path: root/src/asicam/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/asicam/')
1 files changed, 282 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/asicam/ b/src/asicam/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..01b9ce7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/asicam/
@@ -0,0 +1,282 @@
+pub mod ASICamera2;
+use self::ASICamera2::{CameraInfo, ControlCaps, ControlType, ExposureStatus, ImageType};
+use std::alloc::{alloc, dealloc, Layout};
+use std::collections::HashMap;
+use std::ffi::CStr;
+use std::os;
+use std::fs::File;
+use std::io::BufWriter;
+use std::path::Path;
+use png::HasParameters;
+pub struct Control {
+ pub name: String,
+ pub description: String,
+ pub max: i64,
+ pub min: i64,
+ pub default: i64,
+ pub can_auto: bool,
+ pub is_writable: bool,
+ pub control_type: ASICamera2::ControlType
+pub struct Camera {
+ id: i32,
+ pub width: u32,
+ pub height: u32,
+ curr_width: u32,
+ curr_height: u32,
+ bin: u8,
+ color_format: ASICamera2::ImageType,
+ image_buffer: *mut u8,
+ controls: HashMap<ASICamera2::ControlType, Control>
+impl Camera {
+ pub fn new(id: i32) -> Camera {
+ Camera {
+ id: id,
+ controls: HashMap::new(),
+ width: 0,
+ height: 0,
+ curr_width: 0,
+ curr_height: 0,
+ bin: 1,
+ image_buffer: std::ptr::null_mut(),
+ color_format: ASICamera2::ImageType::END
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn get_control_value(&self, control: ASICamera2::ControlType) -> Result<i64> {
+ let mut current: os::raw::c_long = 0;
+ let mut is_auto: os::raw::c_int = 0;
+ let res =
+ unsafe {
+ ASICamera2::ASIGetControlValue(
+ control as i32,
+ &mut current as *mut os::raw::c_long,
+ &mut is_auto as *mut os::raw::c_int
+ )
+ };
+ build_result(current, res)
+ }
+ pub fn set_control_value(&mut self, control: ASICamera2::ControlType, value: i64) -> Result<()> {
+ let res =
+ unsafe {
+ ASICamera2::ASISetControlValue(
+ control as i32,
+ value,
+ 0
+ )
+ };
+ build_result((), res)?;
+ match control {
+ ControlType::HardwareBin => {
+ if value == 0 {
+ self.curr_width *= 2;
+ self.curr_height *= 2;
+ Ok(())
+ } else if value == 1 {
+ self.curr_width /= 2;
+ self.curr_height /= 2;
+ Ok(())
+ } else {
+ // pretty sure this is unreachable,
+ // would be an out of band value and fail in `build_result`
+ unreachable!();
+ }
+ }
+ _ => Ok(())
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn set_exposure_ms(&mut self, ms: u64) -> Result<()> {
+ self.set_control_value(ControlType::Exposure, ms as i64 * 1000)
+ }
+ pub fn take_image(&self, path: &str) -> Result<()> {
+ let exposure_duration = self.get_control_value(ControlType::Exposure).unwrap();
+ let exposure_ms = exposure_duration / 1000;
+ unsafe {
+ let res = ASICamera2::ASIStartExposure(, 0); // isDark == false, doesnt matter really
+ build_result((), res)?;
+ }
+ println!("Sleeping {}ms", exposure_ms + 2500);
+ std::thread::sleep(std::time::Duration::from_millis(exposure_ms as u64 + 2500));
+ let res = unsafe {
+ ASICamera2::ASIGetDataAfterExp(
+ self.image_buffer,
+ self.curr_width as i64 * self.curr_height as i64 * 3
+ )
+ };
+ build_result((), res)?;
+ let dest = Path::new(path);
+ let file = File::create(dest).unwrap();
+ let ref mut w = BufWriter::new(file);
+ let mut encoder = png::Encoder::new(w, self.curr_width, self.curr_height);
+ encoder.set(png::ColorType::RGB).set(png::BitDepth::Eight);
+ let mut writer = encoder.write_header().unwrap();
+ writer.write_image_data(
+ unsafe {
+ std::slice::from_raw_parts(
+ self.image_buffer,
+ self.curr_width as usize * self.curr_height as usize* 3
+ )
+ }
+ ).unwrap();
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ pub fn exposure_status(&self) -> Result<ExposureStatus> {
+ let mut exposure_status = ExposureStatus::Failed;
+ let res = unsafe {
+ ASICamera2::ASIGetExpStatus(, &mut exposure_status as *mut ExposureStatus)
+ };
+ build_result(exposure_status, res)
+ }
+ pub fn set_roi_format(&mut self, width: u32, height: u32, binning: u8, image_type: ImageType) -> Result<()> {
+ self.curr_width = width - (width % 8);
+ self.curr_height = height - (height % 8);
+ self.bin = binning;
+ let res = unsafe {
+ ASICamera2::ASISetROIFormat(
+ self.curr_width as i32,
+ self.curr_height as i32,
+ self.bin as i32,
+ image_type as i32)
+ };
+ build_result((), res)
+ }
+#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
+pub enum CameraError {
+ InvalidIndex = 1,
