path: root/src/main.rs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/main.rs')
1 files changed, 123 insertions, 99 deletions
diff --git a/src/main.rs b/src/main.rs
index ab0a0a4..42aa338 100644
--- a/src/main.rs
+++ b/src/main.rs
@@ -1,56 +1,103 @@
-use std::fs::File;
-use std::io::{Read, Write};
-use std::{fmt, io};
+use std::io::Write;
+use std::{fmt, io, fs};
+use std::str::FromStr;
+use std::path::PathBuf;
+use clap::Parser;
+enum Architecture {
+ X86_64,
+ X86_32,
+ X86_16,
+ IA64,
+ AVR,
+ ARMv7,
+ ARMv7Thumb,
+ ARMv8,
+ MSP430,
+ PIC17,
+ PIC18,
+ M16C,
+ N6502,
+ LC87,
+ // PIC24,
+ SuperH(yaxpeax_superh::SuperHDecoder),
+impl fmt::Display for Architecture {
+ fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
+ fmt::Debug::fmt(self, f)
+ }
+impl FromStr for Architecture {
+ type Err = &'static str;
+ fn from_str(arch_str: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> {
+ use Architecture::*;
+ let err_str = "possible values: x86_64, x86_32, x86_16, x86:64, x86:32, x86:16, \
+ ia64, armv7, armv7-t, armv8, avr, mips, msp430, pic17, pic18, \
+ m16c, 6502, lc87, {sh{,2,3,4},j2}[[+-]{be,mmu,fpu,f64,j2}]*";
+ let arch = match arch_str {
+ "x86_64" | "x86:64" => X86_64,
+ "x86_32" | "x86:32" => X86_32,
+ "x86_16" | "x86:16" => X86_16,
+ "ia64" => IA64,
+ "avr" => AVR,
+ "armv7" => ARMv7,
+ "armv7-t" => ARMv7Thumb,
+ "armv8" => ARMv8,
+ "mips" => MIPS,
+ "msp430" => MSP430,
+ "pic17" => PIC17,
+ "pic18" => PIC18,
+ "m16c" => M16C,
+ "6502" => N6502,
+ "lc87" => LC87,
+ // "pic24" => PIC24,
+ _ => {
+ let seg_idx = arch_str.find(&['+', '-'][..]).unwrap_or(arch_str.len());
+ let (base, features) = arch_str.split_at(seg_idx);
+ let decoder = match base {
+ "sh" => yaxpeax_superh::SuperHDecoder::SH1,
+ "sh2" => yaxpeax_superh::SuperHDecoder::SH2,
+ "sh3" => yaxpeax_superh::SuperHDecoder::SH3,
+ "sh4" => yaxpeax_superh::SuperHDecoder::SH4,
+ "j2" => yaxpeax_superh::SuperHDecoder::J2,
+ _ => return Err(err_str),
+ };
+ SuperH(parse_superh(decoder, features))
+ }
+ };
+ Ok(arch)
+ }
+#[clap(about, version, author)]
+struct Args {
+ /// architecture to disassemble input as.
+ #[clap(short, long, default_value = "x86_64")]
+ architecture: Architecture,
+ /// file of bytes to decode
+ #[clap(short, long, parse(from_os_str), conflicts_with = "data")]
+ file: Option<PathBuf>,
+ /// increased detail when decoding instructions
+ #[clap(short, long, parse(from_occurrences))]
+ verbose: u8,
+ /// hex bytes to decode by the selected architecture. for example, try -a x86_64 33c0c3
+ #[clap(required_unless_present = "file")]
+ data: Option<String>,
fn main() {
- use clap::*;
- let _ = include_str!("../Cargo.toml");
- let app = app_from_crate!()
- .arg(
- Arg::with_name("arch")
- .short("a")
- .long("--architecture")
- .takes_value(true)
- .validator(|a| {
- if ["x86_64", "x86_32", "x86_16",
- "x86:64", "x86:32", "x86:16",
- "ia64", "armv7", "armv7-t","armv8", "avr", "mips", "msp430",
- "pic17", "pic18", "m16c", "6502", "lc87"].contains(&&a[..]) ||
- (["sh", "sh2", "sh3", "sh4", "j2"].contains(
- &&a[0..a.find(&['+', '-'][..]).unwrap_or(a.len())]) &&
- a.split(&['+', '-'][..]).skip(1).all(
- |f| ["be", "mmu", "fpu", "f64", "j2"].contains(&f))) {
- Ok(())
- } else {
- Err("possible values: x86_64, x86_32, x86_16, x86:64, x86:32, x86:16, \
- ia64, armv7, armv7-t, armv8, avr, mips, msp430, pic17, pic18, \
- m16c, 6502, lc87, {sh{,2,3,4},j2}[[+-]{be,mmu,fpu,f64,j2}]*"
- .to_string())
- }
- })
- .help("architecture to disassemble input as."),
- )
- .arg(
- Arg::with_name("file")
- .short("f")
- .long("file")
- .takes_value(true)
- .help("file of bytes to decode"),
- )
- .arg(
- Arg::with_name("verbose")
- .short("v")
- .long("--verbose")
- .help("increased detail when decoding instructions"),
- )
- .arg(Arg::with_name("data").help(
- "hex bytes to decode by the selected architecture. for example, try -a x86_64 33c0c3",
- ));
- let matches = app.get_matches();
- let arch_str = matches.value_of("arch").unwrap_or("x86_64");
- let buf: Vec<u8> = match matches.value_of("data") {
+ let args = Args::parse();
+ let buf: Vec<u8> = match args.data {
