path: root/ci-lib-core/src/
diff options
authoriximeow <>2023-07-13 00:51:51 -0700
committeriximeow <>2023-07-13 00:51:51 -0700
commit9e6906c00c49186189d211dc96e132d85e7ff641 (patch)
tree05c20145ebc306313e3a12dc73c34b5dea40bbdc /ci-lib-core/src/
parent543150f1666690351d4698421cc6ceb115c1e251 (diff)
reorganize the whole thing into crates/ packages
Diffstat (limited to 'ci-lib-core/src/')
1 files changed, 647 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ci-lib-core/src/ b/ci-lib-core/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7493030
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ci-lib-core/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,647 @@
+use std::sync::Mutex;
+// use futures_util::StreamExt;
+use rusqlite::{Connection, OptionalExtension};
+use std::time::{SystemTime, UNIX_EPOCH};
+// use tokio::io::{AsyncReadExt, AsyncWriteExt};
+use std::path::Path;
+use std::path::PathBuf;
+use std::ops::Deref;
+use crate::sql;
+use crate::sql::ArtifactRecord;
+use crate::sql::Run;
+use crate::sql::TokenValidity;
+use crate::sql::MetricRecord;
+use crate::sql::PendingRun;
+use crate::sql::Job;
+use crate::sql::Remote;
+use crate::sql::Repo;
+const TOKEN_EXPIRY_MS: u64 = 1000 * 60 * 30;
+pub struct DbCtx {
+ pub config_path: PathBuf,
+ // don't love this but.. for now...
+ pub conn: Mutex<Connection>,
+impl DbCtx {
+ pub fn new<P: AsRef<Path>>(config_path: P, db_path: P) -> Self {
+ DbCtx {
+ config_path: config_path.as_ref().to_owned(),
+ conn: Mutex::new(Connection::open(db_path).unwrap())
+ }
+ }
+ fn conn<'a>(&'a self) -> impl Deref<Target = Connection> + 'a {
+ self.conn.lock().unwrap()
+ }
+ pub fn create_tables(&self) -> Result<(), ()> {
+ let conn = self.conn.lock().unwrap();
+ conn.execute(sql::CREATE_ARTIFACTS_TABLE, ()).unwrap();
+ conn.execute(sql::CREATE_JOBS_TABLE, ()).unwrap();
+ conn.execute(sql::CREATE_METRICS_TABLE, ()).unwrap();
+ conn.execute(sql::CREATE_COMMITS_TABLE, ()).unwrap();
+ conn.execute(sql::CREATE_REPOS_TABLE, ()).unwrap();
+ conn.execute(sql::CREATE_REPO_NAME_INDEX, ()).unwrap();
+ conn.execute(sql::CREATE_REMOTES_TABLE, ()).unwrap();
+ conn.execute(sql::CREATE_REMOTES_INDEX, ()).unwrap();
+ conn.execute(sql::CREATE_RUNS_TABLE, ()).unwrap();
+ conn.execute(sql::CREATE_HOSTS_TABLE, ()).unwrap();
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ pub fn insert_metric(&self, run_id: u64, name: &str, value: &str) -> Result<(), String> {
+ let conn = self.conn.lock().unwrap();
+ conn
+ .execute(
+ "insert into metrics (run_id, name, value) values (?1, ?2, ?3) on conflict (run_id, name) do update set value=excluded.value",
+ (run_id, name, value)
+ )
+ .expect("can upsert");
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ pub fn new_commit(&self, sha: &str) -> Result<u64, String> {
+ let conn = self.conn.lock().unwrap();
+ conn
+ .execute(
+ "insert into commits (sha) values (?1)",
+ [sha.clone()]
+ )
+ .expect("can insert");
+ Ok(conn.last_insert_rowid() as u64)
+ }
+ pub fn new_repo(&self, name: &str) -> Result<u64, String> {
+ let conn = self.conn.lock().unwrap();
+ conn
+ .execute(
+ "insert into repos (repo_name) values (?1)",
+ [name.clone()]
+ )
+ .map_err(|e| {
+ format!("{:?}", e)
+ })?;
+ Ok(conn.last_insert_rowid() as u64)
+ }
