path: root/
diff options
authoriximeow <>2016-04-16 11:39:58 -0700
committeriximeow <>2016-04-16 11:39:58 -0700
commit2d7f23ca67b144f1fd8a45621f5833394eaf6d35 (patch)
treedc63d5f156ef527d2e75071bc2a48609366263c4 /
parent6790fa64617eb278e71a46677fef435551c388a3 (diff)
notesd initial commit ishHEADmaster
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 67 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e0a0cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env python
+from subprocess import call
+import base64
+import gnupg # python-gnupg
+root_user_fs_path = './user_fses/'
+root_repo_path = './repos/'
+authorized_keys_base = '/var/authorized_keys/'
+gpg = gnupg.GPG(gnupghome='/does/not/exist')
+def recv_keys(gpg_key_path, ssh_key_path):
+ fingerprint = full_fingerprint(gpg_key_path)
+ username = tiny_gpg_fingerprint(fingerprint)
+ alloc_user(username)
+ add_key(username, ssh_key_path)
+ print("gpg key: %s, ssh key: %s" % (gpg_key_path, ssh_key_path))
+ print("username: %s, gpg fingerprint: %s" % (username, fingerprint))
+ return True
+def full_fingerprint(gpg_key_path):
+ keys = gpg.scan_keys(gpg_key_path)
+ if (len(keys) == 0):
+ raise "hell"
+ if (len(keys) != 1):
+ raise "the roof"
+ return keys[0]["fingerprint"]
+# the s/./=/g thing here is because
+# = is apparently not valid in a username!
+# but having the padding around is nice. so keep it.
+# so turn it into valid characters!
+def untiny_gpg_fingerprint(tiny):
+ return binascii.unhexlify(
+ base64.b64decode(tiny.replace('.', '='), '-_')
+ )
+def tiny_gpg_fingerprint(raw_fingerprint):
+ fingerprint_bytes = raw_fingerprint.decode('hex')
+ return base64.b64encode(fingerprint_bytes, '-_').replace('=', '.')
+def add_key(username, ssh_key_path):
+ with open(ssh_key_path, 'r') as key_file:
+ ssh_key =
+ with open(authorized_keys_base + username, 'a+') as user_authorized_keys:
+ user_authorized_keys.write(ssh_key)
+ return True
+def alloc_user(username):
+ if username == '':
+ raise Exception("Username must not be empty and must be alphanumeric (but it's derived from your full gpg key id, so how did you do that?")
+ fs_path = root_user_fs_path + username
+ repo_path = root_repo_path + username
+# [D]on't give a password (ssh login only)
+# Don't create a [H]ome directory
+# Set the login [s]hell to a non-shell to disallow logins
+ call(['adduser', '-D', '-H', '-s', '/bin/false', username])
+ call(['dd', 'if=/dev/zero', 'of=' + fs_path, 'bs=4096', 'count=32768'])
+ call(['mkfs.ext4', '-q', fs_path])
+ call(['mkdir', repo_path])
+ call(['mount', '-o', 'loop,rw', fs_path, repo_path + '/'])
+ call(['touch', repo_path + '/git-daemon-export-ok'])