuswb", "paddb", "paddd", "paddq", "paddsb", "paddsw", "paddusb", "paddusw", "paddw", "pand", "pandn", "pavgb", "pavgw", "pcmpeqb", "pcmpeqd", "pcmpeqw", "pcmpgtb", "pcmpgtd", "pcmpgtw", "pinsrw", "pmaddwd", "pmaxsw", "pmaxub", "pminsw", "pminub", "pmovmskb", "pmulhuw", "pmulhw", "pmullw", "pmuludq", "por", "psadbw", "pshufw", "pshufd", "pslld", "pslldq", "psllq", "psllw", "psrad", "psraw", "psrld", "psrldq", "psrlq", "psrlw", "psubb", "psubd", "psubq", "psubsb", "psubsw", "psubusb", "psubusw", "psubw", "punpckhbw", "punpckhdq", "punpckhwd", "punpcklbw", "punpckldq", "punpcklwd", "punpcklqdq", "punpckhqdq", "pxor", "rcpps", "rsm", "rsqrtps", "shld", "shufpd", "shufps", "slhd", "sqrtps", "sqrtpd", "subps", "subpd", "sysenter", "sysexit", "ucomisd", "ucomiss", "vmread", "vmwrite", "xorps", "xorpd", "vmovddup", "vpshuflw", "vpshufhw", "vhaddps", "vhsubps", "vaddsubps", "vcvtpd2dq", "vlddqu", "vcomisd", "vcomiss", "vucomisd", "vucomiss", "vaddpd", "vaddps", "vaddsd", "vaddss", "vaddsubpd", "vaesdec", "vaesdeclast", "vaesenc", "vaesenclast", "vaesimc", "vaeskeygenassist", "vblendpd", "vblendps", "vblendvpd", "vblendvps", "vbroadcastf128", "vbroadcasti128", "vbroadcastsd", "vbroadcastss", "vcmpsd", "vcmpss", "vcmppd", "vcmpps", "vcvtdq2pd", "vcvtdq2ps", "vcvtpd2ps", "vcvtph2ps", "vcvtps2dq", "vcvtps2pd", "vcvtss2sd", "vcvtsi2ss", "vcvtsi2sd", "vcvtsd2si", "vcvtsd2ss", "vcvtps2ph", "vcvtss2si", "vcvttpd2dq", "vcvttps2dq", "vcvttss2si", "vcvttsd2si", "vdivpd", "vdivps", "vdivsd", "vdivss", "vdppd", "vdpps", "vextractf128", "vextracti128", "vextractps", "vfmadd132pd", "vfmadd132ps", "vfmadd132sd", "vfmadd132ss", "vfmadd213pd", "vfmadd213ps", "vfmadd213sd", "vfmadd213ss", "vfmadd231pd", "vfmadd231ps", "vfmadd231sd", "vfmadd231ss", "vfmaddsub132pd", "vfmaddsub132ps", "vfmaddsub213pd", "vfmaddsub213ps", "vfmaddsub231pd", "vfmaddsub231ps", "vfmsub132pd", "vfmsub132ps", "vfmsub132sd", "vfmsub132ss", "vfmsub213pd", "vfmsub213ps", "vfmsub213sd", "vfmsub213ss", "vfmsub231pd", "vfmsub231ps", "vfmsub231sd", "vfmsub231ss", "vfmsubadd132pd", "vfmsubadd132ps", "vfmsubadd213pd", "vfmsubadd213ps", "vfmsubadd231pd", "vfmsubadd231ps", "vfnmadd132pd", "vfnmadd132ps", "vfnmadd132sd", "vfnmadd132ss", "vfnmadd213pd", "vfnmadd213ps", "vfnmadd213sd", "vfnmadd213ss", "vfnmadd231pd", "vfnmadd231ps", "vfnmadd231sd", "vfnmadd231ss", "vfnmsub132pd", "vfnmsub132ps", "vfnmsub132sd", "vfnmsub132ss", "vfnmsub213pd", "vfnmsub213ps", "vfnmsub213sd", "vfnmsub213ss", "vfnmsub231pd", "vfnmsub231ps", "vfnmsub231sd", "vfnmsub231ss", "vgatherdpd", "vgatherdps", "vgatherqpd", "vgatherqps", "vhaddpd", "vhsubpd", "vinsertf128", "vinserti128", "vinsertps", "vmaskmovdqu", "vmaskmovpd", "vmaskmovps", "vmaxpd", "vmaxps", "vmaxsd", "vmaxss", "vminpd", "vminps", "vminsd", "vminss", "vmovapd", "vmovaps", "vmovd", "vmovdqa", "vmovdqu", "vmovhlps", "vmovhpd", "vmovhps", "vmovlhps", "vmovlpd", "vmovlps", "vmovmskpd", "vmovmskps", "vmovntdq", "vmovntdqa", "vmovntpd", "vmovntps", "vmovq", "vmovss", "vmovsd", "vmovshdup", "vmovsldup", "vmovupd", "vmovups", "vmpsadbw", "vmulpd", "vmulps", "vmulsd", "vmulss", "vpabsb", "vpabsd", "vpabsw", "vpackssdw", "vpackusdw", "vpacksswb", "vpackuswb", "vpaddb", "vpaddd", "vpaddq", "vpaddsb", "vpaddsw", "vpaddusb", "vpaddusw", "vpaddw", "vpalignr", "vandpd", "vandps", "vorpd", "vorps", "vandnpd", "vandnps", "vpand", "vpandn", "vpavgb", "vpavgw", "vpblendd", "vpblendvb", "vpblendw", "vpbroadcastb", "vpbroadcastd", "vpbroadcastq", "vpbroadcastw", "vpclmulqdq", "vpcmpeqb", "vpcmpeqd", "vpcmpeqq", "vpcmpeqw", "vpcmpgtb", "vpcmpgtd", "vpcmpgtq", "vpcmpgtw", "vpcmpestri", "vpcmpestrm", "vpcmpistri", "vpcmpistrm", "vperm2f128", "vperm2i128", "vpermd", "vpermilpd", "vpermilps", "vpermpd", "vpermps", "vpermq", "vpextrb", "vpextrd", "vpextrq", "vpextrw", "vpgatherdd", "vpgatherdq", "vpgatherqd", "vpgatherqq", "vphaddd", "vphaddsw", "vphaddw", "vpmaddubsw", "vphminposuw", "vphsubd", "vphsubsw", "vphsubw", "vpinsrb", "vpinsrd", "vpinsrq", "vpinsrw", "vpmaddwd", "vpmaskmovd", "vpmaskmovq", "vpmaxsb", "vpmaxsd", "vpmaxsw", "vpmaxub", "vpmaxuw", "vpmaxud", "vpminsb", "vpminsw", "vpminsd", "vpminub", "vpminuw", "vpminud", "vpmovmskb", "vpmovsxbd", "vpmovsxbq", "vpmovsxbw", "vpmovsxdq", "vpmovsxwd", "vpmovsxwq", "vpmovzxbd", "vpmovzxbq", "vpmovzxbw", "vpmovzxdq", "vpmovzxwd", "vpmovzxwq", "vpmuldq", "vpmulhrsw", "vpmulhuw", "vpmulhw", "vpmullq", "vpmulld", "vpmullw", "vpmuludq", "vpor", "vpsadbw", "vpshufb", "vpshufd", "vpsignb", "vpsignd", "vpsignw", "vpslld", "vpslldq", "vpsllq", "vpsllvd", "vpsllvq", "vpsllw", "vpsrad", "vpsravd", "vpsraw", "vpsrld", "vpsrldq", "vpsrlq", "vpsrlvd", "vpsrlvq", "vpsrlw", "vpsubb", "vpsubd", "vpsubq", "vpsubsb", "vpsubsw", "vpsubusb", "vpsubusw", "vpsubw", "vptest", "vpunpckhbw", "vpunpckhdq", "vpunpckhqdq", "vpunpckhwd", "vpunpcklbw", "vpunpckldq", "vpunpcklqdq", "vpunpcklwd", "vpxor", "vrcpps", "vroundpd", "vroundps", "vroundsd", "vroundss", "vrsqrtps", "vrsqrtss", "vrcpss", "vshufpd", "vshufps", "vsqrtpd", "vsqrtps", "vsqrtss", "vsqrtsd", "vsubpd", "vsubps", "vsubsd", "vsubss", "vtestpd", "vtestps", "vunpckhpd", "vunpckhps", "vunpcklpd", "vunpcklps", "vxorpd", "vxorps", "vzeroupper", "vzeroall", "vldmxcsr", "vstmxcsr", "pclmulqdq", "aeskeygenassist", "aesimc", "aesenc", "aesenclast", "aesdec", "aesdeclast", "pcmpgtq", "pcmpistrm", "pcmpistri", "pcmpestri", "packusdw", "pcmpestrm", "pcmpeqq", "ptest", "phminposuw", "dpps", "dppd", "mpsadbw", "pmovzxdq", "pmovsxdq", "pmovzxbd", "pmovsxbd", "pmovzxwq", "pmovsxwq", "pmovzxbq", "pmovsxbq", "pmovsxwd", "pmovzxwd", "pextrq", "pextrd", "pextrw", "pextrb", "pmovsxbw", "pmovzxbw", "pinsrq", "pinsrd", "pinsrb", "extractps", "insertps", "roundss", "roundsd", "roundps", "roundpd", "pmaxsb", "pmaxsd", "pmaxuw", "pmaxud", "pminsd", "pminsb", "pminud", "pminuw", "blendw", "pblendvb", "pblendw", "blendvps", "blendvpd", "blendps", "blendpd", "pmuldq", "movntdqa", "pmulld", "palignr", "psignw", "psignd", "psignb", "pshufb", "pmulhrsw", "pmaddubsw", "pabsd", "pabsw", "pabsb", "phsubsw", "phsubw", "phsubd", "phaddd", "phaddsw", "phaddw", "hsubpd", "haddpd", "sha1rnds4", "sha1nexte", "sha1msg1", "sha1msg2", "sha256rnds2", "sha256msg1", "sha256msg2", "lzcnt", "clgi", "stgi", "skinit", "vmload", "vmmcall", "vmsave", "vmrun", "invlpga", "invlpgb", "tlbsync", "movbe", "adcx", "adox", "prefetchw", "rdpid", // "cmpxchg8b", // "cmpxchg16b", "vmptrld", "vmptrst", "bzhi", "mulx", "shlx", "shrx", "sarx", "pdep", "pext", "rorx", "xrstors", "xrstors64", "xsavec", "xsavec64", "xsaves", "xsaves64", "rdfsbase", "rdgsbase", "wrfsbase", "wrgsbase", "crc32", "salc", "xlat", "f2xm1", "fabs", "fadd", "faddp", "fbld", "fbstp", "fchs", "fcmovb", "fcmovbe", "fcmove", "fcmovnb", "fcmovnbe", "fcmovne", "fcmovnu", "fcmovu", "fcom", "fcomi", "fcomip", "fcomp", "fcompp", "fcos", "fdecstp", "fdisi8087_nop", "fdiv", "fdivp", "fdivr", "fdivrp", "feni8087_nop", "ffree", "ffreep", "fiadd", "ficom", "ficomp", "fidiv", "fidivr", "fild", "fimul", "fincstp", "fist", "fistp", "fisttp", "fisub", "fisubr", "fld", "fld1", "fldcw", "fldenv", "fldl2e", "fldl2t", "fldlg2", "fldln2", "fldpi", "fldz", "fmul", "fmulp", "fnclex", "fninit", "fnop", "fnsave", "fnstcw", "fnstenv", "fnstor", "fnstsw", "fpatan", "fprem", "fprem1", "fptan", "frndint", "frstor", "fscale", "fsetpm287_nop", "fsin", "fsincos", "fsqrt", "fst", "fstp", "fstpnce", "fsub", "fsubp", "fsubr", "fsubrp", "ftst", "fucom", "fucomi", "fucomip", "fucomp", "fucompp", "fxam", "fxch", "fxtract", "fyl2x", "fyl2xp1", "loopnz", "loopz", "loop", "jrcxz", // started shipping in Tremont, 2020 sept 23 "movdir64b", "movdiri", // started shipping in Tiger Lake, 2020 sept 2 "aesdec128kl", "aesdec256kl", "aesdecwide128kl", "aesdecwide256kl", "aesenc128kl", "aesenc256kl", "aesencwide128kl", "aesencwide256kl", "encodekey128", "encodekey256", "loadiwkey", // unsure "hreset", // 3dnow "femms", "pi2fw", "pi2fd", "pf2iw", "pf2id", "pmulhrw", "pfcmpge", "pfmin", "pfrcp", "pfrsqrt", "pfsub", "pfadd", "pfcmpgt", "pfmax", "pfrcpit1", "pfrsqit1", "pfsubr", "pfacc", "pfcmpeq", "pfmul", "pfmulhrw", "pfrcpit2", "pfnacc", "pfpnacc", "pswapd", "pavgusb", // ENQCMD "enqcmd", "enqcmds", // INVPCID "invept", "invvpid", "invpcid", // PTWRITE "ptwrite", // GFNI "gf2p8affineqb", "gf2p8affineinvqb", "gf2p8mulb", // CET "wruss", "wrss", "incssp", "saveprevssp", "setssbsy", "clrssbsy", "rstorssp", "endbr64", "endbr32", // TDX "tdcall", "seamret", "seamops", "seamcall", // WAITPKG "tpause", "umonitor", "umwait", // UINTR "uiret", "testui", "clui", "stui", "senduipi", // TSXLDTRK "xsusldtrk", "xresldtrk", // AVX512F "valignd", "valignq", "vblendmpd", "vblendmps", "vcompresspd", "vcompressps", "vcvtpd2udq", "vcvttpd2udq", "vcvtps2udq", "vcvttps2udq", "vcvtqq2pd", "vcvtqq2ps", "vcvtsd2usi", "vcvttsd2usi", "vcvtss2usi", "vcvttss2usi", "vcvtudq2pd", "vcvtudq2ps", "vcvtusi2usd", "vcvtusi2uss", "vexpandpd", "vexpandps", "vextractf32x4", "vextractf64x4", "vextracti32x4", "vextracti64x4", "vfixupimmpd", "vfixupimmps", "vfixupimmsd", "vfixupimmss", "vgetexppd", "vgetexpps", "vgetexpsd", "vgetexpss", "vgetmantpd", "vgetmantps", "vgetmantsd", "vgetmantss", "vinsertf32x4", "vinsertf64x4", "vinserti64x4", "vmovdqa32", "vmovdqa64", "vmovdqu32", "vmovdqu64", "vpblendmd", "vpblendmq", "vpcmpd", "vpcmpud", "vpcmpq", "vpcmpuq", "vpcompressq", "vpcompressd", "vpermi2d", "vpermi2q", "vpermi2pd", "vpermi2ps", "vpermt2d", "vpermt2q", "vpermt2pd", "vpermt2ps", "vpmaxsq", "vpmaxuq", "vpminsq", "vpminuq", "vpmovsqb", "vpmovusqb", "vpmovsqw", "vpmovusqw", "vpmovsqd", "vpmovusqd", "vpmovsdb", "vpmovusdb", "vpmovsdw", "vpmovusdw", "vprold", "vprolq", "vprolvd", "vprolvq", "vprord", "vprorq", "vprorrd", "vprorrq", "vpscatterdd", "vpscatterdq", "vpscatterqd", "vpscatterqq", "vpsraq", "vpsravq", "vptestnmd", "vptestnmq", "vpternlogd", "vpternlogq", "vptestmd", "vptestmq", "vrcp14pd", "vrcp14ps", "vrcp14sd", "vrcp14ss", "vrndscalepd", "vrndscaleps", "vrndscalesd", "vrndscaless", "vrsqrt14pd", "vrsqrt14ps", "vrsqrt14sd", "vrsqrt14ss", "vscaledpd", "vscaledps", "vscaledsd", "vscaledss", "vscatterdd", "vscatterdq", "vscatterqd", "vscatterqq", "vshuff32x4", "vshuff64x2", "vshufi32x4", "vshufi64x2", // AVX512DQ "vcvttpd2qq", "vcvtpd2qq", "vcvttpd2uqq", "vcvtpd2uqq", "vcvttps2qq", "vcvtps2qq", "vcvttps2uqq", "vcvtps2uqq", "vcvtuqq2pd", "vcvtuqq2ps", "vextractf64x2", "vextracti64x2", "vfpclasspd", "vfpclassps", "vfpclasssd", "vfpclassss", "vinsertf64x2", "vinserti64x2", "vpmovm2d", "vpmovm2q", "vpmovb2d", "vpmovq2m", "vrangepd", "vrangeps", "vrangesd", "vrangess", "vreducepd", "vreduceps", "vreducesd", "vreducess", // AVX512BW "vdbpsadbw", "vmovdqu8", "vmovdqu16", "vpblendmb", "vpblendmw", "vpcmpb", "vpcmpub", "vpcmpw", "vpcmpuw", "vpermw", "vpermi2b", "vpermi2w", "vpmovm2b", "vpmovm2w", "vpmovb2m", "vpmovw2m", "vpmovswb", "vpmovuswb", "vpsllvw", "vpsravw", "vpsrlvw", "vptestnmb", "vptestnmw", "vptestmb", "vptestmw", // AVX512CD "vpbroadcastm", "vpconflictd", "vpconflictq", "vplzcntd", "vplzcntq", "kunpckbw", "kunpckwd", "kunpckdq", "kaddb", "kandb", "kandnb", "kmovb", "knotb", "korb", "kortestb", "kshiftlb", "kshiftrb", "ktestb", "kxnorb", "kxorb", "kaddw", "kandw", "kandnw", "kmovw", "knotw", "korw", "kortestw", "kshiftlw", "kshiftrw", "ktestw", "kxnorw", "kxorw", "kaddd", "kandd", "kandnd", "kmovd", "knotd", "kord", "kortestd", "kshiftld", "kshiftrd", "ktestd", "kxnord", "kxord", "kaddq", "kandq", "kandnq", "kmovq", "knotq", "korq", "kortestq", "kshiftlq", "kshiftrq", "ktestq", "kxnorq", "kxorq", // AVX512ER "vexp2pd", "vexp2ps", "vexp2sd", "vexp2ss", "vrcp28pd", "vrcp28ps", "vrcp28sd", "vrcp28ss", "vrsqrt28pd", "vrsqrt28ps", "vrsqrt28sd", "vrsqrt28ss", // AVX512PF "vgatherpf0dpd", "vgatherpf0dps", "vgatherpf0qpd", "vgatherpf0qps", "vgatherpf1dpd", "vgatherpf1dps", "vgatherpf1qpd", "vgatherpf1qps", "vscatterpf0dpd", "vscatterpf0dps", "vscatterpf0qpd", "vscatterpf0qps", "vscatterpf1dpd", "vscatterpf1dps", "vscatterpf1qpd", "vscatterpf1qps", // MPX "bndmk", "bndcl", "bndcu", "bndcn", "bndmov", "bndldx", "bndstx", "vgf2p8affineqb", "vgf2p8affineinvqb", "vpshrdq", "vpshrdd", "vpshrdw", "vpshldq", "vpshldd", "vpshldw", "vbroadcastf32x8", "vbroadcastf64x4", "vbroadcastf32x4", "vbroadcastf64x2", "vbroadcastf32x2", "vbroadcasti32x8", "vbroadcasti64x4", "vbroadcasti32x4", "vbroadcasti64x2", "vbroadcasti32x2", "vextracti32x8", "vextractf32x8", "vinserti32x8", "vinsertf32x8", "vinserti32x4", "v4fnmaddss", "v4fnmaddps", "vcvtneps2bf16", "v4fmaddss", "v4fmaddps", "vcvtne2ps2bf16", "vp2intersectd", "vp2intersectq", "vp4dpwssds", "vp4dpwssd", "vpdpwssds", "vpdpwssd", "vpdpbusds", "vdpbf16ps", "vpbroadcastmw2d", "vpbroadcastmb2q", "vpmovd2m", "vpmovqd", "vpmovwb", "vpmovdb", "vpmovdw", "vpmovqb", "vpmovqw", "vgf2p8mulb", "vpmadd52huq", "vpmadd52luq", "vpshufbitqmb", "vpermb", "vpexpandd", "vpexpandq", "vpabsq", "vprorvd", "vprorvq", "vpmultishiftqb", "vpermt2b", "vpermt2w", "vpshrdvq", "vpshrdvd", "vpshrdvw", "vpshldvq", "vpshldvd", "vpshldvw", "vpcompressb", "vpcompressw", "vpexpandb", "vpexpandw", "vpopcntd", "vpopcntq", "vpopcntb", "vpopcntw", "vscalefss", "vscalefsd", "vscalefps", "vscalefpd", "vpdpbusd", "vcvtusi2sd", "vcvtusi2ss", "vpxord", "vpxorq", "vpord", "vporq", "vpandnd", "vpandnq", "vpandd", "vpandq", "psmash", "pvalidate", "rmpadjust", "rmpupdate", ]; impl Opcode { fn name(&self) -> &'static str { unsafe { MNEMONICS.get_kinda_unchecked((*self as usize) & 0xfff) } } } impl Colorize for Opcode { fn colorize(&self, colors: &Y, out: &mut T) -> fmt::Result { match self { Opcode::VGF2P8AFFINEQB | Opcode::VGF2P8AFFINEINVQB | Opcode::VPSHRDQ | Opcode::VPSHRDD | Opcode::VPSHRDW | Opcode::VPSHLDQ | Opcode::VPSHLDD | Opcode::VPSHLDW | Opcode::VBROADCASTF32X8 | Opcode::VBROADCASTF64X4 | Opcode::VBROADCASTF32X4 | Opcode::VBROADCASTF64X2 | Opcode::VBROADCASTF32X2 | Opcode::VBROADCASTI32X8 | Opcode::VBROADCASTI64X4 | Opcode::VBROADCASTI32X4 | Opcode::VBROADCASTI64X2 | Opcode::VBROADCASTI32X2 | Opcode::VEXTRACTI32X8 | Opcode::VEXTRACTF32X8 | Opcode::VINSERTI32X8 | Opcode::VINSERTF32X8 | Opcode::VINSERTI32X4 | Opcode::V4FNMADDSS | Opcode::V4FNMADDPS | Opcode::VCVTNEPS2BF16 | Opcode::V4FMADDSS | Opcode::V4FMADDPS | Opcode::VCVTNE2PS2BF16 | Opcode::VP2INTERSECTD | Opcode::VP2INTERSECTQ | Opcode::VP4DPWSSDS | Opcode::VP4DPWSSD | Opcode::VPDPWSSDS | Opcode::VPDPWSSD | Opcode::VPDPBUSDS | Opcode::VDPBF16PS | Opcode::VPBROADCASTMW2D | Opcode::VPBROADCASTMB2Q | Opcode::VPMOVD2M | Opcode::VPMOVQD | Opcode::VPMOVWB | Opcode::VPMOVDB | Opcode::VPMOVDW | Opcode::VPMOVQB | Opcode::VPMOVQW | Opcode::VGF2P8MULB | Opcode::VPMADD52HUQ | Opcode::VPMADD52LUQ | Opcode::VPSHUFBITQMB | Opcode::VPERMB | Opcode::VPEXPANDD | Opcode::VPEXPANDQ | Opcode::VPABSQ | Opcode::VPRORVD | Opcode::VPRORVQ | Opcode::VPMULTISHIFTQB | Opcode::VPERMT2B | Opcode::VPERMT2W | Opcode::VPSHRDVQ | Opcode::VPSHRDVD | Opcode::VPSHRDVW | Opcode::VPSHLDVQ | Opcode::VPSHLDVD | Opcode::VPSHLDVW | Opcode::VPCOMPRESSB | Opcode::VPCOMPRESSW | Opcode::VPEXPANDB | Opcode::VPEXPANDW | Opcode::VPOPCNTD | Opcode::VPOPCNTQ | Opcode::VPOPCNTB | Opcode::VPOPCNTW | Opcode::VSCALEFSS | Opcode::VSCALEFSD | Opcode::VSCALEFPS | Opcode::VSCALEFPD | Opcode::VPDPBUSD | Opcode::VCVTUSI2SD | Opcode::VCVTUSI2SS | Opcode::VPXORD | Opcode::VPXORQ | Opcode::VPORD | Opcode::VPORQ | Opcode::VPANDND | Opcode::VPANDNQ | Opcode::VPANDD | Opcode::VPANDQ | Opcode::VHADDPS | Opcode::VHSUBPS | Opcode::VADDSUBPS | Opcode::VADDPD | Opcode::VADDPS | Opcode::VADDSD | Opcode::VADDSS | Opcode::VADDSUBPD | Opcode::VFMADD132PD | Opcode::VFMADD132PS | Opcode::VFMADD132SD | Opcode::VFMADD132SS | Opcode::VFMADD213PD | Opcode::VFMADD213PS | Opcode::VFMADD213SD | Opcode::VFMADD213SS | Opcode::VFMADD231PD | Opcode::VFMADD231PS | Opcode::VFMADD231SD | Opcode::VFMADD231SS | Opcode::VFMADDSUB132PD | Opcode::VFMADDSUB132PS | Opcode::VFMADDSUB213PD | Opcode::VFMADDSUB213PS | Opcode::VFMADDSUB231PD | Opcode::VFMADDSUB231PS | Opcode::VFMSUB132PD | Opcode::VFMSUB132PS | Opcode::VFMSUB132SD | Opcode::VFMSUB132SS | Opcode::VFMSUB213PD | Opcode::VFMSUB213PS | Opcode::VFMSUB213SD | Opcode::VFMSUB213SS | Opcode::VFMSUB231PD | Opcode::VFMSUB231PS | Opcode::VFMSUB231SD | Opcode::VFMSUB231SS | Opcode::VFMSUBADD132PD | Opcode::VFMSUBADD132PS | Opcode::VFMSUBADD213PD | Opcode::VFMSUBADD213PS | Opcode::VFMSUBADD231PD | Opcode::VFMSUBADD231PS | Opcode::VFNMADD132PD | Opcode::VFNMADD132PS | Opcode::VFNMADD132SD | Opcode::VFNMADD132SS | Opcode::VFNMADD213PD | Opcode::VFNMADD213PS | Opcode::VFNMADD213SD | Opcode::VFNMADD213SS | Opcode::VFNMADD231PD | Opcode::VFNMADD231PS | Opcode::VFNMADD231SD | Opcode::VFNMADD231SS | Opcode::VFNMSUB132PD | Opcode::VFNMSUB132PS | Opcode::VFNMSUB132SD | Opcode::VFNMSUB132SS | Opcode::VFNMSUB213PD | Opcode::VFNMSUB213PS | Opcode::VFNMSUB213SD | Opcode::VFNMSUB213SS | Opcode::VFNMSUB231PD | Opcode::VFNMSUB231PS | Opcode::VFNMSUB231SD | Opcode::VFNMSUB231SS | Opcode::VDIVPD | Opcode::VDIVPS | Opcode::VDIVSD | Opcode::VDIVSS | Opcode::VHADDPD | Opcode::VHSUBPD | Opcode::HADDPD | Opcode::HSUBPD | Opcode::VMULPD | Opcode::VMULPS | Opcode::VMULSD | Opcode::VMULSS | Opcode::VPABSB | Opcode::VPABSD | Opcode::VPABSW | Opcode::PABSB | Opcode::PABSD | Opcode::PABSW | Opcode::VPSIGNB | Opcode::VPSIGND | Opcode::VPSIGNW | Opcode::PSIGNB | Opcode::PSIGND | Opcode::PSIGNW | Opcode::VPADDB | Opcode::VPADDD | Opcode::VPADDQ | Opcode::VPADDSB | Opcode::VPADDSW | Opcode::VPADDUSB | Opcode::VPADDUSW | Opcode::VPADDW | Opcode::VPAVGB | Opcode::VPAVGW | Opcode::VPMULDQ | Opcode::VPMULHRSW | Opcode::VPMULHUW | Opcode::VPMULHW | Opcode::VPMULLQ | Opcode::VPMULLD | Opcode::VPMULLW | Opcode::VPMULUDQ | Opcode::PCLMULQDQ | Opcode::PMULDQ | Opcode::PMULHRSW | Opcode::PMULLD | Opcode::VPSUBB | Opcode::VPSUBD | Opcode::VPSUBQ | Opcode::VPSUBSB | Opcode::VPSUBSW | Opcode::VPSUBUSB | Opcode::VPSUBUSW | Opcode::VPSUBW | Opcode::VROUNDPD | Opcode::VROUNDPS | Opcode::VEXP2PD | Opcode::VEXP2PS | Opcode::VEXP2SD | Opcode::VEXP2SS | Opcode::VRCP28PD | Opcode::VRCP28PS | Opcode::VRCP28SD | Opcode::VRCP28SS | Opcode::VRCP14PD | Opcode::VRCP14PS | Opcode::VRCP14SD | Opcode::VRCP14SS | Opcode::VRNDSCALEPD | Opcode::VRNDSCALEPS | Opcode::VRNDSCALESD | Opcode::VRNDSCALESS | Opcode::VRSQRT14PD | Opcode::VRSQRT14PS | Opcode::VRSQRT14SD | Opcode::VRSQRT14SS | Opcode::VSCALEDPD | Opcode::VSCALEDPS | Opcode::VSCALEDSD | Opcode::VSCALEDSS | Opcode::VRSQRT28PD | Opcode::VRSQRT28PS | Opcode::VRSQRT28SD | Opcode::VRSQRT28SS | Opcode::VRSQRTPS | Opcode::VSQRTPD | Opcode::VSQRTPS | Opcode::VSUBPD | Opcode::VSUBPS | Opcode::VSUBSD | Opcode::VSUBSS | Opcode::VRCPSS | Opcode::VROUNDSD | Opcode::VROUNDSS | Opcode::ROUNDPD | Opcode::ROUNDPS | Opcode::ROUNDSD | Opcode::ROUNDSS | Opcode::VRSQRTSS | Opcode::VSQRTSD | Opcode::VSQRTSS | Opcode::VPSADBW | Opcode::VMPSADBW | Opcode::VDBPSADBW | Opcode::VPHADDD | Opcode::VPHADDSW | Opcode::VPHADDW | Opcode::VPHSUBD | Opcode::VPHSUBSW | Opcode::VPHSUBW | Opcode::VPMADDUBSW | Opcode::VPMADDWD | Opcode::VDPPD | Opcode::VDPPS | Opcode::VRCPPS | Opcode::VORPD | Opcode::VORPS | Opcode::VANDPD | Opcode::VANDPS | Opcode::VANDNPD | Opcode::VANDNPS | Opcode::VPAND | Opcode::VPANDN | Opcode::VPOR | Opcode::VPXOR | Opcode::VXORPD | Opcode::VXORPS | Opcode::VPSLLD | Opcode::VPSLLDQ | Opcode::VPSLLQ | Opcode::VPSLLVD | Opcode::VPSLLVQ | Opcode::VPSLLW | Opcode::VPROLD | Opcode::VPROLQ | Opcode::VPROLVD | Opcode::VPROLVQ | Opcode::VPRORD | Opcode::VPRORQ | Opcode::VPRORRD | Opcode::VPRORRQ | Opcode::VPSLLVW | Opcode::VPSRAQ | Opcode::VPSRAVQ | Opcode::VPSRAVW | Opcode::VPSRLVW | Opcode::VPSRAD | Opcode::VPSRAVD | Opcode::VPSRAW | Opcode::VPSRLD | Opcode::VPSRLDQ | Opcode::VPSRLQ | Opcode::VPSRLVD | Opcode::VPSRLVQ | Opcode::VPSRLW | Opcode::PHADDD | Opcode::PHADDSW | Opcode::PHADDW | Opcode::PHSUBD | Opcode::PHSUBSW | Opcode::PHSUBW | Opcode::PMADDUBSW | Opcode::ADDSUBPD | Opcode::DPPS | Opcode::DPPD | Opcode::MPSADBW | Opcode::RCPSS | Opcode::RSQRTSS | Opcode::SQRTSD | Opcode::ADDSD | Opcode::SUBSD | Opcode::MULSD | Opcode::DIVSD | Opcode::SQRTSS | Opcode::ADDSS | Opcode::SUBSS | Opcode::MULSS | Opcode::DIVSS | Opcode::HADDPS | Opcode::HSUBPS | Opcode::ADDSUBPS | Opcode::PMULHRW | Opcode::PFRCP | Opcode::PFRSQRT | Opcode::PFSUB | Opcode::PFADD | Opcode::PFRCPIT1 | Opcode::PFRSQIT1 | Opcode::PFSUBR | Opcode::PFACC | Opcode::PFMUL | Opcode::PFMULHRW | Opcode::PFRCPIT2 | Opcode::PFNACC | Opcode::PFPNACC | Opcode::PSWAPD | Opcode::PAVGUSB | Opcode::XADD| Opcode::DIV | Opcode::IDIV | Opcode::MUL | Opcode::MULX | Opcode::NEG | Opcode::NOT | Opcode::SAR | Opcode::SAL | Opcode::SHR | Opcode::SARX | Opcode::SHLX | Opcode::SHRX | Opcode::SHRD | Opcode::SHL | Opcode::RCR | Opcode::RCL | Opcode::ROR | Opcode::RORX | Opcode::ROL | Opcode::INC | Opcode::DEC | Opcode::SBB | Opcode::AND | Opcode::XOR | Opcode::OR | Opcode::LEA | Opcode::ADD | Opcode::ADC | Opcode::ADCX | Opcode::ADOX | Opcode::SUB | Opcode::POPCNT | Opcode::LZCNT | Opcode::VPLZCNTD | Opcode::VPLZCNTQ | Opcode::BT | Opcode::BTS | Opcode::BTR | Opcode::BTC | Opcode::BSF | Opcode::BSR | Opcode::BZHI | Opcode::PDEP | Opcode::PEXT | Opcode::TZCNT | Opcode::ANDN | Opcode::BEXTR | Opcode::BLSI | Opcode::BLSMSK | Opcode::BLSR | Opcode::ADDPS | Opcode::ADDPD | Opcode::ANDNPS | Opcode::ANDNPD | Opcode::ANDPS | Opcode::ANDPD | Opcode::COMISD | Opcode::COMISS | Opcode::DIVPS | Opcode::DIVPD | Opcode::MULPS | Opcode::MULPD | Opcode::ORPS | Opcode::ORPD | Opcode::PADDB | Opcode::PADDD | Opcode::PADDQ | Opcode::PADDSB | Opcode::PADDSW | Opcode::PADDUSB | Opcode::PADDUSW | Opcode::PADDW | Opcode::PAND | Opcode::PANDN | Opcode::PAVGB | Opcode::PAVGW | Opcode::PMADDWD | Opcode::PMULHUW | Opcode::PMULHW | Opcode::PMULLW | Opcode::PMULUDQ | Opcode::POR | Opcode::PSADBW | Opcode::PSHUFD | Opcode::PSHUFW | Opcode::PSHUFB | Opcode::PSLLD | Opcode::PSLLDQ | Opcode::PSLLQ | Opcode::PSLLW | Opcode::PSRAD | Opcode::PSRAW | Opcode::PSRLD | Opcode::PSRLDQ | Opcode::PSRLQ | Opcode::PSRLW | Opcode::PSUBB | Opcode::PSUBD | Opcode::PSUBQ | Opcode::PSUBSB | Opcode::PSUBSW | Opcode::PSUBUSB | Opcode::PSUBUSW | Opcode::PSUBW | Opcode::PXOR | Opcode::RSQRTPS | Opcode::SQRTPS | Opcode::SQRTPD | Opcode::SUBPS | Opcode::SUBPD | Opcode::XORPS | Opcode::XORPD | Opcode::RCPPS | Opcode::SHLD | Opcode::SLHD | Opcode::UCOMISD | Opcode::UCOMISS | Opcode::F2XM1 | Opcode::FABS | Opcode::FADD | Opcode::FADDP | Opcode::FCHS | Opcode::FCOS | Opcode::FDIV | Opcode::FDIVP | Opcode::FDIVR | Opcode::FDIVRP | Opcode::FIADD | Opcode::FIDIV | Opcode::FIDIVR | Opcode::FIMUL | Opcode::FISUB | Opcode::FISUBR | Opcode::FMUL | Opcode::FMULP | Opcode::FNCLEX | Opcode::FNINIT | Opcode::FPATAN | Opcode::FPREM | Opcode::FPREM1 | Opcode::FPTAN | Opcode::FRNDINT | Opcode::FSCALE | Opcode::FSIN | Opcode::FSINCOS | Opcode::FSQRT | Opcode::FSUB | Opcode::FSUBP | Opcode::FSUBR | Opcode::FSUBRP | Opcode::FXTRACT | Opcode::FYL2X | Opcode::FYL2XP1 | Opcode::KADDB | Opcode::KANDB | Opcode::KANDNB | Opcode::KNOTB | Opcode::KORB | Opcode::KSHIFTLB | Opcode::KSHIFTRB | Opcode::KXNORB | Opcode::KXORB | Opcode::KADDW | Opcode::KANDW | Opcode::KANDNW | Opcode::KNOTW | Opcode::KORW | Opcode::KSHIFTLW | Opcode::KSHIFTRW | Opcode::KXNORW | Opcode::KXORW | Opcode::KADDD | Opcode::KANDD | Opcode::KANDND | Opcode::KNOTD | Opcode::KORD | Opcode::KSHIFTLD | Opcode::KSHIFTRD | Opcode::KXNORD | Opcode::KXORD | Opcode::KADDQ | Opcode::KANDQ | Opcode::KANDNQ | Opcode::KNOTQ | Opcode::KORQ | Opcode::KSHIFTLQ | Opcode::KSHIFTRQ | Opcode::KXNORQ | Opcode::KXORQ | Opcode::IMUL => { write!