AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2015-09-28fix up linker.ld to actually... work.iximeow
2015-09-28add hex printing...ishiximeow
2015-09-28Bootloader doesn't need to pad to 512 bytes anymoreiximeow
2015-09-28remove dummy fileiximeow
2015-09-28.project and helpersiximeow
2015-03-22Write with attriximeow
2015-03-22Add custom linker scriptiximeow
2014-09-27Basic vga write functionsiximeow
2014-09-27Strip down bootloader and tweak to load multiple blocksiximeow
2014-09-26various tweaksiximeow
2014-09-26Hefty bootloader changes, some screen manip functionsiximeow
2014-09-24Initial commitiximeow