+ pub async fn finalize_artifact(&self, artifact_id: u64) -> Result<(), String> {
+ let conn = self.conn.lock().unwrap();
+ conn
+ .execute(
+ "update artifacts set completed_time=?1 where id=?2",
+ (crate::now_ms(), artifact_id)
+ )
+ .map(|_| ())
+ .map_err(|e| {
+ format!("{:?}", e)
+ })
+ }
+ pub fn lookup_artifact(&self, run_id: u64, artifact_id: u64) -> Result<Option<ArtifactRecord>, String> {
+ let conn = self.conn.lock().unwrap();
+ conn
+ .query_row(sql::ARTIFACT_BY_ID, [artifact_id, run_id], |row| {
+ let (id, run_id, name, desc, created_time, completed_time) = row.try_into().unwrap();
+ Ok(ArtifactRecord {
+ id, run_id, name, desc, created_time, completed_time
+ })
+ })
+ .optional()
+ .map_err(|e| e.to_string())
+ }
+ pub fn commit_sha(&self, commit_id: u64) -> Result<String, String> {
+ self.conn.lock()
+ .unwrap()
+ .query_row(
+ "select sha from commits where id=?1",
+ [commit_id],
+ |row| { row.get(0) }
+ )
+ .map_err(|e| e.to_string())
+ }
+ pub fn job_for_commit(&self, sha: &str) -> Result<Option<u64>, String> {
+ self.conn.lock()
+ .unwrap()
+ .query_row(
+ "select id from commits where sha=?1",
+ [sha],
+ |row| { row.get(0) }
+ )
+ .optional()
+ .map_err(|e| e.to_string())
+ }
+ pub fn run_for_token(&self, token: &str) -> Result<Option<(u64, Option<String>, TokenValidity)>, String> {
+ self.conn.lock()
+ .unwrap()
+ .query_row(
+ "select id, artifacts_path, started_time, run_timeout from runs where build_token=?1",
+ [token],
+ |row| {
+ let timeout: Option<u64> = row.get(3).unwrap();
+ let timeout = timeout.unwrap_or(TOKEN_EXPIRY_MS);
+ let now = crate::now_ms();
+ let time: Option<u64> = row.get(2).unwrap();
+ let validity = if let Some(time) = time {
+ if now > time + timeout {
+ TokenValidity::Expired
+ } else {
+ TokenValidity::Valid
+ }
+ } else {
+ TokenValidity::Invalid
+ };
+ Ok((row.get(0).unwrap(), row.get(1).unwrap(), validity))
+ }
+ )
+ .optional()
+ .map_err(|e| e.to_string())
+ }
+ pub fn job_by_id(&self, id: u64) -> Result<Option<Job>, String> {
+ self.conn.lock()
+ .unwrap()
+ .query_row(crate::sql::JOB_BY_ID, [id], |row| {
+ let (id, source, created_time, remote_id, commit_id, run_preferences) = row.try_into().unwrap();
+ Ok(Job {
+ id, source, created_time, remote_id, commit_id, run_preferences
+ })
+ })
+ .optional()
+ .map_err(|e| e.to_string())
+ }
+ pub fn remote_by_path_and_api(&self, api: &str, path: &str) -> Result<Option<Remote>, String> {
+ self.conn.lock()
+ .unwrap()
+ .query_row("select id, repo_id, remote_path, remote_api, remote_url, remote_git_url, notifier_config_path from remotes where remote_api=?1 and remote_path=?2", [api, path], |row| {
+ let (id, repo_id, remote_path, remote_api, remote_url, remote_git_url, notifier_config_path) = row.try_into().unwrap();
+ Ok(Remote {
+ id, repo_id, remote_path, remote_api, remote_url, remote_git_url, notifier_config_path
+ })
+ })
+ .optional()
+ .map_err(|e| e.to_string())
+ }
+ pub fn remote_by_id(&self, id: u64) -> Result<Option<Remote>, String> {
+ self.conn.lock()
+ .unwrap()
+ .query_row("select id, repo_id, remote_path, remote_api, remote_url, remote_git_url, notifier_config_path from remotes where id=?1", [id], |row| {
+ let (id, repo_id, remote_path, remote_api, remote_url, remote_git_url, notifier_config_path) = row.try_into().unwrap();