(out, "{}", colors.arithmetic_op(self)) } Opcode::POPF | Opcode::PUSHF | Opcode::ENTER | Opcode::LEAVE | Opcode::PUSH | Opcode::POP => { write!(out, "{}", colors.stack_op(self)) } Opcode::WAIT | Opcode::FNOP | Opcode::FDISI8087_NOP | Opcode::FENI8087_NOP | Opcode::FSETPM287_NOP | Opcode::PREFETCHNTA | Opcode::PREFETCH0 | Opcode::PREFETCH1 | Opcode::PREFETCH2 | Opcode::PREFETCHW | Opcode::NOP => { write!(out, "{}", colors.nop_op(self)) } /* Control flow */ Opcode::HLT | Opcode::INT | Opcode::INTO | Opcode::IRET | Opcode::IRETD | Opcode::IRETQ | Opcode::RETF | Opcode::RETURN => { write!(out, "{}", colors.stop_op(self)) } Opcode::LOOPNZ | Opcode::LOOPZ | Opcode::LOOP | Opcode::JRCXZ | Opcode::CALL | Opcode::CALLF | Opcode::JMP | Opcode::JMPF | Opcode::JO | Opcode::JNO | Opcode::JB | Opcode::JNB | Opcode::JZ | Opcode::JNZ | Opcode::JA | Opcode::JNA | Opcode::JS | Opcode::JNS | Opcode::JP | Opcode::JNP | Opcode::JL | Opcode::JGE | Opcode::JLE | Opcode::JG => { write!(out, "{}", colors.control_flow_op(self)) } /* Data transfer */ Opcode::PI2FW | Opcode::PI2FD | Opcode::PF2ID | Opcode::PF2IW | Opcode::VCVTDQ2PD | Opcode::VCVTDQ2PS | Opcode::VCVTPD2DQ | Opcode::VCVTPD2PS | Opcode::VCVTPH2PS | Opcode::VCVTPS2DQ | Opcode::VCVTPS2PD | Opcode::VCVTPS2PH | Opcode::VCVTTPD2DQ | Opcode::VCVTTPS2DQ | Opcode::VCVTSD2SI | Opcode::VCVTSD2SS | Opcode::VCVTSI2SD | Opcode::VCVTSI2SS | Opcode::VCVTSS2SD | Opcode::VCVTSS2SI | Opcode::VCVTTSD2SI | Opcode::VCVTTSS2SI | Opcode::VCVTPD2UDQ | Opcode::VCVTTPD2UDQ | Opcode::VCVTPS2UDQ | Opcode::VCVTTPS2UDQ | Opcode::VCVTQQ2PD | Opcode::VCVTQQ2PS | Opcode::VCVTSD2USI | Opcode::VCVTTSD2USI | Opcode::VCVTSS2USI | Opcode::VCVTTSS2USI | Opcode::VCVTUDQ2PD | Opcode::VCVTUDQ2PS | Opcode::VCVTUSI2USD | Opcode::VCVTUSI2USS | Opcode::VCVTTPD2QQ | Opcode::VCVTPD2QQ | Opcode::VCVTTPD2UQQ | Opcode::VCVTPD2UQQ | Opcode::VCVTTPS2QQ | Opcode::VCVTPS2QQ | Opcode::VCVTTPS2UQQ | Opcode::VCVTPS2UQQ | Opcode::VCVTUQQ2PD | Opcode::VCVTUQQ2PS | Opcode::VMOVDDUP | Opcode::VPSHUFLW | Opcode::VPSHUFHW | Opcode::VBLENDMPD | Opcode::VBLENDMPS | Opcode::VPBLENDMD | Opcode::VPBLENDMQ | Opcode::VBLENDPD | Opcode::VBLENDPS | Opcode::VBLENDVPD | Opcode::VBLENDVPS | Opcode::VPBLENDMB | Opcode::VPBLENDMW | Opcode::PBLENDVB | Opcode::PBLENDW | Opcode::BLENDPD | Opcode::BLENDPS | Opcode::BLENDVPD | Opcode::BLENDVPS | Opcode::BLENDW | Opcode::VBROADCASTF128 | Opcode::VBROADCASTI128 | Opcode::VBROADCASTSD | Opcode::VBROADCASTSS | Opcode::VPBROADCASTM | Opcode::VEXTRACTF128 | Opcode::VEXTRACTI128 | Opcode::VEXTRACTPS | Opcode::EXTRACTPS | Opcode::VGATHERDPD | Opcode::VGATHERDPS | Opcode::VGATHERQPD | Opcode::VGATHERQPS | Opcode::VGATHERPF0DPD | Opcode::VGATHERPF0DPS | Opcode::VGATHERPF0QPD | Opcode::VGATHERPF0QPS | Opcode::VGATHERPF1DPD | Opcode::VGATHERPF1DPS | Opcode::VGATHERPF1QPD | Opcode::VGATHERPF1QPS | Opcode::VSCATTERDD | Opcode::VSCATTERDQ | Opcode::VSCATTERQD | Opcode::VSCATTERQQ | Opcode::VPSCATTERDD | Opcode::VPSCATTERDQ | Opcode::VPSCATTERQD | Opcode::VPSCATTERQQ | Opcode::VSCATTERPF0DPD | Opcode::VSCATTERPF0DPS | Opcode::VSCATTERPF0QPD | Opcode::VSCATTERPF0QPS | Opcode::VSCATTERPF1DPD | Opcode::VSCATTERPF1DPS | Opcode::VSCATTERPF1QPD | Opcode::VSCATTERPF1QPS | Opcode::VINSERTF128 | Opcode::VINSERTI128 | Opcode::VINSERTPS | Opcode::INSERTPS | Opcode::VEXTRACTF32X4 | Opcode::VEXTRACTF64X2 | Opcode::VEXTRACTF64X4 | Opcode::VEXTRACTI32X4 | Opcode::VEXTRACTI64X2 | Opcode::VEXTRACTI64X4 | Opcode::VINSERTF32X4 | Opcode::VINSERTF64X2 | Opcode::VINSERTF64X4 | Opcode::VINSERTI64X2 | Opcode::VINSERTI64X4 | Opcode::VSHUFF32X4 | Opcode::VSHUFF64X2 | Opcode::VSHUFI32X4 | Opcode::VSHUFI64X2 | Opcode::VMASKMOVDQU | Opcode::VMASKMOVPD | Opcode::VMASKMOVPS | Opcode::VMOVAPD | Opcode::VMOVAPS | Opcode::VMOVD | Opcode::VMOVDQA | Opcode::VMOVDQU | Opcode::VMOVHLPS | Opcode::VMOVHPD | Opcode::VMOVHPS | Opcode::VMOVLHPS | Opcode::VMOVLPD | Opcode::VMOVLPS | Opcode::VMOVMSKPD | Opcode::VMOVMSKPS | Opcode::VMOVNTDQ | Opcode::VMOVNTDQA | Opcode::VMOVNTPD | Opcode::VMOVNTPS | Opcode::MOVDIR64B | Opcode::MOVDIRI | Opcode::MOVNTDQA | Opcode::VMOVQ | Opcode::VMOVSHDUP | Opcode::VMOVSLDUP | Opcode::VMOVUPD | Opcode::VMOVUPS | Opcode::VMOVSD | Opcode::VMOVSS | Opcode::VMOVDQA32 | Opcode::VMOVDQA64 | Opcode::VMOVDQU32 | Opcode::VMOVDQU64 | Opcode::VPMOVM2B | Opcode::VPMOVM2W | Opcode::VPMOVB2M | Opcode::VPMOVW2M | Opcode::VPMOVSWB | Opcode::VPMOVUSWB | Opcode::VPMOVSQB | Opcode::VPMOVUSQB | Opcode::VPMOVSQW | Opcode::VPMOVUSQW | Opcode::VPMOVSQD | Opcode::VPMOVUSQD | Opcode::VPMOVSDB | Opcode::VPMOVUSDB | Opcode::VPMOVSDW | Opcode::VPMOVUSDW | Opcode::VPMOVM2D | Opcode::VPMOVM2Q | Opcode::VPMOVB2D | Opcode::VPMOVQ2M | Opcode::VMOVDQU8 | Opcode::VMOVDQU16 | Opcode::VPBLENDD | Opcode::VPBLENDVB | Opcode::VPBLENDW | Opcode::VPBROADCASTB | Opcode::VPBROADCASTD | Opcode::VPBROADCASTQ | Opcode::VPBROADCASTW | Opcode::VPGATHERDD | Opcode::VPGATHERDQ | Opcode::VPGATHERQD | Opcode::VPGATHERQQ | Opcode::VPCLMULQDQ | Opcode::VPMOVMSKB | Opcode::VPMOVSXBD | Opcode::VPMOVSXBQ | Opcode::VPMOVSXBW | Opcode::VPMOVSXDQ | Opcode::VPMOVSXWD | Opcode::VPMOVSXWQ | Opcode::VPMOVZXBD | Opcode::VPMOVZXBQ | Opcode::VPMOVZXBW | Opcode::VPMOVZXDQ | Opcode::VPMOVZXWD | Opcode::VPMOVZXWQ | Opcode::PMOVSXBD | Opcode::PMOVSXBQ | Opcode::PMOVSXBW | Opcode::PMOVSXDQ | Opcode::PMOVSXWD | Opcode::PMOVSXWQ | Opcode::PMOVZXBD | Opcode::PMOVZXBQ | Opcode::PMOVZXBW | Opcode::PMOVZXDQ | Opcode::PMOVZXWD | Opcode::PMOVZXWQ | Opcode::KUNPCKBW | Opcode::KUNPCKWD | Opcode::KUNPCKDQ | Opcode::VUNPCKHPD | Opcode::VUNPCKHPS | Opcode::VUNPCKLPD | Opcode::VUNPCKLPS | Opcode::VPUNPCKHBW | Opcode::VPUNPCKHDQ | Opcode::VPUNPCKHQDQ | Opcode::VPUNPCKHWD | Opcode::VPUNPCKLBW | Opcode::VPUNPCKLDQ | Opcode::VPUNPCKLQDQ | Opcode::VPUNPCKLWD | Opcode::VSHUFPD | Opcode::VSHUFPS | Opcode::VPACKSSDW | Opcode::VPACKUSDW | Opcode::PACKUSDW | Opcode::VPACKSSWB | Opcode::VPACKUSWB | Opcode::VALIGND | Opcode::VALIGNQ | Opcode::VPALIGNR | Opcode::PALIGNR | Opcode::VPERM2F128 | Opcode::VPERM2I128 | Opcode::VPERMD | Opcode::VPERMILPD | Opcode::VPERMILPS | Opcode::VPERMPD | Opcode::VPERMPS | Opcode::VPERMQ | Opcode::VPERMI2D | Opcode::VPERMI2Q | Opcode::VPERMI2PD | Opcode::VPERMI2PS | Opcode::VPERMT2D | Opcode::VPERMT2Q | Opcode::VPERMT2PD | Opcode::VPERMT2PS | Opcode::VPERMI2B | Opcode::VPERMI2W | Opcode::VPERMW | Opcode::VPEXTRB | Opcode::VPEXTRD | Opcode::VPEXTRQ | Opcode::VPEXTRW | Opcode::PEXTRB | Opcode::PEXTRD | Opcode::PEXTRQ | Opcode::EXTRQ | Opcode::PINSRB | Opcode::PINSRD | Opcode::PINSRQ | Opcode::INSERTQ | Opcode::VPINSRB | Opcode::VPINSRD | Opcode::VPINSRQ | Opcode::VPINSRW | Opcode::VPMASKMOVD | Opcode::VPMASKMOVQ | Opcode::VCOMPRESSPD | Opcode::VCOMPRESSPS | Opcode::VPCOMPRESSQ | Opcode::VPCOMPRESSD | Opcode::VEXPANDPD | Opcode::VEXPANDPS | Opcode::VPSHUFB | Opcode::VPSHUFD | Opcode::VPHMINPOSUW | Opcode::PHMINPOSUW | Opcode::VZEROUPPER | Opcode::VZEROALL | Opcode::VFIXUPIMMPD | Opcode::VFIXUPIMMPS | Opcode::VFIXUPIMMSD | Opcode::VFIXUPIMMSS | Opcode::VREDUCEPD | Opcode::VREDUCEPS | Opcode::VREDUCESD | Opcode::VREDUCESS | Opcode::VGETEXPPD | Opcode::VGETEXPPS | Opcode::VGETEXPSD | Opcode::VGETEXPSS | Opcode::VGETMANTPD | Opcode::VGETMANTPS | Opcode::VGETMANTSD | Opcode::VGETMANTSS | Opcode::VLDDQU | Opcode::BSWAP | Opcode::CVTDQ2PD | Opcode::CVTDQ2PS | Opcode::CVTPS2DQ | Opcode::CVTPD2DQ | Opcode::CVTPI2PS | Opcode::CVTPI2PD | Opcode::CVTPS2PD | Opcode::CVTPD2PS | Opcode::CVTPS2PI | Opcode::CVTPD2PI | Opcode::CVTSD2SI | Opcode::CVTSD2SS | Opcode::CVTSI2SD | Opcode::CVTSI2SS | Opcode::CVTSS2SD | Opcode::CVTSS2SI | Opcode::CVTTPD2DQ | Opcode::CVTTPS2DQ | Opcode::CVTTPS2PI | Opcode::CVTTPD2PI | Opcode::CVTTSD2SI | Opcode::CVTTSS2SI | Opcode::MASKMOVQ | Opcode::MASKMOVDQU | Opcode::MOVAPS | Opcode::MOVAPD | Opcode::MOVD | Opcode::MOVHPS | Opcode::MOVHPD | Opcode::MOVHLPS | Opcode::MOVLPS | Opcode::MOVLPD | Opcode::MOVLHPS | Opcode::MOVMSKPS | Opcode::MOVMSKPD | Opcode::MOVNTI | Opcode::MOVNTPS | Opcode::MOVNTPD | Opcode::MOVNTSS | Opcode::MOVNTSD | Opcode::MOVNTQ | Opcode::MOVNTDQ | Opcode::MOVSD | Opcode::MOVSS | Opcode::MOVUPD | Opcode::PSHUFHW | Opcode::PSHUFLW | Opcode::PUNPCKHBW | Opcode::PUNPCKHDQ | Opcode::PUNPCKHWD | Opcode::PUNPCKLBW | Opcode::PUNPCKLDQ | Opcode::PUNPCKLWD | Opcode::PUNPCKLQDQ | Opcode::PUNPCKHQDQ | Opcode::PACKSSDW | Opcode::PACKSSWB | Opcode::PACKUSWB | Opcode::UNPCKHPS | Opcode::UNPCKHPD | Opcode::UNPCKLPS | Opcode::UNPCKLPD | Opcode::SHUFPD | Opcode::SHUFPS | Opcode::PMOVMSKB | Opcode::KMOVB | Opcode::KMOVW | Opcode::KMOVD | Opcode::KMOVQ | Opcode::BNDMOV | Opcode::LDDQU | Opcode::CMC | Opcode::CLC | Opcode::CLI | Opcode::CLD | Opcode::STC | Opcode::STI | Opcode::STD | Opcode::CBW | Opcode::CWDE | Opcode::CDQE | Opcode::CWD | Opcode::CDQ | Opcode::CQO | Opcode::MOVDDUP | Opcode::MOVSLDUP | Opcode::MOVDQ2Q | Opcode::MOVDQU | Opcode::MOVDQA | Opcode::MOVQ | Opcode::MOVQ2DQ | Opcode::MOVSHDUP | Opcode::MOVUPS | Opcode::PEXTRW | Opcode::PINSRW | Opcode::MOV | Opcode::MOVBE | Opcode::LODS | Opcode::STOS | Opcode::LAHF | Opcode::SAHF | Opcode::MOVS | Opcode::INS | Opcode::IN | Opcode::OUTS | Opcode::OUT | Opcode::MOVZX | Opcode::MOVSX | Opcode::MOVSXD | Opcode::FILD | Opcode::FBLD | Opcode::FBSTP | Opcode::FIST | Opcode::FISTP | Opcode::FISTTP | Opcode::FLD | Opcode::FLD1 | Opcode::FLDCW | Opcode::FLDENV | Opcode::FLDL2E | Opcode::FLDL2T | Opcode::FLDLG2 | Opcode::FLDLN2 | Opcode::FLDPI | Opcode::FLDZ | Opcode::FST | Opcode::FSTP | Opcode::FSTPNCE | Opcode::FNSAVE | Opcode::FNSTCW | Opcode::FNSTENV | Opcode::FNSTOR | Opcode::FNSTSW | Opcode::FRSTOR | Opcode::FXCH | Opcode::XCHG | Opcode::XLAT | Opcode::CMOVA | Opcode::CMOVB | Opcode::CMOVG | Opcode::CMOVGE | Opcode::CMOVL | Opcode::CMOVLE | Opcode::CMOVNA | Opcode::CMOVNB | Opcode::CMOVNO | Opcode::CMOVNP | Opcode::CMOVNS | Opcode::CMOVNZ | Opcode::CMOVO | Opcode::CMOVP | Opcode::CMOVS | Opcode::CMOVZ | Opcode::FCMOVB | Opcode::FCMOVBE | Opcode::FCMOVE | Opcode::FCMOVNB | Opcode::FCMOVNBE | Opcode::FCMOVNE | Opcode::FCMOVNU | Opcode::FCMOVU | Opcode::SALC | Opcode::SETO | Opcode::SETNO | Opcode::SETB | Opcode::SETAE | Opcode::SETZ | Opcode::SETNZ | Opcode::SETBE | Opcode::SETA | Opcode::SETS | Opcode::SETNS | Opcode::SETP | Opcode::SETNP | Opcode::SETL | Opcode::SETGE | Opcode::SETLE | Opcode::SETG => { write!(out, "{}", colors.data_op(self)) } Opcode::VCOMISD | Opcode::VCOMISS | Opcode::VUCOMISD | Opcode::VUCOMISS | Opcode::KORTESTB | Opcode::KTESTB | Opcode::KORTESTW | Opcode::KTESTW | Opcode::KORTESTD | Opcode::KTESTD | Opcode::KORTESTQ | Opcode::KTESTQ | Opcode::VPTESTNMD | Opcode::VPTESTNMQ | Opcode::VPTERNLOGD | Opcode::VPTERNLOGQ | Opcode::VPTESTMD | Opcode::VPTESTMQ | Opcode::VPTESTNMB | Opcode::VPTESTNMW | Opcode::VPTESTMB | Opcode::VPTESTMW | Opcode::VPCMPD | Opcode::VPCMPUD | Opcode::VPCMPQ | Opcode::VPCMPUQ | Opcode::VPCMPB | Opcode::VPCMPUB | Opcode::VPCMPW | Opcode::VPCMPUW | Opcode::VCMPPD | Opcode::VCMPPS | Opcode::VCMPSD | Opcode::VCMPSS | Opcode::VMAXPD | Opcode::VMAXPS | Opcode::VMAXSD | Opcode::VMAXSS | Opcode::VPMAXSQ | Opcode::VPMAXUQ | Opcode::VPMINSQ | Opcode::VPMINUQ | Opcode::VMINPD | Opcode::VMINPS | Opcode::VMINSD | Opcode::VMINSS | Opcode::VPCMPEQB | Opcode::VPCMPEQD | Opcode::VPCMPEQQ | Opcode::VPCMPEQW | Opcode::VPCMPGTB | Opcode::VPCMPGTD | Opcode::VPCMPGTQ | Opcode::VPCMPGTW | Opcode::VPCMPESTRI | Opcode::VPCMPESTRM | Opcode::VPCMPISTRI | Opcode::VPCMPISTRM | Opcode::VPMAXSB | Opcode::VPMAXSD | Opcode::VPMAXSW | Opcode::VPMAXUB | Opcode::VPMAXUW | Opcode::VPMAXUD | Opcode::VPMINSB | Opcode::VPMINSW | Opcode::VPMINSD | Opcode::VPMINUB | Opcode::VPMINUW | Opcode::VPMINUD | Opcode::VFPCLASSPD | Opcode::VFPCLASSPS | Opcode::VFPCLASSSD | Opcode::VFPCLASSSS | Opcode::VRANGEPD | Opcode::VRANGEPS | Opcode::VRANGESD | Opcode::VRANGESS | Opcode::VPCONFLICTD | Opcode::VPCONFLICTQ | Opcode::VPTEST | Opcode::VTESTPD | Opcode::VTESTPS | Opcode::PCMPEQB | Opcode::PCMPEQD | Opcode::PCMPEQQ | Opcode::PCMPEQW | Opcode::PCMPESTRI | Opcode::PCMPESTRM | Opcode::PCMPGTB | Opcode::PCMPGTD | Opcode::PCMPGTQ | Opcode::PCMPGTW | Opcode::PCMPISTRI | Opcode::PCMPISTRM | Opcode::PTEST | Opcode::MAXPD | Opcode::MAXPS | Opcode::MAXSD | Opcode::MAXSS | Opcode::MINPD | Opcode::MINPS | Opcode::MINSD | Opcode::MINSS | Opcode::PMAXSB | Opcode::PMAXSD | Opcode::PMAXSW | Opcode::PMAXUB | Opcode::PMAXUD | Opcode::PMAXUW | Opcode::PMINSB | Opcode::PMINSD | Opcode::PMINSW | Opcode::PMINUB | Opcode::PMINUD | Opcode::PMINUW | Opcode::PFCMPGE | Opcode::PFMIN | Opcode::PFCMPGT | Opcode::PFMAX | Opcode::PFCMPEQ | Opcode::CMPS | Opcode::SCAS | Opcode::TEST | Opcode::FTST | Opcode::FXAM | Opcode::FUCOM | Opcode::FUCOMI | Opcode::FUCOMIP | Opcode::FUCOMP | Opcode::FUCOMPP | Opcode::FCOM | Opcode::FCOMI | Opcode::FCOMIP | Opcode::FCOMP | Opcode::FCOMPP | Opcode::FICOM | Opcode::FICOMP | Opcode::CMPSD | Opcode::CMPSS | Opcode::CMP | Opcode::CMPPS | Opcode::CMPPD | Opcode::CMPXCHG8B | Opcode::CMPXCHG16B | Opcode::CMPXCHG => { write!(out, "{}", colors.comparison_op(self)) } Opcode::WRMSR | Opcode::RDMSR | Opcode::RDTSC | Opcode::RDPMC | Opcode::RDPID | Opcode::RDFSBASE | Opcode::RDGSBASE | Opcode::WRFSBASE | Opcode::WRGSBASE | Opcode::FXSAVE | Opcode::FXRSTOR | Opcode::LDMXCSR | Opcode::STMXCSR | Opcode::VLDMXCSR | Opcode::VSTMXCSR | Opcode::XSAVE | Opcode::XSAVEC | Opcode::XSAVES | Opcode::XSAVEC64 | Opcode::XSAVES64 | Opcode::XRSTOR | Opcode::XRSTORS | Opcode::XRSTORS64 | Opcode::XSAVEOPT | Opcode::LFENCE | Opcode::MFENCE | Opcode::SFENCE | Opcode::CLFLUSH | Opcode::CLFLUSHOPT | Opcode::CLWB | Opcode::SGDT | Opcode::SIDT | Opcode::LGDT | Opcode::LIDT | Opcode::SMSW | Opcode::LMSW | Opcode::SWAPGS | Opcode::RDTSCP | Opcode::INVEPT | Opcode::INVVPID | Opcode::INVPCID | Opcode::INVLPG | Opcode::INVLPGA | Opcode::INVLPGB | Opcode::TLBSYNC | Opcode::PSMASH | Opcode::PVALIDATE | Opcode::RMPADJUST | Opcode::RMPUPDATE | Opcode::CPUID | Opcode::WBINVD | Opcode::INVD | Opcode::SYSRET | Opcode::CLTS | Opcode::SYSCALL | Opcode::TDCALL | Opcode::SEAMRET | Opcode::SEAMOPS | Opcode::SEAMCALL | Opcode::TPAUSE | Opcode::UMONITOR | Opcode::UMWAIT | Opcode::LSL | Opcode::SLDT | Opcode::STR | Opcode::LLDT | Opcode::LTR | Opcode::VERR | Opcode::VERW | Opcode::JMPE | Opcode::EMMS | Opcode::FEMMS | Opcode::GETSEC | Opcode::LFS | Opcode::LGS | Opcode::LSS | Opcode::RSM | Opcode::SYSENTER | Opcode::SYSEXIT | Opcode::VMREAD | Opcode::VMWRITE | Opcode::VMCLEAR | Opcode::VMPTRLD | Opcode::VMPTRST | Opcode::VMXON | Opcode::VMCALL | Opcode::VMLAUNCH | Opcode::VMRESUME | Opcode::VMLOAD | Opcode::VMMCALL | Opcode::VMSAVE | Opcode::VMRUN | Opcode::VMXOFF | Opcode::PCONFIG | Opcode::MONITOR | Opcode::MWAIT | Opcode::MONITORX | Opcode::MWAITX | Opcode::SKINIT | Opcode::CLGI | Opcode::STGI | Opcode::CLAC | Opcode::STAC | Opcode::ENCLS | Opcode::ENCLV | Opcode::XGETBV | Opcode::XSETBV | Opcode::VMFUNC | Opcode::XEND | Opcode::XTEST | Opcode::XABORT | Opcode::XBEGIN | Opcode::ENCLU | Opcode::RDPKRU | Opcode::WRPKRU | Opcode::RDPRU | Opcode::CLZERO | Opcode::ENQCMD | Opcode::ENQCMDS | Opcode::PTWRITE | Opcode::UIRET | Opcode::TESTUI | Opcode::CLUI | Opcode::STUI | Opcode::SENDUIPI | Opcode::XSUSLDTRK | Opcode::XRESLDTRK | Opcode::BNDMK | Opcode::BNDCL | Opcode::BNDCU | Opcode::BNDCN | Opcode::BNDLDX | Opcode::BNDSTX | Opcode::LAR => { write!