Some(data) => match hex::decode(data) {
Ok(buf) => buf,
Err(e) => {
@@ -59,62 +106,39 @@ fn main() {
None => {
- let mut v = Vec::new();
- match matches.value_of("file") {
- Some(name) => match File::open(name) {
- Ok(mut f) => {
- f.read_to_end(&mut v).expect("can read the file");
- v
- }
- Err(e) => {
- eprintln!("error opening {}: {}", name, e);
- return;
- }
- },
- None => {
- eprintln!("data must be provided by either an argument consisting of hex bytes, or by the --file argument.");
+ let name = args.file.unwrap();
+ match fs::read(&name) {
+ Ok(v) => v,
+ Err(e) => {
+ eprintln!("error reading {}: {}", name.display(), e);
- let verbose = matches.occurrences_of("verbose") > 0;
+ let verbose = args.verbose > 0;
let printer = Printer { stdout: io::stdout(), verbose };
- match arch_str {
- "x86_64" |
- "x86:64" => arch_02::decode_input_and_annotate::<yaxpeax_x86::long_mode::Arch>(&buf, &printer),
- "x86_32" |
- "x86:32" => arch_02::decode_input_and_annotate::<yaxpeax_x86::protected_mode::Arch>(&buf, &printer),
- "x86_16" |
- "x86:16" => arch_02::decode_input_and_annotate::<yaxpeax_x86::real_mode::Arch>(&buf, &printer),
- "ia64" => arch_02::decode_input::<yaxpeax_ia64::IA64>(&buf, &printer),
- "avr" => arch_02::decode_input::<yaxpeax_avr::AVR>(&buf, &printer),
- "armv7" => arch_02::decode_input::<yaxpeax_arm::armv7::ARMv7>(&buf, &printer),
- "armv7-t" => arch_02::decode_armv7_thumb(&buf, &printer),
- "armv8" => arch_02::decode_input::<yaxpeax_arm::armv8::a64::ARMv8>(&buf, &printer),
- "mips" => arch_02::decode_input::<yaxpeax_mips::MIPS>(&buf, &printer),
- "msp430" => arch_02::decode_input_and_annotate::<yaxpeax_msp430::MSP430>(&buf, &printer),
- "pic17" => arch_02::decode_input::<yaxpeax_pic17::PIC17>(&buf, &printer),
- "pic18" => arch_02::decode_input::<yaxpeax_pic18::PIC18>(&buf, &printer),
- "m16c" => arch_02::decode_input::<yaxpeax_m16c::M16C>(&buf, &printer),
- "6502" => arch_02::decode_input::<yaxpeax_6502::N6502>(&buf, &printer),
- "lc87" => arch_02::decode_input::<yaxpeax_lc87::LC87>(&buf, &printer),
- // "pic24" => decode_input::<yaxpeax_pic24::PIC24>(buf),
- other => {
- let seg_idx = arch_str.find(&['+', '-'][..]).unwrap_or(arch_str.len());
- let decode = |base| arch_02::decode_input_with_decoder::<yaxpeax_superh::SuperH>(
- parse_superh(base, &arch_str[seg_idx..]), &buf, &printer);
- match &arch_str[0..seg_idx] {
- "sh" => decode(yaxpeax_superh::SuperHDecoder::SH1),
- "sh2" => decode(yaxpeax_superh::SuperHDecoder::SH2),
- "sh3" => decode(yaxpeax_superh::SuperHDecoder::SH3),
- "sh4" => decode(yaxpeax_superh::SuperHDecoder::SH4),
- "j2" => decode(yaxpeax_superh::SuperHDecoder::J2),
- _ => println!("unsupported architecture: {}", other),
- }
- }
+ use Architecture::*;
+ match args.architecture {
+ X86_64 => arch_02::decode_input_and_annotate::<yaxpeax_x86::long_mode::Arch>(&buf, &printer),
+ X86_32 => arch_02::decode_input_and_annotate::<yaxpeax_x86::protected_mode::Arch>(&buf, &printer),
+ X86_16 => arch_02::decode_input_and_annotate::<yaxpeax_x86::real_mode::Arch>(&buf, &printer),
+ IA64 => arch_02::decode_input::<yaxpeax_ia64::IA64>(&buf, &printer),
+ AVR => arch_02::decode_input::<yaxpeax_avr::AVR>(&buf, &printer),
+ ARMv7 => arch_02::decode_input::<yaxpeax_arm::armv7::ARMv7>(&buf, &printer),
+ ARMv7Thumb => arch_02::decode_armv7_thumb(&buf, &printer),
+ ARMv8 => arch_02::decode_input::<yaxpeax_arm::armv8::a64::ARMv8>(&buf, &printer),
+ MIPS => arch_02::decode_input::<yaxpeax_mips::MIPS>(&buf, &printer),
+ MSP430 => arch_02::decode_input_and_annotate::<yaxpeax_msp430::MSP430>(&buf, &printer),
+ PIC17 => arch_02::decode_input::<yaxpeax_pic17::PIC17>(&buf, &printer),
+ PIC18 => arch_02::decode_input::<yaxpeax_pic18::PIC18>(&buf, &printer),
+ M16C => arch_02::decode_input::<yaxpeax_m16c::M16C>(&buf, &printer),
+ N6502 => arch_02::decode_input::<yaxpeax_6502::N6502>(&buf, &printer),
+ LC87 => arch_02::decode_input::<yaxpeax_lc87::LC87>(&buf, &printer),
+ // PIC24 => decode_input::<yaxpeax_pic24::PIC24>(buf),
+ SuperH(decoder) => arch_02::decode_input_with_decoder::<yaxpeax_superh::SuperH>(decoder, &buf, &printer),