+ Ok(Remote {
+ id, repo_id, remote_path, remote_api, remote_url, remote_git_url, notifier_config_path
+ })
+ })
+ .optional()
+ .map_err(|e| e.to_string())
+ }
+ pub fn repo_id_by_remote(&self, remote_id: u64) -> Result<Option<u64>, String> {
+ self.conn.lock()
+ .unwrap()
+ .query_row("select repo_id from remotes where id=?1", [remote_id], |row| row.get(0))
+ .optional()
+ .map_err(|e| e.to_string())
+ }
+ pub fn repo_id_by_name(&self, repo_name: &str) -> Result<Option<u64>, String> {
+ self.conn.lock()
+ .unwrap()
+ .query_row("select id from repos where repo_name=?1", [repo_name], |row| row.get(0))
+ .optional()
+ .map_err(|e| e.to_string())
+ }
+ pub fn new_remote(&self, repo_id: u64, remote: &str, remote_kind: &str, config_path: &str) -> Result<u64, String> {
+ let (remote_path, remote_api, remote_url, remote_git_url) = match remote_kind {
+ "github" => {
+ (remote.to_owned(), remote_kind.to_owned(), format!("{}", remote), format!("{}.git", remote))
+ },
+ "github-email" => {
+ (remote.to_owned(), "email".to_owned(), format!("{}", remote), format!("{}.git", remote))
+ },
+ other => {
+ panic!("unsupported remote kind: {}", other);
+ }
+ };
+ let conn = self.conn.lock().unwrap();
+ conn
+ .execute(
+ "insert into remotes (repo_id, remote_path, remote_api, remote_url, remote_git_url, notifier_config_path) values (?1, ?2, ?3, ?4, ?5, ?6);",
+ (repo_id, remote_path, remote_api, remote_url, remote_git_url, config_path)
+ )
+ .expect("can insert");
+ Ok(conn.last_insert_rowid() as u64)
+ }
+ pub fn new_job(&self, remote_id: u64, sha: &str, pusher: Option<&str>, repo_default_run_pref: Option<String>) -> Result<u64, String> {
+ // TODO: potential race: if two remotes learn about a commit at the same time and we decide
+ // to create two jobs at the same time, this might return an incorrect id if the insert
+ // didn't actually insert a new row.
+ let commit_id = self.new_commit(sha).expect("can create commit record");
+ let created_time = SystemTime::now()
+ .duration_since(UNIX_EPOCH)
+ .expect("now is before epoch")
+ .as_millis() as u64;
+ let conn = self.conn.lock().unwrap();
+ let rows_modified = conn.execute(
+ "insert into jobs (remote_id, commit_id, created_time, source, run_preferences) values (?1, ?2, ?3, ?4, ?5);",
+ (remote_id, commit_id, created_time, pusher, repo_default_run_pref)
+ ).unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(1, rows_modified);
+ let job_id = conn.last_insert_rowid() as u64;
+ Ok(job_id)
+ }
+ pub fn new_run(&self, job_id: u64, host_preference: Option<u32>) -> Result<PendingRun, String> {
+ let created_time = SystemTime::now()
+ .duration_since(UNIX_EPOCH)
+ .expect("now is before epoch")
+ .as_millis() as u64;
+ let conn = self.conn.lock().unwrap();
+ let rows_modified = conn.execute(
+ "insert into runs (job_id, state, created_time, host_preference) values (?1, ?2, ?3, ?4);",
+ (job_id, crate::sql::RunState::Pending as u64, created_time, host_preference)
+ ).unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(1, rows_modified);
+ let run_id = conn.last_insert_rowid() as u64;
+ Ok(PendingRun {
+ id: run_id,
+ job_id,
+ create_time: created_time,
+ })
+ }
+ pub fn reap_task(&self, task_id: u64) -> Result<(), String> {
+ let conn = self.conn.lock().unwrap();
