path: root/fuzz/fuzz_targets/small_reg_is_always_old_bank_if_possible.rs
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
14 daysupdate yaxpeax-arch to 0.3.1, fix fuzz target warningsiximeow
2023-12-16fix opportunity for unhandled register synonymsiximeow
registers `al`, `cl`, `dl`, and `bl` could have two different representations - with `rex.w` and without. these two forms of `RegSpec` would not compare equal, nor has the same, so for code relying on `RegSpec` to faithfully represent a 1-1 mapping to x86 registers, these synonyms would introduce bugs in register analysis. for example, in `yaxpeax-core`, this would result in instructions writing to `rex.w al` not being visible as definitions for a future read of `!rex.w al`. fix this in `x86_64` code, add new test cases about the confusion, adjust register names to make this situation more clearly a bug, and introduce two new fuzz targets that would have helped spot this error.