path: root/main.rs
diff options
authoriximeow <me@iximeow.net>2017-09-10 01:40:54 -0700
committeriximeow <me@iximeow.net>2017-09-10 01:40:54 -0700
commit93a6501938cc5ae8ffb3b2b8c08f77a80ddef086 (patch)
tree2e987cb5402f020b103c4d8db45165699907c783 /main.rs
parentb02f3f28e3e0a7d8585c8a34e7fd5bf2025ceeea (diff)
rewrite to have actual structs for data, not awful json blobs
it might even grow to multiple files one day
Diffstat (limited to 'main.rs')
1 files changed, 592 insertions, 100 deletions
diff --git a/main.rs b/main.rs
index 2391d40..d4f108b 100644
--- a/main.rs
+++ b/main.rs
@@ -1,24 +1,23 @@
extern crate serde_json;
-use rustc_serialize::json::Json;
use std::str;
-use std::io::BufRead;
+//use std::io::BufRead;
+#[macro_use] extern crate chan;
extern crate url;
#[macro_use] extern crate hyper;
-extern crate rustc_serialize;
extern crate oauthcli;
extern crate tokio_core;
extern crate futures;
extern crate hyper_tls;
use hyper::{Client, Method, Request};
-use hyper::header::Headers;
-use std::io::BufReader;
+//use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet};
use tokio_core::reactor::Core;
use futures::future::Future;
use futures::Stream;
-use hyper::client::FutureResponse;
+//use hyper::client::FutureResponse;
use hyper_tls::HttpsConnector;
//use json_streamer::JsonObjectStreamer;
@@ -27,97 +26,519 @@ static consumer_key: &str = "0af9c1AoEi5X7IjtOKAtP60Za";
static consumer_secret: &str = "1fxEzRhQtQSWKus4oqDwdg5DALIjGpINg0PGjkYVwKT8EEMFCh";
static token: &str = "629126745-VePBD9ciKwpuVuIeEcNnxwxQFNWDXEy8KL3dGRRg";
static token_secret: &str = "uAAruZzJu03NvMlH6cTeGku7NqVPro1ddKN4BxORy5hWG";
+static lol_auth_token: &str = "641cdf3a4bbddb72c118b5821e8696aee6300a9a";
static streamurl: &str = "https://userstream.twitter.com/1.1/user.json?tweet_mode=extended";
-static tweet_lookup_url: &str = "https://api.twitter.com/1.1/statuses/show.json";
+static tweet_lookup_url: &str = "https://api.twitter.com/1.1/statuses/show.json?tweet_mode=extended";
static user_lookup_url: &str = "https://api.twitter.com/1.1/users/lookup.json";
header! { (Authorization, "Authorization") => [String] }
header! { (Accept, "Accept") => [String] }
header! { (ContentType, "Content-Type") => [String] }
+header! { (Cookie, "cookie") => [String] }
-fn render_tweet(structure: serde_json::Map<String, serde_json::Value>, client: &hyper::client::Client<HttpsConnector<hyper::client::HttpConnector>>, c2: &mut Core) {
- if structure.contains_key("event") {
- match &structure["event"].as_str().unwrap() {
- &"follow" => println!("followed! by {} (@{})", structure["source"]["name"].as_str().unwrap(), structure["source"]["screen_name"].as_str().unwrap()),
- &"favorite" => println!("{} fav'd", structure["source"]["screen_name"].as_str().unwrap()),
- &"favorited_retweet" => println!("{} fav'd rt", structure["source"]["screen_name"].as_str().unwrap()),
- e => println!("unrecognized event: {}", e)
+mod tw {
+ extern crate chrono;
+ use self::chrono::prelude::*;
+ extern crate hyper;
+ extern crate hyper_tls;
+ use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet};
+ use tokio_core::reactor::Core;
+ use hyper_tls::HttpsConnector;
+ extern crate serde_json;
+ pub struct User {
+ pub id: String,
+ pub name: String,
+ pub handle: String
+ }
+ pub mod events {
+ extern crate serde_json;
+ pub struct Deleted {
+ user_id: String,
+ twete_id: String
+ }