+ conn.execute(
+ "update runs set final_status=\"lost signal\", state=4 where id=?1;",
+ [task_id]
+ ).unwrap();
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ pub fn metrics_for_run(&self, run: u64) -> Result<Vec<MetricRecord>, String> {
+ let conn = self.conn.lock().unwrap();
+ let mut metrics_query = conn.prepare(sql::METRICS_FOR_RUN).unwrap();
+ let mut result = metrics_query.query([run]).unwrap();
+ let mut metrics = Vec::new();
+ while let Some(row) = {
+ let (id, run_id, name, value): (u64, u64, String, String) = row.try_into().unwrap();
+ metrics.push(MetricRecord { id, run_id, name, value });
+ }
+ Ok(metrics)
+ }
+ pub fn artifacts_for_run(&self, run: u64, limit: Option<u64>) -> Result<Vec<ArtifactRecord>, String> {
+ let conn = self.conn.lock().unwrap();
+ let mut artifacts_query = conn.prepare(sql::LAST_ARTIFACTS_FOR_RUN).unwrap();
+ let mut result = artifacts_query.query([run, limit.unwrap_or(65535)]).unwrap();
+ let mut artifacts = Vec::new();
+ while let Some(row) = {
+ let (id, run_id, name, desc, created_time, completed_time): (u64, u64, String, String, u64, Option<u64>) = row.try_into().unwrap();
+ artifacts.push(ArtifactRecord { id, run_id, name, desc, created_time, completed_time });
+ }
+ Ok(artifacts)
+ }
+ pub fn repo_by_id(&self, id: u64) -> Result<Option<Repo>, String> {
+ self.conn.lock()
+ .unwrap()
+ .query_row("select id, repo_name, default_run_preference from repos where id=?1", [id], |row| {
+ let (id, repo_name, default_run_preference) = row.try_into().unwrap();
+ Ok(Repo {
+ id,
+ name: repo_name,
+ default_run_preference,
+ })
+ })
+ .optional()
+ .map_err(|e| e.to_string())
+ }
+ pub fn get_repos(&self) -> Result<Vec<Repo>, String> {
+ let conn = self.conn.lock().unwrap();
+ let mut repos_query = conn.prepare(sql::ALL_REPOS).unwrap();
+ let mut repos = repos_query.query([]).unwrap();
+ let mut result = Vec::new();
+ while let Some(row) = {
+ let (id, repo_name, default_run_preference) = row.try_into().unwrap();
+ result.push(Repo {
+ id,
+ name: repo_name,
+ default_run_preference,
+ });
+ }
+ Ok(result)
+ }
+ pub fn last_job_from_remote(&self, id: u64) -> Result<Option<Job>, String> {
+ self.recent_jobs_from_remote(id, 1)
+ .map(|mut jobs| jobs.pop())
+ }
+ pub fn job_by_commit_id(&self, commit_id: u64) -> Result<Option<Job>, String> {
+ let conn = self.conn.lock().unwrap();
+ conn
+ .query_row(sql::JOB_BY_COMMIT_ID, [commit_id], |row| {
+ let (id, source, created_time, remote_id, commit_id, run_preferences) = row.try_into().unwrap();
+ Ok(Job {
+ id,
+ remote_id,
+ commit_id,
+ created_time,
+ source,
+ run_preferences,
+ })
+ })
+ .optional()
+ .map_err(|e| e.to_string())
+ }
+ pub fn recent_jobs_from_remote(&self, id: u64, limit: u64) -> Result<Vec<Job>, String> {
+ let conn = self.conn.lock().unwrap();
+ let mut job_query = conn.prepare(sql::LAST_JOBS_FROM_REMOTE).unwrap();
+ let mut result = job_query.query([id, limit]).unwrap();
+ let mut jobs = Vec::new();
+ while let Some(row) = {
+ let (id, source, created_time, remote_id, commit_id, run_preferences) = row.try_into().unwrap();
+ jobs.push(Job {
+ id,
+ remote_id,
+ commit_id,
+ created_time,
+ source,
+ run_preferences,
+ });
+ }
+ Ok(jobs)
+ }
+ pub fn get_active_runs(&self) -> Result<Vec<Run>, String> {
