path: root/test/long_mode/operand.rs
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
13 daysrename most operand variants, make them structy rather than tupleyiximeow
2021-08-21clarify inaccurate 32/16-bit `call/jmp [mem]` mem_sizeiximeow
2021-08-21report memory sizes for push, pop, call, retiximeow
2021-07-03factor out MemoryAccessSizeiximeow
2021-07-03add tests for MemoryAccessSize, consistentify style on docsiximeow
2021-07-01reallocate OperandCode, convert disparate registers to arrayiximeow
2020-05-23add SHA, BMI1, and BMI2, complete XSAVE extension supportiximeow
2020-05-21add sha, lzcnt, tsx, f16c, svm, movbe, adx, and prefetchw extensionsiximeow
2020-05-03add width() to ask width of an x86 operandiximeow