path: root/data/generate_opcode.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'data/generate_opcode.py')
1 files changed, 318 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/data/generate_opcode.py b/data/generate_opcode.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e02785d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/generate_opcode.py
@@ -0,0 +1,318 @@
+import json
+isa_data = json.loads(open("./x86_64.json").read())
+class IsaData:
+ def __init__(self, data):
+ isa_extensions = isa_data['sets']
+ microarchitectures = isa_data['uarch']
+ loaded_exts = {}
+ for ext in isa_extensions:
+ loaded_exts[ext['name']] = ext
+ loaded_uarches = {}
+ for arch in microarchitectures:
+ loaded_uarches[arch['name']] = arch
+ self.exts = loaded_exts
+ self.uarches = loaded_uarches
+ self.referenced_sets = set([])
+ def compile_uarch(self, arch):
+ uarch = self.uarches[arch]
+ sets = self.uarch_sets(arch)
+ out = {
+ "name": uarch['name'],
+ "vendor": uarch['vendor'],
+ "extensions": list(sets),
+ "instructions": list(self.sets2instructions(sets))
+ }
+ return out
+ def uarch_sets(self, arch):
+ sets = set([])
+ uarch = self.uarches[arch]
+ for item in uarch['sets']:
+ if item[0] == '/':
+ continue
+ elif item[0] == '+':
+ sets |= self.uarch_sets(item[1:])
+ else:
+ sets.add(item)
+ sets = self.resolve_sets(sets)
+ self.referenced_sets |= sets
+ return sets
+ def unused_extensions(self):
+ all_sets = set(self.exts.keys())
+ return all_sets - self.referenced_sets
+ def used_extensions(self):
+ return self.referenced_sets
+ def sets2instructions(self, sets):
+ instructions = set([])
+ for ext in sets:
+ ext = self.exts[ext]
+ for item in ext['new']:
+ if item[0] != '+':
+ instructions.add(item)
+ return instructions
+ def resolve_sets(self, sets):
+ resolved_sets = set(list(sets))
+ self.referenced_sets |= resolved_sets
+ for ext in sets:
+ ext = self.exts[ext]
+ for item in ext['new']:
+ if item[0] == '/':
+ continue
+ elif item[0] == '+':
+ new_sets = self.resolve_sets(set([item[1:]]))
+ self.referenced_sets |= new_sets
+ resolved_sets |= new_sets
+ return resolved_sets
+isa_data = IsaData(isa_data)
+for (arch, data) in isa_data.uarches.items():
+ arch = isa_data.compile_uarch(arch)
+# print("x: {}".format(json.dumps(arch)))
+print("unused sets: {}".format(json.dumps(list(isa_data.unused_extensions()))))
+print("used sets: {}".format(json.dumps(list(isa_data.used_extensions()))))
+ROOTS = ["real_mode", "protected_mode", "long_mode", "x86_generic"]
+for root in ROOTS:
+ arch = isa_data.compile_uarch(root)
+ print("name: {}, {} instructions".format(arch['name'], len(arch['instructions'])))
+ ALL_INSTRUCTIONS |= set(arch['instructions'])
+print("opcode enum to follow...")
+class Output:
+ def __init__(self, f):
+ self.indentation = 0
+ self.out = f
+ self.should_indent = False
+ def begin_block(self, content):
+ self.write(content)
+ self.write(" {")
+ self.newline()
+ self.indent()
+ def end_block(self):
+ self.outdent()
+ self.write("}")
+ self.newline()
+ def indent(self):
+ self.indentation += 1
+ def outdent(self):
+ self.indentation -= 1
+ def write(self, content):
+ if self.should_indent:
+ self.out.write(" " * self.indentation)
+ self.should_indent = False
+ self.out.write(content)
+ def newline(self):
+ self.out.write("\n")
+ self.should_indent = True
+ def comment(self, content):
+ if not self.should_indent:
+ # we've written something on this line. add a space to be reader-friendly.