(out, "{}", colors.platform_op(self)) } Opcode::CRC32 | Opcode::RDSEED | Opcode::RDRAND | Opcode::SHA1RNDS4 | Opcode::SHA1NEXTE | Opcode::SHA1MSG1 | Opcode::SHA1MSG2 | Opcode::SHA256RNDS2 | Opcode::SHA256MSG1 | Opcode::SHA256MSG2 | Opcode::FFREE | Opcode::FFREEP | Opcode::FDECSTP | Opcode::FINCSTP | Opcode::GF2P8MULB | Opcode::GF2P8AFFINEQB | Opcode::GF2P8AFFINEINVQB | Opcode::AESDEC128KL | Opcode::AESDEC256KL | Opcode::AESDECWIDE128KL | Opcode::AESDECWIDE256KL | Opcode::AESENC128KL | Opcode::AESENC256KL | Opcode::AESENCWIDE128KL | Opcode::AESENCWIDE256KL | Opcode::ENCODEKEY128 | Opcode::ENCODEKEY256 | Opcode::LOADIWKEY | Opcode::HRESET | Opcode::WRUSS | Opcode::WRSS | Opcode::INCSSP | Opcode::SAVEPREVSSP | Opcode::SETSSBSY | Opcode::CLRSSBSY | Opcode::RSTORSSP | Opcode::ENDBR64 | Opcode::ENDBR32 | Opcode::AESDEC | Opcode::AESDECLAST | Opcode::AESENC | Opcode::AESENCLAST | Opcode::AESIMC | Opcode::AESKEYGENASSIST | Opcode::VAESDEC | Opcode::VAESDECLAST | Opcode::VAESENC | Opcode::VAESENCLAST | Opcode::VAESIMC | Opcode::VAESKEYGENASSIST => { write!(out, "{}", colors.misc_op(self)) } Opcode::UD0 | Opcode::UD1 | Opcode::UD2 | Opcode::Invalid => { write!(out, "{}", colors.invalid_op(self)) } } } } impl fmt::Display for Instruction { fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { self.display_with(DisplayStyle::Intel).colorize(&NoColors, fmt) } } impl<'instr> fmt::Display for InstructionDisplayer<'instr> { fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { self.colorize(&NoColors, fmt) } } /// enum controlling how `Instruction::display_with` renders instructions. `Intel` is more or less /// intel syntax, though memory operand sizes are elided if they can be inferred from other /// operands. #[derive(Copy, Clone)] pub enum DisplayStyle { /// intel-style syntax for instructions, like /// `add rax, [rdx + rcx * 2 + 0x1234]` Intel, /// C-style syntax for instructions, like /// `rax += [rdx + rcx * 2 + 0x1234]` C, // one might imagine an ATT style here, which is mostly interesting for reversing operand // order. // well. // it also complicates memory operands in an offset-only operand, and is just kind of awful, so // it's just not implemented yet. // ATT, } /// implementation of [`Display`](fmt::Display) that renders instructions using a specified display /// style. pub struct InstructionDisplayer<'instr> { pub(crate) instr: &'instr Instruction, pub(crate) style: DisplayStyle, } /* * Can't implement this as accepting a formatter because rust * doesn't let me build one outside println! or write! or whatever. * * can't write this as an intermediate struct because i refuse to copy * all data into the struct, and having a function producing a struct with * some lifetimes gets really hairy if it's from a trait - same GAT kind * of nonsense as i saw with ContextRead, because someone could hold onto * the dang intermediate struct forever. * * so write to some Write thing i guess. bite me. i really just want to * stop thinking about how to support printing instructions... */ impl <'instr, T: fmt::Write, Y: YaxColors> Colorize for InstructionDisplayer<'instr> { fn colorize(&self, colors: &Y, out: &mut T) -> fmt::Result { // TODO: I DONT LIKE THIS, there is no address i can give contextualize here, // the address operand maybe should be optional.. self.contextualize(colors, 0, Some(&NoContext), out) } } /// No per-operand context when contextualizing an instruction! struct NoContext; extern crate alloc; // TODO: find a better place to put this.... fn c_to_hex(c: u8) -> u8 { /* static CHARSET: &'static [u8; 16] = b"0123456789abcdef"; CHARSET[c as usize] */ // the conditional branch below is faster than a lookup, yes if c < 10 { b'0' + c } else { b'a' + c - 10 } } impl Instruction { #[cfg_attr(feature="profiling", inline(never))] pub fn write_to(&self, out: &mut T) -> fmt::Result { contextualize_intel(self, out) // self.display_with(DisplayStyle::Intel).contextualize(&NoColors, 0, Some(&NoContext), out) } } #[cfg_attr(feature="profiling", inline(never))] fn contextualize_intel(instr: &Instruction, out: &mut T) -> fmt::Result { if instr.xacquire() { out.write_fixed_size("xacquire ")?; } if instr.xrelease() { out.write_fixed_size("xrelease ")?; } if instr.prefixes.lock() { out.write_fixed_size("lock ")?; } if instr.prefixes.rep_any() { if instr.opcode.can_rep() { if instr.prefixes.rep() { out.write_fixed_size("rep ")?; } else if instr.prefixes.repnz() { out.write_fixed_size("repnz ")?; } } } // TODO: no x86 instruction longer than 32 bytes? unsafe { out.write_lt_32( }; if instr.operand_count > 0 { out.write_fixed_size(" ")?; if instr.visit_operand(0, &mut RelativeBranchPrinter { inst: instr, out, })? { return Ok(()); } if instr.operands[0 as usize].is_memory() { unsafe { out.write_lt_8(mem_size_label(instr.mem_size))? }; if let Some(prefix) = instr.segment_override_for_op(0) { let name =; out.write_char(' ')?; out.write_char(name[0] as char)?; out.write_char(name[1] as char)?; out.write_fixed_size(":")?; } else { out.write_fixed_size(" ")?; } } let mut displayer = ColorizingOperandVisitor { f: out, }; instr.visit_operand(0 as u8, &mut displayer)?; for i in 1..instr.operand_count { // don't worry about checking for `instr.operands[i] != Nothing`, it would be a bug to // reach that while iterating only to `operand_count`.. out.write_fixed_size(", ")?; if i >= 4 { unsafe { core::hint::unreachable_unchecked(); } } if instr.operands[i as usize].is_memory() { unsafe { out.write_lt_8(mem_size_label(instr.mem_size))? }; if i >= 4 { unsafe { core::hint::unreachable_unchecked(); } } if let Some(prefix) = instr.segment_override_for_op(i) { let name =; out.write_char(' ')?; out.write_char(name[0] as char)?; out.write_char(name[1] as char)?; out.write_fixed_size(":")?; } else { out.write_fixed_size(" ")?; } } let mut displayer = ColorizingOperandVisitor { f: out, }; instr.visit_operand(i as u8, &mut displayer)?; if let Some(evex) = instr.prefixes.evex() { if evex.broadcast() && instr.operands[i as usize].is_memory() { let scale = if instr.opcode == Opcode::VCVTPD2PS || instr.opcode == Opcode::VCVTTPD2UDQ || instr.opcode == Opcode::VCVTPD2UDQ || instr.opcode == Opcode::VCVTUDQ2PD || instr.opcode == Opcode::VCVTPS2PD || instr.opcode == Opcode::VCVTQQ2PS || instr.opcode == Opcode::VCVTDQ2PD || instr.opcode == Opcode::VCVTTPD2DQ || instr.opcode == Opcode::VFPCLASSPS || instr.opcode == Opcode::VFPCLASSPD || instr.opcode == Opcode::VCVTNEPS2BF16 || instr.opcode == Opcode::VCVTUQQ2PS || instr.opcode == Opcode::VCVTPD2DQ || instr.opcode == Opcode::VCVTTPS2UQQ || instr.opcode == Opcode::VCVTPS2UQQ || instr.opcode == Opcode::VCVTTPS2QQ || instr.opcode == Opcode::VCVTPS2QQ { if instr.opcode == Opcode::VFPCLASSPS || instr.opcode == Opcode::VCVTNEPS2BF16 { if evex.vex().l() { 8 } else if evex.lp() { 16 } else { 4 } } else if instr.opcode == Opcode::VFPCLASSPD { if evex.vex().l() { 4 } else if evex.lp() { 8 } else { 2 } } else { // vcvtpd2ps is "cool": in broadcast mode, it can read a // double-precision float (qword), resize to single-precision, // then broadcast that to the whole destination register. this // means we need to show `xmm, qword [addr]{1to4}` if vector // size is 256. likewise, scale of 8 for the same truncation // reason if vector size is 512. // vcvtudq2pd is the same story. // vfpclassp{s,d} is a mystery