use yaxpeax_arch::Reader; use yaxpeax_arch::annotation::DescriptionSink; use crate::protected_mode::Arch; use crate::protected_mode::OperandSpec; use crate::protected_mode::DecodeError; use crate::protected_mode::FieldDescription; use crate::protected_mode::RegSpec; use crate::protected_mode::RegisterBank; use crate::protected_mode::InnerDescription; use crate::protected_mode::Instruction; use crate::protected_mode::Opcode; use crate::protected_mode::read_modrm; use crate::protected_mode::read_E; use crate::protected_mode::read_E_xmm; use crate::protected_mode::read_E_ymm; use crate::protected_mode::read_imm_unsigned; #[derive(Debug)] enum VEXOpcodeMap { Map0F, Map0F38, Map0F3A, } #[derive(Debug)] enum VEXOpcodePrefix { None, Prefix66, PrefixF3, PrefixF2, } #[allow(non_camel_case_types)] #[derive(Debug)] enum VEXOperandCode { Nothing, VPS_71, VPS_72, VPS_73, VMOVSS_10, VMOVSD_10, VMOVSD_11, VMOVSS_11, VMOVLPS_12, VMOVHPS_16, M_G_xmm, G_M_xmm, G_U_xmm, Gd_U_xmm, E_G_xmm_imm8, Ud_G_xmm_imm8, Ud_G_xyLmm, M_G_xyLmm, M_G_ymm, G_E_ymm, G_M_ymm, Gd_U_ymm, E_xmm_G_ymm_imm8, Ev_G_xmm_imm8, G_ExyL_V_xyLmm, G_E_xmm, G_E_xmm_imm8, G_E_ymm_imm8, G_xmm_E_xmm, G_xmm_E_ymm, G_ymm_E_xmm, G_ymm_M_xmm, G_ymm_E_ymm, G_V_ymm_E_xmm, M_V_G_xmm, M_V_G_ymm, G_V_xmm_Ed, G_V_E_xyLmm, G_E_xyLmm, E_G_xyLmm, G_E_xyLmm_imm8, G_V_E_xyLmm_imm8, G_V_E_xmm, G_V_E_xmm_imm8, G_V_E_xmm_xmm4, G_V_Ed_xmm, G_V_Eq_xmm, G_V_E_ymm, G_V_E_ymm_imm8, G_V_E_ymm_ymm4, G_V_xmm_Ev_imm8, G_V_M_xmm, G_V_M_ymm, G_ymm_V_ymm_E_xmm_imm8, Ed_G_xmm, G_xmm_Ed, G_E_V, G_V_E, G_E_Ib, VCVT_Gd_Ed_xmm, VCVT_Gd_Eq_xmm, BMI1_F3, MXCSR, } #[inline(always)] pub(crate) fn three_byte_vex< T: Reader<::Address, ::Word>, S: DescriptionSink, >(words: &mut T, vex_byte_one: u8, instruction: &mut Instruction, sink: &mut S) -> Result<(), DecodeError> { let vex_start = words.offset() as u32 * 8 - 8; let vex_byte_two =; let p = vex_byte_two & 0x03; let p = match p { 0x00 => VEXOpcodePrefix::None, 0x01 => VEXOpcodePrefix::Prefix66, 0x02 => VEXOpcodePrefix::PrefixF3, 0x03 => VEXOpcodePrefix::PrefixF2, _ => { unreachable!("p is two bits"); } }; sink.record( vex_start + 8, vex_start + 9, InnerDescription::Misc(match p { VEXOpcodePrefix::None => "vex.p indicates no opcode prefix", VEXOpcodePrefix::Prefix66 => "vex.p indicates opcode prefix 66", VEXOpcodePrefix::PrefixF3 => "vex.p indicates opcode prefix f3", VEXOpcodePrefix::PrefixF2 => "vex.p indicates opcode prefix f2", }) .with_id(vex_start) ); let m = vex_byte_one & 0b11111; sink.record( vex_start + 0, vex_start + 4, InnerDescription::Misc(match m { 0b00001 => "vex.mmmmm indicates opcode escape of 0f", 0b00010 => "vex.mmmmm indicates opcode escape of 0f38", 0b00011 => "vex.mmmmm indicates opcode escape of 0f3a", _ => "vex.mmmmm indicates illegal opcode escape and is invalid", }) .with_id(vex_start) ); let m = match m { 0b00001 => VEXOpcodeMap::Map0F, 0b00010 => VEXOpcodeMap::Map0F38, 0b00011 => VEXOpcodeMap::Map0F3A, _ => { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } }; instruction.regs[3] = RegSpec { bank: RegisterBank::X, num: ((vex_byte_two >> 3) & 0b1111) ^ 0b1111, }; sink.record( vex_start + 11, vex_start + 14, InnerDescription::RegisterNumber("vvvv", instruction.regs[3].num, instruction.regs[3]) .with_id(vex_start + 2) ); sink.record( vex_start + 7, vex_start + 7, InnerDescription::Misc(if vex_byte_one & 0b10000000 == 0 { "vex.r extends extends rrr by 0b1000" } else { "vex.r does not alter rrr" }) .with_id(vex_start + 1) ); sink.record( vex_start + 6, vex_start + 6, InnerDescription::Misc(if vex_byte_one & 0b01000000 == 0 { "vex.x extends extends index reg (if used) by 0b1000" } else { "vex.x does not alter index reg" }) .with_id(vex_start + 1) ); sink.record( vex_start + 5, vex_start + 5, InnerDescription::Misc(if vex_byte_one & 0b00100000 == 0 { "vex.b extends extends base reg (if used) by 0b1000" } else { "vex.b does not alter base reg" }) .with_id(vex_start + 1) ); sink.record( vex_start + 10, vex_start + 10, InnerDescription::Misc(if vex_byte_two & 0b100 == 0 { "vex.l selects 128-bit vector sizes" } else { "vex.l selects 256-bit vector sizes" }) .with_id(vex_start + 1) ); sink.record( vex_start + 15, vex_start + 15, InnerDescription::Misc(if vex_byte_two & 0b10000000 != 0 { "vex.w selects 64-bit operand size" } else { "vex.w leaves default operand size" }) .with_id(vex_start + 1) ); instruction.prefixes.vex_from_c4(vex_byte_one, vex_byte_two); sink.record( vex_start + 23, vex_start + 23, InnerDescription::Boundary("vex prefix ends/opcode begins") .with_id(vex_start + 23) ); read_vex_instruction(m, words, instruction, p, sink)?; instruction.regs[3].num &= 0b0111; // ignore bit 4 in 32-bit mode Ok(()) } #[inline(always)] pub(crate) fn two_byte_vex< T: Reader<::Address, ::Word>, S: DescriptionSink, >(words: &mut T, vex_byte: u8, instruction: &mut Instruction, sink: &mut S) -> Result<(), DecodeError> { let vex_start = words.offset() as u32 * 8 - 8; let p = vex_byte & 0x03; let p = match p { 0x00 => VEXOpcodePrefix::None, 0x01 => VEXOpcodePrefix::Prefix66, 0x02 => VEXOpcodePrefix::PrefixF3, 0x03 => VEXOpcodePrefix::PrefixF2, _ => { unreachable!("p is two bits"); } }; instruction.regs[3] = RegSpec { bank: RegisterBank::X, num: ((vex_byte >> 3) & 0b1111) ^ 0b1111, }; sink.record( vex_start + 0, vex_start + 1, InnerDescription::Misc(match p { VEXOpcodePrefix::None => "vex.p indicates no opcode prefix", VEXOpcodePrefix::Prefix66 => "vex.p indicates opcode prefix 66", VEXOpcodePrefix::PrefixF3 => "vex.p indicates opcode prefix f3", VEXOpcodePrefix::PrefixF2 => "vex.p indicates opcode prefix f2", }) .with_id(vex_start) ); sink.record( vex_start + 3, vex_start + 6, InnerDescription::RegisterNumber("vvvv", instruction.regs[3].num, instruction.regs[3]) .with_id(vex_start + 2) ); sink.record( vex_start + 2, vex_start + 2, InnerDescription::Misc(if vex_byte & 0b100 == 0 { "vex.r extends extends rrr by 0b1000" } else { "vex.r does not alter rrr" }) .with_id(vex_start + 1) ); sink.record( vex_start + 7, vex_start + 7, InnerDescription::Misc(if vex_byte & 0b10000000 != 0 { "vex.w selects 64-bit operand size" } else { "vex.w leaves default operand size" }) .with_id(vex_start + 1) ); instruction.prefixes.vex_from_c5(vex_byte); sink.record( vex_start + 15, vex_start + 15, InnerDescription::Boundary("vex prefix ends/opcode begins") .with_id(vex_start + 15) ); read_vex_instruction(VEXOpcodeMap::Map0F, words, instruction, p, sink)?; instruction.regs[3].num &= 0b0111; // ignore bit 4 in 32-bit mode Ok(()) } #[inline(always)] fn read_vex_operands< T: Reader<::Address, ::Word>, S: DescriptionSink, >(words: &mut T, instruction: &mut Instruction, operand_code: VEXOperandCode, sink: &mut S) -> Result<(), DecodeError> { // println!("operand code: {:?}", operand_code); match operand_code { VEXOperandCode::VPS_71 => { let modrm = read_modrm(words)?; if modrm & 0xc0 != 0xc0 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } #[allow(non_snake_case)] let L = instruction.prefixes.vex_unchecked().l(); let bank = if L { RegisterBank::Y } else { RegisterBank::X }; let rrr = (modrm >> 3) & 0b111; if rrr == 0b001 && L { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } instruction.opcode = match rrr { 0b001 => Opcode::VPSLLW, 0b010 => Opcode::VPSRLW, 0b100 => Opcode::VPSRAW, 0b110 => Opcode::VPSLLW, _ => { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } }; instruction.regs[0] = RegSpec::from_parts(modrm & 7, bank); instruction.regs[3].bank = bank; instruction.operands[0] = OperandSpec::RegVex; instruction.operands[1] = OperandSpec::RegRRR; instruction.imm = read_imm_unsigned(words, 1)?; instruction.operands[2] = OperandSpec::ImmI8; instruction.operand_count = 3; Ok(()) } VEXOperandCode::VPS_72 => { let modrm = read_modrm(words)?; if modrm & 0xc0 != 0xc0 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } #[allow(non_snake_case)] let L = instruction.prefixes.vex_unchecked().l(); let bank = if L { RegisterBank::Y } else { RegisterBank::X }; match (modrm >> 3) & 0b111 { 0b010 => { instruction.opcode = Opcode::VPSRLD; } 0b100 => { instruction.opcode = Opcode::VPSRAD; } 0b110 => { instruction.opcode = Opcode::VPSLLD; } _ => { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } } instruction.regs[0] = RegSpec::from_parts(modrm & 7, bank); instruction.regs[3].bank = bank; instruction.operands[0] = OperandSpec::RegVex; instruction.operands[1] = OperandSpec::RegRRR; instruction.imm = read_imm_unsigned(words, 1)?; instruction.operands[2] = OperandSpec::ImmI8; instruction.operand_count = 3; Ok(()) } VEXOperandCode::VPS_73 => { let modrm = read_modrm(words)?; if modrm & 0xc0 != 0xc0 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } #[allow(non_snake_case)] let L = instruction.prefixes.vex_unchecked().l(); let bank = if L { RegisterBank::Y } else { RegisterBank::X }; match (modrm >> 3) & 0b111 { 0b010 => { instruction.opcode = Opcode::VPSRLQ; } 0b011 => { instruction.opcode = Opcode::VPSRLDQ; } 0b110 => { instruction.opcode = Opcode::VPSLLQ; } 0b111 => { instruction.opcode = Opcode::VPSLLDQ; } _ => { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } } instruction.regs[0] = RegSpec::from_parts(modrm & 7, bank); instruction.regs[3].bank = bank; instruction.operands[0] = OperandSpec::RegVex; instruction.operands[1] = OperandSpec::RegRRR; instruction.imm = read_imm_unsigned(words, 1)?; instruction.operands[2] = OperandSpec::ImmI8; instruction.operand_count = 3; Ok(()) } VEXOperandCode::VMOVSS_10 | VEXOperandCode::VMOVSD_10 => { let modrm = read_modrm(words)?; instruction.regs[0] = RegSpec::from_parts((modrm >> 3) & 7, RegisterBank::X); let mem_oper = read_E_xmm(words, instruction, modrm, sink)?; instruction.operands[0] = OperandSpec::RegRRR; match mem_oper { OperandSpec::RegMMM => { instruction.operands[1] = OperandSpec::RegVex; instruction.operands[2] = OperandSpec::RegMMM; instruction.operand_count = 3; }, other => { if instruction.regs[3].num != 0 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } if instruction.opcode == Opcode::VMOVSS { instruction.mem_size = 4; } else { instruction.mem_size = 8; } instruction.operands[1] = other; instruction.operand_count = 2; } } Ok(()) }, VEXOperandCode::VMOVSS_11 | VEXOperandCode::VMOVSD_11 => { let modrm = read_modrm(words)?; instruction.regs[0] = RegSpec::from_parts((modrm >> 3) & 7, RegisterBank::X); let mem_oper = read_E_xmm(words, instruction, modrm, sink)?; instruction.operands[2] = OperandSpec::RegRRR; match mem_oper { OperandSpec::RegMMM => { instruction.operands[0] = OperandSpec::RegMMM; instruction.operands[1] = OperandSpec::RegVex; instruction.operand_count = 3; }, other => { if instruction.regs[3].num != 0 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } if instruction.opcode == Opcode::VMOVSS { instruction.mem_size = 4; } else { instruction.mem_size = 8; } instruction.operands[0] = other; instruction.operands[1] = instruction.operands[2]; instruction.operand_count = 2; } } Ok(()) }, VEXOperandCode::VMOVLPS_12 => { let modrm = read_modrm(words)?; instruction.opcode = if modrm & 0xc0 == 0xc0 { Opcode::VMOVHLPS } else { instruction.mem_size = 8; Opcode::VMOVLPS }; instruction.regs[0] = RegSpec::from_parts((modrm >> 3) & 7, RegisterBank::X); instruction.operands[0] = OperandSpec::RegRRR; instruction.operands[1] = OperandSpec::RegVex; instruction.operands[2] = read_E_xmm(words, instruction, modrm, sink)?; instruction.operand_count = 3; Ok(()) } VEXOperandCode::VMOVHPS_16 => { let modrm = read_modrm(words)?; instruction.opcode = if modrm & 0xc0 == 0xc0 { Opcode::VMOVLHPS } else { instruction.mem_size = 8; Opcode::VMOVHPS }; instruction.regs[0] = RegSpec::from_parts((modrm >> 3) & 7, RegisterBank::X); instruction.operands[0] = OperandSpec::RegRRR; instruction.operands[1] = OperandSpec::RegVex; instruction.operands[2] = read_E_xmm(words, instruction, modrm, sink)?; instruction.operand_count = 3; Ok(()) } VEXOperandCode::Nothing => { if instruction.opcode == Opcode::VZEROUPPER || instruction.opcode == Opcode::VZEROALL { if instruction.regs[3].num != 0 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } } instruction.operand_count = 0; Ok(()) }, VEXOperandCode::Ev_G_xmm_imm8 => { if instruction.regs[3].num != 0 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } let modrm = read_modrm(words)?; instruction.regs[0] = RegSpec::from_parts((modrm >> 3) & 7, RegisterBank::X); let mem_oper = read_E(words, instruction, modrm, RegisterBank::D, sink)?; instruction.operands[0] = mem_oper; instruction.operands[1] = OperandSpec::RegRRR; instruction.operands[2] = OperandSpec::ImmU8; if mem_oper != OperandSpec::RegMMM { match instruction.opcode { Opcode::VPEXTRB => { instruction.mem_size = 1; } Opcode::VPEXTRW => { instruction.mem_size = 2; } Opcode::VEXTRACTPS | Opcode::VPEXTRD => { instruction.mem_size = 4; } _ => { instruction.mem_size = 8; } } } instruction.operand_count = 3; instruction.imm = read_imm_unsigned(words, 1)?; Ok(()) }, VEXOperandCode::G_xmm_Ed => { if instruction.regs[3].num != 0 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } let modrm = read_modrm(words)?; instruction.regs[0] = RegSpec::from_parts((modrm >> 3) & 7, RegisterBank::X); let mem_oper = read_E(words, instruction, modrm, RegisterBank::D, sink)?; instruction.operands[0] = OperandSpec::RegRRR; instruction.operands[1] = mem_oper; if mem_oper != OperandSpec::RegMMM { instruction.mem_size = 4; } instruction.operand_count = 2; Ok(()) } VEXOperandCode::Ed_G_xmm => { if instruction.regs[3].num != 0 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } let modrm = read_modrm(words)?; instruction.regs[0] = RegSpec::from_parts((modrm >> 3) & 7, RegisterBank::X); let mem_oper = read_E(words, instruction, modrm, RegisterBank::D, sink)?; instruction.operands[0] = mem_oper; instruction.operands[1] = OperandSpec::RegRRR; if mem_oper != OperandSpec::RegMMM { instruction.mem_size = 4; } instruction.operand_count = 2; Ok(()) } VEXOperandCode::VCVT_Gd_Ed_xmm => { if instruction.regs[3].num != 0 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } let modrm = read_modrm(words)?; instruction.regs[0] = RegSpec::from_parts((modrm >> 3) & 7, RegisterBank::D); let mem_oper = read_E(words, instruction, modrm, RegisterBank::D, sink)?; if let OperandSpec::RegMMM = mem_oper { instruction.regs[1].bank = RegisterBank::X; } else { instruction.mem_size = 4; } instruction.operands[0] = OperandSpec::RegRRR; instruction.operands[1] = mem_oper; instruction.operand_count = 2; Ok(()) } VEXOperandCode::VCVT_Gd_Eq_xmm => { if instruction.regs[3].num != 0 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } let modrm = read_modrm(words)?; instruction.regs[0] = RegSpec::from_parts((modrm >> 3) & 7, RegisterBank::D); let mem_oper = read_E(words, instruction, modrm, RegisterBank::D, sink)?; if let OperandSpec::RegMMM = mem_oper { instruction.regs[1].bank = RegisterBank::X; } else { instruction.mem_size = 8; } instruction.operands[0] = OperandSpec::RegRRR; instruction.operands[1] = mem_oper; instruction.operand_count = 2; Ok(()) } VEXOperandCode::M_G_xyLmm => { if instruction.regs[3].num != 0 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } // the name of this bit is `L` in the documentation, so use the same name here. #[allow(non_snake_case)] let L = instruction.prefixes.vex_unchecked().l(); let bank = if L { RegisterBank::Y } else { RegisterBank::X }; let modrm = read_modrm(words)?; instruction.regs[0] = RegSpec::from_parts((modrm >> 3) & 7, bank); let mem_oper = read_E(words, instruction, modrm, bank, sink)?; if mem_oper == OperandSpec::RegMMM { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } if mem_oper != OperandSpec::RegMMM { if instruction.opcode == Opcode::VMOVLPD || instruction.opcode == Opcode::VMOVHPD || instruction.opcode == Opcode::VMOVHPS { instruction.mem_size = 8; } else { if L { instruction.mem_size = 32; } else { instruction.mem_size = 16; } } } instruction.operands[0] = mem_oper; instruction.operands[1] = OperandSpec::RegRRR; instruction.operand_count = 2; Ok(()) } VEXOperandCode::M_G_xmm => { if instruction.regs[3].num != 0 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } let modrm = read_modrm(words)?; instruction.regs[0] = RegSpec::from_parts((modrm >> 3) & 7, RegisterBank::X); let mem_oper = read_E_xmm(words, instruction, modrm, sink)?; if mem_oper == OperandSpec::RegMMM { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } if mem_oper != OperandSpec::RegMMM { if instruction.opcode == Opcode::VMOVLPD || instruction.opcode == Opcode::VMOVHPD || instruction.opcode == Opcode::VMOVHPS { instruction.mem_size = 8; } else { instruction.mem_size = 16; } } instruction.operands[0] = mem_oper; instruction.operands[1] = OperandSpec::RegRRR; instruction.operand_count = 2; Ok(()) } VEXOperandCode::Ud_G_xyLmm => { if instruction.regs[3].num != 0 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } // the name of this bit is `L` in the documentation, so use the same name here. #[allow(non_snake_case)] let L = instruction.prefixes.vex_unchecked().l(); let bank = if L { RegisterBank::Y } else { RegisterBank::X }; let modrm = read_modrm(words)?; instruction.regs[0] = RegSpec::from_parts((modrm >> 3) & 7, RegisterBank::D); let mem_oper = read_E(words, instruction, modrm, bank, sink)?; if mem_oper != OperandSpec::RegMMM { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } instruction.operands[0] = OperandSpec::RegRRR; instruction.operands[1] = mem_oper; instruction.operand_count = 2; Ok(()) } VEXOperandCode::Ud_G_xmm_imm8 => { if instruction.regs[3].num != 0 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } let modrm = read_modrm(words)?; instruction.regs[0] = RegSpec::from_parts((modrm >> 3) & 7, RegisterBank::D); let mem_oper = read_E_xmm(words, instruction, modrm, sink)?; if mem_oper != OperandSpec::RegMMM { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } instruction.operands[0] = OperandSpec::RegRRR; instruction.operands[1] = mem_oper; instruction.imm = read_imm_unsigned(words, 1)?; instruction.operands[2] = OperandSpec::ImmU8; instruction.operand_count = 3; Ok(()) } VEXOperandCode::E_G_xmm_imm8 => { if instruction.regs[3].num != 0 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } let modrm = read_modrm(words)?; instruction.regs[0] = RegSpec::from_parts((modrm >> 3) & 7, RegisterBank::X); let mem_oper = read_E_xmm(words, instruction, modrm, sink)?; instruction.operands[0] = mem_oper; instruction.operands[1] = OperandSpec::RegRRR; instruction.imm = read_imm_unsigned(words, 1)?; instruction.operands[2] = OperandSpec::ImmU8; if mem_oper != OperandSpec::RegMMM { instruction.mem_size = 16; } instruction.operand_count = 3; Ok(()) } VEXOperandCode::E_xmm_G_ymm_imm8 => { if instruction.regs[3].num != 0 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } let modrm = read_modrm(words)?; instruction.regs[0] = RegSpec::from_parts((modrm >> 3) & 7, RegisterBank::Y); let mem_oper = read_E_xmm(words, instruction, modrm, sink)?; instruction.operands[0] = mem_oper; instruction.operands[1] = OperandSpec::RegRRR; instruction.imm = read_imm_unsigned(words, 1)?; instruction.operands[2] = OperandSpec::ImmU8; if mem_oper != OperandSpec::RegMMM { instruction.mem_size = 16; } instruction.operand_count = 3; Ok(()) } VEXOperandCode::Gd_U_xmm => { if instruction.regs[3].num != 0 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } let modrm = read_modrm(words)?; instruction.regs[0] = RegSpec::from_parts((modrm >> 3) & 7, RegisterBank::D); let mem_oper = read_E_xmm(words, instruction, modrm, sink)?; if mem_oper != OperandSpec::RegMMM { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } instruction.operands[0] = OperandSpec::RegRRR; instruction.operands[1] = mem_oper; instruction.operand_count = 2; Ok(()) } VEXOperandCode::Gd_U_ymm => { if instruction.regs[3].num != 0 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } let modrm = read_modrm(words)?; instruction.regs[0] = RegSpec::from_parts((modrm >> 3) & 7, RegisterBank::D); let mem_oper = read_E_ymm(words, instruction, modrm, sink)?; if mem_oper != OperandSpec::RegMMM { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } instruction.operands[0] = OperandSpec::RegRRR; instruction.operands[1] = mem_oper; instruction.operand_count = 2; Ok(()) } op @ VEXOperandCode::G_M_xmm | op @ VEXOperandCode::G_U_xmm | op @ VEXOperandCode::G_E_xmm => { if instruction.regs[3].num != 0 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } let modrm = read_modrm(words)?; match (op, modrm & 0xc0) { (VEXOperandCode::G_U_xmm, 0xc0) => { /* this is the only accepted operand */ } (VEXOperandCode::G_U_xmm, _) | (VEXOperandCode::G_M_xmm, 0xc0) => { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } (VEXOperandCode::G_M_xmm, _) | // otherwise it's memory-constrained and a memory operand (_, _) => { // ... or unconstrained /* and this is always accepted */ } } instruction.regs[0] = RegSpec::from_parts((modrm >> 3) & 7, RegisterBank::X); let mem_oper = read_E_xmm(words, instruction, modrm, sink)?; instruction.operands[0] = OperandSpec::RegRRR; instruction.operands[1] = mem_oper; if mem_oper != OperandSpec::RegMMM { if [Opcode::VBROADCASTSS, Opcode::VUCOMISS, Opcode::VCOMISS].contains(&instruction.opcode) { instruction.mem_size = 4; } else if [Opcode::VMOVDDUP, Opcode::VUCOMISD, Opcode::VCOMISD, Opcode::VCVTPS2PD, Opcode::VMOVD].contains(&instruction.opcode) { instruction.mem_size = 8; } else { instruction.mem_size = 16; }; } instruction.operand_count = 2; Ok(()) } VEXOperandCode::G_xmm_E_xmm => { if instruction.regs[3].num != 0 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } let modrm = read_modrm(words)?; instruction.regs[0] = RegSpec::from_parts((modrm >> 3) & 7, RegisterBank::X); let mem_oper = read_E_xmm(words, instruction, modrm, sink)?; instruction.operands[0] = OperandSpec::RegRRR; instruction.operands[1] = mem_oper; if mem_oper != OperandSpec::RegMMM { instruction.mem_size = 16; } instruction.operand_count = 2; Ok(()) } VEXOperandCode::G_xmm_E_ymm => { if instruction.regs[3].num != 0 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } let modrm = read_modrm(words)?; instruction.regs[0] = RegSpec::from_parts((modrm >> 3) & 7, RegisterBank::X); let mem_oper = read_E_ymm(words, instruction, modrm, sink)?; instruction.operands[0] = OperandSpec::RegRRR; instruction.operands[1] = mem_oper; if mem_oper != OperandSpec::RegMMM { instruction.mem_size = 32; } instruction.operand_count = 2; Ok(()) } op @ VEXOperandCode::G_ymm_M_xmm | op @ VEXOperandCode::G_ymm_E_xmm => { if instruction.regs[3].num != 0 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } let modrm = read_modrm(words)?; if modrm & 0xc0 == 0xc0 { if let VEXOperandCode::G_ymm_M_xmm = op { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } } instruction.regs[0] = RegSpec::from_parts((modrm >> 3) & 7, RegisterBank::Y); let mem_oper = read_E_xmm(words, instruction, modrm, sink)?; instruction.operands[0] = OperandSpec::RegRRR; instruction.operands[1] = mem_oper; if mem_oper != OperandSpec::RegMMM { if [Opcode::VBROADCASTSS].contains(&instruction.opcode) { instruction.mem_size = 4; } else if [Opcode::VBROADCASTSD].contains(&instruction.opcode) { instruction.mem_size = 8; } else { instruction.mem_size = 16; } } instruction.operand_count = 2; Ok(()) } VEXOperandCode::G_ymm_E_ymm => { if instruction.regs[3].num != 0 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } let modrm = read_modrm(words)?; instruction.regs[0] = RegSpec::from_parts((modrm >> 3) & 7, RegisterBank::Y); let mem_oper = read_E_ymm(words, instruction, modrm, sink)?; instruction.operands[0] = OperandSpec::RegRRR; instruction.operands[1] = mem_oper; if mem_oper != OperandSpec::RegMMM { instruction.mem_size = 32; } instruction.operand_count = 2; Ok(()) } op @ VEXOperandCode::M_G_ymm => { if instruction.regs[3].num != 0 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } let modrm = read_modrm(words)?; match (op, modrm & 0xc0) { (VEXOperandCode::M_G_ymm, 0xc0) => { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } (VEXOperandCode::M_G_ymm, _) | // otherwise it's memory-constrained and a memory operand (_, _) => { // ... or unconstrained /* and this is always accepted */ } } instruction.regs[0] = RegSpec::from_parts((modrm >> 3) & 7, RegisterBank::Y); let mem_oper = read_E_ymm(words, instruction, modrm, sink)?; instruction.operands[0] = mem_oper; instruction.operands[1] = OperandSpec::RegRRR; if mem_oper != OperandSpec::RegMMM { instruction.mem_size = 32; } instruction.operand_count = 2; Ok(()) } op @ VEXOperandCode::G_M_ymm | op @ VEXOperandCode::G_E_ymm => { if instruction.regs[3].num != 0 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } let modrm = read_modrm(words)?; match (op, modrm & 0xc0) { (VEXOperandCode::G_M_ymm, 0xc0) => { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } (VEXOperandCode::G_M_ymm, _) | // otherwise it's memory-constrained and a memory operand (_, _) => { // ... or unconstrained /* and this is always accepted */ } } instruction.regs[0] = RegSpec::from_parts((modrm >> 3) & 7, RegisterBank::Y); let mem_oper = read_E_ymm(words, instruction, modrm, sink)?; instruction.operands[0] = OperandSpec::RegRRR; instruction.operands[1] = mem_oper; if mem_oper != OperandSpec::RegMMM { instruction.mem_size = 32; } instruction.operand_count = 2; Ok(()) } op @ VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_ymm | op @ VEXOperandCode::G_V_M_ymm => { let modrm = read_modrm(words)?; if let VEXOperandCode::G_V_M_ymm = op { if modrm & 0xc0 == 0xc0 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } } instruction.regs[0] = RegSpec::from_parts((modrm >> 3) & 7, RegisterBank::Y); instruction.regs[3].bank = RegisterBank::Y; let mem_oper = read_E_ymm(words, instruction, modrm, sink)?; instruction.operands[0] = OperandSpec::RegRRR; instruction.operands[1] = OperandSpec::RegVex; instruction.operands[2] = mem_oper; if mem_oper != OperandSpec::RegMMM { instruction.mem_size = 32; } instruction.operand_count = 3; Ok(()) } VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_ymm_imm8 => { let modrm = read_modrm(words)?; instruction.regs[0] = RegSpec::from_parts((modrm >> 3) & 7, RegisterBank::Y); instruction.regs[3].bank = RegisterBank::Y; let mem_oper = read_E_ymm(words, instruction, modrm, sink)?; instruction.operands[0] = OperandSpec::RegRRR; instruction.operands[1] = OperandSpec::RegVex; instruction.operands[2] = mem_oper; instruction.imm = read_imm_unsigned(words, 1)?; instruction.operands[3] = OperandSpec::ImmU8; if mem_oper != OperandSpec::RegMMM { instruction.mem_size = 32; } instruction.operand_count = 4; Ok(()) } VEXOperandCode::M_V_G_ymm => { let modrm = read_modrm(words)?; if modrm & 0xc0 == 0xc0 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } instruction.regs[0] = RegSpec::from_parts((modrm >> 3) & 7, RegisterBank::Y); instruction.regs[3].bank = RegisterBank::Y; let mem_oper = read_E_ymm(words, instruction, modrm, sink)?; instruction.operands[0] = mem_oper; instruction.operands[1] = OperandSpec::RegVex; instruction.operands[2] = OperandSpec::RegRRR; if mem_oper != OperandSpec::RegMMM { instruction.mem_size = 32; } instruction.operand_count = 3; Ok(()) } VEXOperandCode::G_V_M_xmm => { let modrm = read_modrm(words)?; if modrm & 0xc0 == 0xc0 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } instruction.regs[0] = RegSpec::from_parts((modrm >> 3) & 7, RegisterBank::X); let mem_oper = read_E_xmm(words, instruction, modrm, sink)?; instruction.operands[0] = OperandSpec::RegRRR; instruction.operands[1] = OperandSpec::RegVex; instruction.operands[2] = mem_oper; if mem_oper != OperandSpec::RegMMM { if instruction.opcode == Opcode::VMOVLPD || instruction.opcode == Opcode::VMOVHPD { instruction.mem_size = 8; } else { instruction.mem_size = 16; } } instruction.operand_count = 3; Ok(()) } VEXOperandCode::E_G_xyLmm => { if instruction.regs[3].num != 0 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } // the name of this bit is `L` in the documentation, so use the same name here. #[allow(non_snake_case)] let L = instruction.prefixes.vex_unchecked().l(); let bank = if L { RegisterBank::Y } else { RegisterBank::X }; let modrm = read_modrm(words)?; instruction.regs[0] = RegSpec::from_parts((modrm >> 3) & 7, bank); let mem_oper = read_E(words, instruction, modrm, bank, sink)?; if mem_oper != OperandSpec::RegMMM { if instruction.opcode == Opcode::VMOVLPD || instruction.opcode == Opcode::VMOVHPD || instruction.opcode == Opcode::VMOVHPS { instruction.mem_size = 8; } else { if L { instruction.mem_size = 32; } else { instruction.mem_size = 16; } } } instruction.operands[0] = mem_oper; instruction.operands[1] = OperandSpec::RegRRR; instruction.operand_count = 2; Ok(()) } VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm_imm8 => { // the name of this bit is `L` in the documentation, so use the same name here. #[allow(non_snake_case)] let L = instruction.prefixes.vex_unchecked().l(); let bank = if L { RegisterBank::Y } else { RegisterBank::X }; let modrm = read_modrm(words)?; instruction.regs[0] = RegSpec::from_parts((modrm >> 3) & 7, bank); let mem_oper = read_E(words, instruction, modrm, bank, sink)?; instruction.regs[3].bank = bank; instruction.operands[0] = OperandSpec::RegRRR; instruction.operands[1] = OperandSpec::RegVex; instruction.operands[2] = mem_oper; instruction.imm = read_imm_unsigned(words, 1)?; instruction.operands[3] = OperandSpec::ImmU8; if mem_oper != OperandSpec::RegMMM { if L { instruction.mem_size = 32; } else { instruction.mem_size = 16; } } instruction.operand_count = 4; Ok(()) } VEXOperandCode::G_E_xyLmm => { if instruction.regs[3].num != 0 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } // the name of this bit is `L` in the documentation, so use the same name here. #[allow(non_snake_case)] let L = instruction.prefixes.vex_unchecked().l(); let bank = if L { RegisterBank::Y } else { RegisterBank::X }; let modrm = read_modrm(words)?; instruction.regs[0] = RegSpec::from_parts((modrm >> 3) & 7, bank); let mem_oper = read_E(words, instruction, modrm, bank, sink)?; instruction.operands[0] = OperandSpec::RegRRR; instruction.operands[1] = mem_oper; if mem_oper != OperandSpec::RegMMM { if L { instruction.mem_size = 32; } else { instruction.mem_size = 16; } if instruction.opcode == Opcode::VMOVDDUP && !L { instruction.mem_size = 8; } else if [Opcode::VBROADCASTSS, Opcode::VUCOMISS, Opcode::VCOMISS].contains(&instruction.opcode) { instruction.mem_size = 4; } else if [Opcode::VUCOMISD, Opcode::VCOMISD, Opcode::VCVTPS2PD, Opcode::VMOVD].contains(&instruction.opcode) { instruction.mem_size = 8; }; } instruction.operand_count = 2; Ok(()) } VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm => { let modrm = read_modrm(words)?; // the name of this bit is `L` in the documentation, so use the same name here. #[allow(non_snake_case)] let L = instruction.prefixes.vex_unchecked().l(); let bank = if L { RegisterBank::Y } else { RegisterBank::X }; instruction.regs[0] = RegSpec::from_parts((modrm >> 3) & 7, bank); let mem_oper = read_E(words, instruction, modrm, bank, sink)?; instruction.regs[3].bank = bank; instruction.operands[0] = OperandSpec::RegRRR; instruction.operands[1] = OperandSpec::RegVex; instruction.operands[2] = mem_oper; if mem_oper != OperandSpec::RegMMM { if [Opcode::VSQRTSS, Opcode::VADDSS, Opcode::VMULSS, Opcode::VSUBSS, Opcode::VMINSS, Opcode::VDIVSS, Opcode::VMAXSS].contains(&instruction.opcode) { instruction.mem_size = 4; } else if [Opcode::VSQRTSD, Opcode::VADDSD, Opcode::VMULSD, Opcode::VSUBSD, Opcode::VMINSD, Opcode::VDIVSD, Opcode::VMAXSD].contains(&instruction.opcode) { instruction.mem_size = 8; } else { if L { instruction.mem_size = 32; } else { instruction.mem_size = 16; } } } instruction.operand_count = 3; Ok(()) } VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xmm => { let modrm = read_modrm(words)?; instruction.regs[0] = RegSpec::from_parts((modrm >> 3) & 7, RegisterBank::X); let mem_oper = read_E_xmm(words, instruction, modrm, sink)?; instruction.operands[0] = OperandSpec::RegRRR; instruction.operands[1] = OperandSpec::RegVex; instruction.operands[2] = mem_oper; if mem_oper != OperandSpec::RegMMM { if [Opcode::VSQRTSS, Opcode::VADDSS, Opcode::VMULSS, Opcode::VSUBSS, Opcode::VMINSS, Opcode::VDIVSS, Opcode::VMAXSS].contains(&instruction.opcode) { instruction.mem_size = 4; } else if [Opcode::VSQRTSD, Opcode::VADDSD, Opcode::VMULSD, Opcode::VSUBSD, Opcode::VMINSD, Opcode::VDIVSD, Opcode::VMAXSD].contains(&instruction.opcode) { instruction.mem_size = 8; } else { instruction.mem_size = 16; } } instruction.operand_count = 3; Ok(()) } VEXOperandCode::G_V_Ed_xmm => { let modrm = read_modrm(words)?; instruction.regs[0] = RegSpec::from_parts((modrm >> 3) & 7, RegisterBank::X); let mem_oper = read_E_xmm(words, instruction, modrm, sink)?; instruction.operands[0] = OperandSpec::RegRRR; instruction.operands[1] = OperandSpec::RegVex; instruction.operands[2] = mem_oper; if mem_oper != OperandSpec::RegMMM { instruction.mem_size = 4; } instruction.operand_count = 3; Ok(()) } VEXOperandCode::G_V_Eq_xmm => { let modrm = read_modrm(words)?; instruction.regs[0] = RegSpec::from_parts((modrm >> 3) & 7, RegisterBank::X); let mem_oper = read_E_xmm(words, instruction, modrm, sink)?; instruction.operands[0] = OperandSpec::RegRRR; instruction.operands[1] = OperandSpec::RegVex; instruction.operands[2] = mem_oper; if mem_oper != OperandSpec::RegMMM { instruction.mem_size = 8; } instruction.operand_count = 3; Ok(()) } VEXOperandCode::G_V_xmm_Ed => { let modrm = read_modrm(words)?; instruction.regs[0] = RegSpec::from_parts((modrm >> 3) & 7, RegisterBank::X); let mem_oper = read_E(words, instruction, modrm, RegisterBank::D, sink)?; instruction.operands[0] = OperandSpec::RegRRR; instruction.operands[1] = OperandSpec::RegVex; instruction.operands[2] = mem_oper; if mem_oper != OperandSpec::RegMMM { instruction.mem_size = 4; } instruction.operand_count = 3; Ok(()) } VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xmm_imm8 => { let modrm = read_modrm(words)?; instruction.regs[0] = RegSpec::from_parts((modrm >> 3) & 7, RegisterBank::X); let mem_oper = read_E_xmm(words, instruction, modrm, sink)?; instruction.operands[0] = OperandSpec::RegRRR; instruction.operands[1] = OperandSpec::RegVex; instruction.operands[2] = mem_oper; instruction.imm = read_imm_unsigned(words, 1)?; instruction.operands[3] = OperandSpec::ImmU8; if mem_oper != OperandSpec::RegMMM { instruction.mem_size = 16; } instruction.operand_count = 4; Ok(()) } VEXOperandCode::G_ymm_V_ymm_E_xmm_imm8 => { let modrm = read_modrm(words)?; instruction.regs[0] = RegSpec::from_parts((modrm >> 3) & 7, RegisterBank::Y); instruction.regs[3].bank = RegisterBank::Y; let mem_oper = read_E_xmm(words, instruction, modrm, sink)?; instruction.operands[0] = OperandSpec::RegRRR; instruction.operands[1] = OperandSpec::RegVex; instruction.operands[2] = mem_oper; instruction.imm = read_imm_unsigned(words, 1)?; instruction.operands[3] = OperandSpec::ImmU8; if mem_oper != OperandSpec::RegMMM { instruction.mem_size = 16; } instruction.operand_count = 4; Ok(()) } VEXOperandCode::M_V_G_xmm => { let modrm = read_modrm(words)?; if modrm & 0xc0 == 0xc0 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } instruction.regs[0] = RegSpec::from_parts((modrm >> 3) & 7, RegisterBank::X); let mem_oper = read_E_xmm(words, instruction, modrm, sink)?; instruction.operands[0] = mem_oper; instruction.operands[1] = OperandSpec::RegVex; instruction.operands[2] = OperandSpec::RegRRR; if mem_oper != OperandSpec::RegMMM { instruction.mem_size = 16; } instruction.operand_count = 3; Ok(()) } VEXOperandCode::G_ExyL_V_xyLmm => { #[allow(non_snake_case)] let L = instruction.prefixes.vex_unchecked().l(); let bank = if L && instruction.opcode != Opcode::VGATHERQPS && instruction.opcode != Opcode::VPGATHERQD { RegisterBank::Y } else { RegisterBank::X }; let index_bank = if L { RegisterBank::Y } else { RegisterBank::X }; let modrm = read_modrm(words)?; instruction.regs[0] = RegSpec::from_parts((modrm >> 3) & 7, bank); let mem_oper = read_E(words, instruction, modrm, bank, sink)?; if instruction.opcode == Opcode::VPGATHERDQ { instruction.regs[2].bank = RegisterBank::X; } else { instruction.regs[2].bank = index_bank; } instruction.regs[3].bank = bank; instruction.operands[0] = OperandSpec::RegRRR; instruction.operands[1] = mem_oper; instruction.operands[2] = OperandSpec::RegVex; if mem_oper != OperandSpec::RegMMM { if instruction.opcode == Opcode::VPGATHERDD || instruction.opcode == Opcode::VPGATHERQD || instruction.opcode == Opcode::VGATHERDPS || instruction.opcode == Opcode::VGATHERQPS { instruction.mem_size = 4; } else { instruction.mem_size = 8; } } instruction.operand_count = 3; Ok(()) } VEXOperandCode::G_V_E => { let modrm = read_modrm(words)?; let bank = RegisterBank::D; instruction.regs[0] = RegSpec::from_parts((modrm >> 3) & 7,bank); instruction.regs[3].bank = bank; let mem_oper = read_E(words, instruction, modrm, bank, sink)?; instruction.operands[0] = OperandSpec::RegRRR; instruction.operands[1] = OperandSpec::RegVex; instruction.operands[2] = mem_oper; if mem_oper != OperandSpec::RegMMM { instruction.mem_size = bank as u8; } instruction.operand_count = 3; Ok(()) } VEXOperandCode::G_E_V => { let modrm = read_modrm(words)?; let bank = RegisterBank::D; instruction.regs[0] = RegSpec::from_parts((modrm >> 3) & 7,bank); instruction.regs[3].bank = bank; let mem_oper = read_E(words, instruction, modrm, bank, sink)?; instruction.operands[0] = OperandSpec::RegRRR; instruction.operands[1] = mem_oper; instruction.operands[2] = OperandSpec::RegVex; if mem_oper != OperandSpec::RegMMM { instruction.mem_size = bank as u8; } instruction.operand_count = 3; Ok(()) } VEXOperandCode::G_E_Ib => { let modrm = read_modrm(words)?; let bank = RegisterBank::D; instruction.regs[0] = RegSpec::from_parts((modrm >> 3) & 7,bank); let mem_oper = read_E(words, instruction, modrm, bank, sink)?; instruction.operands[0] = OperandSpec::RegRRR; instruction.operands[1] = mem_oper; instruction.imm = read_imm_unsigned(words, 1)?; instruction.operands[2] = OperandSpec::ImmI8; if mem_oper != OperandSpec::RegMMM { instruction.mem_size = bank as u8; } instruction.operand_count = 3; Ok(()) } VEXOperandCode::BMI1_F3 => { let modrm = read_modrm(words)?; instruction.opcode = match (modrm >> 3) & 7 { 1 => { Opcode::BLSR } 2 => { Opcode::BLSMSK } 3 => { Opcode::BLSI } _ => { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } }; let bank = RegisterBank::D; instruction.regs[0] = RegSpec::from_parts((modrm >> 3) & 7,bank); let mem_oper = read_E(words, instruction, modrm, bank, sink)?; instruction.operands[0] = OperandSpec::RegVex; instruction.operands[1] = mem_oper; instruction.operand_count = 2; if mem_oper != OperandSpec::RegMMM { instruction.mem_size = bank as u8; } instruction.regs[3].bank = bank; Ok(()) } VEXOperandCode::MXCSR => { let modrm = read_modrm(words)?; instruction.opcode = match (modrm >> 3) & 7 { 2 => { Opcode::VLDMXCSR } 3 => { Opcode::VSTMXCSR } _ => { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } }; let mem_oper = read_E(words, instruction, modrm, RegisterBank::D, sink)?; if let OperandSpec::RegMMM = mem_oper { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } if mem_oper != OperandSpec::RegMMM { instruction.mem_size = 4; } instruction.operands[0] = mem_oper; instruction.operand_count = 1; Ok(()) } VEXOperandCode::G_E_xyLmm_imm8 => { if instruction.regs[3].num != 0 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } #[allow(non_snake_case)] let L = instruction.prefixes.vex_unchecked().l(); let bank = if L { RegisterBank::Y } else { RegisterBank::X }; let modrm = read_modrm(words)?; instruction.regs[0] = RegSpec::from_parts((modrm >> 3) & 7, bank); let mem_oper = read_E(words, instruction, modrm, bank, sink)?; instruction.operands[0] = OperandSpec::RegRRR; instruction.operands[1] = mem_oper; instruction.imm = read_imm_unsigned(words, 1)?; instruction.operands[2] = OperandSpec::ImmU8; if mem_oper != OperandSpec::RegMMM { instruction.mem_size = 16; } instruction.operand_count = 3; Ok(()) } VEXOperandCode::G_E_xmm_imm8 => { if instruction.regs[3].num != 0 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } #[allow(non_snake_case)] let L = instruction.prefixes.vex_unchecked().l(); if L { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } let modrm = read_modrm(words)?; instruction.regs[0] = RegSpec::from_parts((modrm >> 3) & 7, RegisterBank::X); let mem_oper = read_E_xmm(words, instruction, modrm, sink)?; instruction.operands[0] = OperandSpec::RegRRR; instruction.operands[1] = mem_oper; instruction.imm = read_imm_unsigned(words, 1)?; instruction.operands[2] = OperandSpec::ImmU8; if mem_oper != OperandSpec::RegMMM { instruction.mem_size = 16; } instruction.operand_count = 3; Ok(()) } VEXOperandCode::G_E_ymm_imm8 => { if instruction.regs[3].num != 0 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOperand); } let modrm = read_modrm(words)?; instruction.regs[0] = RegSpec::from_parts((modrm >> 3) & 7, RegisterBank::Y); let mem_oper = read_E_ymm(words, instruction, modrm, sink)?; instruction.operands[0] = OperandSpec::RegRRR; instruction.operands[1] = mem_oper; instruction.imm = read_imm_unsigned(words, 1)?; instruction.operands[2] = OperandSpec::ImmU8; if mem_oper != OperandSpec::RegMMM { instruction.mem_size = 32; } instruction.operand_count = 3; Ok(()) } VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_ymm_ymm4 => { let modrm = read_modrm(words)?; instruction.regs[0] = RegSpec::from_parts((modrm >> 3) & 7,RegisterBank::Y); instruction.regs[3].bank = RegisterBank::Y; let mem_oper = read_E_ymm(words, instruction, modrm, sink)?; instruction.operands[0] = OperandSpec::RegRRR; instruction.operands[1] = OperandSpec::RegVex; instruction.operands[2] = mem_oper; instruction.imm = read_imm_unsigned(words, 1)? >> 4; instruction.operands[3] = OperandSpec::Reg4; if