+ pub struct RT_RT {
+ user_id: String,
+ twete_id: String
+ }
+ pub struct Fav_RT {
+ user_id: String,
+ twete_id: String
+ }
+ pub struct Fav {
+ user_id: String,
+ twete_id: String
+ }
+ pub struct Unfav {
+ user_id: String,
+ twete_id: String
+ }
+ pub struct Followed {
+ user_id: String
+ }
+ pub struct Unfollowed {
+ user_id: String
- } else if structure.contains_key("delete") {
- println!("delete...");
- let deleted_user_id = structure["delete"]["status"]["user_id_str"].as_str().unwrap();
- let userjson = look_up_user(deleted_user_id, client, c2);
- let screen_name = match userjson {
- Some(ref json) => {
- json[0]["screen_name"].as_str().clone().unwrap()
- },
- None => { "idk lol" }
- };
- println!("who? {} - {}", structure["delete"]["status"]["user_id_str"], screen_name);
- } else if structure.contains_key("user") && structure.contains_key("id") {
- // probably a tweet
- let mut twete: &serde_json::Map<String, serde_json::Value> = &structure; // type isn't actually necessary here, but that lead me to the right rvalue
- let source_name = twete["user"]["name"].as_str().unwrap();
- let source_screen_name = twete["user"]["screen_name"].as_str().unwrap();
- if twete.contains_key("retweeted_status") {
- // render RT, actually
- twete = twete["retweeted_status"].as_object().unwrap();
- let author_name = twete["user"]["name"].as_str().unwrap();
- let author_screen_name = twete["user"]["screen_name"].as_str().unwrap();
+ impl Event for Deleted {
+ fn render(self: Box<Self>, tweeter: &::tw::TwitterCache) { }
+ }
+ impl Event for RT_RT {
+ fn render(self: Box<Self>, tweeter: &::tw::TwitterCache) {
+ println!("---------------------------------");
+ {
+ let user = tweeter.retrieve_user(&self.user_id).unwrap();
+ println!(" +rt_rt : {} (@{})", user.name, user.handle);
+ }
+ {
+ let target = tweeter.retrieve_tweet(&self.twete_id).unwrap();
+ ::render_twete(target, tweeter);
+ }
+ println!("");
+ }
+ }
+ impl Event for Fav_RT {
+ fn render(self: Box<Self>, tweeter: &::tw::TwitterCache) {
+ println!("---------------------------------");
+ {
+ let user = tweeter.retrieve_user(&self.user_id).unwrap();
+ println!(" +rt_fav : {} (@{})", user.name, user.handle);
+ }
+ {
+ let target = tweeter.retrieve_tweet(&self.twete_id).unwrap();
+ ::render_twete(target, tweeter);
+ }
+ println!("");
+ }
+ }
+ impl Event for Fav {
+ fn render(self: Box<Self>, tweeter: &::tw::TwitterCache) {
+ println!("---------------------------------");
+ {
+ let user = tweeter.retrieve_user(&self.user_id).unwrap();
+ println!(" +fav : {} (@{})", user.name, user.handle);
+ }
+ {
+ let target = tweeter.retrieve_tweet(&self.twete_id).unwrap();
+ ::render_twete(target, tweeter);
+ }
+ println!("");
+ }
+ }
+ impl Event for Unfav {
+ fn render(self: Box<Self>, tweeter: &::tw::TwitterCache) {
+ println!("---------------------------------");
+ {
+ let user = tweeter.retrieve_user(&self.user_id).unwrap();
+ println!(" +fav : {} (@{})", user.name, user.handle);
+ }
+ {
+ let target = tweeter.retrieve_tweet(&self.twete_id).unwrap();
+ ::render_twete(target, tweeter);
+ }
+ println!("");
+ }
+ }
+ impl Event for Followed {
+ fn render(self: Box<Self>, tweeter: &::tw::TwitterCache) {
+ let user = tweeter.retrieve_user(&self.user_id).unwrap();
+ println!("---------------------------------");
+ println!(" +fl : {} (@{})", user.name, user.handle);
+ println!("");
+ }