to me. if evex.vex().l() { 4 } else if evex.lp() { 8 } else { 2 } } } else { // this should never be `None` - that would imply two // memory operands for a broadcasted operation. if let Some(width) = Operand::from_spec(instr, instr.operands[i as usize - 1]).width() { width / instr.mem_size } else { 0 } }; out.write_fixed_size("{1to")?; static STRING_LUT: &'static [&'static str] = &[ "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16", ]; unsafe { out.write_lt_16(STRING_LUT.get_kinda_unchecked(scale as usize))?; } out.write_char('}')?; } } } } Ok(()) } fn contextualize_c(instr: &Instruction, _address: u64, _context: Option<&NoContext>, out: &mut T) -> fmt::Result { let mut brace_count = 0; let mut prefixed = false; if instr.xacquire() { out.write_str("xacquire ")?; prefixed = true; } if instr.xrelease() { out.write_str("xrelease ")?; prefixed = true; } if instr.prefixes.lock() { out.write_str("lock ")?; prefixed = true; } if prefixed { out.write_str("{ ")?; brace_count += 1; } if instr.prefixes.rep_any() { if instr.opcode.can_rep() { let word_str = match instr.mem_size { 1 => "byte", 2 => "word", 4 => "dword", 8 => "qword", _ => { unreachable!("invalid word size") } }; // only a few of you actually use the prefix... if instr.prefixes.rep() { out.write_str("rep ")?; } else if instr.prefixes.repnz() { out.write_str("repnz ")?; } // TODO: other rep kinds? out.write_str(word_str)?; out.write_str(" { ")?; brace_count += 1; } } fn write_jmp_operand(op: Operand, out: &mut T) -> fmt::Result { match op { Operand::ImmediateI8(rel) => { if rel >= 0 { write!(out, "$+{}", (signed_i32_hex(rel as i32))) } else { write!(out, "${}", (signed_i32_hex(rel as i32))) } } Operand::ImmediateI32(rel) => { if rel >= 0 { write!(out, "$+{}", (signed_i32_hex(rel))) } else { write!(out, "${}", (signed_i32_hex(rel))) } } other => { write!(out, "{}", other) } } } match instr.opcode { Opcode::Invalid => { out.write_str("invalid")?; }, Opcode::MOVS => { out.write_str("es:[rdi++] = ds:[rsi++]")?; }, Opcode::CMPS => { out.write_str("rflags = flags(ds:[rsi++] - es:[rdi++])")?; }, Opcode::LODS => { // TODO: size out.write_str("rax = ds:[rsi++]")?; }, Opcode::STOS => { // TODO: size out.write_str("es:[rdi++] = rax")?; }, Opcode::INS => { // TODO: size out.write_str("es:[rdi++] = port(dx)")?; }, Opcode::OUTS => { // TODO: size out.write_str("port(dx) = ds:[rsi++]")?; } Opcode::ADD => { write!(out, "{} += {}", instr.operand(0), instr.operand(1))?; } Opcode::OR => { write!(out, "{} |= {}", instr.operand(0), instr.operand(1))?; } Opcode::ADC => { write!(out, "{} += {} +", instr.operand(0), instr.operand(1))?; } Opcode::ADCX => { write!(out, "{} += {} +", instr.operand(0), instr.operand(1))?; } Opcode::ADOX => { write!(out, "{} += {} + rflags.of", instr.operand(0), instr.operand(1))?; } Opcode::SBB => { write!(out, "{} -= {} +", instr.operand(0), instr.operand(1))?; } Opcode::AND => { write!(out, "{} &= {}", instr.operand(0), instr.operand(1))?; } Opcode::XOR => { write!(out, "{} ^= {}", instr.operand(0), instr.operand(1))?; } Opcode::SUB => { write!(out, "{} -= {}", instr.operand(0), instr.operand(1))?; } Opcode::CMP => { write!(out, "rflags = flags({} - {})", instr.operand(0), instr.operand(1))?; } Opcode::TEST => { write!(out, "rflags = flags({} & {})", instr.operand(0), instr.operand(1))?; } Opcode::XADD => { write!(out, "({}, {}) = ({} + {}, {})", instr.operand(0), instr.operand(1), instr.operand(0), instr.operand(1), instr.operand(0))?; } Opcode::BT => { write!(out, "bt")?; } Opcode::BTS => { write!(out, "bts")?; } Opcode::BTC => { write!(out, "btc")?; } Opcode::BSR => { write!(out, "{} = msb({})", instr.operand(0), instr.operand(1))?; } Opcode::BSF => { write!(out, "{} = lsb({}) (x86 bsf)", instr.operand(0), instr.operand(1))?; } Opcode::TZCNT => { write!(out, "{} = lsb({})", instr.operand(0), instr.operand(1))?; } Opcode::MOV => { write!(out, "{} = {}", instr.operand(0), instr.operand(1))?; } Opcode::SAR => { write!(out, "{} = {} >>> {}", instr.operand(0), instr.operand(0), instr.operand(1))?; } Opcode::SAL => { write!(out, "{} = {} <<< {}", instr.operand(0), instr.operand(0), instr.operand(1))?; } Opcode::SHR => { write!(out, "{} = {} >> {}", instr.operand(0), instr.operand(0), instr.operand(1))?; } Opcode::SHRX => { write!(out, "{} = {} >> {} (x86 shrx)", instr.operand(0), instr.operand(1), instr.operand(2))?; } Opcode::SHL => { write!(out, "{} = {} << {}", instr.operand(0), instr.operand(0), instr.operand(1))?; } Opcode::SHLX => { write!(out, "{} = {} << {} (x86 shlx)", instr.operand(0), instr.operand(1), instr.operand(2))?; } Opcode::ROR => { write!(out, "{} = {} ror {}", instr.operand(0), instr.operand(0), instr.operand(1))?; } Opcode::RORX => { write!(out, "{} = {} ror {} (x86 rorx)", instr.operand(0), instr.operand(1), instr.operand(2))?; } Opcode::ROL => { write!(out, "{} = {} rol {}", instr.operand(0), instr.operand(0), instr.operand(1))?; } Opcode::RCR => { write!(out, "{} = {} rcr {}", instr.operand(0), instr.operand(0), instr.operand(1))?; } Opcode::RCL => { write!(out, "{} = {} rcl {}", instr.operand(0), instr.operand(0), instr.operand(1))?; } Opcode::PUSH => { write!(out, "push({})", instr.operand(0))?; } Opcode::POP => { write!(out, "{} = pop()", instr.operand(0))?; } Opcode::MOVD => { write!(out, "{} = movd({})", instr.operand(0), instr.operand(1))?; } Opcode::MOVQ => { write!(out, "{} = movq({})", instr.operand(0), instr.operand(1))?; } Opcode::MOVNTQ => { write!(out, "{} = movntq({})", instr.operand(0), instr.operand(1))?; } Opcode::INC => { if instr.operand(0).is_memory() { match instr.mem_size { 1 => { write!(out, "byte {}++", instr.operand(0))?; }, 2 => { write!(out, "word {}++", instr.operand(0))?; }, 4 => { write!(out, "dword {}++", instr.operand(0))?; }, _ => { write!(out, "qword {}++", instr.operand(0))?; }, // sizes that are not 1, 2, or 4, *better* be 8. } } else { write!(out, "{}++", instr.operand(0))?; } } Opcode::DEC => { if instr.operand(0).is_memory() { match instr.mem_size { 1 => { write!(out, "byte {}--", instr.operand(0))?; }, 2 => { write!(out, "word {}--", instr.operand(0))?; }, 4 => { write!(out, "dword {}--", instr.operand(0))?; }, _ => { write!(out, "qword {}--", instr.operand(0))?; }, // sizes that are not 1, 2, or 4, *better* be 8. } } else { write!(out, "{}--", instr.operand(0))?; } } Opcode::JMP => { out.write_str("jmp ")?; write_jmp_operand(instr.operand(0), out)?; }, Opcode::JRCXZ => { out.write_str("if rcx == 0 then jmp ")?; write_jmp_operand(instr.operand(0), out)?; }, Opcode::LOOP => { out.write_str("rcx--; if rcx != 0 then jmp ")?; write_jmp_operand(instr.operand(0), out)?; }, Opcode::LOOPZ => { out.write_str("rcx--; if rcx != 0 and zero(rflags) then jmp ")?; write_jmp_operand(instr.operand(0), out)?; }, Opcode::LOOPNZ => { out.write_str("rcx--; if rcx != 0 and !zero(rflags) then jmp ")?; write_jmp_operand(instr.operand(0), out)?; }, Opcode::JO => { out.write_str("if _(rflags) then jmp ")?; write_jmp_operand(instr.operand(0), out)?; }, Opcode::JNO => { out.write_str("if _(rflags) then jmp ")?; write_jmp_operand(instr.operand(0), out)?; }, Opcode::JB => { out.write_str("if /* unsigned */ below(rflags) then jmp ")?; write_jmp_operand(instr.operand(0), out)?; }, Opcode::JNB => { out.write_str("if /* unsigned */ above_or_equal(rflags) then jmp ")?; write_jmp_operand(instr.operand(0), out)?; }, Opcode::JZ => { out.write_str("if zero(rflags) then jmp ")?; write_jmp_operand(instr.operand(0), out)?; }, Opcode::JNZ => { out.write_str("if !zero(rflags) then jmp ")?; write_jmp_operand(instr.operand(0), out)?; }, Opcode::JNA => { out.write_str("if /* unsigned */ below_or_equal(rflags) then jmp ")?; write_jmp_operand(instr.operand(0), out)?; }, Opcode::JA => { out.write_str("if /* unsigned */ above(rflags) then jmp ")?; write_jmp_operand(instr.operand(0), out)?; }, Opcode::JS => { out.write_str("if signed(rflags) then jmp ")?; write_jmp_operand(instr.operand(0), out)?; }, Opcode::JNS => { out.write_str("if !signed(rflags) then jmp ")?; write_jmp_operand(instr.operand(0), out)?; }, Opcode::JP => { out.write_str("if parity(rflags) then jmp ")?; write_jmp_operand(instr.operand(0), out)?; }, Opcode::JNP => { out.write_str("if !parity(rflags) then jmp ")?; write_jmp_operand(instr.operand(0), out)?; }, Opcode::JL => { out.write_str("if /* signed */ less(rflags) then jmp ")?; write_jmp_operand(instr.operand(0), out)?; }, Opcode::JGE => { out.write_str("if /* signed */ greater_or_equal(rflags) then jmp ")?; write_jmp_operand(instr.operand(0), out)?; }, Opcode::JLE => { out.write_str("if /* signed */ less_or_equal(rflags) then jmp ")?; write_jmp_operand(instr.operand(0), out)?; }, Opcode::JG => { out.write_str("if /* signed */ greater(rflags) then jmp ")?; write_jmp_operand(instr.operand(0), out)?; }, Opcode::NOP => { write!