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1 files changed, 9 insertions, 13 deletions
diff --git a/src/utils/CryptoUtils.scala b/src/utils/CryptoUtils.scala
index 658786a..c64c597 100644
--- a/src/utils/CryptoUtils.scala
+++ b/src/utils/CryptoUtils.scala
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ object CryptoUtils {
val baseCiphert = new Ciphertext(encrypt)
- val cipherts = Seq(baseCiphert) ++
+ val ciphertexts = Seq(baseCiphert) ++
(1 to 15)
.map( x => ("@" * x).asBytes )
.map(new Ciphertext(encrypt, _, overrideBlockSize = Some(baseCiphert.blockSize)))
@@ -94,13 +94,13 @@ object CryptoUtils {
def rainbowPrefix(suffix: Seq[Byte]): Map[Seq[Byte], Byte] =
rainbow(suffix, (byte, seq) => byte +: seq)
- def probeFirstBlockAndPaddings: (Seq[Byte], Map[Int, Seq[Byte]]) = {
+ def probeFirstBlock: Seq[Byte] = {
def prefix(known: Seq[Byte]) = ("@" * (blockSize - 1 - known.length)).asBytes
def genRainbow(known: Seq[Byte]) = rainbowSuffix(prefix(known) ++ known)
def firstCryptedBlock(known: Seq[Byte]) = encrypt(prefix(known)).take(blockSize).toSeq
- def nextByte(known: Seq[Byte]) = genRainbow(known)(firstCryptedBlock(known))
- (0 until 16).foldLeft((Seq[Byte](), Map[Int, Seq[Byte]]())) { (ac, idx) =>
- (ac._1 :+ nextByte(ac._1), ac._2 + (idx -> encrypt(prefix(ac._1))))
+ def nextByte(known: Seq[Byte]) = known :+ genRainbow(known)(firstCryptedBlock(known))
+ (0 until 16).foldLeft(Seq[Byte]()) { (ac, idx) =>
+ nextByte(ac)
@@ -115,24 +115,20 @@ object CryptoUtils {
blockSize - firstLargerCiphertext.get._2
- val (firstBlock, ciphertexts) = probeFirstBlockAndPaddings
+ val firstBlock = probeFirstBlock
* zip together cipher blocks so that they look like
* rot0b0, rot1b0, rot2b0, rot3b0, rot4b0, rot5b0, rot6b0, rot7b0
* rot0b1, rot1b1, rot2b1, ...
- val cipherBlocks = ciphertexts.toSeq.sortBy(_._1).map(_ :-> { x =>
- x.grouped(16).toSeq
- })
val (middleBlocks, lastBlocks) =
- cipherBlocks.foldLeft((Seq[Seq[Seq[Byte]]](), Seq[Option[Seq[Byte]]]()))( (ac, curr) => {
+ ciphertexts.foldRight((Seq[Seq[Seq[Byte]]](), Seq[Option[Seq[Byte]]]()))( (curr, ac) => {
val maybeLastBlock =
- if (curr._2.length > baseBlockCount) Some(curr._2.last)
+ if (curr.blockCount > baseBlockCount) Some(curr.blocks.last)
else None
- val middleBlocks = curr._2.take(baseBlockCount).tail
+ val middleBlocks = curr.blocks.take(baseBlockCount).tail
(ac._1 :+ middleBlocks, maybeLastBlock +: ac._2)
}) :-> { _.flatten :+ baseCiphert.blocks.last } //baseCiphertext.takeRight(16)}