+ }
+ impl Event for Unfollowed {
+ fn render(self: Box<Self>, tweeter: &::tw::TwitterCache) {
+ let user = tweeter.retrieve_user(&self.user_id).unwrap();
+ println!("---------------------------------");
+ println!(" -fl : {} (@{})", user.name, user.handle);
+ println!("");
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ impl Event for Blocked {
+ }
+ */
- println!("{} (@{}) via {} (@{}) RT: https://twitter.com/i/web/status/{}", author_name, author_screen_name, source_name, source_screen_name, twete["id_str"].as_str().unwrap());
+ pub trait Event {
+ fn render(self: Box<Self>, tweeter: &::tw::TwitterCache);
+ }
+ impl Event {
+ pub fn from_json(structure: serde_json::Map<String, serde_json::Value>) -> Option<Box<Event>> {
+ match &structure["event"].as_str().unwrap() {
+ &"follow" => Some(Box::new(Followed {
+ user_id: structure["source"]["id_str"].as_str().unwrap().to_owned()
+ })),
+ &"unfollow" => Some(Box::new(Unfollowed {
+ user_id: structure["source"]["id_str"].as_str().unwrap().to_owned()
+ })),
+ &"favorite" => Some(Box::new(Fav {
+ user_id: structure["source"]["id_str"].as_str().unwrap().to_owned(),
+ twete_id: structure["target_object"]["id_str"].as_str().unwrap().to_owned()
+ })),
+ &"unfavorite" => Some(Box::new(Unfav {
+ user_id: structure["source"]["id_str"].as_str().unwrap().to_owned(),
+ twete_id: structure["target_object"]["id_str"].as_str().unwrap().to_owned()
+ })),
+ &"favorited_retweet" => Some(Box::new(Fav_RT {
+ user_id: structure["source"]["id_str"].as_str().unwrap().to_owned(),
+ twete_id: structure["target_object"]["id_str"].as_str().unwrap().to_owned()
+ })),
+ &"retweeted_retweet" => Some(Box::new(RT_RT {
+ user_id: structure["source"]["id_str"].as_str().unwrap().to_owned(),
+ twete_id: structure["target_object"]["id_str"].as_str().unwrap().to_owned()
+ })),
+ // &"blocked" => Blocked { },
+ // &"unblocked" => Unblocked { },
+ e => { println!("unrecognized event: {}", e); None }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ impl User {
+ pub fn from_json(json: serde_json::Value) -> Option<User> {
+ if let serde_json::Value::Object(json_map) = json {
+ if json_map.contains_key("id_str") &&
+ json_map.contains_key("name") &&
+ json_map.contains_key("screen_name") {
+ if let (
+ Some(id_str),
+ Some(name),
+ Some(screen_name)
+ ) = (
+ json_map["id_str"].as_str(),
+ json_map["name"].as_str(),
+ json_map["screen_name"].as_str()
+ ) {
+ return Some(User {
+ id: id_str.to_owned(),
+ name: name.to_owned(),
+ handle: screen_name.to_owned()
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ None
+ }
+ }
+ pub struct Tweet {
+ pub id: String,
+ pub author_id: String,
+ pub text: String,
+ pub created_at: String, // lol
+ pub quoted_tweet_id: Option<String>,
+ pub rt_tweet: Option<String>
+ }
+ impl Tweet {
+ pub fn from_api_json(json: serde_json::Value) -> Option<(Tweet, User)> {
+ Tweet::from_json(json.clone()).and_then(|tw| {
+ json.get("user").and_then(|user_json|
+ User::from_json(user_json.to_owned()).map(|u| (tw, u))
+ )
+ })
+ }
+ pub fn from_json(json: serde_json::Value) -> Option<Tweet> {
+ if let serde_json::Value::Object(json_map) = json {
+ let text = full_twete_text(&json_map);
+ let rt_twete = json_map.get("retweeted_status")
+ .and_then(|x| x.get("id_str"))
+ .and_then(|x| x.as_str())
+ .map(|x| x.to_owned());
+ if json_map.contains_key("id_str") &&
