path: root/CHANGELOG
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
11 days0.2.11HEAD0.2.11no-gods-no-iximeow
2022-01-12fix warning, update changelog, remove local Cargo.toml hacksiximeow
2021-07-22bump yaxpeax-x86 to include fixes for some real-mode decode errors0.2.9iximeow
2021-07-21fix cratesio badge to yaxpeax-dis0.2.8iximeow
2021-07-21fix doc links and add a crates.io badge0.2.7iximeow
2021-07-21update readme to describe all supported architecturesiximeow
2021-07-21update decoders to yaxpeax_arch 0.2 versions, add lc87 and x86_16iximeow
2021-01-15update changelog and bump version to 0.2.3 for release0.2.3iximeow
2020-08-13bump yaxpeax-x86iximeow