+ let conn = self.conn.lock().unwrap();
+ let mut started_query = conn.prepare(sql::ACTIVE_RUNS).unwrap();
+ let mut runs = started_query.query([]).unwrap();
+ let mut started = Vec::new();
+ while let Some(row) = {
+ started.push(Self::row2run(row));
+ }
+ Ok(started)
+ }
+ pub fn get_pending_runs(&self, host_id: Option<u32>) -> Result<Vec<PendingRun>, String> {
+ let conn = self.conn.lock().unwrap();
+ let mut pending_query = conn.prepare(sql::PENDING_RUNS).unwrap();
+ let mut runs = pending_query.query([host_id]).unwrap();
+ let mut pending = Vec::new();
+ while let Some(row) = {
+ let (id, job_id, create_time) = row.try_into().unwrap();
+ let run = PendingRun {
+ id,
+ job_id,
+ create_time,
+ };
+ pending.push(run);
+ }
+ Ok(pending)
+ }
+ pub fn jobs_needing_task_runs_for_host(&self, host_id: u64) -> Result<Vec<Job>, String> {
+ // for jobs that this host has not run, we'll arbitrarily say that we won't generate new
+ // runs for jobs more than a day old.
+ //
+ // we don't want to rebuild the entire history every time we see a new host by default; if
+ // you really want to rebuild all of history on a new host, use `ci_ctl` to prepare the
+ // runs.
+ let cutoff = crate::now_ms() - 24 * 3600 * 1000;
+ let conn = self.conn.lock().unwrap();
+ let mut jobs_needing_task_runs = conn.prepare(sql::JOBS_NEEDING_HOST_RUN).unwrap();
+ let mut job_rows = jobs_needing_task_runs.query([cutoff, host_id]).unwrap();
+ let mut jobs = Vec::new();
+ while let Some(row) = {
+ let (id, source, created_time, remote_id, commit_id, run_preferences) = row.try_into().unwrap();
+ jobs.push(Job {
+ id, source, created_time, remote_id, commit_id, run_preferences,
+ });
+ }
+ Ok(jobs)
+ }
+ pub fn remotes_by_repo(&self, repo_id: u64) -> Result<Vec<Remote>, String> {
+ let mut remotes: Vec<Remote> = Vec::new();
+ let conn = self.conn.lock().unwrap();
+ let mut remotes_query = conn.prepare(crate::sql::REMOTES_FOR_REPO).unwrap();
+ let mut remote_results = remotes_query.query([repo_id]).unwrap();
+ while let Some(row) = {
+ let (id, repo_id, remote_path, remote_api, remote_url, remote_git_url, notifier_config_path) = row.try_into().unwrap();
+ remotes.push(Remote { id, repo_id, remote_path, remote_api, remote_url, remote_git_url, notifier_config_path });
+ }
+ Ok(remotes)
+ }
+ /// try to find a host close to `host_info`, but maybe not an exact match.
+ ///
+ /// specifically, we'll ignore microcode and family/os - enough that measurements ought to be
+ /// comparable but maybe not perfectly so.
+ pub fn find_id_like_host(&self, host_info: &crate::protocol::HostInfo) -> Result<Option<u32>, String> {
+ self.conn.lock()
+ .unwrap()
+ .query_row(
+ "select id from hosts where \
+ hostname=?1 and cpu_vendor_id=?2 and cpu_model_name=?3 and cpu_family=?4 and \
+ cpu_model=?5 and cpu_max_freq_khz=?6 and cpu_cores=?7 and mem_total=?8 and \
+ arch=?9);",
+ (
+ &host_info.hostname,
+ &host_info.cpu_info.vendor_id,
+ &host_info.cpu_info.model_name,
+ &,
+ &host_info.cpu_info.model,
+ &host_info.cpu_info.max_freq,
+ &host_info.cpu_info.cores,
+ &,
+ &host_info.env_info.arch,
+ ),
+ |row| { row.get(0) }
+ )
+ .map_err(|e| e.to_string())
+ }
+ /// get an id for the host described by `host_info`. this may create a new record if no such
+ /// host exists.