+ self.out.write(" ")
+ self.write("// ")
+ self.writeline(content)
+ def writeline(self, content):
+ self.write(content)
+ self.newline()
+ def close(self):
+ self.out.close()
+OPCODE_REPR = "u16"
+ "#[allow(non_camel_case_types)]",
+ "#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]",
+ "#[non_exhaustive]",
+ "#[repr({})]".format(OPCODE_REPR)
+f = open("../src/generated/mod.rs", "w")
+f = Output(f)
+f.writeline("pub(crate) mod opcode;")
+f.writeline("pub(crate) mod imp;")
+for root in ROOTS:
+ if root == "x86_generic":
+ continue
+ f.begin_block("pub(crate) mod {}".format(root))
+ f.writeline("pub(crate) use super::opcode::{}::Opcode as Opcode;".format(root))
+ f.writeline("pub(crate) use super::imp::{}::revise_instruction as revise_instruction;".format(root))
+ f.end_block()
+f = open("../src/generated/opcode.rs", "w")
+f = Output(f)
+for annotation in OPCODE_ANNOTATIONS:
+ f.writeline(annotation)
+f.begin_block("pub enum Opcode")
+insts = list(ALL_INSTRUCTIONS)
+for (i, inst) in enumerate(insts):
+ if inst == "invalid":
+ f.writeline("Invalid,")
+ else:
+ f.writeline("{},".format(str(inst).upper()))
+f.writeline("pub(crate) const MNEMONICS: &'static [&'static str] = &[")
+for (_i, inst) in enumerate(insts):
+ f.writeline('"{}",'.format(inst.lower()))
+for root in ROOTS:
+ if root == "x86_generic":
+ continue
+ f.begin_block("pub(crate) mod {}".format(root))
+ for annotation in OPCODE_ANNOTATIONS:
+ f.writeline(annotation)
+ f.begin_block("pub enum Opcode")
+ arch = isa_data.compile_uarch(root)
+ insts = arch['instructions']
+ insts.sort()
+ for inst in insts:
+ if inst == "invalid":
+ f.writeline("Invalid = super::Opcode::Invalid as {},".format(OPCODE_REPR))
+ else:
+ f.writeline("{} = super::Opcode::{} as {},".format(str(inst).upper(), str(inst).upper(), OPCODE_REPR))
+ f.end_block()
+ f.end_block()
+ f.newline()
+f = open("../src/generated/imp.rs", "w")
+f = Output(f)
+# f.writeline("fn main() {}\n")
+# f.comment("should be `{}::DecodeError` but i want to compile this on its own while bootstrapping")
+# f.writeline('#[path="/toy/yaxpeax/arch/x86/src/{}/mod.rs"]'.format(root))
+# f.writeline("mod structs;")
+# f.writeline("use structs::{InstDecoder, Instruction};")
+# f.begin_block("enum DecodeError")
+# f.writeline("InvalidOpcode,")
+# f.end_block()
+# f.newline()
+for root in ROOTS:
+ if root == "x86_generic":
+ continue
+ arch = isa_data.compile_uarch(root)
+ f.begin_block("pub(crate) mod {}".format(root))
+ f.writeline("use crate::generated::{}::Opcode;".format(root))
+ f.writeline("use crate::{}::{{InstDecoder, Instruction, DecodeError}};".format(root))
+ f.begin_block("impl InstDecoder")
+ for ext in arch['extensions']:
+ f.begin_block("fn feature_{}(&self) -> bool".format(ext))
+ f.writeline("true")
+ f.end_block()
+ f.end_block()
+ f.begin_block("pub(crate) fn revise_instruction(decoder: &InstDecoder, inst: &mut Instruction) -> Result<(), DecodeError>")
+ f.begin_block("if inst.prefixes.evex().is_some()")
+ f.begin_block("if !decoder.avx512()")
+ f.writeline("return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode);")
+ f.outdent()
+ f.writeline("} else {")
+ f.indent()
+ f.writeline("return Ok(());")
+ f.end_block()
+ f.end_block()
+ f.newline()
+ f.comment("for some instructions (tzcnt), not having an extension means the instruction is")
+ f.comment("interpreted as another, rather than being simply rejected.")
+ f.comment("we might still reject the alternate instruction later, if the extension adding *it*")
+ f.comment("is also not supported.")
+ f.begin_block("if inst.opcode == Opcode::TZCNT")
+ f.begin_block("if !decoder.bmi1()")
+ f.comment("tzcnt is only supported if bmi1 is enabled. without bmi1, this decodes as bsf.")
+ f.writeline("inst.opcode = Opcode::BSF;")
+ f.end_block()
+ f.end_block()
+ f.newline()
+ f.begin_block("match inst.opcode")
+ f.comment("we'll never be rejecting the instruction `Invalid`")
+ f.writeline("Opcode::Invalid => {}")
+ for ext in arch['extensions']:
+ ext_data = isa_data.exts[ext]['new']
+ suffix_needed = False
+ any_entries = False
+ for (i, inst) in enumerate(ext_data):
+ if inst[0] == '+':
+ continue
+ # special-cased `invalid` above; it's always present.
+ if inst == "invalid":
+ continue
+ if suffix_needed:
+ f.writeline("|")
+ f.write("Opcode::{} ".format(inst.upper()))
+ suffix_needed = True
+ any_entries = True
+ if not any_entries:
+ print("no entries for ext {}".format(ext))
+ continue
+ f.begin_block("=>")
+ f.begin_block("if !decoder.feature_{}()".format(ext))
+ f.writeline("return Err(DecodeError::InvalidOpcode);\n")
+ f.end_block()
+ f.end_block()
+ f.end_block()
+ f.writeline("Ok(())")
+ f.end_block()
+ f.end_block()
+ f.newline()