AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2021-07-06update yaxpeax-arch to 0.1.0, update implsHEAD0.1.0no-gods-no-iximeow
2021-05-07bump yaxpeax-arch to 0.0.5, drop the termion dep0.0.4iximeow
2020-05-03version bump, bumping yaxpeax-arch to
2020-02-05bump yaxpeax-arch version and fix warnings0.0.2iximeow
2020-01-18use yaxpeax-archiximeow
2020-01-18fix repository and descriptioniximeow
2020-01-12impl yaxpeax-arch instruction/decode interfaceiximeow
also fix panic on some immediate display in debug builds
2020-01-12add the mips decoderiximeow
2019-08-02kinda start mipsiximeow