(out, "nop")?; } _ => { if instr.operand_count() == 0 { write!(out, "{}()", instr.opcode())?; } else { write!(out, "{} = {}({}", instr.operand(0), instr.opcode(), instr.operand(0))?; let mut comma = true; for i in 1..instr.operand_count() { if comma { write!(out, ", ")?; } write!(out, "{}", instr.operand(i))?; comma = true; } write!(out, ")")?; } } } while brace_count > 0 { out.write_str(" }")?; brace_count -= 1; } Ok(()) } impl <'instr, T: fmt::Write, Y: YaxColors> ShowContextual for InstructionDisplayer<'instr> { fn contextualize(&self, _colors: &Y, address: u64, context: Option<&NoContext>, out: &mut T) -> fmt::Result { let InstructionDisplayer { instr, style, } = self; match style { DisplayStyle::Intel => { let mut out = NoColorsSink { out, }; let out = &mut out; contextualize_intel(instr, out) } DisplayStyle::C => { contextualize_c(instr, address, context, out) } } } } #[cfg(feature="std")] impl ShowContextual], T, Y> for Instruction { fn contextualize(&self, colors: &Y, _address: u64, context: Option<&[Option]>, out: &mut T) -> fmt::Result { let mut out = NoColorsSink { out, }; let out = &mut out; use core::fmt::Write; if self.prefixes.lock() { write!(out, "lock ")?; } if self.prefixes.rep_any() { if [Opcode::MOVS, Opcode::CMPS, Opcode::LODS, Opcode::STOS, Opcode::INS, Opcode::OUTS].contains(&self.opcode) { // only a few of you actually use the prefix... if self.prefixes.rep() { write!(out, "rep ")?; } else if self.prefixes.repnz() { write!(out, "repnz ")?; } } } self.opcode.colorize(colors, out)?; match context.and_then(|xs| xs[0].as_ref()) { Some(s) => { write!(out, " {}", s)?; }, None => { match self.operands[0] { OperandSpec::Nothing => { return Ok(()); }, _ => { write!(out, " ")?; if let Some(prefix) = self.segment_override_for_op(0) { write!(out, "{}:", prefix)?; } } } let mut displayer = ColorizingOperandVisitor { f: out, }; self.visit_operand(0, &mut displayer)?; } }; for i in 1..self.operand_count { let i = i as usize; match context.and_then(|xs| xs[i].as_ref()) { Some(s) => { write!(out, ", {}", s)? } None => { match &self.operands[i] { &OperandSpec::Nothing => { return Ok(()); }, _ => { write!(out, ", ")?; let mut displayer = ColorizingOperandVisitor { f: out, }; self.visit_operand(i as u8, &mut displayer)?; } } } } } Ok(()) } } static RELATIVE_BRANCHES: [Opcode; 21] = [ Opcode::JMP, Opcode::JRCXZ, Opcode::LOOP, Opcode::LOOPZ, Opcode::LOOPNZ, Opcode::JO, Opcode::JNO, Opcode::JB, Opcode::JNB, Opcode::JZ, Opcode::JNZ, Opcode::JNA, Opcode::JA, Opcode::JS, Opcode::JNS, Opcode::JP, Opcode::JNP, Opcode::JL, Opcode::JGE, Opcode::JLE, Opcode::JG, ]; struct RelativeBranchPrinter<'a, F: DisplaySink> { inst: &'a Instruction, out: &'a mut F, } impl<'a, F: DisplaySink> crate::long_mode::OperandVisitor for RelativeBranchPrinter<'a, F> { // return true if we printed a relative branch offset, false otherwise type Ok = bool; // but errors are errors type Error = fmt::Error; fn visit_reg(&mut self, _reg: RegSpec) -> Result { Ok(false) } fn visit_deref(&mut self, _reg: RegSpec) -> Result { Ok(false) } fn visit_disp(&mut self, _reg: RegSpec, _disp: i32) -> Result { Ok(false) } #[cfg_attr(feature="profiling", inline(never))] fn visit_i8(&mut self, rel: i8) -> Result { if RELATIVE_BRANCHES.contains(&self.inst.opcode) { self.out.write_char('$')?; // danger_anguished_string_write(self.out, "$"); let mut v = rel as u8; if rel < 0 { self.out.write_char('-')?; //danger_anguished_string_write(&mut self.out, "-"); v = -rel as u8; } else { self.out.write_char('+')?; // danger_anguished_string_write(&mut self.out, "+"); } self.out.write_fixed_size("0x")?; self.out.write_u8(v)?; Ok(true) } else { Ok(false) } } #[cfg_attr(feature="profiling", inline(never))] fn visit_i32(&mut self, rel: i32) -> Result { if RELATIVE_BRANCHES.contains(&self.inst.opcode) || self.inst.opcode == Opcode::XBEGIN { self.out.write_char('$')?; // danger_anguished_string_write(self.out, "$"); let mut v = rel as u32; if rel < 0 { self.out.write_char('-')?; // danger_anguished_string_write(&mut self.out, "-"); v = -rel as u32; } else { self.out.write_char('+')?; // danger_anguished_string_write(&mut self.out, "+"); } self.out.write_fixed_size("0x")?; self.out.write_u32(v)?; Ok(true) } else { Ok(false) } } fn visit_u8(&mut self, _imm: u8) -> Result { Ok(false) } fn visit_i16(&mut self, _imm: i16) -> Result { Ok(false) } fn visit_u16(&mut self, _imm: u16) -> Result { Ok(false) } fn visit_u32(&mut self, _imm: u32) -> Result { Ok(false) } fn visit_i64(&mut self, _imm: i64) -> Result { Ok(false) } fn visit_u64(&mut self, _imm: u64) -> Result { Ok(false) } fn visit_abs_u32(&mut self, _imm: u32) -> Result { Ok(false) } fn visit_abs_u64(&mut self, _imm: u64) -> Result { Ok(false) } fn visit_reg_scale(&mut self, _reg: RegSpec, _scale: u8) -> Result { Ok(false) } fn visit_index_base_scale(&mut self, _base: RegSpec, _index: RegSpec, _scale: u8) -> Result { Ok(false) } fn visit_reg_scale_disp(&mut self, _reg: RegSpec, _scale: u8, _disp: i32) -> Result { Ok(false) } fn visit_index_base_scale_disp(&mut self, _base: RegSpec, _index: RegSpec, _scale: u8, _disp: i32) -> Result { Ok(false) } fn visit_other(&mut self) -> Result { Ok(false) } fn visit_reg_mask_merge(&mut self, _spec: RegSpec, _mask: RegSpec, _merge_mode: MergeMode) -> Result { Ok(false) } fn visit_reg_mask_merge_sae(&mut self, _spec: RegSpec, _mask: RegSpec, _merge_mode: MergeMode, _sae_mode: crate::long_mode::SaeMode) -> Result { Ok(false) } fn visit_reg_mask_merge_sae_noround(&mut self, _spec: RegSpec, _mask: RegSpec, _merge_mode: MergeMode) -> Result { Ok(false) } fn visit_reg_disp_masked(&mut self, _spec: RegSpec, _disp: i32, _mask_reg: RegSpec) -> Result { Ok(false) } fn visit_reg_deref_masked(&mut self, _spec: RegSpec, _mask_reg: RegSpec) -> Result { Ok(false) } fn visit_reg_scale_masked(&mut self, _spec: RegSpec, _scale: u8, _mask_reg: RegSpec) -> Result { Ok(false) } fn visit_reg_scale_disp_masked(&mut self, _spec: RegSpec, _scale: u8, _disp: i32, _mask_reg: RegSpec) -> Result { Ok(false) } fn visit_index_base_masked(&mut self, _base: RegSpec, _index: RegSpec, _mask_reg: RegSpec) -> Result { Ok(false) } fn visit_index_base_disp_masked(&mut self, _base: RegSpec, _index: RegSpec, _disp: i32, _mask_reg: RegSpec) -> Result { Ok(false) } fn visit_index_base_scale_masked(&mut self, _base: RegSpec, _index: RegSpec, _scale: u8, _mask_reg: RegSpec) -> Result { Ok(false) } fn visit_index_base_scale_disp_masked(&mut self, _base: RegSpec, _index: RegSpec, _scale: u8, _disp: i32, _mask_reg: RegSpec) -> Result { Ok(false) } }