+ json_map.contains_key("user") &&
+ json_map.contains_key("created_at") {
+ if let (
+ Some(id_str),
+ Some(author_id),
+ Some(created_at)
+ ) = (
+ json_map["id_str"].as_str(),
+ json_map["user"]["id_str"].as_str(),
+ json_map["created_at"].as_str()
+ ) {
+ return Some(Tweet {
+ id: id_str.to_owned(),
+ author_id: author_id.to_owned(),
+ text: text,
+ created_at: created_at.to_owned(),
+ quoted_tweet_id: json_map.get("quoted_status_id_str")
+ .and_then(|x| x.as_str())
+ .map(|x| x.to_owned()),
+ rt_tweet: rt_twete
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ None
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn full_twete_text(twete: &serde_json::map::Map<String, serde_json::Value>) -> String {
+ if twete.contains_key("retweeted_status") {
+ return full_twete_text(twete["retweeted_status"].as_object().unwrap())
+ }
+ let mut twete_text: String;
+ twete_text = if twete["truncated"].as_bool().unwrap() {
+ twete["extended_tweet"]["full_text"].as_str().unwrap().to_string()
} else {
- println!("{} (@{}) https://twitter.com/i/web/status/{}", source_name, source_screen_name, twete["id_str"].as_str().unwrap());
+ twete["text"].as_str().unwrap().to_string()
+ };
+ let quoted_tweet_id = twete.get("quoted_tweet_id_str").and_then(|x| x.as_str());
+ twete_text = twete_text
+ .replace("&amp;", "&")
+ .replace("&gt;", ">")
+ .replace("&lt;", "<");
+ for url in twete["entities"]["urls"].as_array().unwrap() {
+ let display_url = url["url"].as_str().unwrap();
+ let expanded_url = url["expanded_url"].as_str().unwrap();
+ if expanded_url.len() < 200 {
+ if let Some(twid) = quoted_tweet_id {
+ if expanded_url.ends_with(twid) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ twete_text = twete_text.replace(display_url, expanded_url);
+ }
- let twete_text = full_twete_text(twete);
+ twete_text
+ }
+ pub struct TwitterCache {
+ users: HashMap<String, User>,
+ tweets: HashMap<String, Tweet>,
+ following: HashSet<String>,
+ following_history: HashMap<String, (String, i64)>, // userid:date??
+ followers: HashSet<String>,
+ lost_followers: HashSet<String>,
+ follower_history: HashMap<String, (String, i64)>, // userid:date??
+ queryer: Option<(hyper::client::Client<HttpsConnector<hyper::client::HttpConnector>>, Core)>
+ }
- println!("{}", twete_text); // to remove the link for quoted twetes, gotta look for: "is the last url the same as the url for the quoted id?" and if so s///
+ impl TwitterCache {
+ fn new() -> TwitterCache {
+ TwitterCache {
+ users: HashMap::new(),
+ tweets: HashMap::new(),
+ following: HashSet::new(),
+ following_history: HashMap::new(),
+ followers: HashSet::new(),
+ lost_followers: HashSet::new(),
+ follower_history: HashMap::new(),
+ queryer: None
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn with_client(
+ &mut self,
+ client: hyper::client::Client<HttpsConnector<hyper::client::HttpConnector>>,
+ core: Core
+ ) {
+ self.queryer = Some((client, core));
+ }
+ fn cache_user(&mut self, user: User) {
+ self.users.insert(user.id.to_owned(), user);
+ }
- if twete.contains_key("quoted_status") {
- let quoted = twete["quoted_status"].as_object().unwrap();
- println!(
- " {} (@{}) https://twitter.com/i/web/status/{}\n {}",
- quoted["user"]["name"].as_str().unwrap(),
- quoted["user"]["screen_name"].as_str().unwrap(),
- quoted["id_str"].as_str().unwrap(),
- full_twete_text(quoted).split("\n").collect::<Vec<&str>>().join("\n ")