+ pub fn id_for_host(&self, host_info: &crate::protocol::HostInfo) -> Result<u32, String> {
+ let conn = self.conn.lock().unwrap();
+ conn
+ .execute(
+ "insert or ignore into hosts \
+ (\
+ hostname, cpu_vendor_id, cpu_model_name, cpu_family, \
+ cpu_model, cpu_microcode, cpu_max_freq_khz, cpu_cores, \
+ mem_total, arch, family, os\
+ ) values (\
+ ?1, ?2, ?3, ?4, \
+ ?5, ?6, ?7, ?8, \
+ ?9, ?10, ?11, ?12 \
+ );",
+ (
+ &host_info.hostname,
+ &host_info.cpu_info.vendor_id,
+ &host_info.cpu_info.model_name,
+ &,
+ &host_info.cpu_info.model,
+ &host_info.cpu_info.microcode,
+ &host_info.cpu_info.max_freq,
+ &host_info.cpu_info.cores,
+ &,
+ &host_info.env_info.arch,
+ &,
+ &host_info.env_info.os,
+ )
+ )
+ .expect("can insert");
+ conn
+ .query_row(
+ "select id from hosts where \
+ hostname=?1 and cpu_vendor_id=?2 and cpu_model_name=?3 and cpu_family=?4 and \
+ cpu_model=?5 and cpu_microcode=?6 and cpu_max_freq_khz=?7 and \
+ cpu_cores=?8 and mem_total=?9 and arch=?10 and family=?11 and os=?12;",
+ (
+ &host_info.hostname,
+ &host_info.cpu_info.vendor_id,
+ &host_info.cpu_info.model_name,
+ &,
+ &host_info.cpu_info.model,
+ &host_info.cpu_info.microcode,
+ &host_info.cpu_info.max_freq,
+ &host_info.cpu_info.cores,
+ &,
+ &host_info.env_info.arch,
+ &,
+ &host_info.env_info.os,
+ ),
+ |row| { row.get(0) }
+ )
+ .map_err(|e| e.to_string())
+ }
+ pub fn host_model_info(&self, host_id: u64) -> Result<(String, String, String, String, u64), String> {
+ let conn = self.conn.lock().unwrap();
+ conn
+ .query_row("select hostname, cpu_vendor_id, cpu_family, cpu_model, cpu_max_freq_khz from hosts where id=?1;", [host_id], |row| {
+ Ok((
+ row.get(0).unwrap(),
+ row.get(1).unwrap(),
+ row.get(2).unwrap(),
+ row.get(3).unwrap(),
+ row.get(4).unwrap(),
+ ))
+ })
+ .map_err(|e| e.to_string())
+ }
+ pub fn runs_for_job_one_per_host(&self, job_id: u64) -> Result<Vec<Run>, String> {
+ let conn = self.conn.lock().unwrap();
+ let mut runs_query = conn.prepare(crate::sql::RUNS_FOR_JOB).unwrap();
+ let mut runs_results = runs_query.query([job_id]).unwrap();
+ let mut results = Vec::new();
+ while let Some(row) = {
+ results.push(Self::row2run(row));
+ }
+ Ok(results)
+ }
+ pub fn last_run_for_job(&self, job_id: u64) -> Result<Option<Run>, String> {
+ let conn = self.conn.lock().unwrap();
+ conn
+ .query_row(sql::LAST_RUN_FOR_JOB, [job_id], |row| {
+ Ok(Self::row2run(row))
+ })
+ .optional()
+ .map_err(|e| e.to_string())
+ }
+ pub(crate) fn row2run(row: &rusqlite::Row) -> Run {
+ let (id, job_id, artifacts_path, state, host_id, build_token, create_time, start_time, complete_time, run_timeout, build_result, final_text) = row.try_into().unwrap();
+ let state: u8 = state;
+ Run {
+ id,
+ job_id,
+ artifacts_path,
+ state: state.try_into().unwrap(),
+ host_id,
+ create_time,
+ start_time,
+ complete_time,
+ build_token,
+ run_timeout,
+ build_result,
+ final_text,
+ }
+ }