path: root/src/Instruction.scala
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/Instruction.scala')
1 files changed, 72 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/src/Instruction.scala b/src/Instruction.scala
index 8a4e018..7723ef7 100644
--- a/src/Instruction.scala
+++ b/src/Instruction.scala
@@ -3,25 +3,54 @@ package
import ixee.cryptopals.utils.ByteUtils._
import ixee.cryptopals.utils.FunctionUtils._
-import scala.collection.mutable.Map
+import scala.collection.mutable.{ArrayBuffer, Map}
-sealed trait Instruction
+sealed trait Instruction {
+ def isDone: Boolean
+ def giveWord(word: Int): Unit
case class NoOpInst(code: NoOpCode, offset: Int) extends Instruction {
override def toString: String = {
s"$code -> $offset"
+ def giveWord(word: Int) = throw new RuntimeException("Too many bytes!")
+ def isDone = true
case class OneOpInst(code: OneOpCode, byte: Boolean, dest: Int, addressMode: OneOpAddressing) extends Instruction {
+ private var extraWord: Option[Int] = None
+ def neededWords = Seq(addressMode).count(_.wide)
+ def giveWord(word: Int) =
+ extraWord.fold(extraWord = Some(word))(_ => throw new RuntimeException("Too many bytes!"))
+ def isDone = neededWords == Seq(extraWord).flatten.length
override def toString: String = {
val byteStr = if (byte) ".B" else " "
- s"$code$byteStr ${addressMode.stringifyWith(dest)}"
+ s"$code$byteStr ${addressMode match {
+ case mode: NormMode => mode.stringifyWith(dest)
+ case mode: WideMode => mode.stringifyWith(dest, extraWord.get)
+ }}"
case class TwoOpInst(code: TwoOpCode, byte: Boolean, src: Int, srcMode: TwoOpSourceAddressing, dest: Int, dstMode: TwoOpDestAddressing) extends Instruction {
+ private var extraWord1: Option[Int] = None
+ private var extraWord2: Option[Int] = None
+ def neededWords = Seq(srcMode, dstMode).count(_.wide)
+ def giveWord(word: Int) =
+ extraWord1.fold(extraWord1 = Some(word))(_ =>
+ extraWord2.fold(extraWord2 = Some(word))(_ => throw new RuntimeException("Too many bytes!"))
+ )
+ def isDone = neededWords == Seq(extraWord1, extraWord2).flatten.length
override def toString: String = {
val byteStr = if (byte) ".B" else " "
- s"$code$byteStr ${srcMode.stringifyWith(src)}, ${dstMode.stringifyWith(dest)}"
+ s"$code$byteStr ${srcMode match {
+ case mode: NormMode => mode.stringifyWith(src)
+ case mode: WideMode => mode.stringifyWith(src, extraWord1.get)
+ }}, ${dstMode match {
+ case mode: NormMode => mode.stringifyWith(dest)
+ case mode: WideMode => mode.stringifyWith(dest, extraWord2.orElse(if (srcMode.wide) None else extraWord1).get)
+ }}"
@@ -103,10 +132,48 @@ object Instruction {
def twoOp(instruction: (Byte, Byte)): Option[TwoOpInst] = TwoOp.apply(instruction)
- def isNoOp(instruction: (Byte ,Byte)) = noOp(instruction).isDefined
+ def isNoOp(instruction: (Byte, Byte)) = noOp(instruction).isDefined
def isOneOp(instruction: (Byte, Byte)) = oneOp(instruction).isDefined
def isTwoOp(instruction: (Byte, Byte)) = twoOp(instruction).isDefined
+class InstructionParser(bytes: Seq[Byte]) {
+ val instructions = scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[Instruction]()
+ val bytePair = scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[Byte]()
+ for (byte <- bytes) {
+ bytePair match {
+ case ArrayBuffer() => bytePair += byte
+ case ArrayBuffer(first) => {
+ val second = byte
+ def parseInstr = {
+ instructions += Instruction((second, first)).getOrElse { throw new RuntimeException(s"Parse failure! Bytes = $first, $second") }
+ bytePair.clear
+ }
+ val lastIsDone =
+ { instr =>
+ if (instr.isDone) {
+ parseInstr
+ } else {
+ instr.giveWord(second * 256 + first)
+ bytePair.clear
+ }
+ } getOrElse { parseInstr }
+ }
+ case buffer @ _ => throw new RuntimeException("Byte array overflow: " + buffer)
+ }
+ }
+ instructions.lastOption match {
+ case Some(instr) if !instr.isDone => throw new RuntimeException("Unable to parse instruction stream, last instruction is missing data.")
+ case _ => Unit
+ }
+object InstructionParser {
+ def apply(bytes: Seq[String]) = new InstructionParser(, 16).toByte))