- );
-// println!(" and it's a quote ");
+ fn cache_tweet(&mut self, tweet: Tweet) {
+ self.tweets.insert(tweet.id.to_owned(), tweet);
+ }
+ pub fn store_cache(&self) {
+ // store cache
+ }
+ pub fn load_cache() -> TwitterCache {
+ TwitterCache::new()
+ }
+ pub fn cache_api_tweet(&mut self, json: serde_json::Value) {
+ if let Some((rt, rt_user)) = json.get("retweeted_status").and_then(|x| Tweet::from_api_json(x.to_owned())) {
+ self.cache_user(rt_user);
+ self.cache_tweet(rt);
+ }
+ if let Some((qt, qt_user)) = json.get("quoted_status").and_then(|x| Tweet::from_api_json(x.to_owned())) {
+ self.cache_user(qt_user);
+ self.cache_tweet(qt);
+ }
+ if let Some((twete, user)) = Tweet::from_api_json(json) {
+ self.cache_user(user);
+ self.cache_tweet(twete);
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn cache_api_user(&mut self, json: serde_json::Value) {
+ if let Some(user) = User::from_json(json) {
+ self.cache_user(user);
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn cache_api_event(&mut self, json: serde_json::Map<String, serde_json::Value>) {
+ /* don't really care to hold on to who fav, unfav, ... when, just pick targets out. */
+ match json.get("event").and_then(|x| x.as_str()) {
+ Some("favorite") => {
+ self.cache_api_tweet(json["target_object"].clone());
+ self.cache_api_user(json["source"].clone());
+ self.cache_api_user(json["target"].clone());
+ },
+ Some("unfavorite") => {
+ self.cache_api_tweet(json["target_object"].clone());
+ self.cache_api_user(json["source"].clone());
+ self.cache_api_user(json["target"].clone());
+ },
+ Some("retweeted_retweet") => ()/* cache rt */,
+ Some("favorited_retweet") => ()/* cache rt */,
+ Some("delete") => {
+ let user_id = json["delete"]["status"]["user_id_str"].as_str().unwrap().to_string();
+ self.fetch_user(&user_id);
+ },
+ Some(_) => () /* an uninteresting event */,
+ None => () // not really an event? should we log something?
+ /* nothing else to care about now, i think? */
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn retrieve_tweet(&self, tweet_id: &String) -> Option<&Tweet> {
+ self.tweets.get(tweet_id)
+ }
+ pub fn retrieve_user(&self, user_id: &String) -> Option<&User> {
+ self.users.get(user_id)
+ }
+ pub fn fetch_tweet(&mut self, tweet_id: &String) -> Option<&Tweet> {
+ if !self.tweets.contains_key(tweet_id) {
+ match self.look_up_tweet(tweet_id) {
+ Some(json) => self.cache_api_tweet(json),
+ None => println!("Unable to retrieve tweet {}", tweet_id)
+ };
+ }
+ self.tweets.get(tweet_id)
+ }
+ pub fn fetch_user(&mut self, user_id: &String) -> Option<&User> {
+ if !self.users.contains_key(user_id) {
+ let maybe_parsed = self.look_up_user(user_id).and_then(|x| User::from_json(x));
+ match maybe_parsed {
+ Some(tw) => self.cache_user(tw),
+ None => println!("Unable to retrieve user {}", user_id)
+ };
+ }
+ self.users.get(user_id)
+ }
+ pub fn set_followers(&mut self, user_ids: Vec<String>) {
+ let uid_set = user_ids.into_iter().collect::<HashSet<String>>();
+ let new_uids = &uid_set - &self.followers;
+ for user in &new_uids {
+ println!("New follower! {}", user);
+ self.add_follower(user);
+ }
+ let lost_uids = &self.followers - &uid_set;
+ for user in &lost_uids {
+ println!("Bye, friend! {}", user);
+ self.remove_follower(user);
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn add_follower(&mut self, user_id: &String) {