mem_oper != OperandSpec::RegMMM { instruction.mem_size = 32; } instruction.operand_count = 4; Ok(()) } VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xmm_xmm4 => { let modrm = read_modrm(words)?; instruction.regs[0] = RegSpec::from_parts((modrm >> 3) & 7,RegisterBank::X); instruction.regs[3].bank = RegisterBank::X; let mem_oper = read_E_xmm(words, instruction, modrm, sink)?; instruction.operands[0] = OperandSpec::RegRRR; instruction.operands[1] = OperandSpec::RegVex; instruction.operands[2] = mem_oper; instruction.imm = read_imm_unsigned(words, 1)? >> 4; instruction.operands[3] = OperandSpec::Reg4; if mem_oper != OperandSpec::RegMMM { instruction.mem_size = 16; } instruction.operand_count = 4; Ok(()) } VEXOperandCode::G_V_ymm_E_xmm => { let modrm = read_modrm(words)?; instruction.regs[0] = RegSpec::from_parts((modrm >> 3) & 7,RegisterBank::Y); instruction.regs[3].bank = RegisterBank::Y; let mem_oper = read_E_xmm(words, instruction, modrm, sink)?; instruction.operands[0] = OperandSpec::RegRRR; instruction.operands[1] = OperandSpec::RegVex; instruction.operands[2] = mem_oper; if mem_oper != OperandSpec::RegMMM { instruction.mem_size = 16; } instruction.operand_count = 3; Ok(()) } VEXOperandCode::G_V_xmm_Ev_imm8 => { let modrm = read_modrm(words)?; instruction.regs[0] = RegSpec::from_parts((modrm >> 3) & 7,RegisterBank::X); instruction.regs[3].bank = RegisterBank::X; // TODO: but the memory access is word-sized let mem_oper = read_E(words, instruction, modrm, RegisterBank::D, sink)?; instruction.operands[0] = OperandSpec::RegRRR; instruction.operands[1] = OperandSpec::RegVex; instruction.operands[2] = mem_oper; instruction.imm = read_imm_unsigned(words, 1)?; instruction.operands[3] = OperandSpec::ImmI8; if mem_oper != OperandSpec::RegMMM { match instruction.opcode { Opcode::VPINSRB => { instruction.mem_size = 1; } Opcode::VPINSRW => { instruction.mem_size = 2; } Opcode::VINSERTPS | Opcode::VPINSRD => { instruction.mem_size = 4; } _ => { instruction.mem_size = 8; } } } instruction.operand_count = 4; Ok(()) } } } #[inline(never)] fn read_vex_instruction< T: Reader<::Address, ::Word>, S: DescriptionSink, >(opcode_map: VEXOpcodeMap, words: &mut T, instruction: &mut Instruction, p: VEXOpcodePrefix, sink: &mut S) -> Result<(), DecodeError> { let opcode_start = words.offset() as u32 * 8; let opc =; // the name of this bit is `L` in the documentation, so use the same name here. #[allow(non_snake_case)] let L = instruction.prefixes.vex_unchecked().l(); // println!("reading vex instruction from opcode prefix {:?}, L: {}, opc: {:#x}, map:{:?}", p, L, opc, opcode_map); // println!("w? {}", instruction.prefixes.vex_unchecked().w()); // several combinations simply have no instructions. check for those first. let (opcode, operand_code) = match opcode_map { VEXOpcodeMap::Map0F => { match p { VEXOpcodePrefix::None => { match opc { 0x10 => (Opcode::VMOVUPS, VEXOperandCode::G_E_xyLmm), 0x11 => (Opcode::VMOVUPS, VEXOperandCode::E_G_xyLmm), 0x12 => (Opcode::Invalid, if L { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } else { VEXOperandCode::VMOVLPS_12 }), 0x13 => (Opcode::VMOVLPS, if L { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } else { VEXOperandCode::M_G_xmm }), 0x14 => (Opcode::VUNPCKLPS, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm), 0x15 => (Opcode::VUNPCKHPS, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm), 0x16 => (Opcode::Invalid, if L { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } else { VEXOperandCode::VMOVHPS_16 }), 0x17 => (Opcode::VMOVHPS, if L { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } else { VEXOperandCode::M_G_xmm }), 0x28 => (Opcode::VMOVAPS, VEXOperandCode::G_E_xyLmm), 0x29 => (Opcode::VMOVAPS, VEXOperandCode::E_G_xyLmm), 0x2B => (Opcode::VMOVNTPS, if L { VEXOperandCode::M_G_ymm } else { VEXOperandCode::M_G_xmm }), 0x2e => (Opcode::VUCOMISS, VEXOperandCode::G_E_xmm), 0x2f => (Opcode::VCOMISS, VEXOperandCode::G_E_xmm), 0x50 => (Opcode::VMOVMSKPS, VEXOperandCode::Ud_G_xyLmm), 0x51 => (Opcode::VSQRTPS, VEXOperandCode::G_E_xyLmm), 0x52 => (Opcode::VRSQRTPS, VEXOperandCode::G_E_xyLmm), 0x53 => (Opcode::VRCPPS, VEXOperandCode::G_E_xyLmm), 0x54 => (Opcode::VANDPS, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm), 0x55 => (Opcode::VANDNPS, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm), 0x56 => (Opcode::VORPS, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm), 0x57 => (Opcode::VXORPS, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm), 0x58 => (Opcode::VADDPS, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm), 0x59 => (Opcode::VMULPS, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm), 0x5A => (Opcode::VCVTPS2PD, if L { VEXOperandCode::G_ymm_E_xmm } else { VEXOperandCode::G_E_xmm }), 0x5B => (Opcode::VCVTDQ2PS, VEXOperandCode::G_E_xyLmm), 0x5C => (Opcode::VSUBPS, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm), 0x5D => (Opcode::VMINPS, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm), 0x5E => (Opcode::VDIVPS, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm), 0x5F => (Opcode::VMAXPS, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm), 0x77 => if L { (Opcode::VZEROALL, VEXOperandCode::Nothing) } else { (Opcode::VZEROUPPER, VEXOperandCode::Nothing) }, 0xAE => (Opcode::Invalid, if L { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } else { VEXOperandCode::MXCSR }), 0xC2 => (Opcode::VCMPPS, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm_imm8), 0xC6 => (Opcode::VSHUFPS, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm_imm8), _ => { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } } }, VEXOpcodePrefix::Prefix66 => { match opc { // 0x0a => (Opcode::VROUNDSS, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xmm_imm8), // 0x0b => (Opcode::VROUNDSD, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xmm_imm8), 0x10 => (Opcode::VMOVUPD, VEXOperandCode::G_E_xyLmm), 0x11 => (Opcode::VMOVUPD, VEXOperandCode::G_E_xyLmm), 0x12 => (Opcode::VMOVLPD, if L { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } else { VEXOperandCode::G_V_M_xmm }), 0x13 => (Opcode::VMOVLPD, if L { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } else { VEXOperandCode::M_G_xmm }), 0x14 => (Opcode::VUNPCKLPD, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm), 0x15 => (Opcode::VUNPCKHPD, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm), 0x16 => (Opcode::VMOVHPD, if L { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } else { VEXOperandCode::G_V_M_xmm }), 0x17 => (Opcode::VMOVHPD, if L { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } else { VEXOperandCode::M_G_xmm }), 0x28 => (Opcode::VMOVAPD, VEXOperandCode::G_E_xyLmm), 0x29 => (Opcode::VMOVAPD, VEXOperandCode::E_G_xyLmm), 0x2B => (Opcode::VMOVNTPD, VEXOperandCode::M_G_xyLmm), 0x2e => (Opcode::VUCOMISD, VEXOperandCode::G_E_xmm), 0x2f => (Opcode::VCOMISD, VEXOperandCode::G_E_xmm), 0x50 => (Opcode::VMOVMSKPD, if L { VEXOperandCode::Gd_U_ymm } else { VEXOperandCode::Gd_U_xmm }), 0x51 => (Opcode::VSQRTPD, VEXOperandCode::G_E_xyLmm), 0x54 => (Opcode::VANDPD, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm), 0x55 => (Opcode::VANDNPD, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm), 0x56 => (Opcode::VORPD, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm), 0x57 => (Opcode::VXORPD, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm), 0x58 => (Opcode::VADDPD, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm), 0x59 => (Opcode::VMULPD, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm), 0x5A => (Opcode::VCVTPD2PS, if L { VEXOperandCode::G_xmm_E_ymm } else { VEXOperandCode::G_xmm_E_xmm }), 0x5B => (Opcode::VCVTPS2DQ, VEXOperandCode::G_E_xyLmm), 0x5C => (Opcode::VSUBPD, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm), 0x5D => (Opcode::VMINPD, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm), 0x5E => (Opcode::VDIVPD, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm), 0x5F => (Opcode::VMAXPD, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm), 0x60 => (Opcode::VPUNPCKLBW, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm), 0x61 => (Opcode::VPUNPCKLWD, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm), 0x62 => (Opcode::VPUNPCKLDQ, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm), 0x63 => (Opcode::VPACKSSWB, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm), 0x64 => (Opcode::VPCMPGTB, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm), 0x65 => (Opcode::VPCMPGTW, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm), 0x66 => (Opcode::VPCMPGTD, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm), 0x67 => (Opcode::VPACKUSWB, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm), 0x68 => (Opcode::VPUNPCKHBW, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm), 0x69 => (Opcode::VPUNPCKHWD, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm), 0x6A => (Opcode::VPUNPCKHDQ, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm), 0x6B => (Opcode::VPACKSSDW, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm), 0x6C => (Opcode::VPUNPCKLQDQ, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm), 0x6D => (Opcode::VPUNPCKHQDQ, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm), 0x6E => { (Opcode::VMOVD, if L { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } else { VEXOperandCode::G_xmm_Ed }) }, 0x6F => (Opcode::VMOVDQA, VEXOperandCode::G_E_xyLmm), 0x70 => (Opcode::VPSHUFD, VEXOperandCode::G_E_xyLmm_imm8), 0x71 => (Opcode::Invalid, VEXOperandCode::VPS_71), 0x72 => (Opcode::Invalid, VEXOperandCode::VPS_72), 0x73 => (Opcode::Invalid, VEXOperandCode::VPS_73), 0x74 => (Opcode::VPCMPEQB, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm), 0x75 => (Opcode::VPCMPEQW, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm), 0x76 => (Opcode::VPCMPEQD, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm), 0x7C => (Opcode::VHADDPD, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm), 0x7D => (Opcode::VHSUBPD, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm), 0x7E => { (Opcode::VMOVD, if L { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } else { VEXOperandCode::Ed_G_xmm }) } 0x7F => (Opcode::VMOVDQA, VEXOperandCode::E_G_xyLmm), 0xC2 => (Opcode::VCMPPD, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm_imm8), 0xC4 => (Opcode::VPINSRW, if L { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } else { VEXOperandCode::G_V_xmm_Ev_imm8 }), 0xC5 => (Opcode::VPEXTRW, if L { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } else { VEXOperandCode::Ud_G_xmm_imm8 }), 0xC6 => (Opcode::VSHUFPD, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm_imm8), 0xD0 => (Opcode::VADDSUBPD, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm), 0xD1 => (Opcode::VPSRLW, if L { VEXOperandCode::G_V_ymm_E_xmm } else { VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xmm }), 0xD2 => (Opcode::VPSRLD, if L { VEXOperandCode::G_V_ymm_E_xmm } else { VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xmm }), 0xD3 => (Opcode::VPSRLQ, if L { VEXOperandCode::G_V_ymm_E_xmm } else { VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xmm }), 0xD4 => (Opcode::VPADDQ, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm), 0xD5 => (Opcode::VPMULLW, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm), 0xD6 => (Opcode::VMOVD, if L { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } else { VEXOperandCode::G_E_xmm }), 0xD7 => (Opcode::VPMOVMSKB, VEXOperandCode::Ud_G_xyLmm), 0xD8 => (Opcode::VPSUBUSB, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm), 0xD9 => (Opcode::VPSUBUSW, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm), 0xDA => (Opcode::VPMINUB, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm), 0xDB => (Opcode::VPAND, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm), 0xDC => (Opcode::VPADDUSB, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm), 0xDD => (Opcode::VPADDUSW, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm), 0xDE => (Opcode::VPMAXUB, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm), 0xDF => (Opcode::VPANDN, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm), 0xE0 => (Opcode::VPAVGB, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm), 0xE1 => (Opcode::VPSRAW, if L { VEXOperandCode::G_V_ymm_E_xmm } else { VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xmm }), 0xE2 => (Opcode::VPSRAD, if L { VEXOperandCode::G_V_ymm_E_xmm } else { VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xmm }), 0xE3 => (Opcode::VPAVGW, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm), 0xE4 => (Opcode::VPMULHUW, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm), 0xE5 => (Opcode::VPMULHW, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm), 0xE6 => (Opcode::VCVTTPD2DQ, if L { VEXOperandCode::G_xmm_E_ymm } else { VEXOperandCode::G_E_xmm }), 0xE7 => (Opcode::VMOVNTDQ, VEXOperandCode::M_G_xyLmm), 0xE8 => (Opcode::VPSUBSB, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm), 0xE9 => (Opcode::VPSUBSW, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm), 0xEA => (Opcode::VPMINSW, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm), 0xEB => (Opcode::VPOR, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm), 0xEC => (Opcode::VPADDSB, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm), 0xED => (Opcode::VPADDSW, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm), 0xEE => (Opcode::VPMAXSW, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm), 0xEF => (Opcode::VPXOR, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm), 0xF1 => (Opcode::VPSLLW, if L { VEXOperandCode::G_V_ymm_E_xmm } else { VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xmm }), 0xF2 => (Opcode::VPSLLD, if L { VEXOperandCode::G_V_ymm_E_xmm } else { VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xmm }), 0xF3 => (Opcode::VPSLLQ, if L { VEXOperandCode::G_V_ymm_E_xmm } else { VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xmm }), 0xF4 => (Opcode::VPMULUDQ, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm), 0xF5 => (Opcode::VPMADDWD, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm), 0xF6 => (Opcode::VPSADBW, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm), 0xF7 => (Opcode::VMASKMOVDQU, if L { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } else { VEXOperandCode::G_U_xmm }), 0xF8 => (Opcode::VPSUBB, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm), 0xF9 => (Opcode::VPSUBW, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm), 0xFA => (Opcode::VPSUBD, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm), 0xFB => (Opcode::VPSUBQ, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm), 0xFC => (Opcode::VPADDB, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm), 0xFD => (Opcode::VPADDW, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm), 0xFE => (Opcode::VPADDD, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm), _ => { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } } } VEXOpcodePrefix::PrefixF2 => { match opc { 0x10 => (Opcode::VMOVSD, VEXOperandCode::VMOVSD_10), 0x11 => (Opcode::VMOVSD, VEXOperandCode::VMOVSD_11), 0x12 => (Opcode::VMOVDDUP, VEXOperandCode::G_E_xyLmm), 0x2a => (Opcode::VCVTSI2SD, { VEXOperandCode::G_V_xmm_Ed // 32-bit last operand }), 0x2c => (Opcode::VCVTTSD2SI, { VEXOperandCode::VCVT_Gd_Eq_xmm }), 0x2d => (Opcode::VCVTSD2SI, { VEXOperandCode::VCVT_Gd_Eq_xmm }), 0x51 => (Opcode::VSQRTSD, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xmm), 0x58 => (Opcode::VADDSD, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xmm), 0x59 => (Opcode::VMULSD, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xmm), 0x5a => (Opcode::VCVTSD2SS, VEXOperandCode::G_V_Eq_xmm), 0x5c => (Opcode::VSUBSD, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xmm), 0x5d => (Opcode::VMINSD, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xmm), 0x5e => (Opcode::VDIVSD, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xmm), 0x5f => (Opcode::VMAXSD, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xmm), 0x70 => (Opcode::VPSHUFLW, VEXOperandCode::G_E_xyLmm_imm8), 0x7c => (Opcode::VHADDPS, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm), 0x7d => (Opcode::VHSUBPS, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm), 0xc2 => (Opcode::VCMPSD, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xmm_imm8), 0xd0 => (Opcode::VADDSUBPS, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm), 0xe6 => (Opcode::VCVTPD2DQ, if L { VEXOperandCode::G_xmm_E_ymm } else { VEXOperandCode::G_xmm_E_xmm }), 0xf0 => (Opcode::VLDDQU, if L { VEXOperandCode::G_M_ymm } else { VEXOperandCode::G_M_xmm }), _ => { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } } } VEXOpcodePrefix::PrefixF3 => { match opc { 0x10 => (Opcode::VMOVSS, VEXOperandCode::VMOVSS_10), 0x11 => (Opcode::VMOVSS, VEXOperandCode::VMOVSS_11), 0x12 => (Opcode::VMOVSLDUP, if L { VEXOperandCode::G_E_ymm } else { VEXOperandCode::G_E_xmm }), 0x16 => (Opcode::VMOVSHDUP, if L { VEXOperandCode::G_E_ymm } else { VEXOperandCode::G_E_xmm }), 0x2a => (Opcode::VCVTSI2SS, { VEXOperandCode::G_V_xmm_Ed }), 0x2c => (Opcode::VCVTTSS2SI, { VEXOperandCode::VCVT_Gd_Ed_xmm }), 0x2d => (Opcode::VCVTSS2SI, { VEXOperandCode::VCVT_Gd_Ed_xmm }), 0x51 => (Opcode::VSQRTSS, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xmm), 0x52 => (Opcode::VRSQRTSS, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xmm), 0x53 => (Opcode::VRCPSS, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xmm), 0x58 => (Opcode::VADDSS, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xmm), 0x59 => (Opcode::VMULSS, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xmm), 0x5a => (Opcode::VCVTSS2SD, VEXOperandCode::G_V_Ed_xmm), 0x5b => (Opcode::VCVTTPS2DQ, if L { VEXOperandCode::G_ymm_E_ymm } else { VEXOperandCode::G_xmm_E_xmm }), 0x5c => (Opcode::VSUBSS, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xmm), 0x5d => (Opcode::VMINSS, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xmm), 0x5e => (Opcode::VDIVSS, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xmm), 0x5f => (Opcode::VMAXSS, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xmm), 0x6f => (Opcode::VMOVDQU, if L { VEXOperandCode::G_E_ymm } else { VEXOperandCode::G_E_xmm }), 0x70 => (Opcode::VPSHUFHW, VEXOperandCode::G_E_xyLmm_imm8), 0x7e => (Opcode::VMOVD, if L { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } else { VEXOperandCode::G_E_xmm }), 0x7f => (Opcode::VMOVDQU, VEXOperandCode::E_G_xyLmm), 0xc2 => (Opcode::VCMPSS, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xmm_imm8), 0xe6 => (Opcode::VCVTDQ2PD, if L { VEXOperandCode::G_ymm_E_xmm } else { VEXOperandCode::G_xmm_E_xmm }), _ => { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } } } } } VEXOpcodeMap::Map0F38 => { // TODO: verify rejecting invalid W bit if let VEXOpcodePrefix::Prefix66 = p { // possibly valid! match opc { 0x00 => (Opcode::VPSHUFB, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm), 0x01 => (Opcode::VPHADDW, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm), 0x02 => (Opcode::VPHADDD, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm), 0x03 => (Opcode::VPHADDSW, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm), 0x04 => (Opcode::VPMADDUBSW, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm), 0x05 => (Opcode::VPHSUBW, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm), 0x06 => (Opcode::VPHSUBD, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm), 0x07 => (Opcode::VPHSUBSW, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm), 0x08 => (Opcode::VPSIGNB, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm), 0x09 => (Opcode::VPSIGNW, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm), 0x0A => (Opcode::VPSIGND, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm), 0x0B => (Opcode::VPMULHRSW, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm), 0x0C => (Opcode::VPERMILPS, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm), 0x0D => (Opcode::VPERMILPD, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm), 0x0E => (Opcode::VTESTPS, VEXOperandCode::G_E_xyLmm), 0x0F => (Opcode::VTESTPD, VEXOperandCode::G_E_xyLmm), 0x13 => (Opcode::VCVTPH2PS, VEXOperandCode::G_E_xyLmm), 0x16 => (Opcode::VPERMPS, if L { if instruction.prefixes.vex_unchecked().w() { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_ymm } else { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); }), 0x17 => (Opcode::VPTEST, VEXOperandCode::G_E_xyLmm), 0x18 => if instruction.prefixes.vex_unchecked().w() { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } else { (Opcode::VBROADCASTSS, if L { VEXOperandCode::G_ymm_E_xmm } else { VEXOperandCode::G_E_xmm }) }, 0x19 => if instruction.prefixes.vex_unchecked().w() { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } else { (Opcode::VBROADCASTSD, if L { VEXOperandCode::G_ymm_E_xmm } else { VEXOperandCode::G_E_xmm }) } 0x1A => (Opcode::VBROADCASTF128, if L { VEXOperandCode::G_ymm_M_xmm } else { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); }), 0x1C => (Opcode::VPABSB, VEXOperandCode::G_E_xyLmm), 0x1D => (Opcode::VPABSW, VEXOperandCode::G_E_xyLmm), 0x1E => (Opcode::VPABSD, VEXOperandCode::G_E_xyLmm), 0x20 => (Opcode::VPMOVSXBW, if L { VEXOperandCode::G_ymm_E_xmm } else { VEXOperandCode::G_E_xmm }), 0x21 => (Opcode::VPMOVSXBD, if L { VEXOperandCode::G_ymm_E_xmm } else { VEXOperandCode::G_E_xmm }), 0x22 => (Opcode::VPMOVSXBQ, if L { VEXOperandCode::G_ymm_E_xmm } else { VEXOperandCode::G_E_xmm }), 0x23 => (Opcode::VPMOVSXWD, if L { VEXOperandCode::G_ymm_E_xmm } else { VEXOperandCode::G_E_xmm }), 0x24 => (Opcode::VPMOVSXWQ, if L { VEXOperandCode::G_ymm_E_xmm } else { VEXOperandCode::G_E_xmm }), 0x25 => (Opcode::VPMOVSXDQ, if L { VEXOperandCode::G_ymm_E_xmm } else { VEXOperandCode::G_E_xmm }), 0x28 => (Opcode::VPMULDQ, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm), 0x29 => (Opcode::VPCMPEQQ, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm), 0x2A => (Opcode::VMOVNTDQA, if L { VEXOperandCode::G_M_ymm } else { VEXOperandCode::G_M_xmm }), 0x2B => (Opcode::VPACKUSDW, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm), 0x2C => (Opcode::VMASKMOVPS, if L { VEXOperandCode::G_V_M_ymm } else { VEXOperandCode::G_V_M_xmm }), 0x2D => (Opcode::VMASKMOVPD, if L { VEXOperandCode::G_V_M_ymm } else { VEXOperandCode::G_V_M_xmm }), 0x2E => (Opcode::VMASKMOVPS, if L { VEXOperandCode::M_V_G_ymm } else { VEXOperandCode::M_V_G_xmm }), 0x2F => (Opcode::VMASKMOVPD, if L { VEXOperandCode::M_V_G_ymm } else { VEXOperandCode::M_V_G_xmm }), 0x30 => (Opcode::VPMOVZXBW, if L { VEXOperandCode::G_ymm_E_xmm } else { VEXOperandCode::G_E_xmm }), 0x31 => (Opcode::VPMOVZXBD, if L { VEXOperandCode::G_ymm_E_xmm } else { VEXOperandCode::G_E_xmm }), 0x32 => (Opcode::VPMOVZXBQ, if L { VEXOperandCode::G_ymm_E_xmm } else { VEXOperandCode::G_E_xmm }), 0x33 => (Opcode::VPMOVZXWD, if L { VEXOperandCode::G_ymm_E_xmm } else { VEXOperandCode::G_E_xmm }), 0x34 => (Opcode::VPMOVZXWQ, if L { VEXOperandCode::G_ymm_E_xmm } else { VEXOperandCode::G_E_xmm }), 0x35 => (Opcode::VPMOVZXDQ, if L { VEXOperandCode::G_ymm_E_xmm } else { VEXOperandCode::G_E_xmm }), 0x36 => (Opcode::VPERMD, if L { VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_ymm } else { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); }), 0x37 => (Opcode::VPCMPGTQ, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm), 0x38 => (Opcode::VPMINSB, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm), 0x39 => (Opcode::VPMINSD, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm), 0x3A => (Opcode::VPMINUW, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm), 0x3B => (Opcode::VPMINUD, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm), 0x3C => (Opcode::VPMAXSB, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm), 0x3D => (Opcode::VPMAXSD, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm), 0x3E => (Opcode::VPMAXUW, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm), 0x3F => (Opcode::VPMAXUD, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm), 0x40 => (Opcode::VPMULLD, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm), 0x41 => (Opcode::VPHMINPOSUW, if L { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } else { VEXOperandCode::G_E_xmm }), 0x45 => if instruction.prefixes.vex_unchecked().w() { (Opcode::VPSRLVQ, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm) } else { (Opcode::VPSRLVD, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm) }, 0x46 => (Opcode::VPSRAVD, if L { if instruction.prefixes.vex_unchecked().w() { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_ymm } else { if instruction.prefixes.vex_unchecked().w() { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xmm }), 0x47 => if instruction.prefixes.vex_unchecked().w() { (Opcode::VPSLLVQ, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm) } else { (Opcode::VPSLLVD, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm) }, 0x58 => (Opcode::VPBROADCASTD, VEXOperandCode::G_E_xyLmm), 0x59 => (Opcode::VPBROADCASTQ, VEXOperandCode::G_E_xyLmm), 0x5A => (Opcode::VBROADCASTI128, if L { if instruction.prefixes.vex_unchecked().w() { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } VEXOperandCode::G_ymm_M_xmm } else { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); }), 0x78 => (Opcode::VPBROADCASTB, if L { VEXOperandCode::G_E_ymm } else { VEXOperandCode::G_E_ymm }), 0x79 => (Opcode::VPBROADCASTW, if L { VEXOperandCode::G_E_ymm } else { VEXOperandCode::G_E_ymm }), 0x8C => { if instruction.prefixes.vex_unchecked().w() { (Opcode::VPMASKMOVQ, if L { VEXOperandCode::G_V_M_ymm } else { VEXOperandCode::G_V_M_xmm }) } else { (Opcode::VPMASKMOVD, if L { VEXOperandCode::G_V_M_ymm } else { VEXOperandCode::G_V_M_xmm }) } }, 0x8E => { if instruction.prefixes.vex_unchecked().w() { (Opcode::VPMASKMOVQ, if L { VEXOperandCode::M_V_G_ymm } else { VEXOperandCode::M_V_G_xmm }) } else { (Opcode::VPMASKMOVD, if L { VEXOperandCode::M_V_G_ymm } else { VEXOperandCode::M_V_G_xmm }) } }, 0x90 => { if instruction.prefixes.vex_unchecked().w() { (Opcode::VPGATHERDQ, VEXOperandCode::G_ExyL_V_xyLmm) } else { (Opcode::VPGATHERDD, VEXOperandCode::G_ExyL_V_xyLmm) } }, 0x91 => { if instruction.prefixes.vex_unchecked().w() { (Opcode::VPGATHERQQ, VEXOperandCode::G_ExyL_V_xyLmm) } else { (Opcode::VPGATHERQD, VEXOperandCode::G_ExyL_V_xyLmm) } }, 0x92 => { if instruction.prefixes.vex_unchecked().w() { (Opcode::VGATHERDPD, VEXOperandCode::G_ExyL_V_xyLmm) } else { (Opcode::VGATHERDPS, VEXOperandCode::G_ExyL_V_xyLmm) } }, 0x93 => { if instruction.prefixes.vex_unchecked().w() { (Opcode::VGATHERQPD, VEXOperandCode::G_ExyL_V_xyLmm) } else { (Opcode::VGATHERQPS, VEXOperandCode::G_ExyL_V_xyLmm) } }, 0x96 => { if instruction.prefixes.vex_unchecked().w() { (Opcode::VFMADDSUB132PD, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm) } else { (Opcode::VFMADDSUB132PS, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm) } }, 0x97 => { if instruction.prefixes.vex_unchecked().w() { (Opcode::VFMSUBADD132PD, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm) } else { (Opcode::VFMSUBADD132PS, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm) } }, 0x98 => { if instruction.prefixes.vex_unchecked().w() { (Opcode::VFMADD132PD, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm) } else { (Opcode::VFMADD132PS, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm) } }, 0x99 => if instruction.prefixes.vex_unchecked().w() { (Opcode::VFMADD132SD, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xmm /* 64bit */) } else { (Opcode::VFMADD132SS, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xmm /* 64bit */) }, 0x9A => { if instruction.prefixes.vex_unchecked().w() { (Opcode::VFMSUB132PD, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm) } else { (Opcode::VFMSUB132PS, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm) } }, 0x9B => if instruction.prefixes.vex_unchecked().w() { (Opcode::VFMSUB132SD, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xmm /* 64bit */) } else { (Opcode::VFMSUB132SS, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xmm /* 64bit */) }, 0x9C => { if instruction.prefixes.vex_unchecked().w() { (Opcode::VFNMADD132PD, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm) } else { (Opcode::VFNMADD132PS, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm) } }, 0x9D => if instruction.prefixes.vex_unchecked().w() { (Opcode::VFNMADD132SD, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xmm /* 64bit */) } else { (Opcode::VFNMADD132SS, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xmm /* 64bit */) }, 0x9E => { if instruction.prefixes.vex_unchecked().w() { (Opcode::VFNMSUB132PD, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm) } else { (Opcode::VFNMSUB132PS, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm) } }, 0x9F => if instruction.prefixes.vex_unchecked().w() { (Opcode::VFNMSUB132SD, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xmm /* 64bit */) } else { (Opcode::VFNMSUB132SS, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xmm /* 64bit */) }, 0xA6 => { if instruction.prefixes.vex_unchecked().w() { (Opcode::VFMADDSUB213PD, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm) } else { (Opcode::VFMADDSUB213PS, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm) } }, 0xA7 => { if instruction.prefixes.vex_unchecked().w() { (Opcode::VFMSUBADD213PD, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm) } else { (Opcode::VFMSUBADD213PS, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm) } }, 0xA8 => { if instruction.prefixes.vex_unchecked().w() { (Opcode::VFMADD213PD, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm) } else { (Opcode::VFMADD213PS, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm) } }, 0xA9 => if instruction.prefixes.vex_unchecked().w() { (Opcode::VFMADD231SD, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xmm /* 64bit */) } else { (Opcode::VFMADD231SS, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xmm /* 64bit */) }, 0xAA => { if instruction.prefixes.vex_unchecked().w() { (Opcode::VFMSUB213PD, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm) } else { (Opcode::VFMSUB213PS, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm) } }, 0xAB => if instruction.prefixes.vex_unchecked().w() { (Opcode::VFMSUB231SD, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xmm /* 64bit */) } else { (Opcode::VFMSUB231SS, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xmm /* 64bit */) }, 0xAC => { if instruction.prefixes.vex_unchecked().w() { (Opcode::VFNMADD213PD, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm) } else { (Opcode::VFNMADD213PS, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm) } }, 0xAD => if instruction.prefixes.vex_unchecked().w() { (Opcode::VFNMADD213SD, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xmm /* 64bit */) } else { (Opcode::VFNMADD213SS, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xmm /* 64bit */) }, 0xAE => { if instruction.prefixes.vex_unchecked().w() { (Opcode::VFNMSUB213PD, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm) } else { (Opcode::VFNMSUB213PS, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm) } }, 0xAF => if instruction.prefixes.vex_unchecked().w() { (Opcode::VFNMSUB213SD, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xmm /* 64bit */) } else { (Opcode::VFNMSUB213SS, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xmm /* 64bit */) }, 0xB6 => { if