+ InvalidId = 2,
+ InvalidControlType = 3,
+ CameraClosed = 4,
+ CameraRemoved = 5,
+ InvalidPath = 6,
+ InvalidFileformat = 7,
+ InvalidSize = 8,
+ InvalidImgtype = 9,
+ OutofBoundary = 10,
+ Timeout = 11,
+ InvalidSequence = 12,
+ BufferTooSmall = 13,
+ VideoModeActive = 14,
+ ExposureInProgress = 15,
+ GeneralError = 16,
+ InvalidMode = 17,
+ End = 18
+fn build_result<T>(value: T, err: ASICamera2::ErrorCode) -> Result<T> {
+ match err {
+ ASICamera2::ErrorCode::Success => { Ok(value) }
+ ASICamera2::ErrorCode::InvalidIndex => { Err(CameraError::InvalidIndex) }
+ ASICamera2::ErrorCode::InvalidId => { Err(CameraError::InvalidId) }
+ ASICamera2::ErrorCode::InvalidControlType => { Err(CameraError::InvalidControlType) }
+ ASICamera2::ErrorCode::CameraClosed => { Err(CameraError::CameraClosed) }
+ ASICamera2::ErrorCode::CameraRemoved => { Err(CameraError::CameraRemoved) }
+ ASICamera2::ErrorCode::InvalidPath => { Err(CameraError::InvalidPath) }
+ ASICamera2::ErrorCode::InvalidFileformat => { Err(CameraError::InvalidFileformat) }
+ ASICamera2::ErrorCode::InvalidSize => { Err(CameraError::InvalidSize) }
+ ASICamera2::ErrorCode::InvalidImgtype => { Err(CameraError::InvalidImgtype) }
+ ASICamera2::ErrorCode::OutofBoundary => { Err(CameraError::OutofBoundary) }
+ ASICamera2::ErrorCode::Timeout => { Err(CameraError::Timeout) }
+ ASICamera2::ErrorCode::InvalidSequence => { Err(CameraError::InvalidSequence) }
+ ASICamera2::ErrorCode::BufferTooSmall => { Err(CameraError::BufferTooSmall) }
+ ASICamera2::ErrorCode::VideoModeActive => { Err(CameraError::VideoModeActive) }
+ ASICamera2::ErrorCode::ExposureInProgress => { Err(CameraError::ExposureInProgress) }
+ ASICamera2::ErrorCode::GeneralError => { Err(CameraError::GeneralError) }
+ ASICamera2::ErrorCode::InvalidMode => { Err(CameraError::InvalidMode) }
+ ASICamera2::ErrorCode::End => { Err(CameraError::End) }
+ }
+type Result<T> = std::result::Result<T, CameraError>;
+pub fn acquire(camera_id: i32) -> Result<Camera> {
+ unsafe {
+ let cameracount = ASICamera2::ASIGetNumOfConnectedCameras();
+ if camera_id >= cameracount {
+ panic!("Camera id is invalid (detected {} cameras)", camera_id);
+ }
+ let props_layout = Layout::array::<CameraInfo>(cameracount as usize).unwrap();
+ let props = alloc(props_layout) as *mut CameraInfo;
+ let res = ASICamera2::ASIGetCameraProperty(props, camera_id);
+ build_result((), res)?;
+ println!("Got properties");
+ let res = ASICamera2::ASIOpenCamera(camera_id);
+ build_result((), res)?;
+ println!("Opened camera");
+ let res = ASICamera2::ASIInitCamera(camera_id);
+ build_result((), res)?;
+ println!("Init'd camera");
+ let mut control_count: i32 = 0;
+ let res = ASICamera2::ASIGetNumOfControls(camera_id, &mut control_count as *mut os::raw::c_int);
+ build_result((), res)?;
+ println!("Got control count");
+ let control_layout = Layout::array::<ControlCaps>(1).unwrap();
+ let control = alloc(control_layout) as *mut ControlCaps;
+ let mut camera = Camera::new(camera_id);
+ let camera_props: CameraInfo = *props.offset(camera_id as isize);
+ camera.width = camera_props.max_width as u32;
+ camera.height = camera_props.max_height as u32;
+ camera.curr_width = camera_props.max_width as u32;
+ camera.curr_height = camera_props.max_height as u32;
+ camera.color_format = ImageType::RGB24;
+ camera.image_buffer = alloc(
+ Layout::from_size_align(camera.curr_width as usize * camera.curr_height as usize * 3, 8).unwrap()
+ );
+ let res = ASICamera2::ASISetROIFormat(camera_id, camera.width as i32, camera.height as i32, 1, ImageType::RGB24 as i32);
+ build_result((), res)?;
+ println!("Set ROI/Format");
+ for c in 0..control_count {
+ let res = ASICamera2::ASIGetControlCaps(0, c, control);
+ build_result((), res)?;
+ println!("Got control {:?}", c);
+ let control = Control {
+ name: CStr::from_ptr((*control).name.as_ptr()).to_str().unwrap().to_owned(),
+ description: CStr::from_ptr((*control).description.as_ptr()).to_str().unwrap().to_owned(),
+ max: (*control).max_value,
+ min: (*control).min_value,
+ default: (*control).default_value,
+ can_auto: bool::from((*control).is_auto_supported),
+ is_writable: bool::from((*control).is_writable),
+ control_type: (*control).control_type
+ };
+ camera.controls.insert(control.control_type, control);
+ }
+ dealloc(control as *mut u8, control_layout);
+ dealloc(props as *mut u8, props_layout);
+ Ok(camera)
+ }