+ self.followers.insert(user_id.to_owned());
+ self.lost_followers.remove(user_id);
+ self.follower_history.insert(user_id.to_owned(), ("follow".to_string(), Utc::now().timestamp()));
+ }
+ pub fn remove_follower(&mut self, user_id: &String) {
+ self.followers.remove(user_id);
+ self.lost_followers.insert(user_id.to_owned());
+ self.follower_history.insert(user_id.to_owned(), ("unfollow".to_string(), Utc::now().timestamp()));
+ }
+ fn look_up_user(&mut self, id: &str) -> Option<serde_json::Value> {
+ if let Some((ref client, ref mut core)) = self.queryer {
+ ::do_web_req(&format!("{}?id={}", ::user_lookup_url, id), client, core)
+ } else {
+ None
+ }
+ }
+ fn look_up_tweet(&mut self, id: &str) -> Option<serde_json::Value> {
+ if let Some((ref client, ref mut core)) = self.queryer {
+ ::do_web_req(&format!("{}?id={}", ::tweet_lookup_url, id), client, core)
+ } else {
+ None
+ }
- println!("-------------------------------------------------------");
- println!("");
-fn full_twete_text(twete: &serde_json::map::Map<String, serde_json::Value>) -> String {
-// let looked_up;
- let mut twete_text: String;
- twete_text = if twete["truncated"].as_bool().unwrap() {
- twete["extended_tweet"]["full_text"].as_str().unwrap().to_string()
-// looked_up = look_up_tweet(twete["id_str"].as_str().unwrap()).unwrap();
-// looked_up["text"].as_str().unwrap().to_string()
- } else {
- twete["text"].as_str().unwrap().to_string()
- };
- twete_text = twete_text
- .replace("&amp;", "&")
- .replace("&gt;", ">")
- .replace("&lt;", "<");
- for url in twete["entities"]["urls"].as_array().unwrap() {
- if url["expanded_url"].as_str().unwrap().len() < 200 {
- twete_text = twete_text.replace(url["url"].as_str().unwrap(), url["expanded_url"].as_str().unwrap());
+fn render_twete(twete: &tw::Tweet, tweeter: &tw::TwitterCache) {
+ // if we got the tweet, the API gave us the user too
+ let user = tweeter.retrieve_user(&twete.author_id).unwrap();
+ match twete.rt_tweet {
+ Some(ref rt_id) => {
+ // same for a retweet
+ let rt = tweeter.retrieve_tweet(rt_id).unwrap();
+ // and its author
+ let rt_author = tweeter.retrieve_user(&rt.author_id).unwrap();
+ println!("{} (@{}) via {} (@{}) RT: https://twitter.com/i/web/status/{}", rt_author.name, rt_author.handle, user.name, user.handle, rt.id);
+ }
+ None => {
+ println!("{} (@{}) https://twitter.com/i/web/status/{}", user.name, user.handle, twete.id);
- twete_text
+ println!("{}", twete.text);
+ if let Some(ref qt_id) = twete.quoted_tweet_id {
+ let qt = tweeter.retrieve_tweet(qt_id).unwrap();
+ let qt_author = tweeter.retrieve_user(&qt.author_id).unwrap();
+ println!(
+ " {} (@{}) https://twitter.com/i/web/status/{}\n {}",
+ qt_author.name,
+ qt_author.handle,
+ qt.id,
+ qt.text.split("\n").collect::<Vec<&str>>().join("\n ")
+ );
+ }
+fn render_twitter_event(
+ structure: serde_json::Map<String, serde_json::Value>,
+ tweeter: &mut tw::TwitterCache) {
+ if structure.contains_key("event") {
+ tweeter.cache_api_event(structure.clone());
+ if let Some(event) = tw::events::Event::from_json(structure) {
+ event.render(&tweeter);
+ };
+ } else if structure.contains_key("delete") {
+ println!("delete...");
+ let deleted_user_id = structure["delete"]["status"]["user_id_str"].as_str().unwrap().to_string();
+ if let Some(handle) = tweeter.retrieve_user(&deleted_user_id).map(|x| &x.handle) {