instruction.prefixes.vex_unchecked().w() { (Opcode::VFMADDSUB231PD, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm) } else { (Opcode::VFMADDSUB231PS, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm) } }, 0xB7 => { if instruction.prefixes.vex_unchecked().w() { (Opcode::VFMSUBADD231PD, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm) } else { (Opcode::VFMSUBADD231PS, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm) } }, 0xB8 => { if instruction.prefixes.vex_unchecked().w() { (Opcode::VFMADD231PD, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm) } else { (Opcode::VFMADD231PS, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm) } }, 0xB9 => if instruction.prefixes.vex_unchecked().w() { (Opcode::VFMADD231SD, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xmm /* 64bit */) } else { (Opcode::VFMADD231SS, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xmm /* 64bit */) }, 0xBA => { if instruction.prefixes.vex_unchecked().w() { (Opcode::VFMSUB231PD, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm) } else { (Opcode::VFMSUB231PS, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm) } }, 0xBB => if instruction.prefixes.vex_unchecked().w() { (Opcode::VFMSUB231SD, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xmm /* 64bit */) } else { (Opcode::VFMSUB231SS, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xmm /* 64bit */) }, 0xBC => { if instruction.prefixes.vex_unchecked().w() { (Opcode::VFNMADD231PD, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm) } else { (Opcode::VFNMADD231PS, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm) } }, 0xBD => if instruction.prefixes.vex_unchecked().w() { (Opcode::VFNMADD231SD, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xmm /* 64bit */) } else { (Opcode::VFNMADD231SS, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xmm /* 64bit */) }, 0xBE => { if instruction.prefixes.vex_unchecked().w() { (Opcode::VFNMSUB231PD, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm) } else { (Opcode::VFNMSUB231PS, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm) } }, 0xBF => if instruction.prefixes.vex_unchecked().w() { (Opcode::VFNMSUB231SD, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xmm /* 64bit */) } else { (Opcode::VFNMSUB231SS, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xmm /* 64bit */) }, 0xDB => (Opcode::VAESIMC, if L { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } else { VEXOperandCode::G_E_xmm }), 0xDC => (Opcode::VAESENC, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm), 0xDD => (Opcode::VAESENCLAST, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm), 0xDE => (Opcode::VAESDEC, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm), 0xDF => (Opcode::VAESDECLAST, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm), 0xF7 => (Opcode::SHLX, if L { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } else { VEXOperandCode::G_E_V }), _ => { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } } } else if let VEXOpcodePrefix::PrefixF2 = p { match opc { 0xF5 => (Opcode::PDEP, if L { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } else { VEXOperandCode::G_V_E }), 0xF6 => (Opcode::MULX, if L { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } else { VEXOperandCode::G_V_E }), 0xF7 => (Opcode::SHRX, if L { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } else { VEXOperandCode::G_E_V }), _ => { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } } } else if let VEXOpcodePrefix::PrefixF3 = p { match opc { 0xF5 => (Opcode::PEXT, if L { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } else { VEXOperandCode::G_V_E }), 0xF7 => (Opcode::SARX, if L { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } else { VEXOperandCode::G_E_V }), _ => { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } } } else { match opc { 0xF2 => (Opcode::ANDN, if L { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } else { VEXOperandCode::G_V_E }), 0xF3 => (Opcode::Invalid, if L { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } else { VEXOperandCode::BMI1_F3 }), 0xF5 => (Opcode::BZHI, if L { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } else { VEXOperandCode::G_E_V }), 0xF7 => (Opcode::BEXTR, if L { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } else { VEXOperandCode::G_E_V }), _ => { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } } } } VEXOpcodeMap::Map0F3A => { if let VEXOpcodePrefix::Prefix66 = p { // possibly valid! match opc { 0x00 => (Opcode::VPERMQ, if L { if !instruction.prefixes.vex_unchecked().w() { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } VEXOperandCode::G_E_ymm_imm8 } else { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); }), 0x01 => (Opcode::VPERMPD, if L { if !instruction.prefixes.vex_unchecked().w() { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } VEXOperandCode::G_E_ymm_imm8 } else { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); }), 0x02 => (Opcode::VPBLENDD, if instruction.prefixes.vex_unchecked().w() { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } else { VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm_imm8 }), 0x04 => (Opcode::VPERMILPS, VEXOperandCode::G_E_xyLmm_imm8), 0x05 => (Opcode::VPERMILPD, VEXOperandCode::G_E_xyLmm_imm8), 0x06 => (Opcode::VPERM2F128, if L { if instruction.prefixes.vex_unchecked().w() { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_ymm_imm8 } else { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); }), 0x08 => (Opcode::VROUNDPS, VEXOperandCode::G_E_xyLmm_imm8), 0x09 => (Opcode::VROUNDPD, VEXOperandCode::G_E_xyLmm_imm8), 0x0A => (Opcode::VROUNDSS, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xmm_imm8), 0x0B => (Opcode::VROUNDSD, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xmm_imm8), 0x0C => (Opcode::VBLENDPS, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm_imm8), 0x0D => (Opcode::VBLENDPD, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm_imm8), 0x0E => (Opcode::VPBLENDW, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm_imm8), 0x0F => (Opcode::VPALIGNR, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm_imm8), 0x14 => (Opcode::VPEXTRB, if L || instruction.prefixes.vex_unchecked().w() { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } else { VEXOperandCode::Ev_G_xmm_imm8 }), 0x15 => (Opcode::VPEXTRW, if L || instruction.prefixes.vex_unchecked().w() { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } else { VEXOperandCode::Ev_G_xmm_imm8 }), 0x16 => { (Opcode::VPEXTRD, if L { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } else { // varies on W VEXOperandCode::Ev_G_xmm_imm8 }) }, 0x17 => (Opcode::VEXTRACTPS, if L { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } else { VEXOperandCode::Ev_G_xmm_imm8 }), 0x18 => if instruction.prefixes.vex_unchecked().w() { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } else { (Opcode::VINSERTF128, if L { VEXOperandCode::G_ymm_V_ymm_E_xmm_imm8 } else { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); }) }, 0x19 => if instruction.prefixes.vex_unchecked().w() { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } else { (Opcode::VEXTRACTF128, if L { VEXOperandCode::E_xmm_G_ymm_imm8 } else { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); }) }, 0x1D => (Opcode::VCVTPS2PH, if L { VEXOperandCode::E_xmm_G_ymm_imm8 } else { VEXOperandCode::E_G_xmm_imm8 }), 0x20 => (Opcode::VPINSRB, if L { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } else { VEXOperandCode::G_V_xmm_Ev_imm8 }), 0x21 => (Opcode::VINSERTPS, if L { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } else { VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xmm_imm8 }), 0x22 => { (Opcode::VPINSRD, if L { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } else { VEXOperandCode::G_V_xmm_Ev_imm8 }) }, 0x38 => (Opcode::VINSERTI128, if L { VEXOperandCode::G_ymm_V_ymm_E_xmm_imm8 } else { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); }), 0x39 => (Opcode::VEXTRACTI128, if L { VEXOperandCode::E_xmm_G_ymm_imm8 } else { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); }), 0x40 => (Opcode::VDPPS, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm_imm8), 0x41 => (Opcode::VDPPD, if L { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } else { VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xmm_imm8 }), 0x42 => (Opcode::VMPSADBW, VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xyLmm_imm8), 0x44 => (Opcode::VPCLMULQDQ, if L { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } else { VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xmm_imm8 }), 0x46 => (Opcode::VPERM2I128, if L { if instruction.prefixes.vex_unchecked().w() { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_ymm_imm8 } else { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); }), 0x4A => (Opcode::VBLENDVPS, if L { VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_ymm_ymm4 } else { VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xmm_xmm4 }), 0x4B => (Opcode::VBLENDVPD, if L { VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_ymm_ymm4 } else { VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xmm_xmm4 }), 0x4C => if instruction.prefixes.vex_unchecked().w() { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } else { (Opcode::VPBLENDVB, if L { VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_ymm_ymm4 } else { VEXOperandCode::G_V_E_xmm_xmm4 }) }, 0x60 => (Opcode::VPCMPESTRM, VEXOperandCode::G_E_xmm_imm8), 0x61 => (Opcode::VPCMPESTRI, VEXOperandCode::G_E_xmm_imm8), 0x62 => (Opcode::VPCMPISTRM, VEXOperandCode::G_E_xmm_imm8), 0x63 => (Opcode::VPCMPISTRI, VEXOperandCode::G_E_xmm_imm8), 0xDF => (Opcode::VAESKEYGENASSIST, VEXOperandCode::G_E_xmm_imm8), _ => { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } } } else if let VEXOpcodePrefix::PrefixF2 = p { match opc { 0xF0 => (Opcode::RORX, if L { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } else { VEXOperandCode::G_E_Ib }), _ => { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } } } else { // the only VEX* 0f3a instructions have an implied 66 prefix. return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode); } } }; instruction.opcode = opcode; sink.record( opcode_start, opcode_start + 7, InnerDescription::Opcode(instruction.opcode) .with_id(opcode_start) ); sink.record( opcode_start + 7, opcode_start + 7, InnerDescription::Boundary("vex opcode ends/operands begin") .with_id(opcode_start + 7) ); read_vex_operands(words, instruction, operand_code, sink) }