+ println!("who? {} - {}", deleted_user_id, handle);
+ }
+ } else if structure.contains_key("user") && structure.contains_key("id") {
+ let twete_id = structure["id_str"].as_str().unwrap().to_string();
+ tweeter.cache_api_tweet(serde_json::Value::Object(structure));
+ render_twete(tweeter.retrieve_tweet(&twete_id).unwrap(), tweeter);
+ }
+ println!("");
-fn signed_get(url: &str) -> hyper::client::Request {
+fn signed_web_get(url: &str) -> hyper::client::Request {
// let params: Vec<(String, String)> = vec![("track".to_string(), "london".to_string())];
let params: Vec<(String, String)> = vec![];
let param_string: String = params.iter().map(|p| p.0.clone() + &"=".to_string() + &p.1).collect::<Vec<String>>().join("&");
@@ -144,7 +565,7 @@ fn signed_get(url: &str) -> hyper::client::Request {
let mut headers = req.headers_mut();
- headers.set(Authorization(header.to_owned()));
+ headers.set(Cookie(format!("auth_token={}", lol_auth_token)));
@@ -152,26 +573,43 @@ fn signed_get(url: &str) -> hyper::client::Request {
-fn look_up_user(id: &str, client: &hyper::client::Client<HttpsConnector<hyper::client::HttpConnector>>, core: &mut Core) -> Option<serde_json::Value> {
- let lookup = client.request(signed_get(&format!("{}?user_id={}", user_lookup_url, id)));
+fn signed_api_get(url: &str) -> hyper::client::Request {
+// let params: Vec<(String, String)> = vec![("track".to_string(), "london".to_string())];
+ let params: Vec<(String, String)> = vec![];
+ let param_string: String = params.iter().map(|p| p.0.clone() + &"=".to_string() + &p.1).collect::<Vec<String>>().join("&");
- let resp: hyper::Response = core.run(lookup).unwrap();
+ let header = oauthcli::authorization_header(
+ "GET",
+ url::Url::parse(url).unwrap(),
+ None, // Realm
+ consumer_key,
+ consumer_secret,
+ Some(token),
+ Some(token_secret),
+ oauthcli::SignatureMethod::HmacSha1,
+ &oauthcli::timestamp(),
+ &oauthcli::nonce(),
+ None, // oauth_callback
+ None, // oauth_verifier
+ params.clone().into_iter()
+ );
- let chunks: Vec<hyper::Chunk> = core.run(resp.body().collect()).unwrap();
+ let mut req = Request::new(Method::Get, url.parse().unwrap());
- let resp_body: Vec<u8> = chunks.into_iter().flat_map(|chunk| chunk.into_iter()).collect();
+ req.set_body(param_string);
- match serde_json::from_slice(&resp_body) {
- Ok(value) => Some(value),
- Err(e) => {
- println!("error deserializing json: {}", e);
- None
- }
- }
+ {
+ let mut headers = req.headers_mut();
+ headers.set(Authorization(header.to_owned()));
+ headers.set(Accept("*/*".to_owned()));
+ headers.set(ContentType("application/x-www-form-urlencoded".to_owned()));
+ };
+ req
-fn look_up_tweet(id: &str, client: &hyper::client::Client<HttpsConnector<hyper::client::HttpConnector>>, core: &mut Core) -> Option<serde_json::Value> {
- let lookup = client.request(signed_get(&format!("{}?id={}", tweet_lookup_url, id)));
+fn do_web_req(url: &str, client: &hyper::client::Client<HttpsConnector<hyper::client::HttpConnector>>, core: &mut Core) -> Option<serde_json::Value> {
+ let lookup = client.request(signed_web_get(url));
let resp: hyper::Response = core.run(lookup).unwrap();
@@ -188,10 +626,29 @@ fn look_up_tweet(id: &str, client: &hyper::client::Client<HttpsConnector<hyper::
+fn display_event(
+ twete: serde_json::Value,
+ tweeter: &mut tw::TwitterCache
+) {
+ /*
+ match twete {
+ serde_json::Value::Object(objmap) => {
+ if objmap.contains_key("id_str") {
+ let tweet_id = objmap["id_str"].as_str().unwrap();
+ twetemap.insert(tweet_id, objmap);
+ }
+ render_twitter_event(&twetemap, objmap, client, c2);
+ },
+ f => println!("Unexpected object: {}", f)
+ };*/
+ match twete {
+ serde_json::Value::Object(objmap) => render_twitter_event(objmap, tweeter),
+ _ => ()
+ };
fn main() {
//Track words
// let url = "https://stream.twitter.com/1.1/statuses/filter.json";
// let url = "https://stream.twitter.com/1.1/statuses/sample.json";
@@ -205,7 +662,12 @@ fn main() {
- let req = signed_get(streamurl);
+// println!("{}", do_web_req("https://caps.twitter.com/v2/capi/passthrough/1?twitter:string:card_uri=card://887655800482787328&twitter:long:original_tweet_id=887655800981925888&twitter:string:response_card_name=poll3choice_text_only&twitter:string:cards_platform=Web-12", &client, &mut core).unwrap());
+// println!("{}", look_up_tweet("887655800981925888", &client, &mut core).unwrap());
+ println!("Loading cache...");
+ let req = signed_api_get(streamurl);
// println!("lookup'd");
@@ -221,34 +683,64 @@ fn main() {
- let (tx, rx) = std::sync::mpsc::channel::<Vec<u8>>();
+ let (twete_tx, twete_rx) = chan::sync::<Vec<u8>>(0);
+ let (ui_tx, ui_rx) = chan::sync::<Vec<u8>>(0);
let remote = core.remote();
std::thread::spawn(move || {
- let mut c2 = Core::new().unwrap(); // i swear this is not where the botnet lives
+ // I *would* want to load this before spawning the thread, but..
+ // tokio_core::reactor::Inner can't be moved between threads safely
+ // and beacuse it's an Option-al field, it might be present
+ // and rustc says nooooo
+ //
+ // even though it's not ever present before here
+ let mut tweeter = tw::TwitterCache::load_cache();
+ let c2 = Core::new().unwrap(); // i swear this is not where the botnet lives
let handle = &c2.handle();
let secondaryConnector = HttpsConnector::new(4, handle).unwrap();
let secondaryClient = Client::configure()
+ tweeter.with_client(secondaryClient, c2);
loop {
- match rx.recv() {
- Ok(line) => {
- let jsonstr = std::str::from_utf8(&line).unwrap().trim();
- //println!("{}", jsonstr);
- let json: serde_json::Value = serde_json::from_str(&jsonstr).unwrap();
- match json {
- serde_json::Value::Object(objmap) => render_tweet(objmap, &secondaryClient, &mut c2),
- f => println!("Unexpected object: {}", f)
+ chan_select! {
+ twete_rx.recv() -> twete => {
+ match twete {
+ Some(line) => {
+ let jsonstr = std::str::from_utf8(&line).unwrap().trim();
+ println!("{}", jsonstr);
+ /* TODO: replace from_str with from_slice */
+ let json: serde_json::Value = serde_json::from_str(&jsonstr).unwrap();
+ display_event(json, &mut tweeter);
+ }
+ None => { println!("???"); }
+ }
+ },
+ ui_rx.recv() -> user_input => {
+ println!("ui_rx recv");
+ match user_input {
+ Some(line) => println!("You typed {}", std::str::from_utf8(&line).unwrap()),
+ None => println!("??? 2")
- Err(e) => { println!("{}", e); }
+ std::thread::spawn(move || {
+ use std::io::Read;
+ loop {
+ let mut line = String::new();
+ std::io::stdin().read_line(&mut line);
+ ui_tx.send(line.into_bytes());
+ }
+ });
let work = client.request(req).and_then(|res| {
@@ -256,8 +748,8 @@ fn main() {
.for_each(|s| {
if s.len() != 1 {
-// println!("Send!: {}", std::str::from_utf8(&s).unwrap());
- tx.send(s);
+ //println!("Send!: {}", std::str::from_utf8(&s).unwrap());
+ twete_tx.send(s);